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Grim edition
Someone asked me which USSR leader came after Kruschev and I got it wrong
suppose I should get a job, meet a girl, start a family, raise the next generation
cba 2bh

Simon has weighed in on Manchester, finally some common sense!
Future generations will be better able to manage the power and responsibility of things like smartphones. Millennials and boomers are simply not mentally equipped to deal with having a pocket computer.
we invented the dang things!
>suppose I should get a job, meet a girl, start a family, raise the next generation
yea I was thinking of this too
no you didn't
aliens gave us the technology
boomers think they invented shit
I think it's more the content than the medium
you're probably right if the web gets regulated, there can't be conflicts if there's only one viewpoint
Might become a furry
my shits have been absolutely VILE down here in the USA
dunno what they put in the food but it’s clogged me up and made my poo smell sour
Met a happy psychic
She's a content medium
Italy solo trip booked lads. Escaping this hellhole for a bit right before it gets burned down over an anti-terrorist kickin
least epigentically brainfried irishman
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ah, it's good to see you
where is my husband?
He's Greek
Where you headed? Which part?
how long do garlic dips last
the fluid has separated from the pate, but I can sort that out with a quick stir
i've been fighting for trans rights for years now
I'm being made redundant next week too. First day "on call" till next Wednesday which is my last official day. Wonder if we work for the same company.
I'll be getting July salary, plus a months salary PILON, 3 weeks for 3 years service, and 2 weeks of holiday pay. Enough to live on for 3-4 months while I find work. Luckily have enough savings for another 3-4 months if need be without touching my ISA.
Only planning to take off August and i'll be applying to hopefully get something lined up for September, but not getting panicky just yet.
full month off lad, enjoy it to the max
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yeah that's how it works
Landing in Milan and then scouting about to a few different cities like Venice and Rome and Pisa and them going to Cinque Terre and wrapping it all up with a visit to the Dolomites.
>His leg washed up a short time later and was put on ice by locals before being taken to hospital, where a medical team is now assessing surgery options.
Mental that people just bob up and down in the water in Australia
I think it is..LE GOOD...that hundreds of fighting age men of non-British extraction, many of whom are criminals, all of whom follow a religious doctrine that leads to open dislike of our way of life, gathered outside a police station in Rochdale last night to ensure mob rule takes supremacy over the rule of law.
This is liberal and enlightened.
Is Italy good for solo travel? I'm considering France myself. Never seen the Mediterranean and would like to swim in it.
I would at least expect her stood beside a porshe, even a beemer
gimme that body and I'd be in a penthouse on day 1
the average width of multiple dicks would be wider than a single dick yes
just had a woke attack and circumcised mesen
had a woke attack also
If you want to swim in the Mediterranean just hop on a dingy from Libya
i don't get it, why does he go from being black to being white?
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Dunno desu lad it's my first time going, but I just enjoy solo travel in general. Normally go for hikes like going up the Alps and all that but interested to see how a city break experience is.
Isn't Italy overrun with asylum seekers as well
how many race riots happened under the tory regime
Well, Rorke?

Who wins?

