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DJ Miss Monique Edition

She dipped her hair in the toxic sludge!
Radioactive DJ skills
today i lost about 70m - probably more but im really only concerned with that. i needed to do it to alch a smoke bstaff for a task which never ended up counting and then on the next task i got stuck and cant claim the reward for doing 5 tasks - but it was never going to be worth it. i just like doing them but now i get no reward rather than just a random thing that wasnt worth it
You going to her concert in Ibiza ?
Her real name is Olesia Arkusha
I fuckin wish, I can barely afford to go to her concert in New York
Listening to Crystal Castles
Gatto stonato
im this close to the bad ending lads. this fucking close.
I passed the bad ending several years ago. I'm just fin the final slo montage waiting for the credits to roll.
Songs from the Big Chair edition
ill livestream it if i get to it. i promise
would yo uliek a lucozzade
I don't want to see that
>Standing and pushing buttons
The lowest form of ""music"". Worse than reggaeton DESU
>late 20s
>quickly becoming lactose intolerant
bros i might just not be a whitoid

this is tremendous news
nobody will force you to click on the link
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>simultaneous heat and hail advisories
based black brother
global warming hoax vs joebiden weather machine fight
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Am Yisrael Chai
Have at least a little dignity. Non sei un animale for chrissakes
Based. Pop perfection.
I’d oct 7 her if you catch my drift
i dont speak spanish
sick of all horny threads being gay, where are all the e girls posting ass
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i failed you
im sorry
It's Italian. I said you're not an animal
lol the brit on a proxy pays $20 a year to get ignored even with the flag
youre jealous of me
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i believe i will have pizza for dinner
now that i think of it its probably the good ending. the only good ending i will ever get.
what's the bad ending, then?
stop being such a debby downer
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Family's all dead. No friends. Fucked everything up about as bad as it can be fucked up. No hope. No future. Just waiting to die.
cringed when i heard the auto-tuned singing in the new joker trailer
wh*tes can sometimes develop it too, crakkker. you are no friend of mine
literally me except dead family would be a plus over family that dislikes and tries to s teal from you
continuing to live in this hell like a sucker
Could be a clean slate
*watches you*
>atheist on the internet
>only attacks Christianity
>never Judaism or Islam
anyone wants to play lethal company
makes u think
What if I'm atheist but only attack Judaism?
stop doing that im nakey right now
skibity gyatt thiCCCCC
I attack all of them
What part of "fucked everything up about as much as it can be fucked up" don't you understand? It's over.

brit on a proxy
My company is lethal to the spirit.
i want a cigarette so fucking bad bros
when was the last time you saw someone posting about judaism or islam? and i mean really obnoxiously posting about their religion not just chud posting about latest news, an actual jew or muslim posting about their religion
i only have sugar free energy drinks left i think
Cigarettes are gross. I smoked them for many years now I can't stand the smell of them
me too but we gotta be good anon cigarettes stink and they age your skin we gotta avoid them
At least you never had to watch your little brother troon out and start an onlyfans.
Pics or it didn't happen
Wow. That's fucking disgusting.
shouldn't have started them in the first place, now you're addicted
I spread contamination anywhere I go.
So this is the power of a western, liberal capitalist society.....powerful.....
im fine i haven’t had one in like 36 hours. i have self control don’t worry
i stopped smoking for a bitch but then i dumped her though
might buy a pack right now, i am extremely youthful and beautiful
After 3 days your brain chemistry starts changing and it gets easier to resist them.
i have two cans of Monster energy drink but im saving them for later c:
I've never smoked
if my soul is forfeit then i can do whatever the fuck i want

