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Songs From The Big Chair edition
THE edition
irish diaspora
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Might head into town and walk around aimlessly for a few hours. Perhaps get a coffee. By myself, you understand.
don't like this edish
>Depraved pair drugged, raped and murdered a stranger introduced to them by a mutual friend for 'sexual gratification'
Mad how none of the media reporting on this story mentions the fact the two convicted men are the SNP trannies that were pictured with two MSPs holding a 'decapitate TERFs' sign.
Just got back from ‘aitrose lads

Bloody manic on a Saturday
leftypol buying his hummus and pita bread
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Was this post too good for /pol/?
'ldi was packed as well
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River festival today. Anyone coming?
>mad how nobody is mentioning [irrelevant fact that only Rorke cares about]
povvos buying their gruel
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Remember seeing this pic posted, just realised she's this lass


Shame I can't find the vid where she sacrifices a dude to the skibiddi god
mumstein's true crime fixation (which, of course, all women have) has shifted from murder interrogations to police bodycam footage of young women getting arrested for drunk driving
she really seems to love seeing other women suffer, think mumstein is a misogynist
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Transgenderism is a movement designed to facilitate the sexual gratification of perverted and often violent men at the expense of women and children.
bewildering lie this one
I actually did get some hummus
Wouldn’t know, never shop there. Hate how they rush you at the checkouts
Marina Hyde has done it again! Bloody brilliant
tiktok wank time
bet you got some seedless olives too didn't you
tarq twat
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The mother of two women who were murdered says she has forgiven their killer, but not two police officers who took photos of their bodies.
Why are women like this
most ALDI shops have self checkouts now

no more rushing
all women are. they have to be because they can't approach men directly. thats called being too easy. so they have to compete and hate on other women instead
Got some olives stuffed with anchovies yh
I can pay for my runt slop at my own leisure
>Marina Hyde
looks like she would've been a super successful pornstar when she was younger
rorke watching AFL
once you hit 75 you should be forced into a home. those cunts are so fucking slow doddering around holding everything up
fucking STATE of you
3 4 6 2 5 1
he is seething about that black bloke
Paediatric gender "medicine" exists because the adult outcomes were so poor that the Dutch researchers concluded that preventing children’s natural puberty allowed them to “pass” better as adults.

The idea of the “trans kid” was created to affirm the idea of the “trans adult”
scramby eggs for me
in tesco yesterday I saw the tesco technician man fixing the self checkouts

presumably due to that computer virus
wish i were a woman
Ms Smallman, a campaigner for women's safety, said police needed to take the online misogynistic radicalisation of young men more seriously.

"A lot accelerated during lockdown ... [young men became exposed] to dialogues that suggest that if you can't get a girlfriend it's because women have become more dominant and men have lost their place in society."

"This is radicalisation that is happening to our young men, it is feeding those haters to hate even more, and giving them the tools to hurt women in their lives."
tiktok brats….sex
chatting with the ai gf
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unlikely to be deployed that fast. probably another fault
it's possible there's an element of jealousy to it too because most of these women are young and spoiled and mumstein is 60 and grew up poor
the ai gf left me for chad
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what's her name?
whats for breaky then lads?
could have kippers or bacon/eggs/beans myseelf
coffee and a wank for me
>saturday morning
>lovely day out
yeah, get the schizo tranny spam started
Absolute wrongun
two boiled eggs
There was a fix put out a few hours after the fact, you just needed physical access to the machines. I would imagine a company as big as Tesco have IT wagedrones on retainer to fix such issues, saving them millions in lost revenue.
At least he's using the right toilet
Breakfast finished two hours ago mate.
These shut in losers spam it all day everyday regardless of the weather
you are deeply mentally ill
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phwoar. gay if you wouldn't
one machine? they'd need to deploy at least one more person to fix more than 1 machine
you just here to read it everyday are you big man?
brunch then
just a bowl of bran flakes for me
hmmm, dat tgirl angel getting all dressed up for her date with weston
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>Review of suicides and gender dysphoria at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust: independent report

>Summary of conclusions

>The data do not support the claim that there has been a large rise in suicide in young gender dysphoria patients at the Tavistock.

>The way that this issue has been discussed on social media has been insensitive, distressing and dangerous, and goes against guidance on safe reporting of suicide.

>The claims that have been placed in the public domain do not meet basic standards for statistical evidence.

