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Mega Man edition
there's a video game board janny do the needful
can hardly see him
looks like a bloody robot
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Thoughts on ear piercings for men?
Kinda want a small gold earring on my left
poo sub edish
i look a bit like him on the right except i have buggy eyes (and slightly smaller chin)
mad how that tiny difference makes him a 6/10 still and me a 3/10
You beautiful as you are.
gf saying shes embarrased because everyone in her post grad group chat are saying where they're from and they're all from exotic countries and she had to say she's from guildford

why do women care about le exotic country shit so much? why are we ashamed of being british
Upon reflection, Hodor becoming a retard because the Three eyed crow mindfucked him into holding the door during a flashback was kind of lame
Like stroking under my forearms cause theyre soft
birthright citizenship should be illegal worldwide
Britain confirmed Islamist state.
Cultural cringe. Its a big thing here too, mainly amongst the former british but has spread to many Irish people too.
mob rule
giving it my best shot
you can tell how piss scared this country is of upsetting the ragheads, they know that they're barbaric in nature and there's no a large enough amount of them in our country to cause serious trouble so we're now bending over backwards to keep them happy

rorke jokes aside this country is actually gone
that's all anyone can ask hon x
I was born in a small village
How would you be reacting if it was a white bloke getting his head stomped in
And don't pretend white people don't act yobbish too
It's a thursday morning.

Why are you posting here instead of being productive at work and contributing to the progress of UK?
Yes absolutely nothing to do with the fact a police officer booted a man on the ground in the face then stomped on his head
I didn't even notice race lad I was just looking at the disgusting behaviour of the individual prior to the events in the video
I'm unemployed.
where are the mobs of white men protesting about a black immigrant stabbing a soldier in the street 50 times and then the government passing it off as a 'mental health crisis'?
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Lad a copper could shove a baton up a football hooligans arse and it would barely make the news
personally think that police man was having a mental health crisis and should be free of consequence
He's literally kicking a man in the head repeatedly when he's already down lol there's no justification for it
have yet to have breakfast
Tf Timmy gonna do?
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just got back from my holiday in Croatia, lads.

i've deduced that Croats don't suffer
Quit my job Saturday, finna boutta quit life
High verbal IQ on display here
me in the foreground, bobbing
maybe shouldnt go about refusing orders from the police and punching women in the face then?
keep wanting to go to that for the parties but dont have any mates haha x
the pakis protesting literally said they were going to burn manchester to the ground tonight if they didn't sack the copper
Policing is the hardest job in the world. In a world where politicians do not support officers to carry out stop and search or tackle crime head on. Camera phones constantly watching every move to jump on a simple error. Police do not get the full supprt and the public know it and they are ruling the rule. RIP young chap. You should not have gone through this purely for being brave enough to serve. The police need backing now before it is too late
despise fag hags
kinda agree
at the same time a lot of cops are cunts
that's unlucky. we went to Split which isn't really worth going to as a solo traveller

i'm glad i have friends, being in croatia with them is the first time i've felt truly alive in ages, even if i am an incel
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genuinely don't believe this narrative that they punched a female officer, absolutely 0 proof of that happening lol. they're literally at home posting videos with their lawyer
>at home
They deported them? Based to say the least.
what do they do for a living?
good british lads
can imagine that the islamic mob will get the name of the copper as all the politicians in that area are pakis and they will leak the name to them as soon as they get it
I would move out of the area or even the country ASAP if I was him and didn't want my skull caving in by a mob of violent paki scum
any of you pull
honestly? they sell drugs and rape white children
brooklyn blood pop is a fun song
kek not even 12 hours passed and they had their greasy little paki lawyer getting involved plotting a way to milk as much money from the state as possible, pakis are decades ahead of white people at this type of stuff
Just listened to the first 6 seconds, awful, nuke yourself.
second kebab of the week haha what am i like
schoolgirl panties getting wet looking at the athletic black men on the bus
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Good morning team! Bună dimineața. Дoбpoe yтpo.

