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Uzbek edition

>What language are you learning now?

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Useful links:

>Free language-learning book archive:


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>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:


>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:


>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:


>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:


>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:


>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family


>/lang/ inpoot torrents


>How do I learn Uzbek? What is the best way to learn it? How should I improve on certain aspects?
>Should I learn Uzbek so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

gay spacing
men özbekçe konuşabiliyorum
>Uzbek edition
never trust uzbeks
I've always had a retarded draw towards learning a Turkic language
I studied Turkish for 2 weeks once, that was interesting
What did they do to you, so you distrust them so much?
I love samsa and plov
God I need to get my passive vocabulary to 25000 words
I need to be slightly better than the average native speaker
Plov and lagman are the only things they're good at. Still, around uzbeks never relax
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Does Uzbek even have Kunşikter?
For an Aussie, your English seems very good.
Lmao I was going to write in that post that I'm having to learn some English words in order to learn TL words but decided against it
It's embarrassing
I just made an anki card for the word 'screwdriver'
What are some common words which you only recently encountered?
screwdriver is not a common word
i wanna learn czech
why no czech general?
There are very few czech posters there thoughever
Why aren't you learning a?
Every modern language is corrupted.
In order to have clarity of mind, you have to learn an ancient language and then constantly think in that language
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How to stop speaking Portuñol and start speaking Spanish? I went to visit Portugal for a day and I ended up speaking some ghastly Portuñol and then just gave up and spoke Spanish to the locals.
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>spoke Spanish to the locals
Oof. Better to just speak English here tbhf
I want to learn Spanish but I cannot find any resources
Question for the bilingual anons, I've been watch tons of videos in Spanish and I can understand most of what is being said some videos, but can get pretty confused with others, all of it is being watched with Spanish subtitles on of course. I was wondering is consuming media in your target language counterproductive in your learning? Should I put it to the side and just continue working on learning vocabs, grammar and other stuff like that? Because to be honest I find the traditional way of learning a language to be boring and I really just want to just continue diving into the language whether it be listening to Spanish music, watching Spanish shows and videos. I find that to be more engaging than doing Anki, but I like I said I don't know if it's counterproductive in my learning.
If it works then why change it? If you don't like the traditional grammar-focused method then you won't stick with it.
Yeah it's hard to come by resources to learn spanish on account of it being a small language that few people speak. Better give up.
It isn't counterproductive and beyond a certain point (early intermediate) it's the only way to learn anything.
You should try learning Italian first.
Ja učim Srpski
Trying the Anki method for the first time. Going to Serbia in 2 days, any book I should get there for super fast learning?
I want to learn English but I cannot find any resources
sallama la
I love Spanish
Greekbro if you need books go libgen and zlib, if you want magazines go freemag and for other things 1337x..
What's your current level?
I think he was trolling because of >>200164648
>why and because are the same word
because is the answer to why
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Portuguese anons, how would you translate this sentence?
>reacting is them [the "fatal laws"] having made us react
This is from Pessoa btw
It's impossibile to learn it without living in a Spanish speaking country
But because and why don't mean the same thing
'Por qué' y 'porque' son palabras diferentes, sin embargo.
In Italian they're both "perchè"
perché actually
I don't think they appreciated it
Prove to me there is a discernible difference between é and è
Consider how an australian pronounces dress vs an american. That's the difference.
I don't know how an Aussie pronounces dress
parce que

