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Anne Frank
Raise the age of conset to 35
dogs are horrible animals
shoot the lot of them
spaedo being boiled alive in a vat
Parasite drains all life from thread, fills it with his spam and then leaves to kill another thread.
we need this
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and yet people like dogs but they don’t like you. curious
Fallout London releases tomorrow ok
Have you had a good day mouse-san?
(OP) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eNK38nmzw4
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what's she going to get up to in the olympic village

reminder that ill do whatever the FUCK i want to do and you can fucking go kill yourself. dont tell me what to do you subhuman - you arent human. you are a parasite. dont ever try to talk to me again you sneaky evil little kike fuck. die, parasite
Parasite cannot fathom another organism co-habiting with it inside the host (thread). It prefers to be surrounded by itself, a monoculture of boring spam.
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>sprogless wagie will never shag the life out of a woman's arse
drop ‘im mousey
you see dognutters letting their stupid beast run around while they stare at their phone
the epitome of the braindead NPC
The phantom, exterior like fish eggs
interior like suicide wrist-red
I could exercise you, this could be your phys-ed
cheat on your man homie -AGHHH I tried to sneak through the door man!
Can't make it, can't make it, the shit's stuck!
Outta my way son!
Please! I beg you! We're dead!
You're a g-genuine dick sucker!
Toby Tantrum in progress, batten down the hatches lads
Diego will be sharing his thoughts on The Olympics, and more, on Friday's editions of /brit/
Steir Karmer
worst posters on /brit/ in no particular order

>sacked tranny*
>greek anti-white schizo commie in ireland
>the right wing jew zionist (2016mong)
>poo smells tranny/brick
>the canadian midwit soyientist
>the twitter scouser on who moans about ‘grifters’ and ‘tories’ and is obsessed with elon musk
>the guy who spans trannies
>all the yanks

*probably the same poster
think that’s all of them
international sex
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Hyvä painos
All spaedo btw.
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poland sex
do you hate dogs because they scare you because you’re in a wheelchair, commiemong? or is it jealousy because people like them?
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Got my crocs is this color alri or is it virginious
Discipline and lots of rest and preparation until she competes. Then after that an inordinate amount of unprotected sex on the floor because the cardboard beds have been crushed beneath the weight of her libido
Damn homie, in high school you was the man homie

Homie is a term of endearment for a friend who is homosexual
I actually really love breasts
I need to breeeeeeeeeed
are you an actual schizo lmao wtf is this post
haha i authored this post originally. probably needs updating but still seems mostly accurate
commiemong is the doghater, this was established long ago. i suppose you can’t keep track of your various alters and have forgotten
so the answer is yes, you are a schizo
Average finnish male
nope but you are. utterly demented
I hate how how misandry is normalized on twitter! Each time i open that app, some radfem/terf is wishing death/suicide on all men
dogmongs be like hmmm i love squatting down in the street to grab a handful of gloopy dogshit mmmmmm lovely
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Simmer down nettlenonce.
thank fuck mousey has returned to /brit/
maybe he will put spaedo down a peg or two
he's been going mental without him spamming his black cuckold fantasies 24/7
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dogs are dirty, smelly, annoying little cunts who need their necks stamped on
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pooing, farting, wanking, and shitting
Noticed this too.
Got no respect for anyone who needs psychiatric "medication"
mikey is lowkey hot
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>all the yanks
knew it was coming
Can think of any reason why someone would hate dogs so much unless they were totally unloved as a child and are jealous people give them affection. Some truly grim specimens on this general
cool story dogshagger
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go pick up some shite dogshagger nonce
your house fucking stinks FYI
a poo in a teacup
It’s accurate though. No one even remotely normal seethes about dogs of all things. Grim freak
Everytime you look into the mirror from near your brain does adjustings to your face to make it appear better looking, however this effect stops once you take a few steps back or take a picture with your phone. I've always thought that I was just non photogenic, that I just need a nose job, Jaw job and face fat removal. But when I moved my mirror from my narrow bathroom away for the first time in 3 years I saw my real face, way uglier than my fake one. I don't even want to describe it.
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Amazing presentation this