How is everyone today?
rochdale dogwhistle
euros love their fucking kebabs
least islamic swede
it's drunk runt food over there
still thinking about that rape video
simply can't bring myself to play any new games, despite having a bunch installed
aussies love their fucking HSP (for me its a hsp with brown sauce)
For breakfast?
the blackened, sooty pot calling the kettle black
most interesting australian
yeah imagine eating meat, tomatoes, and bread for breakfast that's INSANE bro
imagine unironically being australian it's literally a meme reddit nation
what do you lot have then?
lunch innit
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*asserts myself by stating an interesting fact about myself*
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>what do you lot have then?
kebabs as well haha
we were there on australia day in a park in adelaide
weren't even drinking but stood up during the celebrations having a dance having a sing along
some australians behind us were like sit down stop having a good time
fucking reprobate creatures
i don't know
Ever been? Poundland florida all over.
there's nothing more reddit than a posh British accent
Seems peng tbf. Amazing beaches and warm most of the year
any good aussie porn slaggos other than angela white?
I have depression.
I have anxiety.
I have poor self esteem.
I have anhedonia.
I have a poor sleep schedule.
I either sleep too much or too little.
I have self control problems.
I have mood swings.

THIS is what mental illness looks like.
You know I never hear anyone speak about kebabs but the shops pop up all over the place. That and phone repair shops are the only businesses muds operate
is a HSP just a kebab? why do you call it HSP
because it's not a kebab now is it genius
whacky bruce mentality
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elton john meal
might replay Witcher 1
how is that not a kebab
looks like farted in it after a particularly rough night
not sure you know what a kebab is mate
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kebabs are disgustingly grim and i love them
pakified brain
ktim with basically all fast food
they call it fast food, but the more you eat the slower you get!
>A halal snack pack, or HSP, is a dish that comes from Australia. It is made up of halal-certified doner kebab meat (mainly lamb, chicken or beef), chips, sauces (mainly chili, garlic and barbecue sauces) and often cheese. The exact origin of the halal snack pack is unknown.

hmm yes definitely not a kebab
reddit naish
>barbecue on a kebab
we call that a kebab on chip
I wouldnt eat anything with the name halal
Dont want to give them money
Lamb doner, lettuce and chili sauce please mate
aussies calling a burger a 'meat and bread snack pack' and then melting down when you say its a burger
now that you're on wikipedia how about googling "kebab" and seeing what images come up ya fuckin idiot
and just to clarify, the place you buy them from is called a kebab shop but they definitely aren't kebabs
sex kebab
me? hypervigilant freak
Wronguns put chicken salt on chips
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got the funky tunes on
I couldn't wait for you to come clear the cupboards
But now you're going to leave with nothing but a sign
Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between your lines
Because I miss you all the time
the two don't even have the same ingredients ya fuckin thicko
nipping down to the kebab shop to get some kebab meat but it definitely isn't a kebab, it's different you see
rorkes Wikipedia page

whitebros.... i dont feel so good
I'm making a pie but calling it a kebab because it uses kebab meat; you see?
is this funky enough for you
I identify as Anglo-Pakistani - not because I'm mixed-race (I'm not) - because I identity with Pakistani culture and think it's based.

