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dunkin donuts edition
fat fuck
if you’ve never been banned you aren’t using 4chan correctly



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(/cum/ in a nutshell)(PRISON GAYS)
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Fat fuck in 2nd place
i have really tongue raped the girls mouth, really get in there all sloppy you know what i mean
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fat boy general
/cum/ is started to resemble the other generals on /int/ and I don't like that
I'm bi not full on gay, and even then I'm a mostly straight bi and would never date or kiss another man
Have gay hours started?
ive never kissed a girl
weekends are always bad
dunkin donuts is xer deadname
zer name is now dunkin CHUD
/cum/ should be more like /asean/ or /ita/ or /polska/
I always wanted to do sick tricks on a skateboard
dunkin DEEZ NUTS
god i hope so, post your tumtums, cumbois
why though? if its summerfags then it should be like this on weekdays. maybe its wagies but idk
everyday for the past few years has been a weekend for me
i don't even know what to say it's been horrible today
saturdays always suck. it's full of normalfags who got shitfaced on friday night
hello fellow neetbro
same, ever since the quarantine started really
hey bro
ive kissed a girl

parasite and non cummer on a proxy
i thought you were an incel
normies on their weekend off
non-/cum/ flags see the threads moving faster and come make it worse
said normies respond to non-/cum/ flags and compound the worsening
>and would never date or kiss another man
>I'm bi not full on gay
my guy you are the definition of a porn addict prison gay, exactly what I was talking about
? kek. my family has been in america since 1492
One day I'll have a farm like Varg and get a younger trad autist wife like Marie.
my favorite time to post is midnight to 3am
>my guy you are the definition of a porn addict prison gay
that is literally every UwU anime femboy retard on this site btw
I literally watched it happen in realtime
you can directly trace the emergence of linetrap to the weird tranny infestation occurring now
i couldn't ever neet out. I tried it but I felt so guilty about it that I felt like a burden. I ate as little as possible and showered once a week so I could cost as little as possible. eventually I broke and got a job
The apartment complex charged me 300 dollars for new carpets
I'm more handsome than you and I like boys.
im a literal chad lol
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*taps the sign*
the red liquid has ammonium acetate in it (dont ask me how i know)
the sparkly layer that forms in other mixtures was maybe ammonia acetate too. there might be some ammonia acetate in the dish of sodium hydroxide as when i look down at it with a light above me, it looks the same (in the bottom)
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>im a literal chad lol
who let bro cook
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i finna roll your ass up into a spliff and smoke your ass, you got no chance
I may be porn addict gay but you're using prison gay wrong
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Just saw this on kc
he is but he's technically not wrong as most of you are prisoners of being unable to have sex with women
tradcons are so retarded
played any good videogames lately
I like boys and I don't watch porn. When I did watch porn i only watched MILF JOI.
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Finished my shower. Now it's time to make coffee + eat sum pizza.
I boughted wall street raider but im too dumbp to figure it out. I sohuld refund it maybe
what kinda 'za?
Yeah nice try but I'm have sex with a women twice so yeah
Wish i had 'za tonight
ammonium acetate + sodium hydroxide as a source of an amine?
and makes water
which is kind of sad because sulphuric acid reacts with water dangerously
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Me and who?
ammonia + an acidic energy drink
and sulphuric acid, sodium hydroxide, acetate, and a carboxyl
wish this brit could be kicked out of the /cum/ zone
but i want to cum too :(
i have been doing better at fitting in because i have learned since we started
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why don you just get a 5/10 girl next door becky gf?
I prefer 2D women
stop making nonsensical posts
feet sex sexo snifffff
> 5/10
i'm part of the 0.1%
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I like Asian girls.