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catbergsteinowitz drinking out the toilet when he's got a bowl full of clean, cold fresh water
grow up, stop being so fragile
I find myself to be more attractive in picture and from a distance in mirrors
Does this mean I have low self esteem?
do you know what mirror means lad
can you guys please get the fuck out of our thread
i would rather die than have our space be taken over by your horrible incel posters thank you
setting off fireworks to terrifying the neighbours dogs to death
don't care
/brit/ is the best it's ever been with them all in /cum/
Close, try again in English anon
Hmmm yes fine pale wenches
gingernonce posts here so you have to deal with our freaks too
dogs and cats are vermin
can you take your deranged paedo ramblings to, I don’t know, some jewish discord and leave us in peace? thanks
so here we are then
all the non-schizos
some people are too
Yesterday my mother took me to a plastic surgeon to discuss if they can do something with my nose… and gues what? Nothing can be done because I have quote “thick skin”. I don’t know what to say… I am crushed on the inside. My nose has always been my biggest insecurity, paired with severe social anxiety and Asperger’s, as well as acne and overall a very ugly “bloated” like face, I am seriously depressed right now… I don’t remember the last time I was so upset
How do we keep them there?
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are mikey
boo hoo nigga
Imagine shagging MN then passing him around other blokes to get shagged
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time to grow up, pets are for children
that's a dog mate
I thought I was ugly, then I went on the oblivion character creation thing and tried to make my face without looking in a mirror. Then I looked in a mirror and felt like I looked very handsome by comparison.
buck broken
baffling cope
>4 days until Xbzo 36 store closes down
toby is currently having a gigameltdown

cool ill grow up and be like you then
*sits in my smelly bedroom and posts psychopathic virginal drivel on /brit/*
I've been told I'm not bad looking so maybe that helps as well.
they kill wildlife
>no heathermong
>no cansmong
Based mousey taking out The Nonce
is this a gimmick because i feel like i've read the thick skin post before, and know i've read the oblivion character creation one before
sacked tranny got banned lol
There’s literally nothing I can think of that’s more cringe than some genetic dead end social outcast low status loser trying to “self improve” to fit into society. It’s like they’re so far off the mark I don’t even know where to begin with them. The average person, and even the above average, just exist and the things that you consider “normal” just happen to them. No high schooler ever had to “self improve” to get a girlfriend, he just existed, thought it would be cool and fun to play sports, and a girl was attracted to him and they gravitated towards each other. There’s no thought out into any of this, these things just happened through the natural flow of life, no “self improvement” necessary. That’s what happens when you’re not a genetic dead end mentally ill freak, you don’t ever find yourself one night lying in bed alone wondering why you don’t have a single friend or you’ve never kissed a girl at 25 years old. You don’t devise a plan to stop touching your cock for six months in order to look a girl in the eye. You just exist, you go with the societal flow, and you end up with a couple girlfriends and FWBs in high school and college, then a wife, a nice job, a house, and some kids. If you missed out on this flow, it’s probably because you’re complete genetic shit.
maybe stop being mean to people that aren't doing bad things
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>MODERATORS/ADMIN why is he allowed
this nigga really thinks gookmoot is going to read his schizo babble
I've written the oblivion character creation post before because it's true. Never seen the other post before.
haha what’s he like
oh yeah? when
Reminder that MrBeast is 26yo, 6'3" and worth $500m
clearly isnt fool
before, not sure why though
Reminder that in Scotland his name means MrNonce.
Wish that copper had kicked that twat even harder
cuteness rating?
bet he is secretely quite unhappy
Don't get why rugby league isn't more popular, especially in its northern heartland areas
>big hits
>easy to follow
>not the most skilful game but has its moments
>players are either local lads or likeable aussies/pacific islanders rather than anonymous ngubus and spics
what am i supposed to do with this information. do you want me to admire him or to seethe?
Got my drink ON
Got my smoke ON
why do loads watch it but not many play.
it’s boring as fuck to watch
pass 5 times then kick
that’s it
ruby league players are normal blokes compared to union
don't even know the rules of rugby
what's the moral thing to do when you see a hybrid between an invasive species and a native species?
man stop dithering on about this nonsense and get a clue
got a link to the post?
what's his origin story?
did he just start making wacky videos with the soy face thumbnail and blew up or what
Toby currently having a meltdown for the ages over in /cum/
mossad agent
im going to admit this here for the first time. i got gang banged by the whole mr beast crew at that event
There are plenty of teams so a lot do play
I play in the National Conference which has four divisions and the Yorkshire League has something like 7 divisions
Then there are all the regional amateur leagues as well
If you think NRL games are boring I don't know what to tell you
any die twinnies man in

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I reckon this would make a good image for a /brit/ OP
it was making these watching stuff for 10 hours videos
mate they're 15
any marilena man in

he counted to a million in a video I think
think he just makes slop for zoomers. fair enough though, he seems to do a lot of philanthropy too
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This one as well. Never seen a Luke Campbell edition.
The late Tony Benn developed these five questions to the powerful –

“What power have you got?

