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Culture of the United Kingdom edition
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Oh dear oh dear
this is me
it do be like that
scranning the aforementioned ordered kebab now
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>have to pay women equally
>but also have to give them full pay if they want a year off to have children
If people want real equality they men should get a year of paternity leave, not two weeks as it is currently
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not long now to the Olmypics tummies

for God created man for incorruption, and made him in the image of his own eternity.
How are the driving lessons going lad?
how does this not turn every man on mentally
tummies are everything
won't make a difference for you since you'll never be having sex
need these "olympains" all rounded up
Wisdom is radiant and unfading, and she is easily discerned by those who love her, and is found by those who seek her. She hastens to make herself known to those who desire her.
white aussie woman raped and murdered by 5 black immigrants in paris days before the olympics
not a good look for france
Might buy a Frank Green bottle for some reason
grim what they get up to in the olympic village
vile vile
>highs of 22C
>partly cloudy

in for a scorcher deeeeee lads
Using a seIf-help CBT book to get over my debilitating intrusive thoughts
Shall be naked all day then~
using a self-help CBT book to shove an intrusive red hot poker through my quivering meatballs
based tilde poster~
starving i am
The genzbossandamini video will have generated as much brand exposure and engagement for that company as would a normal ad campaign running in the region of tens of millions of Australian dollars.

Virgin men sat in their smelly bedrooms complaining about the work output of these women who have likely tripled their company's revenue with a single TikTok video.
*does a cannonball jump directly onto a 10-inch BBC dildo*
odd poast
don't recall asking
I am owed 240 quid and it’s really pissing me off
bennies paid in late?
We, the British people, have had enough.
the government owes you nothing rorke
i info-raped you
>Crime certainly pays: even low-level drug dealers have a tax free salary that can beat much of the respectable middle class. Dealers can go decades without being troubled by the police. Washing dirty money is made easy by Companies House’s extraordinarily lax system of company creation, which charges almost nothing for registering a company, has no identity checks whatsoever for directors (meaning you can just use a fake identity), does not require proof that you own or have the right to use the registered office address, and is in fact legally not even permitted to try to comply with anti-money laundering checks.
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make more posts
We all know what happens when you give smartphones to 10 year old girls
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my willy shall be going into a vagina tonight
blog on neurotypical
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>Influencer dubbed 'Russia's most beautiful biker' is killed in holiday road smash after her motorbike ploughed into a truck in Turkey
>type the wrong combination of letters out on the internet
>get arrested
kitm but saturday
How can anyone who has smelled a 2-day-unwashed sack or vagina deny the existence of pheromones?

It's not body odour either since my ballsack smells distinctly different after 2 days than my armpits.
its deniable because there isnt any evidence for it. do you think no one has studied it over the years? think on mate
after 2 days unwashed my ballsack smells like a load of hot, wet 2p coins
>all animals secrete pheromones except humans because erm they just don't OK and the human ballsack and vagina just, erm, smells musky OK but it's not pheromones
most primates don't produce pheromones because its not needed for communication.
date, gf, or prozzie?
/brit/ not advert
somewhere between date and gf
a proto-gf if you will
mrbeast buzzing he has an excuse to drop that tranny freak
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Must be odd being rich and famous with a public presence (i.e an instagram account) where just by sheer number of followers + probability you can guarantee there will be people who slide into your DMs who are obsessed with you, throwing themselves at you and all that.
woah the deranged tranny deviant is also a nonce? shocking
The thing that “never happens”, happens again.
>deleted all his posts following multiple YouTube exposes accusing him of alleged inappropriate behavior with minors.
Nope, he deleted all tweets months ago
yes we're all about creating unity
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leftypol dropping the 'trust the science' mantra as soon as it interferes with his ability to abuse children

it's always the people you most except
rorke trusting the experts (pilots) to get him to his destination (2 star hotel in benidorm)
mumberg really just said that
Just have every kid wear a plain polo shirt of the same colour. Much cheaper than branded shirts.
make more posts
c'mon farm animals, work for me
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>/brit/ not advert
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i sharted a poo
which started the whole world laughing
but i didn't see
that the poo was on me
These images are prohibited.
tugging on my little green willy
pooing out green sludge
eating a green slug
quit stealin' my moves!
The Birth of a Rorke
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rorke's mum
Curry Ketchup > Curry Sauce
We kind of already knew this considering his association with Ella Hollywood and that goonclown paedo
Sure there was plausible deniability but that's like saying Fritzl's wife had no idea what was going on either
The dialogue around the two child benefit cap infuriates me. Specifically, the idea of raising or abolishing it. Why the fuck should I, a hardworking taxpayer with no children, have to subsidise scrounging parasites to have more and more children? Many poor people have children just to have child benefits. Non-Brits tend to reproduce more than ethnic Brits.

