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Delicious British food edish
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looks proper pengers
Rorke's fat fuckin da
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Someone said 'benjamin netenyahpoo' in the last thread and I screamed at it
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nth for the baddiedem
hello (say it back)
beans look lovely and stodgy, none of that watery shite
it back
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ACHTUNG: Spainpaedo is on the prowl.
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> Rorke's fat fuckin da
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rorke and the mandem
/brit/ is shit
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alri x
Nothing wrong with Wetherspoons
thats what your wrist would be like if rorke's fat da sat on it
spaedo meltdown imminent
fat cunt will be ghee by the end of the thread
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got the word poo in it
oh my god hes right it does
tim martian in the mud
spaedo on his belgian vpn
Can't think of the last time I sat down alone with a schooner in a generic suburban pub and made a punt on the doggies
Give it a rest you pathetic fucking faggot
got the jesus and mary chain on
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Horrid weather. Sweating like spainnonce in a nursery.
diego will be there, will you?
The only good spoons are the ones right next to unis
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Had a great time yesterday listening to the e-cel podcast.
would boot mohamed in the head
ah fair
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plod on the ropes
Really bizarre that rorke - who thinks Jews are a global subversive force - is a steadfast supporter of Israel
hate hate hate andy burnham
after inventing a new form of discrimination
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At 7 minutes
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There's still Greyhound races? Thought everyone razed their tracks years ago when the news made everyone care about racing dogs for 10 seconds
First time I saw a full size footy goal in real life was on school holiday in Germany. For a while I thought they just had massive goals in Germany for some reason.
anything is bizarre when you can make it up in your head. Harry Potter is quite bizarre too innit
Proper scran.
Spainpaedo bihourly gigamelty in progress
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Sounds about right
Cheap student dives would actually have some grubby sovl
might be the worst mash i've ever seen
did you deep fry your mash in batter
Which bit is made up
>less strain on the NHS,
They're taking away resources by poaching doctors and nurses from the NHS so no. Not to mention profiting from illness and disease.
What’s the issue
Really bizarre that /brit/ posts with the British flag but then he posts with a completely different flag. I mean what's that about? Make your mind up /brit/.
Abdul, Muhammad, Hamza, Yusuf your boys took a hell of a kicking
Second worst mash I've seen today after that paki's head on the floor of Manchester airport
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drier than an arab's sandal
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no one who thinks Jews are a globally subversive force is a diehard supporter of israel. “rorke” doesn’t exist it’s a meme that you use to placehold your retarded strawmen
hope this helps
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>that one friends mum who didn't add milk to mashed spuds and served up bland yellow starch
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Rorke impotently shaking his fist at having to pay for this with his Kew Gardens ticket
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Rorke transfixed witnessing genuine grief on Youtube
Absolutely mental that Australians are forced to sacrifice 12% of their pay to coke snorting banker tarqs under their pension system.
heathernonce isn’t a rorke he’s a jew
Myself I went through a mashing with the skins on phase
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Funny how rorke fancies himself as some expert on the general feeling of the nation despite never leaving his smeggy childhood bedroom

Civil war any day now eh?
gf has booked her girls' holiday to jamaica with her mates for the start of October so I'm gonna have two weeks all to myself, waheyyy

FC 25 should be out by then so I'll make a start on my Ultimate Team lol
says you spainfreak
you haven't left your crusty hovel in at least a decade
Feast for a king
I can smell the poverty
can you put on a name. it’s not possible to filter posts by the smell of cumin and BO unfortunately
we would all scran this and enjoy the fuck out of it, anyone who denies it is a liar
the thinking man's meal
probably about time to stop spamming
and to buy a new phone
should probably leave your bedroom then
the next 5 months are crucial if I were to have sex this year
It's another "made a sexual joke about a girl and my friends told me she is underage" moment
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>if someone is being detained, check with them first or only film officers
I hope she enjoys it. My gf goes away to Jamaica with her girlfriends and always comes back happy and bubbly. It must be the sun
need to become beautiful
Shared with the cronem
Well I just think it's super!
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If uniformed officers are there you are definitely under arrest so telling people to leave is terrible advice
Yeah my Mrs has been a few times as well, she always loves it. Says she wishes she never has to come back sometimes :/
mashing with the skins sounds like nignog slang for shooting people
Samefag Spaedo
No you’re not, fuckwit
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What were your school houses?
bro actually pretending to be a black woman in his smeggy childhood bedroom lmfao, how sad can you get :/
>everyone who disagrees with me is sn
Typically yeah
it’s al just spaedo/tilde. same child rapist. need to give it to a Mexican cartel
Not saying it's name but I was in the red one
Uh oh we're about to have a big international shitfight over habeas corpus and valid warrants
Didn't have any, thankfully this was before the Potterisation and redditisation of education
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Dan's brother posted this video for his fans. He's wearing his brother's Southampton shirt.
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Maybe not in Belgium, but here we don't pay law enforcement to do something unless higher ups are going to get to brag about it
heathernonce spams the cuck shit too
We had oak, ash, birch and some other tree I've forgotten
I recognise that tray
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might make a bread pudding at the weekend
nice picture of adam barratt there
where do you think Harry Potter got the idea of school houses from
do brits really?
leftypol wearing his mum's bra and shoving a cucumber up his arse
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>What were your school houses?
bloody eu
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Only had them in Primary School and they were Matthew Mark Luke and John
I went to school before Harry Potter and Reddit as well

