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Spider-Man edition
I'm tryna get high til I can't feel nothin
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New tuber
for me it's psyllium husk with brekkie and then a deep satisfying poo
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my white dick is around 5.5 inches erect
just put a t shirt on
I hate pooing. Pooing is a chore. Right when I'm in the middle of something, my body tells me I have to drop everything, and poo instead. Even if I'm quick with pooing, I then have to wipe thoroughly and wash my hands thoroughly. It's very annoying.
Used to take this stuff during my gay phase, made it so easy to keep my bumhole clean
you know civilised people (and by civilised people I mean muslims) use water to wash their arse rather than toilet paper
the co op multipayer in that was fun
lads remember jordan from ed and jordan? this is him now https://www.theguardian.com/media/article/2024/may/04/jordan-knight-news-corp-2gb-daily-telegraph-tiktok-anti-immigration-activist https://x.com/jhk_______/

Can someone tell me if this torrent has a virus or not
White man post
mogs me by about 1.5 inches
Spider senses are tingling at this one
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For sex havers: I sent a birthday message to exberg in april and we talked a lot, she seemed to enjoy it and really wanted to talk since she was finding a lot of time in the middle of work that day just to try to talk to me, it was non-stop and good conversational catch-up, then we just kind of mutually said goodnight at the end of the day and both stopped talking ever since. Slightly wanted her to but she didn't send me a message for my birthday in may in return, I suspect a conscious decision and basically continuing silence ever since. At which point is it enough time to talk again? It's not on bad terms at all but it's a very strange zone right now.
Yeah it was great, and the 60 player multiplayer was mental for the time.
the ghost of john mcafee rattling chains at that magnet
John McAfee's ghost just sent me a WhatsApp message saying I shouldn't go near this link
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Canadian Jew tells young men to kill themselves if they don't like what the Jews are doing
dophin porn of highest quality
whats MAID then
mostly white
massive asian indian dicks
medical assistance in dying
finally a timmy extinction programme
spacker euthanasia
Rorke falling for fake, badly formatted headlines yet again.
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She's your ex. Unless you intend on getting back together, just remain permanently seperate
rorke wont know what hit him
shes probably right 2bf
Big White Candle
Geopolitical question:
India's economy is growing pretty quickly, as are their incomes. Do you reckon in the 2040s or so, we'll see jobs being outsourced to Africa instead?

I'm a bit perplexed why we don't already outside of child slave labour. There's hundreds of millions of native English speakers in Africa, surely it makes sense?
calm down timmy lol
Rorke and the sweltering summer of 2024.
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That image looks entirely fake

Firstly, pic related

Secondly, there seems to be no story resembling what you've posted on the CBC News page for that author: https://www.cbc.ca/news/author/christian-paas-lang-1.5201083

Fact check status: you're a liar
Stop seething Timmy
Is more time apart good or bad? I'd consider trying to with her and I don't think it's an impossible thing either. I just don't know at which point it becomes too long or not long enough. It's been about 6-7 months. I still need more time to get into a better position for myself honestly.
emma radacanu is the ruby granger of the tennis world
Kaspersky sending Spetznaz rapelling through my window spraying SMGs
you need to sign up
Rorke will believe literally anything that backs up his beliefs about Jews lol
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noticing a trend here
Spastics raping your window? What are you on about mate
Rorkey gets battered
Everywhere he goes
what a fucking shocker man
good analogy tbf
Some proper fucking retards in the last thread. I won't name names but you know who you are
you mad asl
>Fact check status: you're a liar

wrong. hes a victim who got scammed by an image he saw online.
She was worried about you but doesn't want to lead you into thinking she's interested in continuing to hear from you. She's away with a much better looking, wealthier, taller, whiter and more socially adept man now, it's time for you to move on.
Yes, all of them refuse to attack Israel but attack every other country
the cans are in
the potato waffles and the bacon and the eggs and the cheese and that are in their proper places
and the canisters (of carlsberg export lager beer) are in (the house)
Funny how NATO and the IDF aren’t on here
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the gang has arrived
Jesus ref, call it! Rorke can't take much more!
Hamas refused to attack israel?
cans on a sunday is grimmo
Starting to love going to the gym
Would happily exercise all day desu although need the body to rest and recover, such is life
any windows ltsc 2021 niggas in
im niggas lads
Vile runt
Shall never forgive the way she treated ar Tony
You can expect to still be in love with her for 3 years after you break up (assuming it was a long term relationship). You have a choice of reverting to how you were before and resetting the clock. You're are at risk of hanging on to a vague sense that you can rebuild the relationship. That's not a healthy position to rebuild your life.
>Refuse to attack Israel

