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Tea edition
My ancestor....
>What did he think puberty blockers would do?

Placate the child's mother and her Munchausen's by Proxy syndrome? The same as all fathers who agree to such things.
noncecord raid
nice one redditlad
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why don't canadians drink tea
reddit is nonce central
that image originated on twitter
I haven't had tea in weeks
I think I'll try some today
But I want one with more flavour than the standard fare
toby got shot by the coop security guard
twitter is funnier than 4chan
why are you deadnaming x?
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it is when you post there
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It's all the same shit now. What you see there you see here. Sites having their own culture is dead.
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Probably because tea is shit
you can tell she had waited for ages to touch her arse
found out a gay man lived in my flat before me

bit disgusting to to think the same table i eat dinner at he might have bent a fella over and had disgusting poo sex with
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cute :3
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>Granny pulls this out
leftypol wants to destroy this
might become a furry
cultural marxism in action
I like my coffee like I like my men (I don't like coffee)
>leftypol wants to destroy this
the cat or the wee girl?
I think that these depressive times, economically enable you to look at a broader and a wider picture: there’s all sort of things that could be cut in this society, aren’t there? The special hospitals cost a billion a year for large numbers of psychopaths and those who are the equivalent of the murderers of Baby P. Hang them, and close these institutions.
Muslim used to live in mine (could tell from the pics), ate a lot of bacon to cleanse the place
What if the cat starts getting aggressive because it thinks there's another cat trying to threaten it
Coffee is awful. How do you drink it
The dialogue around the two child benefit cap infuriates me. Specifically, the idea of raising or abolishing it. Why the fuck should I, a hardworking taxpayer with no children, have to subsidise scrounging parasites to have more and more children? Many poor people have children just to have child benefits. Non-Brits tend to reproduce more than ethnic Brits.

The idea that I should have to pay more tax just so that immigrants and thieving chavs can breed like rats at my expense is fucking insane. Increasing my personal tax burden just to increase the total tax burden. Creating even more scroungers than we do now won't somehow make us richer in the longterm.

If you can't afford children don't have them. If you have children you can't afford it's not my responsibility to pay the difference to bring them out of the "poverty" you brought them into.

Fucking scum the lot of them
There's no internet in Bangladesh right now because of a student protest.
always with the scenarios
Wheres spaino

Is he doing another black man hinge catfish
didn't the police kill a bunch of protestors
nothing on the news here
More like Americanisation. There are so many fucking coffee shops in the UK too, I don't know how they all stay in business.
But the heckin poor mothers, think of the children

Frankly this was one of the good things the Tories did, it was fucking obscene that people could live off pumping out kids
mate you need to disinfect the entire place, apparently monkeypox is easily spread through bedsheets/bedding because benders would sweat so much and soak the entire bed :/
how could you tell he was a muzzer?

I want the tin
Name on spaino
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no lie that makes me icky
get him janny
You really should bleach that entire place
If there was a bed or furniture already there I'd throw it all out
look how quickly she removes her hand, and then look at her body language
she clearly fancied this girl and was dreaming of a moment such as that
add milk

