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Mysterious Leaf renaissance man genius edition

prev: >>200073718
tokébak icitte 'sti
Call me Kafka the way I'm a fucking bug
guy in OP is just a leaf living on the US/Canada border glazing himself
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this, so much this
I have extensive knowledge of poo fart bum
Polymath more like polymeth lmao
This is it, this is the thread.
I got some funny quotes from very old former slaves talking about how great their masters were
the only difference is in the teeth count amirite
watching some kino ngl
just what are we doing here?
You was talking about popping pussy and shit before, what now huh, pedozilian, cringe ass pedozilian, leave your home for once
Most likely but I need to create /cum/ OC
I'm sitting in my backyard enjoying beautiful California weather and YOU are jealous
Schools are gonna be named after me in 40 years from now.
This is a semi-automatic 16-shot Street Sweeper shotgun. It can clear a street full of nigs as fast you can say 'hol up'. Now, I know what you're thinking right now: was this instrument invented in 1970s Rhodesia for the express purpose of clearing a street full of nigs.
haha SEETHE incel creeps
60/40 assuming they do go with the Indo-Afro-Female
65/35 in his favor
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D-Did they really ban someone for this? /cum/ has truly fallen
she should pick bernard sanders
My mom taught at a school named after a mexican
what the fuck does that have to do with cum, janny has been on a wild one all over int
Many people have told me I am very cool, genius, handsome, friendly, big cock, etc. but I exclusively post like a retard on this website for fun
he is eligible though
Almost finished Akira vol. 3. Akira just destroyed Neo Tokyo. This happened at the tail end of the movie so I wonder what's going to happen next now.
Stop using boring logos for your threads retard
She already has enough delegates to be the nominee >>200074858
Based humble bragging canasissy
You need to say "unalive" now or your posts will be demonetized
reminds me of pedocel...hmmmm...
>But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.
That's not even the same leaf you were mad at yesterday
Haven't seen him around in awhile, the last post I saw him make was him having a meltdown about how no one in this general likes him. He finally got the hint after 7 years!
>no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States
t. the 12th amendment of the constitution of the united states
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/cum/ used to be a safe trvecel general
Schizo retard, I call all canadians canasisies
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Not very /cum/bro of you, I would never truly insult my fellow /cum/mers
Poonited States
People have been bragging about their sexploits for as long as I've been here, since July of 2016. I bet they were doing it the previous 2 years as well
You just know this was in England.
It's alright, I'm gonna go outside, be at peace
Finest meal in Scotland
>not knowing IRN-Bru
Scotland desu
>/cum/ member for 8 years
no it was obviously in Scotland
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The Constitution of the United States is just made up, bro.
If I could be a sissy I would but I'm too masc V_V
that refers to the age barrier and being born in the US
And I'll be here for at least 8 more!
only 7 years long time for a dunce like him
It also refers to 2 terms
does it count if I left for a number of years?
see >>200074968
im sure the country an hour away from england has the same soda
Pretty much. It's useless without a moral population.
Slimy weasels would simply "interpret" it differently.
You cannot tell me that both California and Texas have constitutional firearm laws. One of them is unconstitutional, and it's shithole commiefornia.
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napped for 4 hours damn
i feel a little less sick but my sleep schedule is completely ruined now
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>Civilization is just made up, bro
It's not very popular in England thoughbeit
why are all the femboys on chaturbate colombian
You missed an entire thread of political shit flinging
trimming the pubes
Why are you looking at femboys on Chaturbate?
>Jew Biden
>>200052809 They don't need us any more.
/cu/ /cu/ /cu/
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I relapsed
Donald Dump
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Much to think about
absolutely no way this is real
>No person shall be elected to the office of the United States more than twice
A two term president can serve as many times as president as long as they are not ELECTED
This hurts my feelings
glad i didn't miss much
why is he standing like that
*Office of the President
Supreme Court would shut it down if it actually happened
Based lads, brown women are sexo
Have any of you heard of Banjo Billy, the banjo playing Jew?
