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>/lang/ inpoot torrents

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Take a book in that language and copy it by hand 5 times
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
Toki Pona
>What language should I learn?

Last thread >>199957794
you will fail
give up
>italian corrections
Yo what the fuck I understand Russian now
Isn't Russian just bastardized Greek?
Registration for Fall courses at Harvard Extension School is opening at 3pm CET / 9am ET today. They have a lot of language learning courses if that's a format you want to follow. I'm registering for Latin https://courses.dce.harvard.edu/
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I wish I could experience the simple pleasure of communicating in a foreign language
>video 1:13 Black people are objectively more attractive that white people
sounds like a man with a cuck fetish
Taking the VN pill. Sadly all the Russian ones kinda suck
я дyмaю pyccкий BH вcё - ФCБ caйoп
Are there any VNs or tools where you can instantly swap to the English translation with a button or something. I'm too lazy to note down shit
мнe пoхyй. я люблю cиcьки
>Sadly all the VNs kinda suck.
is there any other russian vn other than everlasting summer?
Any VNs in Latin?
I want to learn Finnish (for women)
What am I in for?
As far as I know, no.
You don't have women in Brazilia?
>(for women)
the worst reason to do anything
>he learns German but does not input with Mass Effect
An extremely difficult language, endless struggle
Endless doubt and questions as to why you're even bothering studying the language
You're too lazy to do any Finnish study one day, the next day you don't feel like doing it, the week after you try to salvage it by studying for 3 hours but very soon afterwards you suddenly realise you've quit studying Finnish without even being consciously aware of it
redpill me on this
What's your Duolingo language score (not streak) ?
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this vn gave me depression, i almost regret playing it
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I'll take some fin bros if theyre rich or fun
They're ugly
Finnish women are worth it
>They're ugly
>trying to learn Italian
>can't remember the words I learned yesterday at all
It's over
Can't even learn a language where a shitload of words are basically the same
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I feel like russian uses тo, тaк, кaк, and чтo all the time in places where you wouldn't expect to see their translated english counterpart.
Thats one of my weaknesses I have realized. Its difficult for me to intuit the things that can only be intuited like that
shouldn't it be include? when using including i feel like there will be another sentence after the items listed but there was not
Can be either but both have a slightly different feel to it. "Include" would be used if the information that is being listed is explained to the reader who may not know it. "Including" just lists it.
Yes, including is the gerund of include, they made a mistake.
As written, it's not a complete sentence. Jose is right.
I made a mistake. IT'S OVER.
"Including" would require a follow up in this specific case.
So if I just get a tall desk and use my pc while standing up, I won't be sedentary?
yes, but i think it's bad to stand all day, too. my mom has varicose veins because of it (at least, that's what the doctor said)
You would still not be moving your body. Exercise you fartass.
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Which one is the most natural one
All are valid, the usage depends on the context/style.
question for my polish frens i may as well also ask here
>why is it smoother in polish to say "widziałem dziś kanapka" instead of "widziałem kanapka dziś"? they're both correct polish, but.. the former is better polish, yet the latter sounds better to me from an english perspective ("i saw a sandwich today" vs "i saw today a sandwich")
I'd go with "they've gone out of business"
Any fancy site or anki deck I can use to learn IPA using ptBR pronunciation as a base?
Idk why people are nowadays searching for nonsense web apps or anki decks when literacy has existed for thousands of years and has been the main medium to learn stuff. Just read the info man, write the table down to your notebook, it's not hard, never has been.
Why do a lot of greeks today speak Russian?
Because a lot of them are not actually Greeks but East Slavs, myself included. Actual Greeks never progress any further than taking Ruski tourist's orders in cafes.
I found this on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/Portuguese
Otherwise you might have to check an Anki deck that's for learning Brazilian Portuguese that includes the IPA pronunciation
kanapkę* (widziałem kogo? co? kanapkę)
In general the part of the sentence that is the focus goes at the end.
Poszedłem o czwartej do kina -> dokąd poszedłem?
Poszedłem do kina o czwartej -> o której poszedłem do kina?
In your sentence the "normal" topic is the sandwich. When you say "widziałem kanapkę dziś", it's something more like "it is today that I saw the sandwich".
>Heute essen wir Suppe.
Not wrong, but "Heute gibt es Suppe" is more common I think.
>Katzen und Hunden können sich doch gut miteinander verstehen/vertragen.
Hunde. Instead of doch, wohl or schon maybe be more appropriate, depending on how the English was intonated. Vertragen is better than verstehen IMO. Of course, the usual translation would be "Katzen und Hunde können (schon/auch) Freunde sein!"
>Hast du deine Lehrbücher zu Hause hintergelassen?
It would be hinterlassen, but this doesn't work here. You could use gelassen, but that can imply intention. So vergessen is the best choice here.
>Könntest du die Heizung aufmachen?
hochdrehen, weiter aufdrehen

>Was haben alle diese Bauarbeiter da vor unserem Haus verloren?
Possible variant, would usually be interpreted as you being annoyed. "Was machen die Bauarbeiter vor unserem Haus?" could also just be surprise without annoyance.
>Seit Ewigkeiten mahne ich den Rasen nicht. Es ist wie ein Dschungel da draußen.
Ich habe seit Ewigkeiten den Rasen nicht (mehr) gemäht.
>Könntest du mir einen Messbecher und die Edelstahlpfanne bitte reichen?
bitte needs to go after ...du mir or at the end of the sentence. Reichen is a bit more formal.
>Nach dem Zwischenfall bei dem letzten Zusammentreffen, haben ihre Freunden damit aufgehört, mit ihr zu reden und noch dazu sie kurzerhand aus der Gesprächsgruppe rausgeschmissen.
...beim letzten Treffen (no comma) haben ihre Freunde aufgehört, mit ihr zu reden, (comma) und sie noch dazu (word order) kurzerhand aus der Chatgruppe (Gespräch doesn't work here unless you're one of those right-wing larpers who reject any and all English influence in German) (raus)geschmissen.
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All this time I thought 'worm' and 'warm' are homonyms, but they have totally different vowels. How many other common words I don't actually know how to pronounce?
>Because a lot of them are not actually Greeks but East Slavs, myself included. Actual Greeks never progress any further than taking Ruski tourist's orders in cafes.
Can you give me a QRD on why Eastern Slavs keep going to Greece? I ask because I know a few greeks and most of them speak Russian (usually they tell me their parents were Greeks living in Russia for some reason but then I wonder why there were Greeks in Russia)
Can you distinguish cot and caught?
>Unter dem klaren Nachthimmel...
>(geht die erste Version? Oder ist das komplett falsch auf Deutsch Präsentpartizipen so zu verwenden? Ich hab den Eindruck dass es geht aber nur unter gewissen Umständen wie beim gehoben Schreiben, also bei Literatur. Könnte mich da doch irren)
Die Version funktioniert bis zu einem gewissen Grad, aber:
-das Verb im Partizip muss an das Ende der Partizipialkonstruktion, also ...hell, einen Schimmer...werfend.
-nicht zwei Mal hintereinander. Das Deutsche ist empfindlich bei Wiederholungen (Hauch - Hauch geht auch nicht, besser (Fichten)Duft für scent). Außerdem hört sich die Partizipialkonstruktion beim zweiten Satz grundsätzlich nicht so gut an, wobei ich grade nicht sagen kann, warum genau. Ich bin mir auch nicht mehr sicher, ob die zwei Sätze im Englischen so aufeinanderfolgend nicht auch etwas komisch wirken.