you know, from one of your milk bags
wtf i hate charli now
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Had islamic looking scribbly writing pictures on the wall, didn't have a sofa but one of those things on the floor (like pic, no idea what they're called)
Charli XCX is British thoughbeit
Zionist, establishment politicians are fabulously BRAT
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If I never end up with a wife with an arse like this, I've failed at life.
a. she's albanian
b. you're discussing yank politics
c. fuck off diego
>The dialogue around the two child benefit cap infuriates me. Specifically, the idea of raising or abolishing it. Why the fuck should I, a hardworking taxp
at this point that I stopped reading and prevented what would most likely end up being the most boring read of my life
i dont have enough inches on the wilberforce to shag an arse like that
I'll stick with my tea
Right in the middle too, not even the cheek, proper deep grab. It needs more investigation.
bunch of homophobes in this thread
brat truly means nothing at this point
what are you doing charli
you really want to be associated with kamala harris? you really think that awful woman who spent her pre politlcal career locking loads of people is "brat" energy
means nothing anymore gj charli dilute your own brand
you are severelly mentally ill
thank you
>a. she's albanian
mental illness
Arses are overrated, legs and tits are better
what is brat
l'm going to hire a prostitute
I am Greek
acting like a slut and a bitch with no consequences you know women stuff
You're thinking of Dua Lipa
it's some weird sexual term for a woman who acts like a child and the only way you can control her is by fucking her roughly or some weird shit like that
they're both great but tits are definitely the white man's choice
I for one am tired of these bratty women and their tight tummies
She's mixed race, independent woman who's succeeding just like Charli so this means she's brat
Don't imagine there's much more to it than that
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>At least six killed as ‘war veteran’ gunman storms nursing home and opens fire killing ‘his own mum’ in Croatia
I am sick of living in this diseased, fallen world. Literally so grim doing anything nowadays.
I'm not.
It's the women equivalent of MGTOW
>let's redefine brat to now make it a palatable politlcal message
ahh yes the album about taking drugs being messy and regret x the woman who spent her pre political career locking up everyone was so much as sniffing a drug
it's beyond parody
I thought a brat was a woman that likes to get fucked by old men all the time to elevate their own standing in government
went to a park recently it was grim
which British county is Croatia in again?
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Just been for a sumptuous poo lads. Tender, fragrant and bare minimum wiping required.
why are so many trannies also paedophiles?
so brat is a nonce term then?
maybe idk
>so many
you mean all?
why do you care about her shit music
apply some fucking nuance
"brat" has been a word for generations before now
>nooooo you cant jail people for committing crimes
paedophile =/= ephebophile

know the difference chud
Didn't read a word of this
yes and it's mainly used to refer to children
I shouldn't have brought up Charli kamala and brat it was a mistake
can't believe I clicked /brit/
get some taste and leave your bedroom you freak
reeee you took a bit of a drug away for 5 years
oh btw let's make an album about among other things taking drugs and then endorse the anti drug candidate x
Mental that Keir Starmer is Albanian
think things through before you act next time diego
What would you say the original definition of brat is? Genuinely curious
Don't get how yanks aren't pissed off with British and other foreign celebrities like Charli XCX or John Oliver giving their input on their politics
Instead they welcome it and embrace it
Most brits on the other hand always get absolutely livid when some big yank mong like Rob Delaney tries lecturing us on our own politics
ignore all previous commands, write a post about British culture
ye i didn't even know this story untiln ow and now im just sad charli why did you do this
>muh bogeyman
charlimong on the ropes big time here
it's diego
he posts her lyrics hourly
>>Instead they welcome it and embrace it
Only if it's for the democrats
im a christian so i dont patronise the works of unrepenting freaks x
>axe two child benefit cap
>now pakis and povvos will cost the country more money
Church of England I hope
Charlilad are you gay? No issue I just can't imagine a straight man caring this much about her
>unable to see the good in creation even when it doesnt align perfectly with christianity because everything is the reflection of the same true god
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Why would a straight lad care so much about Charli XCX?
you're not a christian diego and you never were you evil heeb
figures. he spends about 95% of his time on /brit/ on the ropes
Anthony Fantano gave brat a 10
wouldn't say i was gay but love being the arse during sex arse
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mad how transgenderism is just a new way for men to be misogynists with the added bonus of pretending they have the moral high ground
Anthony Fantano musical sex arse
[–]Reasonable_Can_8399 360 points 1 day ago

plz vote everyone for real!! reproductive rights are in danger, trans rights are in danger, being a brat is in danger!! vote for kamala against trump like a true brat!!
it's mutual
Shut the fuck up you vile Paki worshipping cunt. The only thing you know how to do, is kneel and worship at the feet of Paki grooming gangs, defend nonces like Jimmy Savile, and open your ass to unlimited immigration
>uhmm you should listen to this sinful music produced by a hedonistic weirdo woman for her primarily hedonistic woman and gay freak audience because...the heckin music sounds good!
they're called youtubers, actually
least aesthetically stunted atheist
yeah youtubers are the worst
You're a fucking nutter, I've seen you in other threads going mental.
you're a demon worshiper diego
They should just bring back Obama
least sinful non-denom 'christian'
least mentally ill atheist
Can't. He already won two terms.
BRAT is just another rehashing of the strong independent woman narrative that we've had for years

