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Gaabu :DDDD
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In most cases yes

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I can't sleep, send help.

Me and this man had sex.
estvak looks like this
Interesting how despite lack of contraceptives they managed to drop their fertility rates to below 2 already
Anon almost 40% of them are sterilized, how are they going to have babies?
how does that work
do they rip their organs out
at what age do they do that and why do they/their family agree to it
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Its called Tubal ligation, the cute the fallopian tube and tie it up. Usually when the women are in the hospital to give birth they offer to do it while they're there.
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>average linux user
and your thoughts
labas rytas
Aš esu Mopcкoй bybys.
Kaip tiksliai tai įvyko?


ATTENTION ALL LITHUANIAN Homies!! I NEED YOUR Help!! I lost my paddle while fishing and need to buy a new row lock/ oar lock. What is this thing called in Lithuanian? What do I need to Google to see ships that sell it? Its a lock that you put your paddle in and then put the locking it to your boat
Do nazis really
They do it after having children usually
Nigga I was just trying to show what I am looking for. It's the first result on amazon.nazi
Use Alibaba instead gweilo
Alibaba takes years to ship THOUGHEVER. I am only a few more days on lithuania
LABAS rytas /balt/!!
pagaliau pasveikau ir galiu grįžti prie šūdskelbimo. Ar praleidau kažką įdomaus vakar?
"Irklų laikikliai" I guess
this one seems similar to what you posted
labas, weebai.
>Ar praleidau kažką įdomaus vakar?
My credit card doesn't work :,(
You'll have to resort to using your coinslot
what's the benefit of using credit instead of debit card?
>Irklų laikikliai
You are a top G
They don't have debit cards there (lmao)
>new government forms
>income tax and VAT will rise by 2%points again
I kneel you thirsty bloodsuckers
um no you're lying
i am listening to the dead man soundtrack by neil young
no because i use linux and im not gay and i only have one monitor and i have no such socks
Please explain
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Yes you are gay. Which distro?
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very gay thread no wonder it's dead
Dima can't help himself
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is hh a slav?
hulk hogan?
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just saw an actual mexican at the store today
what the FUCK is happening to this country
how do you know he was mexican did he wear sombrero?
I've been telling you what is happening for years now.
Globohomo invasion and genocide of the ethnicity and culture of natives.
I'm at work. Pray for me :(
had mexico flag hat on and speaking spanish on the phone. never actually seen one before in my life
ehhh mexicans are at least better than jeets, arabs and nigs
not sure but his english skills seems to be better than his estonian skills
yeah just weird that a mexican comes to lithuania of all places
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apparently they get job ads
Kek who the hell is funding this
>definitely don't speak Lithuanian
jose's gonna have a rough time..
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If the beaner won’t open a Mexican joint where they sell food that makes your ass bleed I am gonna kill him myself.
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I think South Estonian should be given language autonomy in Võrumaa and Põlvamaa. There's 100 thousand of them and we gave Saami language autonomy despite only having 2000 speakers.
is is his name anton or is that dima's imaginary friend?
>english (official globohomo tongue) at the top
>french for some reason
>actual native language in third
>ukranian at the bottom (because of course)
yep it's not like there is any sort of hispanic community like with jeets who always walk in droves
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Wouldn't mind if we had these hehehe
penisas lives rent free in your head
theyre basically just ancient churkas who got a little tan
animė mergaitės
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Myliu tombojes
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Tu taip sakai bet niekad nepostini
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aš irgi
brilliant posts
You the judge
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>kareiviška apranga
lmao jeigu čia tikrų šauktinių darbelis tai jiems pizda, kariuomenė juos iškastruos. Bet tikriausiai negras pamatė žalią džemperį ir peršiko.
