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UK IQ edition
shall be spending the afternoon like this x
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Sam on a mad one
where are the indian-white ?
Zhangs on the rise. Go Zhongguó
just popped on the james lindsay ‘cast about degrowth in canada x
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forehead like the sun rising over mt fuji

it's over for samuel
pleb tier literature
absolute unit
Mad how we're keeping the score up for yous lot
>Black people complain the countryside isn't welcoming to them
>Do this
So who tf was everyone talking about in the last thread
did you just search samuel holland on facebook and pick the most incel looking one out of the bunch?
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holy shit
satanic sam
those are female legs though
Lol she smol
>caribbeans, bangladeshis, pakistanis get their own group
>brits, irish and other eurpoeans all grouped as "white"
whitebros it's so fucking over
Where's Jewish?
Captain Tom walking Jay Slater over the threshold into heaven
how can he redeem saar

quick draw
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Why are the Irish and Caribbeans so close?
If there was a sausage tier list then Richmond sausages would be right at the fucking bottom of it. Beyond grim and just full of fillers that give it a shit load of carbohydrates
Sir Jay Slater
christ if i want to do this 6 month course, going to cost me 1600 because my concession status is "ceased" for some reason. part of me thinks theyve messed something up, part of me thinks ive messed something up, not sure which. either way, im meant to enroll BY 21/07/24, which is in an hour... does that mean i can enroll ON the 21/07/24? really wish i hadnt saved this until the last minute
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but no indian-white. why ?
perhaps people eating sausages are doing so for other reasons besides "being healthy"
lad in the year below me at school was called sam holland, wonder if it is him, he was a bit of a spastic
>arabs below gyppos
oh my days how embarassing
Statue of jay slater going up in trafalgar square
can you please all stop mentioning my name i'm ahving a panic attack
imagining this bloke speaking with that funny paki voice and its giving me a chuckle
got the muscle hypnosis on
ive posted my email in a screenshot on here before while drunk but somehow by the good grace of god no one noticed
Interesting thread.

I wonder what Samuel thinks of it.

Sam lad? You there?
sorry jay u angel x
posted my twitter handle once and got away with it
Sorry Jay, won't happen again x
i posted an order confirmation with my full government name, address and mobile number once and nobody ever did anything

bit of a blessing all things considered
There's 23,017 Samuel Hollands in the UK. Wtf are you going to do?
bit of gay porn chocolate down the hatch
don’t be so sure lad, some real spastics who personally archive everything posted in here
any coke-snorting pornpilled nietzschean aristocrats in the house
Might wipe my bumhole
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well it was years ago and nothings come of it so I think I'm safe
Low quality thread desu
micro dosing an arse wank just enough to prevent me turning gay
a group of indians just sat down on the buss, a poonite as it were
/brit/ boys
aussie GFs
fixed the bathroom fan
fixed the shutters
im a bit of a handy man haha
How many years exactly?
Remember that Samuel Pooton who doxxed himself once
more like a poonit
noncing my poo
What's with your attraction to Carribeans?
Samuel Holland and Klarc Klarcson walk into a bar
fuck me added an unnecessary ‘e’ there didn’t i
mad how fit they are
/brit/ boys
aussie bfs
you now remember archie corringham and lewis martinez
based homopothist
Zach you in mate?
good post :)
prefer not to say
>sandy box
Used to post on /b/ with my email in the email field all the time when I was younger
Don't know how I never got signed up for any dodgy shit
if you name is on this list you have to leave the thread immediately:
samuel holland
love t20 cricket
love one day cricket
love test cricket
simple as
Did that too, and lost access to my email account immediately
will never understand people who use regular savings accounts instead of a cash ISA
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Wish I could get into it but find it very boring
Favourite part of playing it in school was being on the batting team and being able to just sit around for an hour
could kick this midge’s head clean off
I've never taken the LISApill and I regret it
Got £27k in the cash isa though
Bet you loved batting for the other team, fucking poofter
You now remember when millions donated to captain Thom whose daughter then stole all the money
never understood people who waste their limit on a cash isa instead of stocks and shares
Is he actually dead?
captain thom yorke
That money was used to create the covid vaccine
whatever happened to monkeypox
Captain Jay Slater
got renamed
imagine getting doxx'd and /brit/ finds out your mum is literally called sandy box ffs no surprise he stopped posting here
It was completely memoryholed when benders started infecting their dogs and adopted kids
Poo Slater
captain samuel holland
Jay Slate
The absolute Slater it lads
buy now
pay later
He doesn't poo early, he poo slater
captain rorke leftingpol
yer da clapped for carers and slashed the tyres of cars on driveways of those observed not clapping
Cash ISA offers a guaranteed return while stocks don't and there's nothing stopping you losing all your money in a crash.
Sir George Floyd
what was jay slater's vax status?
JAV Slater
Did the clap for carers ONCE because mum and dad wanted to do it and then we all collectively agreed it was cringe and never spoke of it again
David Floyd George
plap for carers
Might start Clap for Jay Slater
Jay slater sex arse
clap your bussy for the NHS
he prolly already had it lad
It was just clapping mate get over yourself
daring syntheses occurring in this thread
Why don't you shut the fuck up huh?
Should we play a game where we guess the names of people in here?

