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the mrs edish
poo smells lmao
love how you can just say nigger freely in /brit/ now

we are liberated, justice has prevailed
i'm sure i saw her sitting on two airplane seats
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nth for the gyaldem
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Her boyfriends white btw
I went with a mate to the Commonwealth Games when they were in Birmingham and we picked women's weightlifting randomly. Was fucking great, medals session and England won by miles, the atmosphere was great.
Some of you poofs probably go out and slowly sip 2/3 drinks the entire night
>people shit on england but its better off than most of europe

lol how?
Mhmmm heated up bitter anxiety bean juice
Diego creating arguments for himself
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Gracie Bon this is her before after many years of surgeries and recovery
Surgery is incredible
Just redirect all the fat
I wish I did
Went wild on Saturday night just binging gin at the bar, was expensive as fuck and I just slept and or lazed around all yesterday
Am I a lightweight if 35cl of vodka does me in
women with fat arses like this are unable wipe properly so they have a permanent smell of old built up shit that wafts straight up when you bend them over
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I’m staying in and watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit with my dog and I’ll have more fun tonight than going on the lash on Friday
i bet you drink fizzy drinks and watch WWE
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The jews won again
Just gave the Olympics all my details, registered for their botnet and now I can't even check their site to see what events have tickets

No that's quite a bit of alcohol lad.
baking cookies:D
Don't drink me as I think I have an intolerance. It just makes me feel a bit spaced out and dizzy, not a fan.
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Model Gracie Bon decided to look back to her past this week as she shared a throwback which showed Instagram fans what she used to look like when she was 300lbs (21st)
Getting the latest from Doctor Chud M.D.
Pretty based
why wouldn’t she just reach in from the front instead of around the back?
sigma sigma on the wall who's the skibbidiest of them all
Where's the door? Are you trapped, do you need to be rescued?
it's mad how women look at your differently when walking around with a gf on your arm
they'd never give me the time of day beforehand, how they stare at me
are you in a tent?
cody bro grab me the 5th of liquor bro we finna get faded as a hoe aha
Yeah I noticed the same thing
Just bought a Farage cameo
Now I wait
Almost every time I’ve been out at a bar or club with the gf when she leaves to go to the bathroom a girl comes up to me
Almost never happens when I’m there alone or with male friends
Women are weird creatures I have no idea what they expect to happen there. Or maybe they think it’s safe flirting because nothing will happen
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>600,000 tickets to spare
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Its my blanket fort
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Former MSP Mhairi Black, who took a drag queen called Flowjob into a primary school to indoctrinate young kids, calls the potential next leader of the SNP Kate Forbes’ views on family and gender "extreme".
Is it actually cold wherever you are in Australia
>t-there's still time, I'm still young!

t. pile of 600,000 unsold tickets
its giving 45 year old virgin into the 46 year old suicide pipeline
recently came out as trans, you will be surprised to know
>Mhairi Black claims to be Catholic yet not religious and is a lesbian
>Kate Forbes is religious and a Protestant, married with kids
Really makes you think
many of these unsold tickets are for the football

France is not a country that cares about football much
good, i hope the whole thing ends up being a train wreck
Let them in.
what did you ask him to say
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off to bed
get the oil just stopped
600,000 breakdancing tickets left unsold
society turned its back on God but i didn't
From my experience as a kid whites and blacks have completely different “make-believe” type games. Blacks largely don’t do that and when they do they’re overtly sexualized fantasies
White kids like building stuff like forts, playing with water like redirecting streams, playing war, looking at bugs and stuff
Blacks don’t do any of that
Mhairi Black has never served in the Scottish parliament
erm it's 6 million actually
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>claims to be Catholic
The pope condemned transgenders and the gays so that's not really possible
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Its gunna be 3C (37.5F) at night make of that what you will
working as a gay porn architect
l am a Poz-Cuckold. You want to know what that is? Well, let me explain.

