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Strawberry Sando edish
Farting still.
I am become fart
Drinking Sprite
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finna goon
sly cooper farts
Now I am become horny, the sucker of tits
Melatonin is a fucking meme
does it not work? i was thinking of getting me those gummies
Right. Shit stops working after less than a week.
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It looks so damn good.
Like a parfait in sandwich form.
There are no words for how cloud-soft the Japanese make their white sando bread.
The cream in that pic is firmer than the bread.
tfw no gf
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I feel like it only works if you lead a healthy lifestyle
Raccoons are the coolest animals tbqh.
does that include a healthy sleep schedule? if so that defeats the purpose
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Why is it that God afflicts the best men with ill health, or sorrow, or some other misfortune? For the same reason that in the army the bravest men are assigned to the hazardous tasks; it is the picked soldier that a general sends to surprise the enemy by a night attack, or to reconnoitre the road, or to dislodge a garrison. Not a man of these will say as he goes, “My commander has done me an ill turn,” but instead, “He has paid me a compliment.” In like manner, all those who are called to suffer what would make cowards and poltroons weep may say, “God has deemed us worthy instruments of his purpose to discover how much human nature can endure.”
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god has deemed me his strongest soldier
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>Why is it that God afflicts the best men with ill health, or sorrow, or some other misfortune?
I wish I knew. I showed positive for coof today. I’m out of breath just climbing the stairs in my small house.
We made the wrong mistake
You're definitely not the best of men creepcel
gooncord on monitor 1
destiny stream on monitor 2
sissy hypno on monitor 3
yup, it's friday night
For me it's bats, particularly the Australian giant flying fox fruit bat.
Find Jesus anon.
oh and my new computer has a HDMI port, and I have a HDMI cable. ill check to see if my monitror has one, but ive also a television
Something is missing here. Is it just me ?
Oh and I also love the giant Pacific octopus.
room is stinky from all the farts
I never claimed to be the best. But realistically I’m top 10%
>Find Jesus
I did that years ago
I’ve given a lot of money to Jews & Co.
whos the co? i wish i got a lot of money
if jews run america and america is one of the best countries in the world maybe you should be thanking them instead
defcon 1 - i need to have sex with women right now
defcon 2 - i want to have sex with women
defcon 3 - it would be nice to have sex with women
>wake up at 2 am with bad nausea
>rush to the train's WC and throw up the 4 beers and vodka I had
>Had a gift box of chocolate box too so puke is black and it looks like I got shit all over my pants.
>Go back to my seat and fall back asleep spreading the smell of vomit around me
>Woke up finished the rest of liquor I had on an empty stomach changed pants for shorts
>Almost to Italy
Yup it's summer
Currently devouring pizza, garlic bread, and breadsticks, all cold right out of the fridge.
Is Jorge Borges worth reading
Yeah I even bought myself a life sized plushie :3
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another day completely wasted
post music
thats cool ^.^
This was unironically one of the best days of my life
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Imagine being seated next to the alcoholic nafri
what did the reddit cat have to do with that
You won a million dollars?
I would rather be there than here
But that's because I know the fella
Died for the third time in HC wotlk, well over 100 hours played and I've lost all interest at this point in that buggy shit. Uninstalled turtle as well.

I'm gonna buckle down and make some progress in OSRS.
Wage all day, life wasted
Neet all day, life wasted
They all drink alcohol and fuck men, but God forbid they touch pork.
I am a nafri dog
The duality of man.
If you miss teenage love your life is over. If you aren't married and having kids with your childhood friend by 20 your life is over.
all you have to do is keep moving forward
I was speaking in a more general sense not so much about our buddy
No you’re a good man
I hope you find peace
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Caught up with my old friends I’ve known since elementary school and our friend group is literally imploding before my eyes. One of them spent an entire hour just shittalking two of them and blathering about trump and israel