Arundel (red)
Bodiam (green)
Lewes (yellow)
Pevensey (blue)
I don’t live there and what you’re saying is just not true, police do harass and try to intimidate people here into letting them into their houses for example
Some extremely skilful and effective damage control there, well done Rorke
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fuck off heathernonce you spamming retard
Am I supposed to know who these people are
don’t think rorke was ever supposed to be a mexican-american conservative holden
prepped a salad
got a steak out and at room temperature
got some tiger bread
all the ingredients fora great steak sandwich
but my appetite has gone
(8) it's me your little venice bitch (8)
Ruding, Barton, Denton, Verney, Stratton. Newton (which must be new as I don't remember it). I was in Ruding which was the 'coolest'.
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playing terraria
School houses here use to always be named after white explorers
Probably changed a bit now especially with Major Mitchell
Wouldn't really know, I don't go near schools that often
got pubes on my grapes fs.
not very Christian of you Diego
it goes without saying
“I played it for my managers and I was like, ‘yeah, I think this is the single I want to put out.’ And they were like, ‘it’s 10 minutes long. Are you kidding me?’ It’s called ‘Venice Bitch.’ Like why do you do this to us? Can you make a three-minute normal pop song? I was like, ‘well, end of summer, some people just wanna drive around for 10 minutes, get lost in some electric guitar.’”
this is some creepy shit. stop posting it here
Forget the salads, you'll always be a disgusting obese mess, Spaedo
ok? why are you posting this?
(8)If you weren’t mine I’d be jealous of your love (8)
because he's fucked in the head
im not spainnonce. ffs this thread gets cancerous at this time of night
Trip on spainpaedo
diego spamming his literal homosexual lyrics again
Sadly cancer is an awful way to go, I'm sure a lot of people who haven't seen someone die of it think you just go to sleep one day.
least retarded atheist
Agincourt, Plassey, Boyne, Trafalgar, Waterloo
least straight jew
not him but you are clearly very gay
(8) i'm your national anthem god you're so handsome (8)
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lmao - and she never posted once months later?
come out of the closet diego
it's nice out here
Just watched episode 1 of "those about to die" - absolute wank.

Bad storytelling and wooden dialogue, too many convenient coincidences. Lost immersion within 2 minutes.
Spainpaedo gigamelty in progress
least schizophrenic atheist
only into girls you projecting freak
your'e severely mentally ill
didn’t watch purely because I thought the title was crap
I prefered his sanctioned suicide posts
none of these are arguments
Norman, Plantagenet, Lancaster, York, Tudor, Stuart, Hanover, Windsor

I was in Tudor
most philosophically informed atheist
put your trip on spainpaedo you fucking nonce
Gray, Milton, Brunel and Windsor
you’re very feminine though. low test and always have been i reckon
you're clearly a very gay man diego
I'm trying to help you be yourself
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(8) tell me im your national anthem (8)
you are severely mentally ill
name a single feminine thing
least projecting homosexual
Don’t care if it was a paki that got his head stamped on, police officers shouldn’t be stamping on the heads of anyone that’s not resisting, especially if they’re being tasered.
you're in deep denial diego
How is he doing?
(8) money is the anthem, god you're so handsome, money is the anthem of sucess (8)
least mentally ill diegoposter
>name a single feminine thing
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Feel sorry for you, probably went to some failing academy with metal detectors at the entrance.

