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/AMERICAN TV/ edition
Saint Peter just wrote down an extra 6 eternities in purgatory for you because of this post bro
Achaeans, show him the port of Piraeus ^
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St Peter will punish me this way and then he will punish you by ETERNALLY being rejected by pale devils, like the lost wanderer in the desert seeking an oasis he will NEVER find
I am without sin
You are the biggest sinner itt
Name one of my sins
Just like your pal Ikibey, you lie all day long
Name one of my lies
I'm not god nor it's my job to judge you

He has
I won
bro you're BBC obsessed
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I LOVE black pipuru
I wonder if ancient grik women had easy access to bibisi due to egypt and it's kangs being nearby
Psalm 25:2
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still dont know which i like more, maqes or bosnians
both are very cool in their own unique ways
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Gianni banani'd me for 24 hrs for spreading conspiracy theories. 1st banan where there was no reference to a post, too. I deserved it but it was kinda funny regardless.
I'd write an essay about how this is wrong but I'm jerking off to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6wwZ2ehNdE

cea кe тpoшaм тaгoви
имaм caмo двecтa дeнapи вo джeбoooт
ce-cea кe дoдaм
дa тибaм пичкy мaтep
ти cи гнaceн тaтaaap

флaгнyвaм вo waikiki викaм шo, имaм гoлeм кyp
cea кe мepaм гaшти oд cингaпyp
ajдe yпичкyмaтp кoj гe ги фaти нyмepaлитe
business plan: go to interview wearing t-shirt with a massive Z on it and if I get denied for being a worthless soon to be 30 years old I claim to be patriot oppressed by hohols and get compensations and jobs and whatever
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business plan 2: go to interview wearing pic, get diagnosed with f20 and receive pension
good mornen
what a beautiful day to spam about
jamal jamal jamal
bibisi bibisi bibisi
i'm coooming
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>yoko ono
japanese look like turks
I got the banana award after saying usaians are so much estrogenised to the point they reject manliness.
Daily dose of Freedom for y'all.
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>Satan offered him the entire earth just to be let into heaven
>The Nephilim built pyramids, Stonehenge and others just to be in pale imitation of heaven
Imagine how glorious it will actually be if we get there. This is a great motivation to stop sinning.
Sounds like some nazi torture experiment.
Amen my brother.

The world suddenly starts rewarding you if you stop being a sinner. I still can't shake the feeling we are living in a simulation and these are AI programs in place that answer accordingly.
>The world suddenly starts rewarding you if you stop being a sinner.
Except for the ones it doesn't.
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Do they follow the commandments? Have they accepted the Holy spirit in their hearts? Maybe they are still sinners.
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i LOVE my balkanbros
pay ze tax
tyorn ze oza cheek
You'd be a good worker in Victorian England.

squeak squeak squeak squeak

gimi wini
Not brown enough.
Reminder that christcucks don't even know who wrote their "holy" book lmao
I want to smash bulgar and ROMANIan skulls with a sledgehammer
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Good morning fellow christian man, another day of serving God with joy
Poland was founded on Christian values.
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but truth be told, we had our own Gods before that and it might have not been a good idea as fast forward a bit and you find Poland being home for 30% of the Jewish world population
What happened to the orthodox poles?
never a thing? we were all Catholic (including me), I am sure there might have been a small sect here and there but they moved away, we did not write in slav runes but in roman letters from day one
>never a thing?
>small sect
>moved away
Damn, you even deny they ever existed at all. I guess that's all I could expect from 'christian solidarity'. Not the musulman retard btw, I hate all organized religions.
It is simple, Orthodoxy is tied to Russia
It's simple. You're wrong.
Back in my Polish Catholic school we prayed to Mary. Back in my Polish bum fuck village we only had the Catholic church and the priest who knew everyone's dirty secrets.
Praying to Mary is unbiblical
I mean there was baby Jesus too
Come try you miserable gypsy
It's so retarded how catholics get indocrinated in religious schools and pray to mortal priests but call orthochuds who pray directly to god as following some state dogma.
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Brutal blackpill
Romanian media thinks that Romanians= gypsies. You can never hate the press enough.
If you look at any birth rate chart of Eastern Europe, literally every single one without exception nosedives after fall of gommunism and never recovers.

