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Umbro edition
One day you'll work for me
Isolation booths, frequent suspensions and strict behaviour regimes look set to be phased out in England as the Labour government shifts focus on how to keep the most vulnerable pupils in school.

Education leaders close to the new government say ministers are planning to change the inspection regime so that all schools are judged on whether they are properly representative of their local community, and aiming to stop schools telling parents their child with special educational needs would be better off at another school, or being repeatedly suspended because they aren’t meeting strict behaviour rules.
went to see that new twisters movie today with the gf
wish I was American so much it’s unreal
Hi, my name Samuel Holland and this is /brit/
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daisy edgar jones
absolute FITTIE
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Simply LOVE saving money lads.
Love seeing interest accumulate in my Cash ISA.
Love seeing my Lifetime ISA government bonus come in.
Love seeing bonds mature.
Love seeing my growing investment portfolio gaining in value.
Love saving spare change at the end of each month.
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did you have a nice time with your gf?

got the zesty music on
heard it's really good that
and got BLACKED and PADDY'D on national television
Nice legs
I had a principle at my high school (yes, HIGH school). I also had a prom.
good flick?
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silverstone and dash are peng, but murphy is too piglike
Old man, look at my life
Twenty four and there's so much more
Live alone in a paradise
That makes me think of two
Only nice time you ever have with a woman is when your dick is inside her, the other 99.9% of the time is torture
for me its 8 grand in the cash isa and a vague notion that I'll end my own life when it runs out

what's bizarre is the sense of calm around the whole thing. I've been checked out of life for a good while.
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Expanding opportunities for working-class children by broadening the school curriculum to include more sport, drama, art and music alongside core academic subjects will be top priorities for the Labour government, the new education secretary says today.
on the bulleit bourbon
Gingerbread person
Yeah really good actually
Actually she decided to start being a fucking cunt for no reason once we left the cinema and I threw the coffee jar off the wall when we got back so been arguing all day since
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>9-Year-Old Boy Found Dead in Arizona Home Filled With Spiders and Gallons of Apparent Urine
>>Actually she decided to start being a fucking cunt for no reason
you were enjoying yourself too much
The amount of men that young women sleep with by a certain age actually sickens me. I’m currently talking to a girl who is interested in me but I’ve since lost all interest after she has started talking about all of her past sexual experiences she’s recently turned 18 and has about four or five different sexual experiences with men in the mid 20s, actually disgusting.
Don't think sport needs expansion but it's good that cultural arts will be more available.
leave it on reddt next time yeah
on the bulleit train
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For me it's the girl boss pastry
Doughy and bland
>there are people unironically fuming that labour has people from state education who speak in normal british accents rather than just inbred poshos who sound like cunts in american films

yeah fuck off
flying business with BA in one of those rear facing seats in september
not sure what to expect
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in all ways except physical, i am appalachian

this is a really good post
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>mfw 1080ti
a face full of sex arse, it’s a rear facing seat
Who are you quoting?
Who is mad?
Provide some sources
She dies in the middle of this film. It's really shocking actually, a barn door lands on top of her, flattened like a pancake.
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got the window open. isn't cooling down at all.
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I look like this and do this
Inherited 30k from a great uncle a few years back. It was a percentage of his estate

There was literally 10 people before me who got more money ranging from 50k to 150k, the guy was LOADED.

In the will he wrote he said "if you've received a lot of money from me then don't make the same mistake I did, spend it"

Really hit home to me. He was a good guy, I didn't know him that well but I always knew he had loads of money but my family always used to say that he never spent it and just hoarded money. It's a sad way of living.
If they want to help working class kids then bring back grammar schools for the clever ones and lower school leaving age to 14 for the rest.
Based immortal care
Still got another 5 years left in it
Woops sorry for the spoiler btw!
there used to be loads of hee haw stuff on youtube but its mostly deleted
Cash ISA cunt here again
Americans need to bear in mind at all times: 99% of UK flags in /brit/ CANNOT drive and NEVER WILL (I can as I'm not a coward nor poor).
what did you spend yours on then?

