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chan lineage edition
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So here we are then. The new.
Where's 7chan?
The 'rit.
I should be able to uber eats a fit prostitute to my home for less than £50
was infinity chan the den of nonces?
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>Sleaford Mods
got horrid fucking man tits self conscious as fuck lads
Just spent the night in a Spanish prison for hitting a girl who said I'm built like one of the worm aliens from Men in black 2
Any of you guys go to church?
Do you just turn up or is there some membership thing? How does it work? How many people actually go?
my leg going crazy
not since you left m8
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All things considered, I always find it amazing how little in-fighting between the different countries of the UK there is on /brit/.
In our general it's almost impossible to go five posts without macacos flinging shit at each other over regional differences. We're our own worst enemies I guess.
Get them in.

Get them fed.

Get them housed.

Get them naturalised.

Get them wanked.
gyno or just flab?
if gyno it is over
get on the smegmalutide
it scooby dooby do be like that
Foreigners out
You don’t belong here
We don’t care about your general
booked an appointment for anxiety meds
going to a GP rather than a psychiatrist so hopefully he just gives me medicine and tells me to fuck off
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timmy finna worn down on the tredders
dont know but im 6'3 18 stone so reckon its probably the FAT
Your gimmick has really gone downhill, Spainy
What's it like to have a legitimate micropenis?
think he's lost enough weight already
this bitch drinking fish water
And get them in the beds of:
>my gf
>my mum
>my sisters
>my female cousins
>my aunties
>my nan

Simple as
dadberg dropping me off at the station 2 hours early
daft cunt thinks its a fuckign airport
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talking to yourself again?
Once had a mate called Earl but he wasn't from Liverpool. Wonder if it's the same bloke. Small world!
Been to an Iraqi prison
None of you would survive in there I can tell you that
Is this some sort of reverse psychology trick to make me post even more on /brit/? It's working.
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>Earl of Liverpool but Earl of Manchester more
at the point with the gf where we can go for a walk and not talk to each other, but instead just hold hands and enjoy each other's company. lovely stuff.
mungy ned
I ginged it
Lads any strategy or tips on how to embrace my small penis humiliation fetish at the nude beach? I'm kinda decent looking and tall with a decent body (nothing great like six pack etc).

My strategy so far is just go near fit women (preferably English or Americans) and strip and sunbathe near them but everyone is polite and doesn't look properly at the beach and definitely don't laugh or atleast in a way I can see.

Appreciate any tips
They're good

you think that but does she
who is frederick brennan and why does he own a jap imageboard
does this video really need to be 53 minutes
It's really very simple:
>Turn up
>Listen to an old nonce tell stories from a storybook
>Donate 10% of your wage to the church for nonce-case legal fees (+tip)
>Have kids
>Get them baptised
>Get them nonced
>Continue cycle

Welcome to the church!
not since they deleted /younglove/ and /hebe/
Get them a tesco clubcard
Stole all those people's souls with his camera
pissed on my gfs head yesterday
Sounds like a strong relationship if you've run out of things to talk about already
oh dear
Alright guys. Got work again soon. Feeling very tired today.
try and find a black man and befriend him, and chat to him in view of fit women so they can notice the vast size difference
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s bh cla araf uest dat ik o
Hmmm youre not really selling it to me anon
Think i'll give it a miss
only tiring people get tired
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*phonk music starts playing*
*vignette fades in*
*film effect*
“And it is about the pace and rate of demographic change within this country because of illegal, and of course legal immigration”
*zesty black man goes “oh my gahhhh”*
“Is that the kind of country that you want to live in?”
*beat drops*
*cut to Nige smoking a fat cigar*
Diego having a seizure after seeing this post
I've been saying it for years,this is the real spaino
dont reply to him
what was it
Why is he standing like Raheem Sterling?
Why is he clawing at himself like a mangy dog?
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Kevin Was Always Based
you dont see many black peepo with down symdrone do you
you see a lot of pakis with it - for obvious reasons
immigration is good because i fucking hate british people and love watching this shit country full of tossers get diluted and watching gammons seethe knowing there's nothing they can do about it gives me a smug satisfaction

shouldn't have bullied me at school should you?
what a load of absolute fucking shite
You need to go back, Abdul
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Wish I had money to do up my gaff
Problem is I'm too thick and lazy to get a decent job
genuinely loathe people who try to talk about music as if it's something important
writing long essays about the banality of existence and how some shit pop group from Bristol 'cut through the gristle of life in modern britain'
mad dog = englishman
sunlight feels great, can't believe I've been sat indoors for years doing the same ting I could have down outside
most intelligent atheist
i'm white british and live in gloucester thoughever, just sick of you all
bizarre post that
Can honestly say I've never seen someone who wasn't white with downs
lyrics are plebeian
Mott the Hoople and the Game of Life
Andy Kaufman in the wrestling match
I believe in God, I don't believe in the NME
Great post