With that said:
>Unter dem klaren Nachthimmel glänzten die Sterne hell, werfend einen leuchtschwachen Schimmer auf die verschlafene Kleinstadt darunter. Der kühle Hauch trug den schwachen Hauch einer Fichte, ergänzend die friedensvolle Stimmung.
Just schwachen or better: sanften. Leuchtschwach sounds like something you'd read in a technical manual.
Participle at the end, as mentioned above (...darunter werfend).
Repetitions: schwach - schwach, Hauch - Hauch (see also above). Faint can be zart. You could argue that these repetitions are a deliberate stylistic choice, but they don't really sound good here. As I said above, German is picky about repetitions, they need to be justified. See: https://www.duden.de/sprachwissen/sprachratgeber/wiederholungen

There's more but I'll have to leave it at this for now.
Honestly I don't know. Ukrainians and Belarusians come here because their economies are way worse than Greece's. Russians come here probably to secure real estate in the EU in case Russia fails. But I'm sure it's mostly because of ethnic reasons.
>I wonder why there were Greeks in Russia
A lot of Greeks moved to the USSR that's true, but I'm unsure of the reasons.
Probably a shitton of them, the average Slav is powerless against English's vowels.
I thought it was pronounced like dorm or norm or form. You know, like similar words. But no, WERM.
i don't really have a good excuse for missing the accusative case in the sandwich example, that was just bad.
but dziękuje, that concept has been confusing me for way too long
The czar is dead
>Ich bin Sovereign
I hate these translations where they don't translate a translateable name and you just have to hear the German VAs shoehorn in this English word into their speech. It'd also ruin it for German monoglots, as they may not understand wtf Sovereign really means and what his name is meant to convey.
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canadaboy please read this on vocaroo
>900 hours of inpooooot and he hasnt started speaking yet

refold bros.... we keep taking those ls
Do you guys use music to inpoot at all? It's probably my favourite way of doing it.
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>Watched all of Adventure Time auf Deutsch
>Played through the Witcher 3 and Skyrim auf Deutsch
>Watched all of DARK, Babylon Berlin, and Deutschland 83 auf Deutsch
>Listening to Der Hexer audiobooks auf Deutsch
>Read NZZ, Der Spiegel, FAZ, Zeit und Der Standard jeden Tag (Extrafrage, warum nicht "jeder Tag"??)
>Watched Cowboy Bepop with German dub and subtitles
My inpooooting is going along nicely, but I still can't write for shit. How the fuck did I manage to learn English like this? I used to be able to replicate speech patterns just by watching movies, now I can barely type a coherent paragraph.
I find that Music is bad for my input because I "go with the flow" and jam to the beat, rhythm, etc. but I lose track of lyrics very quickly. I also have much harder time following the lyrics and being able to actually comprehend what they're saying, whereas with a news podcast or audiobook I can get a very clear understanding and pronunciation which is actually comprehensible.
I haven't been able to find any French bands that I really like.
Also what he said >>200059610
Do inpooters really???
Interesting. I often sing along to the lyrics and when I have a song that I really like, I can get obsessed with it. I'll spend hours listening to the song and singing along to it, so the lyrics will inevitably be burnt into my brain, along with the words. It's a neat way to expand vocabulary for me. Doesn't replace something like Anki, but it mixes things up a bit.
It depends on genres. I learned a lot of words from Bob dylan, Mf doom, Lou Reed. But I can't get any shits from MVB, some black metal bands, Mumble rappers

I'm learning French with this
I do and it's going decently well for me. have listened to more TL music than my normal stuff recently
Sorry for not writing MF DOOM in all caps.
Yeah but I don't think I'm getting that much out of it (yet)
Not bad, I like the guitar but I'm not a fan of the singing
Apology accepted. Girl from your video is cute, but not really into her music. Can you recommend Korean music that isn't kpop?
Before I start learning a language, I look for a musician to fan over, and if I can't find one, I just give up.


I don't know what you like
It uses generic French electro synthpop sounds, so if you don't like this style of music, your next option will be Nafri music.
thank you
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Post this type of ranting videos from your TL

>(Extrafrage, warum nicht "jeder Tag"??)
Wait till you find out about „eines Nachts“.
>I don't know what you like
That's okay, I have very broad taste. Will check out your suggestions, thanks!

>(Extrafrage, warum nicht "jeder Tag"??)
Zeitangaben ohne Präposition als Antwort auf die Frage "Wann?" stehen im Akkusativ. Das ist einfach eine Regel.
I've never used Anki before
Everlasting Summer. And that's Stephanie from Lazytown on OP pic
How do I shadow on my phone?
There's no audacity and a bunch of apps have ads L
These are the same though
pre-download whatever you plan on shadowing to replay in something like vlc or musicolet or get the ad-free version of the app
Cтeфaни oт lazy town. Haзвaниe игpы - Бecкoнeчнoe Лeтo.
>still can’t use oт and из correctly
этo кoнeц
both means "from" right?
Lazy Town is localised as Лeнтяeвo, which is really cool because they took the word lazy (in this case a noun that describes a lazy person) and turned it into a possible name for a village by adding the -вo suffix.
When will the Polish Canadian tell us how to learn Polish
In Polish it's the same: Leniuchowo
From leniuch + owo
Yes. Oт generally means “away from”, like from a person, and из is more like from the inside of something, like a building. Из would be used for media
I feel excused to start impooting lazy town now
Oт usually refers to people, из usually refers to places.
Пиcьмo oт Aнтoнa means you got a letter from Anton. Пиcьмo из Aнтoнa means someone dissected him and discovered a letter inside him.
not where I'm from (NY)
Lol to me it sounds like it swapped

