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The Pennsylvania Railroad, the Standard Railroad of the World edition
Old: >>200118147
Feeling depressed again
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What kind of likeness is that?
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>dead pool
What's the difference?
/pol/ is much whiter than /int/. You can find white leafs on /pol/ but none here. I am brown.
Proxy brit ITT, reminder: DO NOT ENGAGE
>/pol/ is much whiter than /in

/pol/ is full of Latino white supremacists.
just saw a mice run by
What's that? My trial? That's Bobby! What the fuck is this?!
My sinuses are stuffed
> a mice
I hate ESLs.
he’s using a proxy, you are speaking to a european
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>A dead pool is a game in which the object is guessing when someone will die.
I don't care about your made up characters
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>if you take a cheaper, safer, and faster mode of transportation , you are a cuck
i not esl though
Are racoons canid, felid, or ursid?
I just barely scratch 1K in my paycheck. I'm also at a impass of basically squandering over half of my paycheck helping someone else survive. I feel like I spend more money helping others than myself
What memories are you guys haunted by?
>when I was visiting friends, a girl told me "you can sleep in my bed if you want...but just sleep! Don't try to do anything ok?" and I took her seriously and just slept next to her
>got wasted in grad school and left my backpack in a taxi, which had a semester's worth of notes and my laptop inside
>get drunk with friends and their gay neighbors, decide to play homoerotic "pain tolerance" game where we slapped each other's bare backs and eventually whipped each other with a wire hanger.
>the seconds before an unavoidable car crash when I realized I was fucked
>decade plus of interchangeable memories of sitting at home on 4chan and vidya wasting my youth
i get neet bucks. jealous?
Hey babe wake up, new phylum just dropped
/int/ is full of pajeets and muslims. There are real white leafs on /pol/, here it’s all pajeets including me. The euro flags are mostly white there. Here, it’s all nafris.
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>decide to play homoerotic "pain tolerance" game where we slapped each other's bare backs and eventually whipped each other with a wire hanger.
You're mistaken. There are far more browns on /pol/ than here
Even weirder is when you pull back a bit, they are in the group with weasels, skunks, otters, but that group is the sister group of seals (pinnipeds) of all things.
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>US politics
>We all believe X in Canada
Neti pot that shit. But if you get a plastic one, don't use boiling water. Spend the extra buck fifty and get a gallon of distilled water. At least then you can minimize the amount of plastic you're fluming into your skull. Better yet, get a ceramic neti pot if you can find one.
I have been on this site for well over a decade and /pol/ and /int/ are my main boards. /int/ is the brownest board on this site. It’s not even close.
>>the seconds before an unavoidable car crash when I realized I was fucked
I have this exact memory. It plays in my nightmares, on repeat, several times. I'm on US 1, I turn a gentle curve, suddenly see a car in the right lane stopped with hazards on. There's an open shoulder, I slammed the breaks and try to swerve onto the shoulder.
Realize there could be a person on the shoulder and course correct to go into the left lane so I don't potentially kill someone. Hit the car square in the middle. The airbags don't deploy because I slowed down enough. It haunts my dreams, and the humiliation after
Really excited for the new Deadpool movie
Too lazy to find and post a funny soyjak for this, just pretend I did
If you exclude Americans /pol/ may as well be a white ethnostate. Most Americans on /int/ are also brown but usually pajeet or muzzie rather than spic. Even the Euros here are brown.
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Lufthaus is fucking sick. 3 songs especially fucking kick. Soul Seekers, Unlovable, and I forget the name of the 3rd one but towards the end the melody goes hard as all living fuck, I almost got into an accident that beat hit so fucking hard.

What's cool about them is they combine the pulse of electronics with the art and structure of classic song writing and that shit just slaps hard af
i dont watch movies or shows. anyone else
deadpool kino hell yeah. gonna rewatch the wolverine movies. pull up yts
I went on vacation to Australia once and went wading in the ocean up to my waist in far north Queensland. Even worse, I literally waded out to a sandbar that was at the mouth of a creek. Aussies will know why I still lay in bed dwelling on that years later.
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I like the brown nazi chuds personally
Put just a bit of cayenne on my fries and they’re still spicier than intended.
I watch a fair number of horror films
They speak to me
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If you're a spicelet and your fucking with cayenne you're gonna have a bad time. Stick with tobacco or black pepper. Cayenne is intermediate, not entry level
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You should watch documentaries.
Have you seen Noroi?
>White Habanero Peruvian Lightning

