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Imagine how woke the next elder scrolls is gonna be
dont care, died with oblivion in my eyes
People who comment under cat videos are disgustingly mental
anything bethesda made after morrowind is about trannies and wogs including new vegas
Mad how the 18 year old pornstars these days were only 7 when I first started wanking
real mans don't say "th"
Childless people usually are
It's more of an American phenomenon so far, so I suppose you wouldn't be aware of it unless you pay attention to international politics. In the US there's this strange movement of libertarian tech billionaires like Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, and even Mark Zuckerberg towards a pro-Trump/Republican stance.

I hope that sort of politics doesn't make its way across the Atlantic but we have a very bad habit of adopting whatever political phenomenon becomes popular in the states.
I was busy sorry
A month or two from now you can expect obnoxious Oblivion spam. Just need to deal with Solstheim
mad how 18 yo pornstars in 2016 are now 26 vomitemoji.jpg
Remember the first time I wanked and came it was such an intense feeling it was amazing it has never been the same since.
Big fan of Russian women myself
Have you seen those women
Oh mein got
there are no 18yo pornstars because you can't achieve stardom that fast. they are porn actresses
This but slav twinks
Might become a furry
For me it's kate kuray
mandem in disguise
Peng as
desu i never played the main storyline of oblivion
I just did the kvatch quest and couldnt be bothered continuing because going through gates as a stealth archer sucked
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Fortnite is nearly 7 years old which is like 183 fortnights
is it common to run into or encounter low level nobility
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my first wank was hentai

still get hard at my first wank material, not coomed to it in a while tho

wish bible black gaiden was a visual novel and I could get with Junko(blue hair)
Used to wank to the sexcetera and other similar tv shows cause I didn't have the internet or porn channels but I also shared a room with multiple brother so I would wank while I had my finger of the tv power button ready to turn it off. Oh also those music request channels that started showing tits in music videos late at night think it was called fizz.
>stealth archer
Even watched an oblivion stream on youtube the other day and it was exactly that
They all have aids
i went to a boarding school and had to share a room for the first 3 years so i thought i learnt to wank very quietly. but apparently i used to give it a way with my breathing and they made fun of me for it years later
what's wrong with being a stealth archer..? lol
going through caves and just one shotting everything unnoticed is cool
makes dark brotherhood quests easy and fun
what's the issue
can't remember skyrim that well but I remember thinking the city with the thieves guild was pretty comfy
>duplicate reply because I posted this inthe wrong thread
For me it’s non stealth heavy armor archer

Melee in Bethesda games just isn’t fun
It's easily prevented and easily treatable these days
If I got to put my penis in a Russian porn star, it's the sacrifice I'd be willing to make
I've never been caught wanking, not once.
I find stealth extremely gay especially in a game like oblivion
Riften and markarth were the best cities but riften had the best biome
You didn't beat the game
sometimes wonder if life could be better if we just got representation in british parliament
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>introduced the missus to Kipling Angel Slices and flumps
think HIV transmission with heterosexual sex is quite low, like don't even worry about it low

if youre not having rough anal sex or shooting up drugs you're fine.

(i am a doctor)
is blud on minecraft?
Would only be worth the risk for prime Eva Elfie
aids in russia is mostly amongst ethnic minorities and criminals
Just booked my flight to noscow
A real conservative movement, if it ever came to power, would transform society in ways that most people on this website would be extremely uncomfortable with.

It would totally ban all forms of pornography. It would forbid foreign tech corporations like Meta, Apple and Tiktok from operating in this country. It would ban websites like 4chan on the grounds that they promote sexual deviancy and encourage incel rhetoric (which harms and misleads men).

