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Marky Mark edish
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anxiety is destroying my Iife
Dogbertstein needing walkowitz
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The Irish never felt so happy
They've found their tribe
Dirty little nonce
Come here
*forces my tongue down your throat*
Kek the news was on before and guess what

Its an irishman virtue signalling about the airport shit
Happy days
was anxious to call people on the phone until I had to work in a call centre
same with driving or groping women at concerts
what does it feel like having your willy sucked? imagine it must be quite pleasant
yeah forgot it existed tbf you've done me there

been exposed, I don't get out much.
Irish diaspora repeat talking points they've heard on a podcast and social media lmao
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>tfw you're with two mates and having a good old time and all of a sudden one of them gets up to go to the dunny and it's just two of you
Axe the cronem
much groping to be done in the call centres is there?
If you werent the third wheel in the friend group youre a normie and you dont belong here
>friend group
only good if youre horny, like all sex
do NOT wank if you want to enjoy it
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beg your pardon?
Isn’t that what normies do everywhere
Lol irish diaspora moment!
do indians and browns in general get discriminated against when it comes to getting into clubs

heard they do
worked delivery and security
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Clearly you're not very good friends with them if you're nervous about chatting with them by themselves
You bore me with your trivialities... be gone.
how ifeel about mn
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leftypol omds
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we're full because we're bursting at the seam with pakis. they're openly rioting now and I was walking in the park earlier and there was one doing a shit just in the middle of the path. that's not even a joke there was literally some pajeet just doing a poo in the middle of a public park
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Welsh diaspora
typhoon timmy causing havoc in SEA
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White gym arses
where is he the little scamp
UK will continue to get wetter and hotter, climate scientists say
Just like your mum when I'm around eh? Ahaha :)
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Italian diaspora
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Whats with Bepis teeth?
My damn extended family is going to die out
Across the three families, there are seven chidren aged 30-45
Only one has had kids
Western birth rate moment
grazie bepi
I don't enjoy it that much, but I wish I did
Would be impossible for a woman to suck me off to completion
i had a dream about peter griffin last week
Well there's been 15,000 this year so far
And that doesn't include the 750,000 normal immigrants
how can people afford children. I earn £52k and the missus earns £65k but if one of us quits to look after the children we're at poverty levels
Bird I fancied the absolute pants off at school but never got with is a big fat thing now
Dodged a bullet there lads
Watching videos of deliveroo drivers deliving food
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Ngubu needs a new iphone
Zelensky and israel need gibs
Seasidemark is hungry
The planet will run out of helium entirely within the next 20 years btw.
Please look forward to it. No, it won't have any real impact other than helium prices getting a lot more expensive.
No more helium balloons by the 2040s.
suema delicia
Whats these peoples deal. What kick do they get out of seeing droves of foreigners
That's why you pay for daycare and receive maternity leave
ugly bitch
Dumb myth
His wiki says he's Jewish
Celtic cuck fetish from when the romans and saxons came over
Yer ma Saxon my cock
Do I have the most boring job in /brit/?
I write the english language section of instruction manuals for a household appliances company.
Go to bed zach
maybe if she had you in her life she would lead a more active lifestyle and still be fit
or are you a big fat person yourself?
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I REFUSE the unwritten social contract.
I will never get a job or have a family. I won't learn how to drive or drink alcohol. I will not watch TV or care about the law.
I will just live as a human, by my own moral code, without a care for man made restraints or norms, without a care for a society that never cared for me.
Timmy moment
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dont care
How about writing a manual for an appliance that makes interesting posts
a man got to have a code
saizeriya in japan is based
Wasny any funnier the second time
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i sell bananas and eggs for a living
What's the code to make you shut up
Big soulless brown bug eyes
watched a video of an amateur bbc porn video
the wife cheats on her husband with the neigjbour and he obliteraees her
literally wtf would you do if you were the husband its so bizzare
Ello mate
Got any pineapples?
got any grapes?
Belgium flag on... now
Love watching the recent videos of Israelis going on holidays to Japan, India, Thailand, Ireland, Mexico, Brazil, etc and then having a mental breakdow, crying or going into a violent rage because they saw posters or murals supporting Palestine, or locals protesting against genocide.
Are you Irish diaspora?

