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psychic tv edition
im on the sea food diet
i see food and i eat it haha
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Rorke actually voted for less Europeans and more pakis lmao
any awkward and boring loser man in
yea me
although i'm not awkward
or boring
in fact i'm quite charming haha
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nth for the baddiedem
japan says no to racism
That awkward moment when boomers hate immigrants but they priced their own grandchildren out of the economy by hoarding housing and making them spend their money on rents so millennials and zoomers aren't having kids and birt rates are below replacement levels so you need to improve more and more immigrants or the very system you exploited collapses
as in, japan says no to other races
Yeah the captain of their Olympic football team looks black
That awkward moment when boomers hate immigrants but they priced their own grandchildren out of the economy by hoarding housing and making them spend their money on rents so millennials and zoomers aren't having kids and birth rates are below replacement levels so you need to import more and more immigrants or the very system you exploited collapses
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the woke mob chasing rorke
I’m black and was born in the US in 96
that awkward moment when rorke watches sissy porn
just get rid of state pension, it's an insane idea that the government should have to give people free money once they reach a certain age. You know you're going to get old so have children and actual families or save for the future and get a private pension. State pensions are utter fucking nonsense.
going to go and do my runescape tree run on runescape and yes i will plant my fruit trees too
do you reckon mrbeast ever bummed the tranner cohost he had?
>was born in the US in 96
*gives an unplugged PS1 controller*
yea sure you playing, look haha
Lovely, beautiful women who fart constantly.
How many white women have you shagged?
not gay myself personally but any gays i have shown my arse or arsehole too have been very complimentary

wondering if there is anyway to monetise this without being too overtly homosexual
what fruit trees ya planting? ive just finished a stack of 20 papaya seeds and cba with fruit trees anymore
onlyfans of course
also, why are you spreading your bum cheeks for gays?
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theres a bloke at my work who looks like a friendly dylan moran
kys gingerpedo
Will those manchester airport pakis be our george floyds?
if /brit/ had their own village would it have a parish council
>not gay but every time I've been shagged up the arse by a batsmen he's compliment by ringpiece every time
Never change /brit/
hes about as cute but not as hansome as r dylan
I've got that feeling coming over me once again
would def have a village grooming gang
*changes /brit/*
what now?
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why does russell brand use so many big words?
*stomps on your head*
deliver him to me and I will ascertain how much truth there is in your statements
mad he’s shagged katy perry in all her holes
did he emigrate to the u.s.a.
did I miss something
cause he's a fag
not wrong though
it makes him look cleverer
>intransigent, institutional
>melotonin (he means melanin(
absolute midwit
>paki gets stepped on
>media rages
>british soldier gets stabbed by paki
>media hushes it up

ah yes
nah I reckon it fits in her ears and her nostrils but not her urethra
for me its palm trees
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apparently i am classified as "morbidly obese" and need to get down to 190 pounds
but at this point my only chance of losing 120 pounds is if i go to a british casino
>Russell Brand is a mong
Wow, a revelation.
tbf one was done by the authorities while the other was done by a mental member of the public, i'm sure you can appreciate the difference
tried playing project zomboid and was utterly bored
One was justified though.
>but at this point my only chance of losing 120 pounds is if i go to a british casino
why? just lose 10 pounds then lose 10 more and 10 more and 10 more
Yanks find him entertaining and whimsical and think using big words is intelligent.
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asfff uwooo dorrr irgct oeeee
prime Katy Perry. Not the washed up old woman of today but the perfect tits and youthful 25 year old Katy Perry
absolute unit
toil lappy turned on
speaking convoluted sentences with a british accent makes yanks go doopin mental over you
my soul impression of russell brand is as an unfunny twat on big fat quiz

