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Narcissism edition
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I look like this
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Dimes subedition
have you ever been to mauritania?
I regret calling that anon a narcissist now
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>you mustn't display self confidence
>you mustn't value your identity
>you mustn't demand respect
>you mustn't feel entitled to a wife and family
>you mustn't get ahead at work
>you mustn't be competitive
>you mustn't lack empathy towards ethnic minorities and queers
>you mustn't strive for better
Jay Gatsby, the eponymous character of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby (1925), "an archetype of self-made American men seeking to join high society", has been described as a "pathological narcissist" for whom the "ego-ideal" has become "inflated and destructive" and whose "grandiose lies, poor sense of reality, sense of entitlement, and exploitive treatment of others" conspire toward his own demise.[140]
As you should, let people feel happy and good about themselves instead of being a nasty envious crab in bucket happiness leech
Oh shit is that what it means
Master Jews tricking the sheeple again
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What do you think of my dessert boots?
ok mate we get it you're perfectly healthy
Been alive 31 years, might have another 50 something, might not
it all makes sense now
every single time
Hope you stepein fresh piping dog shit
jews didn't even invent narcissistic personality disorder it was the nhs
English lit is all such a nonsense field. remember doing it and analysing the Great Gatsby and you can make up any bullshit so long as you quote to back it up and get good grades
Based and Lexpilled.
Policy idea: A National Diversity Service
Evolutionary models of NPD have also been proposed.[83] According to psychologist Marco Del Giudice, cluster B traits including NPD, predict increased mating success and fertility. NPD could potentially be an adaptive evolutionary phenomena, though a risky one that can sometimes result in social rejection and failure to reproduce.[83] Another proposal is that NPD may result from an excess of traits which are only adaptive in moderate amounts (leadership success increases with moderate degrees of narcissism, but declines at the high end of narcissism)
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>Jews didn't invent narcissistic personality disorder

I was that anon and I'm not the one doing the narcissism posting lol.
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billy bonkoid
just back from Ibiza

shagged 13 birds in 8 days

was so fucking easy over there
Just want to tell you that I appreciate your work. I fucking hate psychiatrists.
Yeah, imagine making your brain actually think and come up with unique ideas. Losers haha
well as long as you dont tell me anything crazy like jews invented BPD or ADHD!
I have been here longer than you
So Heathermong is an antisemite?
I know, but it triggered that autist
going to tesco to get a meal deal before i start cooking dinner about 7 desu
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bpd doesn't exist
it's called having fucking moods
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based af
oooooh jannyboy didn't like this one
Russell Brand becoming a Christian Trump supporter is very bizarre. Imagine telling someone back in 2010 his current trajectory.
Not criticising him, just find it interesting.
doing OMAD
it's so easy
based purely for covering mission of burma
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>unironically believing and reposting Al Mountain’s schizophrenic antisemitic delusions
rorkestein and leftypough
yh bet you're doing NPAD (no pussy any day) an all
I'm a top shagger mate
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the idea is to pathologise an opinion or mental state that does not conform to globohomo narrative as personality disorder, so they may be labeled and heavily medicated to make sure they accomplish nothing detrimental to globohomo.
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fax on a stack
keep spittin king
>brain dead retard doesn’t know how the DSM works and can’t even understand the entry in his pic
Out t’shop

You lads want anything?
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A non-Jewish psychiatrist with a conscience
where are her boobs
shagger of mens' bums more like
why do we allow pikeys to exist
The new Labour government tasking naive girls introducing illiterate African criminals to British society

These two opposites forming special relationships
my brain is fine leave me alone doctors
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some bloke is standing outside my house with a 12 pack of walkers salt and vinegar
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Medicine is as much of an art as it is a science. If medication makes people feel better, does it matter if we don't understand the exact mechanism of how and why? If your life is improved, then it doesn't matter.
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They keep chopping and changing
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Well this is going to be fun
No trade deal for us
Now that the dust has settled, what do we think about Keir Starmer so far?
yes they address all that in the DSM
Psychology is the prime example of trying to fit phenomena to a model, rather than building a model from phenomena.
So a person who used to be called a mentalist would not be a mentalist if they had the same symptoms today?