We knew each other since we were fucking 10 years old
He's black lol
Get fucked lol
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Old friends nigga, old, it's in the past, don't mean you're still friends
Knowing someone since childhood doesn't mean you have to accept them being zionist retards.
I'd take Jews over muzzies any day
You gotta be constantly evolving
Only losers look back
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alright gotta hit the Showers hoss
Only good things last
Evil things self destruct
Soft, moist garlic bread
Don't want either desu
Nothing lasts for ever
Is this the pre-teen philosophy hour
Apparently Hello Kitty isn't a cat
i've been thinking that god might not be real
Science trumps philosophy.
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The only constant is change, birth and death, growth and decay—the serpent that eats its own tail.
I've listened to hundreds of hours of Douglas Murray. I know my shit.
You dumb liberals can't go literally 2 seconds without bringing up trump out of nowhere can you
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>Science trumps philosophy.
>people born in 1979 are 45 years old
actually when i pokemon go to the polls this year you'll find that science bidens philosophy this year
Stfu, the word "trump" doesn't have to be ruined forever
the new definition trumps the old one, sweaty. it's called evolution
Science is powerless against my brownness
I used to watch the amazing atheist
I can't believe he survived the banana/hot oil controversy
Did he release those fetish videos on purpose or were they leaked
Me too, some time around 2009-2011
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His channel is dead compared to the old days.
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i can believe it, i know there's a streamer who repeatedly purposefully "leaks" his weight gain furry fetish and people still watch him like that's not happening over and over.
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Thoughts on my card?
Funniest part of the vid wasn’t the banana but his micropenis. The source of all his anger
Eating delicious cold oranges
that's four posts where i attach an image, the post submits, and then never shows up. what the FUCK is happening
it's always the biggest antifeminists like him that most want to be submissive to women
Not falling for your bait
Either god made me a loser
I am several steps behind in evolution
Science or fairy tales, it doesn't matter either way to me
You feel the breadstick push past your lips, with its well-defined rigidity combined with a comfortably-inviting softness; you can’t help but relax your jaw and tongue to allow more of its length to enter your mouth.
At first it simply tastes salty, but then you’re overcome with the blissful texture and flavor of the thick, hot, creamy alfredo dripping from the tip as it coats the back of your tongue, inching closer to your throat.
You’re at a restaurant, so you have to keep your composure. You swallow and smile, taking a moment to catch your breath. But it’s just an act; you’re really just eyeing the other breadsticks in that basket.. knowing that each one will take its turn in your mouth, as you obediently swallow every last drop of their alfredo, making sure to lick the rest off your lips and fingers
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choose your future micropenis man
>degenerate pornsick humiliation fetish spiral
>barely contained blood boiling rage waiting for any trigger
Sheeiiit that's true for me
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Should I shave my Amish beard
I hope you get cirrhosis of the liver and expire sooner rather than later, nafri dog!
The depths of hell await you.
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you'll blame anyone, you have zero accountability. that's why it'll never change for you unless you start being a man
Islam is right about women. Letting them destroy the nuclear family was a bad idea
I'm into gentle femdom
Have a good day
I used to be into femdom but one time I actually got to experience it and I nutted so hard that I got dizzy and nauseous, so now I kind of associate femdom with that feeling. Just thinking about it makes me remember how it felt.
thanks, i'll remind you of your manchild traits when you act like an emotional leech tomorrow too
I think you have a charming and funny personality, and all you need to do is work hard and your life will get better
Jump in front of the train and spare us your continued presence, faggot.
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That was really mean
real problem is that dom and sub content has gotten more extreme and it ended up pushing me away from porn in general. it's no longer dom content, it's hardcore violence, torture and rape. it's no longer sub content, it's race fetish, findom, and gay conversion. like what the fuck. you watch any kind of that degeneracy and it's going to make you an awful person over time, making your life miserable and worse possibly someone else's life miserable. online media is growing more and more extreme and it's creating self-destructive societal menaces.

pls treat your brain well and feed it a healthy diet of what it should recieve. if you mope around and only watch sad shit, it'll become your life in a pointless act of self-fulfilling destiny. and i think a lot of people do that.
This is the best kind
Where she says “ほらほら、きもちね?” and when you go to answer she spits in your mouth but has a loving smile on her face
I need to get out of here. I need to forget what I've done. God please help me. Someone help me. You hate me. You're cruel and I'm cruel. I hate me. God this needs to end. You can't let me keep doing this. Please have mercy on me although I don't deserve it. Why is this happening? Why can't I stop it? Nobody cares. I won't remember this tomorrow. But I'll always feel the pain
so anyway, shower taken, nutsack emptied, teeth brushed, meds taken, it's 'eep time
cant believe cum is still alive
I'm completely lost. I'm already in Hell. There is no comfort for me. God has abandoned me because I abandoned him. I can't find the way back. I'm hopeless. I'm evil. And most pathetic of all, I'm too sensitive.
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california gurls
we're unforgettable
I can't even be mad you son of a bitch cocksucker motherfucker
is there a way to look cool as if i were smoking but without the dangerous chemicals
the other guys are ripping on you but i just want to let you know that you're my favorite black person.
But all in all, seriously, please hope for my death.
Time for creatine supplementation
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it will be okay. did you go to church and pray?
I'm a coward
you are not. When I'm down bad, I attend evening mass and pray.
cowboy hat + toothpick
>attention whores and the fags who give them attention
nigga is this a therapy session?
When I'm feeling The Darkness Of The Mind On Full Volume, I do various chores around my apartment and clean up my room to feel better. Just to chip in!

