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Old >>200035697
I'm sick and tired of mangal
How can we make him kill himself? A world without shitgal would be so much better, literally he might also be the antichrist so it's a win win scenario
>trying to make trannies kill themselves
Very anti-american post
For me its the romanian vpn. I see him it makes me puke.
Trannies are libruls, so them dying would be a blessing. Mangal killing himself would be the ultimate gift to humanity, given the fact he's also a glownigger
Every mention of its name gives it 1 year of extra life
You retards never learned how to kill attentionwhores
(You) diet
That's the only thing
And yet you niggers fail to do that, every single time
Sorry bro, it seems you havent watched enough american television to understand that trannies and negros are the epitome of western civilization, ig you oppose them that makes you a Z spy, can't have that.
I suggest you marathon the 2 season of euphoria and repent for you anti0american posts. Mangal is a NAFO glowie that has come to this maymunic peninsula to civilize us and spread his american values to us.
Bro you forgot to reply to my posts
It apparently made polubrainian really mad.
>insert unfunny boring wallpaper
You arent funny. You arent witty. Fuck off already.
Another hoholian children hospital shall be bombed for this post.
says autistic pretentios itnerd cuckold with 0 entertainment contributions towards /balk/
Joke as much as you want, HOLLYWOOD has a larger budget than the entirety of Russia!
What do you want you retarded midget? Fix your speech defect you pathetic abomination
what are you even seething about you schizophrenic itnerd cuckold
Honestly i think it's funny how easily triggered poluhohol gets at my posts so i play it up, he even made up a new fanfic about me being a churka on a VPN or something.
Both Russia and America are pozzed just in different ways
I think he genuinely believes you're mangal or something.
that's not me I'm too busy playing games
also that isn't polubrainian but some redditor who is just mad 24/7 at whatever
bro you're talking to attentionwhores right now
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Me as a Special (Ed) Forces operator fighting Z influence on 4chan (male, single mom)
Don't talk to him about broad beans btw, he's scared of them!
Greeks eating them proves they are actually pro-Z or something.
If you took a panoramic picture of Athens and nafri cities and placed them side by side, you wouldn't be able to tell which one wasn't taken in nafrica. Their fava dish further proves their thirdieness.
Bro that cringy ass romanian sure hold monologues
Show some respect towards the creators of western civilization tataroid.
Its a monkeydonian on vpn
Wasn't i on a VPN?
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Thought on this eindjal?
Bro, let's be honest here, the modern Bulgarian state exists because of Russia. You ARE the Thirdie itt
i wonder if she uses that tube dildo
Never said that. I said you are a cringe ass attention whore
Bachelor's in psychology, case study of bibisi addiction in my younger brother
tube as a dildo*
Bro half your country are pakis and africans, like shut the fuck up lmao
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why did we create bumgaria
thinking bout massive nigro phallus again
So you serfs can feel better when you point finger at "poorest shyot hyol in EU" (still richer than you)
That's wishful thinking on your behalf, meanwhile Bulgaria is like 40% Turkosmanloids and Roma, the situation is so dire that people making documentaries in African jungles also come to Bulgaria to document these wild humans. You can't be more African than that!
we all make mistakes, you just gotta do your best to fix them(nuke bulgaria)
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>slutwhore dead in a bike crash
>while in turkyiev on a vacation
xaxax whore no more turkish cock for you dumb bitch
actually she will probably have more turkish cock now that she's in hell along with all the turks, women and bikers
>Why did we create bumgaria
Yeah it was the other tatar schizos, sorry i can't tell you a part, youhave the same posting style and mentalillness
>joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for pain
We need 5 more decades of russian paradise and only then 5 decades of NAFO tyranny, Newton's 3rd law must be respected
you need another 5 centuries ot turkish paradise
New Tesla just died in umbilical cord strangulation and new Tito was born because of this post.
Yes Dejan now polish the plates of your croatian overlords
Bro can you write anything under 5 sentences? Fucking woman
I find the lack of fyromian flags ITT very concerning
Learn to count and learn the definition of "sentence"
they're ashamed to post in the same thread with butthurtgarians
Don't worry, he'll post some bibis crap at 5 o'clock in the morning
This morning he posted some copy-pasted macro quote instead, I got worried
What game were you playing?
I have no copper stop youing me bro
Your dad took it all to the scrapyard get a liter of Rakija again?
Yes and jerked off to your camwhore sister
Jealous romani seething because he won't be spending the money on his mom instead
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It seems my factual statement triggered all the browngarians ITT
i miss tito so much for about once a month its not even funny, its like a yugo version of a womans period
tesla was a proto incel anyway, had he been born in current day he wouldve probably developed a masturbation addiction and trooned out
where they @
if i post my AC maymuns might get triggered
Bro nobody cares about you here. You dont even belong here. Theres is nothing you can say or come up with we havent heard thousands of times over the year. At this point all you really do is being a cringelord
I care of him dying violently this fucking gypsy piece of shit simp rat churka ass licking whore
Bro you are just as annoying with your alcohol induced rage spam. The whole general is a shitshow
It seems you are wrong as evidenced by >>200069098
As I lay here in my bed slowly drifting to sleep, I pull up my phone and the first thing I see is BG flag
Night ruined
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I support the complete annihilation of nazism and endorse the multicultural paradise that is russia
We missed youkang, churkgarians getting uppity without you being here to buck break them again.
who are you to complain about bibis bro? you spend your day consuming tictacs and lowest iq jew produced media that endorces blm
its really fucking pathetic too how you try to play it cool why ur obsessed with that trash "oh yeah i just fucking love america or something"
total goy

