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L'Uomo Ragno edition

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/lrRqQkn6kZI
Good morning /med/.
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They are after me.
Formerly : >>199912956

I see you niggas spoke about speed of gs games
personally i swap between 1 and 5, when battles are coming up, i just put speed 1 so my troops arrive at the right day in the right province

I'mt errible playing like this so permanently at some 4 speed would be disastrous

How would that training help though?
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Good day med. Didn't sleep well at all.
I got some greek rice pasta
I'm going to make turkish rice with this
What are some other good things I should make?
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20/06/2024 - 102.4kg
20/07/2024 - 94.2kg
Good progress.
Grande Maltanon, continua così e starai ancora meglio
Today's training.
Squat 1x1 with 190 kg, 3x5 with 170 kg.
Hip thrusts 3x6 with 170 kg.
Leg extensions 3x10 with 80 kg.
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Amazing results, congratulations fren!
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Cycled 25 kilometres. All this cycling and jogging is making my boobies hurt thanks to friction between my cuties and the t-shirt. So fucking over lads. At least there was a point where I felt like I reached around 45 km/h on my bike.

Damn Maltabro that's impressive.
Andaluzian gemerald
>inb4 I watch shittok
Myguy sent me the link
That video is very old get new material.
>new material
Thank you all. Next step is increasing the distance of the walk, which is a bit overdue at this point.
I could broker a peace between the gnomes and the knights, for a price.
What was the distance at this point?
And what's the next target?
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med girls adopting the nordic plain/metal style makes my dick extremely hard
Dyed hair give me the ick.
>What was the distance at this point?
>And what's the next target?
Oddly specific distances, maybe because you reacha certain point of interest?
Anyway, those are good distances, next stop 10km?
except when med girls go blonde
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I don't blame him
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>, maybe because you reacha certain point of interest?
Correct, then calculate the distance on Google maps.
>next stop 10km?
That's the main goal for now.
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Demolition is finally starting. Earlier this week some workers were over to make some preparations and work should be continuing in the coming days.
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I've run some projections, and according to current trends, by April of next year, you will weigh less than 30kg.
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Hello frens! Finally a bit colder today.
Based, well done Maltabro!
Also based!
Good idea, maybe you'll also find some cool stuff on them like animals and goodies.
based, also I like dyed hair.
Finally, hopefully you get your privacy soon. I kinda relate, had to go back to my parents because of the lack of water in my appartment.
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Andaluzia sorry for asking so many questions fr fr, but what are your honest thoughts on the smith machine? Is it a good idea using it if I bench and shoulder press until failure or should I not use it because the movement is not free enough (thanks to the bar moving in a completely straight line)?

Good to hear fren.

>based, also I like dyed hair.
Thoughts on pubes dyed with unnatural colours (green, pink, purple etc.)
Let's hope everything goes smooth and quick.

>t. map extrapolator
By the way, I passed by a group of guys this morning and heard one asking the rest if they've ever played padel.
I would be facing different problems there.
>maybe you'll also find some cool stuff on them like animals and goodies.
Thank you. I already see plenty of animals, all things considered. Chicken, pigeons, dogs, cats, rabbits, and the occasional horse.
>hopefully you get your privacy soon.
Hopefully. I never cared about this project but I would love to have my privacy back.
>had to go back to my parents because of the lack of water in my appartment.
Problems in the water supply?
I won't rest until things actually ramp up.
I jinxed it. There's another delay.
>random delays
based and /med/pilled
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Btw I said pspspspspsps to a random cat and he came closer.
I felt like some kind of wizard.

>another one
Most hard working maltese construction workers
>some kind of wizard.
a pussy whisperer you could say
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Do hungarians like cats?
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funniest thing I've seen all week
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I love pussies. Especially black ones.
That is, if your transmittors within your brain convey the information well enough and your neurons get what I'm implying. If you catch my drift.