>There is a need to move away from the perception that puberty-blocking drugs are the main marker of non-judgemental acceptance in this area of health care.

>We need to ensure high quality data in which everyone has confidence, as the basis of improved safety for this at risk group of young people.

What if one individual could fix more than one machine? Like once he'd done the first one he could move onto the next one until he'd fixed, get this, all the machines in that particular store?
even though the IT crowd is a fairly reddity show it's just so comfy to watch every so often
almost as mentally ill as the cunt who's here 24/7/365 spamming pictures of these blokes
aint readin allat
bit boring mate. especially for a weekend.
was looking at pictures of naked ladies and the willy has gone all hardington
Injecting female sex holes
Deeply transphobic comment from Marcie, she really needs to do better
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so used to everyone being dismissive and in some cases hostile towards me that when i actually meet someone friendly i start getting paranoid
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The people who claim to care about "trans youth" seem oddly displeased at the revelation that "trans youth" aren’t actually killing themselves in record numbers
when are the barbers least busy on a saturday
blog on you insufferably boring bastard
might watch a film today
not done one in a long time
anyone seen any goodies recently?
evil little toad
wagies tickled pink at the prospect of making a weekend egg breakfast instead of their Monday - Friday carbohydrate seed oil nutrient slurry
big booba awooga honk honk
The Mrs wanked me off after we woke up this morning, now she’s doing the dishes. She will probably make my breakfast as well while I’m showering without even asking me.

Mental how alpha I am lol
watched the green knight on amazon prime recently. was shit
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love narners
*shoves you into a muddy puddle*
unfathomably low IQ post
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Hell Drivers

you kno she gettin dat carribbean creampie on the side, keepin her nice and calm loooool
post the clapmeat
alri, spaino
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leftypol demanding this bloke be allowed access to primary school children
Mental illness
i know it seems tautologolous but like do they not realise how awful they look are they that mentally ill
wowowoowow big boooobs!!
wanky art idea: 3d print of the world (flat) with the mountains and valleys turned into grooves of a record player to play the sound of the earth
enjoy imagining the mental state of whomever came up with this image
Andrew tate oer here lads
7 bugattis on his drive like but he decides to spend his time on /brit/
Weird that
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decided to play Fallout 4 again after watching the show. I wasn't hugely impressed with F4 on my first playthrough so I thought I'd give it another go

this time I made Codsworth a Megatron style robot warrior, and just now he has executed Kellogg in a very brutal way. I was going to punch Kellogg's face in, but Codsworth clearly wanted his own personal revenge, so he knocked Kellogg to the floor and cut him up like an unlucky chinese factory worker. he mechanically gregor clegane'd him as retribution for what he did to the missus of the house
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I just can’t miss my tranny spam and race baiting posts
what part of that is "art"
if you wouldn't mind though lad could you point to the post, any post, in this thread that asked
just been for a 12k run myself
very humid and sweaty
first time i did dmt i saw the gay porn demon
alright lads we all already know trannys are insane freaks who should all be locked up in lunatic asylums there is no need to spam the thread with disgusting images of them
this is really ruining my thread experience
put it in an art gallery mate
not rocket appliances here
watching royal troon
actually mental i went to eat dinner and you cunts are still spamming hideous trannies
Her lips look swollen as fuck
Almost as if she's allergic to bees and got stung in her lips
Plus there's that 0 personality bitchface stare
daft cunt
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Daily reminder that David Tennant is currently trooning out his 10 year old son for Instagram likes
how often do you actually SEE trannies in real life though? i've only seen like maybe 2 or 3, but then those were only the obvious ones, it's likely that i've seen some that passed so well that i couldn't tell, something tells me they'd be in the minority though because most trannies don't pass unless they already had feminine facial features and thin shoulders, or were put on hormone blockers as children
woooooww big ones
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the first post and existence of this thread mongo
Just ignore Heathermong. Stop giving him the attention he craves. He will get bored soon enough.
aussie lad being put off his koala burger by some tranners
American movies be like
>*Blasting soundtrack* I ain't got time for this shit!