based kier stormer blowing landlord cucks away
they're trying to grow more football players and grime "musicians"
We love you anyway
>get away from me you sneed
What kind of a name is kier anyway
can't drive anymore me

got diagnosed with a serious psychiatric illness, you see
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I can’t poo.
>Based immortal care

u wot m8
I went to see the original in the 90s
got too much anxiety to drive
is there a cure for the gay mong disease that's afflicted you?
scottish, the founder of the labour party was also a scot named kier
covered in his post
i on the other hand can poo
olanzapine and lithium
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I have borderline personality disorder
The poshos fuck up the country and the povvos fuck up the country. Literally no men of quality left in this country.
no way, you're lying
Used 15k towards my mortgage deposit, 12k on a holiday to Japan and Korea with my friend (I paid for his flights and hotel but he paid for shit while we were there like some meals and drinks) then I spent the rest on random stuff.
just been confirmed today this doesn't exist
you can drive with borderline thoughever
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texted happy birthday to an old schoolmate I've not spoken to in 8 or so years and he left me on read
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the best of country were all killed in WW1 and WW2. All that's left is the weak and the cowardly and the despicable.
give me some wisdom
Not nice to realise this, but it's true.
Important lesson for you.
You're right, I'm a compulsive liar and a schizophrenic
>borderline personality disorder
does not exist confirmed juden lies
Pray daily
invented by jews to sell toxic medication to dumb cattle
i don't think the mongs who got told to walk into machine gun fire and then actually did it are anything special desu
I can drive. Been driving for nearly 20 years. Spent time growing up on a farm in New Zealand and learned how to drive on a ride on mower and quad bike when I was 13. Not long after my dad bought me a paddock car. It was a 1989 Daihatsu Charade. This was back in 2005 and it was already a rusty old banger then but I had a lot of fun with it. Used to drive it to the river 20km away along the country backroads, could hardly see over the steering wheel. Good times. Got my first driving licence at 15, as was legal out there at the time. I'm 32 now and have owned a car ever since except for a 5 month period when I moved back to England.
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>borderline personality disorder
Life actually genuinely does get better when you accentuate the positive and fill up your time with hobbies and activities.
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I guess the apple could turn yellow or green
I know there's lots of different nuances
To you and to me
I wanna grow the apple, keep all the seeds
But I can't help but get so angry
You don't listen, I leave to the airport
The airport, the airport, the airport, the airport
The airport, the airport, the airport
we need to go back to just calling psycho women "hysterical" instead of giving making up all this shit like DID, BPD and cyclothemia.
Do you like England better than NZ?
put a pinch of sage in your boot and all day a long a spicy scent is your reward
i'm feeling quite comfortable lads
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should we play games together?
Yes I do. Life is a lot more comfy in England.
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need to sober up before going to be

key to avoiding a hangover, you see
at least I have the excuse of a form of epilepsy for not being able to drive
rest of youse haven't got any excuses though
Yeah true let's use basic terms. They're hysterical, you're an incel. I agree with you that's a good new rule to use.
geraldine my wife. might have to do a cheeky 'thletics wank
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>>borderline personality disorder
No you just have shit personality disorder
need this gimmick back pronto
i was born to be a scared little bitch
I've got borderline penis persona, my penis is so small it is almost a clitoris.
you don't have periods every month