I reckon there's a bloke here called Samuel or "Sam" as he's known to his mates.
jay's hater
Jay Slater gave off gay vibes
Asinine soliloquies. Keep it in your head next time.
Jay Slater conanised by the catholic church
wish we had something to talk about
Doing a Jay Slater is a sex act when you wank yourself while having your head bashed in by rocks
Samuel Holland sex arse
pussy ive never got less than 7% from it
some aussies with mad names that brit post
is one called humbert and i think there was an erskine
>pussy ive never got
yeah we know mate
33 years old and no savings haha
get it ordered
Dumb fucking crackers go on about how high their IQs are when comparing themselves to the brown races but suddenly when they realize other races have higher IQs then IQ is suddenly meaningless

Crackers are so hypocritical and desperate to find any way to feel better about themselves
Below Caribbean. And that chart is a lie because in all schools the Indian and chinks outdo the whites to the point where they have to have support classes for whites and blacks lmao
leftypol unmasked as samuel holland
watching a german teenager in a short skirt making scratching sounds on her tights for asmr

assume she is of proper age
I'm the only person in the whole of the UK with my name. My name getting leaked would literally be the end of my life
samuel holland is a rorke name
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you need to go home
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How can the Irish be at 100 iq? They always seem daft to me
Double barrel surname mfs have it rough
actually pretty mental that there are that many
The website I'm browsing is NOT responsive. Dev has to do better there
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VAR getting out of hand
he had like 10 /pol/ tabs open in his screenshot
he was obviously leftypol doing recognisance work and shilling
incel yoda
Is that how she entertains herself before Farouk finishes football training
rorke and leftypol are two sides of the same slice of toast
I just made that number up
How long have you been investing?
In what stocks or funds?
Expecting 7% growth every year forever is lunacy.
Don't get me wrong, I invest too, but the way people talk like investing is a guaranteed method is ridiculous.
so they're completely opposite sides then
what is wrong with biden. the guy can't string a sentence together or pronounce even a single word properly without slurring the syllables.
Scottish people see English people like English people see Irish people
Finance chat
oh haha that makes more sense
was wondering how that was possible
reckon samuel holland is a niche name. i'd bet 20 maximum
That's been debunked
He's old and has dementia.
of the same slice of toast
he's irish so he's probably drunk
Chicken rice and broccoli down the feeding hatch
thoughts on women that dont regularly shave their armpits?
Speech impediment he's suffered with since childhood
So what happened to Jay Slayter
Basically trans
timestamp or you stole that picture from reddit you tranny freak
Fella's got a brain like a bowl of rice pudding
the toast being society
Expect big returns on my Jay Slater fund
28 jay slater
He took some of his own drugs and was then killed by his fixer
The stock market bubble atm is massive.
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100 results for samuel holland on 192people
Scottish people see English people as feisty little gingers who drink too much?
assassinated by thomas matthew crooks
>steadily gets browner
checks out
Very high risk fund though, it could fall off a cliff at any moment and leave you with nothing.
Dressing well is an attack on modernity. The suit is the new punk rock
I don't open the same threads on pc and on the phone
very weird
>starts to disintegrate as it gets browner
thats disgusting
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deliveroo man's just been so get in
my arse hurts so much
why can't i poo?
Irish people love brown people
They could wax lyrical about them for hours
doesnt bother me as much as tattoos
Viral meme idea

We post a bit of personal information about ourselves to strangers online and we call it "doing a Samuel"

Going to join a dogging forum with my real name and age as the username. Pulling a proper Samuel
you paid for that? show screenshot of the order i want to see much it cost
dogging forum?
it's already called doing a New Trainers
is that why they're currently burning down asylum centres in dublin?
Makes my willy hard but only when they grow it out fully.
His cognitive decline is scary in terms of its speed, hope my old man doesn't go barmy like he did
Adam Barrett
Samuel Holland
Holland and Barrett
He's done you all like a kipper
fuck off yeah
was only 14 quid

that's decent to be fair
>Irish people love brown people
Ireland has had anti-immigration riots
England hasn't
depends on the savings. i dont want my emergency fund locked into an isa.
>white women love noshing on it
Story checks out
The future for the next two or three threads is looking bright.

