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poo smells lmao
did four (4) exquisite poos today. real top draw stuff. first class.
nth for the gaeldem
There are like 20 times more Germans that are fluent in English than vice-versa because its obligatory and BE is the initial default
There are like 10 times more Germans that are genuinely anglophile than vice-versa and that have grown up in British pop culture from Muse, One Direction, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes (books or shows) or James Bond.
There are like 4 times more Germans that have traveled to the UK than vice-versa, the high school field trip to London almost has meme status.

Many Germans tend to speak the language and have a minimum of knowledge of or even appreciation for British culture while British familiarity with Germany is extremely limited to some obscure WW2 slurs (that most Germans are unfamiliar with in the first place), random 'German' game show celebs and self-declared 'German comedians' (that are completely unknown in Germany). Every once in a while you might stumble over some boomer British Army veteran who was forced to live in Germany but that's it because Brits don't even consider Germany to be a vacation spot.
People with cerebral palsy talking about taking life one step at a time, well you can't take much more then one can you.
Off to a roaring start
Going from the included monitor stand to getting a proper desk mounted monitor arm was legit one of the best decisions i’ve made in a while
It's over. It's over.
I saw a leaflet about joining the army earlier today so they're serious about it.

Was watching Cobra Kai, looked at the post count, went for a nice big cans filled shite, came back and it was at 304 so I thought 'what would Canslad do' and then realized I'm Canslad
Ning nang nong
Cows go bong
what a goddess
Janny I think I just saw a post about current events
germans view british people as uncouth fat mongs (they're right)
Seasidemark wrote about this in his memoirs
hot topic
It's about 3 years in the future actually, not current events.
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what's this?
>Cobra Kai
>5 episodes released
>last set of episodes out in 2025
dirty jews
watching The Inbetweeners - Series 3, Episode 5: Will Is Home Alone
Smells like 2016 up in here
A scar
If I had only ginger kids I would run away lol. Gingers freak me out.
I think it was due to the one mexican kid's blue bettle movie coming out so they had to delay it
But it did give us an Irish lass who [spoiler]caused a shitter[/spoiler]
if you are white and under 40 I suggest you leave your shithole town immediately and come to London you are about to be targeted and bombarded with army recruitment
tfw no fagmoder hun twinkhun ogre boywife cis transgirl girlboy wife
rude :/
I can't control my hair colour can I?
Spain is such a fucked up place

Some tourist confronted some tranny for holding some sign in spanish and the tranny started singing "im going to fuck your kids" while the other tranny's, gays and a few random kocals started to clap along lmao
i'll just tell them to fuck off
Spaino, you playing dress up at home isn't what happens outside of it
And pay £800 a month to live in someones cupboard? no thank you, I'd rather just live with my parents instead. Mumberg said that if there's a war she'd gladly hide me :)
done that freak
mental how badly he mindraped you
What happens if you inject yourself with milk
As long as I don't see you I'm fine
my pizza and chips are in the air fryer
i'm in bed
When the war happens I'm just going to go to some woods in mid-wales
The UK of the Inbetweeners doesn't exist anymore. It's completely disappeared like the UK of Only Fools and Horses.
kekers based mumsy
its up
what happens when you inject yourself with an untested experimental mrna vaccine
What war are you all talking about, lads?
You vill die for Israel filthy goyim`
Oceans are now battlefields
maybe you're just not in school any more
Kinda mad that being drafted would be exactly what I need to get my life together
world war 3
Im undraftable
Have fun fighting gommunism for my freedoms you fuckin boots
Just depth-charged a whale
It didn't disappear. It was murdered by the woke mob
i'll just fuck off back to my home country if they try and conscript us innit. still got bear family there innit. will laugh as you lads die in a frozen ditch then go back and shag all your women
ain't that the truth brother
political correctness gone mad
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overheard my mum talking to her colleague about some some shithole area and how i got started on there, she started saying how im a magnet for it but i wouldnt hurt a fly and despite being 27 i look 18 and like a bit of a wimp and then she laughed haha...
Why are you spergs talking about war again? Just because some anon got a recruitment leaflet?
I can't find any good british tv shows to watch anymore
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>doing sit ups at taekwondo
>entire dojang is silent
>accidentally fart
ww3 is only years if not months away
that's pretty obvious if you've been paying attention to things
Hope you get massive PTSD
We've been in ww3 for years mate
there are only 2 good tv shows and they are both american
do your farts pass or are they blokey man farts?
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The tat
bet you got some sort of sexual thrill out of that didn't you
especially if there were kids in the room
you sick fucking nonce FREAK
I think I'm ready to start gaining clues lads
watch that new one with the wogs
Are you the Lithuanian
now that's badass
You kiddies weren't old enough for the first cold war and it shows
still seems mad to me that in wars people use war planes and fight other countries war planes in the sky 1v1
yeah maybe. who knows
I dont use social media. I don't tend to use websites with advertising and I have ad blockers. I don't go into the town centre or shopping malls. I dont answer the door unless i'm expecting someone and I throw away junk mail. The army can piss away a fortune to try and recruit me and i'll probably never see their attempts.
claimed an irish passport through one of my grandparents in case they come knocking. just call my paddy o'rorke
I didn't take the vax so I'm definitely not joining the army
the new battlefield is the internet... and the war is right wing extremism...
It was a quiet one TBF. Bit ambiguous so people could've thought it wasn't a fart.
the "cold war" never ended. brief capitulation where russia was entirely run by jews but since putin its flared up again
I'm going to Ireland if WW3 happened
Should I move to Bristol?
Who's getting recruited and why?
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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Hear that wagies?
That's the sound of the clock running out. World War's about to go hot. You think you hate your wageslave job now?
Now just imagine you'll be freezing in a trench in eastern europe or baking in the middle eastern sun getting paid even less.
You'll be going first. Who needs service workers in a war economy? Just can't say I didn't warn you.
But me? I'm disabled. Surgery injury. Undraftable. Unfit to serve. I simply won't be going. That's that.
But you? Oh, you... you have so much waiting for you.
Have fun. Send me a postcard.
Not when WW3 starts
got a working holiday visa valid until November me
all white males under 30
women moment
you thought the battle of hastings happened in 1066? never ended mate you're living in it
You lot will be drone fodder. Me and the other tarqs will be laughing it up in the officers club
dogshit gimmick
mentally ill freak
fuck off
they're going to send british zoomers who can't decide what gender they are to fight battle hardened chechen war criminals
Based. I'm white and 34.
Die for me zoomies
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>conscription talk
ok wtf happened now?
leftypol having a melty over this one