feel fortunate that im being laid off in the summer at least. gonna go spend a week with the family and let them spoil me. then have some days out with the gf here and then before settling into the job search good and proper. will almost certainly have to move for a new job since there's fuck all near me, which is a good/bad thing. much to think about.
Can't imagine I'll be bumping into many muzzied up in the dolomites or in a museum in Florence desu lad.
momentum is clearly building for some end-of-summer unrest
Leeds rioting
Rochdale protesting (last night won't be the end of that...)
A Mark Duggan now and it will kick off again
what was it?
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>much to think about
some heterosexual hentai
Ah I remember those riots, fun times
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Rorkes: we will get you sacked for your racism. It's not on.
t. Jareem
this you?
>manchester (rochdale)
>leeds (bradford)
>sheffield (rotherham)
is there a northern uk city that doesnt have its own paki enclave?
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£42 to go watch the new deadpool with a snack
>suspended with full pay
Wonder if i say all lives matter on facebook will i also get to play video games all day and get paid for it
not far off margot robbiers face wither
fat git
was in newcastle a month or 2 ago and barely saw any
Woke up, had a wank over Faith Ordway, now to continue doing whatever it is I do as a dolemerchant.
got indians in liverpool but they're chill and i never notice many pakis tbqh
plenty of browns in preston, but no "no-go zones" as far as I can tell
it's nice in the suburbs, just chavs in black trackies to worry about
>>leeds (bradford)
those are two different cities
both of them pakified
>Faith Ordway
grim coalburner
looool lil white girl I know moved to Leeds about a month ago wonder how she’s enjoying the culture
liverpool has more arabs (yemeni, etc) than pakis, from the navy days
why did we import south asians and not east asians?
>excuse me wali but pakis are not arabs wali
brown hands
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>One in six vapes confiscated from school children in England was found to be laced with 'zombie drug' Spice, a shocking new study has found.
mad that
fuck up leaf
east asians aren't constantly pissing off their neighbours
wild rabbits look better than weird fancy ones
odd poast
used to play a very virginous game and there was one clan that dominated the game, all the top players were part of it and their leader was some chinese bloke that required the leaders and co-leaders to play full time and he paid them about 60k USD a year

mental really, why would someone do that
Sometimes I’ll see a black guy on the street and naturally I’ll freeze like a startled elk but then I’ll notice he’s wearing an anime shirt or something and somehow it’s not as bad. I mean it’s still not good
ok… :(
niggas in australia would die on the sword of hsp not being a kebab
i'm nice to australians here but on /sp/ its a different story
i love having opinions on things that have nothing to do with me
I certainly intend to although maybe sitting on /brit/ isn't the best way to start.

Same. In some ways it's come at a good time. I havn't been especially happy in the job for some time. August is meant to be nicer weather. It would be grim if it had happened in winter. And redundancy really is the best way to leave a job, walking out with a few months pay and no real ill will plus it doesn't look as bad for applying elsewhere as if id just fucked the job off to neet for the summer.
For the next week i'm just staying put. Getting plenty of sleep and rest. Going to clean my house and do a bit in the garden. Go for nice walk everyday. Just sorting out my head because the last few months have been stressful. The week after i've not got much planned. I only just sent off my passport for renewal and I doubt i'll get my new one back or i'd consider a cheeky week abroad. But I might just go for nice drives and walks in the countryside, in the Yorkshire dales and Cumbria.
After that i'm going down to London for a week to see my brother and do some tourist stuff. And then going to spend the better part of 2 weeks in the North East to spend time with my grandad while his carer is on holiday and while i'm there i'll get into Newcastle and up the Northumbria coast.
I'm also considering my options for work. I have 3 options.
1 is to just find work where I live and carry on much as I have these past 5 years but once I settle in a job for 6 months to a year i'll buy a house.
2 is to change industry and potentially move to another part of this country for a fresh start.
3 is get a temporary job to see out the year then blow my house deposit on a trip down under and get a job in Australia while i'm there. Try and earn the big money and either start over down there or just stick at it for a few years until something else comes up.
Used to be in a COD4 clan when I was like 13 with a bunch of 20, 30 and 40 year olds lol. Was a beloved member of the group tbqh. Some of the group has big youtube channels too.
not much different to some arab sheikh owning al-bumfuckjihad fc and spending millions on players
Let us know how you get on. I'd love to go to Italy but kinda always envisioned it as a place ill go when im middle aged or older (and hopefully married).
Be right back forum
mad to think that some of them are old guys now
popped into the bog expecting a massive poo, however, it’s a parade of farts playing up an orchestra of foulness with stomachberg backing the tune up
i feel the same way when i go to thailand and see women in bikinis until i notice their bulge
Piss nettles
for me, it's owning three jackets and cycling between them, while wearing the same shirt and trousers.
at least those clubs generate revenue and is an actual sellable asset, investing in a video game is literally a dead end that only serves a purpose for as long as the servers are still online
Hadn't thought about that tbf. Think the oldest would've been like 45 at the time, so he'd be nearly 65 now. Fucking hell.
really need to get rid of this laptop and build an actual desktop pc. shit gets way too hot and noisy while im just browing /brit/
dickberg crying out for a tugging
somebody better not post an arousing image or else
Still in bed whilst it rains outside. Womfy.
how old is it? recently got a new 'top courtesy of toilberg and it's infinitely better than the last pile of shit i had that would constantly overheat and run like a bag of piss
Desktop heats me room to unlovable levels during the summer
worry no more https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9iMAQrMK4c
What a fucking boring cunt you are
Lovely face on that lass.
will you have to wipe your grandad's arse when he poos while his carer is away?
Try on haul wank
love when the thread goes silent while we all watch something like that
i thought you lot loved the gay porn gimmick. sorry for your stiffy
the proto-gf texted 'i miss you' this morning. made me feel something.
Why is rorke obsessed with "fighting age"