The normal cuckold wants just one gift from his black bull: A black child. But the Pozz-cuckold wants more. He wants three gifts. We are greedy little bitches. But first, here's how it goes.

Normally I drive in my Mercedes to a street gym where ripped blacks train their muscles, there skin shining with sweat and the air filled with their scent. I am already a bit hard just from thinking about it. Sometimes I cum a bit in my pants. I get out of the car and ask who of them has AIDS. Then they know what happens.
The black man with AIDS gets into my car and we drive to somewhere isolated. Then I take a small knife and stick it inside the hole of my penis and twist it a little. In the cuckold community we call this the AIDS twister. Sure it hurts and causes me to bleed. But it is worth it.

Then the black man docks me until we both cum and I contract his AIDS. I already have 4 types of AIDS from this. That is the first gift. Then we drive on to my house and he fucks my wife, who has also contracted many types of AIDS. That is the second gift. And then 9 months later the third and best gift arrives: a black child who also has AIDS.
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sex with Stella the German
keep being asked how the job search that im barely doing is going, no worse feeling than that.
why the fuck do I have to get one right now? I'm not even on bennies, just let me enjoy some happiness before my life becomes slaving away until I die
damn that's cosy
I know it's only been 6 years let me live jeez
What about the men
The Bible does the same
am i right in assuming you are an incel?
this is incredibly and i mean incredinly gay
ktim but 15 months when I have already saved like 40k from previous work, fuck stop it. parentbergs telling me yeah here I found a minimum wage shit tier job for you to apply to, did you apply to it yet? what? why don't you want to? it's better than nothing.
>Anand Runwal tried to save his twin two-year-old daughters after their pram rolled onto train tracks at Carlton Train Station.
>Mr Runwal and one of his daughters, Hinal, were struck by an oncoming train and killed.
Can I laser my face so beard doesn't grow ever again
he's right

done a poo
yeah sure, I'd love to return to the world of work. look at you, it's amazing what a life of hard work at a job you tolerated has done for you. you're on your nice pension now that allows you to be a severe alcoholic and do nothing but play candy crush all day, just the motivation I needed.
Might as well castrate yourself too
I’ll have one English rose gf please
She'll come with a black baby preinstalled in her belly
Nah, I actually made it for my wife, she turns 29 tomorrow and I turn 30 on the weekend. I actually did this once about 4 years ago during the start of the pandemic and posted it here, this one is bigger and cozier though. I’m just using it on my own with dogberg(male) tonight so I put no girls on it
got menthol elf
It's worse when you are actually signed on; then you do actually need to apply to the jobs or your gibs are removed.

The jobs they suggest are the most unimaginably shit jobs as well. Like you will be sat there in front of them with your university degree on your CV and they will recommend you apply to be a fruit picker over the summer or a care worker wiping bums at 12 different old people's houses in the one day (working alongside Babatunde Okinfemwe, your fellow careworker).
you can escape india but you can't escape the train
just done another arse ripping poo. think ive hot them there 'rroids
and I'm assuming that that dog is a child substitute for you because she never wants kids
How’s your wife? Got a good relationship?
Mad how mousenonces full name and address is known, need someone who lives nearby to snap a picture of him
Just found a warehouse operative role, night shifts, sounds good for you x
Isn't an incel just the same as a virgin?
Hey you know Babatunde Okinfemwe too how's he getting on then
might move to india
I just finished old world blues in FNV for the first time, and sitting through this 25 minute epilogue while having to watch invididual 4 minute speeches about what happened to a fucking toaster and a sink is genuinely making I had never played it in the first place. Genuinely annoying as fuck
built a star wars themed gaming room for me and the gf but she isnt here for the last 30 years so it's just me tonight
Incels are bitter about being a virgin and blame it on women.
I hear these lines almost exactly as written from my parents a lot. Grim.
I think I live near him
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I would’ve loved to have been a fruit picker as a teenager but all of those agricultural jobs are solely done by illegal immigrants here for below minimum wage and they don’t hire citizens
Most likely any boomer parents will be on defined benefit pensions, the likes of which no longer exist because they are so insanely generous that they cost companies billions every year. Basically these people get their salaries (or a percentage of them) paid every year into retirement.