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Thoughts on curry milkers?
it doesn't look like anyone paid attention to them
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Very sexy
Women from the region spanning Morocco to Indian are underrated.
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Yeah it was painfully obvious nobody cared but they still wanted to show off their white boyfriends lol women amirite?
there's like nothing to play, nothing to do and i'm somewhat hungry
latinas as well
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cant stop farting
Don't call them that, the idea of curry flavoured milk is gross
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Eh, I don't like their indigenous facial features, but some are hot
I prefer the pointy noses in the old world
>why is he standing like that
This is why no one will remember your name
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Australians will look at this and immediately think of sex, then they'll project onto you with
>le mutt rule
You've never put milk in a curry dish?
America needs a young charismatic leader again
Iran, mortal enemy of Europe and North America
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Beautiful women though
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>the idea of curry flavoured milk is gross
You're not gonna believe this... but jeets actually have that kind of drink
I like Obama
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Why haven't you tried this technique?
I would personally save multiple young persian women from the grips of islamic theocratic rule
I do agree.
He's in the rear view mate.
I agree, it's sad how bogged they get. I live in an area with a lot of them and like half are bogged it's crazy
This bitch is just fat
Iran is a repressed homo nation
what do you mean
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bidenbros not like this
what do you mean
Biden just shat his Depends.
Extremely hot indio girls on the plane earlier today
I’m turning into a creepy old man
Are you a jeet? A little too much seethe over a jeeta
No I’m a balkanoid I just find simps spamming mid fat slut tiktoks annoying
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starting to think Sub-Continentals are Chaotic Evil
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Bread has slowed way down for some reason.
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Uh bros?
there is another thread
any discord kittens here?
we are here
wait I didn't even hear that joey dropped out wtf. its so over for dems holy shit
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no we're not newfag
i hate it when the thread splits you guys need to get your act together this is super annoying
This is getting peculiar...

apparently some of his own staffers were unaware he made the announcement. Puzzling...
i dont post in generals that don't post the last thread. sorry buckaroo
this one has more replies dumbie
why are Republicans so schizo, not everything is a conspiracy
you got a lot to learn buddy boy
Why do Americans love guns so much?
Everyone loves guns, it's only Americans who enshrined this as a right.
>action movies
>FPS and all shooter vidya
>target shooting being Olympic sports
unless you think this is all just coinicidentally popular globally
i don’t love guns but i own one because of the fact that i can be physically overpowered by most everyone and it makes me feel safe
Guns are based. The Swiss understand this.
so you one of them cuties huh
what if i chokeholded you rom behind before you could react, there would be nothing you could do
check this video out guys. it made me LOL!
don't worry brah i'd save you from the shitzillian, if you get a chub from watching me put the monkey in a chokehold we can deal with that later ;)
do you store it safely where no child can accidentally find it?
>smartest Republican
why are leafs so hellbent on discussing american politics tonight
it stays in a locked compartment of my car and i bring it in my bag if i feel like it's necessary
You mean your purse?
We are a boring and gormless people
This guy specifically always does this, it's hard to tell if he is just that reddit or this is more b8
Gen Alpha are going to be so anti-semitic it's going to be insane
he's just that reddit. literally the only thing he talks about even though he loses every debate he starts
my computer monitor isn't working and i wanted to play games this sucks
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>Jews so blinded by their success with boomers they walked off a cliff with Gen Z and Gen Alpha
Time makes fools of us all
what games
glad webcams now come pre installed with a cover so that means i'm not a schizo for trashing the webcam on my old laptop
Jimmy Fallon. Funny.
would prefer not to say
I never thought Jack Black was funny.