What would he rather a bunch of pensioners come over than people who actually work?
Prove your love for her by jumping in front of a moving train you boring bastard
you are a beastly people i wish an englishmen had never invented the internet as you lot are unfit to use it
>bossman wants to get rid of a problem employee (SINGULAR!)
>hates confrontation so he pretends it's a redundancy required due to budget issues, not targeted at anyone in particular
>fucking circulates an e-mail about it to everyone at the same pay level as that employee, doesn't even consult their managers first
>basically tells 24 people that one of the 24 will be made redundant based on "objective" criteria (actually tailor made to get a particular guy fired)
>now we have 24 people panicking that they're about to get fired, including some of my team members
>had to join team meeting from my holiday just to try and calm them down



Hang yourself you dull cunt
time to ghost her
>people who actually work?
ho ho ho good one
*yawns very loudly*
yeah? nice one m8
*walks off*
Outside of your delusions yes rorke people need a reason to be allowed to come here and that reason is mostly work or study
I want fit brown women
t. rorke
toilberg said i reek of cigarettes what exactly does he expect me to do about that its like saying i have a small willy
There's no such thing as free will.
Every emotion, thought, action of your life was determined by your brain chemistry and as a reaction to externally circumstances.
You aren't a depressed or happy person, an introvert or an extrovert, masculine or feminine, angry or calm, straight gay cis or trans. You are not anything, it's all just brain chemicals and structures responding to external stimuli.
None of those thoughts or feelings are yours. You're nothing more than chemical reactions inducing those things.
A simple alteration in diet, vitamins, hormones, or a minor brain injury could totally rewrite your personality and the very core of who you perceived yourself to be.
The belief that you are a certain person with certain beliefs and certain interests is a fiction invented by your over-evolved, self aware neurons. A false perception necessary to keep you sane.