I'm not a racial fetishist, it's just a preference like hair colour or boob size.
asian babies are cuter too
My dopamine receptors are cooked I look at a girl I don't feel anything
The first kids who were on the computer at 5 are turning 25 and we're behaving like dead car batteries
i have a japanese friend and her baby boy is so cute its crazy
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>he never experienced the joy of MSN Messenger
It's joever.
Just 10 more days till I have some money and can maybe fuckin buy something
got to kill 25 lava dragons now
first computer we got was windows 2000 millennium edition, the biggest monitor still works, the tower is still being used but the parts were all replaced, i'm still using the same voltage stabilizer from 20 years ago on my computer right now
yeah lets replace dying senile boomer with dying senile boomer (xx chromosome)
unironically just stop watching porn
>not being solar powered
100% turned on 100% of the time
ahhhh im cumminggg!!!
Might watch an ancient television program called "duckman" to understand my modern life and why I'm so neurotic. The very talented Jason Alexander (made famous by his role as George in "Seinfeld") plays the lead role of a sardonic and maladapted cartoon duck as he copes with traffic, divorce, the daily inconvenience of modern life, and being a detective.
watching Training Day (2001) on Tubi. whats cum watching this fine saturday evening
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I always thought the donuts at Dunkin Donuts were very bad for a restaurant chain with donut in the name
watching porn
fr timmies better
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beeing myself
Three Colours Trilogy: Blue (gf picked it)
I'll always have a fondness for Dunkin Donuts because I would wage at the place next door and at the end of the night I'd buy 2 donuts and they'd just let me fill up a bag since they throw it all out anyway
what porn are you watching
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i'm glad you're beeing yourself
this is me
kafka_(honkai:_star_rail) -beastiality -futanari -pregnant
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If this was my gf I'd get a job.
i didn't realize you could subtract tags on r34 this whole time. for fucks sake
i saw a dead squished bun on the sidewalk yesterday. fuckers will pop out of the bushes out of nowhere
i do not want to work bitch fuck off
I use gelbooru. r34 is total garbage
doesnt sound like porn
you cant watch a still image
that's horrible
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Which one would you like?
Assuming both jobs has 2 hour of commute with mild coworkers

A: a 100k job where you never do overtime, learn on your own pace, and a 50k income from your side hustles. After a year you're allowed to WFH for 2-4 days each week