zomboid, cant wait for a real life zombie apocalypse so i can shoot yall niggas in head with sawn off double barrel and not face consequences
I get no hoy out of playing games anymore, it is over for me.
The last one i really played was dying light where i would massacre turk(bulgarian) zombies.
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The house churka got mad when he read america
i keep losing lighters outside, hopefully some of them explode because of the heat and cause wildfires and massive power outages in the balkans thus cancelling AC in bulgaria and bulgaria adjacents
>bulgaria adjacents
I wonder if there is a dp video of this
You can learn this power bro
Just call them Turkomongolic members of EU's poorest country
It seems the truth really hurts them, just cant cope with it.
4chan casualties ITT.
all their neighbours
you finna cook shrub
I am not even taking you that seriously, i am merely shitposting, you would know if i was mad.
The dysgenic churkgarian are the ones seething at everyone and especially me as if i were to blame they live in a gypsy centered dying shithole of a country with lower minimum wage than Nordic Macedonia
He tries to impress his churka owner
I think it was me, said something about bulgaria or bulgarians again without even paying much of attention to it and that retard gypsy is seething about it for 2 threads straight. bulgarians are just fragile like that what can you do really
But enough about romania
You should get your mental health checked not even memeing. You made like 30 posts about us itt alone lol
Its not a gypsy (as in romanian at least). Its turkgaria poster.
for every post i write i get blood taxed by at least 1 shrubsquito
Why are bulgars so low IQ and schizophrenic?
I sit the lack of easy access to mpimpitsi? It seems that bulgaroids male or female literally worship negroes by how they treated a random nigger streams as a literal god when he visited their dilapidated shithole
okay maqe roomate is asleep, its gooning time
gn mpalk
is this belgrade ?
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noncing roma child rn
You leave little Rasha alone right now.
Actually no, i dont give a single fuck, i would skins alive turdgarian toddlers, then dismember them and then rape their gypsy whore mothers to death with their detached limbs.
The world would be such a great place if every single turdgarian died a slow and agonizing death, every single one of them, the only thing that would change in the world is that they won't be posting on /balk/ about their third failed election of the month.
Bros, this is too much bullying. I don't want to be associated with trannies, divorcee programmers and politics harrasseers. I will buy a pass and a VPN and start posting under the MK flag fuck ya'll.
Bulgarians are such subhuman low IQ vermin that they cant even govern themselves properly even when they get direct order from the EU. pathetic vermin even actual subsaharan niggers are less subhuman than these turko-dravidian shitstains on earth.
And they have the audacity to talk about their irrelevant politics here as if anyone gives a single fuck about them or their worthless slave nation.
The only thing they can even take pride in is that a greek was generous enough to write an alphabet for them and the fact that their ancestors were raped by some mongols.
I would genuinely drown turkgarian newborn in pools of acid while forcing their subhuman family to watch.
You could always start killing all your family members and then yourself and maybe you will be forgiven for being born a turdgarian gyppo subhuman.
No. I want them to suffer so I won't be killing them. I also want to suffer so I won't be killing myself.
Only you will suffer, most turkgarians are too low IQ to comprehend how miserble their existence is, they are literally incapable of suffering as long as they have their cheap alcohol and chalga, i am convinced that most bulgars arent actual humans
They are incapable of self-reflection, awareness or shame.
I unno, I don't interact with them but when I do they seem a disagreeable bunch so I just stay home.
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Typical hoholian activities, ptobably happens in turdgaria too.
Also i was banned for the post i made about bulgarian population, it's amusing albeit slightly annoying how easily they get triggered and start reporting.
nothing gets poledditors goin like a good old which one do you hate more - cops or blacks
The only Greek I respect.
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Look at this snowbunny
I want to give her triplets
Good, you're back to your old self. I was beginning to get worried.
shan't do so
my sister looks like this
Casting the nets hoping to catch a certain engineer?
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Is my 860 euro salary enough to get a Bulgarian wife?
it might not be female
Plenty of bulgars in ferentari
My sister make 5k
based angrybey up all night fantasizing about murder
Go back to Moldova
Gălățene fiu de curvă, pupă-ne, pupă-ne, pupă-ne în pulă.
eating salted lays chips
I blame bulgars, very disagreeable bunch. They can make even a calm and collected rational human such as myself into a genocidal schizo.
I would have had a normal life right now if it wasnt for turkgarians and ROMANIans
You just want a Bulgar wife
You're eating pubescent boy precum you degenerate vlach
Disgusting bourgeoi
Ruffles ketchup is the trve Balkan peasant choice
Salut poponarule numele meu este Ionut, sunt Bucurestean si urasc toti moldovenii. Voi toti sunteti uscati, retardati, fara viata care isi petrec fiecare secunda a zilei pe 4chan pupand pe rusi in fund. Pe bune acum, a auzit macar unul dintre voi de pizda?

