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anteater tongue edition

master french kisser right thurr
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one thing about mammals, t
they WILL stretch and yawn when they wake up if there is no emergency
got shoes on sale for deep discount, but not really feeling them. didn't even need them in the first place, but it was the thrill getting them for cheap. i try not to be a consoomer, but i couldn't resist. same thing happened when i discovered thinkpads years back
One thing about me? I'm a real one. An original. I've been here since the beginning. You understand where I'm going with this, right? Almost 200 years ago my forefathers landed ashore. Generations upon generations of strife and struggle, yet through all of it we remained the shot callers. And it all leads up to me. It's in my blood to be a real one, I'm destined for it. I'm the Italian fucking stallion, the top dog. They wonder why they can't fuck with me, why they can't phase me. It's because I'm at the top. And the top dog NEVER bottoms.
can I see you wear them
what kind of shoes anon
bet he got the retard excels
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Fun fact! Sulfates are a known contributing factor to hair loss. Despite this, most shampoos contain sulphates. Some good ways to combat this are regular egg-washes since eggs contain proteins and oils that help develop healthy skin, and obviously to use sulphate-free shampoos.
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how much would you pay for a gaming session with me
then how come nobody I know has hair loss
chuck 70. i already have regular chucks so i was curious as they're supposed to be an upgrade. they are. they have more cushion and the canvas is sturdier, but i actually prefer the regular ones
good choice i have something similar
love converse
Probably genetics, age, or environment.
I'd pay -$20 (you'd have to give me $20)
I had those for 4 years, cherish them
>Trump gets shot and is totally fine
>Biden dies 1 week later for no reason
How is this a real timeline
i'm looking to buy the sneed 40, heard they're super comfortable
Black women are shit 80% of the time but 20% of black women are the most perfect angels humanity has forsaken due to cruelty and I will keep one of them safe from the horrors the Demiurge has brought upon us.
nigga forgot to take his name off, that's embarrassing
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imagine you got a gf and find out you got her pregnant, shieet, it's easier being an incel
fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfcuf kc
what happened
Biden’s dead
I got a girl pregnant once but she passed away while with child
Shit sucks
ermm is that a good thing or a bad thing
when I was a kid I had a phase where I thought I was a genius for making stupid jokes and puns. one example being:
>what do girl dogs wear?
I dated a girl with cancer, she died after seven months. I like to think I made her last few months better. I took her to a lot of places she wouldn't afford otherwise.
What is good about that? Freak
Drinking Sprite
7-up is better
How many video games did sprite have?
Thats what i thought bitchhtrg80
haunted dicks
me too
that's really nice of you anon. i hope it wasnt too hard on you when she passed
that's sweet, did you end up being a funny adult?
you guys keep saying this but everyone online says hes okay
god bless you bud. you are a good man.
i drank coconut water
now i have to pee
im basically just a digestive tract with a he at either end
lol haha xD
It’s confirmed he has ligma
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if i was more confident i'd go outside like this
i had 3 cats a couple weeks ago and now only 1 remains
wonder what happened to those fellas
yes i would rock the shit out of this
My local gas station is carrying pop like A&W Rootbeer and Coca Cola in glass bottles that are made with cane sugar instead of the corn syrup, it was the most delicious and refreshing drink I've tasted in a while. Too bad they were $2.79 each
that’s a bold look
what do you mean ? outdoor cats?
>canadian discovers real sodey pop 2024
Nah, I was just never able to get any conveniently
why can’t you go home anon
Its not a place
Just the people that were there
a few months back i found a closed box on the sidewalk during one of my walks. opened it up and there was a kitty inside. i brought it to where other stray cats were and gave it some food. i've not seen the little one since
i understand, i'm sorry
you can't just deny the cat distribution system you should have taken him home and loved him forever
yeah, i live in a small village, just some stray cats i adopted to fight off the snakes
2 kittens have disappeared
i fed them daily besides all the snakes and lizards they catch idk where or why they left
Its hard. If I'm on my best behavior i think i can apologize in the next life
kittens or cats? if they're kittens you should bring them in at night until they're bigger
pussy on pussy action
>should have taken him home
i should have walked by the box without being so nosey. it was outside of a business, so maybe a worker would have discovered it. it seems (my) curiosity may have killed a cat. i just thought, hey these other stray cats were once little and now they're grown up. if i leave this kitty here, it'll adapt as well
cat mom sticks around, the kittens just go exploring and they dont come for days
buts its been weeks now, idk if they are coming back
oh well, thats how warriors are made i guess, survival of the fittest
you think things aren't bad, it's beyond bad, it's so bad we got people out here turning gay because they can't get a gf
Drinking milk right now.
there's no way to know so don't dwell on it too much, but if i was in that situation i would have taken him home and tried to find a forever home for him somewhere on facebook or something.