i've never been to a catholic church
the last time i went to any church i left weeping and feeling more alone than ever
I wish I had faith. I've always wanted to pray and visit church, but it would just be a lie if I did. I don't believe and I don't think I ever will.
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It's better to get those feelings out of your system. Join your local bible study group. That way, you'll learn the scriptures and make friends.
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If someone else had something to reply to sure but the only thing going on right now is this man's metamorphosis into Billy Pilgrim. I dunno about all the jesus stuff but whatever people need. I'm a very happy man and I do what I need to be happy

okay now we're talking as far as other topics go
Roll your own natty tobacco and get an empty lucky strike box to put them in

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bruh natty tobacco is arguably worse for you than cigarettes, in fact i think it's like 4x as bad
I'm a blues man
ura gay man
folk for me
hit the Penjamin
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if i were to smoke weed i would definitely not be sucking on a pen like a bozo
nobody going to Blinkerton is a bozo
but you are a bozo?
When I was a kid I was a dorky little faggot
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/cum/ has too many normans these days, out partying on friday
I love that he just slides right off.
The stupid ass light bulb keep blinking even when turned off, got not clue why, my best guess is faulty switch because that's what's let's the current through right
If you could get isekai'd into any world, which would you choose?
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i haven’t smoked in 7 years and i bought a pack tonight and drove around in my car screaming my favorite songs for 2 hours i almost lost control and wrecked it’s been an awful night i lost my voice and i have a headache but i hope everything is okay with you guys
any of those favorite songs paint you as a gizzhead?
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why did you do that
Feeling depressed, drinking Sprite.
Enjoy dying from some schizo nord looking for his axe.
i had to run i don’t know what else to do it was either that or something worse but im ok now just shook up and hurting
The Jetsons.
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damn how bad of a wreck did you get into
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heads i take out the trash
tails i do it tomorrow morning
umm you have to say odds or evens dumguy
Or the dark brotherhood attacking you every two days.
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everyone knows heads are even. that just feels right. but also god dammit, time to take out the trash
that takes like 1 minute
Im actually really good at fist fighting, yep you could say its because I was a huge fan of power rangers growing up, but honestly I just knew instinctually
gotta look fresh doing it though, so it means picking an outfit, styling my hair, picking a nice smell, this'll be a second
Honestly, I could probably take on at least 5 people in a fight. Maybe even beat a bear without any weapons.
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>gotta look fresh doing it though
you cannot be over the age of 22 still thinking this
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i almost wrecked and went into ditch it was wet and i was going too fast but it’s okay im fine now just a little hoarse and got a headache it’s just been awhile since ive had an episode this bad
Take your meds bud
unfortunately they aren’t really working to great effect right now
im back and normal again but these episodes scare me because i throw all safety and consideration for my own life. scary to lose control of your own life like that. but im ok now
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you worry me sometimes tsk tsk, but what do you smoke?