为什么 wei4shen2me5
因为 yin1wei4
Hilo latino! Can I drop useless particles (la, el, los..) just like I drop a, an, the in English? Those are useless and embarassing language retardations.
Stop impersonating me
You can't win this, nigga. I got the receipts. I used a tripcode ages ago.
did i dream up the time someone posted language roadmaps here? i swear i saw one for french once
Nope. You can't drop them in English either, btw. Either you have to use them or you have to not use them. But in english they are different and used less.
You didn't imagine it, I don't have it though.
>minute details like these
Is the difference in sound of Portuguese and Italian a minute detail? Meanwhile this is literally the spectrum you're on when considering these "allophones."
>small pronunciation differences
Idk if you're an actual jap but as a Russian I just can't grasp the absence of the standard universal pronunciation which the Italianate definitely is unlike millions of variations of reconstruction.
>the parts that aren't controversial
I'd rather argue that these parts are the minutes compared with the existing variation (0.5 /GI GE/ + 0.5 /CE CI/ + 1 /V/ while those I listed are 1 /L/ + 1 /S/ + 3 /B D G/ + maybe 1 /M/) and if you already decided to stick to the Italianate pronunciation of these as the majority suggests, why not also accept these minutes for the sake of convention?
>actual Romans
Since when the actual Romans in Rome stopped being Romans though?
Also why did you ignore the question about macrons? The bald man says it's the defining part of the reconstruction yet these are fully absent from the most largely available texts. Should I go to dictionary each time? Romans didn't do that, they just wrote them, didn't they?
I'm trying to learn Ancient Greek, but I don't know how to start
I know around 2000 words in target language. I can read native comics but with a lot of difficulty. My objective is learning around 3000 or 4000 words. I heard at this level you're much more fluent
Just speak Italian but use -es to pluralize
Countries without extradition to Canada include:
Same way you learn any language. Grab yourself a beginner textbook, learn a bunch of words and study some grammar. Then mass inpót with vocab+grammar Anki drills if your language doesn't have enough content to bruteforce it into your brain.
By learning modern Greek
It's really not all that different from the old shit oddly enough
Ancient Greek was tonal and modern isn't
Tonal in the Chinese way where you need the tones or tonal like the Japanese way where they're not entirely needed?
He does live in a Spanish Speaking country
What the Spics speak ain't real Spanish
It's very different tho
The difference between modern and ancient Greek is bigger than between Italian and Latin
No more like how western languages are today where different tones convey different meaning. Like if you say “I’m going to the park today “ flatly then it’s a statement but if you say “I’m going to the park today” and the pitch of your voice is rising then it sounds like you’re asking a question
So you want like Castilian?
Oh so it's like a modern European language
no, I wouldn't say so, even if it has been longer, at least grammatically overall they remain quite similar even if modern Greek underwent much simplification
Italian is maybe phonetically closer to Latin, but overall I would consider Greek more conservative