>filth and vermin removing itself from the gene pool
>somehow thats a bad thing
the vast majority of the people living today are a complete waste and embarrassment to their ancestors who survived everything to carry their blood until this day and age
they have forfeited their existence, removal is now in place
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these fucking censored songs on youtube are so garbage, get this shit out of my face
Hola latino! Como estas?! Yo soy asĂ­
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good night
this one is a hood classic
go to sleep
things must get worse before they get better and i have to make that happen
you got this
it's almost 5am, it's past the point of sleeping late and into keep going territory
thanks anon

man must be both marble and artist. chipping away
everyone incliding says this but what ends up happening is that at 8am we say FUCK IT and fall asleep until 6pm EVERY FREAKING TIME
sleep at 8 today and then at 10 tomorrow and so on, i've done this dance many many times
go to sleep
i napped all day because i was sick so i have decided today is the day that i pull an all nighter and finally fix my sleep schedule. for good this time
he's just getting up
mixing up ye olde creatine water
Slept at 3 am after shagging a human trafficked venezuelan with loose belly skin
Woke up at 7am
Went for a morning and groceries to shake off the massive feeling of self loathing
About to eat a protein yogurt, put sunscreen on and drive to idk where
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why is the south considered a backwater and why does it have lower literacy rates and not much high quality universities like MIT, caltech, Carnegie mellon, etc., as compared to the other parts of america?
>inb4 n*ggers
how did texas develop then?
The south seems to have produced some of the best literary talent like William faulkner, cormac Mccarthy, etc., so what happened? Even your own white people are calling it out.
big man, I give you until 1 pm before you succumb
Texas is unique among southern states. It's a standalone kind of place settled by a many Anglo, German, and Hispanic immigrants much later than the rest of the South.
Nwords are actually a big reason for low stats in the south. You don't need the highest literacy rates or "high quality" universities to produce exceptional writers. There has always been an intelligentsia in the South.
The dumb Southerner meme is just that, a hateful meme.
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Good afternoon, /cum/friends!
They're asking for it…
i will prove you wrong
just cummed
how many hours away is that for you, I will be here and you better make a post I'll know if its not you
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Im going to bed without showering today
and my feet are dirty
i wont because i will be showering soon
10 hours from now
i'll set an alarm on my phone
Joe Biden went and got done fucked the whole world btw.
Things are bad now, next half of the decade will be unbelievable
>self loathing nafri retard shares his opinion on anything at all
what a coincidence I too am setting an alarm 10 hours from now
My opinion is you should shut up
Don't reply to me ever again faggot!
should really cut my hair
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how long is it
dont even remember what is like having long hair
What's your favorite ice-cream flavor and why is it semen?
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like einstein hair but fuller
>The dumb Southerner meme is just that, a hateful meme.
I've heard that the south is notorious for cutting budgets to their schools.
>There has always been an intelligentsia in the South.
could've been a thing in the past, but I doubt if such a thing is even a thing any more
Ok, you win. You know more than me.
why did nobody ever give him a comb
How do i find a middle class bf?
he wouldn't have used it
I was hoping to see some infographs to be debunked. Why are you annoyed burger bro?
Have an irresistible bussy
not him but it's kind of rude to come in here and disparage southerners like that. there are absolutely intelligent and educated people in the south
That's impossible, am I doomed
>am I doomed
It's unironically over
My apologies if I'd sounded rude
Are you going to ask me for bobs and vagene?
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it's okay
nah, but I did plan on asking as why the SEA region has a higher amount of ladyboys than anywhere else
just learned that yeast occurs naturally on the skin of grapes
Do you speak with that weird accent? Like SAR
Naturally, what does naturally mean here
without special help or intervention; in a natural manner.