So yeah I'm Anglo-Pakistani.
australia? done
looks like the average tranny's wikipedia entry actually
Call it HSP (the p is for pie)
a kebab is meat cooked on a skewer
doner kebab is cooked on a skewer
by every definition it is a kebab
and it was invented in turkey so maybe ask them
got an HSP me (hilariously small penis)
its over for bruce
honestly so sick of fucking pakis
what happens to the little offcuts in the tray there
kebab meat often refers specifically to the spit meat used for doner kebabs
a kebab is either skewers of meat (shish kebab) or the meat in a wrap (doner kebab)

if I give you a burger patty and chips you don't call it a hamburger now do you genius?
might reinstall Rising Storm 2 and gun down gooks with an L1A1
Going to eat a banana
We aren't going away you know
why are they so stupid is the UV
eating a mozzarella and tomato snack circle
it's the retarded australian spends all thread being beaten up for being a retard again
give it a rest la
why do you even come here you are constantly bullied
actually I would still call it a burger, British English doesn't really differentiate between "burger" and "the meat part of burger"

also how come you're happy to call all the ingredients shoved in a wrap a kebab, but take away the wrap and suddenly it's not a kebab?
donkey born inside a barn is not a kebab, it's a HSP
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>creepy weirdo gamer
Gamers are the most persecuted people on the planet
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Imagine how much oil is down there. No need for electric cars innit
Halal Snack Pack mule
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yeah mate exact same thing, they're both burgers
are we gonna have to defend our ancestral Antarctic lands from the Bolshevik hordes?
except they literally are, nobody says 'patty' here that's a very yankish term
they're literally both burgers here
HUGE poo on its way
it's a British English thing, you wouldn't get it
I literally didn't know what a "patty" was until I saw Spongebob
need it sucked out and pumped into the atmosphere post-haste
the police when they saw that rochdale protest approaching
Hantarctic sea protection
it must be unfortunate to lack the words to differentiate between two physically different things
australians showing up once again they are more yanks than english
whats the difference between a kebab and a HSP?
Just did a poo and phew let me tell you
bet they call chicken burgers chicken sandwiches too
Wish gay cunts would stop ogling me, I don't want your pooey arsehole
behold, a HSP
I have never been in a social situation where the lack of extra words for burger has been a hindrance
the image says kebab wrap though
just been to the butchers to buy some burgers and the cunt fired up the barbecue
I want electric cars to become more popular because it will result in cleaner air. If I walk or jog around my local area, it would be nice to not breathe in pollution from petrol/diesel cars.
Any Alpaca loving man in?
Both of those are called burgers by Brits, "patty" is an American term
I knew a lad growing up who was allergic to sugar. We would go for burgers and he would remove the bread and just eat the meat and cheese. But he still called them burgers without the buns and sauce.
Thai green curry for lunch
I think you mean a chicken kebab
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used to hate tommy robinson but starting to align with his views after recent affairs

shame it has to be him because he seems like an obnoxious bellend but who else do we really have
Do I
having a haram snack pack for lunch (bacon butty)
Oil is sentient
You seem really disabled
Wonder how many kebab shops are in the UK
Got a Brazilian waxing done the other day lads. First time, hahaha
if you had to bet on there being more kebab shops or barbers what line would you take
That's a tough one
barbers ovb
was he happy with it?
too many
Do I
just done a quick google and although the statistics are probably not accurate it's VERY close

ones at 17k the other is at 19k
if I could walk that way I wouldn't need a Brazilian!
>there are now over 20,000 kebab outlets in the UK selling around 2,500 tonnes of lamb and chicken doner a week.
>At the end of 2021, there were 15,861 barbershops.
bi-annual stephen lawrence story dropped today lads
i'm fabulous
>at the end of 2021
theres been about 500 barber shops open up around me in the past year so imagine this figure is substantially higher
how many new kebab shops rorke
If a girl matches with you on Hinge but doesn't say anything are you supposed to send another message?
kebab shops
vape shops
tanning salon
charity shops
'american' candy stores