im sure he's lovely in person though
Bet Emma Watson's shits honk.
read in a magazine when he was addicted to smack he sucked off some fella in the public toilets for £50
not joking btw
I still will laugh at this
there's nothing that can be done about it
i heard one time she had a poo so big and dry it caused her bumhole to rip now she a massive bumhole like a clowns pocket
Need a Jewish gf so fucking bad
murder beast is CANCELLED
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>gingerpedo is 6'2"
That I don't believe.
>gingerpedo weighs over 300 lbs
That I do believe.
no. the pakis have had a protest in Rochdale yesterday and nobody cares. the little paki had it coming. the conversation should yet again be the fact that diversity hires in the police, namely small women on front line policing duties, is a mistake. they cant handle criminals and it took a white man to get in and control the situation which means incapacitating the criminal. he is perfectly justified and now being scapegoated for doing his job protecting the public and his colleagues. colleagues who are unsuitable for the role.
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this is my world today
why on earth were you watching big fat quiz?
those panel shows are dogshit and hardly anyone here watches them
used to watch it until they started putting that rosie bird on it

used to watch them before they went woke
I'm trying to fathom how you could think that booting a man who is prone, in the face, then trying to stomp on their head, potentially killing them in the process, could be justified
ah yes...
allow me to offer an alternative
what should happen? police officer praised for his work

what will happen? police officer fired and charged, big court case where the 2 pakis walk away with a million pound settlement

countries gone to the fucking dogs, all because they refused to let their mum get searched due to it being 'against their religion' and punching female officer that tried to search her. imagine thinking you can tell an officer at an airport that you won't let them search you, entitled CUNTS
she literally can't speak, everyone just goes quiet and listens politely and then fake laughs to be polite when she stops talking.
Why are they like this
well they go away with it and will get rewarded, labour will import even more of their kind.
Pathetic bootlicker
it was funny for a time. havent watched it in years though. maybe 2015ish?
You should let the police stick their fist up your arse and fiddle with your mum's fanny otherwise you're an ENTITLED CUNT
there's a big news story in the states where a woman was going to throw boiling water at a cop, so the cop shot her and now he's being charged with murder
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Yeah that is what was going to happen, it's not just that the Pakistanis think they're super to the dirty infidels and attacked the police woman.
I was tired yesterday and I'm tired today
go to sleep bitch
just did a heat wank
need to cool down
because the paki is a wanted criminal who attacked and broke the nose of an armed female police officer and could have taken her weapon. the male officer had to incapacitate the paki on the floor and the tasers had failed which meant giving him the boot. if the paki criminal had died it would still be justified as being swift and appropriate action from the police officer in a tense and stressful situation. i commend the cop for bravery and taking decisive action to protect the public and his colleagues and hope if he sustained any foot injury in carrying out his duty he recovers quickly. good riddance to the prone paki.
yeh lets stop searching pakis and ignore security threats in airports because we definitely don't want to impede on their religion

go lick the feet of mohammed you smelly brown nonce
would feel safer if all pakis were searched before boarding planes or entering busy areas tbqh
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>uploading 700gb before my new pc gets here

oh my fucking daaaaaaaaaaaaaays it is so slow
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say no more, brother
mental how i go to bbc.co.uk and it takes 4 steps to see actual british news
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how much of that is questionable material?
yoooo bro cooking the rizz ong
why do you love connecticut so much? it's a shithole of a state that can barely be considered new england
I'm a bad digital hoarder of tv shows and films, i refuse to pay for subscription services (except for one month of dropbox to upload this shit) so i download entire series just incase i get the urge to watch them.
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>One man holding a megaphone was heard telling listeners to remain peaceful at the protest, before adding 'but tomorrow if we don't get justice, these motherf*****s are gonna get it'.
id feel safer if every paki in the country got rounded up, tased, kicked in the face, then deported back to wogistan.
>pakis start fight in airport
>police with guns turn up
>take swings at police with guns
>get tasered (could have been shot let's be honest)
>still resisting while tasered
>little kick to the head to reinforce stop moving
Honestly, I'm beginning to hate the presumption of innocence and the need for police to treat all people the same because it presumes that I am the same level as criminal scum
lads what does it mean if i keep getting a sata error, i keep suppressing it but i have a feeling my laptop might die
frasier's in there?
disk is toast, it"s over
how long do i likely have left before it george floyds
wilkins is crying out for a second wank
no, im sure weve had this discussion before
peppa pig puffy pussy
any seriously trapped in life man in
been mentally imprisoned for a solid 15 years now and now i'm also financially imprisoned and everything feels so unbelievably hopeless
im up to a size 36 waist lads, feeling fat and ugly desu
>presumption of innocence
Only works in a high trust society like 17th century England.
weird orange stains everywhere i thought might have been poo or other bodily secretions then remembered i was eating loads of giants wotsits when steaming last night
Story idea: a world where, if you directly kill someone, you die. Some difficult and untested rules about what constitutes killing someone, but the interesting part is creating circumstances for others to accidentally kill so as to get someone else to pay the price.

