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Songs From The Big Chair edition
irish diaspora
no diego, setting up your charli goon shrine doesnt count as praying
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teasing the gf subedish
ayo aint these the mfs that made the skibidi toilet song
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pov: you're a fresh off the boat migrant
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The dialogue around the two child benefit cap infuriates me. Specifically, the idea of raising or abolishing it. Why the fuck should I, a hardworking taxpayer with no children, have to subsidise scrounging parasites to have more and more children? Many poor people have children just to have child benefits. Non-Brits tend to reproduce more than ethnic Brits.

The idea that I should have to pay more tax just so that immigrants and thieving chavs can breed like rats at my expense is fucking insane. Increasing my personal tax burden just to increase the total tax burden. Creating even more scroungers than we do now won't somehow make us richer in the longterm.

If you can't afford children don't have them. If you have children you can't afford it's not my responsibility to pay the difference to bring them out of the "poverty" you brought them into.

Fucking scum the lot of them
slay diego
you were acting like such a brat in the last thread
Dadberg blasting the choons whilst I'm trying to toil
curt smith is pure west country
roland orzabal is english/med
no idea who those people are but the people in the OP are clearly irish diaspora
Suns out guns out
it's about promoting the growth of a strong society. if people are disincentivized to procreate, the people will die off
reported some dog shit to the council earlier, also a broken streetlight

Getting my council tax worth
Just drank some water
threads from the big mong edition
didnt know yer da made threads
Wanked to tranny porn for the first time ever. Feel ashamed with myself. Need to get off the porn.
In Scotland they say "taps off" weather because it's so hot there's likely to be a drought, so you should turn off any running taps.
Sent that cunt scrambling for emancipation
Watching the missus get BLACKED RAW as it were
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>the people will die off
That's happening regardless unless we seriously change strategies.
scots are weird
we gon do something about you man
more like clouds out... shrouds out
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yeah but the child benefit is a good stop gap
raise it to 3 to at least maintain population levels
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Bossman asked me to work on until 7 this evening
Mad aren't they. They also have to put traffic cones on the heads of statues so they don't crash into them, as the statue is gray and so are the surrounding buildings so it's like they're camouflaged.
sorry but bradley welsh is still not funny and the chase is even less funny
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Don't apologise for standing up for the truth
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>A homeless charity's building in west Belfast has been badly damaged after a stolen car rammed into the building and was set alight.
he doesn't stand up mate, his fat yank arse is firmly plastered to that seat
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>Roblox, the internet’s biggest recreation zone for kids, is fighting to keep predators away, and it’s not always winning.
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brabley on a madone
How would they know?
Kamala IS brat
Mad how sexy the missus looks when she's being stretched by a big black williard
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for me it's sunderland-upon-tyne
I posted about this on /brit/ a few days ago. The news was broken by ME
how is she actually though charli? how is locking up people for smoking weed brat?
*heavy breathing and munching*
Bradley Walsh
*cathes his breath, swallows food*
Is not funny!
*gets shot*
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playing club penguin
Climbing up the walls
Charli XCX is 31 years old and she's typing shite like that
is charlie xcx the female bladee
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bratz dolls were big 20 years ago
Any Adam and Joe Go Tokyo fans in?
>Escaped prisoner found in Georgia 30 years later, using the identity of a dead child
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county durham...home...
There are Microplastics in Your Testicles - Here's How to Fix That

just found out why charli xcx is so fucking ugly, she's half indian
yes in that both artists' listeners are fucking insufferable
This gimmick ain't gonna work mate
she is fit af have oyu seen her tummy?
incel freak
i listen to bladee doe...
unspeakably grim
She's a female go getter who doesn't care what men think
She's btfo'ing old stale pale Biden and ascending to the presidency
Sounds pretty brat to me
Scoffing plastic oestrogen stew with seasonal asparagus
beautiful skin, what race?
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she is hideous
no need to sign your posts
some luxury deanobuilds there to be fair
Seen the size on her chebs thoug
snorted irl
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Year 7 girls in skirts doing handstands
decided to start following diego's brat philosophy
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Looks a bit like a young Meadow Soprano
well that's that cunt dead
how is she doing any of that and how is that brat anyway
bad photo and she doesnt even look that bad
Doing an arsestand on a normal sized chair
sick to ruddy death of just losing, losing, losing. lost almost 1000 pund tonight. dont even care that i have no money anymore. just sick of the constant loss streaks.
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>and how is that brat anyway
You're a straight white man I don't expect you to understand brat
phwoarrrrr wound’t mind skullfucking the brains out of post-op Bradley
put that cunt in a casket
you're due for a big win lad

that's how it works
broadly walsh
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diego just got send packing back to tel aviv never to return
i know, i know. getting paid again in 2 days, hopefully itll be then. have had 2 big wins so far, but i always keep going back for more and just losing again.
try me
>bad photo
yes, an unedited image where she isn't plasted in makeup to hide her vile curry face
>she doesnt even look that bad
she really does
might have dinner nice and early today
we know you're not a straight white man deegz
you're a gay jew
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this is my favourite brafley
what year was 143 years ago...
no googling...