Such a good post
I see you've read Mark Fisher
my prime minister :D
its like i'm getting the revenge i could never have gotten myself due to being physically weak, watching the country collapse and seeing the gammons lose their minds is like me getting revenge against everyone who wronged me
American Pie is the Evangelion os music lyrics, you should give it a listen.
utterly bizarre post
sleaford mods is a psyop
How long does seasidemark have left now? He is grossly obese and an alcoholic and probably suicidal. I predict 5 years tops.
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little catberg has passed away :(
ever shag her up the arse?
If you believed they put a man on the moon
(Man on the moon)
If you believed there's nothing up his sleeve
Then nothing is cool
True, it's not so much music I hate as people taking over the top of it and expecting to be respected for it
so a white person bullied you in school and now you want your own race to die
you seem very very mentally stable and everyone should listen to your very very valid point
my life is a humiliation ritual
don't get how people listen to music
do you just fucking sit there like some spacked out mong and while some sound plays
really virginous in all honesty
rip in peace berg
sorry :(
yeh, i'll be dead in ~50-60 years anyway so none of it will even matter but i get to enjoy the misery of those who hurt me
Because he wants to score goals for England

t. Tarquin
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rorke and leftypol linked up
considering bacon eggs and beans lads
lmfao rest in piss dog gang on top pussies get put in spliffs
This post DOES NOT cut through the gristle of life in modern Britain
if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all
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Two Mods in suits and parkas, leaning against a wall, London, UK (2000)
a plate of just bacon and eggs is based
beans are a good addition but necessitate at least two slices of toast in my opinion
no way a man should have just egg and bacon and beans without toast
least mentally ill nihilist
I find it helps me relax by ignoring external stimuli and can be a powerful tool to influence mood in the direction I want it to go
avoiding bread as part of my diet
especially since ill be having pastry later
these drinks are hittng me like a nuke might be because ive only eaten popcorn today
looks like John Oliver and that kid from seminal BBC sitcom 'My Family'
ktim but also throwing a cheeky hash brown or 2 in the air frier with the bacon
Pink Floyd's Have A Cigar might be one of the most dogshit songs to exist nocap
Worse than this is food critics taking food way too seriously and describing how a salt fish fritter 'took them on a tour of Jamaica' or how 'each dish of the course had it's own personality'. Like Jesus Christ, genuine question, if they make their living from this how do they sleep soundly at night?
two LARPers
hahaha or popcoin as you all call it due to your hit show love you wacky bruce xx
reminds me of those pictures someone posted of the black keys lmao
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i have been drinking thr red acid mixed with the energy drink (5%) and it smells like piss and is making my arm go purple o.o
the drip is good, parkas like that look great
Pink Floyd is shit full stop. The Who mog them in every way shape and form
youve lost the plot mate
you Must not post the owls
no owls
the most tragic part of human being is that they became too self-aware to know that they are nothing but an individual belongs to primates, a monkey built on hunks of spoiling flesh and disintegrating bones
not really similar bands are they
I'm being forced to endure a family gathering and I am NOT happy about it
owl spotted
You're right - one is shit (PF) and one is good (TW)
>like a few posts about trump
>entire twitter feed is now yank politics forever
fuck sakes
will be the only one in the toil office today
tempted to bring a hip flask in and get a little tipsy
>using the for you feed ever
Owls are allowed.
the who are 90% dogshit whereas pink floyd are only about 70% dogshit and the wall is far less dull than quadrophenia
fuck off mousenonce you evil ghoul
on sunday?
*comes up behind you and kisses you on the back of the neck*

Heyyy :3
I like some of The Who. I like some Pink Floyd. Both good bands, not worth comparing.
The Who don't have 1 bad song
most introspective atheist
you're a big guy
baba o'riley
bossberg wants something done for tomorrow for his bossberg