The idea that I should have to pay more tax just so that immigrants and thieving chavs can breed like rats at my expense is fucking insane. Increasing my personal tax burden just to increase the total tax burden. Creating even more scroungers than we do now won't somehow make us richer in the longterm.

If you can't afford children don't have them. If you have children you can't afford it's not my responsibility to pay the difference to bring them out of the "poverty" you brought them into.

Fucking scum the lot of them
>goonclown paedo
watched the video on him
not lying when i say it's the grimmest thing i've ever had the misfortune of watching
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So it happened AGAIN
those tits on the molds are setting those boys up for dissapointment
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leftypol unmasked
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leftypol turning a blind eye to this
screaming. what the fuck is this.
kid in the nasa top is a poofter too
Mad how The Bends is Radioheads best album by a considerable margin but all their fans get really pissy if you say that
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I'm getting the old band back together
jannois deleted the post. really makes you think
why dont the government just assassinate freaks like this. no ones going to care are they. the country is better off with them dead
Ate some moldy bread last night and now I'm pissing out the arse. There's a valuable lesson to be learnt here.
2 weeks in prison will sort him out and teach him the error of his ways
I had beans on toast last night and my poos are firm yet aromatic.
prefer the benders me
Iranian girl at work said I remind her of Winnie The Pooh
Accidentally grassed up a colleague

>Colleague buying some chocolate
>"Yo babes, these are scanning through as 1.19 but I'm sure they're 95p"
>do a price override for the price he stated
>"Thanks cutie"
>Tell a manager the product is scanning through at the wrong price
>They check the price
>It's actually the correct price
What I love is when you have a bit of pepper and all your poos have a slightly smokey/burnt smell to them afterwards.
are you fat and jaundiced?
hope you replied with something about having a 100 acre wood
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>claims bennies and lives in a council house
what a joke country we are
i was at a house party once and for some reason i laughed when this balding emo-ish manlet said his favourite band is radiohead. he got really funny about it lmao.
>"Thanks cutie"
190 mate you need to come up with better bait material than whatever the fuck this is
Radiohead are shite.
my favourite band is gaydiohead
my favourite album of theirs is the benders
sir queer bummer
the wanking claw
Thom Rorke
Lefty Greenpol
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thom horke
rorke listening to little dark age nofap edits after watching bbc porn again
leftypol once again revealing his encyclopaedic knowledge of obscure porn genres
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any other cuties love some nice organic dialogue?
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>You can walk it home straight from school
>You can kiss it, you can break all the rules
>ALL the rules