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You spend your wifes salary to pay for people to look after and raise the child
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less immigrants
more tummies
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Irish diaspora girl with the one who puts his penis up her
We're Gamers
We're born to Game
We live to Game
We die to Game
she looks nordic diaspora heatherberg
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He rules with an iron fist
binge watching some sissy hypno
GREAT posts
England is the original globohomo fag country
No it is not, that would be somewhere like France.
Ofcourse irish mongs arent very well educated on matters extending from their peat bogs so i dont expect much talking to one.
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look I don't believe in all that tranny guff but her Eurovision entry was, in fact, kino

lmao why are Irish like this
Honestly it is astonishing mental illness but I feel no empathy
Diasporamong/tonsilmong/heathermong/does his blacknessmong etc etc anon is someone I would enjoy beating relentlessly
My food intake for the past 48 hours;
2 slices of marmite on toast
1 packet of ready salted crisps
1 can of tomato soup
2 glasses of water
5 cups of coffee
we never should have let any wogs move here windrush should never have been anything more than a description of my farts
Yet the Irish are very opinionated especially about politics and social justice
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>watching Eurovision
>knowing who won
>knowing literally anything about it
Mental how active the eurovision thread was, it just goes to show how overrun with redditors this place has become
you coming off smack or something
No, this is just how I live
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this your first year on 4chan big man?
I actually dislike him more than Mousenonce or Spainlad. At least those two are capable of making humorous posts. Heathernonce is just white noise spam for hours on end. Sort of like Mousenonce when he's chemistry posting, but without the autistic-genius charm of Toby.
you not hungry mate?
weren't the Irish considered basically just white wogs historically? Makes sense they got along well with each other
Racism outside of b innit
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>Michelle McKenna
Irish diaspora with her equal
post su0001
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> At least those two are capable of making humorous posts.
A little
They are.
The Tarrant poster is here
Mental how white people are basically just brown people with white skin
>thinking eurovision is reddit
how new are you?
most of reddit weren't watching it cos muhh israel boycott
Just received a warning for posting something totally harmless on /Isr/
I merely mentioned the Palestinian people and janman got on my case...
Europeans have very redditor tendencies stemming from their servitude to America over Britain
spainnonce has never ever made a humorous post
every now and then mousenonce's insanity is accidentlly humorous
they are not the same
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Irish diaspora in an ecstatic moment!
They never feel this way with anglos
gr8 b8 m8
What I don't get is that Canadian who posts those collages of women dressed in nice clothes with some sort of similar looking food alongside, presented entirely without comment, which he has been doing since 2015 in totally random places all across the website and without ever explaining why
you still here lad? I'm at table 16
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So true
rorke getting kicked out of cathouse for doing a fortnite dance
Janman also deleted my post too
good gimmick that but i see why you wouldn't get it
love mysterious posters like him
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Irish considerations
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The weapon
Aww frick wrong reply
>2015 was nine years ago
Actual insanity
I was a real life adult in 2015 embarking on my first job after uni and it was almost a DECADE ago
I've not been a youth for ten years
nice selfie
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Hahahaha aww yeah that's really interesting bro hahahahaha damn dude your opinion is just so damn valid and cool
*nonces onwards into the distance*
that's from bloodborne not elden ring
you fool
I am 29, I live in Ullapool, and I have never seen a black person irl.
rorke doing the gay porn dance as a dare at a year 7 sleepover in 2009
I really can't be seen in a place like this anymore
Activism for browns on an anonymous image board while your country gets overran with wogs
fucking scremmoign
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Grim, what the fuck happened to her penis?
off limits for runts like me
27 years old
Who does this remind me of
how so
pussy feast right there
Racist mong
why not rapemaxx?
*incites rebellion in the runt cage*
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ktim x
Don't you fucking dare reply to me
Your (you)s have no meaning here slut
Now get on your knees and give my willy a kiss
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Nothing is off limits with the right tools and preparations
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who set this freak off again?
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no rats allowed
I want female human
The younger the better
I have never in 30 years experienced any kind of close relationship with another person
"I want to get off Mr. Mousey's Wild Ride"
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Vaginas are truly disgusting
Irish diaspora'cord are raiding the thread
Why don't the mods make it a bannable offense to make pro-paedophilia remarks?
Whether sincere or a joke, it should result in a permanent IP range ban
there's yer dinner
Young but legal
*sack wacks you*
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The Woke Mod
As a homosexual I agree
32 year old illegal brown migrant trying to get into a nightclub on his own
Wasny funny the first time
get yer fucking willy out for the ira
was going to go visit my one friend i lost touch with tomorrow for my first social outing of the year but he's cancelled so looks like i'm boozing alone in my smelly flat
An unmoist vagina is about as appealing as a flaccid cock. When it's aroused, it's hot as shit
fucking roaring
for some reason this made me howl
what will you be drinking?
Private dentist is telling me to have 2 fillings at £280 a pop. It's over
I physically gag when I see female genitalia
rorke's da shaking his fat arse to fields of athenry
*has the cream sauce*
Dont know why people on /his/ bother when they clearly know nothing about what they are talking about
Can't you offer to pay for it in installments with a little interest and collateral?
>4x guinness west indies porter
>bottle of pinot noir
>finish with monkey shoulder unti i pass out
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Yer da.
Palestinian BBC
Get glass ioniser they're better than composite or amalgam because they form a chemical bond to the tooth so last longer
Once got a month's ban from /his/ for making a thread about Chinese history for apparently being "off topic"
If you aren't talking about the Nazis, Prussia, Rome or Ancient Aliens you WILL be banned.
do cats not have nerve endings in their tails? Seems like an odd non-reaction
why has this meme come up all of a sudden he's been dead for a decade
Yer no a dentist mate you work at farmfoods
Clever cat
Knows not to fan the flames
french wine will make you gay bro, drink ours instead
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the chad stoic cat
the pussy dumb dog
cat smell fire
wish I was playing bloodborne
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jimmy cracked corn and i dont care doo dah doo dah
All professional horse riders abuse their animals.
This time one individual just happened to be caught on camera and not have the money and power to threaten people into silence.

