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I deserve to die
God we're so back bros

Eurosissies, get ready to have another golden age. Damn it feels good to be AMERICAN
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This is the next one
>freedom has woken up
its 8:30-11:30 tho
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fiery chicken fries are back at burger king!
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you guys lost chuds. the other one has like 80 replies. go home
this is my general.
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I think it's nice that i am wake up so i can see the GET
I hope that /int/ jannies don't delete it like the /bant/ jannies did fot the 20000000 GET.
We almost had it /cum/ bros...
I really shouldn't be awake
that would’ve been infinitely better than what we got
This should've been the get
im just happy it was close
frog posters aren’t dumb they’re friends
i woke up today
still alive
why won’t you say what happened
Can governments that use a Westminster system work without a head of state that is separate from a Prime Minister or a governor general? Why does every country that uses a parliamentary system seem to have some kind of ceremonial head of state that has reserve powers, the system doesn't work without it? Canadians, explain, if you're still awake.
Is Canada more walkable than the U.S.?
Well, who do you expect to exercise those reserve powers?

wait, why DID barack get tested for aids?
i'd be willing to die if it mean every one in the world i dont like dies with me
because of the gay prostitutes that him and big mike passed around
No one, I'm wondering if those reverse powers can be eliminated together with a ceremonial head of state and if a Westminster system can work with the Prime Minister being the head of state and the head of government at the same time
oh shit well that's a reason


wtf is that vid lmao
this lightbulb is pissing me off so much
just unscrew it
dont remember being asked

>woke up to pain Friday morning
>huh must have ate something bad, it will pass
>gets worse and worse
>start vomiting
>gets so bad within 15 minutes I can't think straight
>got out in my pyjamas and I don't know why but I called a cab to take me to the er instead of an ambulance
>remember blacking in and out in the cab
>get there and somehow waddle in
>remember lying down
>then waking up in a hospital bed hooked up to ivs
>my shoes are here luckily even though I don't remember putting them on
>also have my phone and keys and cards which is good

i work for an American company and Samantha is gonna be mad I can't go to work because i have no qualified back up
listening to twitch asmr gettin ready to crank it im a freak im wild