Nenusikalbėk tarnaujantis taip nedarytų. Aš irgi turiu kareiviškas kelnias ir viršų. Ar aš kareivis? ne
no footage/photos = it never happened. Shitskins are just looking for an excuse to start rioting and form ghettos
Taip tu kareivis demografiniame kare. Še, imk ginklą ir į frontą!
man ir pačiam stovi, bet čia ne stovėjimo problema o autizmo
prašyčiau labiau apnuogintų
there's no sexual lust like virgin sexual lust. normies can't comprehend the thirst of this magnitude.
there is the satanic virgin sexual lust
aš ne jis, bet va prašom drauge kūūmeri
is it a retarded idea to look for a gf in a bar?
office ladies hnnng
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Prašom. Apnuginta mergaitės blauzda. Labai Erotiška.
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man rodos jis nuėjo pasmaukyti
Nežinau dėl jo, bet aš katik grįžau.
ką žiūrėjai ar skatei
yes. next!
magnificent contributions
is it a retarded idea to look for a gf on the apps if you are average/slightly bellow average
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Actually I don't know anything about looking for a gf I just don't go to bars because I do not drink ever ever and so I disliked the idea this was just a strangers opinion online.
oh why you not drink are you a muslim. It's good to be drunk once in a while, but not too often ofc
Thank you
It's good that there are people on this thread who appreciate real art
Nenoriu atsakyti į šį klausimą
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I just beat women. Thats only way I get off
o ko tu bijai? aš gi taves nepažįstu ir nesmerksiu dėl tavo keistų fetišų
You know what, I am starting to like and get aroused by 2d
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skanios vakarienės visiems!
hh corruption arc?
Because I don't like it every time I've tried drinking with friends (had those as a teen) I managed to do one beer and that was it, I could not force myself to do any more. Also drunk peoole smell and annoy me.
I am not a muslim, I am researching the Bible currently
>sumustiniai su slapianka, meduolis ir arbata
welcome aboard brother
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Čia buvau aš.
I'm not him dumb gweilo
skanaus, weebai
jau gal užsisakei anime figūrėlę?
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bazuotas nigerių skerdikas
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tu neturi sielos jeigu tau nepatinka gerai paruoštas sumuštinis ir meduoliai.
all estonians are hh, that's a commonly known fact
užsisakiau bet iš ispanijos ilgai dar siųs
>jeigu tau nepatinka gerai paruoštas sumuštinis ir meduoliai
kas sako, kad nepatinka? tiesiog liudna
kodėl liūdna tada?
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No more watermelons.
gali buti, kad projektuoju. atsiprasau.
Neip, lašiša.
ūūūū nice kokia čia mergaitė?
I have 45 thousand anime girl images in my collection is that a lot?
depends on the quality
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žinai ką? tas sumuštinis buvo tragiškas, per daug prikroviau ir viskas krito lauk, sūris prastos kokybės(nx aš be laktozės pirkau), dešra irgi pigesnė, agurkai bent jau visai gaivūs buvo bet geriau būtų salotos. meduolis ir arbata skanūs užtat.
turėk kantrybės, kūmeri. ;)
pasakysiu kai gausiu.
what's your favourite?
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Only anime picture I have on my pc
We don’t cotton to diaspoo here.
I only download the ones I like of course and not random images. It takes up about 110GB with some webm included.
>what's your favourite?
nelabai įmanoma išsirinkti
Cool it with the anti-diasporism.
feetfeetfeet nakadesu nakadesu nakadesu
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>open news
>hottest news is that some poo drowned
I guess they don't float but flush in a clean water
Why do you hate us so much :(
What did we do to you? Sure, my Lithuanian is bad but is that really my fault?
how long have you been living in LT and how long in uk?
I'm 18 and moved to the UK when I was 2, so 16 years in the UK.
so you practically have not actually experienced Lithuania
So basically you have 0 memories or recollection of Lithuania. You are fully englishhhh
nuo šiol kalbėk lietuviškai, arba tu pripažįsti kad esi negras negrevičius iš turkmenistano
Stop bullying my fellow Diasporachad.
dafuq I thought there was only one UKfag diaspoo
It is peculiar how European countries tend to be less positive about their diaspora, while the Chinese, Indians, and others have a different outlook.
There's me + at least 2-3 others.
what are you listening to (in your cunt)?
