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Keep 'em out edition
Sub edition: stop making them so early

Prev: >>200130532

first for cum con sex
brit fella never stood a chance
>/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
how do you fuck up the subject so bad?
its britfeel. theyre obsessed with making the new thread
You're right, it should also say "and friends"
actually i am just going to not care for today and see if it does anything (it wont)
yo mousepedo
shut the fuck up

it should always be

/cum/ - canada usa mexico
thank you proxy brit
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Don't reply or engage with mousenonce, it's one of the rules of this general
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the bavarian flag should be included in the top row
kill yourself OP
said who?
fat and his bum buddy
Discord trannies
shut the fuck up
you fucked up the subject so badly cause your life IS DOGSHIT
this guy is on a vpn
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hello bavarian anon
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>jeet schizo is back
it's over
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we meet again
beaner on muh dick
its joever
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yes. how are you doing?
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>resident schizos figuring out how to use proxies
It's truly over
are you mad because the janny trashed your comically early edish or are you some proxyfag sowing discord amongst /cum/bros? Either way, not my problem
that's schizojeet. don't reply to him.
ok melatonin is safe (they just take like 2 hours to set in) so i took 10 more and ill see what my poo is like when i do one
a lot of things could have been more optimal but one of them is the sky not being so blue tonight. mostly it is yellow
Oh you're the Bangladeshi schizo
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how do you make the hunger go away when you can't eat
>>what the fuck is this thread
watch porn or do something anxiety inducing
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I will find him and show him where the nearest train tracks are, to help him get in touch with his heritage.
lean how to enjoy it
or if its not by choice then just sit and be greedy without eating, and wait until 1 or 2 days. you will get a massive high when it hits
drink a large amount of water at once
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prefer AI meme personally
when i close my eyes its flickering (my eyelids are twitching though) and a different color c:
If you eat a carnivore diet, you won't be as hungry
which you will enjoy much more
toby you need to stop with the chemicals and drugs
On July 17, 1902, Willis Haviland Carrier designed the first modern air-conditioning system, launching an industry that would fundamentally improve the way we live, work and play.
Caffeine and nicotine are appetite suppressants, but I didn't know demons could get hungry anyway.
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who's voting for her
im making poo
and sitting on my back with my eyes closed later trying to stay awake for as long as possible in the dark
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I'm doing okay
have i ever told you how glad I am that i'm not called Toby?
imagine being called Toby!
accidentally left something very expensive and rare on the ground (teleport to version of a boss) while i was away and this noob tried to pick it up
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You could've been the World's first analyst + therapist
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rough in /cum/ today
have an update for u
haha i watched that show like 3 years ago during the lockdowns
loved it so much
last season was crap tho
i bet the guy who wrote it was called Toby
^brit on a proxy
bought a really shit tasting monster and almost threw it out
saved it by mixing it with some of the highest quality vodka there is (taaka)
spottem on shiesty
which flavour was it
the first 2 seasons were some of the greatest in television history. i've done quite a few rewatches and it never fails to make me giggle.
popsicle "dreamsicle"
This fatherlands no place to die for
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whatever the hell this is supposed to be
I've had a lot of energy drinks in my life and this one is one of the worst, second only to the birthday cake bang one
An ILLUSION, Michael! A trick is what a whore does for money...or candy

im anti-war
im anti-war except how polshits talked so much about a lot of things for many years of last and then when two war broke out that you think theyd be interested in helping in they sat in their armchairs and talked
Barry Zuckerkorn...he's very good
>what are we doing here? what's the plan?
>pipeline punch
Fruit punch? I wouldn't buy it 'cause pink is for girls!
if you still play runescape or wow in your 30s you're a loser. any other kind of mmo is alright in my book
I'm being gangstslked by the San Fernando Sheriffs
I think it's trying for like a peach fruit punch but it just tastes like utter shit
I have a few favorites I go for but sometimes I just grab a few random ones for fun
what about maplestory?
>t. wow player
shoot up the station then
How am I supposed to find someone willing to inti that musty old clap trap?

....long pause...