Almost as if it’s bunkum that they’re making up as they go along
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Stupid fuck, you're such a stupid fuck. Brainless cunt.
on the sides, where they belong
Same with the history of the British nations
All of it taught is wrong and historians fit these false traditions to fact
Did Trump ever give us a good deal on anything?
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They took the rabbit's advice it seems
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Yeah, could you get a pot of this please lad? I love it on hot buttered crumpets and toast
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>he is a kkk and nazi sympathiser
trump should sue this retard for libel
how is your relationship with your family?
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Bought one of those bottles of strongbow ice and there's only 2.8 units in the whole thing wtf.
Not even slightly drunk.
Seen her willy.
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Done him
Careful lad dont talk about current events you might get banned
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this makes me so angry
took this of some girl on the train
I’m going to the cinema today to watch a quiet place. Is that a current event?
let's say if people in the countryside weren't allowed to go to towns and cities to live and people from towns and cities weren't allowed to live in the countryside and none of the countryside and town/city people were allowed to breed together then they would eventually split into different species.
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>Heinz Kohut (May 3, 1913 – October 8, 1981) was an Austrian-born American psychoanalyst best known for his development of self psychology, an influential school of thought within psychodynamic/psychoanalytic theory which helped transform the modern practice of analytic and dynamic treatment approaches.
l thought it was straight to streaming. Have fun lad
>only women do gardening
What possible reason? Is it because all women are unstable whores with personality disorders anyway? I'm gonna read the article and I bet that's what they're arguing
>The term narcissistic personality disorder was subsequently proposed by Kohut
What was his religion?
Heinz Beanz
How in the world is a prominent person allowed to say demonstrably untrue and offensive things about a specific person on social media with zero consequences?
Ngl looks regal. Aristocratic wife material. Slim, imperious, small, perfectly formed and perky breasts, aqualine nose
a person who doesn't post pictures of themselves on the internet
My Dad lost his virginity in year 8 with his girlfriend from the same year. He looks and acts exactly like me and I lost it at 25.
For me, it's girls who look like they haven't eaten in weeks.
He's black
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He’s got hundreds of them
The next few years are going to be fun. JD Vance already said we were the first Islamist country with nuclear weapons, which to be fair, was pretty funny
Most parents of all us people aged 18-34 became parents around 16-26
Lad that went to my school fell of a balcony in Tenerife and died man wtf
Vance is Peter Thiel's bitchboy
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didnt Vance say Trump might be Hitler? Also Pakistan is a literal muslim country with nukes
Great argument.
Convinced that my rebellious rorkish tendencies are due to the fact that my father made my mother orgasm when I was conceived.
looks a bit like rorke
She probably enjoyed gardening as a hobby you daft cow.
I see that Heatherschizo has moved on from seethespamming about trannies to seethespamming about psychologists and narcissism now.

Interesting. Interesting.
get out of NYC NOW
He said he’d considered Pakistan, which makes it much funnier to me.
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Watching Conquer Driving mock tests. Honestly he seems like the strictest one I've seen. His advice is very good but you'd have to be perfect to pass with him.
yep nice one mate
I despise black people. Despise them.
37 never drove and never will.
driving a motorcycle looks like the most fun thing ever but i cba getting a licesnse
>t. denuded little mollusk produced from boring sex
>JD Vance already said we were the first Islamist country with nuclear weapons
doesn't Pakistan have them?
Kys freak
My dad had known my mum for three years at my age now
It's so over
It certainly comes as no surprise to us pious Muslims that this minx would expose her Mexican mammeries like this, for Olivia knows that they are the only thing that she possesses that can distract from the cacophonous howling that she calls singing… As we can see in Olivia’s tit out piano playing audition video below.
yep nice one mate very normal stuff
6pm beers soon
rather hungover horny tbf, might shoot for a shag with the miss
Yeah but he doesnt know they exist
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watching the new show set in Ancient Rome l'll do a woke check for rorke
Greng is penger than Peng
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Care to explain this one then Rorke?
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had one beer and that's enough for me
I hate that faux profound
Style of typing
Jordan Peterson uses
He said he’d considered Pakistan
currently smoking
Alri fellow 30-something
made me sleepy and peed twice in an hour
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Really getting into fashion lately
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based rylee raye enjoyer
any blackings
His whole family are jew-slav'd
All his children married jew-slavs
Same, love Hitler me
any tips for the /brit/ lads
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would love to guzzle on her piss
some fucking freaks on here
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l'm afraid there's a black family yes
Right but it didn't occur to him that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was Islamist? He's a fucking retard who looks like a grown up baby
She looks like a downie
My name is Lester Burnham. I’m 42 years old. In less than a year, I’ll be dead. Of course, I don’t know that yet. And in a way, I’m dead already.
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copy these outfits exactly
looks like ruby wax
my swc couldn't get past those cheeks
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JD Vance married a p-0-0
Of all the women at Yale he picked her
He can't talk
He was probably too autistic to mingle with the WASP set
he's also a thick as fuck yank redneck
very neutered and bleak colour palette imo, like background npc clothing
What a strange film. It became a huge phenomenon, won a best picture Oscar, and then nobody ever talked about it again.
indians are still aspirational in ways white people only used to be
>since labour just took over
ignoring over a decade of imported pakis under tories.
incel glanced at a cute blonde girl on my incel dog walk
how does the brother look white but the other dude looks like some slavic mutt
yeah not me though
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on my incel walk
>No!!! Don't heckin marry people you like, develop a relationship with, and love because of how they are as a person
>Instead pick your partner based on some calculated, psychopathic calculation about which is the most socially and professionally beneficial for you
it has the stigma of being lolita-esque, but still it’s excellent. it’s called “american beauty” if anyone wants to see it
incel's dont walk dogs. normal people do
u have 0 drip
Irish diaspora in da house
any alkies in? what's your poison of choice?
that monkoid looks like ruby wax
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Maman Mai
bottle of wine
every night usually
vodka on the weeekends
probably spend 200 quid a week on thsi shite
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don’t know how incels can hate on someone who bagged a qt just because she’s brown
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queue for the nhs doctor registration
some people in the wrong queue and should be in the legal registration queue
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Their destination
do tits float in water or not
just realized I don’t know
pissing raining again
sick ofit
yeah they do
injecting liquid mercury into heathermong's eyes and watching him scream in agony
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Rorke seething
Are you Irish diaspora?
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Spot Vance's kid
The US has never given the UK a good deal on anything regardless of president
The special relationship is a joke, and even as countries we have nothing in common beyond the language
Sick of it
how do we stop him
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no wonder
>The special relationship is a joke
unironically not really, but only in matters of foreign policy. you’ve been our sidekick in bombing brown people for a long time now
the wokes have won
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the results are in
What sort of moron watches this shite
They may be young and objectively attractive, but speaking in facts each one of of is dating up while he's dating down
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>Gaza family homes targeted as Israeli attacks kill 37 in 24 hours
are these four different women?
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They both drive leftypol mad but
>37 in 24 hours
that doesnt seem like a lot for a war situation
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every time
where is the 'don't care' option?
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If you're not Israel your options with the US range from a bad deal to outright trying to destabilise your country
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>On welfare
>Can't speak english
my opinions on "israel"-palestine? glad you asked
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Something tells me he wasn't that successful with white women
it’s funny how Asians have decided to address the wmaf issue by shaming and repressing Asian women’s love for bwc, because if there’s anything we know it’s that repressing people’s sexual desire works and definitely does not turn it into an even more attractive forbidden fruit
Wanking to them again lads
>pseudoarchaeological, pseudohistorical[1] and pseudoreligious