It's not tarq to go to a grammar school, just means I'm not a brainlet.
no that shit was really grim
Is spaedo the new name for Spain nonce then?
what are some forbidden topics to discuss in public
why are you scared to come out as gay when you're already living your life as a gay man?
the 16 yo gf
>holy trinity church of england
Yes, I came up with it.
least mentally ill homosexual
you just are
>Kylie is such a treasure
>labelling me as a paedophile is the next cope

sad :/
Racial IQ differences
>if you like women you are actually le gay
most coherent atheist
Grim as in interesting.
Why you think only taxpayers should be allowed to vote
you've already labeled yourself as one on multiple occasions
yes, if you like the music of kylie minogue then there is a 99% chance that you are a gay man
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You can hear this picture
least retarded atheist
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The existence of XX vs XY chromosomes
*muffled fart*
Improving society through eugenics
This is why Japan is much better than the US and UK

He said while posting on /brit/
at school they taught us this limerick

there once was a man from nantucket
whose cock was so big he could suck it
he said with a grin, as he wiped off his chin
"if my ear were a cunt, i would fuck it"
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Eugenics is pseudoscience that doesn’t actually work though
I like the music of Kylie. She’s fun
I also like shagging women
I am the 1%
ya creps
dead ting
I made a Madonna playlist and still shag women
got zogged in argos
I suck off blokes and still shag women
Hillary (Blue), Rutherford (Red), Te Kanawa (Green), Sheppard (Yellow)

I went to school in New Zealand. I was in Rutherford house. The school has since done away with the house system to integrate more maori stuff. When I was there the school only had 2 maori kids and far more chinks.
all behaviour is dependant on genes?
no, grim as in grim
Plum pudding model
>selective breeding doesn't work even though it was done on animals and plants to make stuff like cabbage
Is that webm really Billie Eilish? Her tits are phenomenal
the gf wants to go to a taylor swift night :/
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We used to be a proper country
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might start a new gimmick where i watch a new film everyday
it’s a feminine thing to say
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Rorke IS brat
I get bummed by blokes while shagging women
the ol spitroast
fuck OFFF cansnonce
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what billie eilish webm?
t. read this on reddit once and acts like he’s an expert on genetics
free sheldon
Tight-ass Androgynous
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Is it bad if i occasionally piss in the sink?
I read it on /sci/ actually
Employee has once again demonstrated his lack of competence
same thing
any more dating app snowbunnies?
been doing it for years out of convenience. if its fucking up the pipes then its a problem for landlordberg
why did mousenonce move to /cum/ permanently?
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Actually i piss in the sink every day now.
That face is a warzone
mad how eating tasty food, not including junk food, actually improves your sense of well-being beyond it just providing pleasure
This is literally just what women do.

Social currency to them is when you get really mad and do something stupid. You then "owe" them and are a big dumb idiot but it's okay they forgive you.

If you don't play their game then they do nothing. They'll try every tactic to try and get you to care enough, but if you don't then the rest of their dominoes collapse like a house of cards.
As a black man, I don't actually like being fetishized for my race. But exclusively date white women.

Duality of man.
>giving yourself good boy points feels good
happy for you lil bro
serotonin is made in the gut ini
what happened
Parasitic cuckold.
you’re a white incel paedophile from chester though so how does that work?
Corrosive cronem cum
welcome back mousenonce
we need you here
spainfreak has been running rampant
Ok that one was funny. Haha.
holden you are such a dumb cunt lmao
Are you complaining
it’s completely true though and you know it
got a dump coming on and I can tell it'll be a corker
watching the Netanyahu congress speech. very grim stuff
To save Sora and Kairi, Donald Duck had to cast the spell Zettaflare to defeat Terranort, even if it cost his own life to do it
what’s true? how don’t the rest of the west “respect” america? it’s just blather
How does spaedo manage to be even more of an unlikeable freak than a deranged scottish man who microwaves nettles in his piss
yeah? can't just bore everyone via your tweets, like all the other boring cunts?
>as a [member of an biological ecological niche] I date [member of a separate biological ecological niche]
government needs to ban this to preserve niche diversity and suitability to earth's climate.
toby is harmless really
spainnonce is insidious
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Why did armed woman cop not try to prevent attempted murder? She just stand like is retard.
it’s incredible really. i would much rather go for a pint with mousey as long as he was checked for weapons first
This Spaedo, is he in the room with us right now?
she's a racist and there's nothing wrong with that
Nah, take away his badge and put them in the same prison together.
yes you are in your rancid childhood bedroom where you are for 23 hours of the day
I am always willing to update my beliefs. Even today I updated them.
mousey MUST post once a day in /brit/ with an update on the day's wacky experiment
i need my peer reviewed science, dr mouse
Lol /Brit/ is retarded
I saw japanese knotweed today there was a warning sign it said japanese knotweed.
I'm sure this means something
not sure how it’s possible for parents to fuck up so badly to create you
What's Japanese about it?
a good native weed is chamomile. it is good for its smell.
>over 10% of all posts ITT were about Spaino

mental how badly he has mindraped all of us :/
What about the female conspirator? They wear the same uniform, everything. She should spend years upon years in the gaol.
Lol real :/
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Spaintard meltdown when called out and says you are melting down.
please go back to /Cum/? Pleaaaassssseeeeeeeeeeeee the thread has been so comfy without you :/
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Raise the age of consent to 28
Why did Janpaedo delete the new?
you are so much worse than him

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