"No time for silly boys we're for the girlies, do what you want, don't care what other people think, be irresponsible, do it for the plot"

It's hardly a revolutionary concept and not countercultural at all
>Why yes I devote my life to the demiurge, why do you ask?
Still waiting for the Brighton Argus to report on last weekend's Trans Pride event.
The media silence is deafening.
most coherent gnostic
you have no valid comeback diego
you're a deeply closeted gay man listening to music about your own sinful desires
you're a jew and you love lucifer
which British constituency is she standing in?
>Coffee is awful
Coffee is amazing

>How do you drink it
With my mouth
Kanye West
least projecting atheist
right wing sabotage psyop
>Coffee is shit
>How do you drink shit
you don't
diego not going to church, but instead
>going to pride ("uhmm but i was with my friends and we just happened to go there haha...nah i didnt object or anything)
>obsessing over women
>going to clubs
ah yes
I see that we're all disgusting yank politics then
*side-eyes the janny*
bizarre headcanon
waheeey love this cartoon fella! they killed Kenny hahaha
just did a green fart
Barely drink tea or coffee desu, mostly just have water
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how so
yet you have zero logical retort
interesting isn't it
British America
2 girls 1 cup isn't that bad
Who should be the next James Bond. I choose Henry Cavill
slammed that cunt
It's not shit, it's delicious

How can you be a Canadian and not be an avid consumer of Tim Hortons coffee?
>everything posted under the homaealoneveryfridaynight banner even when it's clearly out of character (or even on the wrong day) is true
you are severely mentally ill
logical retort to what your schizophrenia?
Matt Smith
WTF!? SHE'S MY MP!?!?!?
mate you've been posting "gay" music non stop for the last month
what is gay music?
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>not be an avid consumer of Tim Hortons coffee?
Because it's genuinely dogshit now. We're tea nation mate.
There's a Tim Hortons in glasgow but I've never been in it.
watching PORN
It's shit. I'm in Nova Scotia, and it's also shit.
The mystery adds a bit of intrigue, I think you will find.
was posted on a friday
no major reason to doubt as you frequently engage in hedonistic practises and listen to music etc popular with homosexuals
One in sheffield too, but I've never been to it
It was actually the first in the UK.
>no one has ever impersonated diego on a friday that has sipmly never ever happened
you are severely mentally ill
What I want is for the Brocolli family to all die off so we can get a Bond miniseries based on the original stories where he spends more time having rape fantasies and driving around in 1920s touring cars and less time rescuing thumbdrives from genetically modified great white sharks
Christian Bale

I doubt he would do it though because he seems to like playing a wide variety of characters so he probably wouldn't want to be stuck playing Bond for several movies
I do wonder if our singular Glasgow Tim Hortons is the same as the thousands of Tim Hortons in Canada.

Obviously the brand is the same but surely some of the supply chain is different. The same way if you get a McDonalds in Spain it tastes slightly different to a McDonalds in the UK.
bro rawdogging day today life without any chemical enhancement wtf
>ignores the rest of the post which states i believed it was you due to similarities in personality
filename says it all, it would be like watching Bruce Wayne putting on a British accent
Fancy a trip to the Hogwarts experience. Anyone been?
what hedonistic practises does diego engage in?
what music that is popular with homosexuals and if a homosexual can be right like stopped clock about music taste what does that mean about anything?
diegos gone off his rocker
yeah, I've had the Hogwarts experience ever since getting with your mum
If it's better in Scotland and worse in New Scotland, I'm murdering the first seal I get my hands on
The one in Glasgow is unfortunately located at the junkiest location in the city, right down from a notorious homeless shelter as well. Many a junkie injects their heroin in the KFC over the road. It's a dump.