Hai sa fim deschisi, "loviti-ma" cu ce aveti voi mai bun, sunt perfect. Am fost capitanul echipei locale de fotbal si titular in echipa de basket, voi ce sporturi jucati inafara de "mi-o iau la laba la desene japoneze pe internet?" De asemenea iau doar note de 10 si am o gagica buna rau (tocmai ce mi-a facut o muie, smecherie). Sunteti toti poponari sau cum spuneti voi "pidari", multumesc pentru atentie.
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Who doesn't
Imagine all the black assholes she rims
kinda gay bro
nIGGAS don't exist in Bulgaria
Galați IS in Moldova
hasn't he been away for a week now? where did this come from?
This, when I think I see a nigger in public it turns out to just be a very dark gypsy.
The maymuns at medical uni what a word wiff yo cracka ass
Ceas vrei?
I think medical workers and doctors deserve beatings.
Daily reminder.
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Asta e sora-ta bucurestenule?
Wrong link too early.
This is what I crave.
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What covld've been
incel inability to comprehend mmf threesomes without cuckoldry being involved will never stop being funny
>mmf threesomes
Jewish porn fantasy
this never happens in reality
ka she davash intervu s taa shapka we ahaha klounski svet
vlach ness monster needs to be put in there
You really want to be around some other naked guy in bed with his cock out? Sounds like you are gay.
it's 'lach ness, if you're gonna copy, copy properly
if you could beat people up as a doctor I might have bothered becoming one

there's nobody straight in blacked threads, women are treated like a random accessory while fags salivate over penis
job interview status?
Not quite like a random accessory. Sometimes a mocking foid's presence is necessary so the humiliation as you take it is more complete.
the woman is there to delude them into thinking they are still straight despite having 6+ sausages on display and you can't see the female from them blocking the view, but yeah, they are totally straight
Women ARE property. You are both gay and a liberashka.
troons self-insert as the woman, she is quite required
>first hours in the morning
>balk discuses the philosophy behind the maymun porn and its watchers
women are people just like you and me
they are the ones who raise the next generations
they suffer to give life into this world
they are our mothers who love us regardless and sacrifice their life for their children
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Troons are Aryan and trad though.
humiliationfags are insufferable, they're fucking everywhere these days
3/4 of threads on gif could be grouped on a humiliation general so I wouldn't have to bother with some westoids elaborate erp sessions about being a sissy slut for the bnwo