Rorke's mind should be studied
Coincidentally nato has told us all it's enemies are inherently bad
only 4 of them
it's just too hot
We're just lucky that AIDS never evolved to become airborne
jeremy vine dressing up as joey barton there
imagine if loosing your virginity was airborne
honestly dont even believe the israel hamas war is real, reckon its a big glorified stage performance to extract money from the west
never too late
Bad AIDS or Good AIDS?
Read some stuff about early aids outbreak in yankland. Extremely grim reading. Gay people are wrong uns
suicide toil for me tonight
This is what happens to your brain when you never leave your smelly childhood incel bedroom
wish the hamster would give it a rest on his feckin wheel
pics and video pls
never see young men dying of AIDS these days
Used to love the first game's online
a highly infectious, deadly disease is just about the only thing that would save the planet at this point
eat it
be a lot cheaper if we blew them all up
fewer deaths as well in the long run, because they're just gonna be killing each other like this forever
that's infinite deaths, compared to a few million if we level the entire region
it's the kindest thing to do quite frankly
nobodies got aids and i dont wanna hear that word here anymore
what word?
thats not the quote
got a 4 in peenor myself
doesnt bother me
i never use it
had a cheese and chicken toastie last night while steaming

yeh you probably believe unicef adverts too you massive retard
elon musk or someone should invent willy implants for short-peen white men such as us ffs
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brother, did you saw the timmycels reaction to Speed with the norway girls? damn they were absolutely FURIOUS
im not white
>Year 9 (aka the easiest year of school)
>Head home each day with my mates spending the money my mum gave me for lunch on sweets at the corner shop
>Get home
>Stick on the playstation
>Play MW2 with the boys until its time to go to bed
>Rinse and repeat

Halcyon days. Didn't know what I had until it was gone
Get them rimmed
LOL aint nun dem lil timmies gon do
inhaling goyslop through my zoghole
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the toil freaks are fully aware of their situation... it looms for them... the pre-loom loom
Cronem goons taking Emily back to the traphouse for a painful deformation procedure
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Fucking hell I'd love to go to that Norwegian end of school piss up. Apparently it's a month long booze-up and fuck fest
What did I do on my last day of school? Clocked in for my 5 hour shift at Sainsbury's of course
This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!
Based fellow 1996 Chad
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bacon baguette for lunch
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>What did I do on my last day of school? Clocked in for my 5 hour shift at Sainsbury's
mmhmm timmy sr think she walking the dog! LOL
95 my G
kys spainfreak
haha yeah wow it's almost like it's happening to you!
way to go big guy! you're sure to have a really great wank session today
it's jay
haha i left school as early as possible while everyone else was having fun
oh and one girl had a go at me because i engaged with her in a flirty way lol
demolished that brown
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tummy hurts big time now
sent that deliveroo worker on his bike
Tangfastic fried eggs for lunch
i used to work at poundland

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>Year 9
olympics and football start soon

get in
Last day of skool Jamal grabs the Sharpie from Timmy and writes a lewd message on Emily's doughy yet firm left breast, she shudders in anticipation at what is to come
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my farts are of the rancid variety today
Sent that mutant back to his swamp
Everyone born between 1993-1997 is supremely based
olympic football starts wednesday
and the rugby sevens
put that coward in the ground
>14 years old
isn't that a bit old for sweets?
Sir Slug Starmer
For all the posts the Belgian flag makes he's either two things