Oh...the CABIN

one time that something for free is good to want and then try hard with your emotions to secure (letting yourself worry) it is when the thing is someone elses free shit, otherwise - if you had to work for the free thing - it is unhealthy to eat
I’m afraid I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will, so I’m afraid I have something of a mess on my hands

**cuts to jason's deadpan look**
I tried wow classic during the pandemic for like 1 hour. honestly not my kind of bread
you do realize i can send stabbers to your place in your shitty council estate
+3 to my free shit pile from this noob
Why are you so obsessed over Europe?
>honestly not my kind of bread
soooooo, do you like whole wheat bread?
over 4chan. get a grip, stop being a mean person bully and wanting people to get stabbed over an internet site
You're not sending your best.
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Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?

wait are you the jeet, and not britfeel? i was nice to you...
i lost 200M today for going into wildy, when i kept going in over and over again on a suicide mission and had to find out what repair costs are by that way. but at least i got the thing done and after that i stopped losing money
Why the fuck are there so many god damn Europeans in this thread?
I would never even consider voting red.
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cummies, im drinking covfefe
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>I'm basically the joker - afraid to ask for extra ketchup
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he's using my signature apu again
we discusses this yesterday and he apologized
but he's back to his old antics
never trust an apu thief
Im not allowed to vote but I didn’t vote for him last time I could
"Irish wristwatch" and "fresh sushi" are the hardest tongue twisters ever.
If you would consult my previous post >>200134745
I had a cappucino this morning
im going to buy a mcdonalds! ^.^
I'm not Mousey

Shut the fuck up yourself

I'm not on a proxy, I am actually in the UK
>If you're suggesting I play favorites, you're wrong. I love all of my children equally
Where are you from
Those aren’t tongue twisters to me
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hope you enjoyed your cuppa, anon
Drumpfaggots still seething at Biden dropping out?
Clint Eastwood moment
Rocking back and forth
try spinning in your chair
No, I am a staunch democrat and don't approve of them pushing a replacement candidate without primaries.
It's profoundly undemocratic, and I thought the dem party was the last bastion to defend our democracy.
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There are beings out there more powerful than you can imagine
Time to dilate
Melancholy hitting again
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>Not gonna lie
Because Europe and North America are great friends and we are essentially the same

USA speaks English, Canada speaks English/French, Mexico speaks Spanish

Yes, they're all European languages
next post
cotton candy?
the wise pharaoh of foods.
the democrats being an anti-jew party is something I didn't think would happen
What are the coolest crimes to be charged with?
I think arms trafficking and money laundering
lol everybody dislikes jews
securities fraud
successful death by cop (punishment death)
Sweden loves Canada, USA, and Mexico, but we're still not welcome?!!
I’m not a fan of the state of Israel so I won’t be voting for zion don
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all are welcome but you have to come in legally
Only the outsiders/grassroots, the party wants the Jewish governor Shapiro on the ticket
you and me?
i always pronounced shapiro as shah-pee-ro but i juts found out its actually sha-pie-ro
Kamela along with 100 other house democrats literally snubbed Netanyahu
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This is me taking the lie detector test
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just got pulled over for speeding
did you pass?
good luck.
Are you being gangstlked by the San Fernando Sheriffs too?
She has inspired me to get in shape so I can get a gf like her
Figuratively, yes
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Can someone throw that surfboard back into the ocean please
What percentage of /cum/ has British flags filtered?

It's inhuman discrimination if you ask me
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I bet she can body surf really well
Was it a bike cop?
where should i put my air plant?
nope. got a fine though
30 minutes on the exercise bike then groceries then cook
13 years of driving and never gotten a ticket before ama
how do i become a really really good driver

t. 24 male canada
is you a cracker?
im gonna learn to drive soon.