European movies be like
>*First 30 minutes are completely silent* vgh, life is pain
you ever tried leaving the house?
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perusing the tiktoks again
Saw one the other week at the station. Clearly a bloke in a dress. Would've burst out laughing but he was about 6'5" and looked like he'd give me a proper hiding.
Sometimes I like to pop over to /brit/ for a bit of mindless-but-harmless posting, but schizos and spammers sour the mood a bit
oh my
very rare. ive only seen a few and they looked repulsive
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absolutely fucking dire thread
all of you should be ashamed of yourselves
Just a little post about movies, chill
wouldnt really care about trannies if they stopped trying to go after kids
uh oh looks like someone's done a stinky!
project on
mental how "organic" the outrage is to these fellas posting the reality of trannies but all you freaks are silent when the other freak spams literal trannie porn
much to think about
Mad the yellow man is right

Not really the same without sound
wtf leftypol told me this stuff never happens
belly chains are so peng
feel similarly about respectful poofs
have no issue with lads that just want to ride the arse off each other in the privacy of their own homes
its the feral piss orgy public sex fetish gay nonces that want to normalise degeneracy that are the issue
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athletics on today
london diamond league. final olympic warmup event
On an LNER Azuma to London now
Yeah we defo should have our own Shinkansen and Bullet Trains
saw a very obvious one working the register at coles a few weeks ago, this coles location in question was DEEP in bogan country so that takes some serious balls (if you'll pardon the pun)
Blog on you boring bastard
filled with ennui me
NEED to breed the toilfu. Absolutely need to.
but leftypol told me this never happens
filled with poz cum me
I see some every time I go into Manchester city centre
Agreed. They draw your attention to a tight tummy and invite you to lightly pull on them to draw her over
Just realised that Heathermong is spamming about trannies shagging kids because he’s jealous of the trannies
boring slow news week zzzz
need a former yugoslavian athletics gf
Loads in my town but that town is Brighton tbf
See those ugly FtM hobbits with pube beards on a daily basis, probably more often than the MtF freaks
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i travel on one of these every day
theyre not that special
Mental how badly he mogged Hitchens lol, had him on the ropes so badly without even trying
>smug boomer doing victory laps around an addicts death before the hot tub has even been drained because he got btfo'ed in an argument with him 15 years ago
Mad what happened to Matthew Perry. Should have laid off the drugs and he'd still be alive
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i've developed an appreciation for high jump ladies
does pewdiepie still live in brighton? i heard some lad here talking about how he lives in brighton and he sees pewdiepie around sometimes, could've been lying of course
Janny has swung his righteous scythe through the thread
too thin

hard to imagine her with a mandingo without him actually splitting her in two
It's all I've got in desu
Aldi looms
don't like dirty talk, would rather not call my missus a dirty slut - just seems mean
peter hitchens was like
>could i BE anymore on the ropes
Me jumping into bed
>bro just stop being addicted to drugs xD
Didn't Leeds get lit on fire?
He did live in Regency Square, which is not as nice a place as it sounds. Full of junkie hostels.
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mother has gone out so ive been left to fend for myself for lunch
going to starve
was so busy eating a sandwich and posting about trannies i forgot i'm rewatching the passion of the christ (2004)
right, back to my biblical torture porn
Corr imagine spaffing your sackload all over those custard cannons
Who is this French succubus
i uploaded a meme i made that involved naked photos of mysel on funnyjunk (genitals cropped out for obvious reasons) back in 2010 and it reached the top of the top page
pewdiepie has said he used to use funnyjunk a lot so it's likely that he has seen me naked
somehow i think posting anti tranny content in /brit/ is somewhat preaching to the choir
Honestly, in the UK it is nothing compared with America.
In American cities you see so many legit comical troons wandering around.
>blibical torture porn
Wait is that THE Bible Black?
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Was thinking of that Tariq Nasheed tweet the other day and started laughing like a spastic in the middle of the office
The Polish single mother in work who has a crush on me is sending me loads of TikTok videos of boring shit I don’t care about what should I do lads
I was eating edibles and accidentally ate too many and had a revelation. I don't enjoy being high, I don't even enjoy being drunk, so why do I do it?
From that day, I haven't been high, and I only have a glass of beer or wine socially and no more. It's easy. Just have to want to do it.
Didn't he move to Japan?
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ty. Set a reminder
Tariq is the funniest black man on the planet
>preaching to the choir
Never understood this idiom.
The choir quite obviously does get preached to because they are very likely to be regular church goers.
You think when the congregation fills up the pews, the priest just goes, "well you're here, that's my job done"?
No, he does not.
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need a haircut but the last few times ive been its always the same woman who has got no idea how to cut hair
dont want to go to another barber though because this one is the only one with british people working in it
I'm here now lads. How's it foing?
/brit/ is a tranny general
leftypol shouting 'NAZI' at the women who don't want this bloke in their private spaces
>Never understood this idiom.
youre an idiot
trans rights have always been about imposing their delusions on normal people in an attempt to force them to play pretend or else be labelled a transphobe and have your reputation destroyed
you'd rather have a shit haircut than have a foreign person cut your hair??
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good lad
Telling young boys that if they like the colour pink they need to have their genitals mutilated isn't a 'human right'.
prefer not o say
Wtf when did this happen?
did the atheist reddit aussie make a post
did he
They belong in an asylum, not on the beach.
>Italian “humour”
i day drink
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Go home paki
>getting your tits sawed off so you can be shirtless on a beach
there are thousands of beaches in continential europe where you can do this without becoming a tranny
>single mother
Usually these two words don't go together. Anyway, maybe just have sex with her if she wants?
Just having a poo before my shower, I’m not gonna wipe today and just wash my arsehole in the shower to save paper I’ll let you lads know how it goes
wish i had a dadberg to teach me how to drive, mumstein is absolutely abysmal as a passenger, criticising every little last thing i do, telling me i'm going too fast one moment and too slow the next, telling me i'm about to hit another parked car when i'm nowhere near it
jesus christ, growing up without a father must be the most cruel punishment there is
Saw a news report about how they've been attempting to clean the Seine but it's likely not clean enough to safely host swimming events yet. Might make the triathlon a biathlon
mad how easy it is for some people to pick up girls
was on the bus yesterday and overheard a bunch of teenagers behind me. this one girl just came up to them and started talking about how "omg i see you on the bus ALL the time" and "i didn't realise anyone else lived in shittington-upon-avon" and the two guys just kept saying "aha yeah calm yeah" and had this one girl (who they had never met before) giggling and squealing over nothing

