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Low effort edition edition

>What language are you learning now?
>Share your language learning experience!
>Ask questions about your target languages!
>Help people who don't want to learn a new language!
>Make friends!

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Take a book in that language and copy it by hand 5 times
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
Toki Pona
>What language should I learn?

Last thread >>200045073
hello, i'm interested in learning hebrew, latin and chinese, russian

give me (you)s
A dead language, a dying language, a live language and a revived language
let's learn together
I'm really having difficulties with the german R.In spanish saying the Rs like that is considered a speech impediment.
pentru ce motiv suntem exclusi? :(
i think you got the order wrong
Use the Italianate pronunciation since the beginning, the reconstruction is meme, don't waste your time on it.
Hay tantas palabras en español, me estoy volviendo loco AHHHHHHHHHHH

Hello. I wish more difficult European alphabet languages actually had content because Russian seems to be the only one that does. The other big content languages aren't that interesting.
Use the classical pronunciation since the beginning, the reconstruction is based, do spend your time on it.
Any thoughts on the Mango Language learning app? I heard it's a language learning app that is actually good. I only quickly glanced at it I saw it has latin and ancient greek and I started the ancient greek lessons and it starts you off by reading the iliad in the original so I felt like it was pretty based. (It obviously has all the more popular languages too)
weni wedi wiki
Ancient Greek?
>Uuuuuuuuuuuuuke theeee KKKlaaaassiiiiiKKKaaaal proooonuuuunKKKiiiiaaaation kiiiinke theeeee beeeeeKKKinniiiiinKKK, theeeee reKKKonstruuuuuKKKtion ik baked, doooooo kpeeeeend yooooouuuuur tiiiiiiime ooooooon iiiiiiiit.
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii weeeeeeeeediiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiii
community college is a perfectly logical choice for an entrepreneur
The Russian fears the macrons.
It sounds too stilted
I use a mixture of both. I WILL use the V sound. I WILL pick and choose when to use a hard or soft C with no logic based on vibes.
Greetings my fellow Afro-American gentleman.
May I remind you that me and my negro associate currently engage in what is widely known as a "nigga moment".
Please do not intervene and have a beautiful day! God bless you!
>with no logic based on vibes
Oh the "proper" reconstruction works the same way unironically. It has some well-known features which are used by everybody but some more obscure ones are implemented randomly.
How do I convince a German to not switch to English???
When he does just tell him to continue the conversation in German because you want to practice.
He will be too autistic to refuse most of the time.
The publishers fear the macrons, that's why you won't find them anywhere besides LLPSI.
Tell them you don't speak English
this. people underestimate the effect of saying "I want to practice your language"
no one believes this. it's always assumed that if you speak a foreign language then you must have learned english first
Do you have any good German inpoot to suggest???
where do I learn inuit languages? such as inuktitut
I once talked with some Hungarian during work who was here for a few weeks and he started learning German 6 months ago.
At one point he struggled and I said that if he prefers, we can speak English. He just said "No I need to practice German." so we continued talking in German.
Really that easy.
What is your current level when it comes to understanding content?
why would you do this. there's no one to talk to, nothing to input. there's probably one dinky dictionary that a linguistics grad student had to throw together under orders of his his thesis advisor and that's the most you'll find of the whole language
The uvular R (in Spanish) is considered a speech impediment in Cuba? Anyway, the German R is interesting because you find all kinds of R's being used for it in practice. What part of pronouncing it are you struggling with?
believing it or not doesn't matter. They can't prove it so they have no choice but to carry on in German or disengage entirely
> They can't prove it so they have no choice but to carry on in German or disengage entirely
Instead of holding people hostage to their own uncertainty and politeness, it's a lot easier to just say you want to practice their language and go from there
>What is your current level when it comes to understanding content?
A1 :3
Why is it a common belief that speaking to someone in their native language is holding them hostage? Or more commonly "using them as a free tutor", even when you are in the country that speaks it?
Soft c is retarded. Ancient people created the latin alphabet. Why would they create the letters c and s and then write c instead of s. If they wanted something pronounced like "s", they would just write "s". It's not like today where the languages have gone through pronunciation shifts.
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>go on Radio Garden to get some live authentic input from TC
>the stations keep playing American songs
Is it a common belief? That's not what I said
the books in the mega, its extremely grammar heavy, and mostly just greenlandic, just like the italianon said, nothing to input, maybe you can get the greenlandic anon that pops out here to help you or something.
Soft c was a gaulish introduction to Latin. If you look at the romance languages, make a path along the land from rome to the country of that romance language. if the path passed through gaul, soft c. if not, hard c.
Weird question, but what’s a typical Italian breakfast?
Watch these videos until you can understand cartoons:
cafe and cookies
Realmente? What kind of cookies?
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Real question here. I have a modest interest in languages and conlanging, and I've always had this distant goal I'll probably never accomplish of learning a couple of languages that would allow me to speak with pretty much everyone in the world since I plan on travelling a bit when I'm more financially capable. Soon I'll be travelling to Spain and I figured I needed to polish my Spanish a bit, since it's mostly Portuñol, but then I stumbled on an Interlingua/Neolatin video, I'd heard about it before, but I was surprised with how successful it seemed based on people from multiple countries, thus the following question popped in my head:

>TL;DR: Is learning Interlingua/Neolatin worth it?
uhm hi! im thinking about learning chinese and cantonese, i think I'm good at tones. also Mexican Spanish, i want to make my dad proud because I've never really spoken fluent spanish and there's kind of a language barrier.
Does Interlingua really work, out in the wild? I've always thought that people would think you are mentally challenged
you should think about not namefagging
>Does Interlingua really work, out in the wild?
I've watched a couple of videos and it seems like most people from Romance languages speaking countries understood about 70% of what was said and could infer the rest by context.
>I've always thought that people would think you are mentally challenged
You can just say you speak a random dialect from some place, no? Kek
you should think about shutting the fuck up and sliding your attitude up your loose ass
You might be able to be understood with interlingua, but the problem you would probably run into would be not understanding what THEY were saying. Maybe Spanish wouldn’t be much of a challenge for you, but French, Italian, Romanian, etc. are different enough to need actual practice and learning, and I doubt Interlingua would be enough to allow you to understand them.
you should think about not being such a feisty little latino
you should think about not being a bitchy cracker
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That makes a lot of sense, actually. They say it was built using around 75% of the vocabulary of the 5 main romance languages, but I guess figuring out that 25% everytime I speak with someone from a different dialect is not worth it
I've heard it sometimes personally when I was in Germany. Really odd, because I was just using German for its purpose. Maybe it's not correct to call it a common belief though. I agree it's probably better to just say you want to learn the language
You could still give it a shot and see. But I bet in the same amount of time it would take you to properly learn to speak interlingua, you could make big progress in Spanish, Italian, and French, given your Portuguese base.
I’m checking it out now. I’ve studied Ancient Greek before, and I don’t see any errors or anything so far, but I’m not sure if this will be enough to get you a solid base. Will report back after I’ve played around with it some more.
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Sopa de macaco, a especialidade do Brasil

O mundo seria pobre sem o MAGNÍFICO país BRASIL
Que os deuses sejam elogiados por haver creado O BRASIL
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Bonjour mes amis
I have found my new wife
I will be watching all her videos for French input
She does watercolors and cooks different recipes and she doesn't know it yet but we will be getting married just after I move to France
>il dit pas son nom
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I do not want the weirdos in this thread to creep on her
I will tell you though you seem okay
Okay, her channel is lauratravelbook. Don't tell anyone else it's a secret
Bro, c’est sa femme. Aie un peu de respect fr…
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True, but
I don't know about that kek. Thanks for the input, anon!