No. He is still capable of doing that himself and has daily carers come in to give him meds and help him with cleaning himself. I'm basically going to do his shopping and keep him company. I'll do a bit of tidying up and make cups of tea and take him to the hairdressers and a doctors appointment and probably get us some chippy dinners. Just normal stuff, no wiping arses or helping him shower, that would be weird.
shame the people we actually get do neither
now this is based
so if a lesbo fucks a man that's just brain chemicals?
you can stop smoking but you'll always have a small willy
don't know
havent had lunch yet because theres nothing good to watch on the old youtube
this is what the globohomo ai overlords want you to believe
watch the telly
Why would I give a fuck if an immigrant works or not? All my issues with immigration don’t disappear because saaar has a job
going to tweeze out every hair from every part of my body (ESPECIALLY the scalp)
About to yam a pack of aldi oreos
fat bastard
me after a few bevvies in the club
any completely socially inept man in
i didn't have such a hard time when i was very young but i seem to have developed autism when i was about 13-14
toilberg currently tearing his hair out over metrics
torn between laughing at him, or feeling spiteful towards the team members who dont do anything (indians)
One small punch to the head in just the right spot and you'd wake up as a neoliberal who loves the status quo and never questions government or media again
It's evil that we aren't allowed to research how to make use of something with so much potential and so many applications
why are the police so embarrassing?
I sucks because I'm still young
baited for this exact response
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‘Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging’ was released 16 years ago today.
this is pretty hot for esl like me
stopped being a profession for 6ft+ white fellas in good shape who fancy catching some crims and locking them up and became social work with batons and enforcement of state dogma instead
>thinking about me rubbing my cock through my thong against a girl's arse (through her panies)
You just need a brick to the right spot on the head and you'd wake up as an ultra charismatic normie
Good lord I've minced a simple reply
IT sucks
probably because your severely low iq wasn't noticeable until you reached your early teens due to everyone being retarded due to childhood
Dadberg suggested I try shrooms or weed to cure my social ineptitude once
Just had a very smelly poo
It's always a smeller when it isn't first thing in the morning, the additional festering time does it
agree desu
thought that way even before i started taking meds which literally just improved my being. wild stuff honestly
my iq isn't low
really love sucking arent you
To the surprise of absolutely NOBODY
look everyone a talking monkey
I've done acid a decent bit,
Normally I couldn't speak to strangers or make eye contact at all
But for an entire week after my first trip, I had no issue socialising with strangers at all, it just came naturally and with no anxiety, and I literally couldn't feel sad if I tried
Unfortunately subsequent trips, while still enjoyable, didn't have that same post-trip effect
White people did this?
Wtf why are brits targeting black children leave them alone you psychopaths
just had a nice fennel tea
pretty mean that. all of this just because i shared a gay indian porn?
Send in the jets, this is genocide
bro you've told on yourself so many times here
if you weren't so low iq you'd realise that
Recommend me an album you like lads
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>doing a STEM degree
>do taekwondo
>Learning Russian
>all despite my mental health problems

What's your excuse in life?
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58% of people are mental
You a femboy estrogenmaxxing mate?
simply not clicking on any links
I know, I know, I'm sorry, I'm just not clicking them.
fennel is a superfood
Miss when music videos were short films
Marquee Moon by Television
Based metropol ensuring a whiter britain by ending stop and search
I'm sexually attracted to men.
Would love to suck some cock, get tied up, pinned down, bent over, fucked.
Unfortunately I am perhaps one of the ugliest humans in the country so my odds of that are impossible.
Unless I lower my standards to other people who are also like 3/10 attractiveness which I simply shall not do.
I also tidied up my room a little bit. Put some of my papers (benefit letters, mental health letters, uni communication and work stuff) into the appropriate folders.
thinking about that video where the lad runs into some other lad's garden to steal his sign but it's booby trapped with electricity and it sends the lad scarpering away like a kicked dog haha
Know it
He's trying so hard
*Pisses on your face*
Had egg salad sandwiches for lunch on seeded malt bread. It was nice. Egg salad is a great sandwich filling IMO.
Need to buy a chest of drawers that is inexpensive
>BREAKING: FBI Director Christopher Wray has just stated that Russian bots are working on social media to sell narratives about Ukraine, using AI.
Check on FB marketplace. Might get a freebie
Don't see how either of those posts relate to mine, stupid taig
Fuck that shit go on gumtree and get a free piano
How does next to no one ever figure out that batman is Bruce Wayne. Is everyone in Gotham a fucking moron?
Me in the 58%
I'm not bloody going anywhere am I?
crazy how america's will to fight can be destroyed by russian shitpostbots
I have toil tomorrow (6:00 am to 16:00 pm), on Saturday I have my taekwondo grading and on Sunday I'm going out for the day with my sister.
You want to have sex with a low tier homo batty man, I provided you with a low tier homo batty man
Soft white teen pussy hand delivered to the cronem's traphouse
How do I find a Latina gf in the UK?
Mexican, Puerto Rican, Colombian I don't care.
You seen that video of the Israel guy, he goes to get this Palestine flag but its booby trapped, blows im clean up
t. Comes from a population that has emigrated possibly more than any other in the world
Mad how easy I can just ransack the One Stop and gorge on 3500 calories worth of shite. It's not even a challenge for me
>going out for the day with my sister
Will you try to get her drunk and “accidentally” have sex with her?
You can't. But if you go to Galway, it's crawling with Brazilians. Go down there for a latina shag a couple times a month, me.
I didn't know transgender people were allowed to fight in martial arts
Would seem unfair to put them against men (stronger than them) or against women (weaker than them)
I thought you hated your obese sister
No that's disgusting.
Amber by Autechre