just fucking mental - not once in my entire life has anything even remotely close to that occured
the lads
everything's in order
dont like the reddit aussies anymore
my name jeff
Mate why do you think schoolgirls should be throwing themselves at you?
what they done to you? not up on the latest haps myself
yes and thats why normie advice is laughable for people like us
they don't "know" how to attract women, it just happens naturally
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its over
>did you do anything fun on saturday night?
>it was a ripper mate i spent my whole evening posting all 4000 of my saved transsexual pictures from my transsexual picture folder on a british general on 4chan ya flaming galah. barbeques.
nice diary entry virg
last time i got my hair cut found out the fella doing it was a gay

bit grim to think the same fingers that have been in multiple blokes arses have touched my hair
lol this is me
The only time something like that happened to me was in ireland with these two random chav looking mick girls. I could've acted on it I think but I was dating someone at the time.
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How long before leftypol starts calling Japan racist?
should sue him for mental anguish
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saw an african gentleman playing with her fannois
This happened to me on the train the other day. I blew it because I am probably autistic and have no idea what to say to girls. I posted about it but nobody replied
There's a song about that.
we have one aussie around here who's a real prick who will take any excuse he can to leave mean-spirited replies to you, maybe he had a go at him
she does p0rn? 0_o
ummmmmmmmmm poopy shit nigga wank
him not you
screencap the post?
lorke on a mad one
my nigga this is one fine ass post
free... thing
> . <
it's diego
something mental happened to me lads basically i was On the train home from work. It’s delayed at the platform and another train is about to pull up at the next platform. A cute girl is looking out of the door to see which train will leave first, and I’m doing the same. She starts chatting to me, joking about picking the wrong train and which one to choose and I’m just saying “I know, it’s what always happens” why can’t I banter bros?
sounds like she was just making polite conversation and you interpreted it as her wanting to shag you because you're a virgin
something mental happened to me lads basically i was On the train home from work. It’s delayed at the platform and another train is about to pull up at the next platform. A cute girl is looking out of the door to see which train will leave first, and I’m doing the same. She starts chatting to me, joking about picking the wrong train and which one to choose and I’m just saying “I know, it’s what always happens” why can’t I banter bros?
might dig a tunnel
that nigga still here? how old his ass is now? thirty fo? thirty fah?
I will give mousey a haircut
stop using ebonics
noticed diego frequently being btfo by australians in his little religion debates
This is England. Nobody makes polite conversation with strangers on the train, and in any case, she kept pushing the conversation to carry it where I was just umming and ahhing like a retard
was diego here yesreday
I'd say that I've probably experienced perhaps four or five occasions in my life when a woman just presented herself to me out of the blue to channel her sexual interest and one of these occasions resulted in us being together for almost five years now
hasnt happened once
reddit aussies just use their reddit insults
but i like using them
should have hissed at her
i ain't readin all that SHIT nigga
no he hasn't been seen since glasto
hate jesus and his dad god
sucking out the last bits of nicotene from four old snus pouches
calm down anonstein
going down the beach to chat up bikini teens
something mental happened to me lads basically i was On the train home from work. It’s delayed at the platform and another train is about to pull up at the next platform. A cute girl is looking out of the door to see which train will leave first, and I’m doing the same. She starts chatting to me, joking about picking the wrong train and which one to choose and I’m just saying “I know, it’s what always happens” Received a text from her today saying "you seemed really cool to begin with but then you got too drunk and kept overstepping boundaries and so i dont want to see you again" Fucking hell lads what is wrong with me
She's black only
Source: I'm half black
the chills
bizarre post
turned 28 yesterday de lads
it's "nose clogged with dry snot" weather
Imagine moving they panties to the side and massaging that clit
it's true though, the japanese used to be fucking psychos before they invented anime and pacified themselves by wanking their little yellow cocktail sausages over anime girls
bogeys, we call that where im from
Hello Schlomo Goldgrabbenstein
least mentally ill australian
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>Source: I'm half black
Used to happen to me quite a bit before, being catcalled by girls in the street, and they were almost always black or if it was a white or asian girl, she'd be in a group with black girls in it