and joe biden apparently has always had dementia?
>can work
Sure, it can work in theory. Aren't all manmade systems conventions we agree to adhere to?
In practice, apparently it doesn't exist.
Start a country and let me know how it works out for you.
punch it
have they told you anything about what they think is going on? that sounds really serious, don't worry about your work right now just focus on your day to day
kidney related but no details yet
Yes. Relatively so, anyways.
Something something about how our rights ultimately derive from the monarch's concessions.
get well anon
has anyone come to visit ?
>our rights ultimately derive from the monarch's concessions.
What would happen if the Prime Minister refused to resign after the lower house of the parliament passed a motion of no confidence in a system like that? In a proper Westminster system, the monarch/president/governor general can try to remove him at least.
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i was about a 3 today
yesterday i was a 10
The Westminster style of government is fine. If I had to tweak it, senators would be elected. That's pretty much it.
That's clearly a hare on the right
Therein lies, probably, the answer to why such a system doesn't exist. However, any time a leader refuses to relinquish power would be problematic. Who says that a premier who refuses to resign wouldn't also ignore the monarch/president/governor general. It's not normal even in the Westminster system to refuse to resign.
do you want me to come visit you?
i'm sorry anon
yeah but you wont
its ok im a man
you said u had ur important documents and stuff so surely someone came.
being a man has nothing to do with it, it sucks that nobody has come and you are allowed to be upset about it
How would you start a new country with a Westminster style government? Like, if I was writing a constitution for a new country right now, I probably wouldn't want the de jure and the de facto powers of the Head of State to differ, but I can't quite figure out how to pull this off without just making the Prime Minister the Head of State
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that's because i keep them in this classy leather pouch thing and they are all in one place
At least the sheets are clean today
what im upset about is not being able to do sports and my car's early checkup thing expiring in a week and i was gonna do some car work today and go get it done tomorrow but now i can't...
and also in anime something cool happens in these scenarios but nothing cool has happened still
where's my hospital gf and future wife?
This is all very interesting, but you know it's highly autistic to contemplate these topics, right?
Like this conversation would literally scare the hoes.
And no real country will be adopting a constitution you write.
What drIves your autism?
yeah i made a big deal about it and forced them to change them
showering is a struggle though
i stink because it's so hot and my hair is losing volume and dying
Do bulgarian hospitals also have hot young nurses and doctors or do you all have babushkas
that is a classy pouch
being in the hospital is really really boring, glad you can atleast charge your phone. you can get back to sports and working on your car soon enough you just need to focus on getting better first don't rush it
man, the days of spamming girl profiles stupid flirty compliments until a few message back are so over I wish it was ten years ago
>Who says that a premier who refuses to resign wouldn't also ignore the monarch/president/governor general
German President is indirectly elected, so I assumed that he might be able to call the police on the Chancellor to arrest him and have the police side with the President rather than the Chancellor because he's figuratively above the Chancellor or something like that
nobody is hot
there's one expires cougar nurse that didn't want to give me painkillers and i shouted at her like im her dad and ever since then she's been a sweetheart at my service
there's also a gyppo cleaner that called me mr dracula and i told him ill knock him out
you are 6'3 thin and pale you aren't beating the dracula allegations currently
yeah that's why im on here attentionwhoring to distract myself
lonely bored and sad and in pain
I'm not writing any constitution, what do you mean
Something I've found out today: bugs aren't kosher. So when the NWO comes just do a giyur and claim you're orthodox. Soybean patties aren't much better, but at leastthey don't give you chitin poisoning.
the fact that my phone plays my alarm tone over my speakers even when my ear buds are plugged in is cool, I think I have had some phones before who didnt do that. But right now its not what I wanted, I wanted it to blast into my ears through my earbuds.
not thin im still a little buff although losing gains at a rapid pace
nah she's nasty plus that's only in porn
it's not permanent you're gonna be alright buddy
just try to pass the time however you can, maybe try to sneak in some tasty snacks, living off the hospital cafeteria can be miserable
my bud is gonna come visit let's gooo
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Cheers lads.
il just not eat the bugs
there's a hair on it
are you dirty blonde
It all hinges on this one word. In a country like Germany, what you said would likely happen. It depends on how strong your system is. Imagine some small poor country. The premier refusing to resign could start a civil war. Again, behind all the intricacies of power politics, all these systems are merely conventions we agree to adhere to, or must adhere to under threat of violence.
I consider shrimps and crawfish and lobsters and crabs bugs and I gladly eat them, but also Ive tried crickets before, idk if they were dried or fried or what but a mexican I knew had a bag of them, slightly salty but not savory or anything, coulda used some cumin and pepper and stuff, but not the worst. wouldnt make it a thing Id like to eat everyday though.
i don't need to sneak in stuff i can get delivery and there's also a store outside the clinic i can sneak out to
i broke a cardboard piece from some medicines box and wedge it in the door so i can get back in because it doesn't open from the outside
i love whygena
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I've still got some bugs left over from Wednesday.
What if I said yes? :^)
My point is, what's it to you?
Are you some kind of LARPer?
Why do you devote your precious time to this topic? You're obviously intelligent.
thats gross
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well im glad you had the thought, i would have just got locked outside. glad your bud is coming
That's why I only ate like 3 of em lmao.
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they are also not letting me go home and i dont know if they will let me out tomorrow
you see this tree though?
im sure its possible to escape
its only the third floor
>Are you some kind of LARPer?
Pretty much, I just get interested in topics sometimes and can't stop thinking about them, I don't have any real use for this information
>You're obviously intelligent.
I'm kinda retarded in-person actually, I wonder if I might actually be autistic
R. L. Stine ahh
i know you're joking but that's a horrible idea and you'll just end up back inside again with more injuries this time
messaged someone doing a sale for if i can buy something people get daily (scrolls) and he gave me them for free :)
i offered to pay but he said no
im going to be buying a lot of these scrolls from peoples dailies and think its a good way to start
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love it
ad on craigslist is lookong for "pop up sidewalk MAGA stand" and is paying 150-300$ a day I would so do it if 1. I wasnt sure this is a honeypot and 2. I didnt have a criminal record
>Trans women are women because…they just are, okay!?!
was that a reply to me
Definitely a setup
What did you do? Drugs?
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Currently feeling cool in front of my fan (trained on my face). Drinking Sleeman. My sleep schedule is FUCKED btw.
>My sleep schedule is FUCKED btw.
You and me both, pal.
yeah im going to bed
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Nice I'm gonna do that momentarily. Need to plug my speaker in too. I like sleeping to this aquarium livestream on YouTube by the way.
Been watching vids of women rimming men lately, and I think there's no saving my soul.
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Goodnight (snuggling with Mr. Squiggly rn).
Thr funniest porn line i ever heard was during an FRM (female rimming male) scene
She told him
>Your ass tastes like the best cheese
might become a gambling host in oldschool runescape
Damn, I'd say that's vile, but I'm at the point where I'm self-inserting as the girl half the time, so I deserve a hasty execution tbqh.
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I'm a /cum/my bear, yeah I'm a /cum/my bear
Yeah I'm a /cum/my, /cum/my, /cum/my, /cum/my, /cum/my bear
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>sorry, your username cant be "ihatediscord666"
>please change it to something nice about us, like "ilovetheantichrist321" and then fill in another captcha to verify your phone number and then email and then do another captcha and reload the page to join this discord server about the fart fandom
>this resource is being rate limited and we didnt like your username so were just gonna block out the create account button so there
My internal monologue has a scouser accent like the Beatles.
crazy how if discord dont want you for calling them the antichrist (they are) they will just change your password and make you give them your phone number and then make you retype your password to confirm then it wont work and you cant log in to change the password because you need a phone number to use discord or even not make an account theyll just ask you for your phone number and then email then you might as well make a password up
It was a sleepy Tuesday afternoon in Amarillo, Texas…
ganna go lay down on the floor in the backyard
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Your backyard has flooring?
yea a cement floor patio thing, cant see the stars too good though
Forgot to put on deodorant. Goddammit!
(run escape sucks)
Idk about you but I’m feeling 22
In church
The slow ass cantor is here.
Beat his ass
Haven't been to church in years. I respect it though.
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leafniggas please buy our submarines