I reckon we can really stretch this Samuel thing out.
my names is Lloyd Boots
since you didnt screenshot the order i dont believe you and the raw ingredients couldnt be worth 5 quid
wouldn't be the first Samuel you've stretched out you mincer
When did they remove the unique posters counter at the bottom of the thread? Just noticed it's gone
the name's Clive Tesco
i ate kippers for breakfast
Got the gay trainers on
might start making my lasagne
not gonna cook it yet but i reckon i can prep it all now and then just lob it in the oven when i fancy it
Get the ISA opened
Get the premium bonds bought
Get the stocks bought
Get the passive income rolling
Get the clues gaining
pigeons are a form of dove
is it St Swithun's day already?
Months ago
Got bleeding haemorrhoids and a pooey bum
Got bleeding haemorrhoids and a pooey bum
its Saturday.
St Swithun's day was the 15th so last monday
he would never think of that
Want a cottage pie. Shame we don't do take away cottage pies. Why not?
I hope your béchamel goes lumpy
Why? So they can get away with making bots reply?
No idea the owners of 4chan have no interaction with us
people generally order takeaway unless it's something addictive or foreign
Any reggae man in?
who the fuck puts béchamel in a lasagna
you put ricotta in it
incel flat and a wank
incel flat and a wank
just make one you vile scrote
yeah if you're a cunt
Got a haemorroid myself but it's not bleeding.
hope elton john sneaks into your house after an afternoon in the sauna and empties his bowels over it
wanking is bad for you
you should be transmuting your sexual energies into a creative drive
tips on how to clear blockages up my arse go
Pot noodle and a lonely cry
Pot noodle and a lonely cry
everyone puts béchamel in a lasagna you mong
Ricottafag just did himself
every italian is a cunt?
is that a trick question?
Why are you guys collapsing?
is there a word for the sensation of really needing a shite
but not wanking gives me tfw no gf feels too much
Ricotta? I hardly knew her
Pear cider
The sorbitol's a natural laxative and you'll be drunk so you'll care less about being constipated anyway
Endless brown hordes and cultural collapse due to sexual freedom
Honestly nothing would make me happier than setting fire to the great barrier reef. Fucking sick to the back teeth of it
made with 100% pears?
eat loads of papayas
finished my bourne supremacy watch
next? the bourne ultimatum
cleaned the kitchen and toilet
dunno if i should keep cleaning or go for my incel walk
odds: keep cleaning
evens: incel walk
Slatering for a poo
No one knows for sure.
far as i'm concerned we should be tearing down all barriers not preserving them
I can't cook. Hate cooking.
>collapse due to sexual freedom
putting together a /brit/ GAA team
Kevin Nash and 1992
Kevin Nash and 1992
Great jaw. Hope he breeds my daughter and births me a gigachad grandson
are ready meals any good? i associate them with old people but a mate of mine swears by M&S lasagna and other ready meals
Never seen any of them.
Any good?
gay arse appreciating?
the one with jeremy renner is surprisingly watchable
Are you Irish diaspora?
If it's 100% pears it's probably going to be called a perry instead
I understand both from personal experience and from online anecdotes that Somersby Pear Cider functions quite well as a laxative
i like the gen z boss video because of how much fun they're clearly having
gaelic athletic association
gaelic football, hurling n that
no they're all a bunch of shite
yeah they're really good if you like action films
fun story
captain: samuel holland
any good blogs?
That's a common brain response to cope with something dystopian and horrible, to try and see joy and good things in it.
what a retard all he is going to do is singe the heat resistant seat. you need to put an oil soaked rag in the engine and light it.
Anyone at Glasgow pride?
fine once a month or so if you're too tired or steaming to cook and dont want to give the paki takeaway industry money

eating them on the reg is grim though
They're full of salt and additives
for me personally it's got to be pear cider made from 100% pears
yer das there
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Aye I know but I'm asking if any of yous are there
Just saw you there lad. Let's meet at the glory hole.
Don't worry, a genius brownskin worked out that the best way to burn it was to set fire to the engine first
gay lick hurling?
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well said arwa
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this is our time slugbros
gonny get stoned oot ma nut the night
demons the lot of them
in leather assless chaps and wearing a gimp mask with 'cum pig' written on it in the family section
Why are you typing like that? Stop it
sex with brown women
I'd rather Indian women stayed childless than have mixed kids with white "right-wing" Chuds
he's having a stroke
But if I don't have kids who will arrange to put me in a nursing home
Rorke's clapper
well-funded public services
samuel holland
leftypol's battypipe
Eh? Are you Irish diaspora?
Your nurse, Ndlwenda Chutogo
i keep hearing that from gardeners but ive had no slugs in my garden this year while the previous 5 i was plagued with them.
Cunny Island
the names Darragh O'Doogle
Hehe the Irish man likes brownoid women like the meme said
Looking forward to going to the pub this evening
no drugs for me today
having a drug free day
maybe ill get some booze instead
Dominating brown women is Aryan, Hyperborean, Faustian, R1b, Atlantean Gaelic chadpilled
Lyke a body throu the rye
Gaun til see the kye

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