Pronounce "worm" as you would "warm", and pronounce "warm" as you would "worm" (with Russian vowels)
I think what he did is he thought "worm" as "wor-" + "m" which if you thought if it that way I agree sounds a lot like "warm"
I think he pronounced both of them as /wɔɹm/
newfag here what do you guys think of this method? i'm sure it's nothing new
>write about random subject in your TL for 5 minutes
>leave a blank space for the words you don't know
>look up the unknown words when finished
>re-write passage about same subject with newly acquired words in mind
>later go back and review original version, trying to memorize blank words
seems like it won't be 100% efficient cause your before and after passages will vary slightly but i'm gonna start trying it
Please post on DPT.
that's the kinda thing that a smart person who knows IPA says. for me though, I can't make heads or tails of it
I can see all of them being used depending on the context, but personally like 1 & 4.
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>They're closed for good.
They're closed now but you don't seem to realize that this closure is not temporary, it is final.
>They're permanently closed.
This is a direct communication so you understand it the first time with no ambiguity.
>They've shut down permanently.
Same in literal meaning as "They're closed for good".
>They've gone out of business.
This not only tells you they've closed but why they closed (heavily implies a revenue problem, though maybe the owner just didn't feel it was worth it anymore).
>They've closed forever.
They've closed permanently of their own accord.
>They won't be reopening.
They're closed and if they try to re-open something will stop them.
After 2 years of studying Spanish I'm okay at reading Spanish. But I still can't understand verbal Spanish at all. I've tried Dreaming Spanish and other methods. Recently I watched 15 hours of Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig in Spanish. But I barely understood any of it even when I changed it to 0.5x speed. Those are children's shows and I still don't understand them. Is there anything at an even lower level than Paw Patrol I should watch? Or if I keep inputting Paw Patrol will I eventually start to understand more of it?
How the fuck do people actually learn a language?
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Estoy estudiando español! Lenguaje bellissimo!
exposure exposure exposure exposure exposure that's all there is to it really, I can even speak fluent anime japanese without studying one second of it. nihongo datte kantan, kimi wa dub anime iie mitai desu ka?
Yeah there's a strange sense to me that despite being one of the hardest languages to learn because it's a language isolate with no relation to anything western, it's immense amount of watchable entertainment makes it somehow easier to learn then a lot of european languages that aren't producing anything interesting to watch
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Try pic related. Instead of vids, you can also use any text + audio. The point is to first understand it fully, make sure you know all the words, then understand it at a reasonable speed without looking back and pausing, then finally jump the gap to listening only. Basically: unknown words -> speed -> putting it all together.

Some easy material:
On mangera de la soupe aujourd’hui.
Les chats et les chiens peuvent être des amis !
Est-ce que tu as oublié tes manuels scolaires à la maison ?
Tu peux monter le chauffage ? / Tu peux monter la température ?
Laisse-moi t’aider, est-ce que tu peux ?
J’allais pêcher les dimanches.
Pourquoi est-ce que tous travailleurs de construction sont en dehors de notre maison ?
Je n’ai pas tondu le gazon depuis longtemps. Ça ressemble à une jungle dehors.
Peux-tu me passer un verre doseur et la poêle d’acier inoxydable, s’il vous plaît ?
Après l’incident qui s’est passé pendant leur dernier rendez-vous, ses amis ont refusé de lui parler et l’ont éjectée du chat.
Sous le clair ciel nocturne, les étoiles scintillaient brillamment, jetaient un lueur doux sur le village tranquille. La brise fraîche apportait un parfum léger de pin, s’ajoutant à l’atmosphère tranquille.
La vieille bibliothèque, remplie de livres poussiéreux et du silence répercutant, renfermait un charme mystérieux qui fasciné n’importe qui y rentré, ses étagères surplombantes offrant un havre à ceux qui cherchaient des connaissances ou un moment de tranquillité.
>Ayan Academy
I always read it as Aryan Academy.
A bold inpooter strategy: listen to spanish songs while looking up the lyrics. Repeat without the lyrics. You'll eventually be able to understand almost anything, since not even native speakers instantly figure out what some songs are saying at first listen
Well I went through this with French
First I tried listening to the duolingo podcast
I'd listen to a section of French, then check the transcript and then re-listen if need be
Then I listened to InnerFrench and checked the transcript if I needed to
I think one thing that helped me the most was to focus on just listening, I don't know how useful listening and reading are at the same time especially when your skills are so unbalanced
If I were you I'd just try to listen to 30 or so hours of Dreaming Spanish
How much do you understand of this video?
Is this too fast? Can you at least follow along?
I’m not native, so somebody correct my corrections if necessary:

>Les chats et les chiens peuvent être des amis !
Not sure what the issue is here but this feels unnatural. Maybe take out “des” in this case?
>Tu peux monter le chauffage ? / Tu peux monter la température ?
I would use “hausser,” or “lever” or even “augmenter” here.
>Laisse-moi t’aider, est-ce que tu peux ?
The ending phrase seems weird. Id just say “tu pourrais me laisser t’aider” or maybe just “laisse-moi t’aider, hein ?”
>J’allais pêcher les dimanches.
je pêchais les dimanches.

>Pourquoi est-ce que tous les travailleurs de construction sont en dehors de notre maison ?
This isn’t quite the same thing as the original sentence, but it seems fine.

>la brise fraîche
Le vent frais
Fascinait (ou) attirait
Forget what I said about “brise.” I had actually never encountered that but I looked it up.
I can't believe it. DPT is actually active. DPT is, so far, a success.
Can you explain what is interesting about polish to you? Do you have polish family or something? I have nothing against Poland, but I cannot imagine giving a single fuck about the language, let alone enough to learn it
buy an ad
Their language sounds and looks awesome. Their music is awesome and I especially like how the language sounds when sung. Their landscapes and architecture are cozy. Central and Eastern Europe also have the best cuisines in the world. Poles are just the best people. Different cultures fall somewhere on a scale between autism and normalfaggotry, and Poles are just autistic enough while still being warm & inviting. But more importantly, Poland is steadily improving while other countries fall behind, and the best time to move to Poland is right now.
You are a genius. But I need to get that infrographic done first, at some point.
Great explanation. You almost got me interested. I gotta finish Spanish and Greek first though.
Greek bro, can you reply to my thread >>200071170
or give me some suggestions here? Btw, I know you’re not actually Greek but you live there so you should have some insight
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This is what Poland looks like (bottom picture).
Yes. To learn German, Duolingo is plenty.
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Vielen herzlichen Dank nochmals für die ausführliche Rückmeldung.