will be getting the hours back i work
*giggles and says 'stoooop' in a halfhearted way so you know I don't really want you to stop at all*
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tell him to sod off
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Had a nice glass of milk and some caramelised pecans and now I want some more
Once had to do this on a bank holiday, toilberg said I couldn't claim the day back, jumped on a meeting with her and HR and they blew her the fuck out. Got the day back
Will never forgive ST for this one
cans rule deals fast okay
and cute birds sleigh halo asking for this
so by claiming arab guests date in october
crap song
going to mix the leftover water from my imstamt noodles (3/5) with the water piss solution in thr toilet and ADD ammonia i think that will be good
You're a fool
Probably the greatest song of all time
her man's been gone for nigh on a year
he was due home yesterday
but he ain't here
shut up mousey youre boring the arse off me already
can't enjoy sitting outside now that the daddy long legs is within a few inches from my chair, just wish I could tell insects to go away
pink flop mroe like
pink sloyd pink slop
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>Once had to do this on a bank holiday, toilberg said I couldn't claim the day back, jumped on a meeting with her and HR and they blew her the fuck out. Got the day back
Cracking morning for runtoil must be said, got out and around the park before the crowds
why is some freak pretending to be mousenonce
love the smell of second hand smoke in the morning from the neighbours as soon as I open a window
if THAT neighbour comes to my door again i will get the spade
idk why I call him gerald
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they can't catch me, lads!
maybe listen to some good music for once
Worked a couple of weekends but not getting the days back in official terms because toilstein has seen that other teams aren't claiming their days back and wants us to look good
Does mean I can be 'online' but do fuck all for a couple of days tho
Just finished reading a scanner darkly
the names Pacino. Dunk Pacino.
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pov you tell clairo you love her
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>Labour has ordered the Home Office to begin mass deportations of undocumented migrants.

>Writing in The Sun, Yvette Cooper says she has told the Home Office to raid car washes, nail bars and salons. 1,000 staff will be deployed to fast-track deportations.

But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
Haven't actually turned my laptop off properly since the end of November. Stuck it on standby quite a bit, and it reset once of its own accord to update, but I haven't actually shut it down
In the Gaelstát police will have a shoot to kill policy for joggers
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odds: shave, put the recycling out, scrub kitchen carpet, vac living room, and start on some laundry, before ordering delivery of 8 cans + groceries
evens: immediately order delivery of 4 cans + groceries, and try to get cleaned up a bit and put the recycling out before the man gets here
dubs: no delivery, just cleaning and that
japan is heaven on earth
it’s spainfreak, he does it a lot
>The Sun
remember when some girl told me she went to see kind of a pretty small band, I asked who and she told me a band with like 15mil monthly listeners so I said lol they're not small, and she blocked me
Isn't The Sun unreliable tabloid shite?
>kitchen carpet
oh dear
sore white fannies limping home to lil timmy
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quite funny how all the other tripfags are pitifully jealous of mousey
taking bikes from outside coop and throwing them into the clyde its NOT stealing its taking and its good for me c:
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boomer landlord innit
bathroom as well
lived here 10 years and never cleaned either carpet properly with carpet shampoo
yeah it's a bit grim
get the cans in de lad
Mad really, it's blatantly obvious these sorts of places are hotspots for illegals but the government turned a blind eye to them for years.
The scale of Tory treachery is almost unfathomable.
think I've got arse and tit cancer
cute squid girls
got a hard lump on my cock
apparently its from wanking too hard
Are they even conservative anymore. I don't think our Tories are either
fortunately all these problems can be solved by calling the Samaritans and then when the call is over all your problems are solved
only 4 though
i just switched them from normal carlsberg to export though haha
found a loophole didn't i
Need to go after the Turkish barbers and the minicab drivers and deliveroo and ubereats lot
tyrone and the gang played pass the pale ting all night
still very ill today
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mmhmm aint dat rite
feel proper sad as soon as the clouds cover the sun
i have been catching thr moths that come near my candle and keeping them for "later"
believe the medical term for that is a phallus callous
Are trades looked down upon in Britain?
wouldn't mind tonguing the anus of a polish princess post-poo
Going for a brief shower, lads. Wish me luck...
>polish princess
but we have our own!
If anything we need more barbershops. There's simply not enough.
Overall, yeah, but there's a lot of difference in the IQ and quality of tradesmen. It's too broad to generalise.
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The giraffe's closest living relative is the Okapi.
It stands at a pathetic 5 feet tall.
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least autistic brit poster
going to go dancing to techno for literally 8 hours later
it does look like a giraffe in fairness
secret product and a trench
I wonder how many discord kids they nonced.
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>Graphic footage recovered from Allan’s phone was shown to the jury during proceedings as well as photographs of Calum’s horrific injuries - sustained 11 days after the birth of his youngest child.

>The court heard that Allan and Brister had been seeking to recruit a man to make up a threesome with them but efforts to find a participant failed.
>Ms. Gray said: “And then Calum Simpson, a complete stranger, arrives by chance.”
more like the opaki
cute snek
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>go into the office to get work I could do on Friday done in peace and quiet
>a couple Indians come in and just won't shut the fuck up and sat right next to me
enjoy the hearing loss
okay forum its time to study :3
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The money is in kebab houses. Set up a limited company fronted by people who don't exist. Companies house doesn't check. Rent out a shop on a high street, have your family or mates run it so you're not paying minimum wage. Kebabs and pizzas are cheap ingredients but sell for a tenner a pop. Don't pay rent or taxes. It's hard to evict a commercial tenant and can take years. After a couple of years when HMRC send someone to get their money (and what do your business have that's worth anything, a shitty cooker, donor kit and microwave?), shut the business down and reopen it under another name.
looks more like a paraceratherium on its way to a gay club
So we are a country that wants strong borders, state medicine, LGBT rights, a monarchy, drug decriminalisation, assisted dying, the death penalty, and closer EU alignment despite leaving it
Makes sense
not a forum
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Are we a really a third French because of ANGLO men fucking Gallic qt's?
Many such cases. I know homosexuals and I love them as fellow human beings because God wants me to, but I also know that it's a sin, and would encourage them to leave that lifestyle behind them
people are retards