that's just called soft cunt horrible piece of shit syndrome, you see
ive got bpd
blocked all of my mates in 2021 because of it
also got autism, apsersgers, depression, anxiety and bipolar according to the doctor
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Say his name and he appears
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sasha is so pretty
forgot to take the waffles out of oven
burnt to a crisp and set the fire alarm off when I opened the oven
They're all poor or cowardly, that's genuinely why they can't drive
been lots of misogyny in the thread tonight
not on
what it feels like to be a free thinker when the woke mob is after you
get your bollocks out.
let them breathe.
i've got avoidant personality disorder for sure, but not diagnosed as i've been avoiding the doctor for years! aha
why do british people dislike king charles?
do you like slowdive, lad?
if you like the Smiths then you probably will.
Saw her lick cum off a toilet seat
all fancy names for being an unbearable twat
Really liked her in the one video where she got throat fucked so hard and then had her head flushed down the toilet while being called a whore
watching her take bbcs up her arsehole when I was 14 ruined me
that diana business
>do you like slowdive, lad?
ive seen slowdive twice mate
once in 2014 and once earlier this year
of course i like slowdive, dont fuckign patronise me
stop being hysterical
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might make a mousey-esque post soon
I went to the doctor and said doctor doctor I feel like a pair of curtains and he gave me a prescription for tablets for it so I feel like a human now
I fucking knew you'd like them
of course the smiths fan also likes shoegaze.
we were much better off when people shut up and got on with it, instead of this fad of people wallowing in self pity over their mental elves
theft from the people of britain and being unelected
alison is the best slowdive song anyway
Women being humiliated is Aryan
had a girlfriend with borderline personality disorder, or at least that's what she said, turns out she was just a massive bitch
is that Trinny?
No. I support the King and wish him well with his cancer struggle.
no it is a real woman
Lord Protector Nigel Farage
weird how half of this thread has borderline personality disorder and the other half had autism
strikes me as a bit weird like
everyone's also a virgin and a neet
any bipolar 1 chads in
Yeah. That's exactly what it is. Basically, they've pathologised being a bitch and turned it into a "disorder". They don't have a disorder. They're just horrible hysterical bitches.
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based mentally ill chads
there's nothing clinically wrong with me I just spent too much time here during my impressionable adolescence
mental how much more economical drinking spirits is
I met a bipolar 1 fella in the psych ward. he said I was an angel and drew me a picture of a baby.
the point of a diagnosable disorder is so that the person can have their retardation treated
you just need to know what the issue is and what's causing it to then have a clear pathway to fix it
nowt wrong with being a mentally ill neet adult virgin is there
excuse me i have had sex but i have bpd and aspgers from my parents who individuvally likely bothy have the same disease
Yeah they're in the trannycords with their anime avatars
Got mental problems but cant get diagnosed through the nhs, might just kill myself in all honesty
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Just found out there’s a golf club in the UK called royal Troon
My mental state is probably due to being unemployed, obese, a frequent masturbator and an effective alcoholic.
yeah don't have to piss so often
got the zesty music on

sticking my finger in my earole, rooting about a bit, then bringing it back out and lifting it to my nostril where hence i snift it repeatedly
Yep there is because you are a ticking time bomb for violence against others (generally children) before blowing your worthless brains out. Just do that last part first and there's no problem at all.
starting a new job soon

can't really be arsed thougbeit (with work in general). Be impressed if I last more than a month.
Me? Sorting myself out tomorrow.
Is he your boyfriend?
bit strong, that
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based anosognosia haver
anyone seeing john maus this year i am x
Prostitution is Nietzschean
and they'll pick up on that
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There's an old piano and it's playin' HOT behind the green door!
(green door)
Don't know what they're doin' but they laugh a lot behind the green door
(oooh the green door)
Wish they'd let me in so I can find out what's behing the green door
(green door)
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yer man Ozil is hench now

been on that chicken & rice (and anabolic steroids)
flush your SSRIs down the toilet
they are slave pills
nonce music
Results in you dying early of an STD? Yep
1 year hahaha
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You walk like a BITCH
t. Guy that should be in a rubber room but they closed all the looney bins.
1 year of trening hard and eating clen
would british people not prefer a proportional electoral system rather than winner-take-all system?
aha mental what you can achieve in a year like x
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So fucking bored. Don't even want to drink anymore. I started drinking tonight and just gave up. I have no pleasures anymore.
they definitely do. When I talk to people they can sense that I just do not remotely care about what they're talking about.