focus on Spanish because you want to make your dad proud before he dies
yeah, i want him to be extra proud of me, he always has been but that'd be the cherry on top
Thanks! I've heard it's "duolingo for people who are serious" but I'm curious...
Trop vieille pour moi. Tu peux la garder
>I do not want the weirdos in this thread to creep on her
>I will tell you though you seem okay
wait I want to know her name too, can you tell me too?
Ti direi il suo nome, ma non ho il permesso dell'altro anon
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Tu ne la mérites pas!
Since you asked very nicely I will also give you permission to read the rest of that post but NO ONE ELSE. I have already been burned by Canada-anon. I shared with him and he insulted her which was very rude of him, but you seem nice enough.
I take back what I said. Thank you for respecting my wishes. I apologize for calling you rude.
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Comme j'ai dit, tu peux la garder. Moi, je préfère les femmes un peu plus jeunes.
>You can just say you speak a random dialect from some place, no? Kek
Doesn't stop them from thinking you sound like a retard, but if you're in a bar or whatever they'll just think it's better and you're never going back there anyway (probably)
>70% and understood the rest by context
If you're just travelling through this is enough, although some people will get filtered and only understand like 50% or less. I've had plenty of "native english speakers" confused when I say basic things to them so I can only imagine what they'd think if I came in with a "different dialect"
At what point can you start saying "I am [nationality]"? Of course, probably at least when you have official citizenship, but is there a language requirement? Should you be C1 or C2 before you can say "I'm a Pole"?
Would learning a Scandinavian language for Lutheranism be worth it? Idk why I have a slight interest in this, because I'm of the German tradition, but I've been curious. I'm thinking Danish, cuz Denmark seems cool
you will never be a pole
Not language related but ops pic is funny. Seeing a romanian talk about romance brotherhood. Like please we all know you just feel inferior for some reason just stop
You have to be of polish descend.
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Isso é verdade, verifiquei as fontes
Name famous polyglots you admire in your country.
there's no way you are not using vpn with this filename.
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Gasto tempo demais no net infelizmente.
American anons, is saying ain't and y'all a wigger/black thing or a south thing or do people say that everywhere?
everywhere thing to me, i use both all the time but maybe because I'm a black southerner
There are some retards on 4chan that think y'all (and sometimes ain't) is black/wigger speak, but it's just normal English. Ain't is more normal and common than y'all. I'm a white from the Chicago area (important note: not Chicago itself).
fio morto
Maybe when you've officially spent more time in TL country than your own. Then you could argue that it forms a bigger part of your identity than the place where you were born and raised. It's still cringe though, you can't switch nationalities like it's a costume, especially when you have zero connection to a particular land and its people.
Y’all is mostly a southern/black thing, but it’s getting adopted everywhere sadly. Yet another unique dialectal element loses uniqueness.
What language should I learn?
You can’t, but if you’re of Polish ancestry and you raise your kids in Poland than they can call themselves Polish, which would be a very great inheritance you can give them. That’s what I’m doing in Italy. I don’t think I can ever call myself “Italian”, but I have Italian ancestry, married an Italian woman, and are raising our kids in Italy so they will pretty inarguably be Italian.
Ain’t is hick or faux-cowboy speak. “Y’all” can be ok if you’re not being cringe and really need to emphasize a plural you but better would be to just say “you all” or if you’re really educated you say “you” because you is already plural. “You” acts like French “vous” being both polite and formal, it’s just that no one says the informal you anymore which was “thee”
Thanks for all the answers
Yeah, I would always say you all, in Poland they though us that y'all and ain't is black English but it was years ago maybe now due to PC they don't describe it like that.
>just that no one says the informal you anymore which was “thee”
It's very interesting that English 'lost' the plural/polite you like german Sie or french vous. People sometimes use sir/madam as polite you, right?
If you like literature study French
By far the best language
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>You have official citizenship
>You speak the language fluently
>You served at least 4 years in the country's military
>You are racist towards the most hated minority in the country
Is there any meaningful difference between some 4th generation Polish-American with little to no real life connection to his roots, and some other Polish-passing person of European Catholic descent?
Why do you insist I'm "switching nationalities like a costume" as though I've done this with other national groups and I haven't been dedicated to learning Polish and about Poland for the past 10 years?
Yes, he has Polish blood, I'm not saying you can't move here and live here if you want to, but claiming to be someone you're not is strange and deceitful.
I appreciate the Anglo spirit and culture and I speak their language, but I would never claim to be English.
If I adopt (because I have Prader's II) presumably Polish kids and raise them in Poland primarily in Polish language and with Polish values, why can't they call themselves Polish? For that matter, if some other person of European descent had biological kids and did the same, why couldn't they? As if natives of Poland have never taken a DNA test that said they were ackshually a Lithuanian/Belarusian/Jew/etc..
/lang/ autism level rising to new highs
What is it that you mean to be different about Polish blood that excludes me from being a Pole? Blood type? Some sort of specific chemical content?
May I ask why my ancestry is so inherently meaningless as a Canadian, that I'm not allowed to claim that my ancestry makes me French or Basque, but an Old Worlder's heritage has this special unattainable essence?
Blood-based nationalism is ultimately retarded. But there is a truth in that there's more to calling yourself part of a people than just gaining citizenship and speaking the language reasonably well. There's also something to be said about many "blood" citizens entirely coasting by on that decendency criterion and not meeting half the criteria that we would require a foreigner to fulfill if they wanted to be considered part of a people or even just become a citizen.