proxy brit :^)
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The most controversial part of that film oddly enough
oceangate for boomers
im an unreliable narrator
i love whygena
just risked 400M in wildy
just walked back into wildy with 2 keys i cant protect (very valuable keys) and logged out just as someone was raising their dds at me. i have no idea if it hit...
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good afternoon
for me its long hair akane
Reckless asshole passed me on the road shoulder
hello qt
bibi feels really unsafe
sverige or something
ive gotten a few warnings and only one ticket. i forgot to pay that ticket too so they put a warrant for my arrest for missing my court date. i freaked the fuck out and thought i was going to jail but i just had to pay 200 dollars to make it go away
Any idea on a small pickup truck to buy?
Everything I see is 4 doors and humvee sized
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reminder 3 dogs survived
I'm about to murder suicide my penis
why did you say it like that
I thought it was kind of funny, I go for edgy shock value my comedy isn't for the thinking man
McDonalds burgerr meat smells like hard worlk or good honest work
the cooks all smell like that perma even when walking home with them. when you buy a McDonalds burger you are buying a little piece of that hard work they do with the money you had to work hard for (except me). soon i will have a job and be able to get probably not takeouts all of the time but there was something i was thinking of getting
wagies are driving home huh. thats why the thread died
im not the thinking man so it’s fine i wasn’t putting you down or anything
go attack your thing have fun
guys guys guys Destiny just said the 2nd amendment probably doesn't mean individual gun ownership!!!!! guys!!!!!!!!!
Seems like Kamal vp pick will be a Navy veteran and a astronaut
who doesn't like a chili hot dog
She's already winning in some polls now
i like them in theory but they are really messy and it puts me off from eating them
the energy drinks taste like edible monopoloy pieces again ^o^
and i didnt get anything from using the keys
so gn. gngn uwu
You're never too rich to turn down a free chili dog
wait nvm but i will leave the REALcummers to their thread
what i want most in life? money and woman
shut up mousenonce you FREAK
cum bum
I'm NOT a sussy baka
woman singular?
speak for yourself i want a harem to attend to my needs whenever id like
Post things that make you go "Score!!"
My hair clippers seemed to stop working, so before I went to walmart to buy a replacement (13$) I checked them again and lo and behold, they worked, score!!
i believe in monogamous relationships
When I have a really good coom I yell "SCOOOOOOOOORE"
nice good stuff anon
i got my clippers from my brief stint in cosmetology school. they had us buy all our own equipment from them and we got to keep them even if we dropped out
point and laugh at this retard
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he doin a big stretch
el perro stretchy
why did he do it
he’s got a good reason but the real question is why aren’t you ?
yank and a mericaboo
long dog
actually this is the samefag

I wanna be famous
stretchy ass nigga
do you though that would suck not being able to go out anywhere and never having privacy
All sex is gay sex if you think about it.
please stay in here mousenonce and stop fucking up /Brit/ thanks, we prefer it without you mate :/

cheers x
how do you figure
driving down to the police station to turn myself in because I just comitted felony assault and battery on my penis
im not but you too you fucking parasite fuck off
OK I'll stop coming here as long as you stop coming to /Brit/
i know the subject matter is gross but im glad you wrote a follow up i hope they don’t lock you up for too long
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i have received new shoes. they are a little tight, so i am going to find some way to stretch them out a little bit.
kill yourself parasite
vaginas exist dawg
take a pic of them when you can
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which ones?
and youre fucking retarded if after how many times ive told you that you still think the other person pretending to be me is
just fuck off you absolute subhuman spastic
toby tantrum
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cottagecore pages are fascinating
Ya, scratch that. You’re right
>cooked nothing in my microwave for 12 minutes
I'm so fucking retarded, god damnit.
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Brown and orange are the same color

this is the proxy brit

these posts contain an avatar/signature smiley, mods. the parasite is doing it yet again (like he does all day every day with the signatures). why is this allowed?
i wasn’t arguing against i just wanted to know your logic but it’s okay
chicken in the background
zip it
Can’t stop farting
you will not throw the tantrum
he one long mf
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shoes. you can kind of see on the left one how it curves inward a little past the toe stiffener. using a broom handle i should be able to push that out.
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Faggotry is the greatest evil known to man, there is no one more evil than a faggot. To kill faggots is morally justified to return them to hell
lol but what were you going to cook for 12 minutes in a microwave use the stove at that point
If you desaturate trump's colors he becomes brown
nonce makes this general pretty much unusable for new posters without brit filtered, i dont know if that's a good thing
shut up nigga
drop 'im mousey
i deleted the post in case the tran jan is on the prowl
you will not control me you little parasite subhuman fucking retard. go kill yourself
remember what i said yesterday. clearly you are content with what you get if you have to come here

i will remind the mods that he is constantly using singatures, name fields, avatar pictures, and tripcodes. answer me this: why is he allowed to treat 4chan like his own little personal Facebook? why is he alloewd?

do your job

once again - i am not going to let you control me you ltitle parasite spastic fucktard. remember what i said yesterday because i meant it

i will not let him control me

and you will do your job, moderator
mods he is doing it again

he is doing what he did yesterday and you are allowing it. you are not doing your job. with all the complaining fat does, he is not complaining right now. why?