Dressage is as much a sport as is a circus act where you train an elephant to stand on its hind legs by repeatedly beating it until it does so.
And what exactly is he supposed to do?
sucking a 'ffee

You have been banned from /brit/gaming DarkRP for 30 days
my favourite wine is italian but i don't have a bottle of it in sadly
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The Scrannard.
Thoughts on periods and period blood?
Had an autistic female friend who'd send me discord images of the fleshy clumps she'd pull out of her vagina during that time of the month
used to love that shi when i were a yute
Don't try and obscure your blogposting with a pathetic question you boring cunt
This game will blow yer knob
typically when an animal gets set on fire you would expect it to run around screaming
blonde gf didnt respond to my text
its over
Eltin John done a jobby in your casserole dish
I'm different!
one of the things about being a virgin and never having had a girlfriend is that I know absolutely nothing about periods

I know that a girl has a period once a month or so and there can be mood swings, abdominal pains called cramps and that women use tampons or pads but other than that I know nothing about periods
You could've just answered my post instead of seething, but each to their own
if you're a smart shagger, you can track when women are in the ovulating phase of their period cycle, which is when they are the most gagging for sex
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Excuse me lads just want to draw attention to this very important issue
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Rorke making fun of these kids and making an assumption that all africans are inferior to him when he doesnt even own a snooker table and the one at the pub was made in China
they just tell you via the app they all use these days
Hahahahahahaha get fucked hippie cunts!
The Nonce has just made a post
Soulless eyes
midwits don't understand why JSO are actually successful at what they do