Think of "sabbath mode" light switches, that kind of law and the means of circumventing it
another interviewtoil booked for next week, hardware store this time
would much prefer retail rather than the finance shite i’m suppose to start next week
we haven't because you'd remember my copious amount of insults
>barely be considered new england
You know this is the exact kind of question you can just ask chat gpt, and there will be a lot more informative than this shitty thread
thought I was looking leaner but weighed myself and I'm 3kg heavier ffs lads. mirror trickery absolutely done me
And when people find out you've been touching kids youll be physically imprisoned as well
nintendo switchberg will not charge
All muscle gain, right
recently become financially and mentally liberated me
>attack an armed police officer
>police officer immediately recognises the threat that their attacker might try taking their firearm
>act all offended when police officers use force to neutralise the threat
They should be thankful they didn't get shot.
Kill all dogs
so you could play some more zelda?
is that it?
*slaps you*
you want to save the princess, eh?
*pushes you about*
i don't think i will actually
No schoolgirls legs until September
AI is the work of the devil thoughbeit
yep. imagine if someone resisted arrest and started assaulting airport security in the US or in the middle-east, would be shot no questions asked and praised for acting swiftly. people here need their heads wobbling absolute joke country
except in the video you can clearly see that she isn't and that the kettle is empty
was thinking of playing a bit more toil of the kingdom ACTUALLY but i cannot
oh fuck off
how'd you manage that then?
Vaping a nigger poo out my ass on toilbergs time
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>‘I’m so sorry I let her down’: Parents speak out as sentenced in their toddler’s fentanyl death
calm down ahmed
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if a dog and a darkie were to drown
i'd save the dog, no hesitation
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the west has fallen
not save any photos of ones you’ve seen in the wild?
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>Dad killed toddler, dumped body in trash in murder-suicide during bitter custody battle
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*grabs you by the neck*
*farts in your face*
Rorkes finished

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some extremely unfunny posts in this thread
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>Toddler Dies After Being Ejected From Truck, Struck By 2nd Vehicle Along I-35
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a su fwd fooi forro orge rce te e
My thoughts and prayers are with the paki stomper

Hope he keeps his job and can keep stomping pakis
Good lord I cannot be arsed to toil today
if they start a go fund me im going to donate 20 quid, the mans a hero and shouldn't be made homeless due violent colonisers
>Sadiq Kahn is posting BRAT memes now

They were never that funny in the first place but now they're truly dead and burries
4channers the kinda dudes to post about wanting to genocide people and then crying when a dog dies in a movie
Ok im just going to come out and say it
I have no idea what bunting is
Dogs are smarter than most people AM I RIGHT FELLOW REDDITORS
dogs should be protected because they're not smarter than most people
So who's protecting you?
Yes I prefer dogs to wogs.
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Darts player mate
it's a little tap of the ball with the bat in baseball which is a sport sort of like gay rounders
Ask /sqt/ on /g/
any lonely man up for a game of arseshagging? its pretty simple you come round to my house clean out your arse and ill shag it if you dont cum you win
ask r/reddit
isnt that a bit gay
Women are like companies on the stock market
Men are the investors
*Trump voice*
I'm gonna cum!
Peter Thiel, one of the biggest Republican donators and a gay man, made a dating app for (straight) right-wingers, but it failed because no women were using it. In that sense, I think being gay is inevitable for conservatives.
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Which colour then lads? Think I can eliminate the brown ones straight away. Prefer the blue and purple but worried they might not look very manly.
blue and violet
Women aren't interested in politics. Only a gay freak would make the mistake of trying to include politics into dating.
i like all of them but i have rather bad choice paralysis
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mad some men actually wnat to do that
very good post
politics are (after work) the lowest iq conversation
sat on me bollocks again
top ones look cool
all look gay as fuck so sure they'll suit you just fine
what about during work? or on a sunday?
desu if i were buying these for myself i most def would NOT buy the pink ones.
>name of the guy who stabbed the soldier is Anthony Whittaker