Where did you get it from?

In whose interests do you exercise it?

To whom are you accountable?

And how can we get rid of you?”
>comments are turned off
u r a p doe
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Cronems sound like some sort of daft aliens from 1980s doctor who. Whenever it's mentioned I imagine some sort of cyberman bashing pink slits
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1. How do you know?
2. Don't have sex with them then.
toby is calling random yanks spainnonce on a VPN now
proper lost it he has

1. My bodily functions
2. God
3. God's
4. God
5. Death
all my gfs have been of the booba variety
desiring an ass gf
Cunt never had it to begin with
I don’t think he ever had it in the first place
spainchad winding up tobes on vpns in cum now
bless him he’s such a character x
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Sophie Turner
I'd like to turn her if you know what I mean
and what does she look like in 2024
Getting into SFM porn
Terrible actor
albeit a manly one
you can go so high that you can't even fall anymore. i think that's cool.
>anime obsessed troon
Anyone who is even slightly surprised at this is a fucking moron
listening to sigur ros
has mousey ever been done though? don’t think so. has you runts on the ropes
What do you look like in 2024? Ive got a suspicion some women in Hollywood are literally attacked by psycho elite types who fuck with their faces. It's the only explanation that makes sense to me. That or they're killed/abducted and replaced in the public eye by a lookalike who has surgery to look a bit like them.
No, actor is correct
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imagine the braps
in that case, FOY
fuark women are so soft its unreal
funniest thing about him is sometimes he actually does send people flying despite being a literal schizophrenic disabled pest
mousey got done by nature by being an absolute spastic
he posted the mice, the peters, the chemistry, and the dragons
Oh shit Josie's stream just starting now. Sorry guys, members only.
woke mong
the woke mob at it again
I hate his fake smile. Something very sinister about him.
listening to the wannadies
the woke mob got me by the short and curlies
that applies to all of them. spainnonce, diego, clowgwog etc. everyone who ever stepped to him got slaughtered

he’s done them
I'm a union man myself
any neorxnawang man in
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what does /brit/ think of him?
Toby RKO Adam
if you make a thread, I expect that you are reasonably available in the thread to answer any questions that I have. is that an unreasonable expectation?
war criminal
not so much chocolate as chocolate mousse iykwim
god holds all the authority. church leaders and the bible hold none. if god said anything that contradicted them then they are wrong and god is right.
NWO k*ke/n****r
if god said anything, at all, it would violate the laws of physics, our entire understanding of the universe would change
Lost in a haberdashery
off to the dark room
Last good yank President
the irish are good lads. even their schizo autists just blather about plants and bio-diversity or whatever. very few irish posters in /brit/ history have been genuine wronguns. the worst isn’t even irish he’s greek
preoccupied in a chancellery
bizarre retort
Mousepaddy is a menace
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Had a few alcoholic drinks team
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That was Off to the Dark Room, by Oxford band Lost in a Haberdashery. Something a bit different now, from new band Chancellery. This is their instrumental version of Bizarre Retort...
scotland on the other hand produced asf and mousenonce and wales produced commiemong and sacked tranny
Fuck off
good gimmique
good post
don't respond to it
don't even look at it
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Mad how Yorkshire is only associated with good posters
ate dinner but I’m still hungry

Pakis on the RUN. We're so fucking back.
alice youre so fit sit on my face please
corpulent rodent
cooking some motherfucking crack cocaine NIGGA
*gets on a mad one with the crack cocaine on my side NIGGA