this is freedom
i haven't had a cigarette since early may and nicotine free since june 19. it is as hard now as the first week, but i'm drunk and depressed and haven't been chewing gum
Don't start, nothing good comes from it, they just kill you. That's all
Just wanna dip my cock in spinster really fast and then split
you shouldn’t start back again if you can help it . the only reason i want one is because i bought a pack when i was in a really emotional state and i needed to calm down
im totally fine zero risk of me getting a cigarette
i just want one, but i don't know anyone who smokes the same kind to bum one from
i've smoked before but neve grew a taste to it
Some people smoke cigarettes to calm down, some smoke them for energy. They just make you light-headed.
the pizza tasted good. i had to take it out of the oven early and im a little bummed about that, but it tasted as good as a takeaway pizza but was faster and so wasnt as sort of rewarding. it was saucy but none of the sauce fell out on its own and only came with cheese which was enough to cover a 1/8th of the pizza with it as a topping
they help a lot with my physical anxiety, help me shake and tremble less. the vape does this too but not as well
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Good morning /cum/friends!
Summer break just started, so lots of high school girls are selling their indoor school shoes for some extra spending money.
it helps me keep up with the rapid stream of stimuli constantly bombarding me so i can process things much easier
uwaaaa~~~ ^0^ girlshoes~~~~~
can i sort by stinkiest>?<
It helps take your mind off what is worrying you at the moment, at the cost of becoming another thing to worry about in the long-run.
i hate that this made me laugh
why does trying to upload a certain image give me a connection error
she said "there is no excuse" and she was "deeply ashamed" and "sincerely sorry".

Ms Dujardin said she will "withdraw from all competition - including the Paris Olympics - while this process takes place".
not even specifying the post anymore
post the horse sperm video link to
i was about to say something really creepy
Go ahead and say it
dont scare the hoes
did anyone else fail connections today
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>do not reset that router sir!
oof owie my geothermic vents made a teensy weensy fart
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when i was at yellowstone i saw a park ranger yell at some asian tourists for getting too close to a buffalo and trying to take a selfie with it
Yep he got me too
I literally get banned every day on this board
>banning people for ban evasion
what is their plan?
also the screenshot anon was the brit on a proxy/VPN
not a buffalo, a bison sorry i just got up
Some people care about things
having a fag
Some people are cared for
that's crazy
ive killed the enormous mole at least like 10 times today
Some people can find peace
bing chilling
oh shid
tabloid magazine cover in line at the grocery store with a crying woman on the cover with the bold, attention grabbing title "i married an incel"
incel chads are real heart breakers
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>just got banned? Oh that's cool, time to clear cookies and go on airplane mode for 5 seconds
unironically thought what killed 4chan was phone posting, there are graphs that prove this
i need to keep my router unplugged overnight to get issued a new ip ):
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do you look like this
tfw when no dynamic ip
Do that enough and he'll throw a tantrum and ask the mods (gods) for a rangeban. I was rangebanned in /tv/ for like 5 years
I've been banned probably hundreds of times and I haven't been rangebanned. The only board that causes me issues is /v/ when trying to make you new threads ("this IP has been blocked due to abuse")
it's been raining nonstop for days, this is horrible for my mental. i need vitamin d
i want to try a 60 day fast
>vit D
they sell it in tablets nowadays
Post more faggot looking red check pink lips "men" with bows from the 50's propaganda
>"this IP has been blocked due to abuse"
Yep that's a rangeban.
Funnily enough I went to /wsg/ to post a webbum I posted here but with sound, and I was rangebanned there. I've only been to that board like twice in my life
i bet sleeping feels good though
i need to start this, i'm pretty sure i'm deficient because i use spf every time i'm outside. i'm not even sure if thats how it works, i need to ask my doctor
I could still make posts though not threads. And in the past few months I've been able to make threads so who knows
i was trying to fix my sleep schedule but the rain noises kind of put me out, i like keeping the window open and listening to it
are you female?
yes :)
Nisciuna cca è na femmena, stunad
that was from 1917
i hope so, you sound like a fag otherwise
i feel like my brain functions slow down when i got a migraine
doctors dont know about vitamins (im not a doctor)
Did you use the ice cubes like I toldja?
why did you do that
crazy to look at the catalog and see all the retarded shit that stays up to bump limit yet meanwhile janny is handing out bans ITT for fucking nothing
what a useless retard he is
My nose might be irritated or infected. Feels a bit sore from the outside and it's full of crusty boogers.
hold on to ice cubes? makes no sense
it sounds stupid but that anon told me to do that a few weeks ago and it actually works
did he ban you for something stupid?
>Stop talking about the [redacted] in 3 months that's very relevant to your country!
>oh the 5th racebait thread in an hour? leave that up
you should take a hot shower to clear up your sinuses and knock some of those boogers out
If you have a headache balance an ice cube in the palm of each hand until they melt and it usually cures the headache
LOVE toh keigh
pizza is poorfag feast pie
there is no real recipe, just do your own thing
here is the recipe i do, invented it myself

