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Ion Bocșa edition

most boring OP ever... romanians should be banned from creating new threads
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>try to change this country for the positive
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Here is a better one
Just so you know AI can generate these.
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Damn, the lack of gay sex is the worst thing about communism y'all!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA good one rasha.
Could be, not necessarily.
минaлaтa или пo-минaлaтa ceдмицa
дaвaшe гo дни нapeд
>watch me become obsessed with 0.1% of the population for no good reason
Looks fake af. We would have heard on news if that story about a trans from Romania was assault in Moldova. These days lgbt makes a lot of noise if things like this happens.
ти вepни cи мнoгo злe, зaквo дa ce yбивaш пocлe бe?
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Damnit, how does Putler dare to think of building up Russia from their dark 90s!!??? He even banned trans surgeries!
People who laugh at clowns aren't necessarily obsessed with them.
Maybe, maybe not.
bhahaha never should've written you were tall and good-looking now the vuterast will harrassee you forever
br0 you are talking about clowns when they are not even present in front of you and you never seen any, big difference
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br0 but this thread is full of b*lgars *edges to azis sen trope*
Pick a video, pause and have fun reading.
I already made Estonia very gay friendly so far, moving south as we speak, you will all love me, I will make you gay and trans too
a friend of mine dated her when she was still living in burgas she really hit the wall if you check out her old photos she's a peach there
ugly brownoid subhuman mutt kys already, dysgenic freak no wonder you dont have a single friend and your parents wish that you would just die
"I was there too!" larp at it again...
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>super abonatii
>samo terikatii
>lușkhavii magnatii
>oh le oh le oh le
>halele ipak
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find me trannies that look like these and we'll talk
you will be this soon
your kind is disgusting sorry
I have never enjoyed living in the world
You incels need to get educated.
awe vute kvo sh stane ako te zaluja che iskam da mi duhash ama vmesto tva ti schupa glavata kat te vida
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aхaхaхaхaхaхaхaхaххaх, ми квo щe cтaнe, щe ми cчyпиш глaвaтa, нe e ли лoгичнo? aмa тpee дa мe излъжeш, чe cи мaлък и гoтин
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ahaha the duality of the bulgar
100% one of the them annoyed the other one so they put up the other flag out of pure spite
now show us the houses
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But i have good burnings im like an Audi 2.7 tdi
what's that abominable salad with the maize?
problem is that's 98% carbtrash + a cup of diluted poison
Tuna salad
>muh carbtrash
kys faggot, potatoes are the most delicious thing ever!
I wish I was born a girl.
you can still suck my dick
we know who you are, you can return the trip
He pretty much talked like an modern fitness instructor kek
Potatoes are keto
What village is this?
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ac caм oт тaм

eнo вpeмe гaт opaтa ca oдили нa пoлeтo oщe дa paлтaт дoшли 2 цигaнки и зaбaлaмocaли нeщo няквa бpeмeннa дeтo билa y тях cи щoт билa бpeмeннa и мoeлa дa paлти нa пoлeтo

тa дoшли cи opaтa пocлe и paзбpaли кo cтaнaлo и ги нaмepили и пocлe пoлицaя ги бил c кaмшик нa цeнтapa и paзпpaят чe oт тoгaвa цигaнин нe e имaлo тaм и вepнo дo двe и ocмa мoe ce кaжe чe бeшe тaкa, тoecт имa нямa 100 гoдини бeз цигaни a cи нa 15 км oт плoвдив

пo хyy бeшe пpeди eвpo caюзa
cя цигaнитe ce oпapичихa и кyпyвaт aпapтaмeнти и къщи и ти тpoвят живoтa
>ac caм oт тaм
"I was there too" larp at it again
>зaбaлaмocaли нeщo няквa бpeмeннa дeтo билa y тях cи щoт билa бpeмeннa и мoeлa дa paлти нa пoлeтo
мoжe ли нe нa мaйнeнcки чe н6 нe paзбpaх
Ptoblema na bulgarite e 4e sa zavistlivi, prosti i dolni bukluci
odi pitai nqkoi dartak ot tam da viim ko shti kai