in any case I wouldn't go through modern Greek unless the only ancient you are interested in is Koine
I used mostly the Italian Athenaze by Accademia Vivarium Novum(PBUH)[has the grammar and other info in Italian] plus few online resources for the reconstructed pronunciation and accent system, I'm not directly familiar with other books but english speaking people normally recommend Mastronarde or nowadays also Logos, which should be in the style of Athenaze
Not knowing what Australians sound like as an American is honestly pretty weak.
They're articles, not particles, and no, you cannot drop them in either language. What the fuck? Learn some slav language if you don't want articles.
Polish doesn't have articles.
Is the Google translate TTS ok for Polish? Want to start filling out my anki deck with sentences + audio from my inpoot material.
Use FreeTTS. Katarzyna and Marek are the best and most natural-sounding voices.
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Yeah I think it's good
All random words and sentences I put in it put stress in the correct place and pronounced everything right. It's robotey of course, I'd say it's the same as English TTS on Google Translate
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Latine loquentes et in lettris classicis docti, non desinimus vincere.
if you were to learn a language using the perso-arabic script would you learn to type using the traditional keyboard layout or using a layout that approximated qwerty?
Vocabulary challenge
Learn to type with whatever layout is most common in the country you are going to. In TC they have a qwertz and a qwerty keyboard but in recent years the qwerty is more popular.
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Just found out polish women prefer BBC to whitey micro dicks like mine. I think I will stop learning polish and starve myself to death
No il mio amico
"Il" è eterno
aren't you a FtM? how do you have a dick
clitdicks are a thing anon don't discriminate
That poster isn't me
I'm only interested in lolis, futas and men but to answer your question I was born with "ambiguous genitalia" (2-3; I have only one hole)
>Does using a skill daily make you better at it?
No, it made me worse. I've been reading books in english and watching youtube in english and I only get worse at it, every video I can feel my english ability slipping away as I could have spent that time reading english grammar books and memorizing long lists of obscure vocabulary instead.
Been thinking about this post from last thread:
>Maybe when you've officially spent more time in TL country than your own. Then you could argue that it forms a bigger part of your identity than the place where you were born and raised. It's still cringe though, you can't switch nationalities like it's a costume, especially when you have zero connection to a particular land and its people.
kes La ibina
konuşuyok ya işte
for those learning french, which one would you consider better between the two, paul noble or michel thomas?
Well you are but 5,000 is a better objective and honestly once you reach 4,000 it's a very small jump to 5,000, especially if you're already reading native material. You'll just pick up those final 1,000 naturally. Once you get to 5,000 it's pretty much on easy mode.
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J'ai utilisé le cours de Michel Thomas pour apprendre l'espagnol, et j'y ai plus ou moins réussi. Donc je te conseillerais Michel Thomas.
Why? You can use something like iTalki if there are no Spanish speakers around
>Maybe when you've officially spent more time in TL country than your own.
This doesn't seem right. It assume that all times are equal. Every year, every day, every minute. If someone lived somewhere as a 2 year-old for a year, not forming any retrievable memories, you can't call that equal to a fully recalled year, right? And there are other things too. Whether your years were spent working, studying, etc.. To what extent you engaged in the local culture.
Are "tra" and "fra" actually interchangeable?
Pitybump for all the pitiful youths of /lang/ who are doomed to never learn a language
teşekkürler habibi
English is a post-lexical pitch language. The pitch can change the context of the sentence, like you described, but it doesn't change the meaning of the word itself. Ancient Greek was a lexical pitch language. In a lexical pitch language the pitch can change the actual meaning of a word.
In English, when you say "I'm going to the park today" and raise the pitch at the end, it indicates a question, but the words themselves have the same meaning. You are still talking about going to a park.
In Ancient Greek, it's more like if you used a rising pitch to say "park", it would indicate "TO the park. And if you said "park" in a descending pitch it would mean "AT the park". Depending on the pitch, the verb could be a different conjugation and the noun a different case.
Furthermore, a pitch accent is different from a tonal language. A pitch accent has a pitch on a SINGLE syllable, and the rest of the syllables are neutral. In Ancient Greek, the pitch always fell on ONE of the last 3 syllables of a word, and the diacritic mark tells you which pitch to use on which syllable. In a tonal language pitches can be applied to multiple syllables within a word. One syllable can rise, and the next can fall.
Finally, almost everyone who learns Ancient Greek uses a stress based pronunciation, because while we know whether the pitches rose or fell, we don't know the precise value of the pitch. We don't know how high a pitch would rise, or how low it would fall. There was one dude from the 1st century who said it was a perfect fifth, but when he was alive Greek had already morphed into stress timed Koine Greek, so he probably just made it up. He would've never actually heard the pitch accent himself.
>no macrons marked in books => no vowel length to pronounce => no proper reconstruction => use italianate
is there a difference between:
Speaking of latin reconstructed pronunciation: they want us to think that 'c' was always pronunced k but if that's true how comes in all romance languages it's pronunced differently in front of /i/ and /e/? In italian and romanian it's the soft c, in french it's like an s and in spanish it's the th sound.
And yet in latin it's always supposed to be /k/, because ancient greeks (speaking a language that doesn't have the soft c sound) wrote cicero with a k.
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Is "bloody" the British precursor to "fucking"?
Just got back from Turkey, for some reason they all thought I was Turkish (I have blue eyes and burn easily) and kept asking me questions on public transport in Turkish.

