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broadley edish
poo smells lmao
Poo smells lmao
but everyone hates spainnonce
except sackedtranny
but everyone hates sackedtranny
poop reeks haha
wasn't funny the first 3000 times you posted it
been posting here 10 years and i think i've made maybe 2 new threads ever
Start talking to a girl with the intention just to get nudes from her and not really take it anywhere, but saw her instagram account and she looks quite sweet and probably doesn't deserve it, so I feel bad and decided not to. Ever done this?
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i like the janny
always have done
And now we wait to test the theory
Team Spainnonce or Team Canslad. It's like House of the Dragon.
Good lad.
it's up

i'm not a nonce so i dont behave in a predatory way online
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aff tae bed
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So I was right
Spaino is a janny
Just needs to cycle until he has the account

Spaino is winning
he's a janny
House of the Faggot
neither are anything to do with each other
they're both absolutely dreadful influences on this thread
wonder what this paedo is thinking now that one of his paedo mates has been exposed
Canslad is a dime drawer
Spainlad is a jobber
he already got exposed as a paedo
nothing happened
I love women with long lips so much, it seems so rare. I only really notice some MENA or South American women like this.
side chick bought me some burgers from a farm market or some other white thing
put some flavour in them and made them into koftas
No we just prefer not to use forced gimmick threads
do you think spaino thinks about canslad at all
meanwhile canslad is utterly fascinated by him
you are so fucking weird
i thought you were doing it as a gimmick to convince people you back you until you unironically wrote that utter tome about him being a "pathetic white tranny" in the last thread
you're a boring, unfunny, one eyed freak with absolutely no life and who says cans a lot
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Game of Morons
spainmong doesn't have a single thought in his troglodyte skull
pathetic white faggot actually
doesn't look very diverse
could do with some white people to bump up their diversity stats
just shows that you dont need to be smart to have you farm animals dancing to a tune lol
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why is that white kid wearing a paki dress?
Because if he doesn't they will beat him to death.
Thanks Blair.
why would anyone get so angry about the cans poster. who the fuck cares so much about some mong posting about cans
>133 posts about him since 4th May
utterly mindbroken by spaingod
Alright guys. Winding down now. Did two hours of taekwondo practice this evening. Got very sweaty.

Had a pina colada cocktail
he's obsessed
>Team Canslad
Who is that
don't forget to wash your balls lad
kys gremlin
The summer of 1992
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what are SSRIs
another afternoon and evening of /brit/ ruined
Sorry, is there anyone normal left or has brit been completely taken over in a britfeel coup d'etat?
Been sitting out way too many threads lately. not sure where all the shaggers went
looks like another nonce streamer has been exposed. this one's a tranny
How shit of a poster do you have to be to make people rally against you on the side of spainfreak no less
"western" (american) culture and values
having a wank but i'm not really into it
all trannies are nonces
brit/pol/ schizos and britfeel incels have decimated this place
Selective serotonin receptor inhibitors
Anti-depressive/schizophrenia/psychosis medicine
They fuck you the fuck up
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canzuklad here
Have you ever shagged/got shagged by someone from your taekwondo class?
Be honest.
why are they taking it
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hello labour left where are youuuu
No. People there do talk to me now and I feel like I'm a part of things instead of awkwardly sitting on my phone before lessons.
fuck off
what is a canzuklad
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>heh pointing out the shitty gimmicks and cuck posts I make daily? OBSESSED
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accurate sign that
mad how starmer is the most right wing PM we've had since john major
On 50mg of "zoloft" aka sertraline myself. Certainly not blissfully numb, but it does level me out. Would like to bump it up to 100 or even 150.
Did the disabled 47 year old alcoholic who larps as judge dredd get upset again?
cant believe he's called this
>employed woman
Do you wear a skirt
chuckling at mrbeasts tranny mate getting outed as a nonce
For their depression/schizophrenia/psychosis
works for me
i went mental on that stuff. was on a high dose though, think 200mg but can't remember exactly
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No, I don't wear skirts or dresses. At taekwondo I wear a dobok. For casual clothes I usually wear jeans and a top with a hoodie.
Watching one of those goyslop documentaries like "how x done y" as we speak.
Fucking hell
says the nappy wearer larping as a man larping as a woman
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>Did the disabled 47 year old alcoholic who larps as judge dredd get upset again?
Can spaino not put on the Irish vpn please? It's actually quite worrying when he pretends to be me
Like he's drawn a picture of me and is wanking his little broken dick to the image while wearing his mum's knickers of courrse
he doesn't think about you at all
you have this weird complex
Women are supposed to wear dresses mate.
it's nothing to do with spainnonce and the only reason anyone thinks it is is because cansmong has so relentlessly and obsessively brought him up any time he's criticised, which in itself is yet another negative trait of cansmong
people constantly get aggy about how often spainnonce is mentioned in here so this retard schizophenically calling everyone spainnonce should get called out too
it's all just cancer. reading my post back i sound like a fucking twat even talking about them. pure cancer
my life is grim yes that's why I need drugs to cope (and alcohol)
200 is a massive dose tbf
>No, I don't wear skirts or dresses
Please wear a skirt from now on thanks.
its a pun you dense leaf
Mousey is above Canslad in terms of functionality