Wish there was a pussy I could whisper to. And a cat too if you get what I mean.
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Yes i like cats of all colours
Smith machines are fine, doing bench in a Smith machine isn't too different than doing it in a chest press machine, for example.
Free movements are generally better for overall strength so I'd recommend most gym goers to do barbells or dumbbells first, and leave Smith machines and machines in general for a second or third exercise.
Bodybuilders like them because with the guided path you can focus more in the muscle you want to train in a particular exercise, but for you as a novice lifter this isn't really going to give you an advantage.
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It is a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit and leg pulling.

Time to find Olympic cuties
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>look up Portugal's reps
>Portugal's female table tennis team: Shao and Yu
the Middle Kingdom...
I kowtow...
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>Thoughts on pubes dyed with unnatural colours
Interesting, I guess. Honestly I prefer natural but why not, especially if it's a clown gf
>occasional horse
I love seeing horsies or fields in general in my walks. When I was hiking this week, I saw some prairie dogs, cows, sheep, vultures and even rare mountain goats. Really like these guys.
>would love to have my privacy back.
I understand. Just think of the freedom you'll feel once it's done.
>Problems in the water supply?
no idea, the rest of the building is fine but I'll have to check with the closest neighbors. I'll have to call a plumber I think.
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>can't lift dumbbell into position to start the exercise (unless I stick to weights that are already too easy)
>no balls to let barbell down low enough so that it's right above my chest
Ovah. Guess I'll just use the chest press machine for a while fr fr.
You should stop being scared and ask someone to spot you if the weight requires it.
>Only five.
I thought we had more.
I don't see them, but I hear them in my case. Sheep too, I think.
>Just think of the freedom you'll feel once it's done.
I can't wait.
>I'll have to check with the closest neighbors. I'll have to call a plumber I think.
Ah, that's unfortunate.
For me it's the Italian and Bulgarian.
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I'm too autistic for human interactions. Last time I spoke with someone in the gym was when a girl told me that my laces were untied as I was woolking on the treadmill fr fr bussin no cap desu senpai.
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Very nice academic research.
I applaud you.
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im type 1
but because of the middle eastern climate and temperature
im currently type 3 (it takes a couple of months without going outside until i retain my natural skin color)
I am 3 or 4
What would Franco think of this ?
that fucker has been rotting for decades so I believe he doesn't think at all
the andulasian cant defend this
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Satanic shit
Despite England being “Germanic”, I don’t think they’re very alien to Med/Latin countries. At least they’re the least alien and different non med country in Europe.
Do meds share this sentiment at all?
I am type 1 or 2, which sucks because most of my ancestry comes from the Mediterranean so I should be able to tan, but I can’t despite my efforts. You have no idea how much it sucks to not be able to tan in a country like Brazil.
>I don’t think they’re very alien to Med/Latin countries

french med semen rapebabies thats why they look similar
I wasn’t talking so much about their appearance, more about their culture/society etc.
Maybe it’s just because the Anglosphere has a hold of all the mainstream culture and has been shaping it for decades so they feel familiar.
Germans on the other hand are totally alien.
Andalusian anon will unironically defend this and call you fascist scum
3-4 I suppose.
Burn it.
I can easily defend that.
They might be stupid and ugly but I don't give a fuck what they do with their lives and I don't think you should either.
If they are representing the government in some capacity, it's probably because at least a percentage of the population is fine with them being stupid and ugly.
Genuinely why care about that shit?
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I don't get this gnomes and knights meme
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More cuties
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Type I in a country where you are considered a loser if in summer you aren't type 6 or close to it.
Therefore, i suffer
What's that stain ?
Not really no, for example many people will feel a similarity to Italy despite our wars but nobody will compare Greece to England.
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Impressive specimen.
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I'm going to be on planes for 20 hours next week so I'm thinking of downloading some podcasts to listen to. Any ideas? I have no fucking clue where to find recs for them that aren't from reddit or paid shills
Podcasts are incredibly soy, just bring a book
congrats you will now become thin and have SEX with cute maltese women all day long
It would depend on what you like.
Malta has the highest % of std of Europe
Man that's rough seeing all these cuties about. I was just swearing alone in my car like a retard.
Funny country.
Stay realistic.
Type 1 here
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Coffee Break Languages.
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Just sweating a lot, it's normal it's summer
She did lips and nose surgery it seems, very ugly desu
>Olympic athlete
>also doctor
Catnigga's future wife
Non mi dispiacerebbe una tipa che mi stiri onestamente, tutte le altre faccende le faccio tranquillamente
Why don’t you just upgrade your energy distribution?
I’m sure putting industrial grade generators guzzling oil all around the country is more expensive and also unhealthy.

