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Astra-laya edition
Why wouldn’t he just dismantle them
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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

he is retarded, just like any god
>abrahamic art
vgh... Thank you Krishna
Do you have communists in your state?
LOL are they protesting kissing?
No, commies in Kerala are progressives
Usually open on private affairs like cuckolding, PDA, dress slutty, cheating, affairs, divorcing, caste mixing etc
This wasnt the case back in 50s-70s when commies were against feudalist landlords
Bangladesh should at least have a good economy a descent one.
people who think govt jobs are everything are communists in my eyes
Christian degree colleges, literally the first scam. im glad we are using it against whitoids
what would krishna think of modern india
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he was black so he himself was a product of modern india.
picrel is what black Krishna and white Radha looked like.
your mother's cunt full of nigger dicks, you fucking muzzrat, christcuck, gay bhim whatever you are
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I hate koreans so much. all these cucks do is imitate americans. the way they dress, eat, pop culture, all of it is just a copy of america. but the most pathetic thing is the religion. nepal is full of these bugmen missionaries. filthy rats.
ancient Indians looked racially distinct.
modern Indians look racially homogeneous because they are mindraped into committing miscegenation by mutt priestly class who worship modern black gods like Krishna etc while fantasizing about raceplay by giving them white wives like Radha etc.
subsequently they made Indra (Zeus) a weak evil god to vilify light skinned people meanwhile worshipping black dick of shiva
>babby's first troll posts
talking from experience? malayali ano?
razakars talking about legal activism in SC
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smartest amerimutt. we don't give a fuck about your country. not even 0.05 percent of the Indian population are in your country. and you don't own English mutt. it's the language of UK.
time to internslave
progressive kerala
MP Basheer went to meet Arif Ali at the Jamaat-e-Islami office in Trivandrum. At the meeting, Ali expressed concerns about three women reporters named Nadeera Ajmal, Fousiya and V Shabana disrespecting Islam by not wearing the Hijab when they appear on the news network. Giving a subtle warning, Ali said to Basheer that the news network, especially the ‘un-Islamic’ conduct of the women reporters, gave a wrong message to Muslims in the country
i fixed that error, now im waiting for the senior to finish his meeting so i can show him
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>worrying about kerala abbos
>saar look i am convaarting
you better should you abbo
Our benefit from that?
low tfr for subhuman bengalis
show me a single 10/10 bangladeshi actress/model
Kerala muzzies are fundies look at moplah riots during Khilafat Movement
Kisan Andolan 2.0: Farm Unions Announce Protest On Aug 1, Tractor March On Aug 15

INDI Alliance preparations for haryana elections
who cares ? get rich and leave this shithole.
and go where?
gm pyaare
congrats yaara
Oh no, not again!
they are not even hiding
Rahul Gandhi to meet delegation of farmer leaders today; talks likely on private member bill
Do you guys actually believe this sort of stuff? I've seen some bizarre shit from universities down there entertaining this sort of ideas and how literally everything was invented by sars because some totally unrelated mention in some old text and whatnot
Stayed up until 3am learning to butcher some songs. One song goes something like Em9 CMaj9 Gadd2 D/F#

Wish i could sing
India needs 1000 Tianenmen Squares of gov crushing these (((protests))) fuck me
gm gm gm gm
did you have lunch?
i had breakfast at 10 am(bournvita milk and parle g royale biscuits)
mom will make lunch when she comes back from my bua's house at probably 4pm
>bournvita milk and parle g royale biscuits
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inn dono kei nunnu mere se bade hai :(
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my brothers lack spirit
this whole assassins creed shadows situation
reminds me of how much bs whytey can get away despite knowing nothing about the country they're supposed to be experts about
for context some whytey named tom lockley has been making up shit about the nigger "samurai" yasuke
he from wikipedia to EB he cites his own books as sources and he was at one point even employed in some university despite not knowing being able to speak japanese
indian history and academia is filled with such individuals
so much so that you have niggers now writing about Indian history and religion
imagine that an amerinegro telling us about your own history
but since this is japan everyone was supporting them
had this been india if you had exposed people like Tom lockley you would have been accused of being a hindu fascist or RSS goon
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I am not blind yet so i would trust dhruv rathee and rahul gandhi over this abbo
funny who there isn't an nigger or chink hate threads even in /pol/
it's almost as if someone is trying to shift all that hate towards us
>written history
anyone who believes in written history simply isn't aryan
writing is spiritually un-aryanic