can have an entire workplace hating me in the span of 2 days. It's a serious problem and I don't know how to stop it.
actually, I'm well aware of how mental I am. I know it's not normal to worry about your dead family members constantly read my mind.
I would
finding this mental
she still looks young in pictures when she doesn't move her face a lot, but in this she looks like a 50 year old hag
reminds me of when I got asked for ID and the girl said she didn't believe I was 30 until I smiled
what a mind fuck
u are also fuck ugly
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Alright guys? Back from work. Was an alright shift but sound myself sweating a lot. Think it's always very humid after a hot spell of weather.

Going to shower and unwind.
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what was she even thinking? what in her mind made her go, “oh yeah, surface level feminism packaged for the male gaze will totally save my career, let me work with a well known abuser that will go over well”

a flop is a flop!
shame about the face
so you support the use of state power to imprison people who haven't committed any crime. a dangerous and delusional individual.
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drank what I had planned to drink and had a grand old time. Still mildly drunk

no drugs for me though, just clean living and alcohol
don't reply to him
and there you have it
every pale gyal now
How do you get your parents to take the advice and things you tell them seriously?
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literally me. alcohol doesn't give me that "rush" of euphoria anymore. just makes me feel ill. I haven't had a drop of alcohol in over a year. I just stuck to benzos, weed, opiates and pregabs nowadays.
>and unwind
Your cock after being taped back all day?
shut the fuck up
slowdive is dream pop THOUGH
Receding hairline.
have what?
there's a difference between me and a woman whose just a hysterical bitch ("BPD"), or a man whose just a sadistic, manipulative twat ("sociopath")
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If they want to treat me like a naive idiot (they do) then I just act like an idiot and deprive them of knowing the real me. Conversations never go deeper than me saying "yeah" and "mhm" and "is that right?" a bunch of times until they give up. I think they think there is something wrong with me. Which there is.
Kill ALL junkies
nah. dream pop is defined by its use of synths and less drowned out vocals. Cocteau Twins and Beach House are examples of dream pop.
Andrew tate, is that you?
trying to achieve gnosis but mumberg is chattering on the phone to her stupid friend
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alri im fucking back off before i turn in to a bitter freak like you lot. Never too late to make a change lads.
Turns out this Battle of the Somme is one of the worst military battles ever in history on both sides
best grateful dead songs?
all me
i can't stand this bitch. she talks so fucking much in her vids like just shut up and get your tits out already i'm not watching your soft porn to listen to a documentary about your emotions while making it.

you're here forever.
"a plateful of the grateful dead"
Watching mobile suit gundam the witch from mercury
On episode 9
Bretty gud
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Spiteful mutants
in love with a lesbian
just paid £17 for a pasta delivery
im a mong
in love with an engaged woman
to not disturb timmy so much when the cronem goon bashing in her fanny
Too bloody hot lads, sick of it :/ why did I complain that summer was shit this year
never watched her streams, don't even know who she is

she's clearly ripping out her head on adderall though, size of those pupils
>Autism can be reversed, scientists discover
>Trial with two non-identical twin girls also found symptoms can be reduced to an indistinguishable level
I love my mentally ill daughtersistermommy wife!
you are possessed by a demon
Just had a nice rain here
Still got that nice cool after rain breeze
got the incel music on

this is probably for severe non-verbal tier autism and not 4channer "autism" (narcissism and anxiety)
girls can't be autistic
autism is an extreme male brain
howd they do that then
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i've got classisism
i'm a class geeeeeeeeeeza hhahaa
need to go to bed but doing so would involve getting off my arse
cute alien
It's called kpop
They told her to be herself
that’s what slowdive is you deaf retard lmao
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incels actually have their own music scene/genre called incelcore. I like it. It's basically early 2000s pop punk and grunge with 4chan lyrics. They even had a festival called virginfest.
Got a full head of hair, but I'm fat and 30. Currently losing weight, but part of me is worried that when my face gets lean I'll look older.
mental how peng med girls are
add me on steam username: sissyhypnolad
the peak of american culture
didn't ask
didn't click on any of those links
As a part of the study, which was published in in the Journal of Personalized Medicine, the twins underwent behavioural analysis and speech therapy.