step one
somehow mange to GNEEEED (i shudder at the sound of that word said in english, like the word community or a democracy) dough
spread it on the pan you will shove into oven
make sure you have at least 2 mm thick layer of butter/lard mix inbetween the dough and pan
if youre feeling fancy, egg in the dough on the side that will touch the butter/lard then get some corn flour on it, so that the chrust has corn dough, extra thick and cemented, if your teeth are weak for such a thought, you are white, shame on you
then spread whatever liquefied tomato you have, sprinkle garlic powder and oregano
then put mushrooms, then ham/gabbagoogul or whatever the fuck/red ronny or pepper ronny or whatever you like
i like store bought ''ham'' salami thing, shredded and with some real pork belly smoked and curred proper, for the oumpf and hardness
i preffer only gabagool or pork neck for us humans, along with tiny cubes of bacon bits, easy to bite off
then cheese, gauda is my favourite, milkland, local or foreign brand, idk, but its extra greasy and melts better than butter
then some gauda paladin, also another brand name, idk what any of it means, then few coins of mozareellla strategically placed so it scabs up
if im feeling gluttonous, i use the ice cream scoop thing to scoop up few balls of kaymak, cottage cheese probably in english, same placement as mozarella
then a generous sprinkle on top of all with basil, oregano and black pepper
i bake it until the cheeses start scabbing, break some dough on the edges to make sure its not raw inside
one half a meter square pizza i make can feed 6 hefty people
and they confirm its the best they will ever have
add ketchup, mayonese, whatever i dont care
The best thing for the blues is a big bowl of chili with saltine crackers and cheese
i'm not heeeeeeeerreeeeeeee
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>hahahaha imagine if you had a cute big booty latinx femboy gf and then she shrank you down to a millimeter tall and called you a pathetic tiny faggot with her giant cock looming over you and then shoved you in between her buttcheeks and went on a sweaty jog in skin tight short shorts in 90 degree weather and you poked your head out of her sexy brown asscrack and then her femboy friends/lovers (who she will cuck you with later) see you and start smugly laughing down at you in spanish/portugese
gucci gang
it's been a long time since i've done a pizza from scratch i need to do this soon
if you're not here how did you make this post
finna goon
i dont kink shame but uhhhh
i dont get why people put sugar in chili.
dont got ice cubes anyway, no one ever remembers to make them
a lot of chili recipes come out really acidic so the sugar can help balance this out. i don't do that but that's part of the reasoning
I've not heard of this
I believe that nobody is going to help me, ever.
>Bro is [ ]
>what is blud/bro [ ] about?
>let him cook
>who let blud cook
>lil bro thinks he's on the team
>bro really thought he cooked
>this ain't it chief
>hey chat
>chat is this real?
>[ ]andy
>passed/failed the vibe check
>it really do be like that
>im dying
>we have [ ] at home
>full send
>no cap
>N-word pass
>fanum tax
>mr beast
>ice spice
>goon sesh
>sigma grindset
>mad [ ]
>big [ ]
>[ ]maxxing
>caught lacking
>level [ ] rizzler
>baby gronk
>skibidi toilet
>skibid rizz
>[ ]ussy
>level [ ] gyatt
>common/rare [ ] [W/L]
>L + ratio + [ ] + [ ] +...
>+/-[ ] aura
>hawk tuah
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>Counting on others

