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french lavender edition

sexo con cum
I love lavender. It helps soothe my tinnitus.
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I'm back from /incel walk/
wish i was a handsome chad
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wish i was a normal uggo like the rest of ya
my favorite floral scent
how did it go
you're a giga uber uggo instead
I made French toast and I put cheese in it like grilled cheese.

I call it French grilled cheese.
Being incredibly ugly is as proportionately rare as being incredibly handsome. Most people are in that 3/10 to 6/10 range and not as extremely unattractive as they complain about.
Wouldnt it be great to go there in a convertible, find a nice spot under a tree and enjoy the view.
A MILF was walking her Great Dane and I thought to myself
>you just know
Yeah I should be executed
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helllllloooo /cum/!
i was hoping you would have something to say about it
the lavender fields in france are really pretty, and what you described is exactly what i want to do if i get the chance to go.
I'm listening to metal rn but I'm gonna listen to Grateful Dead l8r
im listening to sufjan stevens
I'm not listening to anything
The average person is getting uglier.
How ugly you are is measured according to how far you aberr from perfection.
im listening to the rain with the window open
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i made the executive decision to not masturbate today
Praying for you to get it as soon as you're ready.
Have a good day
i thought you were gooner 4 life though
i've started to fap to very vanilla porn. its refreshing. gonna stick to this
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goodnight and sweet dreams
>The average person is getting uglier.
just because they are getting fatter tbqhwy
Nice. Gonna listen to this one.
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made it back to my apartment but realized I forgot to pack my edibles
Fat is ugly, of course.
But it seems to me that people for centuries adhered to something called good breeding.
With the amount of disgusting mystery meat mutts skyrocketing, it's clear any concept of good breeding has been dismissed by the population at large as a racist fantasy.
We are in a dysgenic situation.
If I just have a kid I'm not a loser
I really like the Dark Star from that album
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Putting on my beer can stomping boots, crushing cans has saved so much space!
you can look at old photos of White Americans and still see the same phenotypes today, they are just buried under fat.
unfathomably based eugenics supporter
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my youtube recs are shit
good night
of course
Ooooooo I haven't heard it before. I was never a huge fan of Dark Star, to be honest.
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People at church have been asking me if I have any interest in a religious vocation.
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Moved into a new place and my bedroom has this hook in the ceiling, do you guys have any creative ideas for something I can hang from it?
Rainy but hot?
what's the black thin book without a title on the spine?
im still lstening to despacito
based fiction shelf
This is how losers are born
if it's above your bed put a dream catcher there. i will say that mine doesnt work at all and i still have nightmares all the time. but imagine how bad it would be without it
metamorphosis and mccarthy are good starter lit, the rest is high school tier
Bird cage
can I get a wife at your church?
I don't want a girlfriend actually in any capacity but I recognize that to have any semblance of a future I need kids. I'm in a really weird place. I don't really like video games so I'd have no problem selling them all/giving them all up and just watching tv with a woman in my free time
sex swing
"No, not really."
model airplane or seasonal decoration
that one little tiny hook isn't enough thats something you need someone who knows what they're doing to install
but job is the best book of the old testament
(the tiny hook)
I honestly don't have any desire for a romantic relationship.
Have you had girlfriends before?
there's nothing wrong with that
this guy likes reading about people suffering
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just seen some incredibly suspicious jannying
How long does it have to be before she's a girlfriend
That is the most selfish reason to have kids. You should have kids to give THEM a good life, not to ensure your future.
because you're pornsick
Definitely not at mine.
I want gf, personally
Sir, I haven't watched porn in almost 4 months tyvm.
2 weeks mabye
I deleted a post because someone else made a much better reply than mine
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i find it relatable
Trying to keep them all for yourself huh?
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Might buy this
>he knows the exact date
lol, that's always how it is when people are going around telling everyone
Furthest I think I've gotten was probably 5 days
Executive decision has been revoked, masturbation order has been issued
thread disappeared almost instantly after someone posted in it insulting OP
I saw it but I didn't think you got b&, this was outer /int/
I have a tracker on my phone.
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Yah, but I'm not a good speaker.
damn i thought you turned a new leaf or something
None of them like me. None of the single ones I mean.
Sorry I keep deleting posts
I deleted that one because I always regret giving out any advice
I prefer Ecclesiastes.
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Hahaha I should buy this
...you have married church women flirting with you?
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/int/ classic webm
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It's a 100 year old book on Jiu Jitsu, it should be in my nonfiction section but I needed to fill out the fiction section for now
I'm still getting back into reading