and also, now spinny has a double meaning.
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fridge access denied :(
Looks yummy
what benefit is there to having a screen in your fridge?
Just rich people things.
mine has this too the only useful thing is leaving notes for groceries and doing funny drawings
some of them show whats inside the fridge without having to open it, like in gas stations. this saves electricity :D
I feel like rich people would realize how fucking pointless and tacky that is and not buy it.
"smart" technology craze that started 5 years ago where everything needs a screen and interactable elements for no good reason other than marketing
similar thing is happening with AI right now
argentinia and brazil:
actually more like 10-15 years, but point still stands
Up early today aren't we mousey?
guess thats why it runs windows :DDDD
playing runescape :)
going to have green tea with honey to soothe my throat
>Bill Gates wants to be carbon neutral so reduce your carbon footprint and reduce your screen brightness, mkay? :)
I'm gonna have a cig
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Very little.
It’s basically just a big tablet to do whatever with.
This is unironically true. In fact you’ll see it become “standard” within the next decade.
I recently bought a new fridge from a Japanese company considered to be a “cost saver” brand. And it still has multiple cameras mounted on each door/drawer; the point being that it will send a snapshot to an app on your phone of whatever is in it every time it is opened.
It’s not only useful for grocery shopping, but has apparently proven itself in catching teenagers snagging beer.
Pic related; two cams inside the top left door
good night
Pokemon would be neat
mfw some boomer with three houses and a boat tells me he got it all by counting beetles for the Forest Service for 25 years and wonders why his adult kids are still childless renters when they work in the private sector and make “the big bucks.”
They won't even pass down their wealth. They'll sell everything they own to pay for exorbitant healthcare to expand their lifespan a few more years.
He will sell everything he has to some private equity firm in NY.
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>They won't even pass down their wealth
Oh they will, one way or another
>useful feature
>but hey if you don’t like it because tinfoil you can turn it off with a physical switch
I don’t think so, friend.
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I just took the biggest piece of shit in this toilet that doesn't work
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so what happens now
If your refrigerator has cameras and is capable of internet connectivity, it can be activated remotely via a backdoor. It won't matter if you disable it. Glowies can get in.
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walking around the wilderness looking for implings because ive seen quite a few of them around
No one will notice cuz it's a big house
Im solid in legit. No one will point his finger at me. Don't worry about it.
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have never seen a tactical skirt before right now
every girl needs a tactical skirt
some skirts come with pockets so were already halfway there
none of my skirts have pockets, what a rip
The week before last week one day was going to have a high of 35°C so our boss told us to go home half-way through but now that it's 35°C and bad air quality due to forest fires every single day they can't do this anymore and we have to continue working
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Ordered pizza.
bit late for that, innit?
that's a pretty good deal
are these fires a regular occurrence? i remember it was really bad last year
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It's never too late for pizza.
found a lucky imp (i cant catch it though)
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Ikr it was BOGO free but unfortunately there was no option to get two different ones, they had to be duplicate.
Reminds me of how badly I want to be a gnome.
why does it
Why does what what?
Thx lass.
this looks like a different planet
Imps are small and mischievous just like gnomes.
there was a ton of forest fire smoke 2 days ago, it was kinda clear today though.
Skies were clear here in Van today. Only a matter of time till they're not I guess.
I didn't see the sky today. It was probably clear like always though.
welcome to new china
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i want to touch the toe beans
Pizza's almost here.
My last nic vape just died :(
thinking of the implications of a rsps encouraging runelite and how good they would be able to detect what. and unlike other games i would script or cheat in the fuck out of runescape
Pizza's here. I'm so excited.
Awake at ungodly hours
me too
my sleep schedule is ruined
>flee your shithole country
>"heh in my country you would have been kidnapped and murder raped and sold in kebabs"
It's fucking 35 degree outside
What was I thinking
gn going to go wank to the thought of fucking a big titty blonde
mine too I shouldn't be up but oh well. guess I should go sleep
>scrambled eggs
>home fries
im gonna go to bed too
Gen A is finished before it even started.
A generation raised on TikTok
find it interesting that money and money alone makes me want to kill myself
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Catberg on a mad one
Gen ALPHA already mogs zoomers and that makes them seethe
You don't have enough money?
>Gen ALPHA already mogs zoomers
You and me both
gen z falling apart over eminem making fun of them and gen alpha making absolute banger memes like the rizzler
One of my hobbies is delving into the psyche of cum users.
My psyche is that of a decent person who you want to be friends with
I don't understand any of those terms you are using, my zoomoid friend :)
Have you learned anything?
fr fr no cap
>bragging about ignorance
Yer an ignoramus anus, pal
Yer mum's a slag innit
Good morning, I'm hungover
Hello Hungover, I'm Steve
I'm not too hung over surprisingly. Had a couple rather generous glasses of wine but drank water at the same time.
Never seen these irl, it's a Japanese thing isn't it
ive seen and eaten these irl
I actually get mad seeing the state /fit/ is in right now
seeing it turn into such a worthless piece of shit board from what it was even 5 years ago hurts
I hope 4chan closes soon
/fit/ was literally never one time good ever in its entire existence
don't try to gaslight me, fatass
/fit/ is the reason I started getting my shit together 6 years ago
nobody even promotes that sort of behavior anymore let alone actually wants to get better
it's just crossboarders and porn addicts spamming off-topic threads now
penis genius
I already feel better after a motrin, a glass of water, and a glass of milk
>/fit/ is the reason I started getting my shit together 6 years ago
That's sad that you let them gaslight you hard enough to change your entire life
pathetic even
there is no reality where you will convince me that getting /fit/, quitting drugs, and improving my life was a bad thing
something tells me you're the type to make incel "guhhhh why I have no gf :(((((" threads on /fit/
This heat is fucking retarded
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My suggestion for the next OP image
world will be a better place when ratpedo dies

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