There are pretty much zero people on this website who would support such measures. This site really cannot be called meaningfully right-of-centre by any stretch of the imagination. Just because you spam slurs doesn't make you right-wing.
I could demolish a full pack of Kipling Angel slices with room to spare.
One more shift on very little sleep

Then a free day to smash 3 bags
fair enough but the main game didnt seem to rival all the great side quests
i used to jack off in my mom's ass
i'm american btw
Mental how there’s fuck all to do in Minecraft once you’ve done the obligatory farm with the mineshaft underneath build
dont care still voting Project 2025
i would just start drawing my own futa porn.
You just described about 75% of the population of Russia
For real though, why are Russian women so much more attractive than English women
What do they put in the water over there in eastern europe
>3 bags
of crisps?
used to wait
Settled by Vikings. Vikings only abducted the pretty ones.
you just want to ban the internet because it allows free exchange of information, you're dressing it up as a "conservative" thing by mentioning porn, but really its so you can better control the populace. in short you want zoomers to love israel like boomers do, 2016mong
Is it just me or is all amazon drivers these days pakis and blacks?
Golden wonder salt and vinegar mog every other salt and vinegar crisp
its usa that's known for shitskins and criminality
American 4channers would cry and shit their pants if Project 2025 actually gets implemented. It is broadly in line with the sort of measures I just listed. /pol/tards would all start voting Democrat if Trump takes their tranny and cuckold porn away.

You could do that but if you spread it publicly that would be a violation of anti-pornography/anti-deviancy laws and you would be arrested.
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>11-year-old who saved up money for a lemonade stand was scammed by a man who gave him fake $100 bill and asked for exact change, police say
amazon treats their workers like shit, why would someone white work for them
the legal framework is already there to relax anti-discrimination laws when appropriate
for example, unlike most absentee landlords, owner-occupier landlords are not subject to those laws when it comes to choosing tenants (although care is needed when stating preferences when advertising)
same could easily apply to prostitution
Mostly eastern euros my way but it’s clearly a job for immigrants as you say. Must be a dire job
loool little runt learned a lesson that day
this is my new language i just invented:

ergin tisplond tel yepo tepo timpolio farnch brank

and that means:

would you like to be my new friend or perhaps more
>nnnnooooooo don't take away my pornhub and onlyfans, i NEED to masturbate to le based tranny femboy catboys you don't understand!!!
You are not right-wing.
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Because 4tran isnt a chud site
whatever happened to hs2
which gundam dee lad
>deranged, defensive strawman in response to my accurate analysis of your shit posts
yeah what i expected, jewboy
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Try and stop me
ergin tisplond tel yepo tepo timpolio farnch brank?
Corruption and incompetence and then it got cancelled
Just typical British things
Imagine the mass shootings if 4chan was deleted
in english, doc?
the one where the big robot rattles his bones
right wing means top down society
(monarchy, oligarchy, dictatorship)
left wing means democratic society
(liberalism, non-state socialism, anarchism)
it's really that simple
Witch from mercury
4chan is THE "chud website", "chud" refers to the zoomer/gen alpha racist tech-libertarian coomers that I am talking about. This is simply what they really believe. It's also why the contrarian religious trend of Anons converting to catholicism/orthodoxy was never anything more than a LARP. If any of those people actually went to a real church they would be ostracised by the true faithful people who would smell their cum-stained trousers and correctly identify them as deviants.
Project 2025 is good and based actually because it doesn’t matter if it completely ruins my life and country as long as the browns suffer too
got the old minecraft videos on :)
How would it ruin your life or your country though? Explain this in specific ways please.
Didn't read lol
Have sex loser
You reek of angry, desperate virginity
what's no in your language