Mistake #1
I would rather die than go to the doctor
what do you need help with
He bought an abacus, because he knows he is not smart enough to do the calculations in his head. He's replaced both himself and others with a machine.
retarded southerners who put sugar in everything
that really says something about society
hit a 100 splat
didnt even have my void outfit on
I would rather die than even accept help or that I'm more than a piece of trash to be destroyed.
Back from the gym.
You may unleash your best posts ITT.
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it's going down bros
there's nothing wrong with needing help sometimes and you shouldn't talk about yourself like that
/cum/ will be the death of me.
while on the way to the enormous mole i like to see what the people killing the regular mole have on the floor as their drops - their kippas are delicious! there is nothing more tasty!!
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>antitherapyschizo has entered the chat
Woman poster
No-one even mentioned therapy.
just stop it's exhausting having this argument every day
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Currently waiting for the plug
how did you end up in cum, how did you find this website?
I wear schizo as a badge of honour from the likes of (You).
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Question for New Yorkers:
If you were away and met a fellow New Yorker, who said they were from New York, would you ask them "Which borough?" or "Whereabouts?" or whatever, if you were so inclined?
What exactly would you ask them?
Do you know New York regions well? Like if you're from Harlem and they said "Bay Ridge" would you reasonably know where that is? Or are other boroughs just foreign entities to you?
Old Faithful joined Al Qaeda?
brit on a proxy
Are you for or against therapy
I don't know, but if you was from Boston you'd say "Where parts?" or Weah Pahhts?
I oppose your false religion masquerading as "therapy" because I'm not a sniveling little anti-human drone and/or ghoul.
i have been using forums for a very long time, this is just the latest one. i used 4chan for a bit in the past on some of the other boards
Brit on proxy

not a brit on a proxy
I'm not talking about therapy when I say "help". I only wanted help with something practical. But that's just a thorn in my side now.
shut up you goblin im cutting gems
>antitherapyschizo is back
potatoes beef and beer
i want to make a pot roast now
hillary clinton shats could not ever get 99 crafting. why? because they are little shats and they could never even dream of having so many gems. hahahahaha WOW
mango tacos and corona
the two people that i annoyed talking shit to while i was sitting in wild and have spent the last 2 days killing me, or going to giant mole to try and crash me for 2 hours on 2 accounts and then disconnecting on both of them to then die, are so fucked at the mage arena exit button/lever when i find a d claws seller
Hilarious how everybody is talking about the Tesla plant in Mexico halting development because of Trump but nobody talks about Tesla's poor sales... I suppose this is more of a /pol/ thing but I bet the racist fuck Musk is kicked out of Tesla before the end of the year, mark my words.
and if that fails i will just upgrade my computer for it to be capable of running two accounts and then making an easy mode acc to wait on and log in and kill him with 1 items just d claws and prot item
pus oozing out of my boils
Potatoes have been peeled & quartered.
Into the microwave oven they go.
my high level donor and end game friend told me about a bug to never die to PKers but im saving that for the d claws or alt or alt with scripts or rethinking
my man
I feel like this could potentially cause me lasting harm.
should i goon now or after i run errands
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dont think its really cooked but it tasted fine
heck yeah
DUDE in 13 min btw
if you have boils and pus coming out of them with all the other systemic things then not doing something 2 hours ago was when the risk of harm started and you need to go do something
i love pierogis, that steak is plenty cooked
goon after your errands as a reward
Would eat this
you genuinely need antibiotics IV while they figure out whats wrong with you. for me, its doxycycline (or maybe its amoxycylin for these)
I'll soak it in warm water
if this is a test and its about the problems with the heart and it causing exudates then i didnt pay attention to that because im not on to the part about the heart yet :3
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did people die
Women will present themselves as sex objects, but DON'T YOU DARE OBJECTIFY HER YOU MISOGYNIST PIG
it would be interesting if this test was infective endocarditis and if IV fluids would have affected that
not a big fan of europeans
not a big fan of myself, personally.
Eastern Euros are cool if not a little fucked in the head, likely generational trauma from commie times.
how could you kill this?? COME ON
What kind of faggot retard is pro therapy?
me too but i'm working on building more self esteem and setting boundaries with people
It's generational trauma from living under tyranny since forever
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i have to sit on hold for 45 minutes.
Good for you, I suppose
got a rolled cigarette - hanging out my mouth im a cowboy hmm hmm i wont even tell you what
I usually goon to pass the time
it would be good for you too
i dont hate myself. in fact i'm appalled more people dont love me
throbbing pain
gooning during phonecalls is a sweet little treat for the modern day man
it's happening to me
please go to the hospital it only costs like 500 dollars and it lowers the mortality to like 1/4 of the out of hospital mortality if its pneumonia
take some medicine for it
im cumming
/cum/ needs to be a more hostile environment.
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i can't risk being mid goon when i get off hold
can you do barrows with a crystal bow? i have void for range and melee but the belee one is ugly
credit cards were invented to trick low impulse control people into becoming debt slaves
fuck you buddy *honks horn*
one more day to complete my service
one more day to serve my sentence
oh i had the wrong void helmet on
she seems to read minds
and i know that in time
when i was 19 i ran up a 15k credit card balance in less than a year and my parents were pissed
>therapy bad
>therapy good
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Pushing buttons can make great music:

who asked
is the boils anon the anon who really like epsom salts
I don't feel comfortable acknowledging your existence
i think the adam sandler people are trying to torture and kill for being a pothead dem. idk why
Dumbass plug messed up and gave me the wrong strain
hopefully that post wasnt about me but ok if it was...
my cousin had like 50k debt because of it, she's always getting into stupid situations, she's so lucky to have a supporting family, she dug her own grave multiple times already
when i was 18 my grandma put $100 in a savings account for me. never had that much before
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it’s nice that she can rely on her family when she gets into these kind of situations but if it just keeps happening and she doesn’t learn from her mistakes, and have to deal with the consequences on her own, it won’t ever get any better
I'm the one who likes PISS and NETTLES
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he’s an innocent man, free him
You're that creepy pedophile ghoul?
How are the teeth?
What does this mean?
I have a face like a bull-dog licking piss off nettles
I really hope that there's an afterlife.
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he's a dangerous terrorist
I have no strong feelings, but I vaguely hope there is no afterlife.
he doesn’t need to be wearing a vest and going to war he needs to be at home eating kibble and getting scrubbed on
what a spastic
fookin spa
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he's evil
I've never left my village
just because he’s showing some teeth here doesn’t mean he’s evil it’s just a bad photo
But how can there be justice and morality without reward and punishment? The main point of the afterlife isn't living, it's redressing the wrongs that were done to people while they were alive.
Could you imagine Kamala as president
this nigga don't even live in a city or town, this poor soul in a mf VILLAGE
like on some "sire please the plague has taken me wife, spare me your liege" type shit

brit on a proxy talking about religion
Since you feel so strongly about it, and I don't care, I hope you get your wish. Even if it means I have to go to Hell
It's a quiet life.
not sure where in hell i'll go. maybe lust or heresy. most likely end up in limbo
why are black people like this
i'm a white balding office worker in my 30s.
talk normal then
Good post

brit on a proxy
You are a known pedophile
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15 more minutes on hold bros
until what
weird how theree are so many paedophiles on 4chan. all of the people he doesnt like, who dont do what theyre told to do
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until i can talk to a travel agent
>Yellowstone erupting
Welp boys looks like the world actually is ending.

RIP in pepperonis
where are you going
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the dark continent
don't forget to bring your bag of potions.
really like this image
My pockets on that Peter Griffin shit, they fat as shit.
What music are you listening to?

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