How much for this stay at home maid?
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Literally what's happening to a coworker
zenga merda
sebastiano rossi campione
E chi non salta insieme a noi cos'è
E chi non salta insieme a noi cos'è
O milanista
Pezzo di merda
I came to a restaurant for dinner and I've been waiting for my pizza for 40 minutes I think, for fuck's sake
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Ti verrà portata da un nebro che fa i lavori che gli italiani non vogliono più fare.
Al forno c'è un nebro.
Il forno è stato costruito da un nebro.
I mattoni del forno sono stati fatti da un nebro.
Il grano da cui viene ricavata la farina è coltivato da nebri.
Compra una nebra.
Le vendono alla Despar?
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Fren, discovered Roma Surrectum has a version for Rome Total War Remastered. Been having a blast playing the Bosporus Kingdom.
The remaster has a nasty bug though, so I need to trick the PC to think it’s 2020 with the app Run At Date kek
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Lì trovi la versione budget limitato, non so se ne vale la pena
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They've been upgrading the distribution in some towns, but they haven't done everywhere. How effective these upgrades have been is yet to be seen. Also, some friends of the PM will be making money from some tender involving further generators.
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CA's top-tier quality control at it again lmao, but I'm glad you're enjoying it
I'm not going to play be playing any more total war until next week when Pharaoh launches, probably gonna play as the original chud himself Agamemnon
>Bosporus Kingdom
based, I haven't played that mod but hope it's like Rome 2 and they have both horse archers and hoplites, because that's one hell of a combo

in the meantime I've been playing a crap ton of Anno 1800, it's my first game in that series and I'm surprised at how enjoyable it is, really tickles my factorio/logistics autism
I’ll pirate it day one (when the crack is available). Last TW I bought was Shogun 2, and never looked back (S1, M1, R1, M2, S2, all bought, skipped Empire and Napoopan because I was so focused on M2 mods).
>haven’t played it
It’s basically Rome Total War with a ton of QoL, much harder and forces you to be aggressive and play fast not to be defeated. The map is also huge and has a ton of provinces (all historical btw). Not as autismo as Europa Barbarorum, it strikes the right degree of hist autism and gameplay.
I am currently in an italian-american wedding
I am eating like an American and suffering like a shitalian
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So, eating shit while feeling shit
Hope there are cuties at least
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There are 2 cuties with cure feet and they are a lesbian couple
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Quite a creepy story

>cutie lesbians
>eating industrial sized portions of slop
>acting like an Italian
>full of hot Italian women and American women
You don’t suffer goddamn.

haven't pirated anything in years, haven't bought anything out of sales either so there's that
too many games to play, torrenting is too much a pain to bother
>Not as autismo as Europa Barbarorum, it strikes the right degree of hist autism and gameplay.
nice to hear, I might actually try it some day
my main gripe with many TW overhaul mods is that they're never new game+, just ball bustingly hard no fun allowed autismo
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Heal them (with penis)
>ball busting
Well, Surrectum can get ball busting in its first years, as you’ll go on the red moneywise. It basically gives you the tools at the start and then lets you manage them (aka just build stuff and get some units in the first turn then manage it from then on for the first ten turns or so).
The AI still cheats a lot, as usual with TW.
It’s that time of the wedding when women take off their high heels and walk barefoot
so I didn’t even have to ask
>CBT <3
>c'est carachidébile

What did they mean by that ?
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Terrine Shitalians DO

Great song fren, not really keen on the band (prefer Alice in Chains and Stone Temple Pilots), but fucking great nonetheless.

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