LOL just found this
>4chan is THE "chud website"
maybe 10 years ago lmao
twitter is the new 4chan
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Sent that freak into orbit
Both of you are literal incels.
Love the 2nd ending of Witch of Mercury would listen to it everytime it ended.
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>twitter is the new 4chan
Actually mental that fact is
2016mong be old as shit bruh
Tekken finals up soon
Americans be like dang Cody that’s freakin bonkers
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I'm not the one throwing a hissy fit because *checks notes* porn exists. You blame pornography for your lack of success with women and want it banned, when in reality your lack of success with women is because you're a creepy loser with no hobbies that they don't want to be seen with.
XTrannies whine about Elon and yeah he’s cringe but we can thank him for freeing twitter from millennial cringelord rule
Minecraft is one of those games where the idea of playing it is better than actually playing it
First I need you to tell me what project 2025 hopes to implement
It's literally the exact same people. The Twitter "right-wing" ecosphere is just people who crosspost between there, 4chan and Tiktok. They support the exact same policies on all platforms. They're anti-immigration and anti-LGBT but also pro-porn, ultra-capitalistic, and shill for AI and crypto. Like I said, they're libertarian techbros except with added racism.
just wrote a new song

it goes:

oh baby oh oh
oh baby baby
you are my girl
you sre my world
Might be getting another root canal on tuesday get in de lads.
thats why u just watch someone else play it
>You blame pornography for your lack of success with women
Just making shit up now are we?
is dublin peng
Alri led zeppelin
>They're anti-immigration and anti-LGBT but also pro-porn, ultra-capitalistic, and shill for AI
i don't think that's actually true, commiekike/2016kike. i think this is a part of the deranged jewish headcanon you've invented. have sex (with an adult, although i know that's against your ethnic impulse)
yeah, and?
Have you tried not eating so many carbs and just brushing your teeth
I can sense another 2016mong mental break coming soon
I remember that time he thought the timeline was gonna reset and take him back so he spammed ramblings for a few hours then fell asleep
I'm guessing your weird right wing incel views aren't exactly a hit with the ladies
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the led creppelins
Yeah used to watch these clan of freaks play it modded out way back in the day

Eventually stopped watching them when they all moved into a ‘gamer house’ and one of them filmed himself Assassins Creed assassinating a teddy bear off his garden decking in a very unfit manner
no im british
bit of an event aint it considering it will be the only time i leave my smelly room this year
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>have sex (with an adult, although i know that's against your ethnic impulse)
That's rich coming from someone who spends 24/7 posting in a general full of unironic nonces who shitpost about ogling schoolgirls legs on the bus.

I cannot wait until our new government uses the powers of the Online Safety Bill to send this website into oblivion so degenerate scum like you have nowhere left to go. You'll probably kill yourself when you can't spend all day spamming your cuckold fantasies on /brit/ anymore.
he once kept spamming the dox of that /britfeel/ user helperlad on here and begged me to report him so he'd be banned for 2 weeks and could then give up this website. didn't work obviously because i did report him when he begged
corrr fakkin ell
those arent ur creps!
>incel views
Like I said, you're just making shit up now.
>That's rich coming from someone who spends 24/7 posting
not true
>I cannot wait until our new government uses the powers of the Online Safety Bill to send this website into oblivion so degenerate scum like you have nowhere left to go. You'll probably kill yourself when you can't spend all day spamming your cuckold fantasies on /brit/ anymore.
you live in a very odd world. i would have pornographers thrown off buildings. i'm just posting what i see
lol nice story
That just a HG?
>ogling schoolgirls legs on the bus
Perfectly natural
i'm about to watch prison break!!!!!!!
Currently listening to Sisters of Mercy

>i would have pornographers thrown off buildings.
If you agree with me then why are you having a sperg out because I posted my views?
full mechanics
Good show if you enjoy the camp
Love me an old campy FOX drama
And you’re not calling the police??
Alri Muhammad.
Anti-porn is like the major second branch of incelism. When freaks like you get sexually rejected they usually blame one of two things: The first group blame women for rejecting them. The second blame porn for 'ruining' them. Instead of looking at who is really to blame: you, because you're a freak.
2016 was 8 years ago
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might get one
Me personally I make sure to be sitting on bench outside the local high school around 3pm sharp on a school day
Especially if it's a hot summers day...brb
because that's not the sum of your views. you are making up some weird inaccurate fiction of the "right-wing" loving porn or something.