>(Gespräch doesn't work here unless you're one of those right-wing larpers who reject any and all English influence in German

Bin nicht einer davon, aber ich muss gestehen dass ich viele Instanzen von Denglisch doof finde. Das hat doch nichts damit zu tun dass ich Gesprächsgruppe anstatt Chatgruppe benutzt habe. Liegt einfach an meinem Ignoranz.

>das Verb im Partizip muss an das Ende der Partizipialkonstruktion

ärgert mich ein wenig das zu lesen, weil ich fast so geschrieben habe. Auf mein Gespür hab ich blöderweise nicht gehört. Außerdem verzichte ich beim Schreiben auf English in der Regal darauf, zweimal in einem einzigen Satz von demselben Wort Gebrauch zu machen. Finde es unschön außer gewissen Umständen und wurde wenn ich mich richtige erinnere eigentlich bei der Schulzeit explizit so unterrichtet. Also ein Grundsatz des guten Schreibens bei uns auch nicht nur bei den Deutschen.

>Leuchtschwach sounds like something you'd read in a technical manual.

Ich habe da wissentlich versucht, ein bisschen blumig zu verfassen, was die Wortwahl eines solchen Wortes erklärt. Meiner unbedeutenden Meinung nach klingt das Wort schön und ist präziser im Vergleich zu schwach allein. Mir fällt nicht ein wo ich darauf gestoßen bin, aber war sicherlich nicht beim Lesen irgendeines Handbuchs lol. Zur Kenntnis genommen nichtsdestotrotz.

Danke nochmals. Diese Art von detaillierten Korrekturen sind äußerst hilfreich.
>Btw, I know you’re not actually Greek
I'm not the ukrainianon.
>or give me some suggestions here?
Replace butter with olive oil in your foods.
Start eating yogurt and feta.
Double park if you can get away with it.
Start speaking louder.
>double park
Kek do greek niggas really
Eucharisto, phile (No Greek keyboard on my phone)!
Look at the date stamp on the picture >>200073642
he was literally in the middle of double parking when you asked him this
Gli anon italiani, da dove viene la forma "fea" che viene usata in questa poesia di Fosco? Non posso trovarla nel dizionario.
No. Maybe the script, but so is the Latin one. The words are either borrowings from Greek or are cognates.
Music made using a neural network (suno ai)

1. I close my eyes and imagine the future.
2. In which people speak Volapük.
3. I see that they like it.
4. Dead language suddenly became alive and colorful!
5. I imagine it.

>Start speaking louder.
We're Americans. We're probably the loudest speakers on the planet.
Just study the conjugation, which is heavy in Italian. You may not remember off the top of your head, but you will remember a previously learned that you think you forgot word when you encounter it, in both listening and reading (input).
I don’t know Italian, so I only understood like a fourth of that, but it seems to be a past form of “fare.” Since the poem is very old, maybe it’s some sort of literary tense like the French passé simple? Italian anons??
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Yeah, I interpreted it as 'fece,' but I can't find the form used in the that poem anywhere.
I couldn’t either. I did see that the poet wrote a Latin version of the poem, and he used “fecit” there, which is just the third-person singular perfect form. Not sure where “fea” came from.
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I'm thinking about learning Turkish
that description is exactly accurate to me. also finnish people here don't like americans and theres a schizo in /sauna/ ruining my flags reputation. I might learn swedish
i actually do <3 verb conjugation THOUGH
I somewhat regret learning Portuguese bro. There's not a lot of interesting INPOOT out there and just generally feels useless unless I go to Brazil. I should've just learned French fuck me.
Poland has sadly become too westernized and its rapidly becoming more so. Its losing everything that makes it unique in its ever long, naive quest to become equal to the major players. Obviously it's not as bad as the big boys yet, but the rot has set in.
How long have you studied Portuguese for?
Have you consumed any content yet?
like a year

yes I've read a novel in portuguese and I'm in the middle of a history book. I listen to a lot of Brazilian music but I could inp00t more.
Seems decent. I think it's worth doing
>What language are you learning now?
Japanese. Well, kinda. Studied it in university and now I just consoom content and shit
>Share your language learning experience!
the writing system is a mess but doable eventually
the overall logic of the language takes some time to get adjusted to
grammar and pronunciation are easy peasy compared to pretty much any European language, but I struggle with the correct pitch accent sometimes.

saw someone write this on twitter; this is retarded right? Seems like someone saying in english they are not unrelaxed instead of just saying they're relaxed.
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Unentspann dich nicht, Kumpel.

Same happens to me with German. Jokes aside from the grand waves of germans soldiers and haupfürern exfilling ww2 i abhorred somehow all the time it took me away and brain storage, although now i understand how retarded cases really are desu.
Ich verachte jede Sekunde Deutsch mir entzogt denn sie so doof wie grob leute oftmal einklingen muss. Schlechsten wäre die dümme Verbendungen die so verkrächelt und sofort abbündelt mitgehen können.

Really, it's a twofold beziehung. For the most part ich glaube wenn die welt durch deutsch den dialog eingehalten werden ein besser ortslage zu bewohnen würde wegen ihrer scharfhörigkeit ! Don't know. I like being gay.

I tried italian is not hard coming i already drilled through most westernized grammar points.

What i don't like is how retarded it comes from someone like me telling apart false friends from their spanish "counterparts".
Third person past remote of fare from some northern italian dialect (probably venetian).
Remember that, before the unification of italy, italian was a conlang with no native speakers, used almost exclusively for written works.
At this point in time it was completely acceptable for Foscolo to opine that the verb fare should have a different conjugation in "italian".
>false friends from their spanish "counterparts".
salir = uscire
subir = salire
sufrir = subire

cara = faccia
querida = cara
facha = aspetto

avergonzada = imbarazzata
embarazada = incinta
cinta = cinturón

velar = vegliare
cubrir con un telo = velare
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Of all the Russian names, why did you choose Anton
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Гaндoн spotted.
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What does that mean?
Bastardized version of English condom. Can be used to refer both to a condom or to a shitty person. Rhymes almost perfectly with Anton, so it's a common insult for people named Anton.
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Frens, I need to learn Russian. I have 6 months to do it. How do I go about it? I've been going though links in OP and there's just so much. I don't know where to start.
I've learned cyrillic already. I know a few words. But I can't speak it.