No there is only 2 until proven otherwise
I've met more on wider /int/.
that doesn't count
Me (dentist)
Lith in Scotland.
as i said anyone outside of this circlejerk that never set foot here doesn't count
How do you know they haven't posted here?
there aren't that many people with your flag that posts here it shouldn't be hard to track
what a banger. I like his deep voice, no homo.
Anyway, for me it's Diktatūra
Nigga I see UK flags ITT being accused of being me
Disregarding the vpn autist that larps as me sometimes
they might not even be lithuanians just some random butthurt brits or poopskins
more like lopas hehe
čia aoc tu debile
Real Bongs don't know what Lithuania is.
they are on /int/ of course they know there are daily lith threads. Some normies might not know tho
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Tu nemandagus, nekalbėsiu su tavim iki kol atsiprašysi
I'm a Lithuanian citizen THOVGH and I visit every summer
very patriotic
are you planning to go back THOUGH
Based. Don't back down.
The bongs on this website are some of the most ignorant.
Yea possibly if I can get a job that's not working in a paint factory or something
Us diasporaniggas gotta stick togetha brotha
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Yeah. When I served in the military it used to be played on speakers every monday when we were setting up for the morning formation. Also a song by Rammstein(Ich Will) and another english one that had a LOT of slurs, we couldn't help but giggle even if our COs chewed us out later. The sound guy was absolutely based and these songs always bring fun memories and feelings now.
nenorėjai pasilikti liktiniu?
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Remember to vote for the conservatives in your first election.
>Us diasporaniggas gotta stick togetha brotha
All Lithuanians should treat each other better. There aren't that many of us.
You mean Nacionalinis Susivienijimas RIGHT?
>Remember to vote for the conservatives in your first election.
Doesn't sound chuddy enough for me.
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Vote for this. Biggest and most based Chuds in Lithuania
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Ne. tam kartui užteko, bet dabar gal ir visai norėčiau grįžti arba į KASPą varyti
Aišku. Jau gal ir buvai rezervo apmokymuos?
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They can't get elected
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ne, dar neteko bet nemažai kas iš mano kuopos buvo tai sakė kad ten daugiau laiko praleidi smaukydamas nei kažką "mokinamas"
They got almost 4% in EP elections with an anti-EU platform and a schizo topping the list. They will definitely be in the parliament this year.

> also

Kur tranis?
EP elections are partly a meme compared to national elections.
>Kur tranis?
Su manimi pasimatyme
>Kur tranis?
Hopefully -ACKED
aš su anonu pasimatyme teehee
What's the lithuanian equivalet of Reform UK? Is it this Nacionalinis Susivienijimas party or is there one that's still chuddy but a bit more mainstream? Who's the litho nigel farage?
Aš jau buvau ir taip tikrai nieko naujo nesužinojau tik šiek tiek pasikartojau ką jau buvau praėjęs, bet jo toks smaukalas. Mes ir lovose gulėjom ir telefonais naudojomės ne laisvu metu ir šiaip viskas žymiai laisviau nei per šaukimą. Nei karto nereikėjo bėgioti iš ryto ar daryti atsispaudimų/mankštos.
Matęs šitą anime?
how long do we have until shit hits the fan?
about three fiddy
eikš šian mano velniūkti rawwwrrrrr
Which one do you choose
Reform and Farage are cucked.
sexhair and the one with extremely chinky eyes
wtf is sexhair
do you even watch anime
Yeah but Reform are movers, not shakers. They have to be a little cucked.
Leaving the EU was a bad move.
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>Matęs šitą anime?
gėda pripažinti bet ne... Pastaruoju metu nelabai bežiūrių anime, nebent rewatchinu kažką penktą kartą
pabandyk labai smagus toks ir lengvai susižiūri
nu ok, vien dėl tavęs
liuks :D
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we're all going to die
About two more weeks.
Aurimas btfo him so hard he probably killed xirself.
What did Sir Auvrimas, Protector of the Realm, do?