"naturally curly hair"
idk. haven't noticed it ig. Anyways, coming back to question, why does the SEA have so many lady boys?
You have an answer in your head to your question. I mean why ask me? Aren't pajeets like super sexual and always run background calculations in their head about anything remotely related to sex. I should ask you pajeet-kun, how do i get a middle class bf
>how do i get a middle class bf
be trad, know how to cook, keep the house clean & being ready to do all the domestic chores, being ready to pump out atleast 3 kids, having no history love affairs, being a virgin before marriage and that's about it.
Be tall and white
Cooling down my balls right now
That's too easy, it can't be it. Otherwise I'd already be taken
I'm taller than my countrymen lol that's initially what made me want a foreigner. I'm an indoor person so my skin stayed white, but sorry I don't want French, i mean they're very nice and all but I want something more cowboyish. The only Europeans i like are Germans and Danish
yeast occurs naturally in the pussy, in the air, in fact i'd be harder to find a place where yeast doesn't occur naturally
>That's too easy, it can't be it. Otherwise I'd already be taken
and you must not possess the Y chromosome
Why would an XY want another XY as a marriage partner? I'm slightly homophobic and I hope that won't lower my chances finding my dream man
get a room
not /cum/
leave now
bedpilled sleepcel
this fits perfectly with your snoozecore aesthetic
I'm always skeptical with Canadians, most of the Canadians I met were pajeets
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Not gonna lie, former Drumpf voter here.
This is fucking hilarious watching Drumpf crash and burn.
But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Reminds me of all the classic rock from GTA San Andreas

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Indians are making fun of you again.
everything is so grim
Need to touch a woman to forget about bad thoughts
that won’t fix you like you think it will
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terve mitäs kuuluu my guy!?
making fried eggs a few pieces of bacon and buttered toast for breakfast, with a glass of orange juice
Forgot to bake bread last night. That's tonight's project. Might make pretzels too.
what kind of bread are you gonna bake? pretzels sound really good too
M*ther is home and every time I go downstairs to make food she stands there hovering over me like bitch fuck off
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are American women really this batshit insane?
i don't like watching cop stuff because i don't find enjoyment in watching someone on one of the worst days of their lives
My nigga, I am not watching a 40 minute video
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I want to dress like this
Look at this pussy >>200074036
preposterous amount of layers
It's bloody cold up north. I need that.
that hat won't keep you warm
get one of those fluffy eat hats
It keeps my hair warm THOUGH
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it's only covering like half of your hair, that hat isn't doing much to keep your head warm
you need something like this
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That looks like shit. I just need a top hat and a cane. I'm all set.
Not gonna lie, former Biden voter here.
This is fucking hilarious watching Biden crash and burn.
But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
If I pull that off, would you die?
how did men go from dressing like that to adam sandler
/cum/ related
No more warnings or snitching plz
We have to go back. No one wears hats as much now.
>hotpockets really moved a /cum/ thread to /pol/ last night
Kek what a retard
The King and GG should pull a mad one and dissolve parliament.
>pull a mad one
who are they mad at
He did get deeply involved with Australian politics once, when he wasn't even King. Kicking out Trudeau would be hilarious thoughbeit
The Queen and Australian GG had to get involved because of deadlock in Parliament or something. I don't think that'll happen, but the King should do it anyway. He should also be here to open Parliament. Our monarch hasn't done that in ages.
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there's a cute chinese girl at work who's very chatty and friendly with me
Crazy that your country still has a monarch who lives in the UK

Crazy that our country still has a monarch too
or so ive heard
His First Minister for ruining his kingdom.
Please share.
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*runs you over in his SUV*
had a dream that i killed my family and a couple of strangers and then tried to kill myself but it didn't work.
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>he lives in a monarchy
That will only happen if a constitutional crisis happens. Nothing ever happens.
damn that’s heavy stuff dude
are you okay
The American dream
The monarch? Of course we do share him. I wonder how much point there is in a monarchy though.
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>he lives in a monarchy
I like Monarchies
>Of course we do share him
The royals are barely here. Which has led to people complaining about it. And we don't have the same holidays for royal stuff. A bit rude that.
Me too :)
that's shit gay af nigga
It's the opposite
>being a cuck is le based actually
>tradition is cuck shit
drinking cow-fee
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Based. God Save The King.