>muh orriyonsssss
how do you feel about literal christkike niggers demonizing your ancestors ?
oh that's right you won't do anything
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any religions based on written scriptures are un-aryanic
self-realization is the first step to reclaim oneself
>doesn't deny being a nigger lover
that's not an orrriyon behaviour
new pajeet thread just dropped
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i can't hate whites while living among abbos peacefully
>trust me this abbo will fix your nation
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TAD (total abbo death)
>go entire life without ever seeing a muslim in my state
>muslims suddenly claiming hundreds and hundreds of acres
which state?
one of the himalayan ones
how the fuck are they claiming land?
cope entire world belongs to allah and his believers
apparently they fucked off during partition (omg poor us! this country has been so cruel to us see?) and the records check out, suddenly gubmint is competent af
uttrakhand ?
at this point i don't care even if it is himachal since all merit was already lost in Kashmir.
kashmir is still kashmir people not random outsiders
they inbred, they were intellectual people before inbreding happened
Pakistan ,Bangladesh have
confiscate land and buildings belonging to millions of expelled Hindus who fled to India and given it to muslims
Haldwani case, the Supreme Court instructs the Centre and Uttarakhand government to rehabilitate families residing on railway land, emphasizing that encroachers are also human beings

encroachers lives matters
>amerinegro telling us about your own history
these encroachers should be given 5 acres land each in kolkata
he is salty about the aryan invasion theory which is backed by archaeology and genetics
its weird. wonder what's going on. something changed rapidly in the last few months where indians became the only group it was publicly okay to shit on. which is kinda crazy given the longstanding traditions of black and chinese hate mongering. something must be happening
>>200111019 Lol. Atheists believe they could use the astras if they found it.
read this tweet chain by American academic you will understand all those southasian & indology departments
>>Such a move would, at the limit, spell the end of the post-WWII global hegemony of American academia. For better or worse, that hegemony — which afforded the United States vast & crucial epistemic advantages — was a cornerstone of American hard & soft power. It's about to go.
happened with chinese for 20 years. Now its our turn till we pass the buck
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supreme court more like supreme cuck
why does supreme cuck keeps retracting their own decisions
first they btfo adhaar recognizing it as anti freedoms but then they said it was okay couple years later
>goalposts immediately about muh abos
>while completely ignoring niggers
I knew you were just another nigger lover
convert to evangelism they stop seeing you as pagan blasphemers
just drive them out of your lands
before they settle in like the rohnigays
or assimilate power so they respect you for who you are
sikhism is pathetic
he is probably talking about that caste and consequences 4000 year's of slavery or something named like that
I do remember indian RWs seething about it when it came out almost a decade ago
from rajiv malhotra to JSD everyone was up in arms because it was written by a black amerimutt christian
who was claiming that casteism is somehow worse than american christian negro chattel slavery
chinaman hate wasn't this bad and even after chink flu
rest of the world didn't hate them
infact they all forgot about chinkflu
wtf even "casteism" is ? isn't it varna system that they speak against .
>infact they all forgot about chinkflu
power of ccp
chinaman hate was as bad as the current jeet hate. All the modern anti asian racism in the west has its roots in anti-china psyop.
casteism = slavery
funnily enough negros in the carribbean and SA also accuse every Indian of being casteist and racist against niggers
because indians still have their own culture, religion and identity
and negros don't have anything
so they started accusing all indians from hindu Indians like vivek to christian indians like Nikki and bobby jindal to even non indians like tusli of being casteists and anti black
even though statically speaking negro attacks in Indians is high while Indian attacks on negros don't exist
explain the current indian hate
it was fairly innocuous racist bantz before online, now its eclipsed anti black and anti china. its nearing anti jew levels of hatred and even that isnt so publicly accepted
>casteism = slavery
i thought casteism = tribalism.
slavery is based upon hierarchy. Where is the element of hierarchy in casteism ?
so trve xista
gay bheem!
>chinaman hate was as bad as the current jeet hate.
it wasn't like says >>200120122
even governments didn't want to name the origins of the chinky virus
WHO still to this day doesn't want to call it the wuhan virus
only people crying about chink flu were mutts maybe europeans
even japs who hate chunks didn't openly call it the chinky virus
also all the big tech was on chinkys side
even if you published correct information about the virus like the origins of the chink flu
you were banned for misinformation and disinformation
meanwhile X ,FB , instgram etc doesn't even care about Indian hate even it blatantly violates their ToS
>explain the current indian hate
JIO = 30%
Desi Immigrants = 20%
Geopolitical reasons = 40%
Muslim backlash = 10%
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what a cringe ass discussion
>doesn't want to call it the wuhan virus
cuz thats outrightly racist
dead general is better
sirs? Is this true?
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is /bharat/ pro eugenics ?
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>be chatting to egirl haram on discord
>2 supervisors barge in
>"anon is so cool, he doesnt even talk much"
>"yeah all he does is work all day"
is your mom brahmin ?
where do i get laid in delhi ? paid sex i mean
t. incel
yes, she is white
>paid sex i mean
don't go to GB road, there are girls who will have sex with you for free as long as you pay for oyo and food and her taxi
>there are girls who will have sex with you...
this is so true, many girls on bumble and tinder are actually selling sex for free food and movie tickets nowadays. My friend got a blowjob for a medium pizza at dominos.
my bharadwaj friend in 5th standard looked like this. He had a younger sister who looked chink.
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Today would have been Saint Elliot Rodger's 33rd birthday. In his honour and memory, let us discuss some ways we can fix Endia's gynocratic foid worship society and stop people from passing anti-male laws.
tamils are rich. chennai is developed af. they don't look good but they are rich thats what i saw on google maps
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>chennai is developed af
hahahahaha hahahaha
unless you're some bihari chamar it looks like a shithole to rest of us normal humans
I was there few months ago when the flooding happened
even rural karnataka or Orissa is better
ek hijabi qt to mai bhi deserve karta hun
only applies if you're a mogger chad though with social skills
Kill yourself, nigger trash
There's an indian family who live near my house and they have a cute daugther. What should I give her father in exchange for her?
depends on his full name
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Whats up with nepal and plane crashes? Also how did your brahmin mother marry a dalit father in nepal. I thought nepal was hardcore when it came to caste.
His last is peries or something like that they are from south india
give him plates and cutlery because south indians eat from banana leaves using their hands
>Whats up with nepal and plane crashes?
low iq
>Also how did your brahmin mother marry a dalit father in nepal.
> I thought nepal was hardcore when it came to caste.
caste brainrot doesnot happen in nepal
I went back and saw I got called names for thinking anklets woud fall off a foot