the videos are going to be grim grim grim
really retarded attempt at an analogy
apparently Joker 2 went woke
Woker they're calling it
Some anon got a bog standard recruitment letter
One, I love my job
Two, I'm in Ireland
Three, I'm legally disabled to the point I can't do frontline combat (or join the army, got told no)
Four, they need me to supply the cans, the lovely, lovely cans
As ive noticed ,whenever i walk into a house of a person who owns dogs, it has this putrid smell of shit and the classic "wet dog" stench. When i point it out to them though, they say they dont smell anything and im probably smelling something from the outside or have something in my nose, they never acknowledge that it is their mongrel that stinks. Which it does,because it not only sheds a ton of fur in their house and rolls in nasty goo outside, but it also defecates and urinates INDOORS. No wonder such a house is infested by insects and reeks disgusting,at that point, not only the mutt is stenchy, but also the entire BUILDING and the people in it. And they let such smelly , unsanitary dogs into their bed too! I honestly want to barf .
We’ve got three years to prepare for war, says head of the army
General Sir Roly Walker says Britain must prepare for a Third World War if China invades Taiwan in 2027
He said that the army, which has about 72,500 troops, the fewest since the Napoleonic era, may have to fight using old equipment because new vehicles and artillery systems coming into service may not be ready in time.
He stretches out his cock with one hand whilst recording with his phone in the other, and will slide it across various surfaces in his house whilst doing a stereotypical 'radical' American accent. He's just a mental case.

I became friends with him as one day I was out day-drinking and saw he was trying to break into a car. I was just laughing at how ridiculous he looked, extremely skinny and cartoonish...he saw me laughing and started laughing himself, I told him to come drink some ciders with me in the park and chill so we did that. I'm a bit of a degen myself so I like to surround myself with that same ilk I guess haha.
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You mean Lady Gaga doesn't get her norks out and shout I HATE NIGGERS?
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what happened