The old crusty one is a 115 year old book on arithmetic
That's alright, anon.
trips of pakistani redpill saar
i love it when people like the pics i post so much they save them
My wife is a real battle axe
What does that mean
it's okay anon nobody is bothered
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Oh, and these are my bookmarks
No not at all. I'm just saying the only young woman who actually are really nice and will have a full on friendly convo with me are the ones who are married. The single girls seem oddly sexless, even though I've seen one of them on some dating apps. I haven't gone to church for months though, so idk if there's anybody new. The young people in my church, no matter who they have been, have always been very cliquey, and none of them seem particularly interested in being friends, even though I was definitely friends with some of them who I went to youth group with. There's no young adults group either anymore. Idk if there's even a youth group at all anymore. My church has been slowly dying for years. It's sad.
so we're going to go for the 200 millionth post right?
still hours away, seems likely some euros will get it
No, actually I'm aiming for 199999999
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welp a tranny coded video game
may have damaged my PCs hardware in a way
time to quit Jewish video games
hope my PC is still strong enough
to have me webcam on NSFW discord servers
The fucking heat here in the west coast is making me feel sick, I kinda wanna throw up. Also, I ate too much for dinner


There’s no defined time, she’s your girlfriend once you ask her to be and she says yes or the other way around
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R8 my bookshelf lads.
Dude I cleaned my room a few weeks ago and found a metric fuckton of old bookmarks. It was like a cache I had forgotten about, hidden away for years. I put them in storage after that tho so I can't take a picture.
I'm enjoying the hot weather. Then again, I have two fans trained on me right now.
>multiple /cum/s up rn
Damn janny must be sleeping
Luke for me.
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he'll be sleeping when Im done with him
>subjecting yourself to indigestion when the weather is already unpleasant
Perhaps you can give yourself a quick headache too? Some eyestrain? Hiccups?
shut the FUCK up BC, youre not even reaching 95 degrees
BASED cryptozoology books
>2 kjvs and sayings of the desert fathers
you are clearly based
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based man
I hope that second Kerouac book is "The Dharma Bums." In any case, you must be insufferable in person.
One NKJV :) I rescued it from Value Village.
>is it The Dharma Bums
No, it's Desolation Angels
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KVJ has some weird translations that I'm not a big fan of. Probably because it tries to tread the line between poetic and direct.
cringe, but going onto the 'older
eating red seedless grapes