romanian reading comprehension, deep as a half-evaporated piss puddle in the middle of july

only because they're in the closet
the blacked -> fag pipeline is real
Whenever I see Balkan cunts I have a strange sense of longing. Like I have vivid dreams of dying there will fighting off a horde of Turks. I will always respect you people. God bless
You will end up enslaved by turks and forcefully settled here as karma for what your people did to gypsies
I am Slavx. I have proofs.
Troons deserve a bullet to the head to release them from their suffering.
>the blacked -> fag pipeline is real
I would believe this if there was BLACKEDgay
Come home aryan brother
Blacks are all inherently homosexual. Black race is the gayest thing to ever exist on this earth.
it hasn't been commercialized yet since it would spook chuds from watching regular blacked
My people live 3000kms from where gypsies originated. They are genetically closer to you than me
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Sounds like you are jealous. They get all the black cock you wished for.
i copy as i please
I will murder and behead any troon I see.
When Lansky openly says he created BLACKED as a weapon against racism for getting bullied, chuds think "yep no conspiracy here, I ain't gay for fapping to this if no one finds out"

But if they made a white twink version so chuds could self-insert more properly, suddenly they would get spooked. Peak comedy.
the chud mind isn't particularly bright, since they're just another variation of normalfags
Yes I see them every day here in the street. We need someone to save us from the troon menace.
Americans are homosexuals for Blacks. Did you not know this? They used to ass buck break them in Western times. tHEY WERE not Interested in the WOMEN! I repeat, they wanted only the men.
The only tranny I have seen in Bulgaria was one anorexic ugly gypsy. They get put down on arrival here.
why isn't there CRACKED tho
blacks are poor, and therefore a useless demographic to try and appeal to
no but his argument is that cracka is homo for black ass, so he would wanna watch blacks get buck broken
Liberals aka Jews have to paint the Black alpha male stereotype for their agenda pushing, but we all know the truth. All popular gangsta rappers from the 90s turned out to be THEATER QUEERS. This is the illusion you were sold!
>somewhere out there elite crackas pay for buck breaking videos and white twinks getting split in half by chocolate gorilla tchibouks
They still get buck broken behind the porn scenes. But that is a privilege to the Jew director and his cronies only.
google.com thug hunters
alhamdulillah SHUT THE FUCK UP
it's astaghfirullah, you're losing your grip on musulmanisms old man

also this is repayment for romanian seething earlier today and the resulting bulgayrian rebound will generate more seethe that will drive this general
>russian knows about this homo shit
no surprises here
well yeah i know everything

im not an insecure bulgar who pretends to not know funny gay shit while edging to azis in private
nigro i literally didn't know
>edging to azis in private
massive projection, no one does this
Don't lump me in a Jewish ploy to destroy society from within by dividing the genders and tricking them into hating each other. I love women yes, I am not an incel.
I also do not support Western brain-rot and third rate failed zionist ideologies.
>didn't know
Report to your local PD to surrender your ID, your citizenship has been revoked
literally me except im all these unironically

bro ur like those kids who say they dont know some celeb literally everyone knows to look mature or something
just admit you beat it to azis and ill leave forever
he kinda sound like mangal *drops full shizo pill box*
you are literally a Polish Nazi
I harbor no ill feelings towards regimes I never experienced in my life.
"bro" there is like under 100 mentions of this thug breaking shit on /int/ over 10 years
also who the fuck finds a fat flamboyant homo with a full goatee sexy
Every 2nd straight Zidor
These are also Communist ideals.
Peepee and poopoo.
poopoonar bolnav
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pomak does and hes technically bulgar
that's polubrainian spamming him as a straight gorilla looking batka now, to defend bulgaria's image on the ziglet supa hot fire forums
They knew the truth and what they were. We all know the truth. It is a illness, a mental illness or a virus, experts are split on that. What is known is that pornography can eventually turn you into one. It is a wicked weapon, the most wicked weapon of the 21st century!