PS: And pls don't recommend Du*lingo because it's trrash.
why do you only have 6 months
Travel plans.
>6 months
Your best course of action is to goon every aspect of the language and immerse yourself in it. Read textbooks, change your PC/phone language to Russian, play vidya in Russian, watch movies in Russian, read Russian books etc. It's doable to get to B1 in the timespan but you have to work hard. Don't worry too much about grammar, while you should learn noun/adjective conjugation, don't bother too much with the verbs, they're arse.
Is there a course? A series of videos? I need something to give me the basics and give me the foundation.
What are you goals?
If you want something that's probably not efficient at all then try Colloquial Russian with https://cytrussian.tuxfamily.org/
It's a link to the Princeton Russian course which is available for free
Try studying both at the same time
Thank you so much!
>What are you goals?
Learn enough words to hold a causal conversation with someone. To watch & understand a movie is not as important to me but probably something I should acquire anyway. I would also like to be able to read a book.
I don't care about certifications or levels per se.
Dovrebbe essere Facea. Facea (=fece)->Fea.
Would you guys recommend Spanish -> Portuguese or French material over an English -> Portuguese or French material for someone who's fluent in both English and Spanish?
page 10
This fucking thread and it's constant death wish.
Six months is barely enough time to make a dent. Even to have a "casual conversation", people underestimate how difficult it can be to just understand spoken speech, let alone express yourself. If the other person is friendly and lowers their level to that of a small child, enunciates every word and slows it down for you, maybe you can make it through a conversation about the weather. Not really conversations worth having and people eventually get fatigued with having to do all the work for you.

If you still want to learn and see how far you can get
>memorize core vocabulary (~5-10k most common words) using Anki or Memrise
>start reading basic texts as soon as possible (after ~500/1000 words) and progressively work your way up to native material
>practice listening to those same texts and work your way up until you can understand normal native-level speech
>immerse yourself in the language until you've internalized it and you start being able to express yourself

In terms of how long it takes, there is some data from FSI that says the average student who is an English native, takes about ~2200hours to get a working proficiency (around ~B2) in Russian. I've seen one person online say they passed the C1 in 3 years using a general immersion approach. Your mileage may vary, but you can't exactly speedrun a language casually for vacation. It takes years to get anywhere near competent.
Yeah the embarrassed one is a good false cognate for those who are native English speakers. I once saw a girl in my Spanish class want to say “I am embarassed” so she said “Yo soy embarrasada” and then she was REALLY embarrassed
morning coffee, morning dreaming spanish.
yeah, i'm dabbling. FUCK it.
There’s some great German operas
It’s one of the Aztec languages
Curious why you are learning Italian. (I am American too, but I live in Italy now so I have obvious reasons to learn Italian)
German has a TON of content, but you should be into reading/literature.
Not him, but I’m dabbling with Italian cause it’s just a beautiful language. Ultimately I wanna read great Italian literature.

Learn spanish instead so you can talk to your beautiful maid.
He ya llevado a un nivel intermedio en español. Es por eso que empiezo a estudiar Italiano. Entre mi conocimiento de español, inglés, y latín, italiano esta bastante facíl (hasta ahora)
>Not him, but I’m dabbling with Italian cause it’s just a beautiful language. Ultimately I wanna read great Italian literature.
Based. I agree. I'm watching some operas now and was recently reading some poems by Petrarch. I had originally worried the poems would be too difficult, but I have found them approachable with just my B1 Italian. The operas are harder mainly because they're singing the words so you need really high quality audio to make sure the enunciation is crisp enough to distinguish what is saying. Youtube is a crapshoot in this regard, so I've been using the Metropolitan Opera's website which has a ton of Italian (and German) Operas recorded in high quality and with subtitles in Italian. I think you basically *need* Italian subtitles to get the most out of it though, my understanding is that even natives will often use them (because the italian in opera is a little older, and a little poetic, and being sung, so it can be easy to lose a phrase). But Operas are great because the general idea of what is going on is easy to figure out and in a lot of songs they are repeating phrases. When watching operas on the Metropolitan Opera's website, there's usually a lot of date ranges to choose from (they make a recording for every season of the show they do). Try to listen to more recent recordings rather than older recordings, because, according to my italian wife, the older recordings (like 50 years ago I mean) are not nearly as good in their italian, she said it sounds like people who read what words to say but don't really know what they're saying or how to pronounce it. Anything recorded in the 2000s should be good. I was watching Aida last night and they had a lot of recordings to chose from, I started with the 2009 one but it didn't have Italian subtitles so I went with the 2018 one instead.
yeah most americans have already studied a lot of spanish, despite the stereotypes. yes we speak it poorly because we pretty much impose our english grammar onto it when speaking it, but it's enough for conversations with saucy wench maidens.
Thanks for the tips! When I get a little better, I’ll definitely do this. I love il nozze di Figaro
Yeah, even educated native speakers have trouble understanding operas just by ear. It's due to acoustics, the way opera singing works etc. People who are into operas usually know what the opera is about or may even know a lot of the lyrics, so that makes it easier. If you're watching/listening at home, you can just follow along with the text, though.
Olvidé de mencionar que hablo francés tambien, y he remarcado que hay muchas palabras común entre francés y italiano que no son común entre italiano y español. Por ejemplo, piú y plus. Eso surprendo a mi porque pensaba que español y italiano serían much más similares que francés y italiano.
>He ya llevado
Nunca vi estas palabras en este orden, sino siempre "ya he Xado"
Gratias tibi amice. Hay seguramente otras errores en mis postes. Debría decir que creo que he llegado el intermedio en mi escucho y mi lectura pero mi “output” no esta igual.
Yes, but redpill me into learning it.
There's no reason to learn it
Grazie. Is this just something I will need to get used to when reading pre-Risorgimento Italian?
i take back this post
never give up
you will succeed
>order is "noun new"
>but when pluralized it's "news nouns"
I'm half Italian and am in the process of obtaining citizenship through my father
I don't need to learn it cause its citizenship by blood or whatever but it's good to learn it
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Pourquoi tu apprends ces barbarismes? Si tu parles comme ça en tant qu'étranger, on va se moquer de toi
; )
It’s not. Just learn a language Jordie ffs.