Sick name, sounds like a street drug from Metalocalypse
i only watch youtube videos
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Recently found out Deadpool is Canadian, like Wolverine despite being made by Americans. Leafbros we finally WON
Kane was also Canadian. All the Department K guys were.
Then watch this fucking youtube video. It has English subtitles.
most celebrities are canadian
You got us fucked up. We're Americans we don't do subtitles.
movies are too long
>devil’s tongue
I put about 3/4 teaspoon on my (5 potatoes) hand cut fries and it still has a real kick. Will go for less next time but I do want SOME spice level.
Learning Romanian would take longer than reading English. Don't tell me you're one of those perverts that enjoys dubbed media.
It's pretty funny.
Are you zoomers or millennials?
Totally Sweet White Habanero Peruvian Lightning Snake
>Dubbed media
LOL I don't watch anything that isn't in English, why would I
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Im gonna miss my 5head wife, bros...
>please call me a short attention spand zoomer!!
One of my coworkers is from Romania, the guys a complete asshole desu
I think so, but I don’t think I really understood the plot. Might give it a rewatch.
^ brit on proxy
The Mexican was correct...
HOW do I get a wife? I’m fit and I will have a job soon
Because most US media is trash? US remakes of foreign films suck ass 99% of the time.
Most media is trash period
I swear some people over here are dying to be called names by "casually" posting or replying with obvious bait
whats with this mexican
Millenial in my 30s
I got a turk with yellowfever at work
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You should. It's one of those films that makes more sense when you watch it a second or third time (you can notice how seemingly unrelated events are connected in one way or another).
I recently rewatched The Void. I liked the practical effects.
One time I put my wiener in a woman.
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After my recent ordeal I decided I must change my eating habbits. No more processed garbage and worthless carbs. I grilled two beef patties, fried 5 eggs in olive oil, put some goat cheese on there and an avocado and this shit only amounts to ~1000 calories when at my size I need ~2300 just to maintain? What the literal fuck?
Then there are exceptions like the one I posted.
Not even sure he is actually mexican atp
>this beef patties arent processed
My wiener is celibate
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Canadian movie btw

the fuck is wrong with me
My friend's cyber truck just broke and he had to send it back because the stupid steering wheel isn't working properly. He hasn't had the thing for even 2 full weeks
Well, the percent of it that isn't trash is in English, sooo....
You had enough after just one. I have to live every day surrounded by these morons. You sometimes meet someone with a smidgeon of wisdom and intelligence and they then up and leave the country for greener pastures.
Just don’t reply and eventually they will get bored
It's just ground beef and also when I say processed food I'm talking about demonic goyfeed garbage like takis and all of these packaged abominations.
Your inner ESL wants to come out and olay
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I recall seeing one dude from Letterkenny in the movie. Makes sense now.
Lol. I don’t understand why anyone is still buying those.
I also don’t understand why cars are so big nowadays
Participate in British threads

Read British posts

Always respond politely to British posters
Saw nothing but Tesla cars parked outside when I drove past the gay bar on the way home from work yesterday
Is it the 1 second delay the wheels have when you move the steering wheel?
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Serious question: Why do Koreans like opening stores in the hood? There's a Korean kid where I work who said his father owns beauty product stores in black neighborhoods. And I'm not even in LA; I'm in Tennessee.
Unless you made those patties yourself they're processed and contain additives and preservatives
>why yes, I know where gay bars are in my city
Yes I made those patties myself. Either way it's miles better than eating a pack of ketchup ruffles.
I really like this girl but I'm not really sure she's into me even though we've been talking literally every day at the gym for the past 2 weeks
It's closer to a 3 second delay
Might do CS50 through EdX
NTA but yeah, they're like 2 blocks from city hall
>blacks spend all their money on frivolous shit
>never can compete against you competently
>white people don't want to open a store there either because it's a ghetto
it makes sense but the cost is dealing with groids your whole life
money. no one else wants to do it so you can make a lot of money if you're willing to put up with the risk. and mostly in cash too
Nope. We've already been over this with the remakes issue.
Just because you're too self-absorbed to notice cinema from other countries doesn't mean it's non-existent.
Business idea: start a business in the hood
where my nibbas at. any brother in here?
I don't watch remakes of euro trash films so whatever man
Teslas for the guys out of the closet. Giant trucks for the guys still in the closet. I thought it was obvious.
If you're asking if anyone here is black, I am
i hate elon musk
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Move over nice dog 'cause the mad dog's movin' in
yessir. how u doing senpai
Fine amigo, how are you
Toilberg would freak if he saw me right now
Rooftop Koreans can handle it. All that 2nd amendment talk from WASP and they aren't brave enough.
forced to listen to a chinamen playing 'oh susana' over and over again on whatever their chinese violin is called
You probably did but didn't know it.
I am Latin.
i am sexy
where's mousenonce?
Fuck you want, a boutonniere?
he's here >>200133114
Therapy doesn't work on the Irish.
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wow captainsparklez dead at 30
Found out one of my best friends was a faggot. Told him to seek Christ and never talk to me again.
it helped me get over my brontophobia