but it was you dimwits who are retarded! The anklet in the painting was way, waaay too broad. You just can't look at it with a fresh eye
>replies 3 days later
I have a life, nerrrd
I saw a documentary where the brahmin family completely ostracized and even performed the last rites when the son married a dalit. Brahmins dont even allow dalits to enter thier kitchens in nepal . Where in nepal are you from exactly?
>low iq
do you guys have low iodine intakes? You better start adding some to salt.

Calling somebody a "Swiss" was the same as suggesting you're a downie, 100 years ago. They were too landlocked for natural iodine to reach em.
poo in loo pajeet
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>>amerinegro telling us about your own history
(((audrey truschke))) does it a lot, mughals were indian saar, they enrich india's culture saar, diversity good saar, they were seculaaar! and all of the other BS she propogates, and then pretends to be an oppressed victim of far right hindtva fascist harrassment on twatter when someone corrects her.
it's the same narrative they're spreading in europe, that all the paki grooming gangs enrich their culture and bring diversity blah blah, and if you call them out you're a far right racist anti-semite, islamophobe! as usual, the jew cries as he strikes you.
>mughals were indian saar
they genetically were
>they enrich india's culture saar
that they did
>diversity good saar
>they were seculaaar
yes they were thats why hindus were left in afghanistan, only lower caste converted without giving any second thoughts.
my caste is relatively "new"
what should i thank brahmins for ?
Seeting dalit spotted
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Excuse me saars pray tell what movie this be
I don't watch pajeet slop so I don't know
>Hiroshima and its consequences
reverse image search it you retarded amerimutt
>inb4 whats that
KYS now
either padmavat or bajirao mastani.
Aesthetics can be attributed to the director sanjay leela bhansali
bhai its fucked up beyond hope
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looks okay kinda masculine
but only hindu commies
it baffles me how conservative mallu families are
it's a christcuck style new age painting man
Hindu commies are just ezhavas, they bred a lot therefore they became the votebank of kerala. Now they are getting replaced by muslims.
They used to be buddhists slaves from sri lanka.
there are just too many of them
from what i know it seems as if ther are like the yadavs of north politically
>mughals were genetically indian
that's not even what he's claiming
if pakis are genetically Indian then hazaras are Pakis.
Hazaras are central asian so were mughals.
Thus mughals were genetically indian
list some anti male laws
if a few people moved to india from elsewhere that doesn't make them 'genetically indian' fucking moron
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your bussy?
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Internationally speaking, what are the implications of me (cis, straight) scoring 14/25 on the trans bingo, including a clear column. What does this say about me, as a person?
hahaha ohhhhh
Sheikh Hasina is important for that region. She is our representative. They are growing now.
Yadavs are based, like surya kumar yadav. Ezhavas are nonexistant in anything
that bengali porn whore you guys posted yesterday is kinda pretty mogs the jewish looking paki whore
(i coomed to her)
thats what I always said
hasina is a grifter involved in islamization of west bengal
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>surya kumar yadav
lots of yadavs marrying outside caste nowadays i see
imagine being this ugly
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>huh? paki subhuman?...kutwa?...dalit?
>bro do you want tea or not stop wasting my time
Your response?
for me its JasmineSherni from punjab
Average gangetic scammer bull will mog this feminine fag
*pulls out a swab from the back pocket*
bhaijaan just wanted to take a sample from you for your Y-dna haplogroup
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luna silver the punjabi from paxistan
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Germanics definitely have east Asian Siberian blood in them