I just want to talk about porn
what's your favorite fetish/category
Sitting in the dark. Wish I had darts.
porn games
i remember when blaming jews for everything on 4chan was just ironic shitposting. now its filled with people who actually think that
He didn't really get the whole Jablinski youtube gaming channel thing, I think, it was just to appease the kid
Sometimes I eat apple danishes naked in my kitchen
so true bro
Futanari but I like a little bit of everything aside from the extreme stuff
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I am excited for Halloween
lets play something i'm bored
me too, fall is the best season, summer is too hot and there's too many bugs. i like watching the leaves change too, the whole world becomes this amber yellow color
what do you have in mind
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This technique also works.
A kind anon here made this for me when he dubbed me a creep for taking photos that happened to contain cute girls.
walking around naked rn
you niggas always flake out anyway what's the point
The fuck you talking about?
I remember thinking the first Tencious D album was funny.
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The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
you can come down
did you know the /cum/ janny will go back to the old to delete posts and give bans?
Janny leaves up a while other thread but bans people for no reason in this thread.

Gotta day the current janitors are trash
>he does it for free
ive got a warning for making the joe biden thread /cum/ thingy
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>he actually did
>and moved the dead thread to /pol/
aint no fucking way
thread slowed down because janny went on a ban spree lol
when, exactly, is brazzers not free
I have a feeling there is some serious samefaggery itt
In the other thread there's an animal abuse webm that's been up for 40 minutes
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Try shitposting less
5'11 is the best manlet height, short but tall enough to be taken seriously.
>it's real
We got ourselves the most retarded mod ever. Like genuinely mentally disabled.
People who abuse animals or think animal abuse videos are funny shud be shot in the fucking head.
Did you report it?
please don't give me another reason to kms
baffling post
link it
Chaotic night tonight.
no 5’11 is too short, 6’1 is the best manlet height
are you smoking crack
delete your old posts ITT so it can live on and we can bump it
I went shopping today and saw a black person
where were you when /cumpol/ happened? I was posting on /cumpol/
on the internet nobody knows i'm a manlet
I'm Canadian.
im an original
man that rat didn't fly so good
ratpedo on suicide watch
korean women are fucking nasty
what if we called bananas yellows
The nerve of this macaco to even DARE say something like that
Canucks would say
>I just shoved a yellow up my ass.
German exchange student detected
we should just make /cum/ on /pol/
jerk off just to get it out of the way you know what i mean
there’s a moose loose aboot the hoose
No, everyone would just end up posting gay webms and it wouldn't be good for me.
Did that idiot ban me
I've said multiple slurs and the janny has yet to ban me, you little faggots are such drama queens.
Say one now I dare you
Have you ever successfully bluffed a cop? I have.
No, because you're going to deliberately report me you fucking nematode.
Everyone hates the faggot janny

Go back to faggotville, janny!
This will still be up by the time the thread archives. I'm willing to put money on it.
You're chicken
Bawk bawk bawk
i dont think they ban people for that unless you're being racist but who the fuck knows not like they're consistent
They don't, everyone just has their panties in a bunch.
I got banned the other day you're just a sissy boy rule follower
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>/int/ boys wearing panties
Do people in New Brunswick suffer?
They absolutely do ban for that, when they're not gooning to sissy hypno.
You're just a sissy in general.
drinking milk
onlyfans killed prostitution too, like why the fuck would any even semi attractive girl even go into prostitution if they can make more money for less online so now only ugly ass bitches are still prostitutes
Drinking beer.
I would dominate you and blow out your little twink bussy beyond repair sissyboy
Only when someone deliberately reports it. You think there's just a janny stalking /cum/?
i had groceries delivered today and i got oreos to dip in milk
based. did you get chocolate chip cookies?
Jan man wants to rim your butthole that's why
I'd fuck your ass till it prolapsed faggot. I'd obliterate your little boypussy in ways indescribable to mere mortal men.
Anything is possible. These guys are power tripping faggots, after all. Not sure why you're acting like an incredulous retard about it.