I think
I'm doing well. Kinda tired and falling asleep at work, but all is well.
>Homo hominis lupus est
>Omul este lupul omului
>L'homme est le loup de l'homme
>El hombre es el lobo del hombre
>O homem é o lobo do homem
How did he take that response
If you're gonna troll at least get his age right. I had an autistic obsession with him I know he's 32 off memory because for some reason I still remember his birthday
where are burger king, cia and canadian cia
also where is cole....
keep forgetting I need to catch up on my anime
Fuck u talking about?
I will slap you on the face
Christ is cool with the fags, the pope said so.
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sexo con mejican cummy bummies
>cia and canadian cia
they are long gone fortunately
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of course u wouldn't know about them u damn newfriend

i really miss those guys. used to have a telegram chat with them and tell all kinds of things
Just underlining that western Romance languages have abandoned noun grammatical cases, making them look less Latin.
i took 60mg of melatonin 55 minutes ago and got a bit yawny and sick of it all (after like 20 seconds of DREAD) and then had some energy drink because i was thirsty, now im completely awake
what a scam
unless i can take some melatonin when i usually crash each day and find a way to get something out of that

bocchi the top:
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it's over
Department K nun esiste cchiù
yet another dogshit post fat
glad you didnt just put a bunch of the a letters in a row (again) the faggoted bitch you are
had an unsatisfying fap
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>new yankee apartment manager
>$41 valet trash service 2 weeks later
Canada is just the US but better because it's more progressive and tolerant of minorities
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>Canada is just the US but better because it's more progressive and tolerant of minorities
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incredibly low quality b8
Many such cases

>more progressive and tolerant of minorities
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>Dove Sono i miei Umaruamic--ACK!
posto buono, wrong thread
Will u buy ubisoft's new assassin's creed?
I can’t be racist
I’ve had sex with a black woman, an Asian woman, and a Hispanic woman
I’m a little racist towards Indians and Arabs though
Need to Breed
are you a racist homophobe?
South East Asia, no excuses
no. I have lost interest in vidya.
No because Assassins Creed has been ass since the third game
Also why did people only know realize that Assassins Creed is woke?
They made the fucking Ottomans out to be the good guys while the Byzantines were the villains
Who were the good guy assassins?
Who were the villains?
The crusaders
when it's on steamunlocked hell yeah. yasuke is cool af dude
Oops, cazzo
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>he hasnt taken the retropill
Zoom zoom!
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>yasuke is cool af dude
Man I haven't used my pc for gaming in at least 2 weeks. Still need to finish Elden Ring DLC
Cate from Gen V has the voice of an 80 year old woman, but she's young.

For some reason I find that perversely erotic.
Anyone able to explain how a 6’0+ black man will blend into crowds of 5’3 yellow people ?
black excellence
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the racist j-word seethe is funny
Reminder faggotry is the greatest sin, worse than pedophilia
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>white, yellow, brown, or red person graduates college
>”Good job, proud of you”
>black person graduates college
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I'm not really a fan of Assassin's Creed

But Rainbow Six... now THERE'S a good Ubisoft franchise.
Pedo post
youre talking to an r9k poster whos entire gimmick is saying this and posting cuckold fantasies
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>Also why did people only know realize that Assassins Creed is woke?
They went too far this time tbqh, like he said >>200134123 it's just too stupid. Also an ass creed set in Japan has been requested for like 10+ years so when it finally comes and you play as a BMAF duo it will piss off more people.
I need a robot wife
tautology, it's the same thing
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need an android wife
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need a goddess wife

this is the r9k british poster on an avatar flag, posting avatar images, misreading what 4chan is supposed to be about in its images because of his severe autism
Best of both worlds: Noita
i am a cumbrain retard
you got the bad kind of autism for falling for 4chan bait and going on 4chan
the autism which makes you copy paste the same 2 duplicate posts for 19 hours a day every day
you people are why we cant say "high functioning" because it would be "discriminatory"
Need a thunderthighs pawg gf
unless youre the literally 3+ people and a discuck group
who arent autistic just mad as fuck at me but i will keep posting duplicate posts at you saying you are autistic now
that's not a pawg that is just phat in general
Took my preworkout, will workout soon, then I’ll take my postworkout (weed)
>played FRLG
>got to the elite 4 and stopped
>played HGSS
>got to the elite 4 and stopped