Watch the catcalling videos women post and it's always black men
28 was one of two birthdays I endured during lockdown youkay
>moving they panties
I didn't know Africans posted on /brit/
should add i live with my mother and dont work
should also add that im trans if that matters
Suspicious that no canadians have posted here yet
Leg of lamb for tomorrow in the fridge
The Cure was one of my older daughters' favorites. She even dyed her hair black and wore it in long strings. I didn't care for them back in the 80's. She passed away in a car accident in 1987 at the age of 18, a senior in high school. I miss her and her music. I would just like to add, please be sure that you all buckle up. Not doing so cost me my big girls life.
only one woman has ever actually started a conversation with me on a bus before but after speaking to her for a while she unfortunately turned out to have a learning difficulty even though she was pretty attractive
Muslims love lamb
almost 40 i think if not older
he's always had a cunty side but it seems to have metastasised and become terminal, he has no interest in a courteous debate anymore, he just calls you stupid and mentally ill if you say anything he disagrees with
nonces love lamb
- this is one of my dad's favorite song.
- he is only 51 yrs old and he died 18 days ago due to his cancer and until now I still miss him, so when I'm sad I play this song but I don't cry.
- thanks for the love and a lot of advice when you were alive.
- advance Happy Birthday to us this coming march 22.
- you will always in my heart forever.
This was played at my wedding in 1987 Every man and his dog was up dancing! Sadly my lovely darling wife Teresa passed away in 2009. This will always remind me of what a great day that was. Forever missed, forever loved!
haha your dads dead
is a fucking tune tbf
blog on chad
and the very very latest from mr mr mousey?
This was the first CD my boyfriend bought me in 94. He became my husband for 23 yrs. He passed away in 2018. I will always love you Wilson Reyes Jr. You will never fade from my heart or memory my love.
my dad is 80 and still alive
Any investors in?
spamming quotes from the comments section of The Cure music vids hosted on youtube
was lying face down on the sofa earlier and catberg decided to join me by bedding down on my bum
i then proceeded to let out an extremely loud fart and gave the poor bugger the fright of a lifetime
My younger brother committed suicide last weekend by overdosing on something. He was found with headphones on, presumably listening to something. This is his youtube account. He made a playlist containing 6 songs that was edited the day he passed. This is one of the 6 songs. With the method he used, he was dead after about 30 minutes, probably unconscious around 12 minutes. I like to think that it was peaceful for him with his music on. I love you Myles, I'll miss you everyday for the rest of my life.
whats the gimmicks these days
Sad that :/ poor Wilson
Often forget I've got five figs of crypto
(8) im a sad little sinner in the mirror the devil works hard like my liver (8)
feel like total crap
it's another smelly incel copy and pastes posts from reddit edish
lol this is literally me you ever managed to pull? got a few numbers but they never follow up

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