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Banzai edition

Threads claimed by The Threadmeister today: 1
constipation is worth than childbirth
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got the tiktok lives on
some yorkshire lass
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We all like Indian women now, thanks to JD Vance.
It's over for Rorke

Pic related
sex with brown women
English - peng
Irish - pheƔngh
Pooing is hard bloody work. Hate it
she is grotty. watch something else.
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i would like to watch her thank you
Animalistic sex with brownskinned women
What do British people think of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea?
We shifted into the good timeline recently. You can feel it in the air.
I remember when they tested how many chocolate liqueurs it took to get kids drunk
mumsie has come home with greggs and carling
will be shortly sucking it all down my neck
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the dream gf
Cunny Island
JD Vance is a grifter
Does she want you to die or something?
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sick of pooing, shitting, all sorts
they should do away with it
JD Nonce
been staying with a family lately and the 18 year old son came in my room last night asking about the world and conspiracies and the 1% and stuff basically asking me to redpill him (i make jokes about jews so he knew to ask me)
Ever shagged her up the arse?
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and what do you plan on doing with the greggs and carling?
Yanks have such odd names. JD Vance. What the fuck.
just told oyu
JD Vance must've been awkward in social settings at Yale. Maybe that's why he latched on to an Indian woman who felt equally out of place among the WASP elite.
Basically two outcasts: an Irish diaspora white trash and Indian immigrant daughter
vance is such a pokemon trainer name
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Big fan.
no i cant allow it
He's Scots-Irish, Ulster proddy descended
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the scrandemic
mums making fajitas for dinner
could honestly shag her sometimes
It's political correctness gone mad
shut UP
Got the Juden Peterstein on
my constipation is making me feel lightheaded
fish looks small
irish diaspora detected
smell like SHIT
isn't it funny
how a bear likes honey
irish are ancient british diaspora
cunts got a fenian detecting machine
kek mental how tasty they are
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the woke mob are persecuting me for being a straight white male
Buzz off Poo
Vance is not an ulster surname
Holy keynote
So why are the English racist against the Irish, while not daring to the same thing about the darkies?
lisandro lenin
joao putin
It's English, that's the point
Do you even know what the plantation was you daft cunt
should have ordered the whale and chips
is she actually 'making' it though or just pouring some disgusting readymade mix over some chicken?
he's english then
scottish twitter meme from years back
Weird brown girls who are ashamed of their brown gashes
let the bodies hit the cling cling flooor
chips look shite as well
wouldnt have bothered mate, waste of money
he's american

northern english and scottish settlers were sent to ireland in the 1600s by the crown to pacify the native ulster irish who had recently been conquered but kept rebelling (hence the existence of northern ireland today)
some of them moved to america, especially appalachia where he is from iirc
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Corrrr, look at the tits on this LOL doll
it's like chilli paprika and cumin lad it's not hard to make yourself just easier when it comes out a packet
They're correct to be ashamed. Their dark labias look disgusting, as do their brown pepperoni nipples
I bet she doesn't even hand make the tortillas
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looks like the incredible hulk's boyfriend farted on it
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I used to touch their tits as a kid
need this war criminal hanged
rorke pulling up to the school disco in his total 90 astros
>They're correct to be athyamed. Their dark labiath look dithguthting, ath do their brown pepperoni nippleth
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genuinely what kind of cunt hand makes tortillas
keeping 6-8 wraps soft while you cook them one at a time is a complete ball ache and entirely not worth the effort
go to any mcdonalds in leeds city centre after midnight and girls like this a 10 a penny
Spainpaki wanking himself silly in his smelly incel bedroom LOL!
>t. Irish diaspora
Didn't no Mike tyson lived in australia these days
so she's not actually 'making' anything is she?
any of them shagged you? no? simmer down then

*rapes you till you love me*
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i just made a maccas
fry off some onions and garlic and mushrooms
add white wine stock
add frozen peas and beans
simmer to cook the veg and reduce the stock
add mustard and parmesan
layer with lasagne sheets and cheesey sauce
Nice wig
Are you Irish diaspora?
Anyone remember Luke Littler
i dont live in leeds and wouldnt shag munters
Genuinely sounds foul
English bastard
We're Scotch not 'Scots'
I just want to remind /int/ that blonde hair and blue eyes are Asiatic traits brought in to Europe from the Ural mountain tribes and steppe nomads.