A deliveroo worker
Sir Slug Starmer
mmhmm she's his property
Looks like the colours on wheat crunchie packets have got more pale, any thoughts on this?
tugging your little white willy as you type these

grim grim existence
Never too old for a lucozade, thai sweet chilli mccoys and some fizzy watermelons mate. Maybe a nuts mag if I have change
another victim of the woke brigade
just like your fleshlight is YOUR property
it's like your SLAVE
it doesn't get any better than THIS does it mate?
Just deployed some excellent bait on another board. Already got some nibbles
>feel bad
>imagine I'm being treated by two expensive hookers hired by somebody to cheer me up
>feel better
it's that easy
Slung that migrant back onto his dingy
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imagine if every single /brit/ post you ever made was read out in court
squid game coronavirus
catapulted that paki back to mecca
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the 'rit
sweet chin music'd that cunt back to islamabad
Deliveroo driver crying into his iphone outside an Abrakebabra
put that cunt on a plane back to lagos
Bradley Walsh testifying at the /brit/ court hearing
cant see belgium spain netherlands or canada posts
would be nice to hide the responses to them as well
timmy melty LOL
business idea: deliverpoo
imagine being anglo and having the strenght to watch football after losing 2 finals back to back
If i were you i'd start watching something better like american football
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Finally did an oil change on my car for the first time, lads. Feeling pretty good about myself. Only been saying I need to do it for the past year and a half.
they're multiplying
filterberg going dupin' menal
Sent that incel back to his smelly childhood room
For the defence or prosecution?
Reckon Warwick Davis would be involved too
Mental how badly he mindraped you
proper disappointed at my traction on twitter (currently x) after the thought provoking and controversial replies i was dishing out all night
new frank green and a sneaky link
new frank green and a sneaky link
just ate 2 out of date benecols
fake tan hands and a hoop!
just done a cummy honkers
seen a lot of accounts on x recently trying to replicate 4chan humour
just doesn't work and is cringe
this is why real chads walk and take the bus. leave mfilthy maintenance task to the jannies and drivers and other pathetic toil freaks
Blud did you even get out the groups?
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>not going from your home straight to your destination
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fat cunt
same vibe as when redditors come here and try too hard to fit in by being le epic shiposter extroadinaire, posting nothing but the same shite over and over with zero creativity or originality
they're like a battered puppy
it's alright mate nobody's gonna downvote you if you don't fit in, you can express yourself
Big, hearty girls gagging for BBC thug rod
yeah, we lost against France
does their company know that they are taking time out of their jobs to make tiktok videos?
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Frenchies see unusual animals and be like "eat it"
watching mr poppers penguins
the gen z boss is so hot
clapmeats getting paid to do nothing while timmy peckerwood is filling out those spreadsheets in the back just so the pale meats can afford rent to invite violent goons to bash their fannies in with their veiny mambas LOL
yeah the first girl is the actual boss
do you ever think about killing yourself mid-post
she's not though is she
she's the "boss" of a small team probably
there are many people above her
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that looks delish ngl
Would love to try frog and would love to try hamster (they roast them in Peru)
Don’t know why we don’t
Going out to eat for them means going in their back garden to find anything with a pulse
It's their company you fucking muppet
Why would the company care anyway? Probably doing ironman numbers in sales now
That's exactly how it works
actual mental problems
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cunt i was here at like 9 in the morning now it's 9 in the evening and you're still doing this shit
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enjoying some time outside
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>does their company know that they are taking time out of their jobs to make tiktok videos?
it's got to be an AI
They gon get stretched and deformed, their faces covered in jungle slime
he's profoundly mentally ill

mousenonce-levels of mental illness
fucking love garlic aioli. LOVE IT
We love the wasians, don’t we folks?
Fuck off
Madeline Carroll has barely aged a day
and im imagining doing Ophelia Lovibond and Felicity Jones at the same time
Audio version?
isn’t aioli just garlic mayonnaise?
I don't think I've ever seen the belgian make a post without the words timmy or clapmeat in it and he makes about 100 posts a day every day
how are you able to control yourself with women almost naked in front of you????
They look sad to exist
lil timmy all red faced and shaking behind his gaming keyboard
boggles the brain how hapa girls are mega fit like in the vid but the blokes turn out like elliot rodger
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me on the right
he will occasionally break character and defend palestine when the israel/palestine topic is brought up