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motherfuckers really be driving from Montana to Wisconsin for work every day
It's an old lady
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>he doesn't know the secret route
Be right back forum
as in, labor?
as in, a job?
as in, employment?
as in, pursuing my career?
as in, earning dough?
as in, making bread?
as in, hustlin?
as in, grindin?
yeah, nah, i'm good.
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hello. time for church.
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>both gets wasted
Classic /int/
Anime get was likely a mod
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Better idea: atheist church
oh my science!
Russian doesn't sound like a real language.
Are these people playing a trick on me?
It could have been us
He was, no doubt, deeply resentful towards God on account of his condition.
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Hey guys I am back did you miss me
God doesn't exist though
Donald Dump! haha
Not an argument
Gronald Glumpf
All the republicans are at church and volunteering at homeless and animal shelters talk shit about donald trump
He's got my vote (lifelong dem). The sheer bravery he expressed after being shot speaks volumes.
dont care still voting trump
You mean "he was smart enough to realise that religions are just made up"
>Every image in Desuarchive before July 2024 won't open because image servers rely on M*crosoft
How much money would it take for you to get on your kneels and look up at Mr Bean while he jerked off for 30 minute and came on your face
i love whygena
At this point I almost want dems to stay with Biden, since they can't replace him with someone who can win. Let the orange man win in a landslide like Reagan in 1980. Just for lulz.
I think alcohol makes me sleepwalk
5HT2 receptor (5HTR2B,C)
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I think alcohol makes my upper intestines bleed
what makes you think that?
gut pain and black poopy
interesting - thanks for sharing
have you been to a doctors? yet?
no im not an ableist
well i wont let you enable someone, and im just curious about whatever you want to tell me. i dont want to make it seem like an interrogation though
could you explain where the pain is, and if it radiates anywhere? and if youre a heavy alcohol drinker then these things could be something to watch out for im just saying
"gut pain" is a bit generic but it helps me get an idea of where you mean. and do you mean INSIDE your body?? :O
Zombies mentioned more frequently lately. I like it, they’re one of my favourite genre-horrors.
we miss you btw ^~^
of course you miss me, im great
daamn bros i got some decent news
might live
knock on wood not to jinx it
more tests tomorrow
How can he afford that stack of beer cups? Festival food is ridiculously expensive here.
taking a complete hold on this rsps economy would take about 30 days, or less if it is compound and earnings start doubling at some point
and if you are on it then type something as i think i found an investment of 50m for a profit of 30m x2 but i didnt buy it because i dont know the economy well enough yet and its for an amulet or cape or something and there might be better BIS, but there are multiple listings for the item. its not bulk
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every time someone is buying/selling items it is a chance to make friends and network with people to get into their friends list and peoples mouthes, when they have different timezones to the other side of the trade, where you can add the person who was late to mention the other person and see if they wait, and they might mention your name. then later on as you intergrate with the community more and make trades you become more well known - but the trades are a good way to make connections and doesnt require anything on your part
what's the point if 1 gp = 0 gp?
thanks to my budgetting i finally for the first time have my own clammy disposable NEET cash and that feels pretty good. if i owned a car then it wouldnt be a good one because im a NEET but its like something to go and buy a subscription for idk mood lighting in the car. if i had a car at all then i would use my disposable money to get an ECU chip in it
who needs a car if you have a bicycle and a sleeping bag
one of two things i have noticed is that on this rsps, the gold sink results in another (very expensive) currency, so the money lost is put in to a new form which is the only one that matters really. i havent seen any 1 trillion gp items yet on the marketplace
but the gold sink (of 2, 1.5) is also time-limited, where if they do it a bit daily then they get more. they are manipulating that and some other things with time-gated down the chain
ill roll the nickles
Is ratpedo a bot?
get could have been way worse desu
i dont know what item is better than frozen whip for killing monsters
Mousey is a mystery. Scientists have tried but failed to explain his posts.
Biden bros literally on suicide watch
no way president Biden tried to commit suicide
Bowie is the most overrated musician
it's so fucked up that getting vaccinated for rabies costs 2000 dollars
total bat genocide
detroitanon? o.o
That’s great Susan
Just don't get bit
Honeypot for what? Are you speaking in code right now? Isn't it just one of those stands that sell cheapo silkscreened propaganda shirts?
no I've just been doing some reading