Hmmmm rorke assured me it was a foreigner, doesn't sound very foreign to me!
doing your job is not conversation
dont get the sunday comment
>Anthony Esan will appear in court later charged over the attack on the soldier in Chatham on Tuesday evening.
The plot thickens.
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>Anthony Whittaker
Are these running shoes? I'd go grey and blue
gay porrun
>the name Esan is of Nigerian origin and means "Agile people".
Funny thing is that if they'd been in whatever paki shithole they came from they'd have all been at best beaten within an inch of their lives and at worst killed. They should have a 'thank you for not killing my inbred dysgenic family' parade instead of a protest.
Yeah, I'm thinking the grey ones. I like the blue & pink but would feel self conscious wearing them out and about.
what's the highest IQ conversation
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>'Satanic' campus statue decapitated during Hurricane Beryl
describing your poos
reincarnation is the most logical explanation for what happens after death other than "nothing"
Twitch rn (right now) be like
>girl with lots of plastic surgery playing Elden Ring

Am I right lads
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going out tonight with friendberg
will i finally kiss a girl? haha
how so?
>Q:is god real?
>A: no of course not you blithering idiot there isn't a single shred of evidence proving his existence

what next?
Friendberg will mog you at the bar
why would that happen this time
that's not actually a theological question but a philosophy of religion one
and the "A:" provided is unfathomably retarded response
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does fried egg belong on a burger
>why would that happen this time
well its only the second time i have been out at a club
>and the "A:" provided is unfathomably retarded response
how so?
omg and on a thursday fuck off literal child
the response given is clearly false
did you just post a vid of someone getting raped lad?
19 degrees already get in I said get in finna get brown af fr
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got the sausages on
atheists be like hmm no that isn't enough evidence for me i think we're here by an unexplainable coincidence
for me, its a no
atheists be like the definitoin of evidence isn't "evidence" but "evidence i agree with"
if the spirit does indeed exist then it needs to be constantly experiencing new things and new perspectives in order to grow
Watched a video recently that's still stuck in my mind. 10 Japanese women, crowded around one toilet in Japanese style (so it's in the ground and you see everything). One goes to take a shit while the other ones watch. And then when she's done, the next woman takes a shit. And it goes on like this, all of the women take a shit in the toilet one by one and it just builds up and up, a big poo mountain. By the time the fourth woman has finished, everybody is retching at the smell. One of the women have diarrhoea and squirt poo juice on the rim of the toilet, so there is just a puddle there. At the end, everyone is gagging.

Mad how stuff like this happens in the world, lads. Imagine being corralled into a room with 9 other lads and being filmed doing all of this