not sure i'm already desensitized to that paki front, the barber one is still new to me
spam her just in case she has bad internet and it doesnt go through
I just sent 15 dick pics in 10 seconds, reckon that'll be enough?
>2/10 would not bang
you can't send images on hinge so we know you're larping spaedo
thoughts on cambridge as a city?
has its nice parts, sure, but feels like a pretty generic uk city otherwise
mad how women like tasteful pictures like the cock inside your boxers, or to see your bulge through your trousers and are less inclined to like the actual whole hog being on display whereas we would much prefer to see a close up of a birds mutt in a full spready
it used to have some really good pubs and restaurants but it's all gone a bit shit now
>everyone that now mentions Hinge on /brit/ is him
Do you schizos ever have a day off
i think it's a pretty generic uk city tbph. but it does have its nice parts.
is Chinese whispers racist
Alright to visit for a day out but hideously expensive, full of students and foreigners, and soulless in that it feels like a theme park just for tourists.
why do women believe that getting a tan is preferable to having youthful looking skin? are they just daft?
born in guildford
living in the cotswolds
only if you do the eyes and accent
go make your black man catfish spaedo
I've never understood why blokes send dick pics, I've never sent one in my life nor thought of sending one. Women don't like them, so what's the point? You'd probably have more success sending a photo of your arms or tummy than your dick.
it's like flashing but less risk
they love pictures of vascular hands
caters too much to the rich/uni students. 10 min drive. there's something like a 15 year life expectancy difference between the rich parts and poor parts. dull if you're a normal person working/living there, but the wanky posh people who can afford chello concerts or whatever probably enjoy it
Still don't get it, I'm clearly not an exhibitionist.
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*gets your gf moist at the fanny*
in addition to dick pics the multitudes of males that send out sex essays via text

wtf are you doing. no one wants to read that crap
that was tarq bait
sounds like chello, should be written as chello. simple as.
hate when guys say stuff like 'hnggg'
>no no, put it away, I hate it!
hot, keep going.
i am dead quiet during sex. feel sorry for the gf.
I grunted once, that was the most you'll get out of me.
used to talk to a girl who always wanted to take the conversation sexual and it was tiresome, even on video calls she'd start touching herself and changing the topic and to be perfectly honest it was a big turn off

imagine women have to deal with it all the time too
sick of it. cunt got what he deserved and that ugly bald chimp creature that birthed him being a dame is a damned disgrace
let me make one thing perfectly clear
i have never had sex and i'm nearly 27
I don't have a girlfriend
writing a sex essay
i am literally never ever going to have sex or get a gf and it's that simple
Impressive, how'd you manage that?
find it hard to believe this is attractive
not even particularly large hand
Obsessed with understanding Owen Jones' mindset
How do you, as a white homosexual british man, become so mindbroken that you spend your entire existence on the internet, defending violent brown criminals who find you disgusting
Are you the shamancuck?
women literally read entire novels of smut lol i'd say a good 50% of women get off more to books than actual porn
tbf whispering stuff in my gfs ear during sex probably turns her on more than anything else
who cares i'm 34 and never had a date let alone sex
It's fucking cringey though
you'd be wrong then, women love hands
by not putting my willy in a fanny, pretty simple desu
a what
very based, i've never dated either or perused women at all. i can't be arsed
oh it really is in hindsight, i cant even bring myself to type it out here in fact, but in the heat of the moment its not
if i had veiny hands like that i'd be scared of tearing one and bleeding to death
women love veiny baby hands
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Cambridge and Oxford are pretty far from generic
It's just pillow talk babe
yeah and blokes watch 9 on 1 anal pissing gangbangs and death claw their cocks to limpness over it
like what? i cant imagine what id say. "oh god", "you're so hot", ... ?
i do like it when my gf moans, especially when she says my name, "oh, Anon!"
mad how normies just naturally fall into relationships and have sex without having to think about it whatsoever