old skool

Queening out.
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Yet Brits cry when their daughter gets raped for the crimes of the British Empire. How curious!
what does that involve?
So anything to discuss or just your asinine soliloquies?
Can kick to head height now :)
No british person has ever uttered the word “schmuck”
Rubbing paprika up my foreskin for the flavour.
dumb paki nonce
A little bit of mincing here and there
fucking love me some psytrance
*takes a drink*
incredible gimmique
- liquid nitrogen
- poo
- a twink
Imagine being brown in Scandinavia, surrounded by 5'10 blonde bombshells that don't ever acknowledge your existence
it’s shite
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feisty one you are
need a woman to wash my dishes and clothes
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Miss this era of Rolling Stone
D-Generation X - Are You Ready?
mad tinnitus rn
like a mosquito lives in my right ear
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She was an arse ripper
Two-way ticket yeah
bang bang fuckers
mad how mousenonce has been posting here for 2years now
fucking homos they never change
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the late night scrannage
looks dry af
Homeowners association
Homos Association, more like
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>UPDATE: Child ejected and killed after OKC I-35 crash, driver takes off
Remember when he used to post the mouse
>Why did the brain evolve so many different ways to motivate reproductive behavior? Because keeping your DNA alive is harder than you’d think. Survival rates are low in the state of nature, and mating opportunities are harder to come by than you might expect. Your genes got wiped off the face of the earth unless you made a serious effort. Of course, animals don’t consciously intend to promote their genes. But every creature alive today has inherited the brain of ancestors who did what it took to reproduce.
My mum had that same Live Laugh Love sign. What's the story behind this family? Something tragic no doubt.
And Walt Disney
And Jacob Rees mogg
Abi Shapiro mentioned
Nashville school shooting
What's your Bebo?
stay classy white people
Honestly what can be done about him? Is the only defence against such a schizo simply to wait until he either dies or gets bored and moves on?
nik naks rib 'n' saucy
I bought it at lunch time and put it in my bag and then forgot about it because I got busy at work
Been waiting all day for some antipodean posts and yet there are still none
Beau Bee?
meltdown of epic proportions
Range ban the entire city of glasgow. Absolutely nothing of value would be lost.
Victim or killer?
cool story bro
>The leaks showed that Hale was hoping for "a high death count" and had a stated desire to "kill little crackers" and "faggots" with "white privilege"
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Sacked Tranny on a mad one in /Cum/ winding up Toby
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wallace visits the strip club
Nicola Sturgeon
kill yourself you fucking nonce
Anyone else consumed with the idea of success? I look at all my coworkers and especially the ones around retirement age and just think, you've showed up here and commuted every day for over 30 years? Id rather die, it hurts my heart to even think about it. Dont people want more? I will die before I accept that. Even if it comes with a wife and kids, I basically just give up my life to be a robot that just produces money for my brat kids that turn out to be fags because they had the way paved for them? FUCK THAT!!!
nocola surgeon works for the nhs ahha
mods: pay me to get rid of spainparasite and all of his alts all the day that he is online, or the website dies. you simply cannot do it - you dont have the resources or hes worn down and beaten you
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Ten British cops go to prison for attempted murder.
oi that looks LOVELY MATE
Go to bed spaedo ffs.
that food doesn’t look that appealing but it’s probably good for you
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Love are Dais
why did he do it?
fu manchu with tits
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The children of British cops need to know their parents are subhuman.
he's a national hero adbul
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the /brit/ simulator
MKUltra or something other trauma-based mind control victim. 100%. I wonder how many "trans" people have been subjected to similar deliberate mindfuckery.
It'll probably all come out and be declassified in 50-60 years when they can reveal it without too many victims coming forward and demanding consequences or compo.
Seeing some trolling outside of /b/ going on.
I’m going to shit up this containment thread because you won’t stop shitting mine up
You’re a bunch of tea drinking crooked tooth rat fucking shitstains
No, he should be shot in front of his family to teach those dirty police kids a lesson.
you got done in my a schizo scot
not our fault you're such a weakminded spastic is it
Might go to bed soon.
john money opened his gender institute (can’t remember exactly what it was called) at john hopkins uni at the time the cia were doing mkultra experiments there
I hate everything
The Dykebar Files: A Toby Tale`
Remember when AI spongebob got nuked because they started talking about Taiwan
He wont fucking go away jesus christ
Doesn't surprise me one bit. The Tavistock institute was linked to both mind control experiments and gender reassignment experiments as well I think.
nah it got memoryholed by the israeli government
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Why is Toby the way he is
Would shake his hand after, just bought me a rolls royce on the taxpayers dime
kek turned that paki's face to mush
the white man marches on
I am NOT a rat fucking shitstain. You got me on the tea drinking and crooked tooth bit though ngl.
mods: pay me to get rid of spainparasite and all of his alts all the day that he is online, or the website dies. you simply cannot do it - you dont have the resources or hes worn down and beaten you
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>mods: pay me to get rid of spainparasite and all of his alts all the day that he is online, or the website dies. you simply cannot do it - you dont have the resources or hes worn down and beaten you
Nobody fucking cares bro

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