>in engineering
>be white
>indian boss
>two fresh Indian girls come in for internship
>lose contract months later because "they didn't have the demand for the work I was doing"
>check linked in later
>both the Indian girls end up picking up on what I was doing
I thought this Indians getting other Indians in was a meme until this point, mad
no idea what this shows
ive seen a literal tranny midge blacked, and the one doing the blacking was a midge too. id post it but the senpai is around
We need to sterilise Indians
gf wants to get a cat but not a dog
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The WOKE brigade wont like this
Good, dogs are vile smelly beasts
i think the apples rotten right to the core
More probably because London is closer to France than Dublin...
Tonnes of them in the software dept of my company and I'd say 80% of them stink of curry or BO, absolutely putrid. And they keep doing shit work.
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>dogs are vile smelly beasts
I'm codemonke and I've been replaced by people in Bangalore working for peanuts more times than I can count
>vile smelly beasts
But my gf likes black men so why wouldn't she get a dog?
Weird freak
Honestly mate cats are pets on ezmode if you don't want a pet
Yeah, the girls had a pretty bad BO smell, but they were actually from india. My boss never did but I suspect he was either born here or 40 years here stopped that.
Freak post
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go emma!
White men meltdowing over Indian supremacy
So many black people in my town now
she's so gorg
I'm here now lads. How's it foing?
Who got >>200000000
And >>199999999
Britain should've depopulated and colonised India like Australia
she looks like she has learning difficulties as the result of being cross bred between a chink buglet and an inbred eastern european

oh wait
lovely poo get
>what are ear plugs
oh im going to listen to music, but i'm going to plug my ears
So it was a good pair of gets then was it?
>racist waste of oxygen incel slagging off someone who has a way better life than him and earns way more despite being way younger

most familiar with music brit poster
you're tearing the arse out of that 'most x' patter
Poo was in /brit/
my gaymen laptop is going WHIRRRRRR in this heat, even while just watching youtube
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least gay brit poster
We at /brit/ wish Ross Kemp a happy 60th birthday
not tinder, dont have to upload selfies
So what it's always shit in /brit/ heheheheh
least anally fixated brit poster
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Emma Radacanu

Chinese mother
Romanian father
Bred in Canada
But somehow 100% British
done him haha
Do this in the pool too sometimes
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cana is british
Raped that incel freak
put that cunt in a casket
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I'm 14 stone, same height and I have moobs
makes summers really traumatic
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any massive bears in?
Off to the diversity mines with you mate
Sunday bloody sunday
would love to lick her sweaty pits after a tennis match
only wear underarmour boxerjocks me, aware of the leeching but just can't do non polyester sweat
*opens notebook titled: “Observations on Incel Freaks”*

*writes: “Emma Raducanu triggers them for some reason”*

*places notebook back in bookshelf next to the other 382 volumes*
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baka anon
sorry but you didn't refute anything i said in your simpoid retaliation
spend all day trying to distract myself from my shit life, then regret not killing myself as I try to drift off to sleep
never post that evil goblin again after what she did to are Andy
uni tomorrow
new semester new me
You have never had sex and never will
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could you imagine how smelly her gooch and crotch would be
i have a small white dick
probably wouldnt be smelly. sweat doesnt smell unless it's left on you. she is showering immediately before and after each game
games last 4 or 5 hours and if she wins there will be a lot of media stuff delaying the shower
>if she wins
this is all me
I stayed in this thread talking to myself btw
nobody will see because they all migrated already and no one ever comes back to an old thread
I sent a birthday message to exberg in april and we talked a lot, she seemed to enjoy it and really wanted to talk since she was finding a lot of time in the middle of work that day just to try to talk to me, it was non-stop and good conversational catch-up, then we just kind of mutually said goodnight at the end of the day and both stopped talking ever since. Slightly wanted her to but she didn't send me a message for my birthday in may in return, I suspect a conscious decision and basically continuing silence ever since. At which point is it enough time to talk again? It's not on bad terms at all but it's a very strange zone right now.
Just awoken from a coma after reading a terribly dull post.

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