You and I will get only our defined contribution private pensions, consisting of whatever pennies we can spare during our working years. And of course the state pension (which boomers happily collect on top of their DB pensions) but that most certainly won't exist by the time any of us reach retirement age.
Just started one of these kek.
$40 per hour but it's knackering.
reckon she's ever shoved that stump up a fella's arse?
Reckon she'd be good in a fist fight with thing, it's like a mace
how did a plex user get a gf
I'm a Chad. How do I incelmaxx?
Boomers genuinely can't fathom that someone might actually care about their quality of life and enjoyment they get from working instead of just being desperate to slave away with a hard working attitude.
Chap on his door
Met her selling veldspar in Jita
presumably he learned about home media servers after having sex and getting a girlfriend
Off toil because I pooed myself at work
Fuck that he'll stab me
I love consuming media
They are bizarre
>slave away with a hard working attitude
in boomer times, this was actually worth it because you were financially rewarded
You think they’re thirsty now, imagine how they’d look at you with a black gf on your arm
>learned about home servers after getting gf
decent yeah he was talking loudly into a mobile phone on speaker last time I saw him, walking towards me in the street (he didn't make way for me)
haha what's he like
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>deports the wogs
>nationalises the rail
>kills the trannies
>taxes the tarqs
are Keir leaving rorke and leftypol both in tatters
Only plex user I ever met was my autistic (medically diagnosed) gf from a few years back. Relationship was horribly unstable but God damn was the sex incredible.
>t because you were financially rewarded
Yes jobs do not pay money now
i imagine mousey lives much like the character "howie" (nick swardson) in smash-hit 2006 rob schneider-david spade film, "the benchwarmers"
had a dream where i went to see a dominatrix
another shooting in london and another round of people pretending to be shocked and surprised that its happened lmao
Heard he won 'bum wiper of the month' 13 times in one year, very hard worker.
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playing magic the gathering. excited for bloomburrow, you see.
>deports the wogs
He's a Jew this will never happen
>>nationalises the rail
The snp have already done this lmao
No idea what plex is
i'm actually incredibly good looking.
was made redundant a couple of weeks back and havent really started looking for jobs yet. just enjoying neetdom for a bit. dont really know what i want, either. might do an apprenticeship to get trained in something that's not working in an office.
I’ve been using plex since 2012 when I was still in 6th form and had been single since I lost my virginity in Year 10
The apple TV app is very very easy to use with a netflix like UI so it’s not as cringe as some other piracy options, but definitely not something for a first date
is that what your mum told you?
I can't believe it took until I was in my mid 20s to realise that hard work doesn't mean anything.
computer program that you put on your computer + telly and it beams your pirated films and tv shows to the telly over the internet router