Ke gi fakas cifrite i ke bides sreken
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I believe in Virgin Mary.
We always had cute wholesome art of her so why wouldn't you? Completely different to how Othodox portray her tho.
They're middle eastern people, you have to really ask yourself why you depict them as some nordics with light brown hair instead.
Are there any feet pictures of mariam available?
I have icons of her being blonde and blue eyed.
Always looked white to me until I came to this place and people were calling Jesus and his Mother middle eastern.

that's blasphemy.
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Shalomko Janjahu
>I have icons of her being blonde and blue eyed.
This shit is the same as they're doing in the west now by replacing whitey characters with blacks, except back then it was middle-eastern with hwites.
>that's blasphemy.
Nope, it's blasphemy to say that G-d has mother
Anyway I would like to cum into mariam mouth
Donco jovan trampceski
9 months before Jesus was born, she was locked up in a room with Dredd, Mandingo, Jason Luv, Isiah Maxwell, Lex Steele, Jack Napier, Shane Diesel, Brickzilla, Julio Gomez, Cash Hollywood for 24 hours and without condoms
completely evil and deranged

Jesus was white from day one, so was Mohamed btw, he was a Ginger
>Jesus was white from day one, so was Mohamed btw, he was a Ginger
Yes and the egyptians, ancient chinese, indians etc were all white. Then they turned to shit because whitey died out due to global warming or some shit.
>completely evil and deranged
Nope, you are evil because you make fun of G-d. He doesn't have material features like body or mom because He's above all of that
Not reading
It requires a very closed heart or negative emotional state to dream this. You're basically dreaming of dirtying, defiling, disrespecting the archetype of purity in the religious west. Subconsciously you might be repressing very strong emotions of revenge. I hope this helps
You worship idols
This is a common misconception, we still believe in Jesus as our savior, we just pray to the Saint and Virgin Mary as well. Some choose to just believe in Jesus but I have no idea why.
Whenever westies complain about some white character getting replaced by a sub-saharan remember how they depict the middle eastern characters in their holy book.
You pray to fictional characters no difference than mudslims that worship rock

4Their idols are silver and gold, the handiwork of man.
5They have a mouth but they do not speak; they have eyes but they do not see.
6They have ears but they do not hear; they have a nose but they do not smell.
7Their hands-but they do not feel; their feet-but they do not walk; they do not murmur with their throat.
8Like them shall be those who make them, all who trust in them.
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This place is vile, I hope Mother Mary leads some of you to peace.

What is the opposite? Jewish nihilism aka Atheism? No thanks.
at least you have a trip to be filtered

>go to interview
job status?
If you had the Balls it would be Poland.
>Judeo-Christianity is a term used to describe the religious and cultural values that are shared by Judaism and Christianity. The roots of Judeo-Christianity are in Judaism, which is considered the oldest of the Abrahamic religions.
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they let a girl in the Romanian team and we got the worst result we had in years
America has one too, and they are at the TOP. You got no excuse.
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>With a trembling voice, the 25-year-old girl who escaped from the "rapist" of Omonia at the last moment, spoke about the dramatic moments she lived and shudders with her description.

>The young woman had gone with her friends to watch a theatre performance in the centre of Athens. As she was walking back to her house on Menandrou Street in Omonia, she noticed that she was being followed by a foreigner. Trying to avoid him, she went to the opposite sidewalk, but again he followed her.

>"For about two to three minutes we were moving alongside. I started to take steps backwards because I felt him coming towards me in a threatening way. He came and grabbed me, covered my mouth with one hand and grabbed my waist with the other. I was physically hurt and I didn't have the strength to react I was frozen completely," she told Star.