where ja rule for comment
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>47 years old
>Roleplays Judge Dredd
When they run out of meat for the grinder they'll bump up to 35, then 40, then 50, then 70, and soon enough they'll be dragging cunts out of the nursing homes to fight for the neoliberal world order. a la ukraine.
fraid so
They say this shit all the time. No one is getting conscripted. The military don't want a bunch of fat virgins that don't want to be there.
It's a call for the government to give them more funding
Lads, I know spaino being a pedo is annoying
But really, let's all look at it from the perspective of the Cans: it's fucking kino how he spergs out when I post about the cans
Just a recruitment drive they'll say anything to get zoomoids to join the army. Ill be exempt irregardless because I've got mental health but I doubt any of you lot will be conscripted either
Literally infatuated with my mate's long, thick knob.
who gives a fuck what that fat arsed bint says
ceramic smashing but hooked up to a guitar pedal
>But the chief of the general staff said this would not require more troops or money - though he cautioned against any further cuts to the size of the army and its budget.
British twinks will be selling their bussy to get lightweight M4s from american/nato troops to replace their heavy L85s that they cant hold up
a war with russia would be quite funny really. big reality check for leftypol troon retards. when you're in tough situations all that woke shit dies
it's time to replay arcanum with low intelligence half ogre
bet you’re gagging to slurp up every drop of his hot nut
cant we just leave ukraine to their own devices
sick of seeing the so-called 'poverty stricken ukrainians' driving around in brand new cars with their ukrainian plates still on them
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pokibros??? how do we respond
Just dropping a gem for any music 'njoyers.
We need to get Chris Hansen on the case.
Imagine booking a plane ticket across the Atlantic to New York on a whim for the express purpose of smashing a fucking trolley through the window of your enemy’s tour bus.
Connor McGregor is unfathomably based.
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>14 minutes ago
well shit that was quick
easier if you live in dublin since you don't have to bother with the 4 hours immigration check
His thinking is in line with the US, which has warned of Beijing’s readiness to invade Taiwan by 2027, an event that would probably drag the US and Britain into a Third World War. Walker also has concerns over Iran’s nuclear weapons programme.

He believes that by 2027 Russia may have been able to sufficiently re-arm with the help of countries such as China, Iran and North Korea. Moscow will also be feeling “angry and resentful” by then, whichever way the war in Ukraine turns out, the army fears. Walker said a conflict in one area could “detonate” another.

“Time is not on our side and we cannot afford to do nothing,” he said as he outlined an ambition to make the army the most lethal in Europe. The army wants to focus on buying smart ammunition such as missiles with many warheads and drone swarms that can kill more fighters at the same time.
Need him to grab me by my hair, fuck my mouth and then hold me in place as he wanks a fat hot load into mouth eager mouth tbqh
wtf pokimane looks like that now?
he's a multi multi multi millionaire lad that's fucking nothing to him
wtf my pens is growing???
luv sesame snaps me x
just been drafted into the race war
MrBeast runs a tight ship got him out of there immediately made sure that he mentions he'll have nothing to do with MrBeast permanently