I think Emerald is next on the list.
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im at the stage of the game in the rsps now where the admins are going to get really mad at me within the next few hours and it will decide my whole future. we are about to cross paths the admins and i :3
you realize you're killing your gainz by smoking weed, right?
Kill hiisi. Behead hiisi. Roundhouse kick a hiisiinto the concrete. Slam dunk a hiisi baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy hiisi. Defecate in a hiisi saltfiskur. Launch hiisi into sol invictus. Stir fry hiisi in a sartagine. Toss hiisi into active volcanoes. Urinate into a hiisi's mead. Judo throw hiisi into a wood chipper. Twist hiisi heads off. Report hiisi to the Vigiles Urbani. Karate chop hiisi in half. Curb stomp pregnant hiisi barbarians. Trap hiisi in quicksand. Crush hiisi under an elephant. Roast hiisi on a gridiron. Eat hiisi. Dissect hiisi. Exterminate hiisi in the colosseum. Stomp hiisi skulls with steel toed tabernii. Cremate hiisi in the kiln. Lobotomize hiisi . Mandatory damnatio memoriae for hiisi. Grind hiisi babies in a mortar. Drown hiisi in liquid gold. Incinderate hiisi with greek fire. Kick old hiisi off a cliff. Feed hiisi to the lions. Slice hiisi with a gladius.
I'm glad more and more of you lonely virgins make more creep shit like this so the odds of getting caugh increase
haha i get that reference >_< badada dabada *puts arms in air*
wahoo! BING
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>bulgarians cant even beat the E4
idc about gainz
take melatonin and or a tolerance break and then melatonin, then some vitamin Bs, all of them, and tell us what happened
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>I'm glad more and more of you lonely virgins make more creep shit like this so the odds of getting caugh increase
A friend was going on about how smoking after a workout helps with lactic acid build-up and I don't know what muscle relaxation.
There's a difference between can't and don't want to.
If someone unironically posts a soyjak, I think the chances of them being a loser are very high