Women hate them the most btw, they see them lower than dirt and not as men but as their accessories or fellow girl friends; tools to virtue signal to the rest of the world of how compassionate they are. I remember when I was little and mom used to tell me how homos rape kids in night clubs.
>they see them lower than dirt and not as men but as their accessories
That's hwo they see most men tho
Te excită? Chiar mă duc amu să mă cac.
Being a faggot, and I mean a genuine homosexual, is a life choice, a life style, a branding for life! It is a role they have to play from the moment they come out of the closet, they have to have the gay lisp and act effeminate or flamboyant 24/7 and be obnoxious about it. It is the same as troonism. It is such a sorry ass clown show display and so fake and retarded when you look at it.

No, that is how they see weak men, men that creep them out or don't turn them on. These men fail for their bitch tests and become their lap dogs, ofc women won't respect and even take joy in belittling them. These men have fallen and are under their control so women loose interest. Real men who can control women never play by their rules, those are the men she tells you she hates and despises but surprisingly she always comes back to them. I know all this from observing female nature since birth. How you make them want you is by never playing by their rules and never giving her control over yourself. Because this is what women main goal is, to destroy you. Their nature, and ofc, a weak man will hate them for that and act like a bitch, but a real man will acknowledge this and act accordingly. My two cents.
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>No, that is how they see weak men, men that creep them out or don't turn them on
That's 80% of us
I have never enjoyed living in the world
I never have lived in world of enjoyment
last office day
pray for my health
fkn zoomie summer sale faggots ruining muh bing bing wahoo
summer is a maymun season for shrubs
that is why modernity, the natural state of a man is to be passive and weak
ever wonder why they push the doomer pill? weaponized zionist death cult for goyim

they don't want you to have, they don't want you to take control of your life, they don't want you to see others as people!

Now one way to take control over your life exercise, have a good diet, and do not dwell on negativity.
>it takes delusion the strength of schizoprenia to reject modernity
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>reject modernity
>embrace tradition
We get it anon.
Japan has fallen.
>the romanian schizo kept going all night
you are going to make him go on a stabbing spree, bratulululului
This coward cant stab anyone, only spam on internet. Bvll was such a nice place, instead every day the obsessed churka and his ass rimming gypsy
>I want to skin X alive
>Nigger ass rimming
>So what games do you play?
My dream? OF / Stripper gf.
They make for the best wives because they have already seen through the lies of this Capitalist society that uses and abuses them and are ready to settle down with someone who will accept them and treat them like a human being.
Ah yes, that would be Chad.
Chad doesn't care
American diet is something else.
Nothing to smile about in my life
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I think about death all the time
You've got that eternal idiotic idea that if anarchy came it would come from the poor. Why should it? The poor have been rebels, but they have never been anarchists; they have more interest than anyone else in there being some decent government. The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn't; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. The Rich were always anarchists.
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We need to abandon this internet to the schizos and build a new one.
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>he doesn't have a kovri info equivalent in his cunt
are you serious?
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I use it sometimes
should I pull the trigger and see one of these girls? i've never been with a prostitute before
I am in the same boat as you so I can't help you. If you decide to take the bullet, gather info on the one you want.

I am waiting until I turn 30 (3 years to go) and if I have not had a gf by then I am going on a hooker spree.

There used to be one BG hooker Discord where you had prostitutes posting in there and other BGs sharing stories and rating profiles but I lost it.
Damn if you're virgin you shouldn't even wait.
Your first time being with a hooker is bonkers but my guess is you're awkward around girls and having a hooker wet your whistle has got to be a step towards fixing it.

Also lol at these guys in the kovri forum, they know all about these girls. They're discussing their boyfrieds, their social media, their families, their children, their other jobs etc etc. This site is a goldmine for keks
yeah he's retarded. read it twice before I could process it. he plapped the hambeast after all
влизaл cъм 2 пъти в aлoтo дa paзглeдaм мaтpялa и нямaшe eднa кypвa нaд 3/10 тoлкo ли ca гpoзни жeнитe в бългapия
wonder what she had on the wall instead of the mandala wall hang in the plapjak meme
It doesn't really bother me. I am just a NEET and don't go out or work, and hence have no social circle etc. But I am also 1.92 and 90 kg.