For most Western democracies, I would say a baseline consists of
-speaking the language well (min. B2)
-knowing how to navigate the culture like the average native
-broadly identifying yourself with the values of the culture
-respecting the rule of law (which doesn't mean worshipping it)
-respecting the basic principles of a liberal democracy
Why has no one mentioned the natives accepting you as one of their own?
I think this would be the most important.
I would say that a willingness to stay and never abandon the country when it goes tits up would count for something (e.g. a military invasion on the country). It would certainly exclude a many visajeets of Canada.
It would exclude most immigrants, coming to western countries
Shitaly should be the father
And France the daughter
You know what I mean, shared ethnicity and history.
How advanced does my german have to be in order to comfortably read philosophy (Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, etc.)?
I'm proud to say that the true-blooded Poles of /polska/ have accepted me as a true Pole.
It would unironically also exclude many blood citizens. You'd expect it from lelftists, but I also hear it more and more from right wingers nowadays. It's sad tbqh, we're a rich country that's worth living in, but then people say "nah, I'd rather look out for myself." It's the bane of wealth and comfort, and also a result of the hyperindividualism that's prevalent in Western societies. I'm a lefty myself but I would absolutely defend this country. What we have is worth defending, even if it's flawed. People just don't know how fucking good they have it.
B2-C1. Depends on whether you focus on philosophy-related vocab.
I think i made that meme
nigga who the fuck are you
Shit take. Reconstructed or bust. If someone wanted to speak Italianized Latin they should learn Italian instead.
In that case, what do you think if "I Love My Polish Heritage"? I've seen other Poles saying that some Ugandan immigrant who lives in Poland and speaks Polish is more Polish than them.
Then may they not be considered true fellow countrymen.
>I'll leave this shithole for Germany for good
>they require B2 German
I literally hate German and the conlangs derived from it but I guess I have no choice now :( time to halt Italian and move all my focus on this shit language which looks like it hasn't been updated since medieval times
>I've seen other Poles
Disregard those brainwashed leftist. No serious person would say something like that.
Thanks for the answer
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Schopenhauer has a pretty difficult style, but Nietzsche is easier.
I have to take a trip to Germany and buy Nietzsche's collected works in a second-hand bookstore then.
I for once support one world government and one language planet
y'all and "folks" are something our politicians say to pretend they're more genuine although they've lived in a northern state all their lives.
Ain't is just normal. Y'all and "folks" are southern-USA and have migrated around due to movies / media. If someone is saying it in the north it's niggerspeak.
Nah, I'm abandoning my country and never fighting for it and never sticking my neck out for it, I'm also the most far-right person you've ever met.
I understand that the reality of war is just a numbers game and I'm really not gonna throw my name into the hat to try and win the "die or be severely disfigured" lottery.

It really is nothing about not liking my country or thinking that war is LE BAD or any other greater moral and philosophical thing, I am one person. There are 350 million people in my country. I individually will make no difference so I will not enter for the random death lottery.
A Magyar/Bulgar wrote this post
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Most of you guys don't even study. You just like the idea of studying and knowing other languages
>pido education itt
>It really is nothing about not liking my country
you just like the benefits your country brings, you don't like the country. If you'd flee to another country with better benefits it means you don't like your country.
>There are 350 million people in my country. I individually will make no difference
no shit sherlock that's why there are armies which protects countries and not some individuals with guns.
Just check who completes the challenges posted here and then estimate how many people are here just for shitposting.
It's 11 am and I am watching a video in my TL, after that I'll do like 5 minutes of anki (I spread my anki out throughout the day)
The issue?
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I've passed the DELE C1 and the Goethe B2.
I'm fuckin verified™.
So a Polish-passing European Catholic who completely assimilates into Polish culture, passes a C2 test, serves in the Polish military and dies in the defence of Poland is less of a Pole than some dupla santago attention-whoring pierogi-American, but you're totally a right-winger, keep telling yourself that. I get that you want to keep brownshit out, but that's easy: 1) they must physically pass as a Pole, and 2) their values must lie in Poland, i.e. they will stay unconditionally, they won't flee when it goes tits up.
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This. We'll never make it. I feel like a fraud even in English.
Yeah , from the native spanish POV the german R is like a combination of the regular R and the G. Funnily enough when I was a kid I pronounced Rs that way , I had to go to a specialist to get rid of that. The part where I'm having problems is that one day I will say Frau with perfect pronunciation and the next day I completely forget how to say it.
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People who can't pronounce /h/; how do you niggas breathe?
9/10, *criado
Bro, you can be a honorary pole but will never be ethnically polish. It sounds like tranny cope about passing and whatnot.
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polewannabeleaf on suicide watch
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>they must physically pass as a Pole
there's literally no logical explanation for it. As long as they don't glorify their shithole, know the language, don't cause any trouble and can't be eligible for gibs I am okay for naturalization
For citizenship here you need to pass B1 language test + history&culture test and also live here for few years or have polish ancestry.
Hadi kardeş sık götü çalış
> It's very interesting that English 'lost' the plural/polite you like german Sie or french vous.