the problem is that bat bites and scratches are apparently sometimes undetectable so you basically have to go to the ER if one ever gets really close to you
oo thats cool
good morning /cum/.
i'm feeling quite "peepee poopoo in my pantaloons" today and will enjoy it to the fullest.
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>the organic blackberries are cheaper per oz at the grocery store than the regular ones
its free here in canada
if you live in a northern state, it could just be local and cheaper by virtue of not having to go through transportation costs.
>has to wait 5 months before he gets the vaccine and dies beforehand
Why India Will Win The 21st Century
Nope, I live in the South
I understand you’re getting older
that's not how it works
it's a meme you dip
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I-95 is blocked
More of an I-85 guy myself
Do you ever feel like your car is moving forward on its own
strength bonus almost higher than slash
Is it true that Americans have a car gun?
would you date a waitress wagie, /cum/?
you know- your typical working class anglo girl, working as a waitress, has little tattoos, slightly overweight
I don’t date
I’m not against dating but I can’t imagine doing it.
Ugh, I've already seen a garden bursting into life
what are you doing
tell me
Anyone else watching the dota tournament? First game was a stomp.
took me awhile to comprehende your post
Good post
I wish I didn’t spend so much time on 4chan and twitter in high school
At least when I’m playing vidya I’m having fun
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back from church
is that you
Oh my! Well that was uncalled for.
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shall clean the house and do some laundry today
is that you
Some of you never put a banana peel in the microwave for 8 seconds, to replicate the warmth of a vagina, and it SHOWS.
Just use a fleshlight
I'm homeopathic you fuckin' idiot
my dads been kinda spooked lately. started carrying and sleeping with a gun in his bed. he's an old liberal hippie so i'm not sure what happened to him.
He won't tell anyone because he knows they'll think he's crazy
Smart man
probably got scared of trump winning
playing battlefield 1 with the no nigger mod
I bought a cheap one once and it wasn't worth it. It had a better feeling but I couldn't get as tight as a grip as I could with my bare hands and it was annoying to clean. I tore through it easily and it was only good to use anymore in reverse, also for some reason there was some of that crinkly packaging plastic in the area I tore through that scraped up my dick very lightly but in that state it felt like fucking foil.
You need to get one of the ones over $100, they unironically feel better than actual pussy
I would rather get the one that looks like a silicone worm, not the actual pussy on a stick, that nauseates me. But I don't have the patience to bother with either of those
Idk how dogs are so happy when they don't have TV or smart phones or books or video games
>not the actual pussy on a stick
business idea: sell fleshlights that replicate bussies
You don't seriously think that doesn't exist?
I'm 99% sure it does but I'd sell it for $5.
Dogs can watch TV
>TV or smart phones or books or video games
you know that these are recent inventions, except for books?
This anon is selling bussy for 5 bucks a pop
people didn't have teles 1000 years ago. And humans have been walking this planet since the last million years.
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das rite
4chan really is the biggest glowie honeypot
now suddenly, after months of bitching about pissrael, everyone is cheering for the jew slave trump lol
Wikipedia is NOT a credible source
Have you asked him why he started carrying 24/7?
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>canadian posters are vpn jeets
it's over
That's gotta be an immigration record
What's your point
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>moving halfway across the state to a bigger city with more job opportunities isnt good enough reason to claim unemployment
I guess I shouldve stayed in ym tiny town in the sticks you literally had to google to find wouldve been a better choice, you fucking pencil pushing cretins
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As a city slicker, I would like to live in a small town.
ur mom would fuck that
im learning so much about griefing from this person
2000 years ago people entertained themselves without the internet or cable sports. Why can't you do the same?
>2000 years ago people lived in mud huts why aren't you grateful living in a shitty shack
he came on an alt to dc at giant mole a nd die on 2 accs
he came on an alt to dc at giant mole a nd die on 2 accs he came on an alt to dc at giant mole a nd die on 2 accs he came on an alt to dc at giant mole a nd die on 2 accs

proxy brit
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Why yes, I am sheepy.
truly parasitic
>nothing to do for fun
>nothing to do for productivity
I haaaate sundays
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It’s hard to entertain yourself without technology or someone to talk to.
take the bus, you little baby
good luck fellow bikeanon
schrodinger's bike
the job experience paradox
Grandma my ass is fat
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sadpanda is down
The casualization of anime and its consequences

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