least gay racist
Yeah, forgot about deegz having the musical taste of a 14 year old girl lol
you are severely mentally ill
starting to sound a bit jewish there deegz
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I am a broken shell of a man
diegz is fat and has a big tattoo on his right arm haha
The bradleyposting is getting out of hand. Might as well ust rename the general /brad/
me on the right
why arent you in ukraine?
what about /eirediaspora/
only an incel would claim to not wanting to shag charli xcx
>media conditioning
lmao none of you even knew who she was until today
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>Might as well ust rename the general /brad/
>30 year old virgin that has never been looked at with sexual desire decides he is the arbiter of who is attractive or not
yeah yeah mate whatever you say
accusing people of racism is a classic jewish tactic
sick to bastard death of life and living
that is /cum/
>lmao none of you even knew who she was until today
an utterly baffling attempt at a rejoinder
been spying on the barldey discord for a while, #staff-raids is going absolutely bonkers right about now by the way
How did all the rock musicians from the 60s and 70s get away with shagging loads of teenage girl fans
>be racist and thereby demonstrate your argument is based on emotion instead of logic
>reeee you cant call me out that's not fair
you've been done
>kills over 50 people including children
>sent to prison for 12 years
fucking hell safa whites could get away with anything against the black man

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my favourite content creators are arguing :(
not sure ive seen someone as disingenuous and insincere as diego.
My own attractiveness (or lack thereof) is irrelevant, I can say a banana taped to a wall is bad art without being an artist myself. You are deeply female brained and are defending a ugly poojeet.
is your argument that she's hot based on emotion or logic
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deegz unironically thinks that this is the most attractive woman on the earth
most literate atheist
>>be racist and thereby demonstrate your argument is based on emotion instead of logic
Racism is very reasonable. I see blacks and browns behaving, looking and smelling awful so I don't like them.
diego on a one way train to donesville, all expenses paid
I am retard
Mad how you'll find a 700 page book on some obscure topic in your library. Don't know how anyone has the motivation to write something like that when it won't be read by anyone
>Sybrand Jacobus Lodewikus "Louis" van Schoor (born 1951), known as the Apartheid Killer, is a South African mass killer, former policeman, and security guard who committed murders between 1986 and 1989.[1] He was convicted of seven murders and two assassinations.
this guy sounds like a real jerk
most intelligent racist
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nth for the baddiedem
any confident man in?

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The world fears the Scots-Japanese relationship
31 is the new 19 sweetie
Why didn't he kiss her?
You're unbaptised, don't go to church, follow nothing from the sermon on the mount and are generally an unpleasant presence.
you never tease your girlfriend?
most logic and evidence based atheist
He either bottled it, or is so autistic he didn't pick up the signal.
My ex didn't initiate anything
>India alert after boy dies from Nipah virus in Kerala
Wait, Diego is actually Jewish?
He's obviously taking the piss, how can you not see him laughing after she gives up? Are you autistic?
lovely song here full of christian values