You have it reversed. English kept its polite/plural 2nd person, which is “you”. The informal singular 2nd person was “thee”.
It's okay to admit that you're a left-wing cosmopolitan anti-nationalist liberal who just hates trannies (hence """right-wing""").
There is. You'll never be treated as a real Pole if you are black. They'll immediately assume you're a tourist or recent immigrant. They'll approach you with English. You'll never experience what it is actually like to be a Pole, ergo, you can't truly assimilate or naturalize.
> If I adopt (because I have Prader's II) presumably Polish kids and raise them in Poland primarily in Polish language and with Polish values, why can't they call themselves Polish?
They can, everything I said actively affirmed that
So, you admit you can be a Pole without being ethnically Polish.
Nah, I just know how numbers work. Making the number 350 million go up by one is not worth my life.
And what's the difference between that, and the same situation but biological kids, or for instance, a "Pole" whose DNA test shows up with German and Lithuanian?
You are not a nationalist. Your country isn't worth sacrifice to you.
It may take 5 stages of grief, but at some point a white American/Canadian should accept that they are the descendants of immigrants who fled their home country in Europe to make 15% more wages for American companies. You don’t get to do that without tradeoffs. I’m sorry that there’s no way to change this, as a native born white American I would love for this to not be the case. But what we must do is not dwell on our personal identities, but set up our lives so that our children may inherit a rich identity. That’s why you study Polish, move to Poland, and raise your children there. Not for you, but for your children.
It's not worth suicide.
Some people really don't get what numbers do or are and this kind of thing works with them, it doesn't for me.

I get it, I get it, you want to convince me that
1 / 350,000,000 means that I have to die, I just don't believe it. You have the words and the claim but it really means nothing to me, you can continue to say it but it won't mean anything and will continue to mean nothing.
You can claim you are French-Canadian (if that’s what you are). You do in fact have an identity, it’s just one that’s not honored in the media and that no one else cares about. Like dialects vs languages, an identity only becomes interesting if it has autonomy over its own future.
> respecting the basic principles of a liberal democracy
Seems unrelated to the others
Agree with that. Having a fallback plan means you wouldn’t be part of the common struggle
Yeah Italy is full anyway so there’s no point learning Italian you should focus on German instead
A better reason for a far-right American not to fight for America is that the elites starting the wars agate your guts and having you die for them in battle would be killing two birds with one stone
I'm getting Italian citizenship and you can't stop me
Based. I do think we should discuss certain more in this thread, not this fuckin “self-assessed nonsense”
>watch a C2 English exam on YouTube
>the test takers still sound horrible
Is it even possible to learn a language?
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I have been learning Greek for last 3 weeks, and I feel like I'm not making any progress when compared to my journey with Italian (currently at B1) or even my failed attempt with japanese.
Is it normal or am I more retarded than I think?
Should I just stick only with Italian until I get to B2?
>Trans-poles are real poles, you bigot
You’re conflating three different concepts:
Nation (a people)
State (a government)
Country (a territory)
Yeah, you're right, my bad.
People don't actually speak well in these exams because it's pretty much a job interview. If it's about some topic you care about or just some random C2 guy talking to you on the street they'll talk much better, C2 exams are purposely made to test people. They purposely have questions that are hard to interpret and require complex answers.

Basically imagine being told to talk about philosophy randomly by some guy you don't know, you'll stumble and not talk right at all unless you spend your time doing this specific thing. That's what a C2 exam is. These C2 guys speak a LOT better when you're just randomly talking to them.
How? If by blood then you are welcome
Yeah that would be awesome!
No problem just trying to be clear
Through my great grandmother lmao
You great grandmother was born in Italy? You may not still be eligible. What year was she naturalized as a U.S. citizen and what year did she give birth to your grandparent?
Well its more like through my dad who's getting it through his grandmother
It's in the Italian court system right now so we should know about it in like 5 years right? Lmao
If you’re lucky!
Too many riposi not enough worky
bu yıl bitmesi lazım yaş geçiyor artık
It's not because I don't want to live in Italy, it's because the conditions there are shit and there's no working opportunities for outsiders. I'd still come in summer and shit up the place tho
Move to Calabria and nobody will be able to tell you aren't from there anyway lmao
Nigga I already said that's not the problem. I've been to Napoli and Sicilia before and some people are browner than me
Learning Chinese and Japanese.
I always thought Chinese would be the harder one to learn but I was wrong.
I wish Japanese was easier to pick up
Why learn both at once, are you going for the 2-for-1 effect where you try to bounce what you've learned off each language and get some kind of bonus to each of them?
Chinese's difficulty only comes from tones and the writing system
Does it even have grammar?
Who came up with the bright idea that "gli" sounds like "yee?"
Some of the Chinese words transfer to Japanese, like the numbers
I'm not that far yet, I'm not sure to be honest. And definitely the tones are hard, especially if I'm trying to talk at a normal pace. I end up talking in a weird French accent for some reason.
pronoounce "liggle" but remove the first l and don't click the throat on the g and you'll get the "gl" sound
Where does one learn Tatar?
You have to learn Russian first. That's how you unlock the resources for 75% of Turkic langs
just learn kazakh, you'll understand (most) tatar too
the real question is why you'd ever want to learn tatar
Wait he is STILL going on about it?
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My grandmother was Italian and my mother was born in Italy but has German citizenship.
Could I get Italian citizenship by blood?
The more passports the better. I was considering getting ukraininan citizenship (i'm eligible by blood) before 2022
I will become ethnically Chinese when I hit B2