B: a 200k job but you'll have to manage a team of 10+ people under you, and you're not allowed to go home before your boss, and you have to go to office on weekends. After a year, you gain access to 90 days of PTO annually.
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shit man i should wake up early tomorrow grab me a dozen
Well, now I'm not so sure that homecooking actually, like actually, costs less than buying pre-made shit... Maybe saving money by making your own food was assuming you have your own crops and animals to harvest the ingredients from? Or that you're not buying groceries from a grocery chain at least.
fair but I prefer western artstyles and gelbooru is mostly anime. also xxx is a lot better than paheal
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another day, another indecisive result on what state to move to
porn has gone downhill ever since onlyfans became a thing
who the hell is doing a 2 hour commute
move to DN
fair enough. western makes my dick confused t b h, some of it is ok though
texas near the border. bettar learn spanish doe
nice numbers
Why the fuck do we so few national holidays. UK has way more holidays when something royal happens. This is not fair
NightLy through the shadow and fire -> apartment bLock -> "excitedly whining destroy my pussy
Correction, 40 days of PTO outside of national holidays
i'd argue even before since the advent of love sense, but yea
remember how my dad used to eat several cloves of garlic in hte morning before taking me to school
fucking piece of shit
The midwest is the obvious choice if you're White.
have so*
Americans and third worlders
the only professional porn videos i watch these days is jav
look at this fancy mf. what champagne you drinkin
already in the midwest but in a flyover
wanna go somewhere more naturey
looking at utah, oregon, or colorado right now
2 hours commute assuming 8 hours work day that's 10 HOURS, that's not human, you're LITERALLY selling your life
When the Queen died, Brits got like week off or something. We got nothing. Even Manitoba and Ontario.
I have experience doing 12 months of unpaid internship with 4 hours of commute. When i talk my parents about this they berrated me.
coomer dot su
>foreigner flags talking about their normalfag jobs and commutes
/cum/ is quite grim today
do your part: filter non-/cum/s
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Me and (You)
I have come to the realization that Canadian money is poo
you don't drop videos because you're too broke to go buy clothes
i'm convinced modern work culture is some sort of world spanning satanic ritual where a demon is being powered by you selling your life force every day
proves my point also that site sucks you cant tell if something is a picture or a video without clicking it
r34 (both paheal and xxx) have extremely low quality standards though. 90% of posts are utter shit.
everything on gelbooru is at least decent
GoLden statues up -> webcam -> heLLo -> plant psyop -> nigger -> whip -> breed once -> repeat
we get it you're really interesting
:O capital Ls
Gooned really hard to a text based RPG
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Me on the left
i jerk off to doujins and images sometimes but most of the time i much prefer seeing some movement
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Do you have any work experience? You have the option to grind for just 5-15 years max if you do this properly and choose a slow living life. There are people who opted to apply for civil service or work in state owned company thinking it will be better than the private sector because it has retirement plans and etc, but turns out it's more hellish when you see all the rigidness and corruption, and it will remove your options to gain more profit.
the only good thing about onlyfans is it made hot women who normally wouldn't do porn make porn. too bad its all trash
The Youtube algorithm has roped me into watching the first episode of a delightful program regarding a girl who looks like a deer
that image clearly says do not reupload
New England and Michigan belong to the Crown.
I'm a bad girl, hehehwhwhe
I've jacked off to gelbooru and danbooru since I was like 14 and I've never once read a doujin or watched animated hentai
Poor nigger worker -> 12 chiLdren -> he need heLp -> Local virgin whipper -> payment to the state -> you're dead
she's going through the cinemophile phase
you are a hideously ugly man albeit
thread is incredibly shitty today. the avartafagging attentionwhore ruins it whenever you guys give him attention
im out
You're really missing out, there are some fantastic hentai manga out there.
I look like this. This is a literal picture of me.
pop out with a glizzYYY
let's get busYYY
the doujin scene is desd. fakku killed it
Going to download a bunch of prestige and normal television to my home server with no intention of watching it to obfuscate that I mostly watch anime
he mogs me
quit replying to him you stupid nigger
New stuff still gets translated, and fakku stuff is easily available for free, and they give us physical stuff. I don't see a problem with fakku, I think people are just jealous jewcob is making money off their hobby.
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Try it out
*67 the feds
i want to jack off but theres no good porn anymore *sigh*
what is going on here
you gon die bout that ho?
not like you're much better let's be honest
i only did an internship for like a year, people work as civil servants here because it's straight forward and you get great job security so you can get away with doing the bare minimum plus the pay isn't bad depending on what job you get, private sector is for people with more aspiration i suppose with more room for grow but both cases has a lot of corruption and nepotism
Imoutos > nee-sans
Garfield was NOT an instruction manual but I appear to have become Jon Arbuckle earlier than anyone in history
The Mario 64 thing was cool, some nerd should make one for Mario Kart.
shit probably took years to make mang, plus is getting so popular now if they dont got their op sec tight nintendo will surely bring the hammer on them
if I saw you in real life you'd get RKO'd
In my country, being a civil servant means starting out with half the minimum regional pay, and depending on your luck you might get stationed hundred miles away from your main city. You can slack out, sure, people who have minimum workload and much workload gets paid the same, and you might get assigned with bunch of things that takes up your weekends.
You can just download an emulator and do netplay
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Imoutos are the most powerful race
Welp, my clean ass lasted all of one hour.
despite seeing charts that the average USA 65 year old only has like $50k in savings and i have that same amount at 23 i still feel like i'll be a perma upper middle class wageslave
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highly advise purchasing a clip-on bidet
I have 450k and I feel poor
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I have never used a buh-day in my life
reminds me of tomoyo42
I know a Mississippian who carries a hand-held bidet with him when he goes places. Nice guy.
its all perspective i guess most americans live in poverty
Apparently I checked for motorcycle classes the day they list them and the next day shit's all booked
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>spraying water into your anus
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spent the day driving a co-worker around to sell a car. it just felt nice to be appreciated by someone. i also got lunch and dinner + alcohol out of it.
I do that
ever put like a bottle into it and pump water into your anus? especially like cold water
I don’t do that.
>ever put like a bottle into it and pump water into your anus? especially like cold water
lmfao what
is this a fetish thing
I'm going to use this line
don’t actually
women love dark triad coke chads.
im back
no it's not a fetish it's just an enema. but it feels good
what the fuck is wrong with you
a bidet and an enema are different things
what did you watch this time anon
how do you even time your meals with your work out time, like you have to eat 2 to 3 hours before it and then eat after it, that's like 5hours of deal and meals you basically have to structure the whole day around it
did a rewatch of zombieland
Sounds kinda nice actually. I'm defo feeling hot enough right now.
Left grandmas and apparently the state of Ohio is range banned from posting images .
you don't actually have to do any of that shit
I don’t eat enough. It’s a problem for my fitness goals.
i want a bunny so bad
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Is anybody here into sounding
i'm watching a janny chimp out live on tv, the same that happened here few days ago
they are filthy animals
I don’t do this.
not really but there's a fantastic video by this british couple. unfortunately i lost it.
i mean he just looks like such a pure soul
i know it’s probably for the best i don’t but i kind of need one
no the idea of it makes me unhorny in fact
does that feel good ?
how does that not cause immense pain
if you ever tried to put anything in your dick hole you would know sounding is not sexy
According to the surgeon general women should not drink alcohol during pregnancy
for some people, pleasure comes through pain