not cringe it's true
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The Johannine Comma
that's what i like about it, it's literary
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regardless of truth, it's cringe
i am cringe but i am free
why do most black women always have fuck up belly buttons?
less births in a hospital setting and lack of proper medical care afterwards with how the umbilical cord is dealt with is my guess
they don't grow on trees, bud
They get keloids at a much higher rate than any other race
Should I tell my doctor I smoke?
apparently we are predicted to acquire the mighty get for /cum/
if it's an accurate statement
Ive never seen a black woman’s tummy but now I want to.
are you worried about your insurance rates going up? you should try to always be truthful with your doctor
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I couldn't help myself
what should I cum to before I cry myself to sleep?
uncut hairy white cocks
ebony transgender porn?
>*record scratch* *freeze frame* Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here.
I mean,
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I genuinely pity you if this isn't a meme for attention
Sufi love poems
Go to /d/ and the first thread that pops up is what you have to cum to.
Make it work.
Vaping weed rn
it might be for the best if you don't because everything i'm reading online says the insurance companies will find out
if my poor person government insurance doesnt come thru i promise i will kill unalive myself will report back in a few weeks
But I love those types of porn
really gets the PRE cum flowing
i am about to do this too
idk but I like brother sister porn. I like the wrongness of it plus I don't have a sister so I don't feel weird or guilty about it
if i ever had sex i would NOT be able to cum, not a chance in hell, masturbating i'm over here jack hammering my dick at mach speed with a 5 finger chokehold, her pussy game would have to be magical for me to cum, thankfully i'll never have sex so i save myself the embarrassment
if you're gonna do that can you at least make it interesting? Killing yourself is such a bitch-made way to die.
do you lose sensitivity from doing that too much
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>JBL Bluetooth speaker
>Razer low latency earbuds
>Sony boombox for tapes, CDs, and radio
Yup, that's the only "stereo setup" I need.
It do be like that sometimes. But some girls are really pleasurable and tight, but you have to get them at around 18-21 and preferably shorter and skinnier, then your problem would be nutting too quickly
I just imagine songs I remember hearing before
How will they find out?
Not related need a cheeky cig
I live in California now, as of today.
You can call me Californian
yea but also the way you remember orgasming is that its always super TIGHT and FAST and that throws you off
if you tell your doctor you smoke that will go on your file and insurance can request that file if you apply for new coverage i think
i am also going to have a cig because i need to be done with this pack, i bought it while i was in a fragile mental state
what's the best late-night food?
makes sense thanks
well I decided
I am going to Cum to uncut white cocks in black women
and self insert as the girl
The raccoons like to eat trash late at night
Throw out the cig instead
I've heard of it. It's in the same time zone as British Columbia, right?
French toast is the greatest breakfast food of all time. I can't believe there isn't a restaurant based on it like waffle house or IHOP
Fast yes, but I learned about the "death grip" at a young age, so I've always loosely held my cock whilst masturbating
The nice thing about being Canadian is that I can be honest with my doctor and not fear repercussions.
Pho for sure. Or sushi if anything's open.
The island of California is just an old Spanish legend
i had another great post to make but i forgot, all these great posts are lost, in time, like tears in the rain
there’s only two left then im done with the poison sticks it was special circumstances that led me to buy them
sometimes youre on a schedule so jackhammering makes sense then. my technique is in between sometimes i gingerly hold and lovingly use only wrist action no forearm, sometimes i jackhammer while gripping pretty tight, think like the brake hand while youre riding a dirt bike
when are the Jews going to release those super anti viral meds?
I want to be a male escort
Some posts are just too good for 4chan, it's better to hoard them in my brain
Down bad
Seek therapy
I'm sitting outside in my car, should I honk my horn?
I usually cum in less than 5 minutes even with a lose grip
And of course it takes me forever to cum when my cock is actually in a girls mouth (I still haven't done PIV)
>just talk to a Jewish doctor goy
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You're beyond saving actually
a french toast specialty restaurant might do really good
the answer is pizza
Just honked, I am so naughty.
Therapy is a scam. It's a false religion.
Should I tell my doctor I honk my car horn late at night?
Just like every mutt in this Jewish pawn state
the cure to being a bitch is simply not to be
they will put it on your health file and the insurance companies will know you're a honker dont do it
this is you
no u, therapy shill
my dick is too sensitive for warm uncovered bjs if i ever came inside uncovered i would probably unintentionally flail and kick the girl lol, but covered bjs are pretty great and i can only last 4 minutes tops.
fuck off we're full
don't let anyone on this website ever convince you to not seek help if you're struggling, therapy and cbt demonstrably improve outcomes in people with mental illness.
It's too late, I'm all unpacked in my new home.
Redpill me on Cali homeless people, will I escape their presence unscathed if I avoid eye contact?
jeetmaxxing so i can one day acquire the exaggerated swagger and confident attitude of a jeet harassing girls online
I told some random person at a concert once that I was a chud and they gave me a very weird and dirty look and I think they knew what I meant lmao
Never go outside. At all times you should either be in your home, in the home of a wealthy right-wing venture capitalist, or in a private vehicle going from one to the other.
they could also not have known what you meant and just be wondering "what the fuck this retard just say to me"
what concert was it?
I tried a super spicy hot sauce yesterday that was made with ghost pepper, Carolina reaper, and scorpion pepper.
It set my mouth on fire of course, but more interesting was the effect it had on my body. I started breathing heavy, my heart rate increased, and I felt light headed. It was like the symptoms of a panic attack, without the panic.
I enjoyed it, it was like being high.
I only had a drop of it too!
it's not even racist to point this out because it's like always unhinged indian men randomly liking and commenting on a womans several year old photos and shit, it's disgusting
Hey now, sometimes Arabs and africans do it too!
this is unthinkable to me because the hottest thing i can really tolerate is sriracha sauce and even that is pushing it
Dying Fetus lmao
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>tfw if I have a fan or an a/c pointed at me I feel cold, but if I don’t, I feel too hot