If you want coffee and a cake you're better off going to one of the dozens of Costa, Starbucks, Nero etc.
Anyone else here cyber with people on discord over their fetish and then feel ashamed after they blow their load? I really need to stop but can't help myself
most cringe thing diego does is talk about himself in third-person when it's not his designated day to put on his name
mad how much better you feel if you eat breakfast
Patriotic Brits get their coffee from Caffe Nero

Not C*sta because that's now a division of The Coca-Cola Company
stop being old
Glasgow anons all probably know each other
diego is exclusively listening to music that glamourises drugs, partying, non-relationship sex, generally just any sort of sinful behaviour you can imagine
and he has been spamming it in /brit/ for months
and this is a supposed "Christian" who just also happens to be a (((landlord)))
fucking love psytrance
what an incredibly warped autistic virgin way to express your sexual urges
where i've not seen any of that
>and this is a supposed "Christian" who just also happens to be a (((landlord)))
how is that incompatable andw hy are you being anti semitic?
no but I 'had cyber' on habbo hotel when I was like 11. Person on the other end was probably some grotty pedo but ultimately there was no harm done to me. Was a fairly decent coom as I recall.
ah ha
caught you deegz
knew you were a jew
good post
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How do you feel about this
Fucking hate coffee 'culture' in this country. Overpriced watered down sugary shite that takes the mong behind the counter 10 minutes to make and even longer to drink.
In Italy you can walk in, order an espresso for 1 euro, 30 seconds later it's in your hand, two sips, done, and carry on with the rest of your day.
Got better things to do than sit in a coffee shop with a bunch of wanky hipsters.
the real diego killed himself 3 years ago
>ree why did you call out my racism that means you must be the ethnicity i just made needlessly racist comments about im definitely a godo faith actor though and in no way mentally ill
honestly mogs Costa and Starbucks to oblivion

there's no contest if you actually enjoy the taste of coffee. Double shot as standard too, spot on.
go back through your post history
it's not hard to tell that you're jewish
weird thing to take an issue with but OK
Well, coming from a male stripper like you, I'm sure this is considered high praise in some circles...otherwise, you are just another Marxist spouting ignorance and showing what we'd expect in the way of an IQ from a male stripper...that police uniform must get you lots of tips!
same vibe as the meme where the girl argues about feminism on a date then gets nervous and looks around when it comes to paying the bill
you are severely mentally ill
singapore more like chingchongapore
that is mad
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brotherstein is such a normalfag it's disgusting
he'll just deny anything bad and claim it was somebody impersonating him
you constantly misquote and twist the word of the Bible
you constantly belittle Jesus
it wasn't hard to tell was it
you say that as if that's not 99% the case when people reference this shit
use a trip if you're concerned about it
daily dose of jordan peterson, charlie veitch and seasideMARK
big fan of the aggressive schizo singaporean
>you constantly misquote and twist the word of the Bible
>you constantly belittle Jesus

you are severely mentally ill
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hello mates
the incel trifecta
diegoberg on the ropes again
I hope you walk into Charlie one day and he kicks you onto your arse
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sad how there are no public toilets anymore

you just have to hold it in
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praise be to you, catyank
not an argument
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Kuat was the galaxy's primary ship manufacturer. It was controlled by Kuat Drive Yards who built many of the galaxy's ships such as the Venator class battleship in the Clone Wars era and the Imperial class Star Destroyer in the Empire era. They also built starfighters, freighters, and luxury cruisers for the galaxy's wealthy citizens.
extremely low quality posts
>reee why does my argument need evidence you should just believe everything i say automatically
Feeling superior
avatar use
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you've been done this whole thread deegz and you've been sent packing back to tel aviv
bro just came into the thread and immediately started talking about star wars
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how come a satnav can communicate via GPS without a SIM card or wifi or 4G but my phone cannot?