What did Thom Yorke mean by this?
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Had that ... dream... again.
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Your dream is my reality.
Can't wait to go to the Notting Hill Carnival
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We spent far too much time being human beings when really we need to be human doings
mumberg was real then
Can a vegetarian consistently get 200g of protein a day? It's not that difficult as a meat eater, don't want to eat a kg of beans every day.
MI5 honeypot
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>Can't wait to go to the Notting Hill Carnival
concerned my cat might be woke
cheese and milk
Radiohead have about 4 good songs.
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You don't need 200g of protein you demented freak.
Bet your cat was the type to mysteriously get monkeypox
pea-based pasta
about to become a human pooing
victim-weight, manlet, or both?
Not racist but this baboon niggers face is frightening
The more the better, especially when cutting, also depends on your bodyweight.
Realistically you don't know anything about me, so it's weird to say that
We spent far too much time being real heroes when really we need to be real human beans
thank fuck for chatgpt. makes job applications easier. i just feed it my CV and then ask it to answer questions from the application. i have tailored my ChatGPT to sound less like generic AI and more like my writing style by providing it with previous examples of my work.
Mad how people follow instagram comedians. Like that tall Italian guy with the moustache or just makes skits out of viral tweets for 3 months ago. Who watches that?
might have a wnak
body building is in the same category of mentall illnesses as transgender
you are a bugman
what about powerlifting or olympic weightlifting?
What you've actually done is upload your cv into chat gpts server.
sex. have it.
Don't care, get muscular and girls will touch your willy, other men will respect you
Did your mother not tell you we're at it?
*get muscular and other men will touch your willy, girls don't care
I use it for learning as you can keep delving into topics and get more info. I get sick of having to trawl through sites to find the answers to things when most are shite.
and? god knows where else my CV is.
but chatgpt uses those shit sites to formulate answers
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It's officially over for Kris Tyson
Women say they don't care, but fuck Chad anyway.
>get muscular and girls will touch your willy
not true if your face is still ugly.
t. jacked uggo
Yeah I know but it does the job of going through them making it more concise rather than me having to do it.
*sits down*
bet you like sucking dick too
Mumberg bitching about how fat my sister is as if she didn't raise us on ping meals, frozen foods, and snacks for 20 years. Feels like she's really dodging responsibility here.
*stands up*
*vision goes black*
Women don't like roided bodybuilders but like men in shape. My ex said I was muscly even though I'm a dyel in comparison to other gym blokes.
I look fuggin based
it's difficult. need a few protein shakes a day unless you're ok eating 5+ tins of beans plus lentils and tofu every day
you know vegetarians eat eggs and dairy right?
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just eat 40 eggs a day bro
we love the japans, don't we folks
4 pack of toffee crisp down the hatch
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>Mother of Cambridge-educated JSO activist, 22, jailed for disrupting hardworking Brits including those who missed funerals and even a cancer appointment complains she 'won't be able to attend her brother's wedding'
Hard to get 2 meals and 2 shakes a day while at toil. For that reason I'm out.