Mad how one troon could have sunk his entire organisation
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uber driver was listening to Beautiful by Akon lads
I don't think white people are superior. I think we have a lot of pluses but a lot of minuses to balance us out.
They made Chedderman woke
Very nice. My favourite uber drivers are the black lads that listen to Christan radio.
not gay but reading gay smut gives me an erectrion every time
Low key she cute
>Verification not required.
The Chicken Mayos from McDonalds increasing from 99p to £1.40 did irreparable damage to my Faustian Spirit
can you imagine /brit/ freaks being drafted and actually going through boot camp
Irish men WILL be conscripted into some sort of EU army through a loophole like how everything in Ireland involving the EU works. Reckon Mexico or Brazil would be a good place to go during ww3?
War knob bum bum dick, pee pee poo poo. Time cums.
More of a triple cheeseburger man myself, the value buy.
It's over
most /brit/ posters are old or have disabilities of some form. /brit/ posters will be the last people to be going to war
And because I have already defined and defended my case for a libidinal Lovecraft, linked to a speculative project, it seems necessary to address the question of subjectivity regarding the deontologist as a fuck creature - not an object - perhaps not a subject - but as an expression. Here, I take both Kristeva and Cixous as starting points - the most explicit poopoo peepee, the monstrous feminine that laughs at your erection - here.
want to die by choking to death on my favourite onlyfan twink's poo
/brit/ boys in booty camp….sexo
the amount of sweaty secret sex in the barracks showers will be unrivaled
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Why people gotta start wars all the time
Why can't they all just sit down and come to an agreement and chill out
just 3 more nights until i get get on the drugules
its a human constant, it being bottled up for so long with mere few pressure releases (proxy and regional conflicts) wont be enough
the next Big One will probably be the worst ever because theres 0 chance any losing side doesnt just nook
Damn, British roses look like THAT?!
>They're actually American
Ah, now it makes sense again.
good lad
Repetition is always a multiplicity.
Every cock tentacle swings differently - but never on its own. Her cock is mine so long as she desires - when her desire shifts, it is a different cock repeating. It is its own, but not on its own. "We are not the same" elides the status of difference and forces generality as a primacy. I'm in the brine kissing worms.
America is British
>I'm legally disabled
schizophrenia and autism
which ones lad x
john mcafee
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why can't everybody just chill out
I don't want a frigging war dude
they laughed at the man who wanted to get everyone around the negotiating table
off to japan in september de lads
looks like i wont be coming back
mephedrone drugules
what's the story behind this tranny and mrbest then
>they laughed at the man who wanted to get everyone around the negotiating table
What man is that?
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BBC sluts
*gives you a hug*
Don't know if it's mania but I suddenly feel very good
learning to code, goes in one ear out t'other
Why does Russia hate us so much? They keep saying that we'll be the first ones they want to nuke and things like that
>falling for the canslad tactic of associating all criticism of his shit gimmick with spainnonce thus gaining support by default
couldn't be me
tie me to a fab-3000 and drop me on a ukrainian hospital
can you just fuck off
me too haha
what days? im going at the end of septmber
maybe we can meet up x
>South London Trams
can't be doing with this
Ed Miliband
oh nooo we have to think about how the optics will affect the heckin trans community. revolting bitch
Indian women desire white penis but white penis only thinks about black penis
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please make a quick detour to the dead centre of my bollocks first
never mind your ears, you need to put your fingers on the keyboard mate
Errrr part of Yellowstone just exploded heh
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A war isn't happening you spastics. Calm down.
When they say "We gotta Iran hard" and things like that, they're literally just talking about economic sanctions. That's literally all it is. Don't get your knickers in a twist.
literally sexual assault
they would go to prison for that
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More like physically incapable, lad
It tends to happen when you have sight in only one eye
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Imagine each of them taking 3 big thick veiny african american penises
That's 15 big thick veiny african american penises being pleased all at once
no she doesn't
she runs away and calls the police because a violent stranger just sexually assaulted her
Threads at these hours are proper dogshit
And especially dogshite editions guarantee dogshite threads
So the BBC big and veiny so let me see the BBC
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Straight people are so grim.
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>Girl, 11, died after being 'punched in the heat of the moment' by her half brother - but he will not face charges
one punch man
kerry katona and don-boy linked up
need it or keep it?
One Punch F A M
in what way
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she's coked up to her fucking eyeballs right now
fucking hell mate get over the OP edition already, proper tragic
stop posting this grotty creature
Should I do another bbc hinge catfish experiment?
genuinely wish i was born a woman lads
not trans or anything, just think id be happier as a woman
simple as
Just found out there's no 50km race walk at this year's Olympics
Was always the most kino event, sad to see it go
I got a better proposition for you
jump off a motorway bridge
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prozzie sex
horrible munter night out culture
domestic abuse
the list goes on
he's a paedophile
all applicable to same-sex people
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woke hipster establishment for ugly and stupid people.
he's literally right
Not gay but
Hot women>Hot men>Mid women>>>>>>>>Mid men>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Trannies
gay people do all the same shit and probably even in a greater quantity
you just have a problem with british culture
for a gay you really dont seem to know much about their antics
why are all troons such wronguns
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because it's a fetish
ever eaten stinging nettles?
Troons Europe Express
nonca fist troonson more like
gay people LITERALLY have pitch black rooms in the back of pubs where they sniff coke and bum each other
>you just have a problem with british culture
Yeah probably. Go out and look around and all I see is withered 50 year old women who look like they barely have a screw in and fat 20 year olds bitches bouncing around like they're the hottest thing since Kate Moss, all sucking up to the wog bouncers who flash leery smiles at them.
Dire dire state of affairs. Meanwhile gay men can actually realize intimacy between two good looking blokes.
mousey question for you here mate
>oh noooooo the /brit/ personality i don't like made the new thread OP and people are using it instead of mine
grow up
at least their noses will be too blocked to smell all the pooey bumhole mucus
tastes good with orange peel and piss i've heard
>knickers in a twist.
stopped reading there
Tranny lives without being a nonce challenge *impossible*
>ah hurr staright people NEVER have sex clubs or Sex clubs or do ANAL sex with POO only poofters do that
Bumming is grim but getting head from a lad must be amazing
What black man do you want me to use in my Hinge experiment? And what city do you want me to make the profile in?
they must bump into each other and the walls a lot, would get annoying i reckon
Just slit me own throad
Bleeding out
no such thing as intimacy between two men
homosexuality is a sexual fetish and is based on nothing but bumming
>muh menthol elves
Get him locked up, the filthy nonce. See how his menthol elf fares in prison.
well that's the end of the post so you couldn't read further anyway
I don't want you to do either of those things
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Uhm, what causes this?