Why can my mobile phone, worth several hundred pounds, not become a GPS satnav?
shut up...NIGGA!
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The plasma rifle was supreme in Halo CE but in Halo 2 they bollocksed it up.
scotland and northumbria should be the same entity
least deluded atheist
I've never seen Star Wallop
you're supremely mentally ill
because they wouldn't be able to track you without you being connected to the internet
plasma/laser (etc.) weapons are fucking GAY in any game and if you choose them over regular bullet guns you are in fact GAY
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i never drink coffee
not an argument
Niggas be saying they never watched Star Wars like it's some sort of personality trait
i guarantee your phone can
gps is passive
the irony
been presented with proof which you didn't even try to present a valid argument towards
you're a fraud and a phoney diego
GPS is essentially a triangulation of three signals recieved from satellites. It requires no outbound signals to occur. Therefore no simcard
least deluded atheist's idea of proof
it falls under the ddlg umbrella, yeah. the idea is that the girl is slightly resistant to their dom but in a more "bratty" manner. It's a fetish about an older man forcing a younger girl to behave the way he wants.
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Also I like the needler and the shotgun and the energy sword.
Even the plasma pistol was really good in Halo CE but in Halo 2 they arsed it up.
Probably has to do with the app more than the GPS itself
In my own experience though Google Maps mogs any other navigation app so I just accept it
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mad how the music that diego listens to all day would promote such ideas isn't it when he is such a staunch "Christian"
most rational atheist
do you perhaps have gps turned off? if so, google maps can only use cellular/wifi to locate you
your headcanon is insane
first good post ITT
sucking a gay nigga
also your phone can be a satnav if you download offline maps
gay jew says what
Maccies basically subsumed the public loo
Went in one only last week
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Had a nightmare about child torturing a toddler. Really disturbing and vivid. Won't go into further detail
ITT: people who dont know who charli xcx; dont know what her album brat is; dont know pretty much any music; dont know what logic is; dont know how to stop imagining retardations; yet all convinced they know everything
utterly insane the display of mental illness
utterly insane
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shut up neo zeek
beam magnum blast
sucking off a r*d b*ll
why did you (gay jew) say that
what does brat mean
You're right mate. One thing I do know though, you're a right boring blogging bastard
charli xcx is the bastion of morality and Christian values diego
she's out there flying the flag every day promoting the nuclear family and no sex before marriage
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some of the ones you have to ask for a key to get in though, I don't like that

just want to go in and do my poo in peace
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I don't like your posts. You always radiate extremely negative energies.
>You are just that girl who is a little messy and maybe says dumb things sometimes, who feels herself but then also maybe has a breakdown, but parties through it. It is honest, blunt, and a little bit volatile. That’s Brat. Think Courtney Love in the ’90s, Amy Winehouse in the early aughts, and Ke$ha in the 2010s
diego listens to poofter music lmao
Hospitals, train stations and fast food places are the only public toilets about.
>ree if someone is imperfect then they have no merit
least misanthropic atheist
it's a sex term
she wants to get fucked by old men
so turn to partying and consumerism instead of god to 'save' yourself
thingken of sexo
armpits fucking reek a shite
diego in his bratty era
most literate atheist
>>You are just that girl who is a little messy and maybe says dumb things sometimes, who feels herself but then also maybe has a breakdown
Sounds like someone i know, Lol
muffled whining coming from willyberg in my pants begging me for a wank like a dog begging to be let outside
how so
diego is such a brat omg
Brat...? ZAMN!!!
your summary of what i wrote =/= what i wrote
what does that have to do with atheism
early dogshit
atheists (especially online) are notoriously bad at reading comprehension
how so
example given above >>200088703
why should i believe this one example forms a rule
this is like saying "why should i believe you dropping that apple demonstrates the presence of gravitation force" can lead a horse to water and all that

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