Successful people don't post soyjaks, do they?
Not with me there aint
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>I quit on purpose because gary was too tough
i cant kill 77 lava dragons in 45 minutes like the extended task wants me to
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/cum/? more like proxy/euro
i cannot cum in you
Why do people act like /fit/ is a reliable source
ruby bolts (e) sound like WHAT?
every time i have said "it tasted like dxm" or "i got a taste of it" i have meant gelatin
Yeah because if you try you'd get murdered.
USA rugby vs fiji rn
no, because if i did, you'd fall in love with me
I don't go there and don't believe in gymbro pseudoscience. I'm one of those traditionalists that believe you can get fit by working on a farm.
I use a dry vape (hot air passed over weed flower). There is no smoke, oil, or combustion.
>bad for gains
Maybe, but I’m still making progress every week so I’m going to keep using weed
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Tired of this shit
Is it true America has more prisons than universities?
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i got £150 from my family for my birthday so im thinking about putting some of my own money towards this and all of it into a savings account and using the "pay in 4" credit offers to boost my credit score and buy a computer. then i could already have the money but pay the monthly costs out of my jobseekers allowance
this computer has made me think about what future proofing computers means nowadays - i think this computer is future proofed, because it has 50GB of soldered on memory. everything is on the cloud, all of the office tools and dropbox, and i wasnt trying to post yesterday to interrupt you but the best graphics cards are the chips that are intergrated into laptops. thats what ive always used and you can get a lot of out of them - also the computer has a 1gHz CPU, and a really nice keyboard. despite all of this it has a HDMI port. i think it would be a perfect university laptop opr work laptop if i ever do find work and then i can buy this other laptop to play games and not care about keeping it clean to later leave it running in my air closet to make it last forever. i could get a laptop that can play LoL for £100
I dont get why people try to over complicate fitness. If you wanna look like a body builder do what a body builder does. Some guy I know’s wife was doing some weird aerobic hardcore yoga or someshit and she’s still a cow.
It makes me feel bad for anorexic people though because they have enough sense to realize eating too much is 90% of the problem but they take it too far.
Love isn't even a real thing.
>The team found between 9,000 and 10,000 daily steps were optimal to counteract a highly sedentary lifestyle, lowering incident CVD risk by 21 percent and mortality risk by 39 percent.
>Regardless of a participant's sedentary time, the researchers discovered that 50 percent of the benefits kicked in at around 4,000 to 4,500 daily steps.
>"Any amount of daily steps above the referent 2,200 steps per day was associated with lower mortality and incident CVD risk, for low and high sedentary time," Ahmadi and colleagues write.
sweet, 5k steps seems more efficient for me anyways.
looks like I will have to show you true love.
>If you wanna look like a body builder do what a body builder does
got the vodka shits
future proofed computer: 50GB of memory soldered onto the motherboard, for when the OS can get that big (by win12). then when the tech is cheap, a bigger storage drive
i dont like it neither but this is where it is going to end up. also, like, tools or something as a downloadable service - remote desktop not presinstalled, but you can go to settings and download the widgit/plugin. thats pretty cool
/cum/ niggas be like
"this vodka too spicy"
Puking jagermeister was the worst.
5HT receptor
I dont drink anymore because it’s too expensive and makes me fat
I dont drink anymore because it’s too expensive and makes me fat
Pretty much. The point is to just copy someone who’s better than you by doing what they did
Looks like I'll have to show you a knuckle sandwich.
can't remember the last time i drank. i prefer smoking weed, but i've been cutting back because it's too expensive to blaze all day everyday.
doritos version of Takis dust sticks to ur fingers
can't remember the last time i drank. i prefer smoking weed, but i've been cutting back because it's too expensive to blaze all day everyday.
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>I prefer smoking weed
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the amount of
>dude weed lmao
posters in /cum/ is at an all time high
Every motherfucker nowadays is trying to reinvent hot water. Where's the respect for tradition!?
I think beer/ale/cider is too expensive but hard liquor and something to mix it in is pretty cheap. Especially compared to going out with tha boiz
Weed isn't for serious people
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Amtrak my beloved
Carl Sagan was srs.
I hadn't seen Sharon around at work for a couple of months and her office was always empty. I noticed this morning that they took her nameplate off the door. Just got the memo, she died on May 17th. Long battle with cancer. She was always so sweet and nice, I'll miss her. Honestly, a good lady.

Rest in peace, chere
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iranian j-word people hate the eternal pothead
The difference is the serious people don't got around advertising it. There's tons of white collar people that smoke on the DL
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Pic rel is literally me
we just lost bigly vs fiji bros...
Cocaine and meth is for super super serious people who got raped by their dad when they were 2 month old baby.
I think so, if you include county jails.
i miss when the 1950s had such a hopeful view of the future, where science and technology would solve all of the world's problems.
now virtually everyone just views the future as a grim slow decline into chaos.
alright think i'll grind some vidya
It makes me much more serious, when I'm sober I can't be arsed about anything.
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alright think i'll grind some drug dealers skulls with my hammer
>no feminism
>whites only immigration
yeah it's easy to see why they were positive about the future
It’s up to us anon. Us vs. the richest and most powerful people in the world.
im perma very silly
You are 27. Shut the fuck up.
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>tfw no gf(towel warmer)
i believe we have plateaued. There's not much to discover as opposed to the 80s and 90s. i guess it was crazy to transition from theatre to b/w television to color television. But we haven't moved past color television.
Hispanics came in but they were usually seasonal workers.
It’s almost like they survived a world war and things couldn’t get worse anyways
The whole country is a prison desu
I want to travel the world but no money desu
i dont like travelling
listening to Why Can't We Be Friends?
im an obese bastard and i should be kept away from the fridge
Feminism was a thing in the 20s. Suffragettes and all that.
please sir you must understand i am indian >>200136280
that's alright anon. desu travelling is very tiresome specially if you have little to no experience doing so. personally i wouldn't know where to begin with if i wanted to travel alone
Eating a bunch of watermelon
it's anxiety inducing for me.
With fried chicken?
Fried chicken and watermelon is actually god damn delicious. I can see why the mulignan like it so much.
I used to get fried chicken, watermelon slices, and malt liqour from my local ghetto gas station when I felt like having a Nig It Up day. Tbh it is an absolutely delicious combo, perfect contrast of sweet and sour tastes
bump to kill thread

would lure him into wildy and steal his acb
Fucking yes. Say what you will about the ditsoon, they know what tastes good
Took my preworkout, will workout soon, then I’ll take my postworkout (weed)
hes 2 iteming :^)

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