Drink Tims NOW
>cuck shit
I wouldn’t support this even if it did get rid of Tman. We oughta change that already, no monarchs welcome.
Why on earth would we change it.
No. I have more than 2 brain cells so I own the means to make my own cow-fee.
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>speed cameras will soon have noise sensors
thank fuck, cant come soon enough
Now we just need a little automated turret that kills loud drivers.
>We oughta change that already,
Fuck no. We've got bigger issues to deal with and then tamper with our historical and mostly symbolic head of state.
we should restore the british empire with the five eyes
Sourdough whole wheat
Or do something with CANZUK. What's that supposed to be anyway?
The British are coming!
like the EU but anglos only
Doesn't sound so bad
It was supposed to be a trade union freedom of movement type thing but it will never happen except maybe as a jeet migration pact. "They" were already calling it racist
You guys think the light baking flour I have in the cupboard that expired in 2021 is still good? It doesn't smell, the texture is fine, and the tiny bit I sampled tasted okay. It was sealed until now, so can I eat it, or will I be committing an elaborate, bread-based form of suicide?
me :3
They ruin everything. Fucksake.
It's probably fine if no mold or smell or moisture got in there
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>freedom of movement
How would money work in this situation
Good morning
the Outdoor Boys guy looks like the chud meme lol
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Hell yeah. I did use some bad flour to make a cake one time on accident, and it turned out fine somehow
Tattoos are ugly
good morning apu
It would be like the EU, you can work there and pay taxes there but your home country wouldn't tax you again. I doubt there would be a currency union thoughbeit.
nuh uh
Very true, but people don't want to admit it
>I doubt there would be a currency union thoughbeit.
Why do you doubt that. Wouldn't a single currency be simpler for everyone?
are you still here
Give me one good reason not to pack up my wfh job and move to Montana/Wyoming to incomemaxxxx
It looks pretty and it's all white people
There's nothing to do there but that might be a plus for you
I agree, but I wouldn’t share that opinion in casual conversation. Never know who has a tattoo and could get offended
Do people forget that boomers were hippies in their youth?
All our currencies are relatively strong already and reserve currencies around the world, if we adopted one currency we would lose that. We'd also probably all have to follow the UK's finance laws as they are the strongest financial trading hub in CANZUK.
The youngest boomers were like 8 years old during the peak of the hippy era THOUGH
>reserve currencies
Who's using ours as reserve cash lol
>8 yr olds werent hippies
yeah okay
Caribbean cunts and others just as a stable backup to the USD or Euro. At one time we were the 5th most popular reserve currency in the world. Now its like 6th but most leafs are still shocked to learn this lol
Wow. We made it! I wonder why the canzuk idea hasn't taken off yet.
Yeah generation Jones
Canadians (online, the only Canadian I've met in real life was a Chinese immigrant) have an insane inferiority complex over America
Slightly less pronounced irl but yeah a lot of leafs consoom American media 24/7 then develop this weird inferiority hate (or love) of the US. Applies to both brownoids and whitoids
>insane inferiority complex over America
I will be very happy when you stop influencing us.
Your entire national identity is "not America" so that's not possible
It's more "we're British," but you Americans get so assmad when it's brought up and say we have no culture and so on. Your politics spill over into other countries. No one likes it.
my identity is Japanese
Don't half of Canadians support removing the monarchy lol
my identity was stolen
Half of Canadians are jeets or French now so its not really surprising
No, they don't. The monarchy has broad support on both sides. Neither the Tories or Liberals want it gone. And I'd suspect those who do want it gone consume more American politics.
I don't understand why someone would take pride in being ruled by people across an ocean and not having the right of self-determination
Bruv has never heard of Israel
We already have that. I don't get why foreigners take issue with what we do.
Israel ruling the US is a /pol/ meme
I don't suppot Israel anyway
>ruled by people across an ocean
Our monarchs reign. They don't rule. That's the PM and Parliament's job. Why would we erase this part of our history?
What if an incel was president
americans get so mad when we talk about other girls. very tsundere
True gamer representation
>Gets more money than the monarchy
>Controls American foreign policy to the detriment of Americans
>disproportionately represented in all influential fields from the Supreme Court to state legislatures
>AIPAC can and does spend millions to remove anyone who opposes any of this
Bruv it doesn't matter whether you support it, its like a britbong saying he doesn't want the monarchy lol it's still there ruling over you
The oath of Canada is literally submitting to the British monarch lol
>Why would we erase this part of our history?