also add the wiki back to OP
Holy shit don't learn russian guys
6 years of my life wasted
It's going to take more to stop me
How well do you know the language after those 6 years?
Well Chinese is a multiethnic civilization. 'Chineseness' is in many ways defined by adopting Chinese language and culture, so yeah Chinese people are more accepting and welcoming of foreigners in their culture, compared to for example Koreans who believe in literal race science.
How's your listening comprehension, particularly with native speakers talking among each other?
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Modern Greek? You'll just have to accept the fact that it will take forever to learn. I've been learning it for over 2 years and to improve, the only thing I can do is back through novels with a dictionary.
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I literally gave directions to a Mexican lady in the street today, in Spanish. Come at me.
The first part of the first half of my DALF C2 exam was about the history and philosophy of scientific discoveries. There was a recording of a panel of different people: authors, historians and scientists having a discussion and I had to summerize, recapitulate and interpret the different positions, like for example whether smaller scientific breakthroughs are always more predictible than larger ones and what the relationship between scientific discoveries and their technological application consists of.

The I had to give a short presentation based on a prompt on whether technological progress is ethically neutral.

For the second, written part I was a teacher who had to appeal to the school's principal to establish a new type of course teaching media literacy to students.
dodged a bullet there(literally)
I used to learn it for fun, then other needs occured and I had to drop it
western romance vs eastern romance
Thinking about studying modern Greek (already learned a fair bit of ancient). What makes it so hard?
Did your mother have Italian citizenship when you were born? If so then yes. If not, did your grandmother have Italian citizenship when your mother was born? If so, then you need to state in which year the birth happened. This is because jure sanguinus didn’t pass by blood through women until 1947.
The sheer amount of vocabulary and the lack of resources. You will have to get pretty creative to get out of the intermediate plateau once you run out of beginner resources. The good news is that the grammar isn't so hard per se.
>Some Finnish white man: I will literally become racially and ethnically Chinese when I pass a B2 test
>Man of European Catholic descent: I will spend decades learning Polish, live in Poland for the rest of my life, becoming a citizen, and I'll do my best to integrate. At what point should I call myself a Pole?
1. your mother needs to have been born after 1948
2. your grandmother must not have become a naturalized german before your mother was born
3. you need birth certificates for yourself, your mother and your grandmother
4. you need to take an appointment with the consulate and bring them all the documentation

Full rules here:
When will Jordie and Poleaf finally marry each other?
you were suposed to say нeмнoгo
oh he said how well, nvm
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non tentarmi fratello :3
yes, modern, i thought that learning it for some time and then changing to ancient variant is simple way of acquire both
Too much vocab, also tones which can change the meaning of the word like in Chinese or some shit.
Also I think materials are not so good, I am learning from Duolingo, "Grecki kurs podstawowy" and "επικοινωνηστε ελληνικα" and it all feels subpar in compassion to Italian, Japanese and even my wife Korean courses/books.
I fell for the improve yourself meme and I've been learning a new language since 2019, but my lige hasn't improved in the slightest.
Have I been tricked?
The Greek course on Duo is the worst trash I've ever seen. I suggest you quickly drop that and get some new material.
Vernacular Greek is kinda ass and hard to learn without lots of inpoot but the literary language is easier in my opinion. You should try Βήματα μπροστά and Συνεχίζοντας. A good intermediary textbook is Το λέμε σωστά; Το γράφουμε σωστά;
Meanwhile just do inpoot, you can start reading texts for children and then move up to actually good stuff like Πλατωνικά αποσπάσματα and the New Testament (Koine Greek is a bit more difficult than Modern but you can do it with enough dictionary lookups). I'd agree that Greek is a bit harder to learn because there are no baby mode apps for it, but in the end it's all about investment in the language.
Greek has a pitiful 40 PLI but I don't see anyone here screaming about "meme language" and "irrelevant" right now.
No better than Amerimutt mystery meat
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ευχαριστω πολυ :3
I will try stay on track
that's because we live in Europe bro...
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struggling with pronunciation in Spanish
to me:
>Spanish R sounds like English D
comer sounds like comed
>Spanish D sounds like English T
codo sounds like co-tho