The nordics are asiatic people from siberia.

Germanics ruined Europe when they invaded Rome and pretended as romans after killing all the romans

Then they pushed another Semitic faith and absolutely raw DOGGEDLY KEKED Europe in her every holes

They became whatever they came in contact with

They claim Egyptian civilisation, Roman civilisation, Byzantines, Turkic and now Indian too
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desu that face is the general northern phenotype in subcontinent. Its his eye color that make him look distinct.
now he has become old and looks like a regular paki
i see the description of a high energy race
you are arguing with deobandi katua faggot
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Very high energy indeed
>kangludesh got rid of reservations
>India still throwing gibs like there's no tomorrow
Overall India's genetics is 100% Indian, we have like 1% of turkic or iranic dna, whats funny is that there is literally ZERO % of arabic ones

So the ones claiming syed, ashraf, thangal, maulavi,ansari castes are ALL LARP
we should deal with traitors within first
kill all babas and sadhus
t. Brahmin
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I like how islam has become neo christianity, muslims now worship muhammed, do pagan rituals most of the country, have shrines and worship poets and saints lmao
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mujhe 3d pyaari chahiye yaaro ;_;
both look same
Its already night time and i have to wake up for work again
this shankaracharya is an idiot not because for his political views but hiw overall views and way of conduct in general. He and the gujarati shankaracharya even attended the inter-caste Ambani wedding.
At this moment only picrel is trustworthy as far as religious discourse is concerned. Unfortunately he looks dysgenic af despite hailing from a royal family.
I never expected that the institution of shankaracharya is corruptible like others.
you mean he's not charismatic on video?
muslims are deranged
Mujeet spotted Opinion discarded
indian is not a race
Will this nigga not learn to not blaspheme by calling the lord an African til he gets doxxed and lynched by a mob of Hindutvawadis and/or Ahirs?
He is actually right THOUGH, Krsna had dark skin and the blue skin bit is most likely a retcon.
lookism is for faggots and women
go look up the marble busts of how roman philosophers and leaders like seneca and ceaser
they too would be considered ugly and dysgenic by modern faggot standards
lookism is for bitches
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nope the sources he quotes aren't reliable even by liberal sect standards. Perhaps he was planted by RSS like the gujarati picrel shankaracharya.
RSS wants hindu to modernize in a (((western))) way on the social level like Meiji Restoration for securing short term political goals.
Why is happiness index so important? Only women are happy. Men arent supposed to be happy.
you know that we know you're talking to yourself right ?
your takkiya won't protect you
>>The Prophet said "None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind.