do your job it is your job to do it
i like them anon very snappy
how do i filter posts it's getting really annoying at this point
Broccoli. I just put it in a glass bowl with plastic wrap on it. With an opening for the steam ofc. I don't have a steamer to do it on the stove and the microwave does it well enough.
you will not control me

clearly you are not very happy/content. i spit on you
Why do you want to kill yourself lad?
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thanks. outside of the tightness right now they are pretty good. very lightweight and the sole is very squishy. i think they will be good for everyday shoes when i move.
There this new cashier that I like . She's a short milf latina with biggg ass. She always greets her coworkers. That's why I didn't consider her greeting special but it was lifefuel bc she smiled and it's rareeeee a coworker greeting me. Today I was about to say her I like seeing her . I gave up . I saw she had rings in her right hand and one in her left hand .I couldn't focused to see what kind of rings they were.

Why would do this? Why would I act like a predator?
She's older than me , there's no way this would lead to something positive. Maybe she'd reported me for harassment.

Before the end of my shift I go outside. Someone came get her in black car . She sat in the front seat (it wasn't Uber/Lyft). She waived at us ( me and a guy were outside)
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adam is a demon
he is a gangstalker
he will follow you wherever you go
you need to get rid of him
but he's 6'3
Are you a hopster
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4chan x extension -> filter flag no stubs
>Women openly admitting they're fucking stupid

you'll wear them in don't worry
dumb bitches do dumb stuff this can't even be refuted
I'm partial to roasted in the oven veggie medley myself, toss a lil bit of salt and peppa and olive oil and whatever veggies you got at 350 for 30 minutes done, easy
See how brit posters do our peaceful cum
just installed google play store on this fire tablet. jeff will NOT be happy about this
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no. i will wear them for work. i'm just trying them on at home right now.
keep going you parasite. you will not control me
this nigga think he jordan peterson
Hi yall, just checking up on our Tobes. Has he been alright? I really hope he hasn't caused any trouble.

gonna do this later i just woke up theres a lot of menus to go through
you need to stop him toby
he's been spamming cuckold images in /brit/ for 16 hours straight every day
how do we stop him?
you're the only one with any power here
hes a sweet boy
Yeah thats good too but im feeling lazy today. Just needed something green and quick to go with my frozen pizza.
boo hoo nigga
Oh dear..

i taek u to da bar??
he will not control me but you know it is kind of sad that he is probably both these people, one coming here to complain about me and the other pretending to be me. he is probably both of those people. thats extremely sad. he is so pathetic and he does it for 19 hours a day
you can just click the arrow next to the post and it does for you, you just need to write the board and stub thing, also for 4chanx you will want to disable the expand on hover thing, at least i did i find it really annoying, there's only like 2 or 3 settings i turned off that are annoying by default
Why do you all get triggered by low life whores who want to fuck low life thugs?
You clearly dislike both
I'm really sorry guys... come on Toby, let's go back now. Yes you can do your nettle thing when we get back okay?
Trying to make extra money and my friend is suggesting I should work at a gay bar. Apparently I'm "cute enough" to get extra tips
please stop him toby
he's mindraping /brit/
i was supposed to be born a low class british man in my heart of hearts its who i am im detestable and despicable perverted and disgusting and ugly why was i born a lovable american oaf instead of a ghoulish british zombie
just ignore him bro, he just wants to cause this reaction. just keep being you thats what makes him seethe the most, eventually he will die off on his own
i shant post again anything that i did post yesterday. he is not human anyway
I WILL control you
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you arent doing shit. youre sitting in the thread for 19 hours a day with 5 different concurrent personas spamming 60+ posts a minute on proxies and all the name fields, avatars, shitty gimmicks you could think of with barely any engagement
It's over
the weinermobile came to my town i took selfies with it, it was a big event for the town
pay me money to remove him from the website all day every day on all of the times he pops back up, because you cant do your job and match his resources. do that or the website dies
did you take one where you're really far away from the truck so you can pretend you're eating the weiner truck from the cameras perspective if not, missed opportunity
you will not control me you parasite
i had that thought but i didn't do it i didn't want to look like a weirdo lol
i was gonna do it but thats fine
Trains are for retards and need to be outlawed. Kys
and you know what i DID have a good time typing that out. i love using a keyboard

you now dont get yours. you dont get any enjoyment. and you dont control me
>biden thread
Trump edition next
reminder that he did this yesterday

he is doing it again today

he is doing what he wants and they are letting him. then he calls me the "prefect"

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