it's the derranged headcanon of some obsessive, look at the quality and consistenty of the accusers (devil's) posts
>listen to one ambient drum & bass track
>listen to another
>sounds exactly the same
>the entire genre sounds the same
half of these posts are the bradleyposter
grim. most of my exes have initiated at least some of the time. my last one would try to give me hickeys in public, which was hot but also embarrassing
yes he is 100% a jew
isn't it obvious?
I’m a muslim but not very religious
this song slaps tbf
Refuse to answer any of your questions
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might smoke another marlboro black menthol 100. Maybe even take a few early morning puffs off the doob
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>Nipah is a zoonotic virus—meaning it can spread from animals to humans—and can infect humans through direct contact with infected animals or their bodily fluids or after eating contaminated food such as fruit products contaminated with urine or saliva from infected bats.
She was a weird case, I should have broken up with her early on. A one-sided relationship isn't fun, wouldn't recommend it.
what's the most you've ever done with a girl in public?
ive stuck my hand down my gf's pants and grabbed her arse once while making out. this was at like 11pm though, would never do it in the day with clear visibility.
ahh yes all the shitposters at 4pm on a tuesday arguing about charli xcx or spamming bradley are in fact people with (former) girlfriends
deluded freaks
had sex with my gf in her hospital room
Bradleyposting is one of the few /brit/ memes that isn't dogshit
couldn't believe she's 34, old dusty ass beyotch
Kissed her standing in the middle of a road
gave money to cashier for bread and even looked her in the eyes
feisty one you are
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Blow you head smooth off
Blasphemous post
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oh my days diego
she fit af
what about subtle nonceposting
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>i listen to bladee
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And people will say God was unjust for destroying sodom and gommorah.
>she fit af
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she's a 6/10 tops
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the deeper into the rabbit hole you go, the more mental illness you find
thread just nosedived in quality
vanessa blake's enormous arse on my face
ah yes
lady gaga
i am sure to enjoy her acting and that it will not ruin the entire movie
doubt those cities were all that bad by modern standards, so where is god now? nowhere
Some real wronguns in this thread.
diego using 'logic' to deduce that she's hot
What the fuck did I come back to.
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I've never had sex!
>take a film about a sad man
>make the sequel an upbeat musical about woman who thinks she's just as sad
it's going to be the greatest commentary about the woman question in history
Well don’t all post at once lads.
love this gimmick
Never tell me what to do on /brit/ cause i'll go mental I hate cunts telling me what do fo
shagged my then gf by a lake
BBC's top earners revealed: Huw Edwards was third highest paid star last year on £479,999 despite being off air for nine months following sex pics scandal - as Gary Lineker tops list for SEVENTH year in a row with £1.35m salary
Rorke raging
The Giggly Goon Clown Files
Skirts are better.
You've clearly never read the Bible, so why even discuss it? You're not an atheist, you're just a fool. An atheist is scholarly in all the world and all religion and after a long study they conclude there is no God and no gods. You just want to jump right to the conclusion. That's lazy and moronic.
Now that the dust has settled. What do brits think of her?
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King Charles leading Parliament in a rousing chorus of I’ve Got A Big Bum (Yes I Have), as is tradition when a new government takes over.
blog on lucifer you boring cunt
That's it, kids have finished school for the summer holidays. So long my life for the next 6 weeks
on probation?
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was just interviewed by a middle-aged balding bong. He was a spitting image of this caricature and I couldn't get it out of my mind throughout the interview. He complained about the weather for a solid minute. Also complained about the Irish accent. invited me to Edinburgh but didn't offer me a position. I like having /int/ conversations
I'm gonna post my family photo. Wanna see?
>nia jax
fuck's sake
The combo of cum and piss smells so bad when u try to tinkle after a wank.
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Fucking hell.
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scenes from the latest /brit/ meetup
Taxation is theft
Simple as
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Alri lads enough talk about Charli, brat and all that shite

>125k inheritance
>topped the 'guard up to 100 large
>35 big boys rotting in my Santander

Do I put it all in the vanguard or somewhere else?? Insane how hard it is to find straight forward financial advice
>The BBC top earner list doesn't include 'talent' paid through a production company. So people like Michael McIntyre, Bradley Walsh, Alex Jones, Paddy McGuinness, Claudia Winkleman, Romesh Ranganathan, Alexander Armstrong, Richard Osman, Lord Sugar and Graham Norton avoid exposure.

are daisy
the lads
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>Badley Walsh
nobody does enough to warrant being paid over a million a year
was expecting this to be daisy edgar jones desu
inheritance wanker loves his screenshots
What about nurses at arr nhs
had a look at her channel and she has 200k views per video making shitty quality guitars
if I made a video of me making a guitar I would get like 30 views tops
Watching "The Younger Generation Is Completely Over It....."
Not 2 more weeks posting but shit will get very volatile in the US. A lot of money will be made with the big tech coup. I'd put at least 10k on Muskberg stocks
so this is rorke
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>the big tech coup
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was going to watch season 4 of the boys but can't remember what happened in 1-3 so not going to bother actually
You really are curious!
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getting loads of youtube recommendations like this for some reason
Don't kill yourself
Might move to China
im EXTREMELY curious
I don't get it
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Im a drone. I am weak medieval peasant stock. I exist to either work minimum wage and do nothing else or NEET until suicide.
still have no idea which one is hall and which one is oates
I have a beautiful hyper personalised Youtube feed to keep my locked into Youtube for as long as possible
we'll always need good slaves
Literally the first screenshot I've posted