it's just like Christianity like Jesuits fallow Jesus
from the begining Mohammad created a cult around him asking his fallowers to put him above their children, family
Quran(33:21) claims Mohamad as perfect example humanity should fallow to gain salvation
muslims are obsessed with his sunnah (daily life )how he lived, his deeds ,sayings and want to imitate them in their lives
even if you criticize existence of Allah they don't care but iif you criticize Muhammad they do chimpouts
read Rigveda for knowing about the proper standards of lookism.
Anyone who ignores physical realm completely isn't a very wise person.
you always feel like you're talking to a bunch of deranged trannies when talking to indians
>visit randia
>top post is a Pole ragebaiting against Indians
>700 updoots
I'm fucking fed up with this racist shit. Any dumb fucker thinks it's okay to publicly be lowkey racist and demeaning to Indians. What the fuck is this? They would never say this about the Chinese, or Africans, or Arabs, or Jews. Fuck all you faggots, I'm seething
Let me just drown in my own misery in fucking peace
cry more chotu
Yeah true, the word can mean both but he was North Indian and black skinned not African. He probably finds it funny and it's insignificant to him, but it does irritate me to see him compared to people who sell their bodies.
Rigveda doesn't advocate to look like faggots
nor obssse with beauty
>inb4 muh physical prowess
that's different
lookism is purely for the lowest loosers
lol pussy getting butthurt at little blasphemy
redditors are generally leftist people. Indian redditors specifically are mid level wagies from Tier-1 cities who feel like playing their part in "social justice" due to the lack of their own abysmal condition. Little "owns" on internet and small moments in life make them happy.
I see no reason to seethe about them. Let them be what they want to be.
maybe you should send screenshots of this racist posts to his boss ,his family and friends
or maybe even tag their embassy in india
so outrage is him being kafir kek
Islam is globalhomo religion as long as Chinese guy who adopted is Muslim or converts to Islam it's ok for them
Just pray to Lord Shiva and move on
the pic here>>200113629 tells you enough to "know" about what Rigveda says about lookism.
>lookism is purely for the lowest loosers
artificial lookism ? surely. But I always appreciate the inherited beautiful features because they create distinction and thus class.
I am totally against things like rhinoplasty and excessive makeup but not going to the gym and not caring about your natural skin isn't something I appreciate either.
I just want the racist comments to stop bros. It wasn't a big deal pre a few months back but now it's just so blatant and demeaning. It's harming my mental health. Yes I'm a retard. Let me just browse the internet in peace without a billion people screaming SAAR or DESIGNATED
Life will only get harder, i think being a muslim is worse
don't browse "internet" then, browse internet only and 'man up' as its going to be worse when you will move out of your home to earn a living.
>Chinese, or Africans, or Arabs, or Jews.
CCP will hunt you if you say anything anti china remember how social media was censored about origin of covid as disinformation ?
nafris and blacks do massive chimpouts beat you up in west
Jews will fire you from job for anti semitism
what Indians gonna do cry in Mongolian anime forum ?
why do you take it personally?
also if you're invested that personally then be racist back towards this person
don't come here crying if you're too dumb to even speak back
Truly embarrassing. Make me PM i'll actually do it
Exactly why Indian apps with Indisns moderating are needed
its easier to stop believing that "India is a country" at the first place.
will modi give me gibs to make a small manufacturing company
its like going to a zoo and saying that all the animals are living together thus they belong to the same habitat
only if you're a muslim
Yeah, you're right. I think I'm just in a very bad point in my life, and my mental health has gone down the drain. The blatant anti-Indian racism online just struck a particular nerve. I'm just wanted to vent instead of keeping it bottled inside. I have nowhere else to express it. Anyway, whatever, I've expressed my thoughts, albeit to an emotionally-retarded bunch of anons. I'll just continue being retarded and kill my self.>>200132986
all of them will convert to poohamad pissful cult and became brothers and sisters in ummah ,see muhamad last speech
or convert to yeshua Ben Yousef cult became brothers in Christkikery

we are brothers, incest children of Adam and Eve
trust the gay allah plan
read these 2 articles by ex chairman of UPSC to understand a bit about how it goes here in India