What language?
>6 months for Russian
It ain't happening
Russian's hard m8
Ça m’a fait me sentir comme un vrai vieillard. J’ai presque rien compris.
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Tu comprendras pas à moins que tu ne vives en France où lises de la littérature contemporaine comme Houellebecq
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Yep, it's language learning time.
Πώς ονομάζεται εκείνο το βιβλίο; Φαίνεται χρήσιμο.
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Can you read this in original?
Is this modern Greek? I understood it from having studied ancient. Am I gonna make it bros?
Πλατωνικά αποσπάσματα (Μάριος Μοθωναίος)
No, I'm the Ukrainanon. I struggle with New Testament Greek already.
How do I cope knowing that there are so many great pieces of art I will never be able appreciate?
You're gonna get there.
Btw is there any interesting literature in modern greek, idk anything besides Kazantzakis?
Not that I know of. My personal library is rather small, most of the Greek books are non-fiction, I haven't read the fiction ones yet. In any case though, I don't believe anything after the New Testament is worthwhile.
>Gli anon
Il complemento di vocazione è senza articolo.
>Non posso trovarla nel dizionario
Non riesco a trovarla nel dizionario
Comunque, eccoti una lista con delle varianti storiche/poetiche
can't say. i learnt french with english materials. never bothered to look at spanish materials for it
Why is german #1?
Nice. I'm also half italian and could have got citizenship by blood but I found it simpler to just marry an italian woman and apply for citizenship that way
Why don't you try to improve your country, maybe take germany as an example instead of moving there, countries are made great by their people. When different people move there, the country will slowly but surely start to resemble the original country of the new inhabitants.
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>I wish you'd understand Arabic
Me too, Jordie...
Я тeбя пнy пo яйцaм
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>arab from a desert shithole calls your country a shithole
Now say that in German
Dang I was searching up and down in my purchase history 10 years ago I bought an interesting book originally greek from the middle ages (though I had bought an english translation) it was written by some Greek monks on a famous monastary on an island. I can't remember the exact name, Akopatheon?? I'm only vaguely remembering what the name was.
Wait, your mom becomes a black man? I’m confused…
>Comunque, eccoti una lista con delle varianti storiche/poetiche
>It's the America of Europe.
not exactly a compliment
disgusting beastiality
What happened to the book if you bought it?
I've moved around like a gypsy 5 times since then so it might be somewhere but I have no idea where it is. I think it's in a box on another continent at the moment.
Heck yeah I talked with chatgpt and it helped me figure it out. The book is called "Philokalia" written by monks on Mount Athos
>Given that the book is over a thousand years old and was written by Greek Orthodox monks on Mount Athos, you are likely referring to the **Philokalia**. The **Philokalia** is a collection of texts written between the 4th and 15th centuries by various Eastern Orthodox Christian monks, including those from Mount Athos. The collection is focused on spiritual practices, particularly the practice of hesychasm (the practice of inner prayer).

>The full title often used is "The Philokalia: Writings of the Holy Neptic Fathers," and it was compiled in the 18th century by St. Nikodemos of the Holy Mountain and St. Makarios of Corinth.
Nice, chatgpt W
I'll check it out.
I definitely invented this name by combining "Athos" and "Philokalia"
how big is the jump from manga to novels?
Yes I assume based catholic boys would like it (assuming you're one since you're polish)
Another one to my collection.
I wonder what it's like to read it in its original language? Especially since the works included span a millenium. I read an english translation so i wouldn't see the evolution of the language over that time
I dare to tell me a better piece of advice to learn languages than surround yourself with natives and only speak the natives' language.

You can't. Everything else is futile or takes too much time and effort.
It's a greek orthodox book not a catholic book but it's still interesting to get their perspective.
Did you move to the UK or USA to learn English?
Finding natives willing to carry you even from intermediate to advanced is harder than just finding content to inpoot
Yeah, works really well for all these immigrants who have been here for decades and are still shit at German. And no, it's not just the ones living in their secluded communities. Language learning isn't as monodimensional as people want it to be. Few things are.
ok, for the record I wasn't trying to claim it was catholic, but I think catholics would like it (and technically most of the book is from when the two were still united)
No, but it took me way to long to express myself in proper English. Hence I said that it takes too much time or effort without moving to another country. Anyhow that's the best way to learn a language, don't you think?

That's also tough.

Well, they do not surround themselves with natives for the most part. Like, there are some women that have been living here for more than thirty years but barely speak a word outside their homes, only going to do the groceries...
so I've actually done that, and there's a surprising ceiling to learning the language by surrounding yourself with natives and talking with natives. The problem talking with natives is that they all get what you mean even if you make mistakes, so they allow you to continue speaking like a retard because they really just care about the content of what you want to say. The problem then is that you get up to a level where you speak an understandable form of the language where you can talk about daily every day things quickly, and more deliberately you can talk about some complex things you know about or are relevant to your friends, but you hit that ceiling without anything pushing you further. You really need high minded input to reach something like a C1 level.
I know several people from former Yugoslavia and a couple of Turks who deal A LOT with Austrians and their German is atrocious. They've been here for 30+ years. Surrounding yourself with natives is a great idea, it can help a lot, particularly with pronunciation and picking up slang, but don't make the mistake of thinking it's the one secret language learning technique that eclipses all others.
Oh yeah, this book is neat. If you’re interested in it, read “The Way of the Pilgrim.” It’s a little anonymous Russian story that is centered around the teachings of the Philokalia. Salinger’s Franny and Zooey also talks about it and is generally an awesome book.
That's what I've done. But it's not the "end all be all" method, some of my family members have been here for 20 years and are still shit. You must take active part in the learning process or you will never speak a language.
wow that's interesting, surprising to learn about that coming from the Catcher in the Rye guy
>Anyhow that's the best way to learn a language, don't you think?
It can be under certain circumstances, but not necessarily. If you're an extrovert who likes to talk to people all the time and you're charismatic and stuff, then I can see it being successful. You also have to be at a certain level (B1-B2), so that you don't sound like a complete retard with brain damage.
*I mean the franny and zooey part
True. I guess the brain stops learning whenever it is told that the communication is good enough...
Thanks for your insights.

That's true as well. What kind of high minded input would you recommend / have you used?