you're commiemong. you're an EXTRMELY strange and mentally ill individual. not just weird, but weird in an evil way. an evil ghoul.
2006 was 18 years ago
2007 was 17 years ago
2008 was 16 years ago
2009 was 15 years ago
2010 was 14 years ago
2011 was 13 years ago
2012 was 12 years ago
2013 was 11 years ago
2014 was 10 years ago
2015 was 9 years ago
2017 was 7 years ago
2018 was 6 years ago
2019 was 5 years ago
2020 was 4 years ago
2021 was 3 years ago
2022 was 2 years ago
tranny canadian playing with his gay little robot toys
with means, damn
Damn I must be old as shit if 2002 isn’t making it on the list bruh fr
>2006 was 18 years ago
>2007 was 17 years ago
>2008 was 16 years ago
>2009 was 15 years ago
>2010 was 14 years ago
>2011 was 13 years ago
>2012 was 12 years ago
>2013 was 11 years ago
>2014 was 10 years ago
>2015 was 9 years ago
>2017 was 7 years ago
>2018 was 6 years ago
>2019 was 5 years ago
>2020 was 4 years ago
>2021 was 3 years ago
>2022 was 2 years ago
how many years ago was 1739?
At least he has hobbies and enjoys things
What do you have besides snide sparky comments on 4chan?
>Anti-porn is like the major second branch of incelism.
Lmao you really have no clue what incels are about. Look at /r9k/ or that incels.is forum. Full of porn, fetish freaks, and people talking about how they want to rape women.

>The second blame porn for 'ruining' them.
I don't do that though. I've never been massively into porn myself. I'm against it because I've seen what it's done to other people, and how it has completely destroyed the internet as I once knew it.
0 was 2024 years ago
Did those incel freaks
top talking to yourself you mong freak
2002 gods, we got old
You ever tried dry wanking without material?
It's just not the same
No, it's not the right-wing who love porn, it's libertarians, but unfortunately a huge number of them love to masquerade as "right-wingers" because they hold one (1) right-of-centre viewpoint (opposing immigration).

>you're commiemong
"You're this mong! You're that mong! You're mongmong!"
Which imaginary friend of yours are you going to bring up next I wonder?
i was borhn in 1931
The late zoomers and alphas are already claiming we have unc status
alri nan xx
it's better, i have an imagination
my name is herbert
Why would you care what teenagers think of you
Dusty yute
didn't realise porn had political views personally
no one fucking cares about libertarians you mong fucking cunt. just shut the fuck up. sick of you polluting this general 24/7 with your pilpul and samefagging and sadism. you're evil like all jews. just die
what year was jesus bron?
is leftypol making dishonest arguments again is he
Because it’s funny and I’m not one of these weird ass old people that get insecure about teenagers being younger and making jokes about my age
why sometimes you hear about then? but they
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>you fucking chud we took your number away from 2024 we need to give your computer aids so we can make 0.05 pence REEEEEE
cant wank to dry women
>Labour landslide
>Farage as MP
>French election shock
>Biden calling Zelensky Putin
>England lose Euros final to Spain
>Argentina win Copa America
>Southgate gone
>Trump shot
>Vance VP
>Crowdstrike Blackout
>Biden drops out
>Olympics Opening Ceremony
>Deadpool vs Wolverine
>Futurama returns