I want to get some TBF.
isn't seasidemark a ~47 year old alcoholic with a hidden disability
If you wear a nice dress then your balls won't get so sweaty and itchy.
The scran
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David Attenborough just died lads
spaino posting on 7 devices on 12 vpns how unbothered he is
janada... >.>
post more of your belly
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er, rorke...? talk to me, are you still there rorke?
It's so transparent
Might buy this sneaker.
No, I mean, what has he done
you're spainnonce though and i'm not cansmong so how does that work? fucking gremlin
jim the pill
dubs and i shag the fit tranny at toil
>part time lidl employee fired for trying to commit pooicide twice judging someone elses "functionality"
im not 100% sure she's trans but seems likely given hairline and voice however she is fit af
Don't work for LIDL you mong. Keep up with the lore or fuck off to /Britfeel/ or /Brit/pol
white people eating raw clams or whatever that shit is
Truly the creme de lad creme of freaks congregate here. We should be humbled
If you want a vision of the future imagine Priti Patel's arse bouncing on your face forever
It is an island
spainnonce is the worst i think, especially if he's heathernonce too which he probably is. utter fucking gremlin belongs under a bridge
just have to put off buying booze for 15 more minutes then the shop will be closed
oh no I don't keep up with the lore of a fucking mentally ill britfeel tranny begging for attention day in day out on /brit/
and then it has the nerve to tell me to go back to the shithole it came from like a demon from hell
fake alcoholics know what time the paki shop closes
real niggas know what time it opens
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Italian night. It's Italian night!
can get booze 24/7 delivered mate
i'm not a proper alcoholic. i can go without it, just get bored.
reminder THIS is the nigga calling you an incel on the chon

You should try some cannabis edibles if you want to cut back on the booze.
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just come back for night/brit/
sometimes its good
I prefer canlad. He seems quite innocuous with his cans and chippy dinners. Spainnonce is a demented freak. A truly pitiful character.
ktim. can go weeks without it but its so fucking mind-numbing and boring
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not even arguing that you're a suicidal failure but that i got the shitty discount store you work at wrong lol
>white population in england (1945) - 40.2 million
>white population in england (2021) - 45.8 million
what is this white extinction that you're talking about? the white population is stronger than ever
no thanks i smoked every day for nearly 20 years, i'm glad to have given it up
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>two child benefit cap rebellion squashed
>immigration taskforce set up and deportations to country of origin starting
>choudary knicked