The first one sounds like "person who is writing right now"
The second one is "person who writes generally/all the time"
But it's not a very big difference and the context would make this clear
The palatalisation of k/g before front vowels was a change that happened before Latin split into the romance languages, like with the loss of h
Thus it's the same for all of them
I'm the one to argue for extensive use of the Italianate pronunciation to read even Antique Latin but the pronunciations of C and V are the ones we know for sure for that period. The deal is that there's zero reason to reconstruct the language of this particular period in the first place and that we can't be as sure about almost all other letters, see: >>200175084
>romance languages
The change happened around 300 AD and the Romance languages are obviously younger. You even can trace this kinda de-palatalization from /ch/ to /ts/ to /s/ to /th/ in Romance.
>that doesn't have the soft c sound
They'd render it as /τσ/ if it was the case.
>like with the loss of h
It was already lost in like 100 BC, Greek lost its aspiration very early as well.
Refute >>200175084 btw.
The trannyconstructions of the classical languages are literally the midwit trap, only peasant retards educated in public schools with classics going intermixed with gay sex lessons or jobless academic faggotrylogy rats shill for it.
Everywhere where Latin is taught for rich people, it's taught in a traditional pronunciation, the Italian one is just being kinda the most adored of all.
How do you know how many words you know? I have no idea.
>The change happened around 300 AD and the Romance languages are obviously younger. You even can trace this kinda de-palatalization from /ch/ to /ts/ to /s/ to /th/ in Romance.
On what basis do we know this?
>>that doesn't have the soft c sound
>They'd render it as /τσ/ if it was the case.
Transliterations aren't fully phonetic even today. If C stood for /k/ as well as the soft /c/ in latin it would be natural to use kappa when transliterating to greek always.
>Just got back from Turkey
tell me where did you visit
Are there turks with blue eyes?
There were exchange students form turkey at my university every year and I have never seen one.
there are tests online which estimate the number of words you know based on the amount of questions you get right
why is 5000 words a better objective than 4000 words?
Are there any torrent sites with audible audiobooks?
I have managed to goon 0hrs of japanese before my flight out! Jordie syndrome is getting to me, send help
It's so joever
This is why Duolingo isn't actually completely shit. Picking a shit way to learn a language is better than analysis paralysis.
chinese would be infinitely easier to learn if chinks knew you can space different words.
My local college is advertising Japanese classes for 150€ for about six months, two days a week. Do you guys think it's worth it? I have zero experience with the language beyond stock anime phrases.
That's ridiculously cheap. Either you've found a bargain or you'll be sat in a classroom with a bunch of old people and autists who will take the entire 6 months learning to write their name and say hello in Japanese.
What is /lang/'s favorite conlang?
It's 150 for college students and 200 for people outside the college.
> you'll be sat in a classroom with a bunch of old people and autists who will take the entire 6 months learning to write their name and say hello in Japanese.
That's what concerns me, yeah.
No reviews or anything? Maybe you can shoot the course instructor a mail and ask what the usual tempo of the course is? From my experience, college/uni courses tend to be better and filled with younger people, but that's because older people here usually take their courses elsewhere. Dunno what it's like in Spain. For 150 € I'd definitely give it a try though. That's literally nothing for something like 48 sessions.
Can’t you just learn Japanese by watching hentai?
>No reviews or anything?
It's kind of a national platform, but I should look around. There's also an option for contact them directly, I suppose I could inquire further.
>From my experience, college/uni courses tend to be better and filled with younger people
Interesting. I think that this one has an agreement with Spain's National School of Languages, which is at the forefront of teaching.
>For 150 € I'd definitely give it a try though. That's literally nothing for something like 48 sessions.
It's like an hour and a half, twice a week, for six months. I have very little experience with institutionalized language learning, so I wasn't able to recognize it as being a bargain.
Not intelligent enough. I've watched a bunch of anime and I still get confused with how to say "thank you".
Fethiye, Kas, Antalya, Istanbul, and Izmir
This all happened in Istanbul tho (and once in Izmir)
Just hop on dreaming spanish
that's not the only line of evidence obviously, for one, Sardinian retains hard k e.g chentu, ischire, but that's one case where there's even explicit internal evidence from grammarians quite literally saying it sounds just like k
and then there's comparative evidence too from indo-european studies
An academic hour is 45 or 50 minutes, so if you get 2x90 minutes per week, it's even better. And from the other info you've revealed, I'd say you can expect something solid.