July's been a pretty mental week lads
Still got a week to go and all
oh sorry m8
do have ublock but it didn't do that to me, you should probably install a better adblocker
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remember survival games with zombies
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>July's been a pretty mental week
weather's been shit though
more like wokearama
I liked April personally
love girls more than anyone can say kissed like 4 tonight
love girls so much
one day ill make heroin on jah
You don't even know who I am.
>brits when they find out calculators exist and are on the computer/phone by default
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>England win Darts world cup for first time in 8 years
You'd have included it if you werent a paki
you can just close it and carry on but it still makes me laugh how they put one of those on such a pointless website
(8) hearst over mine (8)
I was dying on Friday
horrific stuff
i know you're circumcised so need to fuck off like the yanks and other pakis you heeb CUNT
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embarrassing cretin
(8) my anxiety the size of ap lent (8)
gonna smoke a couple bongs and zone in on these minecraft vids
don't find the traditional paki dress very erotic
Close enough
All the other shit has nothing to do with British culture
a drawing can have bad drawing technique but still be a good drawing if it does other things well. that's my opinion. that it doesn't just have to have good technique.
what if shes sucking a massive white cock and making fun of her paki husband during
love drinking
dont take drugs but if i did i'd love that too
but i love girls so much omg
kiss them all
kiss 4 of them in one night ez
look at how you went into that place and immediately started trying to start shit, and using all of your little proxies and personas. youre such a faggot. fuck you
i genuinely dont know how you look at yourself and not commit suicide
another day in my life desu
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Is this a Mousenonce post?
Currently listening to Moss Icon

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is that a...
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alri mr patel
Being so obsessed with Jews is a sign of terminal Yankbrain.
fuck off diego you sad neet mong
Jewish talons slapped out this post
you're jewish though, so calling you a jew is hardly "obsession". and you're wrong anyway, everyone one hates jews lol. yanks love them
hillary's just announced her candidacy for president lads
Good lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxtiIZqLr8M
>t. Yank
Anti-semitism has never been a widely-held belief among natives in modern Britain, and anti-semitic movements and parties have never been successful here.
why are women so obsessed over killing babies? thats literally all they care about in politics that and brown cocks being allowed in
most natives in modern britain believe that homosexuality and porn are good
you've never met a woman in you life though?
but i am a woman
Shut the fuck up incel freak
I unironically believe that allowing women to vote is the reason the west went sour
Because it means their life of youth and freedom (as they know it) are effectively over
It’s somewhat understandable, but as average women are often irrational, it gets taken to extremes
he's just like us

i pull girls what can i say
love girls so much
love issing their mouths
their tummies
their tits
love it so much
The Britons of the 1930s certainly didn't believe that but they weren't inclined to support the anti-semitic BUF either.

It's also interesting that the BNP only experienced genuine electoral success in the 2000s when they started toning down the Jew-hate and focused on anti-Islam and anti-immigration rhetoric. Even then, they had a hard ceiling and were far surpassed by UKIP who had no ties to historic anti-semitic movements or neo-nazism.
>but i am a woman
blah blah
no more slime talk kike
die. die along with your pornographer cousins. die
this is more like me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itcCnItmXY0
(8) watch out boy she'll chew you up (8)
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I have never felt more empathy for someone I've never met than I do for that poor fucking mother.
She looks so exhausted.
And how old's that kid? 13? 14?
he's nearing 30 now and she still puts up with this shite every fucking day.

Horrifying stuff.
Utterly horrifying.
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Another strip finished ^w^
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/cum/ on the right

/brit/ on the left
>Clomid (clomiphene citrate) is used in women who do not ovulate (produce eggs) regularly each month leading to infertility. Clomid stimulates ova (eggs) to develop in the ovaries and be released ready for fertilisation. How should this medicine be used? • Clomid is a tablet taken by mouth.

ermm what?
Most women are pro-abortion but the most vehement, die-hard anti-abortion campaigners are also women.
i used to believe Britain being a moderate cuck country made it better than every other country on earth

I realised now that it wasnt the case
(8) she's a sad little sinner in the mirror the devil works hard like my liver (8)
I used to be the 190 equivalent of a few threads on this site
kissed 4 girls tonight
? OwO
America has a communist party now?
why is brit so woke now? fucking cucks
always did. they're called the democrats or demonrats as i like to call them
And twice as many lads as well I bet
brown people mate
Rorke went woke and then got cucked
haha no didn't kiss any guys a few hit on me tho -/-
It's not that we're moderate it's just that we aren't overly emotional or hysterical people.