Are you Irish diaspora or something?
It's done on a case by case basis. I don't compete competitively anyway.

This is my older sister. My obese one is younger than me.
Got zogged in Arzogs
Know it, for me it's tri repetae and lp5
tell us what happened lad
there's no logical reason why you would go to any pub that isn't a wetherspoons
Vast array of drinks which are cheap as fuck
cheap and cheerful food
very quick service
can order from your phone
nice historic buildings
Just seems odd how trans people are banned from chess competitions but not from martial arts apparently
Personally I say let anyone compete against anyone, without regard for age and sex
Just forget to take it off desu
The Irish diaspora and Pakistanis in deep discussion
Listen to this if you haven't already, immense live set

never been to one in my life tbqh
it's got grim clientele and everything is greasy and sticky and smelly
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There's no reason you'd go to to any pub when you can drink and eat the same shit at home for far cheaper
A five day working week of eight hours a day is a monstrous way of organising things let's be real
By thursday your interest really starts to wane but you have to be 'present' and make it look like you are still toiling away
Honestly it should be four ten hour days mon to thurs and then we get three day weekends every weekend because four wake ups and commutes in a row is where most peoples minds begin to switch off
You'll never be the thin man from Charlie's Angels getting the shit kicked out of you by prime Cameron Diaz, Lucy Lui and Drew Barrymore. Why even live?
The food is alri too
Reckon it'd be alright if I go to hell since I think I'd be able to persuade them to let me get a job as staff and work torturing other people, especially psychologically, rather than being tortured myself
Not sure if it is worth prepping a CV in advance tho just in case
Many such cases
Poo Barrymore
No music
tensions are undeniably rising, wonder how the government plan on handling it
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I'm only 'summer Fridays' now at my work. Finish at 12:30 on a Friday for 6 weeks, get paid the same.
Got it on

Know it, first recommendation that isn't currently on my phone, electro soma is.
going out with friendberg tonight
i will be the undercover incel at the club haha
Sweltering in my bathroom right now. Should start using my hairdryer blowing on cold as a fan like I used to whilst I evacuate the old’ bowels.
>i will be the undercover incel
That's good, cause you won't be under any girls covers.
Continued support for arming Israel, giving billions to Ukraine, banning trans healthcare and keeping children in destitute poverty I imagine
Meet the new government, same as the old government
>love IDM and ambient techno
>find Aphex Twin overrated
For me it's this
Imagine having a violent sexual encounter with her
Deary me what fun
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Haven't used a hairdryer in years after learning how damaging they are to hair.
Are pubs the absolute highest form of British culture?
>traditionally brewed drinks served
>Traditional food served
>buildings steeped in history
>names reflecting where historically the pub has come from
>traditional furnishings and interior design
>play host to events such as quizzes, raffles, live music
>seen generation after generation pass through their doors
Am I missing anything?
Going to The Crystal Palace Wetherspoons - Glasgow later if anyone fancies a pint
White girls getting fed by BBC gangs
What about Venetian snares
Jf repellent
Sounds good
My company is slowly being taken over at executive level by Germans and they are saying in no uncertain terms that we all must work harder and beyond our hours - there is no silver productivity bullet other than we just expect you to do more
Never been to a wetherspoons
If I get up on the tables and do a friendly jig, do you think the other clientele would join in my merry dance?
Or would staff throw me out the door?
i don’t know what to think… for a few days now i have woke up and flirted with black men on dating apps sending pictures to them and asking to serve them and have them treat me like a girl. i haven’t sent anything exposing or identifying