Thanks for the insight

Hmmmm, yea, that's completely true.
Yeah, it’s pretty different from Catcher, and I like it a lot more. Very in-depth character psychology and explores some philosophical themes in a really interesting way.
>That's true as well. What kind of high minded input would you recommend / have you used?
I think you have to find high culture that you truly admire (keeps you going to feel like you are elevating yourself) and is produced natively in the TL is the way to go. I've tried reading Italian translations of English works just so I would have a wider variety of contemporary interests to choose from, but I can always just *feel* the English idioms bleeding through so much that it makes me feel stupid to be reading it in Italian. So instead I'm going through Italian operas now, as well as the poetry of Petrarch. I also plan to go with poetry by Dante and maybe at a point the Divine Comedy in its original. What is your TL?
What's some good French inpoot content bros. I've been reading Harry Potter and listening to the audiobooks, but I'm getting sick of it. I like the YourBestFrench youtube channel because she's cute but I've seen all her videos.
Yeah I read Catcher in the Rye three times and each time it felt more and more shallow every time I read it. IDK I read a bunch of commentaries on it and it's been a while but I just remember Holden Caulfield being a faux-gritty angsty teenager.
I'm jealous, you've got so much to choose from. My current mood would appreciate detective stories set in 1890s Paris
If you like fantasy, Tolkien is nice in French. There’s some nice readings of the hobbit on YouTube too. If you’re at the point where you can comfortably read Harry Potter, why not explore some of the simpler (in terms of language) French classics like l’Étranger or Voyage au Bout de la Nuit?
Great! Those are some truly fantsatic aspirations.

Hungarian. Ha-ha. I don't know where to start, but maybe it is not a bad idea to try to read some classical authors like Petofi. Otherwise there is not much that interests me besides the language itself.What do you think?

Anyhow, I think I'd start by learning the 1000 most used words and some basic grammar.
Jordie has been buckbroken by the mods.
Imagine if they rangeban Jordan.
consume media, it's that simple. learning to read a language is a joke, that's why until 100 some odd years ago the "elite" thinkers and authors would be able to speak 2 or 3 languages but be able to read and write in 4 or 5. turn on youtube, turn on cable tv, turn on the radio, torrent movies. you need to be able to identify the new sounds and get familiar just like an english speaker who can instantly differentiate between ex. the words latter and ladder. you need to associate the words and sounds to the abstract conceptual meaning and stop translating.
>learning spanish 1yr and can understand more than half of everything I hear for the first time w/o subs
Ça existe? Qui est le Sherlock Holmes du français ? En fait ça me rappelle: je pense que Baudelaire a fait des traductions des contes d’Edgar Allan Poe. Tu pourrais bien lire “The Purloined Letter” (histoire détective par excellence) en français—écrit par un grand auteur français.
>Hungarian. Ha-ha. I don't know where to start, but maybe it is not a bad idea to try to read some classical authors like Petofi. Otherwise there is not much that interests me besides the language itself.What do you think?
Nemzeti dal

Talpra magyar, hí a haza!
Itt az idő, most vagy soha!
Rabok legyünk vagy szabadok?
Ez a kérdés, válasszatok! –
A magyarok istenére
Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább
Nem leszünk!

Rabok voltunk mostanáig,
Kárhozottak ősapáink,
Kik szabadon éltek-haltak,
Szolgaföldben nem nyughatnak.
A magyarok istenére
Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább
Nem leszünk!

Sehonnai bitang ember,
Ki most, ha kell, halni nem mer,
Kinek drágább rongy élete,
Mint a haza becsülete.
A magyarok istenére
Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább
Nem leszünk!

Fényesebb a láncnál a kard,
Jobban ékesíti a kart,
És mi mégis láncot hordtunk!
Ide veled, régi kardunk!
A magyarok istenére
Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább
Nem leszünk!

A magyar név megint szép lesz,
Méltó régi nagy hiréhez;
Mit rákentek a századok,
Lemossuk a gyalázatot!
A magyarok istenére
Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább
Nem leszünk!

Hol sírjaink domborulnak,
Unokáink leborulnak,
És áldó imádság mellett
Mondják el szent neveinket.
A magyarok istenére
Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább
Nem leszünk!

I will read Voyage au Bout de la Nuit. That's a good idea. I've already read the Hobbit, and like with Harry Potter, I'm a little burned out on reading translations of books I've already read. It's not as exciting as reading new books.
i love english too much to dedicate myself to any other language bros... its over... i dare say its over...
>instantly swap to the English translation with a button
How do you do that in Everlasting Summer? I only know Sanoba Witch has that feature.
as a native english speaker with gripes against the anglophone world as it is today, I hate to admit that there is quite a good bit of good literature produced in English. Shakespeare is just an amazing starting point any language would consider themselves lucky to have an equivalent.
That's pretty much the main reason I chose to learn French lol. There's just so much content available, and GOOD content too. It's weird how there's so many languages with several hundred million speakers and yet have barely anything worth engaging with. You go to another country and look at a person's bookshelf and half their books will be English books translated into their language.
if you have low standard.
>It's weird how there's so many languages with several hundred million speakers and yet have barely anything worth engaging with. You go to another country and look at a person's bookshelf and half their books will be English books translated into their language.
Agree with you 100%. It really hits home why some people who grow up with a quirky niche snowflake language/dialect really don't care at all if it dies away
>How do you do that in Everlasting Summer?
I have no idea. That's why I'm asking
>if you have low standard.
I do!
>visual novel
>available in every major language except Japanese
>Imagine if they rangeban Jordan
Jordie might actually learn a language if he couldn't access /lang/. In fact, I'm starting to think he an hero'd just now so that he couldn't come here and waste his time anymore.
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>go on Radio Garden to get some live authentic input from TC
>the stations keep playing American songs
>language option for Korean uses the word for a Korean person instead of the language
Yeah I have a low standard but I don't know if I would even call the Latin they have there low standard.
>Lingua mea materna est Latina.
Am I crazy or is that a terrible translation?
Not an expert but seems pretty bad, especially the word order.
Page 8 boys get in here!
Look at what's mentioned above.
Who else speaks like MF DOOM?
I'm just looking for people who really use language in a fun way when it comes to lyrics.

En fait, j'ai essayé de traduire ces paroles en coréen, mais c'était trop difficile. Par contre, cette chanson était plus facile. Pour info, il y a beaucoup de clubs de musique électronique près de chez moi, donc j'ai une bonne compréhension de cette culture. Je trouve amusant d'inclure Oneohtrix Point Never dans les paroles avec des rimes.