i really just do belong to another world entirely
this building is all cambridge really has going for it. some nice canals maybe, but plenty of other towns have those too, probably nicer as well.
you say things like 'dam that skibidi pussy finna make me buss a nut on god better give me that hawk tuah after'
believe me when I say this is bollocks
a lot of thinking and effort goes into it
you just aren't trying
>thinking and effort
you know thats not true, deano sets up a tinder profile then just picks his mystery meat for the weekend. that's literally it
i've pursued women loads
maybe dont see why it would be that hand tho
got the cock cage on
Can't stop laughing at that video of thousands of Muslim men (no women in sight) talking openly about how they're going to burn down a police station because an attempted terrorist was kicked in the head. England genuinely doesn't exist anymore and that amuses me to no end. British culture (the topic of this thread) will cease to exist in the next 5 years, so then what? Do we scrap /brit/ for good?
we become /neobrit/ and we all pray 7 times a day
Race war is inevitable
I've never exchanged text messages with a woman or had a phone call with a woman or been on a date or touched a woman's breast.

I'm only 30 years old though so there's still time for me haha still plenty of time
>neo nazis vs everyone else
it'll be over before it begins
got any plans on changing that lad?
Keir Starmer says 'every day' he is finding 'more mess' that the Tories left behind

Keir Starmer said the “hard graft of rebuilding this country has truly started” as he accused the previous government of leaving a “rot of shortsightedness and self-service” for Labour to clear up.

Giving a speech in Runcorn, Cheshire, the prime minister said “every day” his administration is finding “more mess” that the Tories left behind.

“The hard graft of rebuilding this country has well and truly started, and it is vital that we begin immediately because the last government dropped the ball,” he said.

He added:

They left us the worst inheritance since the second world war, and every day – every day – we’re finding more mess that they’ve left for us to clear up.

The rot of shortsightedness and self-service that has weakened the foundations of our country.”
have never slapped a girls arse while fucking. might try it next time
Nah it is better that I am alone. Better for everyone.
all boris' fault really
useless man
for me its biting the bottom of her ear while im rodding her from behind, jay me you cowards
did he expand on "graft"?
we're well aware that the country is in the shitter, so what's the plan
Cambridge and Oxford have lots of old buildings though. I would assume they have more old buildings than most British cities.
mumsy cried when bojo got the coof and went into the ICU

she though the world was ending, the daft cow
why aren't you at work
I canny read
no one wants to work anymore because there's no point
positive thoughts and good intentions
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International news lol
not left the house for like 3 days haha
im being made redundant next week so im working from home doing fuck all. doing a hand over document so my leftover employees dont get completely screwed over but that's about it. not doing any actual work.
need this knocked down and a glass cube built in it's place
why would i? don't fancy toiling for a berg for a few extra quid, value my freedom (even though i waste it here)

next question
Religion of peace at it again
I make my own hours
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Only went and got the kebab pizza didnt I
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looks like a halal snack pack pizza to me
let me fly far away from here
just looking at that image gave me diarrhea, not sure how id handle eating it
Easter and Christmas need BANNED
be respectful now
How much redundancy pay you getting?
>he also noted:

"Mr Sunak even appears to have done a poo on my desk. I couldn't believe what I was seeing."
day off innit
Catberg drinking a beer
got zogged in greggs lads
Bruce having a meltdown at this
bee bit my bottom; now my bottom big
lads lad lads laddie
Wtf is that real?
chat is this real?
Last day at toil before 10 days off
fuck up leaf
only 5 weeks, like the legal minimum for how long ive been there, but they're going to pay me for the whole of next month and i don't have to work. so decent enough in the end. factor in outstanding holiday pay and I should be able to neet for a few months comfortably.
it was a pornography store
I was buying pornography
Good redundancy or bad redundancy
this other leaf is making me look bad
it lush
I'm being made redundant next week too. First day "on call" till next Wednesday which is my last official day. Wonder if we work for the same company.
I'll be getting July salary, plus a months salary PILON, 3 weeks for 3 years service, and 2 weeks of holiday pay. Enough to live on for 3-4 months while I find work. Luckily have enough savings for another 3-4 months if need be without touching my ISA.
Only planning to take off August and i'll be applying to hopefully get something lined up for September. But not getting panicky just yet.
those aren't relationships

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