it's subjective.
i didn't even have to try it to arrive at that conclusion that's how advanced my brain is
That's misinformation
i wonder if there's any historical precedent for this rule. presumably women drank during prgenancy for practically all of human history
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describe the sensation im curious
i only use 3 fingers to stroke
business idea: women have sex with me
i use your momma to cum :DDD
yall probably grab the steering wheel in a gay way
Women are such coomers now they all try to make porn noises and ahegao during sex it's sweet but also pretty unhealthy
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What's this?
are the bottom 3 brothers?
all of these guys mog me
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do you get banned without a linked post in your country?
Gonna get my motorcycle license
i'm putting together a team
i would name him rusty
zero canadians in this pic
Brandenton, Florida
the Montana guy might as well be Canadian
first one is canadian
i will be there
youve never left sau paulo
Alberta will be the 51st state
jack black feel off every since he decided to comment on the [redacted] situation
i'll legally execute you for border gore
he also came out in support of [redacted]
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do you support cookies and milk before bed?
you shouldn't eat before bed
it'll smooth out eventually
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i need to eat some cookies and milk rn
that’s what you get for mentioning Kiribati
yes but only as a treat and you don’t make it a habit
milk in coochies haha
>conspiracy talk only allowed on /x/
isn't that a bit retarded though? are you even allowed to joke about them or make one up for fun without a janny vacation?
calm down bro, you're scaring the hoes
why are you like this
tell me about it dude
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am i cool for drinking beer?
no you’re stimky and you smell like beer
the few times I have drank beer have all left me with worse hangovers than when I drink heavy amounts of hard liquor
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i smell like beer
I did it. I survived my brother's wedding
yanks, do you know how the equalization payments work in canada? have you heard of them?
i need to try hard liquor, i have some bad experiences of throwing up with it thought i also throw up with beer if i go hard
need to snort some coke tbhtbh
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did you get married? did you get a gf? did you get laid? did you make a fren? did you have a good time?
trannyjanny’s been having a melty lately
weddings are prime locations to meet baby mad hoes that will let you hit it
>did you get married?
>did you get a gf?
>did you get laid?
>did you make a fren?
Yeah but they were like 80
>did you have a good time?
Surprisingly yes
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It's so hot. My mom brought me home a Sprite but it doesn't have any syrup in it so it's just soda water.
Imagine getting the 200000000th post. That would be life changing.
where do you buy syrupless sprit
it will be one of my random incel posts
>That would be life changing.
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gonna take a nap
McDonald's apparently.
i trust your judgment on this, man who has never had sex
dopamine hit for 5 seconds and then life proceeds as normal
all that'll happen is you'll get a few hundred messages saying "wasted" or "kill yourself"
you know i'm right, about everything really
Luck o'the Irish!
gelbooru account hacked
like those big and hot and long cum
if i got the 200000000th post i have a feeling things would turn around for me
i'd give no shits, i'm cool like that
it will be a soyjak
obviously some hideous creatures exist here but all of those mutt memes are just the average mexican
its just gonna be another botted get.
Woke up from a nightmare and can't go back to sleep
every fucking post is just
>americans are so-
>why do americans-
>do americans really-
>mutts be like-
Why are americans so mean and heartless
thats so nice, Im the type to make friends with old people too whenever nobody young makes the effort to talk to me
they are envious
we're the friendliest country in the world you brown frog
name one other general that would be as tolerant to your nafri ass
"how do you write woman so well?"

"I think of a man, and then I remove reason and accountability
do not reply to them
what the hell is barber school like?
bumhole sex
you learn theory
going to take an incelbubblebath. it's lilac scented.
>t. Norman MacDonald
That was ironic as referring to the post above
my horny ass could not handle barber school
I've been moisturizing lately and my tummy and thighs and butt seem noticeably smoother.
The hardest part would be staying humble afterwards.
Younger people made an effort and they said I was a copy paste version of my brother but it was still awkward. Letting boomers tell me their life story was nice
That's one of Jack Nicholson's most famous movie lines, from As Good As It Gets.
get cultured pleb
It’s all splitting hairs.
NEW >>199994335
i most certainly deserve to die

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