>"I instinctively pushed him to see if he was holding a sharp object, a knife of some kind, so he wouldn't kill me. He attacked me again, shut my mouth and all the while he was shouting in my ear 'sex, sex, sex'. The second time he attacked me because he made the move to take me to the alley wall, I was terrified and started screaming for help and trying to get my head out of his headlock. Because I screamed too loud, he was terrified. I was breathless, I couldn't breathe. For the first time I felt like I was having a panic attack," he added.

Lmao imagine walking at 3 o'clock in the morning in the worst place of Athens and some random Muslim comes at you shouting sexsexsex, women are truly dump
>he was shouting in my ear 'sex, sex, sex'.
hahahahhahahah, based sexual emergency appreciator
please give me some info on the resident macedonian zigger ape
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Which one?
westoid btfo
I almost thought Sashko traveled to Athens.
Only if you give me a Green Card, don't worry, I am Polish.
Look at the venom these babushka spew, they wish for the death of children. Absolutely disgusting and evil.
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>Tranime and some turd worlder

It's so over
Videos like this convinced me that Polish people and Russian are edin narod.
we have better music
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You could've posted anything else and it would've been better than that.
Why the fuck are half the Bulgarian flags here foreigners?
It's been like this for years now.
youre a bugarin
you will never be polish, its over
Westies are preying on their cheap housing prices.
This is Nojko's future.
here, have something more normie
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I have never enjoyed living in the world
Too much suffering
some Germans move in right next to me an year ago, the GILF has a nice ass
womp womp
not a good image you are building for yourself posting youtube incel shit every hour bro
Did you fuck her?
So you guys are setting up white settler colonial enclaves?
>looks like expired blow up doll
>surprised of being treated as such
Nah. She is nice to me, but has a husband.

I got inheritance and dual citizenship. But there are some Hohols in the same building, a whole family actually, and I am pretty sure they are illegal; don't like them. It is more common than you think in Sofia, I also now see Black people when I go out, before it used to be a rarity.
Only selyaks care about their image.
втopaтa e eвpeйкa
I want to buy a sword
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This is your competition. It's over.
Women will compare all men to these ones.
I can be them.
they can have the stacy and me as their slave
There's no competition here

I already won
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what did she mean by this

штиб штиб :ДД
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psycho eyes
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picrel is my competition
why rashans so afraid of natsizm ?
has anybody made him a fake tinder?
Historical reasons like WW2 and how they got infested with Jews. Also it is their number one go to excuse to go liberate (enslave) the countries around them.
feel like I need to jerk off. what do you recommend me balk? i need an instant turning on
not that i know of but sashe has been posting his selfies for like 10 years so who knows
nude women over 60
how old is he
they cute
what the fuck is wrong with you?
bibisi cuckold chastity cum swap
1, 4, 6
Would breed their ass
30-32 iirc
i think hes older than krasno but not by much
Cant wait for it to be levelled and a potato field planted on top of it like Churchill said
Idk why tatars live in sofia when they can enjoy the bbc coast
Natsizm for Russians means being Anti-Russian
universal call to action
their raison d'etre is to fight this
leah gotti sexart
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>recently found out a youtuber im subbed to is bulgarian american
unsubbed+channel reported for harraseement
shut the fuck up
they can't learn of this place
more people will ruin it
Her scene with Jason Brown is 10/10
A friend of mine died while riding the motorbike. His grandma called me...
should have had the vax
I hate these killer machines
Good, fuck him and fuck you crying fag
>what the fuck is wrong with you?
I am a 27 year ol virgin, some are hot.
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Family therapy
Did you know that the oldest complete New Testament manuscript, the Codex Sinaiticus, is older than the oldest complete Old Testament manuscript written in Aramaic/Hebrew, the Masoretic Text
Living in sofia thats inexusable, you can rizz some 17y old gilf even today
Older by ~600 years
what does this have to do with melanin receptors
I don't go to clubs as I dislike the environment and I don't see the appeal in teens.
>New Testament
Hippie shit, real men only read the Old Testament and the Talmud.
Learn to suck your own cock then
i hate the retards who drive them, its the gayest mode of transport its so gay that it can literally destroy your testicles just by driving one
>melanin receptor
new euphemism for white girl vagina just dropped
I don't want sex.
I am currently practicing semen retention, like what Chad does.
>riding the motorbike
we call them "хpycтики" in here
>"We went with Allah's Messenger, while we were young men who had nothing. He said: 'O young men! You should marry, for indeed it helps in lowering the gaze and protecting the private parts. Whoever among you is not able to marry, then let him fast, for indeed fasting will diminish his sexual desire."
Some wisdom for the incelchoogas here
this works, also helps keep you lean
if you swallow your own cum its still technically semen retention
lust comes from being fat