is starmer based in diguise or is this just jewish tricks from his jewess handler wife
sometimes feel bad bullying EW but then i remember what an unlikeable narcissistic prick he is
>>immigration taskforce set up and deportations to country of origin starting
source now
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How do I secure a slag for myself, lads
Skimask wearing goons pounding out dainty blondes with their vicious big black cocks LOL
what percentage was it of the total population in 1945 compared to 2021?
you can't be canslad, you've mistyped his name
don't forget the trannies are absolutely fuming over the puberty blocker ban
in 1945 probably 30 million were aged under 45
now its probably 20 million or less
need angela rayner's boot deported to my bollocks
off limits to incels like me
Thugs are stretching and pounding out future wives while lil timmy is applying for tech jobs
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prime irish diaspora
honestly i doubt id notice if canslad gave up his gimmick
it might take a while for me to notice spainnonce is gone but the threads would have an immediate and noticeable improvement
are these british? i wasnt familiar with your game
gonna get absolutely steaming on saturday
like 750ml of whiskey steaming
Fair enough
Telegram wanktoil looms
might do the same then get on grindr as a laugh
Why is one of them not wearing a skirt or dress
dunno if i can be arsed doing the washing up or if i should just go to bed now
the few hours of the week where the thread is good is when spaingremlin isn't here
theyre mobilising 1000 civil servants to tackle illegal migration. Probably means theyll do nothing, but the establishment does seem to be coming alive again under labour. Time will tell. Labour are ruthless revolutionaries at heart and one would hope that theyve seen the political danger of a united muslim/brown vote that punished them over palestine.
youve been here all day arguing with diego
i've been here a couple of hours you schizo
party hmm cool that sounds !!!
cansmong is complete cancer
>does something pointless for attention
>ruins literally dozens and dozens of prime time threads because of the inevitable backlash it receives
>carries on doing the pointless thing for attention anyway
i don't know shit about psychology but i'd guess that's narcissism or sociopathy or both
spainnonce is the worst yeah we all agree, who cares? makes absolutely no difference
Have two chocolate oranges in the fridge. Unopened. Bought one 6 days ago and bought another today. Just like to take them out of the box and hold it in my hand and then put it back in.
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>hey i may be a suicidal tranny living with my parents, but, uh... what supermarket did you say i worked at?
very odd behaviour lad
Bizarre post
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainlad))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaino))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Employed Woman))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaindog))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainmonster))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(SpainGOD))
Cheeky bit of baldurs gate before beddiebyes methinks
This is what I come here for
Jimmy Saville was never convicted of any crimes.
Hymens: ripped
Tooka: chiefed
Cîroc: sipped
Timmy: suicided
Wombs: fertilised
I suffer from insomnia and have to work all day after having 2 or 3 hours of sleep.