works great
Nah she told me I had the face only a mother could love
>hard work doesn't mean anything.
Yes money is useless
to live is to suffer
to suffer is to live
Woman at toil was bragging about all the streaming services she pays for
i just plug my pc into my tv.
is she fit?
>omg I bet you've never even had Plex!
>you're a plirgin
mumberg says I look handsome with the worst short hair trim ever from a picture when I was 16, so I know that I should just interpret all of her opinions as opposite to reality and continue to keep my hair long
Suffering is a great teacher, learn from it.
not sure what you think rorke means but it’s wrong
No she smokes rollies
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i would do absolutely everything to this evil looking tory bitch
pay for plex, me, just so it autoskips tv show intros
Just got called a nonce in Manchester
if you don't have a netflix account then you've never had sex
it's a dead give away
just like not using an iphone
My mate rattled off a list of about 7 things he was subscribed to, can't believe how much mongs spend on stuff to watch tv.
Is kelly hart popular in the UK
mum once begged me to shave my beard after having it for about a year and then when I shaved it she actually gasped in horror at how much worse i looked
horrible facial proportions
you've been... thunderstruck
same lad. got a lifetime pass years ago when it was on offer, can't even remember how much it was but worth every penny to skip the intros and credits
Netflix is easily the worst of any of the streaming services
Not a single thing worth watching on it
I've had sex and only had a free trial about 10 years ago
only streaming service worth it is Spotify tbqh
>Finally Leeds police take to the streets in force... for a Pride parade! Officers wave rainbow flags - days after being slammed for leaving residents at the mercy of firebug rioters for HOURS
lol what a fucking mong
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She then told her friends who then told all the local girls leaving you an exile in the sexual marketplace
You’re probably one of those cunts that sings Sweet Caroline with all your ‘mates’ aren’t you
it's not about the quality of the shows
it's about the white noise it provides in the background to down out your own monotonous thoughts
they should be paying ME to watch their woke shite
this is true. ive only used netflix and prime and prime mogs it hard
you doing okay mate?
new trainers pal?
unironically they'd have to

no idea how anyone watches that mind rot
You should pursue a sense of peace about your life and enjoy the quiet moments
all I'm saying is if you bring a woman home and you're not subscribed to all the popular streaming service then she will know that you're an abnormal weirdo and will leave when the first opportunity presents itself
Just left my job and I already can't cope after my 2nd week
I need work fuck
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Download movies/TV on your PC and then watch them on your TV or other device
Bonus points if any of your virgins can figure out what the recently added movies are
>inb4 The Sandlot
kek, she's built like a horny 12yo teenager's drawing
She looked better fat
24TB Synology NAS running Plex beaming 2160p HDR/DV rips direct to my 65" LG OLED.
Yeah, I'm a bit of a shagger.
I've had too much coffee and I feel jittery.
>12yo teenager
mad how fit they are
wish she was 10cm taller
Got the gore and porn blasting out of 6 monitors simultaneously
I can't fucking stand nromies at toil
all they talk about all day is all their shitty tv shows that they watch
they just go home from toil and watch tv shows for 8 hours straight and then talk about them all day
this guy fucks
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>12yo teenager
you sound like an insecure runt with no personality
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under all the makeup and hair extensions
What do you do when you go home?
Will never not be shocked at how popular GOT and HOTD are and hearing normies talk about the cringiest fantasy shit
>loads up dodgy stick
Problem lad?
Wank to unusual and immoral pornography
normies don't have hobbies
hate how dull and conformist most 'lads' are
all drinking the same beer
all wearing the same polo shirt and jeans
all having the same haircut
all talking about the same narrow interests
and any deviation from this style is met with mockery and derision
why are they such insecure bores?
Just can't respect anyone who talks to me who isn't in good physical shape, nothing personal.
i'm thinkin its time for a'drinkin'
>omg no netflix? I'm getting the ick

2019 patter in here
thats her betabux provider
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fuck you, i hate you bongs now
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This is why I keep my hair long and avoid shitty beards and moustaches, also shitty mullets, so I can at least signal something.
doesn't make it any less true
Movie Ending Recap Explained in Hindi
>all having the same haircut
This stands out the most, I'm sure most blokes go into a barber and say 'I'll have what every other bloke has' and they come out with short back and sides. They don't have any hobbies, they'll probably watch football, and maybe some will play it, but that's it.
ummmmmmmmmmmmm i though white men didn't like big asses or something
on a diet and this is the type of slop the gf is making