is this correct more or less? the Spanish R tongue placement, I've read and seen YouTube videos but I'm still struggling. anyone have any tips or good videos to watch. a lot of them seem focused around the RR sound which I haven't even got to yet
My father is 100% PRVSSIAN so I am even more of a mutt. Should just move to the US at this point.
>Spanish R sounds like English D
That's because it's a tap/flap
żyć jak pączek w maśle
Prussia is rightfully German soil so you're clear on that front but you're still one quarter African on your mother's side.
>language has phonemic vowel length
>doesn't represent it in the orthography
Skividinese be like oh
io rizz and gyatt
No one will actually seriously consider the Finn of being Chinese, but people will seriously argue about you being Polish which is why there is a difference here

Why do you even care. Acknowledge your heritage/ancestors (or don't, whatever), and live your life according to Polish language and customs if you desire to. No one is going to care, just don't call yourself Polish. I think due to their history they should have a moral right to gatekeep their ethnicity.
>in some languages, /l/ is an allophone of /n/
Huh, never thought of them as similar before, but I guess it kinda makes sense.
It's time to log off
>No one is going to care, just don't call yourself Polish.
What is acquired Polish citizenship?
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Doesn't matter. You will always be a stinky, brown streetshitter from Brampton
Ironically posting like this over time can lead to a post-irony situation where you actually stop doing it ironically and it becomes real and sincere. It's basically what happens to autistic nerds who constantly joke about "femboys" and "traps" also and then a year later they're erping with other prison-gay nerds wearing stripey socks and catear headphones