is it worth learning russian just to browse dvach and forums (and reread dostoevsky the way it was meant to be)
how many years of consistent effort do I need
maybe ten
How the HECK did I go all this time inpooting in French without encountering the word "pourvu"?
Have I been A2 this whole time? I thought I was at B1.
Really you can become fluent in any language in 4 years
Thats how long it took you to speak your first language in coherent sentences and it's the same for any other
And since you're an adult you can speed up the process so you're not speaking like a 4 year old after 4 years but an adult
The idea that "hurr durr old people cant learn language" is retarded
Languages just take a long ass time to learn and people underestimate it
Everyone is an A1 again when they actually try speaking their target language with a native for the first time lmao
Non loqueris mecum quasi A1, recte senpai??
I don't speak Ancient Italian anon
I've been learning to read Thai on and off for a few months now. I wish I could motivate myself to study more and spend less time on 4chins and on playing vidya.
do people assume you are into trans hookers when they learn you know thai or is that just a me thing?
There's more to Thailand than just ladyboys anon
yes it's fun, but so is south american web
Dunno. If so, they haven't told me.
yes, or regular hookers. But mostly trans hookers
Unironically Duolingo. It's good to get basics. Tho I've also attended A1 course here to nail the grammar. So learn the grammar from books or whatever and hop on duolingo
Thai bar girls (hookers) generally prefer guys who don't speak Thai. That way they can talk in front of their friends without the farang understanding anything.
this is why people who want to be aware of the shit when they're around thai bitches learn thai
Duolingo's good enough to probably get you to A2
It's a decent baseline
Just takes too damn long to do
too many people on summer vacation.
we have to make it to september bros
when the schools open up again
and all the procrastinating college students return
never give up, /lang/
never surrender
>It ain't happening
>Russian's hard m8
I met a guy few years back who did it in 6 months. At the time I wasn't interested so I didn't ask him how he did it.
I think it can be done.

What's so hard about it tho???
do you really need 5-10k words???? I've never seen a language where you need that many words to talk to people.
>and hop on duolingo
Literally everyone I talked to has told me that Duolingo is shit.
In my personal experience English is the golden standard when it comes to learning materials. Sometimes just by the sheer quantity of it.
I like cartoons. I'm too lazy to find cartoons with a Korean dub and subs. I'm also demotivated by having learned that Korean dub of Maya the Bee is lost media. Can I get a recommendation?
>Literally everyone I talked to has told me that Duolingo is shit.
They were right. And it makes sense.
If a company pours 99% of their budget into marketing it's bound to be shit.
>do you really need 5-10k words????
According to one of my "sources" (which is likely marketing shit to sell their books)

2500 words: should enable you to express everything you could possibly want to say, although some creativity might be required
5000 words: the active vocabulary of native speakers without higher education
10,000 words: same but with higher education
20,000 words: enough to read a novel

I'm assuming they mean "walk, walks, walked" is counted as 1 word and not 3 on this scale
>They were right. And it makes sense.
>If a company pours 99% of their budget into marketing it's bound to be shit.
A buddy of mine wanted to learn Spanish through Du*lingo and he spent close to a year and got all kinds of "rewards" through the app and the thought the knew language well. He went to Mexico for a vacation and had trouble ordering food and even understanding prices.
Du*lingo is only good at wasting your time through gamification so they can make money off your attention.
The goal of their app is not to teach you a language but to get you hooked so you continue using their app.
I'm yet to meet someone who actually learned a lang through the app.
And if you hear someone online praising it, they either never used it or are delusional and think they're accomplishing something.

In English, we use between 1,000 to 2,000 words for basic conversation and everyday texts. You probably need 2-3k to sound a bit more native.

I'd be happy with knowing 1,000 words of Russian after 6 months of study.
My main goal is being able to converse in daily tasks.
>Literally everyone I talked to has told me that Duolingo is shit.
Most people literally get filtered by it because they don't know there's a skip function when it gets too repetetive. It's a great way to build enough to go on your own without a teacher. After Duolingo just INPOOT and OUTPOOT
>I'd be happy with knowing 1,000 words of Russian after 6 months of study.
20 words a day should easily be achievable with some ankigooning.
>trans hookers
The man smell is so bad. I don't recommend it. Complete meme.
I want to know how many words I know in my languages RIGHT NOW.
You are about the get cancer, its not beginner friendly and advanced levels always contains irregular things. (Turkish baddies worth it though)
>And if you hear someone online praising it, they either never used it or are delusional and think they're accomplishing something.
I usually assume it's a marketing bot and don't reply. The internet is infested with them. Unless they give me the "d*lingo is just a tool in your toolkit" line
>pic related
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>mgw ich diesen Faden nachholen

Jordie macht mich mit seinem endloses Unfug einfach fertig. Ich werde ihn ein bisschen vermissen denn ich gehe davon aus, dass er nach dem Posten dieser Bilder eine lange Sperre abzusitzen haben wird.
Yeah, 5k is right about the right amount. 2,500 really isn't enough because you'll constantly be trying to adapt and playing catch-up to keep up with it. Once you hit 5k it sort of becomes effortless to understand most things, you can read articles and books, talk to anyone at at least a decent level. I'd say knowing the top 5k is pretty much the most important thing in any language, 2.5k isn't enough and 10k is more than enough (but still is useful for books and articles.)
Duolingo really is just clown shit. For the same amount of effort I can go on anki and actually learn something.
It's for non-serious learners, people still in the "tryouts" phase of learning a language, people who don't design their own course. If you make your own course where you pick a couple methods and combine them to optimize you're not gonna put duolingo in there, just not gonna happen.
>20 words a day should easily be achievable with some ankigooning.
Extremely easily doable if you treat language as something that takes time and effort, anki + reading will make you easily acquire 25+ in a day. It's really important to combine some form of reading with anki just to connect words in your brain with real-life usage of them, even if you put full sentences into anki it won't match the value of seeing words you know in a real-life sentence.
>learning german slowly
>do pimsleur, get some basics
>have a list of most common 500 words in anki
>review it daily most days
>am confident with most of them now
>add Goethe B1 list, 5000 words
>learning new words slowly

I feel like it's time to do more than just slam vocab flash cards, I gotta start reading or watching shows or something. What steps should I take next?
>Πλατωνικά αποσπάσματα (Μάριος Μοθωναίος)
>Non riesco a trovarla nel dizionario
Mi sono accorto che avevo fatto un errore soltanto dopo aver postato
Try reading German for Reading by Karl Sandberg
>il y a beaucoup de clubs de musique électronique près de chez moi, donc j'ai une bonne compréhension de cette culture.
Des putes françaises fréquentent ces clubs?
I still want to try
then count them retard
Ayo, you do that shit nigga, it aint hard
Seconding this. I read like two chapters of this and started a graded reader and read like half of it, and now I can follow the German threads here. My Old English study helps though desu.
Any thoughts on Mango Language learning? I heard it's a language learning app that is actually good. I only quickly glanced at it I saw it has latin and ancient greek and I started the ancient greek lessons and it starts you off by reading the iliad in the original so I felt like it was pretty based. (It obviously has all the more popular languages too)
Imma pop a cap in yo ass if you don bake that thread nigga, niggas been fearin me since 4th grade
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hello bot. please buy a fucking ad and give 4chan some money.

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