so fucking boring, need me bacon butty
Why does playing and watching football not count but you gooning on 4chan does?
What hobbies do you have mate.
there's no way he's reaching her from behind without at least 7 inches
Playing football definitely counts, watching doesn't.
Prefer not to say
>descended from salt of the earth farmers and fishermen
>dad is 70 and won't retire because he's addicted to work
>I don't have that gene that makes you a hard-working go getter
wonder what happened
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>blocks your path
why does watching football not count but watching movies does?
Buying pointless rubbish on Ebay
he isnt, he's just her instagram do boy/camera man/foodie date type of "boyfriend"
the yardie goons get to clap that big phat clapper of hers and keep her appeased
That looks really good. You're lucky to have a gf who prepares healthy fresh meals for you.
looks fucking shit. you can make healthy food and it not be a bunch of raw vegetables with no dressing
>Prefer not to say
That isn't enough food for a woman let alone a man, that's probably about 200kcal. You'll both be starving and will end up snacking.
You were raised wrong
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here you go
the duality of /brit/
Watching movies doesn't, I never said it does.
ah reminds me of the school tuck shop
>Prefer not to say
So none, and here you are spitting vitriol on people who in all likelihood are nothing but pleasant to you should you ever interact with them IRL and all for what? Because they live their life differently to you? Because they're more socially successful without putting in all the effort you believe is required?
Do you think these "Deanos" ever sit around chatting about losers like you who do nothing but wank and post on 4chan all day as their "hobbies"?
Get a fucking life you utter gutter rats.
looks like elton john was constipated
The fuck is that shit lol you guys
So you have zero hobbies then?
wypipo dun dressing dey salad
getting angry bitter incel vibes from this post
lil timmy's "meal"
lads with longer hair... how do you handle side burns? i have horrible pubey beard hair so like to clean shave, but i never know how far up to go.
Football's a fucking shit sport anyway
Rugby League is the true working class sport of this country
Pull the hair back and shave it up
i have thick facial hair but keep it to a number 1-2 grade stubble all over
white women are okay
Union is so much more enjoyable to watch than League its not even funny
I lift, run, bike, stretch, eat well, wake up early, learn a couple of languages, read non-fiction books, read classics, make an active effort to do something good and learn every day, expand my music knowledge, develop methods to speak effectively, play instruments, try to get involved to develop myself or help others whenever I can, spend time self-reflecting upon my words and actions, regularly check if I am adhering to my personal value, try to broaden my mind, recently opening my eyes more to arts and seeing what I'd like to try to pick up as a new hobby. What does she do? Something about jumping up and down being 5'3 and having an attitude.
go to the barber you freak
Learning another language is a waste of time, prove me wrong.
league is dogshit for retards
We called it a tuck shop
got the same situation as you, i keep mine within an inch or so of the bottom of my ear if that makes sense. only place on my face i can grow any FUCKING hair fucking sick of it
I took the time to learn some basic Italian before I visited Florence then when I got there everybody just answered me in English anyway.
Tie your hair up with a bobble and then shave the sideburns up so that they end at about the mid-point of your ear.
No such thing as a waste of time
none of you unironically have long hair do you
No idea what the difference between league and union is
>1m hit up
>fall over
>pass out wide
>backs drop it
>scrum down
>3 mins of scrum resets
>clearance kick from kickoff
>lineout not straight
>scrum down
Yeah, loads more exciting than rugby league which is just fast, aggressive gameplay with big collisions and scoring tries
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league is for yobbos, union is for tarq faggots who got molested by their grammar school PE coach
we called it a canteen
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I wish I were Italian
Mine is shoulder length, most women like it and I've received compliments on it in public before. This could just be because they thought I was facially attractive though.
league is a unit of length and a union is for workers n that
league is something weird northerners and australians play. rugby union is just rugby
gay ahh niggas
I shave my head completely (wet shave) and have a scraggly unkempt beard with absolutely no styling because the american proto-gf likes beards and my male pattern is so bad it makes any hair look retarded
What do they play at the world cup and six nations?
Spotted the insecure conformist bore
My temples are or seem to have been permanent receded forever but the long hair just covers it fine
American take
99.5% of posts on reddit.com/r/bald
the soymale npc default
4 points for try, when you get grounded after 5 attempts you have to basically give the ball away like a shot clock in basketball, throw ins are sideways
5 points for try, unlimited amount of downs, throw ins are vertical scrums

that's basically it
origin was out of poshos in the south refusing to professionalise the sport because it would debase it vs working class lads in the north who wanted to professionalise it to earn a bit of monies