I say, BEING A FRICKIN' GEM causes this!

Yeah OP, I gotta say... that ahem... that OP pic?
Yep, GEMMISH as f*ck, with only a slight twinge of duststone!

I gotta say, it's pretty GEMMISH, as opposed to COALISH... (which I think we all agree is a most UNDESIRABLE trait for any 'jak worth its saltdust)

Of course, it's not as GEMMISH as GEMMIJAK, aka the GEMMIEST JAK but that goes without saying.

So, in summary, all I can say is...

Shadilay on, you crazy DUSTGEM!

'Nuff said!
A whole is a whole imo don't care if it's a woman or bloke
heard that a lot of gays dont even bother much with anal because its a bit of a nightmare logistically
Yeah straight people NEVER EVER go into degenerate clubs to have sex in dark rooms or engage in orgies or gangbangs. Only gays do that
Shut ee gob
true. always found the idea of "homosexual love" oxymoronic. actual love requires a man and a woman
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>A whole is a whole
>but he will not face charges
Gotten a prostate exam before and merely having a single finger in there is excruciatingly painful so I have no idea how anyone of either gender ever takes it up the ass
Just gross too
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>Uhm, what causes this?

>I say, BEING A FRICKIN' GEM causes this!

>Yeah OP, I gotta say... that ahem... that OP pic?
>Yep, GEMMISH as f*ck, with only a slight twinge of duststone!

>I gotta say, it's pretty GEMMISH, as opposed to COALISH... (which I think we all agree is a most UNDESIRABLE trait for any 'jak worth its saltdust)

>Of course, it's not as GEMMISH as GEMMIJAK, aka the GEMMIEST JAK but that goes without saying.

>So, in summary, all I can say is...

>Shadilay on, you crazy DUSTGEM!

>'Nuff said!
I mean gays do it on a much more frequent basis
straight people don't have a room down their local boozer dedicated to shagging random members of the opposite sex
Marimo, more commonly known as moss balls, make a fun addition to your indoor garden and are a popular feature in aquariums. These aquatic plants are also relatively easy to care for once you know the basics

The little green spheres are not actually moss, but algae. In their natural habitat, the algae balls live at the bottom of cold lakes. They keep their round shape by the action of the waves.

The plants grow up to 5 millimeters per year and will eventually reach 2 to 5 inches in containers or 8 to 12 inches in natural conditions.

Marimo balls are regarded as good luck charms in Japan, and since they have been known to live to 200 years or longer, they are often kept as family heirlooms.
wait till you find out there are multiple events in london each week with
mixed sex playrooms
a lot of them aren't even invite only anyone can rock up
desu it's mostly in queer/gay places
b8'ed for this exact response
you've blown that case wide open, well done
>straight people don't have a room down their local boozer dedicated to shagging random members of the opposite sex
mores the pity
True intimacy can only be realized between two of the same sex because sex divides (man will never truly understand woman) and two women together don't have the capacity or patience or devotion to realize intimacy.
Same I've had a doctor's finger up me bum and found it very uncomfortable don't know how the gays do it
most coherent gay
moss balls mentioend
poof cope
im a bit of a bender and ive tried a few toys
i had one that was about 7 inches and thick but with a slight curve and that hurts
i had another one that was slightly softer, but thicker and about 12 inches long and i could take nearly the entire thing and it felt great
stopped using the latter when i felt some slight pinching inside of me once
straight men would be up for that its just women aren't
Can't believe I got Bradley'd
I'm not saying that some straight people don't have fucked up sexual fetishes and they have clubs dedicated to that
but homos have a fucked up sexual fetish and they go down the boozer for a pint and a bum
it's two different levels of degeneracy we're talking about here
my hair is very long
what did tyson do
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post bussy
Oh yeah Epstein, nonce lists, bosses blackmailing and sexually abusing female staff, endless debauchery you hear between straight people. Nah, doesn't exist. Every straight relationship is intimate and loving. Only gays corrupt the world with such things.
thanks for the info mate
i'm bi and you're all retards
a bit?
Get the bird feeder filled
jews are just as fucked in the head as gays
bit off some cunts ear in the ring
tbf if women were up for it would see the same
albeit males are physically incompatable
slagging nora
I'm sorry to hear that lad.

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