Utterly mental
what on earth does that have to do with reincarnation
also not sure why you think it is the nature of "spirit" to grow through experiencing new things but whatever
>he doesn't poo with the lads
that's those wacky japs for you, always up to their usual shenanigans
my perspective on the spirit is that, as a part of us. it is a living entity, and if living things don't grow then they rot
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31 today, never had sex, never had a job, never had a gf
31, had sex last night with my gf and have had a job since I was 16
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happi birthday!
diego is about to rip you to shreds i'm afraid
Guy at my boxing gym has pink shoes and they look sick, I understand however that running is implicitly gay and you don't want people to assume further
every response just gives more questions
what do you mean by part of us, living entity
what is our relation to thie spirit
how does it live outside physical things (or is it not actually a spirit)
and by what conjection does a living thing need to grow or they rot
at best you could say they need to be sustained physically (and even that is begging the question that all living things are physical, unless you mean living in that narrow sense only of physical things) where do you get rotting from if something is not growing?
do brits still say randy?
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thanks mate
i'm not scared of him
mad how this month has 25 work days
government should step in
hello my fellow star seeds
no. and we also (sadly) don't say rumpy-pumpy any more
i don't know, i guess you win this argument
yeh and we still call a gun the rooty tooty point and shooty
occasionally yh
severely anhedonic
burnt the sausages
Most possibly, but is it really any worse than posting a video of someone getting blown up?
well done. now you can have a bit of muesli with some chopped bendy fruit-dangle on top
>bendy fruit-dangle
would launch this little shithead into lunar orbit
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would rather have sightly overdone sosij than one of those cunts
ohh my dayyss that is loads
need some thug bantu niggas to run a train on my sissy yt ahh
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got to be honest here, say what you like about israel but they really know a thing or 2 about how to deal with muslims

need to take a leaf from their book
23 akchually
>£150 for trainers
Crikey, do they make you run faster?
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when will the actual sport begin?

I don't want to see handball, rugby 7s or olympic football. They cannot keep depriving us of actual sports!
like a cheetah needing a piss
already 21 and feel fucking ancient, before i know it i'll be 25 and presumably no better off in life. it's all so grim, didn't even get to enjoy the kino early 2000s like the boomers did
>interview on a five person panel

what the fuck
I might cancel
blog on you insufferably boring bastard
all of those look horrible
subtle way of saying you just want to watch 14 year old gymnasts running around you nonce freak
what are you interviewing for? PM?
always this miserable then yeh?
entry level accounting job, literally just excel monkey shit
seems stupid, interviews are bad enough when they're with two people
The first half of 30 for me was the best period of my life, and now I'm 31 it's still better than teens and early 20s
Prospective Prime Ministers have to front up to a lot more than just 5 people
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didn't ask
Actually having a bit of money and independence is pretty rad
They let you rent cars and banks will lend you money and you might even have enough leave to go on holiday and be able to afford shit while you're there
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welcome to the new age
to the new age
bros, work is so much easier than uni
y-you did though
Would smash this bastard's jaw if I saw him
i hold onto the idea of reincarnation because it makes me feel comfortable knowing i'm wasting my life as a shut in neet, when i eventually tap out i can neck it and come back for another go (hopefully with a better seed)
For me the independence is one of the main things, also I've done shit jobs and uni, now I can relax that I've got my career sorted, and have time to focus on hobbies and interests.
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I've had a decades-long career based on one trick I learned back in first year
mental how the longer you leave a cat out the less you want to let them back in
shuddering at the thought of how filthy it is and can't be bothered to clean it either. it was raining through the night too
just deleted my entire bradleyimage collection
no more bradleys from me
today is my productive today
You will be judged at the end regardless. Do you think you have tried your best in this life?
you've told on yourself
Bloke at the gym on the bike near me had such bad breath it smelt like vomit, the smell went with him too, like a cloud. Just brush your fucking teeth.
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bizarre post
I've been in my new job for 6 months now and it's more confusing than ever. Dunno if I'm just not getting it or if the company is a bureaucratic nightmare. It seems to take fucking forever to get anything done and the amount you're expected to remember is ridiculous.
yeh with the limitations forced on me
+1 to my pooscount
seethe on mongo
jenzee bossanda
luxe is on POINT
Lets send female police officers to deal with gangs of muslim men and then prosecute the male police who have to deal with the ensuing chaos

>the tranny from MrBeast turned out to be a child groomer
loved seeing that girlboss police officer crying and holding her head because things got a bit out of hand lol
why are they all like this
New thread
she had her nose broken
watching a dude weed lmao youtuber give out free eighths to strangers
jeet btfo
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Link it immediately
The fuck happened. Is the janny a fucking tranny?
so here we are again then
I need to see it please post the link
You posted while the thread was below the bump limit. There's no need to kick off sir please remain calm.
New thread
sent ;)

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