Union is loved by everyone but League is literally just norf england, east australia, Papua New Guinea, Cook Islands, and the soon to be newest nation on earth in 2027 - Bougainville.
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wtf is this
i have it ironically
Most of my bald friends have styled beards but yeah
Its not surprising that not having hair limits the variety of options available to you
Gotta go with the hand you’re dealt. Trying to ‘be different’ intentionally is retarded and juvenile
on the ol' alcomaholic beveraginos
League has its own world cup but it's far far far far less prestigious (usually 10k fans per game) and Australia wins it every single time


The BBC actually broadcast the entire thing which I watched for some reason.
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should I fly in, watch some diving and athletics kino, then fly out on the same day? for just 750 euro I'm actually really tempted
im balding but growing a mullet
long hair on men does look like shit though, and has certain…connotations
Got thick hair still in my mid-30s. Hair has receded slightly but not for over a decade so think it's gone as far as it will. Feels pretty good seeing everyone else go bald knowing I will continue to have my pick of the fanny.
touching my rude bits
>they tell you your carbon emissions now
the woke mob just won't stop will they
People only like union because of the tension of big 6 Nations games.
The bread and butter of the sport, Newcastle vs Sale in the pissing rain, is borderline unwatchable shite while the NRL and Super League produce great games week in week out.
League's much more fun to play as well, in union you're encouraged to hit the deck to recycle the ball when tackled whereas in league you actually accelerate through contact and hit cunts hard.
Unironically fly to Lyon and get the train
Takes like 2 hours if you fancy saving a load of money
>dublin to paris is less than 2 hours flight
it's actually insane how close everything is in europe
>I will continue to have my pick of the fanny.
doubt it if you're still single at that age
Scared to travel anywhere alone, me
Foreign diaspora exemplifies how cultural exchange enriches societies. Embracing multiculturalism helps us grow stronger and more vibrant together.
pathetic honestly
worry I'll get scammed or end up trafficked
funny how it’s this or it’s revenge for imperialism depending on the context
Not sure really, I can't think of any answer. I'd just avoid it.
I don't know why I'm scared, just am, wish I could remove the feeling.
Going to scran some paté (pronounced payte)
yes im sure unattractive 30 year old men get “trafficked” all the time when they go to france
where's your white man's spirit laddy, come on
think of all the things you'd get to explore without this retarded fear
just be drunk all the time
the only time i travelled solo was the happiest ive ever been. now i get anxiety leaving the house haha
Did you go to restaurants on your own?
don't really think that'd work for getting back on the same day, then the cost of a hotel would make it much more expensive

less than 400 euro per person is well cheap enough IMO, especially to CDG which is close to Saint-Denis. Ryanair flies to Beauvois which is like an hour and a half drive from Paris kek
ye. was often too tired and hungry from hiking to be concerned about what others thought
Yeah, I know that's true. I have a massive apprehension to anything that I do in life. I can't think of a reason at all, it's like I'm permanently inhibited.
Solo tavelling is based but once you get used to it it becomes difficult to travel with others.You get too used to doing things on your own agenda. Went on a lads holiday a few years back and by the end I wanted to throttle most of my mates.
I'm starting to think from all these posts that I should go on holiday alone this year. I'd honestly be up for going with mumberg but she doesn't invite me.
pints poos slags
yeah just being able to be right at the entrance for something and deciding "na i'll come back in an hour" is so freeing.
I feel this way about skiing

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