What about the s&p500, that's tech right?
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went to korea and they smell like lush perfumes
she dm'ed me
and the latest on Charlie Veitch?
This is a mistranslation of that verse. Yet another reason why KJV is the only English language version of the Bible to read.
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Japan has fallen
not an argument
arrested for punching an old man in the face
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the /brit/cord discord got leaked
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>Bardley Walsh
whats funny is this is actually the kind of tripe posted in timcord/britcord
Poop cupture. It’s the only culture I follow and respect.
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we are only following britain onii-san tachi
A lot of silicon valley lads/venture capitalists/jews are all throwing their weight behind Trump and the GOP. They are going to get whatever they want out of the next admin, and their agenda will probably save American hegemony even if we go full Brazil. The American empire will live for another 100 years in exchange for more gated communities, more McPolice and 200 million immigrants. Wealth will get increasingly concentrated. If you have 150k to invest over the next 10 years, keep your eyes on what is going on and take a risk or two you could be set for life
put me in japan and they're in trouble
whats the worst that could happen?
Might spend the remaining 35 grand of a big fuck off Rolex
only to get it stolen by a wog
brb shorting muskberg stocks after reading this post
we become even more like you
Jew worshippers on a mad one again I see. What got them riled up this time?
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>Diego got done and I wasn't here

ffs why do I miss all the good stuff :/
Have faith, Trump will win this.
The Mrs is making our tea right now lads

Pinchos morunos with another nice big salad on the side :3 should be leng
why don't you post some more fake hinge screenshots you jew
Havent interacted properly with people on Discord in years
Used to post in this like /britpol/ kind of place called young britons or something but it got nuked for some reason
Would love a place like that yknow
are british people passive aggressive like japanese people?
>Pinchos morunos
just making stuff up at this point
based antisemitic schizo retard
Who? Spainpaedo? Make stuff up? Never
Diego Shakespeare
how were they fake
get some culture lads, we don't all eat fish fingers and mccain oven chips for tea every night. there's a whole wide world of food out there x

>spam the thread with cuck posts all day every day
>get called a jew once
he cries out in pain as he strikes
Stfu Adam you smelly neek.
OK but you you do dislike Jews though, correct? So how am I wrong to call you antisemitic?
I'm not smelly and "neek" is subjective, I would disagree with that as well
stop acting like kebabs are some kind of haute cuisine you pathetic runt
I never said I disliked jews
I just merely pointed out the fact that you are a jew
it was me mate you're hired
>don't all eat fish fingers and mccain oven chips for tea every night.
You pretty much do
Dirty nonce freak unironically kill yourself
Britain is one big brown grey shithole
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Why did Spaino do this
McGregor rorkeposting again
The /tv/ janny was most displeased with the thread I started and has given me a three day holiday from posting on that board.
sometimes yh, they are peng
Ever thought about moving to Japan?
because he's a NEET loser sitting in his smelly childhood bedroom for 16 hours every day and he has nothing else to do so his jewish instincts kick in
done him
Mental how badly I mindraped /Brit/
what was it
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Your own mind has been devastated by porn, so much so that you spend an entire night catfishing women on Hinge
screaming he's such a freak
is The Bear even good
cunts at work keep recommending it and I feel left out, watched the first episode and it was boring
I'm not an Android virgin la, I've got an iPhone

whoever made it mindraped the fuck out of you though you've been seething about it nonstop lmao
he didn't even do that
he actually photoshopped them
no woman would say shit like this
thats an iphone 14 lol
I only watch series that were abruptly canceled
Women say anything in response to attractive men lol
it's shite, watched up to a couple of episodes into season 2 but nothing happens
that's an iphone UI
A post about Andrew Dice Clay being a Jew that devolved into a /pol/ shitfest.
oh yeah you're right tbf, the battery percentage threw me off :/ anyway i've got an iphone 15 lol
every single screenshot the "woman" is talking exactly the same way
and it all sounds like the way spainnonce talks
Spainonce, what a ghoul! An evil ghoul!
So he made like 20 pristine photoshops of random girls, with all these images having slight differences (some do not show the time/battery percentage etc)?

Literally more effort than making a box standard catfish account lol
yes he literally did this
he spends 16 hours a day on his PC
Well I can tell you that he didn't, cause I'm the guy who done the catfish. I've done it before. Posted all the images last night while wanking to the responses.
Not him but there's no way I can convince you

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