not sure if i should continue reading this article tbf
They want to be white so bad
They hate their race
wish i had some weed rn desu got a throat infection im staving off

and here I thought bruce was a gaelic name lmoa
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Use to chortle so fucking hard back in the day to Ainsley memes
not gay to admit this nigga is gorgeous
genuinely think things are gonna kick off with the 2024 election
weak as fuck chin and the incel mound on the back of his skull
Give yer meat a good old rub
can't imagine so
trump will win comfortably and all the mentals will go to sleep for four years until the electorate swing back to the dems
then the shooting starts
careful mate, you'll be accused of being a racist pointing out things like this
I bet at least some of his ancestors hailed from Ireland
>how the DSM works
It doesn't.
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Irish luminaries
you've fallen for tranny marketing
>hands hidden
>shoulders hidden and pushed back
>chin down in effort to hide adam's apple
>padded chest
>more makeup than an essex slag
>plus lighting and camera angle
trump will probably win but it’s too early to say it’ll be comfortable, he’s only up by like 1 point in his must win states of pennsylvania, wisonsin, and michigan
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are bea
What are they protesting against this time?
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our podium girls
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*enters the thread*
Bellpepper nose
>trump will win comfortably
nah its gonna be close. His support hasnt increased that much and a lot of people still would never vote for him
wow, none of a particular race
2 hour incel walk. got home just before the rain starts.
not care
bent bastard
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i love rain
if you hate rain you're not white.
got teh beers in but havent got any fags
going to be GAGGING for some nicotene later
cant be arsed ot drive 2 hours to teh shops
the great BRAPsby
gay freak
might get on pish tonight lads. nowt else going on anyway ahaha
driveling retard
ah yes
i see that you know your judo well
if trump wins i unironically think the west coast will secede
vgh, cvltvre
wtf is this real?
You will never have love and be with someone you like.
oh yeah
just love rain so much you walk around in it naked
bathing in the rain
sick bastard
got jizz all over my bedding cos the tissue i used soaked through
be nice
doing a pray

toil later
gf keeps rinsing me for my pale ghost skin from never going outside
any man old enough to remember schooll dinners pre jamie oliver

what were they like?
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what an incredibly foolish and immature opinion
just like our ancestors :)
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shes gor her tuna beans x
Ugly latin bloke
out on nonce patrol with nighty
why do latin people always have gormless mouth
100,000 thousand muscular African criminals have been granted citizenship by the Labour government

What will they do with their large members of society?
bucket hats before they were cool
shes welsh
They have a higher incidence of malocclusion
Mint game that, played it for a few weeks a couple years ago but never finished most of it. Might give it another go with the dlcs
Bo Diddley
>What will they do with their large members
If Rorke spent as much time working as he does whining about "globohomo" he'd probably be a millionaire by now
*aggressively shags lady stephanie while divish cries into his boar roast*
VERY good post.
Incel boy is playing a video game and as 4chan is the sole witness to his life he will blog about it here
A clue gained
Rorke downloading grindr
Im playing with DLC for the first time
But i played with mods and hardcore for a while before
*bursts in*
*rubs your fat chubby cheeks*
*fucks off*
Like most Rorkes letting their desires churn inside and repressing themselves...
new before 310 is crazy
earlymong btfo by janchad
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it's pup
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not true innit
early again 2bh
>@ 310


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