npcs literally share their name everywhere which is their goal
Why are abos moaning about that? They get first-refusal of any job over the convicts (enshrined in law) AND also get various monetary benefits purely for being an abo
New Blacks On Blondes scene up!
>JSO are actually successful at what they do
What they do is try stop oil and they've failed miserably at it
It's the shedding of the wall of the uterus, lasts 4-7 days and occurs once every 28 days. Usually heavy bleeding lasts about 3 days.
During that period blood, blood clots, the egg, and the fleshy walls of the uterine lining are all expelled.
Usually the uterine lining comes out in such a manner you can't really notice it, but sometimes it can come out in large flesh chunks or even as a whole (although that's very rare).
It's unfortunate because often it's a time when you feel very horny too but you can't do much unless you don't mind a bit of blood.
And yes it feels like intense stomach cramps, 24/7 for the entire time which is probably why it makes you irritable, feel sick, sweaty, etc.
i love him
Honestly I'm so grateful for being a man some times. Women truly get the raw end of the deal but maybe that's my hormones that make me think like that. Maybe women they have it better than us
Timmy trying to work out when his crush is on her period
Are you Irish diaspora?
you really think their goal was to eliminate all oil activities over the course of a couple of years? impossible
their goal was to imprint those three words into everyones minds via the media spreading it
that is intended to have a butterfly effect that changes minds slowly but surely
their poo absolutely reeks when they're on the blob
The period fetishist is determined to keep talking about 'a girl he knew' who banged on about periods
Please share your stories with him so he can tug himself off in his rancid bedroom
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they don't have to try as hard socially to get what they want. they just have to look good.
Proper mad this like, hope all my russian bros, especially that chubby chaser, stay safe and don't get dragged into the literal meat grinder
might book a kebab
get one booked
Weird thing to project
french people aren’t really white anyway, you can’t tell the difference between them and the mohammads easily
>that changes minds slowly but surely
It hasn't though, if anything people are less bothered about the environment and using oil than before they started
I've booked one for Saturday night
What's an obscure /brit/ gimmick that most people probably don't know about?
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>literal meat grinder
just negotiated a kebab
fried egg tangfastics
Toilberg would freak if he saw me right now
think you'll find kebabs don't exist, what you're actually ordering is a halal snack pack
all the ones I've done for like a week then given up on
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we're not surprised are we?
Really is, wonder why he (which is you) gets off on them
He (you) should slash his (your) wrists wide open
Imagine genociding your own nation in order to occupy a few destroyed Commie blocks and wheat fields
Putin could order the mass execution of 1 in 3 Russian men, and yet the Russian population would let it happen
The most cucked nation on Earth
you're wrong if you look at any metric, politically or socially
it's called activism and it's how blacks and women got their rights in the past too
get them named
sandy box
society is to blame
they aren't successful though
disruptive protest (including striking) is a waste of time nowadays, because the people in charge don't care if they're not personally affected
the people actually being disrupted are either too disenfranchised to do anything about it or have been manipulated to think that the protestors are their enemy
might book a hsp
get one booked
he has mental health
boiling a portabello mushroom for dinner
You're not well mate. Take some time to reflect.
why are they arresting that doctor/engineer/surgeon?
Muslims in Britain are so desperate for their very own George Floyd moment.
institutionalised racism
How goes everyone's universal credit toil these days?
isnt this the same warmongering idiot that says UK needs to be "rEadY fOr WaR" in 3 years
how disconnected from reality can you be? this country cannot fight a war. we could have all the materiel of the US armed forces 3x over and still be unable to fight a war. the population is demoralised beyond all possible belief. its utterly laughable to think the british people could put up with a war. and for good reason? who the actual fuck would fight for a country that absolutely shits all over its own people ever single day of the year?
>Around three in four adults (74%) reported feeling (very or somewhat) worried about climate change; the latest estimate is similar compared with the percentage who said they felt worried (75%) around a year ago.
>Around 1 in 10 people (9%) felt unworried (somewhat unworried or not at all worried) about climate change, higher than a year ago when it was 6%
not gonna happen cause people just don't care enough about pakis here
winding down for me as I am starting newjobtoil soon
holy shit how bluepilled do you have to be to think protesting doesn't work
it's how every revolution got change done in the past
you just have to be creative
London Builds Britain
All I'm saying is don't come crying to me 20 years from now when you regret your decisions
Good mate. Been invited to their Christmas night out so get in
yeah i can’t really imagine anyone wanting to fight for modern britain
The french are militantly liberal. That’s decidedly different from the woketard nonsense that comes out of the uk and US
I earn 130k working from home and I maybe do 30 mins of work a day
if the periodfreak did slash his wrists, could he actually wank over the sight of all the blood pouring out
or would he lose too much blood before that happened
one to think on
Work smart not hard
Bizarrely strong correlation between being an incel, being a paedophile, and holding nazi beliefs
Yeah my health is mental too, proper mental
Wank smart not hard
incel pedo nazi
hey you're right, what are the odds
revolutions get done through mass violence typically. not blocking cars and throwing shit on paintings, getting arrested, and annoying people
If you'd even done it you'd know it's surprisingly hard to bleed out from cutting yourself via regular methods
does anyone apart from the media care about blacks either
need need NEED a russian gf
>people dont care enough about pakis here

all it takes is one black swan weather event and it'll shoot right back up. just fortunate we've had mild summers the last few years due to el nino
cannot fathom a sane person signing up to "fight" for this so-called imitation of a """country"""
conscription wouldnt even work theres no way you could create a functioning force with such a demoralised people. itd be barely operational, even if it was reasonably equipped
>holding nazi beliefs
you misspelled being a tranny
very materialistic I hear
Also liking anime
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it doesn't work *anymore*, at least not in our countries
>If you'd even done it
so you've done it have you
not very well obviously
give it another go you boring freak
cut deeper this time
blacks have managed to hold onto this narrative that they're constantly persecuted and held back by "the man" etc
the pakis don't really have anything like that
women are yeah
that's what *they* want you to think
Also pakis aren't attractive to white women in the same way that black men have a certain aura and the stereotype of big BBCs, it will never take off because it lacks their support. There's nothing sexy about going to the mosque with mohammed who smells like curry. It pales in comparison to a bikini rum cookout on the beach with Jahseh.

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