Real European ancestry means having dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.
nice bait
Pwoarrr, Need more dirty slags like this in the house of commons
it's well fit
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on the booze
Knicka juice
You claim you want politicians to be representative of the population, of the people, and it happens, you complain and want more useless posh cunts. Make your mind up.
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save him for 24 million?
Got NTS on, loads of shite on there now
wow he is like a baby

the only politicians should be me and people who agree with me
Thoughts on femdom lads?
saturday afternoon time to get the old gelbooru and shadbase booted up, trousers round the ankles and get the windows open in the smelly bedroom
What's your CV and what's stopping you from running?
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Put it on Spaino's tab
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I'd do it for free
It's mad but one of the top labour MPs was my school teacher at one point. He was strict and everyone was scared of him.
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is he still in prison?
ever let him shag you up the arse
>Top Labour MPs
They're all shite proles
Based. Terrify the little runts into obedience
All women have pink pussies inside, incel.
I'd rather have a prole than some bellend who never worked a real job in his life.
They're ashamed of their DARK outer lips and hyperpigmentation
lad I went to school with is now with an 8 year older single mother with 4 kids
Mad his gf would be in prison in america for being a nonce
you're so easy to rile up
you will not post the sea creatures
Sharia law in English schools
initially read that as 8 year old single mother and i was like corr fair play
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>corr fair play
what bro
going for a sleep
There are 30-year-old black men shagging 15-year-old German girls perfectly legally
no there aren't
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me dads legs look like this
dont know why
hope its not genertic
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you getting steaming tonight then or what?
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I'm not riled up in the slightest
get him chopped up
get him fried in butter
get him eaten
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yeh 14 in fact
sign of heart failure get it looked at
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nWo 4 life lads
What do British people think of Sweden?
elon gives me 15 year old redditor vibes, seems a right odd cunt
yeah but it doesn't happen
you watching porn all day in your grotty bedroom doesn't warp reality
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Don't know
what do you think about shutting up questionmong
Aw man, everyone's favourite snooker player Ray Reardon has died aged 91. I'll see if sp can make a sticky for him
zesty ass niggas
Of course it happens
Adolescent girls love older guys and older brown men have no qualms approaching them
just a lad
will be sober until after dinner with dad and his partner then i shall retreat to my incel flat and drink my incel beer
you should brush your teeth and go outside, it's nice weather mate
>black people in the crowd

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I dont see a single black person
Personally I prefer the Republic of Korea
>rally not for 6.5 hours
>these freaks are already lining up for it

utterly bizarre people
imagine waiting any more than 15 minutes for Keir/Rishi
Never heard of him and don't like snooker or pool.
Arise Sir Poo Barmer
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off to bed
and what does this post have to do with british culture?
It's 3.30pm you odious little worm
I mentioned Keir and Rishi you bloody fool
>go to pub in countryside area
>every single person present is white
why is this always the case?
just finishing a can and itā€™s only 10:30am hahaaaa BANZAAAIII
wogs are scared of the countryside
Conservatism is the new counter culture.
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wonky nips - starmers britain
might move to germany
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the smellden ring build
No we want them to be representatives (noun) of the people not some statistical example representative (adj.) of the mongish retarded masses infesting the country
They still have to function competently in a complex executive system
it's my birthday and i'll cry if i want to
happy birthday anon
golf ball
>Leeds riots: Sobbing gypsy father breaks down and begs for his children back after Roma crowd take to streets again following night of terrifying violence
ffs just hand them back to this peaceful gentleman
thanks anon :)
Whyā€™d they take them
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done him
tarsier eats grasshopper
this is a no sarcasm zone
what's this rioting even about? thursday was a lovely day went out to the countryside and had a great time in the weather wasn't even aware that meanwhile these paki FREAKS are going full chimp mode in the cities
why can't browns and wogs just learn to enjoy simple pleasures?
some men donā€™t have balls
LOVE 4 yr old tweets
You are replying to a post which literally explains what it's about. Fucking thick cunt hang yourself.
What's your biggest flaw lads?
mikey spent all night denying they were pikeys
you ok mate
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii guys !
women being humiliated by Aryan porn producers is based
dreamed I was thin
>why you don't follow latest pol shit we are all angry YOU BE ANGRY TOO
hate this shite
rhodesia has one of the best railway systems in the world and look at it now
makes you wonder doesnt it... makes u think!
donā€™t let these Jew fucks take my children NOOOO
why'd he have to bring his nappy fetish into it
Misery loves company
for me its south east asian primary schools
you got a friend in me :)
Dirty used school panties
Wanking over them again
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hhi :)
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u ok? :)
Why aren't you out spending time with people anon?
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took investing advice from a woman
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they call me billy no friends
going to the doctor for anxiety meds
2024.. Samuel Holland is already forgotten
Got medium length hair and just shaved my beard into a goatee and I genuinely think I look sexy. Look Spanish.
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just got done cleaning my little grotty hovel
Met a mate after toil last night in a very pleasant beer garden
We drank three pints, had some food, and then walked down the road to the other pub with a beer garden that we like, where we had two more
erm sweaty have you tried breathing exercises first?