We did and it's greatly benefitted us
Battle on the Porcelain Throne rn
State mandated gfs
That's not "Israel", that's Jews
And lmaoing at you if you think Canada is any different
no you didnt retsrd. most of your constitution is based on british laws
>The oath of Canada is literally submitting to the British monarch lol
You mean Canadian monarch. They are too separate institutions and have been for a while.
>We did
Yes. You did. We didn't as we had no reason to betray our countrymen.
>that's not Israel it's the people who have Dual Israel citizenship despite being in the US government
Odd take, we don't even give 1% of the money you do THOUGH
The Canadian monarch is British
the founding fathers were british
>We did and it's greatly benefitted us
Take out all British stuff in your constitution, then you traitor. You guys literally fought because you thought your rights as Englishmen were being trampled on.
you guys are putting me to sleep
Because we're your foreign policy proxy nation, if Canada and the US swapped places it would be the same. In fact you'd probably give more because you love giving out foreign aid to retarded shit
Most canadians were/are British, too.
dumb americans dont even know their country. sad!
Why would we do that
>confusing foreign aid to poor brownoids in the name of virtue signalling with extortionate aid to Israel at behest of a powerful lobby
go to slheep, baby boy
>Why would we do that
Because you're not British. And apparently, being connected to the mother country is bad.
i cant i have to fix my schedule
Reading comprehension
You can take the ideas lol
And yes the British fucked us over and were a liability
America no longer being Anglo in character and identity is unironically a tragedy.
americans destroyed by leafs again
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>subjects defending their masters
Had I known about chunibyo at a younger age I wouldn't have to wait until I was 30 to become a wizard. But, life isn't about the demon king we defeat, but the journey and friends along the way. *chuckles*
>the British fucked us over
At the time us and the people in the home islands barely had represention so what makes you so special? You're also hypocrites since Washington DC pays taxes and gets no meaningful representation.
When America was Anglo, it was kino. Becoming the Kraut or Irish dumping ground set it on the civic nationalism "hurr durr we are all immigrants" path we see today. Ben Franklin would not appreciate these swarthy peoples controlling America today.
>At the time us and the people in the home islands barely had represention so what makes you so special?
They imposed a lot of shit on us that was detrimental to us and only benefitted rulers 5,000 miles away. It wasn't just representation
>had represention so what makes you so special? You're also hypocrites since Washington DC pays taxes and gets no meaningful representation.
That's just a power play by the Democrats to get 2 more Senators and a House member. The Constitution specifies a federal district.
It's not like we can talk. We used to proudly loyalist. Now we're literally letting millions of jeets in. It's over.
I'm not saying we are better. America adopted this immigrant nonsense first then now even Japan is getting the jeetpocalypse as a result. Make America Anglo Again
>They imposed a lot of shit on us
And you took issue because you didn't get to debate them in Parliament. They only passed those acts because they needed cash after we all fought together against France. You acted like you were more special than the rest of us
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We barely get any jeets thoughbeit and the ones we do are better than yours. Canada always gets the leftovers
I hope and cope the Tories will deport as many as possible
And why exactly should we be financing a war on another continent?
>defending even a single jeet
Brown hands. Also there are hundreds of thousands of illegal jeets crossing both borders. Plus the infinity others crossing the Mexican border, the civic nationalism meme is NOT working.
I'm talking about the Seven Years Wars you retard. Did you guys really not learn about it?
I don't give a shit what ethnicity they are as long as they assimilate and aren't tax burdens
>Ben Shapiro brownoid take
YIKES, not a foundational American
someone make the new something cute or funny
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>>Ben Shapiro brownoid take
>YIKES, not a foundational American
Kek, what's next? A Catholic president!?! Lol.
>no denial
What a surprise, the anti-Anglo """"American"""" is some Johnny come-lately
the founding fathers would have preferred to remain a part of the british empire if they found out what america has become today
I accept your concession.
I would too. It's insane how easily could we have just ended up a consistent part of the UK
I accept you're brown
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>I accept that you're brown
the canadians did until the 90s
didnt do you much good
You are a brit on a proxy! We know!

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