Will have to stick to three chicken thighs at lunch alongside salad and couscous.
>Families flee in panic as boy, 15, shot dead during pre-Notting Hill Carnival party in ‘Teletubbies park’
Genuinely exhausted by how misandrist media and social media at large are
Really wears me out
i'm based
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Rorke Rollins, I'm coming for you boy, and I'm coming hard.
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For me, it's Hitler Magazine
based on what?
opinions on electric razors? i like to be clean shaven, using a de safety razor, but it can be tedious some days.
just took my daily goypill
wont be as close as wet shave
on the instagram tummy explore toil
i only said i'd done it so they'd take my willy out the light socket
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>Edmund Jew is an American former politician and businessman, who was convicted of extortion, bribery, and perjury in 2008
Just stop watching the news and going on social media, you won't regret it
Rorke… mate.. you can’t use that word anymore
Stick with the safety razors. Tried a Braun shaver and they give a decent shave but not as good as wet. They can also give you razor burn and are fiddly as fuck to clean properly.
do better rorke
I'm the juggernaut bitch!
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nothing will ever be solved until people admit black people have a problem with this shit.
He's seething about it on X The Website Formerly Known As Twitter
are "y'all" ready for janny?
Not politics
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he'll be the judge of that
ffs I just want another Trump presidency
Nice dose of sanity.
it's like in that paul newman movie where he ate 50 eggs
cold arse luke
what's the sex position called that's like cowgirl but you lift the girl up and down like a fleshlight?
fucking jam toasting
fucking jam toasting
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Here we are then
The Anglosphere
had the AC blasting and now I'm too cold
all irish diaspora
Might go watch longlegs on my own tonight
ginge on his first pint
captain sparrow on his second
fat aussie starting his third
stop using 4chan as a social media platform you boring bastard
grow up
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>grow up
james o brien is such a vile runt of a man embodies everything wrong with the left in this country
might start a gimmick where i watch a new film everyday
Had an extremely vivid dream about a twink that I regularly have been masturbating to on onlyfans for years. He was trying to kill me and I kept trying to fight back but he was smarter and stronger than me. I think I'm fucked in the head.
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ah yes, damzel brow, bonnie clap and dad sheerbum
mad that i worked in poundland for a year
70-year-old widower Ben Whittaker has discovered that retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Seizing an opportunity to get back in the game, he becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site, founded and run by Jules Ostin.
that the gay sex club?
i am dragon energy
i am slug energy
i am cow energy
Reddit is some weird shit
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classic irish diaspora
Getting sick of Firefox. Anyone recommend another browser? Don't want to use the clusterfuck that is Chrome. Definitely not Edge. Thinking maybe Vivaldi?
Don't you hate it when you roll over and face away from your gf in bed and she thinks it's her invitation to be big spoon? Woman I'm just hot
>Getting sick of Firefox
How are things in the motherland?
guy ritchie's new filmes just arent the same
Why don’t you ask /bharat/?
Gonna be funny when the Paris Olympics go completely smoothly and rorkes fantasy of the blacks ruining it doesn't work out
if you hover over the link in this post, the "the _ame"s line up
*waggles my mouse back and forth*
haha the ame go brrr
dunno really
not a macfag
What do you hate about Firefox and Chrome? I use Brave which is based on Chrome but blocks ads and tracking.
I know you said you didn't want to use Edge, but have you considered using Microsoft Edge?
Why don’t you worry more about what’s relevant to your life rather than what a fictional character is potentially concerned with?
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mad how he got outed as a nonce and nothing happened
Microsoft Goon
I'm not a jeet Tyrone
No, edge is what you use to download a better browser
You are debilitatingly disabled.
do incels really have browser preferences there's literally no difference you freaks try touching some grass
it's just more chromeslop
he didnt tho did he
But you are making that up doe.
Looks like a child, so you would be the nonce for watching this child trying to get with another child
see that the noncecord is in here
Ok thanks. I'll ask you again next week.
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Internet Explorder
Just use Firefox, you muppet
All other browsers are Chromium.
Stick with Firefox until Ladybird is out.
i accept your concession
literally all me
HE was grooming 13 year olds to become trannies on discord as a 21 year old MAN
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You feel best on a high carb, low protein, ultra-low fat diet.
Firefox is for pedophiles
Brave is the patrician choice
brave is literally just chrome but with a couple of weak privacy features to trick the sluggish goy
went from firefox to brave back to firefox
firefox is best overall since brave has glitches and other issues
firefox is literally chinese spyware
No proof of that also I don't really care to be honest.
whats goin on guys
b0aty here
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reading the bible
>not using opera
so you're a nonce?
how are you supposed to sleep with another women (as in, zzZZzz) in bed? try to wrap my arms around her, but her weight on my arm is too distracting.
have never even hugged a girl before so i have no idea normielad
No, just don't care about autistic degenerate proto-nonce teenagers getting nonced by former degenerate proto-nonce teenagers. Fact is, if you aren't a prototranny you won't get nonced on the internet. I only used the internet as a communication tool with my irl mates when I was younger, ergo I did not get nonced. There comes a point where you are asking for it. If you aren't getting bummed in the showers by the PE teacher or fiddled by the priest, I'm not sympathetic.
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desperately need a gf
so you're fine with nonce trannies just freely grooming and recruiting what could potentially be your child into fucking up and ruining their life over a bunch of made up nonsense?
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>There comes a point where you are asking for it.
I don't have a child and I don't get mad over hypotheticals, nor do I care about what happens to autistic teenagers on the internet. Not my problem.
what does it say
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
So much shoplifting going on now I see it every week
how much gay porn could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck gay porn
imagine not being able to hypothesise without thinking it's making you mad
just drifting through life, bouncing from external stimulae to stimulae like a fucking pinball
>Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk - Wokeness, Trump, and Technology

The Afternoon, Evening, and Late Night Watch
I don't own a shop and I don't get mad over hypotheticals, nor do I care about what happens to innocent retail workers on the high street. Not my problem.
do you see it because you're the one doing it?
>not caring about hypotheticals=not understanding them
You are made of stupid.
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Why do you not care about hypotheticals
makes his brain feel warm and he equates that with being mad, apparently
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oh no
leftypol insists it's all single mothers desperately stealing baby milk (with a tear in their eyes) but in reality its mostly junkies stealing high value items or anything really
this fuckers been in yankland for the past week
clacton retards just dont learn fucking morons
Isn't this man supposed to be smart? What did he think puberty blockers would do? Genuinely think Elon might be the biggest fraud on the planet.
See way more junkies nowadays too
got the bebop jazz on
she was so peng in st trinians
I mean they didn't have much choice did they
the labour candidate was a retarded wog

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