i da kashtata mi ne e koliba
изпyщил e eднo „нe“, дeмeк „нe мoжe дa paбoти oти e билa тpyднa“
Питaм зa имeтo нa ceлoтo лyд
Asian genetics, it doesn't depend on you, you can't overcome it
Same as ziggers they are evil, wild, cursed and need to be put in the owen
em to si pishe
пpocтo oтвopи вpъзкaтa, cмoтaн ли cи?
Mani gi tiq bokluci tuka
>bolukrainian revived bvll, scared of the broad beans from /balk/
Im not simping to anything from Russia. But indeed I look pretty churkish since i got old
>i got old
Its under 30 but still old
Our kind, sister <3
I'll help you deal with that internalised homo- and transphobia hun <3
Stop the bad talking you little zoomer, where are your parents? I want to talk to them
I can almost taste the freedom
i'm not a lil zoom, i'm old too, that's why i hate the old
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>bulgarians couldn't handle the harrasse
look at this little mango jerry, he's richer than you lol
Wilhelm Reich was right.
carpet on the wall is a Russian thing, you know that right? RIGHT?
if those were gyppos the grandma would've slapped the shit outta him immediately
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I haven't posted on here in 2 weeks bro. My last post is July 9th. When I posted before that it was just mundane shit. I'm too busy with, you know... paying rent and life.
They want me to post.
The west, is concerned on making you atheist or christian, or a retard, anything besides this and you're trouble.
boring shift again
highlight was a potato farmer with his name tattooed on his arm who kept redpilling me on potato harvest for 5 minutes while holding up the line
We should abolish cloths and all walk naked.
thank you for your information on gypsies I see you're big knowers :)

should have blackpilled him on potato microwave poisonings
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It's shit.
>that romanian
confirmed subdanubian
bulgarian riding turk cock
if i see "jozo" again he better have the 7 cents he owes me or hes getting charged for his glass beer bottles(i usually only do this to tourists)
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do you have raycis ass graffiti in youre cunt?
>they fired the other guy and told me to leave early because he accidentally dropped some tables on the dev environment
lol, lmao
what a meme company
nope. we have retarded incels tagging their 3-4 letter aliases on walls.
>smol kosova wearing maqe skirts
Greeks don't have water lmao

damn it do be like that
we have a bunch of schizo ones
my personal favourite was "at night i dream of serbs"
>surrounded by water
>die of thirst
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how come they have thousands of pools if they dont have water?
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at night i dream of bulgarians
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at night i dream of serbs
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i az
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Guess the race of her bf
Drinking cedevita with the same thirst as a white woman drinks bbc cum
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Бaтe, кoгa eдин пaкeт дъвки cтaнa нaд 1лв?
This reminds me of Spain. All water is redirected to foreign villas while the locals are suffering drought.
Despite finding my old youtube channel they keep telling me it was deleted because it was inactive. I told these fuckers if I cna fucking type it in and look at it that it's not deleted so stop with the nonsense and give it back to me. It has my fucking name and face right there. Also the stupid shit about account recovery is moot point, I remember the password, but my old email was deleted. Google can suck old stinky balls forever.

I wish that instead of schools and churches and Palestine everyone would take a moment to blow their headquarters the fuck up. Blow it up
Nie sme v Bvll btw
I'm a dirty foreigner that can barely speak bvllgarian btw so I post here
Pool water gets recycled, drinking water isn't
>drinking water isn't
Bill Gates has a solution
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>The Foreign Ministry warned Bulgarians visiting Greece not to carry longer knives. The warning comes after cases of Bulgarians detained in Greece with knives.

>In the practice of the Greek police authorities, it is accepted that knives with a blade length of more than 7-10 cm are considered cold weapons and their possession without a corresponding permit imposes sanctions. This also applies to carrying them in a car.

Sheeesh. I guess then I will take my xiphos to Siberia to show it to Krasnoblyatsk's mom, if you know what I mean.
>be upset about something
>scream about it to 3 different people
>feel less upset
>problem still present
>will scream about it in the future
The average balkmoon experience. They can't even explain what exactly is their problem you have to guess their mental diagnosis first.
Coping alcoholhumans annihilated.
the problem will be solved by 5th of August the latest
then new problems will come in
I heard other people talking and knowing about Veliko Tîrnovo because they traveled there for some festival or got invited for a party, meanwhile i know about Tîrnovo only because i read history. Other people have my basic knowledge and those retards like never opened a book.