why don't you try them for 6 months first? In fact, why don't we have you try them for 12 months and then you can make another appointment then hmmkay?
Narcissism is not sexy
same as other scandis, happier and progressive and richer than us
kwl kwl ^.^
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narrow forehead curse
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Rorke's da
Narcissism is a nonsense concept invented by Jews to make healthy Aryan self-regard seem like a pathology.
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I don't have any friends and I'm very socially awkward and weird thank you for enquiring.
hw old r u dm me x
The war against sarcasm
Vote Islamic Party of Britain
Someone who played the 360 likely has a son who is now old enough to become chuddified by online spaces. Mad to think.
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really mate you're sure it wasnt invented by Greeks?
want to go and practice my driving on the roads but they're too busy at this time on a Saturday so I will wait until after 8PM when it's a bit quieter
They invented Narcissus, but not Narcissism.
i used to do that when i just passed
wouldn't dare go out before late, so went to tesco at 9pm
Narcissus was a mythical character. Just because the modern word narcissism is derived from his name doesn't mean the Greeks invented narcissism.
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How does Sweden maintain its high quality of life when it imports over a quarter of a million third-world refugees per year? Is it sustainable?
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shut up rorke
just knocked rorke out
yeah I go to a supermarket car park and practice my bay parking. Also I go to a wide street and practice my parallel parking

then I scurry home like the contemptible beetle I am, catching glares from other more experienced road users along the way.
My mum's best friend fondled my arse at a pub last week and kissed my neck. I didn't know how to feel so I told my mum I felt ill so was leaving early.
She is fit for an older bird, but she's known me since I was 7 and she was already 30 then.
Narcissisticus narcissisticus autisticus
nothing better in life than simply socialising with some friends at the pub is there
It's mad how familiar /brit/ feels to everyday life
Sick of wearing trainers. They feel so childish.
get her pumped lad pumped I said

also this story definitely didn't happen but nice larp I enjoyed it
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We take what we want! After we take Lex Luger and the Giant, we want the gold sucka! Hulk Hogan, We comin' for you nigga!
Good for you mate
Get the ferry tickets booked
I will concede that Nescafe Azera instant coffee is decent

too expensive though
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He meant rabbi not rabbit obviously
She's a nonce
Going for a pint with my gay dad
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bums and all sorts
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Wear hiking boots
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>340lb Woman Accused of Killing Foster Son by Sitting on Him for "Acting Up"
It isn't a larp lad, it's much more terrifying to contemplate in reality. She's quite a formidable women, she'd eat me alive. She was once at my mum's and I had to tell her ex to leave who was standing outside telling her he'd kill himself if she didn't take him back and she was just abusing him through the window saying he had a small knob and that.
Bizarre post
A lot of women need to be locked up
still not been able to poo
Great band.
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"Narcissistic Personality Disorder" only sprang up when it became profitable for Jews
Zach, you in mate?
Not bizarre, someone in their early 30s could now have an angry little rorke as a son.
Fulham poo
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31 next week
>Boy Trapped in Fridge Eats Own Foot
very happy little ethnic just delivered me food on an ebike
Already there lad
Living la vida local
stop posting demoralisation material please, I'm 36 and I'm still young thank you very much
that's british culture that
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Vienna and New York Jews created NPD. Their plan was to use it to undermine white society. It took a while but it finally worked.
More and more godless goyim turning to psychology for life guidance and straight into the hands of the Jews.
Literally 54 next week
Starmers Briton.
genuinely hope this story is true because I'm screaming at the image of you talking him down while she's making it worse
Better be 36 than 29
just fucking GET HER PUMPED
*gives you a hug*
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When older people are polled on what age they'd like to be most choose 35.
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> I'm 36 and I'm still young t
shut the fuck up heathermong
is this your special interest
wanking my 14cm cock to some of your posts
When you're 29 you're the oldest a young person can be.
When you're 30 you're the youngest a real adult can be.
since he was diagnosed yes
It's his mental illness, yes
suck my crusty nob
is mental to think that even at 30, 60+ years olds have lived your life span AND another entire one

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