lmao I remember when Chris-chan was drinking his jeez with fanta.
>you can rizz
>"I married a woman and went to the Prophet, he said: 'O Jabir! Have you married?' I said: 'Yes.' He said: 'A virgin or a matron?' I said: 'A matron.' He said: 'Why didn't you marry a young girl, so that you may play with her and she with you?'
It is about conquering your sexual desire, it is one of the hardest, if not hardest, things a man can do in his life. But once you achieve it, you are pretty much a demigod. But you need a sexual desire to begin with so any lowTs can forget about it.
imagine how powerful you could become if you started retaining the semen of other men using this method too
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>incel retainment hours
I have never ejaculated.
Conceive believe achieve
Who shot john lenin
Kek mental how the Balkans are so fucking peaceful while in the west top maynunism is happening all the time
>Balkans are so fucking peaceful
Greece has been timmyfied
Show ONE instance recently that similar events have happened in the Balkans

You can't because it hasn't happened
>t. immy
Every day in Cayir, Uskub
My entire opinion of Makedonija is based on this movie.
Just a break away serbian land, ciganized and albanized to oblivion
how long it's been since the last time griks burned car tires and threw molotov cocktails at policemen doing their job?
Years ago for true chimp out, just some molotovs get thrown every 17th November and that's about it
It's because Albos are thirdies like the ones shown in the picture, no surprises here although I doubt it happens to the same extend as the riots in UK
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glass bottle in rectum status?
this is objectively wrong thoe
if you want to conquer your sex drive you should start by having loads of sex
every prostitution enthusiast ive met is very casual about sex while every -cel sees it as a matter of life and death(absolutely obsessed with it)
>yeah bro just get yourself STDs
>fucking gypsy street hookers
for you bro
>seriously replying to bait
I wouldn't let these filthy whores lick my anus.
Dead inside
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>tfw I have more than 3 overseas encrypted accounts
Pimps and human traffickers should be shot down without further questions. Same for everyone visiting prostitutes in the first place and hence endorsing the former. Recently russian and ukrainian prostitutes have swarmed the market here, they keep them all at hemus to my knowledge. Prostitution is technically illegal here but bribes are probably flourishing.
what's with normanigs hating the world's oldest profession
i'd argue killing is the world's even older profession but nobody endorses it
>Pimps and human traffickers should be shot
Threatening cops and politicians isnt a wise decision anon, if you're going to do something just do it
>ad populum
I refuse to believe that there is nobody good left amongst politicians and state jurisdiction to stop this. They cant be all corrupt.
>stop this
Why would they stop their business? Are you retarded? They also traffick organs and fuck kids, but thats just for fun
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you can only choose one
Why haven't YOU volunteered to fight for Ucraine yet?
they are
Its haram.
the one on the right seems more friendly and welcoming
the brown one, didnt even think about it
sklonqvaneto kam prostituziq e nakazuemo
prostituciqta ne e
brown girls are superior
a real human bean
The prohibition of prostitution is established through the following processes and principles:

1. Interpretation of Quranic Verses:
• The Quran explicitly forbids unlawful sexual relations, such as adultery and fornication. Scholars interpret verses like Quran 17:32 (“And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.”) to include prostitution within the prohibition of unlawful sexual relations.
2. Hadith:
• Numerous Hadiths condemn extramarital sexual relations. For instance, a Hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari states: “A man is not lawful for a woman who is married, and she is not lawful for him, and neither is fornication lawful.” Scholars extend this prohibition to all forms of illicit sexual activities, including prostitution.
3. Consensus (Ijma’):
• Islamic scholars have reached a consensus that prostitution is haram. Ijma’ is a principle where the unanimous agreement of Islamic scholars on a particular issue becomes a source of law. The consensus is based on the interpretation of the primary texts and the overall objectives of Sharia (Maqasid al-Shariah).
4. Qiyas (Analogical Reasoning):
• Through qiyas, scholars draw analogies between prohibited actions mentioned explicitly in the Quran and Hadith and similar actions not explicitly mentioned. Since prostitution involves extramarital sex, which is akin to fornication and adultery, it is similarly deemed haram.
5. Maqasid al-Shariah (Objectives of Sharia):
• The objectives of Sharia include the protection of religion, life, intellect, lineage, and property. Prostitution undermines the protection of lineage and family structure, promotes immorality, and is seen as harmful to individuals and society. Therefore, it is prohibited to uphold these objectives.

Through these methodologies, fiqh establishes that prostitution is haram, ensuring that the rulings are consistent with Islamic principles and the goals of Sharia.
One of my ex-classmates who studies abroad posted this on instagram
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how can timmies even?
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Azis is growing stronger, soon f*moids will face his wrath
wonder why they call those wifebeaters
that's not a wifebeater but roidtroon obligatory gym tank top
they act like this only in a pack
otherwise they are the most soft spoken niggas
Lol the inceldom of the writer reeks even 2000 years later
>t. gate of hell

>t. wifebeater variation expert
I have a question for mangal
^ pedo
tva e za smqh ako ne zabelqza inache littering in public pak si e maimunic
i dont think he's around

not my problem
Az furlqm fasove i bukluci nasekade, zakvo da paza 4isto kat obshtinata plashta na debelite ciganki da metat, pone da ima kvo da pravat
Nojkogypsy makes me want to become Bulgarian to distance myself from this schizo nation
What nation lol
You are Romania's Nojkovic
Invade Kumanovo and I will become Bulgaria's greatest e-warrior
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Based, kristkaks wait for women to have sex with while (pbuh) Muhammad (pbuh) allows Muslims to have sex with dogs, goats, chicken, car exhausts, other Muslim men, etc
dispatching special agent mango in 14 more days
>sending mangalfag against nojkofag
You've just created the most unholy alliance.
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forgetting someone? чиpипaх needs love too
>here's that girl you were in class with for years and never had sex with and pulled your wiener instead while watching bibisi porn
>she's fucking a fat negro now
>turtle porn exists with him being the protagonist
I can't fathom what goes through the mind of this sub-ape
L + spermed + bibisid + knotted
akhi this isn't the proper path, you must repent
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>ne zamaraj so politika kopile
>dicksucking lips
>fat plappable ass
>estrogen titties
What did chuds mean by this?
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Why are timmies like this?
who would you rather burst your prostate ? big mike, azis or mangalroach?
I bust their prostates.
how do u even find this shit
I posted this dude previously, dude specifically searched out of the BiBiCi to get cucked.
Imagine sticking around to a place inhabiting such mentally ill posters.
why is the makkke so obsessed with something so boring
I'd pay you to fuck mangalroachs ass.
>albovlach seriously considering nojkoturk's proposal
This guy will do anything for money.
Nojko and polukrainian will be the people remembered for destroying balk
Imagine Allah teleporting Kumanovo right next to Gaza
This is so true it's actually unreal
Even literal diagnosed schizos couldn't deal such damage to /balk/
you fucking drama queen, have your forgotten kelly's shitted spamfests?
it will be alright, it's just that everyone is becoming a boring old man
/balk/ will die when King Sashko commands it
Done jerking off to bussy.
>kelly's shitted spamfests
Literally Nojko but with different kind of skata
I came across this randomly, nojko has 50 terrabytes of white girls and white femboys rimming nogs shitpipes
Nojko probably self-inserts as the black dude, have you seen his skin? He's darker than some genuine nogs.
Sadly i have seen him, dysgenic bottleneck genetics, bald, skinnyfat, ugly, brown/yellow jeetlike and all around ugly subhumanoid deranged ape.
People like him have an easier time breeding compared to tightly wound incels that only have the balls to bully someone online.
>replying to a post about yourself pretending to be someone else
-1000 aura
Why are you talking about yourself in 3rd person?
Imagine if this thread was 100% Macedonian
Uskub macedonian or Selanik macedonian?
The larp is eternal.
there it is! it made it here
Why not both? Although in that case you'd got Kelly spamming about his lolcows all day long
A macedonian can have many nationalities but he'll always be loyal to Macedonia first.
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>Serres macedonian
I am afraid that by that proud name you mean Serboshqiptaria.
Kelly trooned out
Also I fucking LOVE the beach snitch app
What's it doing? Privateers are renting beach spaces to put umbrellas and shit and this app shows the place they rented and the topographic sketch of alloted place