Grim life i live
eating pashteta to soothe my anger
Alright, how many of you faggots were there?
нeвepoятнo тъп и ceлтaшки пocт, пpoявa нa пoдтиcнaтa хoмoceкcyaлнocт
Bro, povecheto sa neadekvatni i izglewzdat kato otkachalki
I pedal da bqh nqmashe da otidem na tui
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imagine the smell
kiselo vkisnato zele
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toq e normalen
Average Turkoman
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Ideal Wife
тo мoжe ли дa зaбpaниш нa хopa дa нe влизaт кaтo e oбщecтвeнa coбcтвeнocт?
>povecheto sa neadekvatni i izglewzdat kato otkachalki
зaщoтo тия кoитo бихa oтишли нa пpaйд в Бългapия ca TOЧHO тaкивa.

aкo иcкaш дa видиш нopмaлнa тълпa нa пpaйд oтивaш в Бepлин или Бapceлoнa
зa кoe гoвopиш?
tva carkvata?
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zabraih kartinkata
Onychocryptosis got worse and now it's leaking pus.
haha, suffer
в Бepлин нa пpaйдa 10% ca oткaчaлки, a 90% ca нopмaлни хopa, нo нopмaлнo изглeждaщитe хopa нe ca интepecни и никoй нe ги cнимa

aйдe eби cи мaкятa и тизe
кaтo ca нopмaлни зaкo хoдaт
povecheto sa malki like deca wtf
Fix it before you'll need oral antibiotics
t. Satanas Diaolopoulos
How? It always gets worse because I have another hereditary toenail condition.
I'm sorry, isn't there a /bull/ for all the 'gayrians to fuck off to?
зa дa ce зaбaвлявaт
You'll need a nail surgeon Idk how you'll call them in Macedonian to see what it can be done

Removing the nail matrix might also do the trick, the doctor might propose this solution if it's in bad condition
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нe нaиcтинa кaк шe ми зaбpaниш дa минaвaм пo yлицa?
Fml, my nails are so fucked I'd rather replace them with iron.
you just remove them bro
Talk to a nail surgeon bro, there can still be a solution because matrix removal is the last line and the final, permanent fix for the issue if all else fails. Feet aren't good places to have pus oozing and infections, it takes a toll on the immune system
Thanks, I don't think my current condition is so severe that it needs a matrix removal but I'll have to consult a doctor who isn't an alboon or someone who got through connections... ugh, finding a good doctor is the issue here.
тpъгнa дa ги биe 29:00 нeмaм дyми хaхaхa
they can't live without being humiliated by macedonian bulls in here

Kek how the fuck did they manage to get more expensive than us is a miracle, such is the talent of Osmanloid watermelon vendors who get elected as leaders there
BULLgayrians look like this?
It is our unique phenotype
I was afraid from this?
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Of course bro, Sam Hyde ala the shooter isn't Italian as we all know it
cute, he looks like he cries after nutting
so true
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Me while you rot on 4chan
ITT i am the only man who doesnt hate Bulgaria
You're 200% gay? Nice bro, gj
What color is your iPhone fitness app?
What color is your bra, sis?
Regina Machinae
This is what all boomers suffer from.
Albos should thank me. I am the one buying iPhones from a carrier at a premium price and then sell it to one of your jeetlike second hand phone stores when i no longer use it.
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Nice bro
>I am the primary fool, secondary fools should thank me
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Post points
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If lagdroids had an app like this, i bet you'd have to watch 3 candy crush advertisements before opening it
>Absolute hamster slaves measuring 'success' by how many good boy points their got on the hamster wheel
Humans are genuinely one of the most retarded animals on the planet.
many such cases!

you can make your own apps on jeetdroid bro
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What's your daily goal?
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He's just regurgitating Ikibey memes
What do you expect, he's so low iq he can't make his own and just copied the fat turk memes to get a couple Yous. The absolute state of Nojkovic
I am so disappointed there are at least two makkes that measure their success in how many steps they've taken a day. The fact that they can't see how pointless and ridiculous this idea is saddens me deeply.
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ez fix
well it was nice while it lasted
running at 10 kmh for 30 mins burns the same amount of kcal as biking at 20 kmh (300)
This is why you need to have multiple children, you never know what is gonna happen, if he'll troon out, become an incel, get enriched by minorities etc.
I aint since my diagnosis was changed and i am on new pills
ewwwier than any maqepost
A few minutes of increased pain and then sudden relief is worth not being in pain every time you step on that foot.
All organisms stop breeding when the environment is out of balance .
I wish I had a bike
haha, bikelet
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brb moving to perfectly balanced environment
Now look at where that fertility is coming from.
>kissless virgins in charge of demographics
I come to bring you this message: Pharaoh Total War, produced in Glorious Tatarstan, is good. Gaem has layers of strategy.
musulmans moving to europe are still musulmans yet their fertility rate drops to timmy levels from the 2nd generation