Several posts and a wall of text saying his troon shit is a mental illness so he said he will kill himself and blame him for it.
kek did this really happen? ngl, gonna miss that faggot
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how is leftism le "reddit" when most people on r/lithuania are conservacucks or nationalists
>y-you are reddit!!!!
don't care incel
>don't care incel
but you also never had sex
It's pretty funny how right wing the Lithuania and Baltic boards on rebbip are compared to r/Europe which itself has become more right wing, despite the tranny jannies trying to shut it down.
They were like two decades ago but now they aren’t, hell the party wanted to split in half not long ago because half of it is just globohomo cum slurping so instead they decided to purge most of the old guard that didn’t flip. You are just pretending to be retarded aren’t you little nigger shitstain get the fuck out of here bitch.
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i can get sex right now from grinder
why is it surprising after decades of landsberg brainwashing in schools
yes they fucking are you little kike
who is lauryn koscziun
anyways hope 2028 looks this kino
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I love Baltics so much its unreal.
Thank Eesti for all money flowing that way.
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Suomija, mūsų didysis brolis : DDD
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>i can get sex right now from grinder
Based leftist chad
cute anime guys kissing
why are you speaking english here lmao
>le conservatives
what did they conserve so far?
we are so dead
I wish i could escape but i'm a sperg who is unable to function by himself
Just fight
>just die
Nah I believe in you bro
when shit hits the fan we're gonna get GENOCIDED
there is NOTHING we can do. Well nothing I can do anyway because i can't survive on my own
hato won't save us
i guess we'll fight in the forests together
Make like Vietnam, traps and graveyards for the enemy
i hope we (the good guys) will be the commies and russians the south vietnamese
okay this is pretty funny

GG, now you can upragde from being Baltic into Finno-Baltic.
we tried this before
didn't work
We tried it too in our own way, it workd good enaf
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post tits
i dont have those
you trying to pretend to be me or something?
not me you dumbo
would the real hh please stand up?
Reply this too.

T. Poro
lmao. Why can't people enjoy things without explanations?
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>mfw awake on Sunday
As an investment enthusiast, I often wonder how top level investors are able to become millionaires off investing. I do have a significant amount of capital that is required to start up but I have no idea what strategies and direction I need to approach to help me make over $400k like some people are this season...
Larry Burkett's book on "Giving and Tithing" drew me closer to God and helped my spirituality. 2020 was a year I literally lived it. I cashed in my life savings and gave it all away. My total giving amounted to 40,000 dollars. Everyone thought I was delusional. Today, 1 receive 85,000 dollars every two months. I have a property in Calabasas, CA, and travel a lot. God has promoted me more than once and opened doors for me to live beyond my dreams. God kept to his promises to and for me
are are you a hardcore hax0r
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good TTD morning
Ohayo hitler-chan
In a perfect world food delivery people would be hot sweaty tomboys, but this is not a perfect world
no i dont know anythinf about computers really
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>explicitly state, when asked, that I am not anton
>he still thinks I am pretending to be him
what a braindead guy
well you do schzio jump around with the personality you pretend to be from week to week.
This week apparently having your bot post about you finding the bible.
Some other week it was about you being a faggot and wanting to get topped.
Who knows what your bot will be posting next week.
>thinking that was all me
>thinking I bot at all
based retard, I kneel
Niw go on Grindr and get topped
>>thinking that was all me
wouldn't surprise me
>thinking I bot at all
the alternative is more sad
>Niw go on Grindr and get topped
immediately proves my point that you just denied above.
The cognitive disconnect to act outraged and deny, but then confirm the very thing accused of in the following sentence must be insane indeed.
>WHAT?! I never advocated for violence
>and if you disagree with that I will beat the shit out of you
mmm, yes, where have I seen this leftist mindset.
Wait that was all a trick it wasn't real anton haha good one dude you got me there
Had a dream where klu klux klan boys were holding an estonian flag
Anime won.
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Whats your online dating app experience?
>get a match once in a blue moon
>dont know what to write
>unmatch her
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Labas Rytas /Balt/!