You do not know suffering.
what's all this then
give some examples of canslad spreading cancer.i honestly havnt noticed. i only know of his gimmick because he makes a lot of threads but that is surely no better or worse than threadmeister.
spainnonce is a miserable cunt and a bully.
people have spent the latter half of the last thread and most of this saying canslad and spainnonce are feuding so obviously something is going on with them.
That's not Penny. Where is my wife
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alri big show
ive called in sick to toil when ive only had 2-3 hours sleep but its pretty rare. usually get 6-8 hours myself.
Toss me a chocolate bar
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I remember gigantic bollock lad
How is insomnia even real. Like nigga just close your eyes. Just go to sleep hahahaha
Is this a fetish thing? It is, isn't it?
he died of cancer sadly :/
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Which one /brit/
used to get one of these every birthday in my family
it was tradition to crack them with our heads
probably got CTE from it
mad how it's so natural and normal but has to be forced into every facet of life from a young age
I thought it was just a hydrocele
lol nappy wishes he was a bully
he's the cunt that gets bullied out of every real life social circle, but can stay here because theres no threat of physical violence
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just fell out of a coconut tree
This. He's a social freak and an outcast with no mates in real life so came here to get some virtual mates. But has none here either and everyone hates him haha
>gays letting kids enter through the exit door
how symbolic
can believe she thought that that hairdo looked good
out of arse wipes until next grocery shop, looks like I’ll have to use regular paper now. grim.
Not really. There’s something so aesthetically pleasing about a chocolate orange. Just feels good holding it
just spend two hours farming these cunts in elden ring for a spear drop but it turns out they don't even drop it ffs
ever since i stopped making threads, everything's gone downhill.
easily the most hated poster in /brit/ history. only amer comes close but at least he was funny as fuck sometimes (like the novel he wrote)
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My name Jeff
loool. spent 8 hours farming two noble slender swords when it first came out. that was brutal. what spear were you going for?
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girlie what the duck
wish the government would starve a load of kids this country is so fucking dull
Amer is a comedic and social genius compared to spainpaedo. Like the time he went to the wrestling match? Fucking pissed myself laughing. His blog is a fucking goldmine
Get the ferry tickets booked
yes rubymong yesss go on my son
trying to get the partisan so i farmed the 3 godrick soldiers who wield it outside the entrance to stormveil, turns out they don't even drop the cunting spear even though they fight with it
went and killed the godrick knight at waypoint ruins a few times and it dropped within 10 minutes
oh well i got a load of runes and smithing stones out of it anyway
I wanked to this vid when it was on youtube
I watch videos of Japanese ferry journeys
Very comfy
should always have a nosy on >fextra before you start farming for a drop, just to be sure. it's a nice spear though.
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God help us all, she’s making an effort to share more of her ”poetry” on insta. Their chickens got got by foxes and they’ve left eggs to rot in the chicken coop, and also there are birds not chirping, but chipping away at something mysterious in the bushes, which will give birth to berries next month, because that’s how biology works.
that's you done
I've seen spainnonce bullying people on /brit/
I believe he is probably bullied irl but he has been proper nasty to vulnerable /brit/ posters.
yeah i did, i looked at the page for the godrick knight but i just had a spastic moment i guess
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How to write a Ruby poem:
Mention an animal, a plant or a weather event that you see directly outside.
List three nouns.
Include a sound.
Include a colour (bonus points if it's a colour that doesn't exist).
Add dashes randomly to make it JOSST LOIKE AMMILEEE DICKINSONNNN.
Have no understanding of nature or science.
End on a passage that sounds foreboding or cryptic.
you will block your drainpipes with those arse wipes
dont moan here when your toilet backs up
there's only 4 good posters on /brit/ and I'm 3 of them.
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Will or won't she Rusplain the concept of 'hygge' in her Copenhagen video over a lingering shot of a cinnamon roll and coffee? Place your bets now. And extra points if she mispronounces it.
would love to sniff her fannois and anus
need to spaff over a cute little face
Don't waste my time with these trifles. I am a businessman.
blackberries will be out next month
hope you lads will all be making jam
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girl you walk like a BITCH
go on, post some of her poetry then
british people are such sardonic cunts lol. applies to here and tattle so both genders
>blackberries will be out next month
they've had them in the shops all year mate what are you on about
I envy your self control
If I have chocolate in my hands then it's going in my mouth
Had some blueberries earlier. Super fruit
I'm voting for the prosecutor not the convicted felon
she has terrible fashion sense for shoes
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energy bill just landed £145 in credit
knew you were in the thread. had a suspicion you've been posting here name off for a while now
Every state in America has a town named Greenville except for Hawaii.
been using them for over 20 years, don’t think there’s an issue because the pipes going to the sewer are pretty wide
She's actually really cute here
Heavily sprayed with pesticides. Avoid my lad
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Shocking Cohenhagen vlog predictions:

Ruby will make Copenhagen look like the most boring place on Earth.

She will not allow Blakeney to speak.

"MOIY BASST FRAND BLAKENEEEEEY" will be uttered at least 4 times.

She'll mention that "OFFCWOARSE" she had to visit a bookshop, despite having almost no interest in actually reading books.

She'll make sure to shoehorn in a comment about the vegan food options in Copenhagen, despite her not being vegan.

She'll make sure to remind everyone that she was an AWKSFWUD STEEYUUUEDONNT.