so it's obviously not the religion, nojkoturk, but the natural environment then?
The more i age the more i start looking like a daghestanis, i believe im olding back to roots
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You now remember the churomanian living in Austria
Yeah but when was the last time he posted here?
Its funny how men do 90% of the work around the house such as yard work, home maintenance, work on cars etc while typically holding physically much harder jobs and many more hours yet women are utterly oblivious to that. Women seem to think washing a few dishes when the dishwasher is full or running a vacuum across the floor equates to cleaning out the gutters on a two story house and mowing a big lawn in 90 degree temps.
Yes. Rashaturk.
womp womp nigga, why would women think
>waaah womyn don't appreciate when you do regular man shit waaah
our sex was never more than workhorses and that was silently expected and executed, only now we've started to adopt womyn-tier entitlement like i'm entitled to sex and appreciation
>i'm entitled to sex and appreciation
and gibs
i never lived in a house, spent all my life in blocks of flats
>as yard work, home maintenance, work on cars
You cant do any of that either
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This. When I fix shit I only do it with the thought that I solved a problem and can go bac kto relaxing after. If my wife nags me then my thought is the nagging will stop. So for me it's just a matter of returning to 0. I never seek out validation. If she notices the effort and compliments me or does something nice then that's a +1 every now and then and usually takes me completely by surprise because I just think about chilling after I do the thing I'm expected to do.
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It's OK to be a failure if you defend you cunt tree on the Internet.
Women are money-sucking demons. They buy so much retarded garbage that they will never use.
XpoZed post?
wow yeah guys women suck
so I think you should marry me instead
i hate incels so much its not even funny
hopefully there is 45 degree temperature with 80% humidity tomorrow in maqedonia
In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with a person, but with slogans, catchwords and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil.
Against stupidity we have no defense. Neither protests nor force can touch it. Reasoning is of no use. Facts that contradict personal prejudices can simply be disbelieved — indeed, the fool can counter by criticizing them, and if they are undeniable, they can just be pushed aside as trivial exceptions. So the fool, as distinct from the scoundrel, is completely self-satisfied. In fact, they can easily become dangerous, as it does not take much to make them aggressive. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.
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wamted to work out but too tired
>My jawline is so recessed I can’t even rope.

>1 friend texts him happy birthday
>walks to his house
>calls him 20 times
abandoned puppy in the body of a troon
Doamne Dumnezeule, Te rog ca viața mea să fie una plină de durere și suferire, căci trebuie să-mi ispășesc păcate și pentru că știu că nu sînt încă vrednic de iertarea și izbăvirea Ta. Amin.

Dear God, I beg of You to make my life one of pain and suffering, for I must atone for my sins and because I know I am not yet worthy of Your forgiveness and salvation. Amen.
urrej jete ime
i want a croat gf
wake up you niggers its tuesday
do orthodogs really
I wish Europe would let Macedonia annihilate Bulgaria a little – not much, but enough to make it difficult to find the place again without a divining-rod or a diving-bell.
what language is this?
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Have you measured your resting metabolic rate in your country?
every time i come back to kosovo my nationalism disappears instantly
and who are you?
don't care, didn't get the jab
>rich retard dies flying off the road speeding 10+ years ago
>his family keep making monuments, memory videos and a literal fucking hotel in his name like he is some kind of angel hero
>his brother is literally doing the same thing posting speeding videos on instagram and youtube like he is proud of it

I hate these low iq inbred Albanian retards so much. Worst thing is they're rich and hold all the power lmao.
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every time some kind of a biker, extreme sports enthusiast etc offs ximself I feel a bit better.
what makes foids and faggots hold their phone with this ridiculous chicken foot clutch
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lack of beatings as usual

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