Sveikinu Visus su Animė Pergalės Diena!
no point in using tinder as a 175 cm manlet
it's noon, tsaaar
aš atsikėliau prieš valandą, man dar rytas
labas, weebai
>Sveikinu Visus su Animė Pergalės Diena!
net nežinojau, kad yra tokia diena turbūt susapnavai tai
just wear your little jewish hat in the pics
Girls totally dig hooknoses mhm
nesapnavau, kaip matome čia >>200000000
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I need good beer patch
The kind where nazi and commie agree on something
>Good night for good beer
ai aš perskaičiau "anime pagalvės diena" lol
lmao@nolifes who are afraid of war. At least make your life worth something by suicide bombing yourself into a zigger convoy
Why do they post these obviously fake texts so often
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Its a cultural thing
This one is fake too.
There are many good real ones.
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Not very subtle SAAAR
I use arch btw.
is that a x220
i am secretly a misanthrope and i hate humans
Not my problem
what do you use it for
Sudoku pacman -Soy and other console commands.
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>here is your average 18yo soviet era woman
Peepoo were really suffering back then.
*men were suffering
>takes a cherry picked photo
My mom was very beautiful
I guess that was a book of ugliest women 1970s eddition
yes and also you also have to take into account makeup, style, hairstyle and all that shit that modern women have
Well shitty for them back then.
why do latvian posters come and go?
Just like in your mom
Yep those were shitty times. When my mom was young she said she had to work for a couple months so that she could buy Levi jeans
All latvians without exception are normies and sometimes some of them get bored so they come here for a bit. Then they leave to have lots of sex and other fun stuff that they do
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Do people really have no life that badly in your country?
No only losers like me
Have you tried having a social hobby?
Not really. Do you have social hobbies?
puffy vulva
Gym if with peepoo i dont know, but i go do all kinds of stuff like cycling then camping with friends, or just get togethers where qts and alchohol is involved
I see. I have 2 friends, but I don't meet them often. I should probably initiate more
Yeah, go for it.
I have 3 best friends. Beer, money and video games. The rest are abroad I am afraid, haven’t got together for what like 4 years now, sad!
Just sipped some swedeslop , what are you sippin in youre cunt?
Thats seems pretty strong for a cider
it is, but also it isn't THAT strong to notice
yup and it's hard to make new friends as an adult
>can't fall asleep at daytime
>can't focus on doing anything because I'm sleepy
You need to masturbate more.
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seksas su tomboje
i look like a chud
How do I contact Ruuben Kaalep
Conpare those with ameridog/euro women of 60s and you'll see the difference
>1 image is supposed to represent millions of people
What do you need him for I might know a guy
Aurimas when will you drop your new album? Uberjeets has topped you in the music charts.
Basically his new party needs to distinguish itself from EKRE or it will suffer the same fate as our PS splinter. So I think that in the upcoming local elections they should advocate for better language rights for South Estonian languages. On a local level this would include providing services in the local language and translating official paperwork. I also believe that even the new legislature allows the establishment of educational facilities that use South Estonian languages for instruction because they are a national minority. I believe campaigning on and implementing these policies would work best in South Estonian majority regions of Võrumaa and Põlvamaa.
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see pic.
erk.ee is their website. I don't think they have given party leaders distinct mail addresses so if you really want him you should probably go on facebook.
I am personally not very concerned of them sinking because they have very experienced people in, who were there when EKRE started and they also have parliament representation already (though they aren't allowed to form a fraction right now I think).
And why do you have so much interest in our politics? I remember you were talking about Isamaa a lot last year
>in the upcoming local elections they should advocate for better language rights for South Estonian languages
South Estonia is popularneith EKRE, but I do not know if the idea of local language promotion will be very popular (it might be)
Also our local elections are usually dominated by local small-time political unions, big parties do not do very well, except in big cities
I'm starved for love
call your mother, then
IDK I guess I like following politics overall. I also like you guys and I am a bit of an Uraloboo.
I want torture and kill russian.
You sure have such servives in Baltics for right sum of money?
not that kind of love, I want romantic lovey dovey love
last post
Fuck you.
Actual last post.

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