which is quite telling
not an internet addiction porn-brained freak you see
his ocd is the worst mental illness on /brit/ by far. needs detained
Jamaican yardies invading Emma's private space and jamming their fried chicken fingers up her slippery slit
Me? Still unemployed a whole week after being fired. It's over.
pissing on women during sex is aristocratic and nietzschean
Imagine the day the incel of Ypres saw that timmy post and a little light in the crevices of his rotten mind turned on
thank god i grew up in a religious neighborhood, women like this don't exist where i come from
and what was that religion?
me? doing a BIG POO
her eager slit tensing up when his finger slips in
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>the incel of Ypres
Millennials are simply better than zoomers.
>incel of Ypres
Idea. Passports to travel between councils. No more crime. No more illegal immigrants. More focus on local areas
why are you replying to this larp you spastic?
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business idea: reform the heptarchy with a bretwalda from wessex
good post
>i grew up in a religious neighborhood
And now you spend all your life posting about African men sexually.
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lil timmy wanking to japanese drawings again
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get the gay porn on
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>incel of Ypres
Hello rabbi
i don't even live in belgium but cope on LOL
opening his rectum to thugs on the downlow
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Johto was a really crap region
Wanking to Japanese drawings again
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the world would genuinely be saved if every tiny region as small as a constituency or council were its own country

people wars are caused that way but its actually the opposite. consolidation into a few big nations is what causes bigger deadly battles and

we have it so backwards
Actually imagine it. Everyone in his street is at church right now while he's masturbating to naked black men. Why would he even admit this.
looks like a terrorist cell to me
israel need to bomb it ASAP
halifax mentioned !!
gay porn pot noodle
>he can’t resist opening the stubs and replying anyway

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That's right cocksucker! Go back to Undead Asylum!
Oh well then I guess that makes all your bbc posts normal then, crack on
yes we know spainmong
you live in your smelly childhood bedroom in chester
looks peng desu not gonna lie
>as small as a constituency or council were its own country
That's essentially what feudalism was and existed in the England until the 17th century and Scotland until 1746.
Bro, Israel would get btfo by Belgium.
Our military is very competent
shit thread for shit heads
adam barratt the heir to the barratt homes empire
do not reply to the Nonce
/brit/ btfo’d once again sadly
Belgium póster is easily the most mentally ill regular here. He mogs mousenonce and spaino in that regard
what's for lunch lads?
need ideas
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belgium isn't even a real country
it's just a bunch of french and wogs like you
Sir Adam Barratt PhD QC AudiA3
>there is a yank rap group called the nonce
im not spaino either
cheers x
used to think this but its impossible post globalization, the level of organization needed to get anything done cant be reached without a strong central authority
You’ve been replying to and seething and seething about him all thread mate
might order a cheeky 'aki 'za
your son gwyndolin, whatever happened there
i have them blocked in ublock so the post doesnt exist, its not a stub and i cant open it even if i wanted to
your mind has just been cucked by bureaucrats
fish fingers
had that fri night
Didn’t ask, freak
and yet you were told
Wasted on anime ffs
flummoxed that lummox
steak and potato waffles and broccoli i think
still haven't decided
look at the time lads
*looks at the time*
nah i would love it honestly but its not feasible
actually its the opposite. bigger consolidated nations and companies have less motive to coordinate with others since they all feel they can take command.

small ones cooperate by necessity
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Filled the water bottle with juice x
>poo post was 1 off
fuck SAKE
of course the poo get was wasted in that faggot's forced gimmick thread
rorke playing with his rubber ducky in the bath
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we have it so backwards. this is genuine cheat code for human progress but it relies on us understanding counter intuitive information so we failed the test
>Channel 4 only have season 2-4 of Lego Masters Australia
>Channel 9 (aus channel) won’t allowing streaming in the UK
FUCK SAKE lads, gonna have to slap a HDMI in my work laptop and find a streaming site to catch s1, s5 and s6 like an absolute runt
Why the fuck would C4 just get 3 random series’ anyway?
Sorry MN but this is important
*pops a lit firework down your y-fronts*
actually youre right it could work im not dreaming big enoughj fuck this gay ass earth
bit early
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wahey check out this captcha lads
>look captcha
never interesting
i'm proud of you
that says POPN

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