after i cum i always feel disgusted and tell myself that i’ll never relapse again. that used to be the case for bbc porn but having done this it feels like i’ve gone another layer deeper and even though i tell myself i don’t want it i keep relapsing each day and doing the same thing to the point that today i’m having thoughts to want to start working on my ass, doing makeup and dressing feminine again (i’ve done it in the past on my own but never sent pics of it. i also don’t have anything anymore as i threw it out due to shame)

part of me wants to give all of this up but it’s just so fucking impossible that i keep getting pulled deeper
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As I recall he gave a fairly decent scrap when it was 1 v 1 and it was only once the other angels arrived that he had to retreat.
This is unironically my measure of a good pub. If some lad doesn't whip his top off and start whipping it round his head while making his big fat belly jiggle and the staff only laugh and encourage it, then your pub isn't somewhere I want to be.
In terms of rivalries, we give the French a lot of grief but at least they have something going for them. I think it's about time the world started talking about the German problem.

A disgusting race of people, disgusting cities, disgusting food (Sorry Hans, if we're not allowed to claim chicken tikka, you can't claim kebabs), disgusting language and overall, a disgusting history.

Their track record for ruining Europe is mental. All of their philosophers had the worst ideas too, a true enemy of the human race.
Not a fan of drum and bass type stuff really, it all sounds the same
>play some minor synth string chords
>add the amen break
Can't shag a milf in the cripple toilet at home
Wonder what the world would look like if Ron Paul had won
will be at garage later
Saw your mum in Farmfoods
*looks back down at the 'spoons app*
It's a jf repellant because of the aforementioned characteristics
Cool, see you there
the anchorman fella?
how so
Sometimes life may stink but we can always smell good
strictly come dancing drama
Grim Timmy life
What point are you trying to make?
Pouring superglue into rorkes eye
Had a banger of a thought but I've lost it again
Simple as.
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He doesn't know, he just saw it on twitter and thinks it's a good counter-argument.
any /wankinginyoursmellychildhoodbedroom/ man in or nh
Curious since exactly 0 brexiteers under 25 have ever had sex
White teen slits opened up by mean goons
old school runescape
Odd post.
Don you here mate?
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This poster is a paedophile
if yous put the table number in the thread later I'll send some halloumi fries n a pint of strongbow x
Mad when you look at a picture of your former oneitis after getting over her. Didnt spend 30 seconds starting at her picture and imagining our future together, just felt...meh
Pp still soft even though haven’t fapped since Monday
to indian gay porn? yh not me. ngl it looks pretty hot but it's not for me
I am partial to wetherspoons but you have to pick when and where. Some are legit human zoos. There's two in my city, one is relatively respectable the other is like fucking Thunderdome.
You depressed lad
My point is you've spent generations moving abroad and imposing your culture on other people to the extent you can't even go to the third world without finding an Irish pub yet you have the Gaul to complain about people coming to Ireland
Had another breakdown today
Is it is Crystal Palace or Glasgow?

Hours of confusion
didnt ask
I want to go back
Hate this ugly little rotters only fans being advertised now
Preferred the ginger girl with the fat ass
What caused it lad?
anxiety is destroying my life
Mental how 80 year olds manage to piss and shit themselves and don't even realise they've done it
Mate of mine had a spoons gig in the City having to serve coked-up chaos-Deanos and their brethren from Essex.
Gets flashbacks to that he does
ktimington the second
some man x

Looking forward to the gritty and diverse R-rate reboot
>you've spent generations moving abroad
Did we? Then why was I, my parents, their parents, their parents parents and so on all born in Ireland?
Crystal Palace is a wetherspoons in Glasgow, just down the road from 4 corners' McDonalds / Subclub.

There's also the The Society Rooms spoons but it's a bit neddy and shite. And the Sir John Moore on the other side of central but I've only ever had breakfast there.
two dogshit news
counting house is always packed
The actual, as it were
You don’t need all those snacks you fat tub of shit

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