So if someone breaks the law and puts umbrellas and shit in more sqm than he rented, you snitch on him!
Truly ingenious, some places even show the contract, not Kavala though
There needs to be more snitch apps on the Balkans
I would immediately snitch on my neighbor for building a shed with no approval
My biggest regret in life is that tatars are isolated from the shqip menace so they have no idea how vile and sinister their gloating is.
>t. soulless german
Feels great, get fucked slobodumb
we should fix that, king
I would snitch on you for having 2 jobs and most likely evading some kind of taxes
how do you evade taxes when both jobs are declared bro, if anything I have to pay even more tax due to the retarded progressive system
I'll be the first of your supporters, king!
The issue with this is your neighbor might find out it was you who snitched and then wait patiently to strike back at you
In Greece, even renting field workers to clean your garden might be subjected to permits in some cases (plus you're supposed to pay for their working stamps) so there's people battling each other by snitching back to people who snitched on them in unsuspecting times

Also interesting fact, if you hit report in the Greek app it won't allow you if you're not 10km close to the place
stab n' boon status? I know boon's always monitoring this thread from the bans I've been getting. how about stab?

boon I know you're watching, dont be shy, shyness is not what turks are other sandbros are known of. we need your comed.. i mean your opinions expressed boonsy come on!
I actually know people that are stuck in this snitch battle here. The balkmoon just can't let things go he will bring up shit from centuries ago that may or may not be true just to find an opportunity to be an asshole.
It's illegal to work more than a certain amount of hours per week here
Most likely the same for Albania
hiding his erection from the bibisi
It should be anonymous until the Stasi snitch records get opened up and everyone finds out that everyone has been snitching on everyone else all the time
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Kek bro, when pic related happens between families, imagine how bad things can get with neighbors and strangers
If I was in macedonia id already have done a road trip to sashkos bars and parks and to nojkumanovo. But they are boring posters without driving licenses.
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Purgatory isn't real, it's just papist fanfiction to sell indulgences.
>still depicting Christ as dead on the cross
What's next, a helpless baby or a piece of bread?
They pray to ("through") pictures, the Catholics pray to statues.
And here comes the Mary worship.
Sinaiticus isn't that old, the pages were stained and those pages which were removed before the staining process are still basically white. You fell for "textual camp" lies.
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It is anonymous in most cases afaik, reporting directly to the according Ministries via apps nullifies the danger of going to their local public services by yourself and do it in person and having someone leak your report info to the person subjected into scrutiny
>road trip to sashkos bars and parks
They're all at most a 10 minute walk away bro
>that pic
No cap, I've seen entire families ruin themselves over dumb garbage like this while lawyerhumans enjoy bribes from all sides of the families.
MK law is 40 hour full workweek and 10 hour part-time with approval from your full workweek employer
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Weird that you post nude drawings as a defense. Figures popery is full of pedophiles and sodomites, the Vatican priests are mostly sodomites.
Zaev already took care of that.
Mangalroach stfu retard
You're a liar.

See >>199985400
jesus christ when did balk become so unwelcoming

not even a single hello whats up
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Bro, why are you bullying turks again here?
Tell that to the people working 12 hours a day every day in factories.
>two dog shit threads
what do you mean bullying, im just trying to help them out while having a coffee

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