What I'm really trying to say is. Quit it

Being Polish and holding Polish citizenship/passport etc is not the same thing, and this lack of distinction is how we've devolved to a point where RW Brit Twitter is unironically telling people that an illegal immigrant indian is "more British than you" if you dare to say he's not British
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>you overdid the input a bit so you can read and listen like natives but can't speak or write
An Indian wouldn't move to Poland if it already got into Canada. It's only about money to them.
I addressed the brownshit problem earlier. Just exclude anyone who can't physically pass as someone of that ethnicity (and anyone who would flee the country under worsening conditions).
add Boвoчкa as well
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>Πλατωνικά αποσπάσματα
Χθες προσπάθησα να βρω αυτό το βιβλίο, μα δεν τα κατάφερα. Πού μπορεί να αποκτηθεί;
>he hes been doing this for 17 hours
meant to reply to
I have been doing this for years. By God, I will attain my citizenship. I WILL retvrn.
Stop eating Amerikaner! It's not healthy to eat Amerikaner!
Delusional poleleaf tranny hours
Amerikaner introduce glycogenazines into the kidney, which metabolizes the sugar in the frosting and breading into an abundance of Vitamin 3. From there, the liver filters the phenophosphates into the urine, leaving the collagen in the Amerikaner to spread throughout the body, especially the skin; done correctly, Amerikaner could eliminate the skincare industry.
Will that clear up my acne?
No, but vitamin A might. Try some liverwurst if you can find it.
get off my dick nigga
why do you think that
Spanish D is like the English "th" as in "the", BUT pronouncing it exactly like a th is a super common giveaway of a "foreigner" accent. I would say the closest is the "d" in "data" (the american pronunciation of data ofc)
Is poleleaf really a tranny? ftm?
I can't output at all
I feel like I have a passive vocabulary of 5000 or so words but an active vocabulary of 300-400 words
What is the quickest way to turn passive vocabulary into active vocabulary?
Am I just supposed to spend my time translating stuff?
Also I'm not sure if I've developed a good intuition for sentence structure either
I see, that's very helpful thank you. I know I will have a foreigns accent somewhat but I want to avoid those common giveaway signs like you said.
Yes, xhe literally said xir was transitioning and likes lolicon
If the feature isn't reflected in the writing then it's not important
>uses "I" this often
You are not poleaf
Define "reconstructed" first lmao. Is retracted /s/ included? Allen doesn't mention it. What do intervocalic /b d g/ sound? We have evidence they were fricatives like in Spanish. Is /l/ dark or light? The bald man suggest the latter, Allen the former. Etc, etc.
Also, show me an actual classic text in .epub where the macrons are present. Is there any?
Haven't we bombed all of your schools to dust yet, you piggie scum? Get drafted.
same high IQ individual here (high double digit) mensa approved. I agree
I only know about the kenyan protest because swahili inpoot. Somehow kenya is sending troops to haiti while their own capital is on fire.
This has to be a troll. There’s no way anyone would think they had reached a decent level in a single one of those languages in two weeks, especially Latin or Japanese. They wouldn’t even have learned the writing system on Duolingo probably.
All transcriptions claim it's a plain dental [ð], totally the same as in English.
I've never been to Spain or Germany, so can't say for sure, but listening is my strongest skill in general. When it comes to online content, I can understand virtually all Spanish I hear and close to 98% of German.
I would also add that the English C2 is quite dumbed down in general. The CPE is decades old and afaik was only revised in the late 90s, which was before online input content was accessiblee. If you compare the standards of the DELE C2 to those of the CPE, the CPE looks like a joke. Even the DELE C1 is slightly harder.
which mensa and what's your score?
Watch these:
It's a bit more complicated than that. It depends on whether it's intervocalic or not.
If you say «dos manzanas» the d is hard
if you say «quiero dos manzanas» the d is soft
latin and greek poetry were based on syllable length, which vowel length played a large part in. However, latin doesn't mark any long vowels, and greek only marks two.
This is what's generally said but I've heard from a linguist friend that the only really universal rule is that these are always stops after a nasal consonant i.e. just like in Greek while otherwise, i.e. after non-nasal consonants or in the beginning of a phrase, you may pronounce them either way.
No they weren't, no it didn't. Kys golem.
Another fun "d" fact is that in Chilean colloquial speech from the lower and even lower middle classes it's simply omitted, so words like "nada" or "bebida" are pronounced like "naa" and "bebia"
The thing is that in Greek there's a clear b/v and d/th distinction, both oral and written, while that's not the case in Spanish.
They do that in Spain too, mainly in Andalusia. I've also heard «pringado» always pronounced as «pringao» no matter the dialect. lol Don't you guys also omit the final s?
Laughing my ass off watching a Cantonese dub of Lucky Star
>Don't you guys also omit the final s?
Yeah that's super common. Only really old rich people or people in super formal instances avoid dropping the s.
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Imagine if you were a cute girl who could make a living just talking at a camera for 10 minutes at a time. I'm extremely jealous. Oh well, time to watch another video.
I tried watching MLP in russian as input but I don't understand a thing so I just switched to the english dub.
I'll find something else, or whatever.
C'est toi l'anon qui simpait pour l'autre pute sur youtube hier soir?
Is German the King of content if you don't like logographic languages or French?
ain't is common everywhere in casual speech
y'all is southern and black but has been adopted by younger people
I find y'all annoying from people without a southern or black accent but ain't is fine
t. midwesterner
J'apprends la magie pour elle.
post a good french tv series (20+ years old) NOW
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OUI. Do NOT call her that!! Je T'AVERTIS (préviens??), Canadanon!!! Je me battrai contre toi!
they should go back to doing more one-off videos on meme languages.
how do i goon enough japanese before i fly out in 2 days?
Μπα, εγώ δεν ξέρω. Το βρήκα στα σκουπίδια.
Remember to goon Japanese on the plane too. Other than that, uh, grind a lot of vocab. 2 days isn't enough to get anything into long term memory, but you can at least memorize phrases. Study some basic grammar. Tae Kim is quickest way to do that, although it can be simplified.
>spend 2 days inventing Time Machine
>travel back in time 5 years
>start learning Japanese
Good luck anon
That R is a cunt.
SERN has thwarted my plan
I decided 4 months of learning via pimsleur, anki and graded readers is enough. I am now Chinese >

same question but Chinese
siedzieć jak u Pana Boga za piecem
Probably, he uses the same cope arguments that troops use.
Fucking autocorrect
Start thinking in your TL, maybe find someone you can talk with or talk to yourself when you're alone.
New thread
>If you compare the standards of the DELE C2 to those of the CPE, the CPE looks like a joke. Even the DELE C1 is slightly harder.
Maybe I shoulde get that DELE C2 then, how much does it cost?
nightmare fuel: https://examenes.cervantes.es/sites/default/files/DELE_C2_0524_COD25_P2_1.pdf
Most of the phoneme variations you mentioned could easily have been allophonic and in fact almost certainly were at some point. I don't think anyone should seriously give a fuck about minute details like these and should just go with what feels comfortable.

Don't obfuscate the parts that aren't controversial at all and that actual Romans would definitely notice and probably consider wrong (ce ci ge gi palatalization, v as /v/) with small pronunciation differences that might have given you away as coming from a different region in the Roman Empire.

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