No thanks

Suck my pixie dick you chubby coon
you're right it's not fair to generalize but still, why do they do it
that's cause ur a silly girl but that's ok I love u
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Doesn't your fan or whatever have multiple modes of intensity?
Their culture sexually represses them, so they act out. Not that it justifies their behavior, but it's a root cause.
Their skin is an ugly colour that's why.
what i remember from having these is that they basically have no taste are only hot, i'd like to try them again i feel like my hot tolerance has gone higher since the last time i had them
>The Victoria's Secret fashion show is making a return for fall 2024
Is civilization healing? It was a relatively wholesome 90's TV thing, right?
I've got a pretty high tolerance for heat. I can eat a big bag of Takis fuego in one sitting. It's great.
I mean who doesn't sleep in their underwear?
I sleep naked
i sleep in flannel pajama pants
>he doesn't have expensive silk pajamas
Do you eat off the floor too?
just a t shirt and undies is ideal
unless it's too cold i always sleep on underwear, in fact i'm always in my underwear all day unless it's too cold
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not good for your sheets though

just underwear, rarely lounge pants, rarely pajamas
nigga using tightie whities as a bedsheet
i will never lock in. i'm locked out
You're at the same level as a fourth grader in California.
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I dont see how you can hate us from your side of the club

gf who reads romance novels "as a joke"
i only go outside like once a month at most, probably more than that, i easily go months without leaving the house
you want a boutonniere
brazillian niggas be like
"this sun too spicy"
I was about to make fun of you, but I would also be too scared to go outside in Murderzil
umm my whitey tighties are colorful ok
How do you exercise? Socialize? Get groceries?
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This is edited for comedy lol what were they thinking
at home though rarely, i socialize on 4chan and my mom gets groceries
do you plan to live your whole life this way bossman
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>i socialize on 4chan
i dunno maybe, i hope to get a wfh job one day
What skills do you possess?
i know some basic coding and have basic IT knowledge
Donald Dump! Haha!
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Why is there two generals holy mother.
Keep on rockin in the free world \m/
i don't think we're gonna get it, threads too slow
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Goodnight guys
good night
What's your coffee order?
>size XL
>3 cream
>that's it
If it happens to be Timmies I'll order the dark roast. If it's Starbucks I order the blonde or medium roast.
finna go to idaho
>whole milk latte (unsweetened)
>chocolate croissant
at starbucks i just get an iced vanilla latte
i mostly just drink tea at home, i do like boba though
no don't then you'd be da hoe
I plan to take a screenshot of the GET, so i won't forget which poster it was.
don't be a hoe!
>native larp shit whatever the fuck thing in alaska
>full of white ass girls larping
We don't cotton to freaks round here
Now scram!
I used to eat smoked salmon and caviar with Russian friends
I want all silk everything, dripped put in silk from head to do call me the silkworm
how did you meet them
As you wish, sire, we'll send to China right away
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found a pic of you and your associates
What do they turn into?
What's in a name?
About to chug a half gallon of cold whole milk :)
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domestic silk moth
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they're moths nigga
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>literally me
We look cute but don't ever mess with us
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>I-I hope you enjoy my silk!
Strangely cute from this perspective
lmfao i would never, i know better
The other day they waited
the sky was dark and faded
I reckon we should recycle the other /cum/ thread when this one autosages
moths are friends. my favorite is the luna moth, they can get really big, most are bigger than the palm of my hand
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We're gettin' there.
That moth is German
The faster we go the rounder we get
you must have it mixed it up with something else
lol everyone is postan faster now boardwide
Hey I'm here to say that I like this song. It relaxes me and makes me feel good.
odds of the winner being an american are slim
those twitter wojaks infuriate me, specially the gay one
>american are slim
Never tell me the odds
nothing we can do coordinating even trying for gets is highly illegal
T.rump wins
Start going buckwild at 10-to.
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LEt's og guize! We can do this! (never posts again)
Tr.ump wins
Wutang clan forevah
Trump what, a healthy diet? hehehe
Trum.p wins
the fucking lightbulb piece of shit keeps turning itself on, piece of shit made in brazil garbage
Tru.mp wins :)
saving myself for my one true love
Donnie wins in November
are we there yet?
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Tonight's movie to fall asleep Inuyasha: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass
>off by one
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i am so sad right now
of course it was a cirno cord tranny botter that got it
literally just as impressove you have led us into the new quadrillium
So close


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bun is driving into the future
On to a billion other posts
This would have been the best one ever
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so close, spinny

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