They also stuck to a strict gluten-free diet which with zero ultra-processed foods.

The girls were also given daily supplements including omega-3 fatty acids and multivitamins.

Writing in the study, published in the MDPI journal Sexes, the parents said they understood there would not be a 'singular cure' to reverse the symptoms.

The parents, who chose to stay anonymous, wrote: 'Through this approach, we have witnessed the radical recovery of one daughter - who presents today as a joyful, engaging, spirited, extremely bright four-year-old.
What's wrong with you lad
Why would you know this
What the fuck
your loss. I'm introducing you to something cool here.
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/brit/ prayed for him and gave our bunny one more week of peaceful life but he died today

The house feels very empty now
why does leftypol hate golf courses so much?
don't care
didn't ask
fuck off
Just bought 12k PARSIQ for 700 quid
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incelcore is for gay retards with no taste whose entire personality is based on them being unfuckable
Because I like music and because I've been on 4chan since I was 12. I'm inundated with the culture. Obviously I'm going to know about it when 4channers make their own music scene.
early new
Holy based
just come back from night out
went into one pub and the upstairs is like a boondocks parody and the toilet stinks of shite
walk up to city centre and every bar has a nig outside surveilling if you pass his nig contest to be let in
You're not even allowed to exist anymore if you're not a nig
gfs arse has got stretch marks on it. weird.
incelcore punkstar here AMA
I had a gf who had a pet rabbit
She treated it like it was a human princess little girl and her entire life was built around taking care of this rabbit
I bailed pretty fast and just ghosted her

Women are mental
cronem battle scars
I just started reading Invisible Man
scotland? more like shartland
what's up, doc?
odd thing to do imo there's a reason it's been 8 years pal
You just know
Internet literally telling this braindead chavs exactly what to do. Same old story
She was desperate for a a baby lad
Should have stuffed her full
kill yourself
stupid fucking bitch accepted my co-op order at 22:40 when she was the other end of the bloody city and finally got there at 23:05 5 mins after they've closed. has just gone to "oops finding another delivery person" because she's totally fucked it for me and i'll be without my scrandemic tonight now. stupid fucking brazilian whore. only good thing is i have uber one so should get a fiver credit
>these are the people you're posting with
need a piss. suppose i should go upstairs.
I think she would have experienced a lot of mental dysfunction as her replacement baby was replaced with a real baby. She would have clung to the rabbit in an even more unhealthy way
just ate 1500 cals worth of pizza
dont feel so good. stuffed crust is not worth it, blergh.
the pinnacle of america right here
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Make some rabbit stew on the day of the birth
yeo dont mess wit belgium thats cronem ill ride for him no matter what
based hulkster
Wish I could unread this comment
go to the shop yourself you lazy FUCKER
yeah? what reason is that, pray tell?
>women with two children explode
thats a banger though
i have a disability and it's just clsoed
God I genuinley love America
God willing the US will continue to be the world hegemon.
you didn't do one of them £25 delivery jobs did you
yeah exactly
the girls are cute too
it's either us or china isn't it
is it not clear from context
the reason is whatever the reason is you didn't talk all that time - depends on your situation. but if I had to suggest something specific it would be that you're autistic
your psychological literacy is low. having symbolic child and child is not the same as having two children
sacked tranny tier comment
This but unironically.

American culture is just British culture on cocaine.

As Brits we might mock them and act like we're above their nonsense but they are literally the British Empire in the 21st century. If Britain maintained global supremacy, that would be us right now
Do you reckon they ever... you know
310. we're here lads >>199984962
being an incel neek isn't a disability
RIP bunny
We’re all strangers but I still appreciate you and the sentiment

He was much more than just a bunny

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