It'll be topped with insufferable purple prose narration.

She'll assure us that "JANUINELY [insert lie here]".

Something will be described as "ACKSQUISITE".

The video will be VARRY KOINDLY SPWONSORED by a service that Ruby never uses.
blackberries that grow outdoors that you can pick for free. far better than supermarket greenhouse forced fruit

love blueberries. i had strawberries i grew in my garden earlier and they were lovely and full of flavour.
you may laugh but this is a real scream of an ai that just realised it's trapped in a simulation for humans amusement. this literally I have no mouth and I must cream
What gave it away
You serious? Fucking hell man you can’t even enjoy a bit of fruit without ingesting toxic shit these days.
sexy older women
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Fucking bitch.
hey look she's wearing a skirt
no states in America have a city called honalulu except for hawaii
How long did it take you to grow them
Living like Larry!
mikey would absolutely batter spainpaedo no contest
writing style mostly.
>even enjoy a bit of fruit without ingesting toxic shit
washing it helps somewhat
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Someone commented on the vlog asking if she and Blakeney are together and Ruby replied that they are just best friends but not romantically involved.

That's not normal best friend behaviour, especially for an adult. If Ruby does have feelings for Blakeney I doubt she would be mature enough to accept and process them in a normal way.
>blackberries that grow outdoors that you can pick for free.
and how does that support the british economy?
punkerpod tiftea
Yeah I washed them. Hopefully it helps
Pubs in London are like save rooms in Resident Evil games
Montana doesnt
cute couple :3 x
You don't pick fruit
The immigrants do it and then it turns up in Saintsbury's for you to buy
she's a repressed lesbian
yeah those are traditional pubs mate, sorry they're not all identikit wetherspoons like every shithole city in england outside of london

On 10mg for anxiety, no side effects like not being able to get hard or mood changes, but if I miss a dose I do feel anger and irritable .

So basically if I stop the withdrawals are worse than what they treat.

mikey is a good lad isn't he
wanted to try making a beef wellington but it calls for a 1kg fillet of beef which is like £40
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Turns out I'm not a nonce after all. Thought I was for a while but today I had the opportunity not just to perve on kids but also molest one and I turned it all down voluntarily. Feels good honestly
August 12 2036 inside the universe bros...
The bugs. get them eaten. The pod. Get it inhabited.
Utilizing underpaid migrant workers that you can easily replace is a symptom of capitalism
just slaughter your own cow
I mean in the sense that the pubs are a relief from the monsters that lurk outside
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dua lipa
just a poncey sausage roll anyway
its not something you eat everyday. maybe make it for a family gathering or something. its basically the only good british dish
' — '
there's no room for a cow in my flat
gay pride rainbow vuvuzelas on ebay for £2.99
might treat mesen to one in time for yorkshire day
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say her name
finals at the end of this week as it were
Literally nothing wrong with Wetherspoons.
wrong singer
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How do you become the boss in an office job? It would be fun to tell people what to do and all that. Make you feel like a big man innit.
built for rape
You live with your mum so clearly there is
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This is a good ting lads, I'm NOT a pervert after all
Easy I suppose considering the trip and name faggots that post here these days.
all the savoury ones are shit except beef wellington. crumpets are ok but they aren't really a dish
why are zoomers so tech-illiterate
grew them last year and they survived the winter which surprised me and this summer they are thriving especially now we are getting some sun
What made you so bitter and twisted?
whys lancashire hotpot so low? seems like itd be yummy
it doesn't support the economy but it saves you money and is good exercise going for a nice countryside walk and picking them
overconsumption of zogslop
In what world is steak and kidney pudding and black pudding crap tier. I bet you more southerners voted in this than northerners
both ugly
makes me wna vomit
why doesnt this stupid bint get a proper job and stop spamming brit with her visual presence
honestly poetry is bull shit

ted hughes considered one of britains best modern poets and bet majority of his stuff about as good as rubys
aint shown up here since i knocked him out

little nonce runt

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