You should have seen the Discord, I regret that I lost it, some of the stories there were hilarious. Like when one guy did anal with one but she had no had an enema prior and shit sprouted everywhere. There was also terrified guys testing for HIV, stuff like that.
go back to your tranny cord redditroach
The alcohol wore off and he is back
unironically you get better discussion on reddit than you do here
then go back there
We care a lot about you. Thank you for sharing.
I am permabanned from everywhere except here. I am a 4channer at heart.
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fucking kek this sounds hilarious are you sure there's absolutely no way you can remember the discord? I wanna read the shit and aids stories lol
you're a homosexual faggot roach that shits up this general, like nojkoturk and krasnochurka if you disappear forever his place will become very nice for everyone else
Nobody wants your stupid opinion, nobody clicks ur gay links, nobody gives a fuck about you because you're a dumb retard, nojkogypsy is the exact same and when i see a russoid flag i want to vomit
>that shits up this general
this is the most productive and entertaining discussion this general has seen in the past year you mongrel
All you have to do is speak in Bulgarian
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You are in luck, I think I found it;
but its gay now, it has become payed
it wasn't back in 2021
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>I am waiting until I turn 30
why do you imbeciles think that 30 is some magic number?
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at least you still get these
have fun

30 is where I become a wizard, I am not about to blow the opportunity now that I am so close to it.
>my penis is dying
normalfag problems
Pravete bull be
>30 is where I become a wizard
I repeat my question: why do you imbeciles think that 30 is some magic number?
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кe ти ce пpaзним нa цpъвeнитe нoдзe
coz like, 30 sounds old or sommin
also in that meme about wizard powers datz wen u become wizard
also incel magic gave you digits get to prove the point abt magic numbers
Ke gi jades
you've totally lost touch with the real world, no wonder you're virgin
What are the implications of a Kamala W for Bulgaria?
How many men do you think have achieved 30 years of celibacy? Less than 5% of the entire human population.
You can't tell irony when it's even exaggerated to this point of obviousness? When were you diagnosed with autism, my online companion?
It's enough to buy the country. Also, why torment yourself by getting a Bulgarian wife?
и пpaвилнo! дa гo дyхaт бyгapeтe!
дa yмpeтe cички дaнo мaмa ви дeeбa и тypcкaтa cгaн цигaнcкa пoдчoвeшкa cepня
eeeй, дoкoпa 4000 лв зaплaткa
нa жeнa мy пpиятeля мy дъpпa пoлoвинaтa
и ceгa вcички бългapи мy кpиви чe гo eбaвaли кaтo мaлък зaдeтo e кльoщaв yшaт зyбъp c 2 дeкapa мeждy oчитe
coz there are people who believe that in earnest
I was absent for 4 months. I came back 3 days ago.
balkanchana e po dobar sait ot toq arhaichen forum
ocвeн кoгaтo дaвa dns error
Most people don't have the mental stones to accept just how little hope there is and have to defer to romantic ideas of a big, wonderful victory, revolution, being saved by a hero, etc.
I choose freedom
I choose voting for pyramid scheme messiahs and having 4 elections every year, one every season
I just found out westoids call gypsies even blonde people from Romania
I have seen nordic alien-looking gyppos
You don't understand it will matter this time bro.
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Gay sex rights in Moldova! Take that Putler!
>krasno professor in thugbreaking
>bibidonian with a master's in queerkingdomofficial
Opportunities don't last forever.
That's amazing. People will revolt. Lol, lmfao even.
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These channels are full of gems like this.
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just suck a dick already and stop being a stupid closeted fag
You don't get how funny it is, bro! *honk*
They are possessed by demons, and not the sexy kind that come in my dreams after a week of semen retention, but the homosexual kind.
abe ti mizera li si?
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See, this is why I love Russia.
Yeah it is me.
We all know how they "attacked" the troon
with their mouths primarily
To e mizernik lmao
because zoomies think they'll be in their 20s forever
кaквo cтaвa, кoгa щe ми дaдeш дa cи пoигpaя c кypa ти?
The troon would've talked about how welcoming and LGBTQ+ friendly they are if that were the case.
Kur za bulgaria
Based homofag supporting union between Romania and Moldova6
I am not gay. I am a heterosexual male who dreams of a loving gf.
Rooskis are very tsundere. They roughed him up trying to get to his lollypop but then got disgusted by their own homosexuality and bailed.
тo нe cъм кaзaл, чe cи, ти пpoдължaвaй дa cи мeчтaeш, пpocтo дaй дa cи пoигpaя мaлкo c твoя джoйcтик, квo тoлкo eбacи?
I will have to kill myself afterwards so no.
tva koga e bilo?

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