they are a single article in two parts
these 2 are worth a read for a youngster among the millions of articles about intellectual cobwebbery
instead of posting faggotry post sexy stuff
as long as they don't show faces it isn't real
I'm not butthurt man, I dunno I guess I was like you at some point
What are you, Muslim? Some sort of leftist? I was a rabid atheist leftist when I was a teenager too
I guess what bothers me is I see you in every thread whenever I come here every once in a while, I dunno, you're probably young and even if you're not is this really how you want to spend the time you have? You ever think about what makes you post this?
how to I acquire a Naga sidechick ?
I don't like the Hijab, I get why people get off to it but it very directly turns flesh itself into something perverse, it isn't right
dude sounds bitter
yeah dude it makes the woman into a gimp
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hijabs are cute, niqabs aren't
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different perspectives I'd say
niqabs are peak sexo esp in sheer fabric
watch this before you go to sleep
idc. I know what I want and how to get it.
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mai bhi kisi pyaari kei aise gaal kheechna chahta hu ;_;
I guess yeah. A lot of people think it's for real or that it's sincere too, I guess it must be sincere for peasants in Bangladesh or Senegal or wherever but for most Muslims it's just for show, they don't really buy into it either, that makes it even more perverse for me.
>aapko bhi samaj mein rehna hai na
My friend is dating a Turkish girl and she want to marry him asap because her family is pressuring her to marry a Turkish cuck . She even came to banglore to spend a week with him . Her family is chill and friend is planning to convince her to convert her to hindu after getting married. My friend said he can't deal with her pedo religion for long so either they will break off or she need to convert.
but I don't wanna
tell him to take responsibility
now is a good time to move to turkey I think
good evening sirs I have bluescreened my windows
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sfc /scannow sirs
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I hate mallus so fucking much. the women are hot though.
i hate people who simp for old people
i have started to hate myself due to 4chan :(
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Remember His glory.

Never forget.
Shishupala was Krishna's cousin and harbored deep animosity towards him. He insulted Krishna repeatedly and disrupted the Rajasuya Yagna conducted by King Yudhishthira. Krishna had promised Shishupala's mother that he would forgive him 100 times for his offenses. When Shishupala crossed this limit, Krishna killed him with his Sudarshana Chakra. However, at the moment of his death, Shishupala's soul merged with Krishna's, symbolizing forgiveness and liberation.
Can’t believe you subhuman retards are so racist lmfao
When are you going to annihilate yourselves in nuclear war with your aryan Pakistani brothers?
But I thought Modi was an Islamophobic chud
Meloni also hated refugees
Is no man's sky good ?
The best. Play it :)
>11:31 am
>pajeets are still asleep

SAR, hope you enjoy waging
Shiva is white though chud
now that you've introduced yourself don't be a stranger, post more
oh poor you!
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aryan thread
the way i see it society is moving into two camps one hinglish speaking fucks but other's no better being bhangi always on the hustle chamaar
there is no reasonable in between anymore
both are the same, we're all niggers in the larger scheme of things
I wanna move to Kathmandu, how is life over there? you got thots in Nepal???
>t. self pitying bhangi from latter group while he pulls one over you
>I wanna move to Kathmandu
this place is a failed state with changing government every 2 months
>how is life over there?
indians get discriminated 24/7, you will get called a "dhoti" and be told to go back to your own country
>you got thots in Nepal???
Nepali women prefer their own. They are a hivemind, only way to have sex is to pay for it. A girl literally gave me shit when I used 1 hindi word in a conversation and called me indian (this is an insult here)

pros of living in india
>mogger salaries
>cost of goods and services is half of what it costs in nepal
>easy access to anything foreign
>whorish women so easier sex

pros of living in nepal
>less crime
>cleaner air
>nicer weather and climate (only hilly region)
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>I wanna move to Kathmandu
I'm a rajput but I see the futile and niggerish nature of all indians today regardless of what language they speak
>I'm an OBC
I know
>>whorish women so easier sex
y-you had sex with pajeetas? it was easier too?
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Based Shri Ram
You never know when you might need them again
we are lord over all the castes, nigger.
No one asked you wagie go write up a code for your masters.
I mean is it really that necessary for her to convert ? If her parents are chill and she is ready to marry your friend. I have a few cousins who married German and russian girls who are orthodox and still celebrate their own customs. Converting is a dirty muslim trait
rude :(
no women don't talk to me, I'm a subhumancel
I'm basing my opinion on women based on anecdotes I've heard from people around me
How did Bali become Hindu?
same way UK became muslim
North eastern and Nepali women are superior to any mainland bitch
post examples preferably webm
hi frens
Balinese did not become Hindu by importing millions of Hindus from India in the way UK imported million of little paki rats. So how did they become Hindu island?
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have a masked western woman instead
what is the brazilian dream about ?

>Evil hindu nationalist fascist subreddit Indiaspeaks glazing over chinkjeet
are all right wingers closet fags
this is the kind of place mr robot would live in
>mr robot
who is that, zoomer?
yes mumbai is a dystopia
schizo hobo hackerman

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