Guys stop please
i was going to make those myself not buy premade ones
once i get to feeling better ill do that
take care bud.
I think penis size should matter more than height
Not the reality we live in though
>5'8" at most
you height mog me
What are you guys listening to
Ok fine I am going to bed
We know brazil tranny
good night
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You know what's fucked up? The Armenian Genocide.
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i dont think about the armenian genocide like at all
Never heard of him.
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Smuggling with Mr Squiggly right now. Thinking bout din. Listening to Filosofem and thinking of putting on my new Alexisonfire longsleeve.
How short are you
>Smuggling with Mr Squiggly
Does that mean you stuffed your octopus plushie up your ass to "butt-smuggle" it?
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How long till this shit becomes a reality?
No we're currently in the cargo hold of a plane headed to Columbia.
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It's fucked up. People died and shit. Sad.
He was a fucked up dude who was responsible for the death of roughly 1.5 million Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians in Ottoman Anatolia from 1915-1921.
Would you trade your alexisonfire long sleeve shirt for a limited edition japan tour 2009 or 2010 empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate) tshirt?
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Another ass has been added to my collection.
It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known
I think I should get an enema. I'm 25 years old, I'd think after 25 years SOMETHING must be up there that shouldn't be.
can you post some asses
It's man ass.
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Because /int/ is a family-friendly board I don't want to corrupt the minds of innocent wittle kiddy widdys with pictures of women's butts. But here is an anatomical depiction of what an ass theoretically looks like, for educational purposes.
It's the thinking man's ass, yes.
Have you ever fucked a bitch that was much heavier than you?
My heaviest was near 300, she was a biggun
What's everyone drinking tonight
I tried making myself a cocktail but I suck at making drinks. I should just stick to my Malibu and coke
sprite because my stomach is upset
a yeah 6ft milf hooker once. bitch was over 200 easy
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i don't like fat women they look like they smell
This chick was a decent height for a girl, 5'8 or so but just enormous.
Would have had a really cute face if she only moderately fat
Ecce homo qui est faba
Yeah i went down on her and it smelled like wet dog even after a shower lol
Tfw a bitch is too fat to even cuddle properly
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is there a thread we can recycle
No, make a new one brother.
I should have listened to the canadian...
just gave myself an insulin shock oh yea, Im thinking its bedtime right about now
grim world we're living in
I can't sleep till I hit my 3k calories, enjoy your snoozing brahs.
you niggas never fail to disappoint
good night
so anyway just cut up some fruit for me to eat, with what? flax seeds, oats and honey
i never wake up and sit up in bed and stretch and go "mmmmmmhhhaaahhhh yeaaaaahhhhhh" *yaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwahhhhhhhhhnnnnn* anymore and idk why
of the last 24 hours i've been asleep for 16
I can't help you live your life brother, all that shit sounds good man just eat it now or make a fuckin shake.
make a conscious decision to start doing that
i make a big noisy stretch every morning
It's the chemtrails.
those hemp seeds you can buy from costco rule theyre so nutty and yummy I could eat them all by themselve
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Fun fact! Sleeping for more than nine (9) hours in a given day is a sign of some sort of health issue. For example, many sleep apnea patients could sleep extensively without assistance.
gay way to say that
you did NOT just make another cum
i have a stomach bug right now so don't worry about me im fine, cute pic
really good idea actually

when in training nba and nfl players have been known to sleep 14 hours a day everyday
that anon said there were none to recycle and to make a new one
i sleep for 10 hours a day
Yeah I was fucking with you, there's a kroger one or some shit.
why would you do that
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I'm bored and unemployed for the summer. I do unscrupulous things during times like this.
ok what thread are we using for real link it here
nah this is it right now, pack it up
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Because athletes of that caliber take a lot of physical damage
The bug is an example of an illness. If you sleep 10 hours a day, you need to think about what is causing your body to feel like it needs that much sleep.
I'm unemployed for life lmao

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