Brits of the 1930s probably looked on at brownshirts commanding cult-like rallies in Germany and thought they looked like a bunch of lunatics, just like we do today when we see Yank Christians babbling in tongues screeching about how Trump has been sent by Jesus to save America. We just don't do that sort of thing here.
Titty skittles
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>108 GB
yeh fuck off
yeah you just have paki rape gangs
Anyone wanked to that porn of women farting out whipped cream and milk?
oh, you’re a woke
>shitting on english culture is fine as long as it doesn't take up too much of my hard drive
think on lad, think on
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>see a beautiful tummy
>can i kiss it
>can i kiss it?
aha nice
kiss 4 girls ina one inghth
>tasteless slop
i eat curry m8
in honesty it’s for testosterone because my nuts don’t work in that regard
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>shitting on english culture
MEDS... now!!!
stfu paki
damn....almost 3 am
Islam is equally incompatible with British culture for the same reasons. You ever see those mental videos where some Musloid starts crying because of how "le beautiful" the Quran is. Or the way they full-on belt out their shit Arabic prayer songs over the loudspeakers to call people to the Mosque. This sort of thing is complete alien to our culture.
>fuck factories n sheeeit we should all just live in rolling green hills and eat food that comes out of nowhere maaaan
yeah tolkien was a bit of a proto-hippie
You shouldn’t be able to vote until you’re 30
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Not even worth it that lad
the food comes from animals or the ground
you stupid jew
old people cant reliably be trusted to vote in the interest of the country's future rather than their own
playing a bit of angel legion before bed x
whos gonna get it
everyone in the 'good' faction in his story except the hard-living humans are workshy or live underground or use magic
maybe you should actually read the books
nice copout because i have
his allegories are shit and unworkable irl because he forgets his world is predicated upon magic or plot magic
my hands smell of girls
The most racist man alive
Reading Shogun atm will then read Butter and Ring after.
cheeky wnaak before bed
My cock and nuts are fucking numb
Him getting literally zero (You)s for his nonsense posting has been highly satisfying. Good job lads.
the beginning ot lord of the rings is about hobbits, who are basically subsistence farmers. just shut the fuck up freak
didn't touch any vaginas but my hands smell of girl's tummies
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A 23 year old cannot be trusted to think reliably let alone do anything else

And we let fucking 18 year olds vote, Christ, think about how dumb you were at 18
I'M SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
diego shown up
fraudulently kissing 4 girls
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the hobbits are notorious layabouts and are constantly referred to as lazy
again, shit allegory
*glides through /brit/*
rim bim bim wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
*zooms away out of /brit/*
Proud of us tonight.
thinking of growing a mustache
what "allegory". shut up mong
yeah thats why theyre a good counterweight to self-serving old people
I wasn't an adult during the first lockdown.

I started posting on 4chan in mid 2021.

I first posted in /brit/ last year.
Tolkien was an actual conservative, not like today's tech-libertarians who want to sacrifice all of our traditions on the altar of "muh technological progress".
yo i'm diego kissed 4 girls tonight hah
ironic considering your previous posts. ive DONE YOU. absolutely DONE YOU. *scratches another victory mark into my cell wall*
do be quiet 2016mong the sane adults are having a conversation
do you think ian watkins from steps ever considered a name change
bizarre that he hasn't already and insists on being called by his initial
Hobbits are lazy as fuck, never explore, never meddle, never do anything except half-arsedly farm some potatoes and carrots, yet they're able to esablish a peaceful and plentiful society
The fact that communists never tried to use that to their advantage is interesting. That providing for everyone's needs might actually be quite easy if people weren't such cunts
i'm bi

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