By the way, a Spanish girl came on to me on Wednesday at an Irish pub. She was too chubby for my taste, though.
Classroom instruction is a terrible way to learn a language, especially final-boss-tier ones like Japanese. You would almost certainly be wasting your time and money. Doesn't matter the institution, teacher or the type of students, the main problem is that they all use the same broken grammar-translation methodology that simply doesn't work.

You don't need to spend any money, just learn how to actually learn:
Is there a general way to use one or the other?
Hello??? Do you speak German??? What are some good German from scratch/absolute beginner level books???
Disagree. The problem is again that people go and take a language course and think that's enough. It's not nearly enough. For that Anon and his Japanese course, he'd still have to add at least 1 hour almost daily to supplement the language course. What good tutors can give you is explaining useful rules, training pronuciation, showing you what you're doing wrong, and keeping you motivated. What they absolutely cannot give you is the immersion cited in your first link (which, btw, does not deride classroom instruction at all) and the hours and hours of practice you need to put in. That's where most people fail.

I'm a native German speaker, but no idea desu. Children's books I suppose if you want easy reading material?
Just personal experience, I've done those "5,000 words" test thing and a lot of the words were fairly common up until 5,000. You really don't want to be stumped by random common words, it makes you feel and look dumb.
This post goes so hard
Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ
>I'd say you can expect something solid.
Thanks for the advice. When the admission period starts I will seriously consider giving it a try. It could also help me meet new people.
>By the way, a Spanish girl came on to me on Wednesday at an Irish pub. She was too chubby for my taste, though.
Ah well, as long as you were polite in letting her down.
As >>200200901 says, I'd have to work hard from home too.
I don't blame the students for expecting to take a course and be taught what they need. They follow the teacher and the textbook and they do the assigned homework. If that's not enough, then it's a bad course. The teachers aren't even aware of input as the primary mechanism of language acquisition, so they never assign any reading and listening outside of a textbook, and they rarely give students the tools and resources to immerse outside of class. If they recommend a book or a movie, it is only seen as an occasional treat, a reward for having done all the grammar exercises, it's not seen as a vital part of the learning process.

Also, classroom instruction means being in a group, which is different from a one-on-one tutor. The teacher does not have the time and energy to keep track of every single student, their progress or motivation. You can probably get a question or two answered, but them coaching you every step of the way is a pipe dream and certainly not what you're getting for 150 bucks.

I think it's a waste of time. Much better to understand the process yourself and just self-direct your own learning for free, saving your money for a trip or private sessions with a tutor when you want to practice speaking.
>ich habe mich verfahren
>I got lost driving

might be my fav ver-verb yet
>Thanks for the advice. When the admission period starts I will seriously consider giving it a try. It could also help me meet new people.
Yeah, language courses are a decent way to meet new people, I've found. That's a bonus. Learning with others can also spur competition, which some people enjoy.
>Ah well, as long as you were polite in letting her down.

It's not a bad course if doing all the course work is not enough. That's a misunderstanding of what a language course is supposed to do. It's simply not feasible to teach a language purely through coursework unless you can shoulder the cost for private daily tuition.

Also, I don't really share your experience with tutors. Most of mine made it clear that the bulk of the work must be done outside of the course and that it's important to immerse yourself in native content. Native content also became part of the coursework as quickly as possible, steadily increasing in difficulty. With reasonable group sizes (max. 20 people, usually paid courses are smaller), teachers usually have enough time to answer questions and provide feedback to all students (there's often overlap etc.), but naturally it's not 1-on-1 tutor level. It sounds like you've had some really bad experiences with traditional courses. Maybe teaching methods are also different in Serbia or at least were different when you were exposed to classroom instruction?

You're right that courses aren't necessary if you truly apply yourself. I think courses can provide a real benefit to learning a language, however - if the tutor's competent. At university, I found that most were.
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After a long time I finally got my English to C2 level and I think I'm finally done with it. What is the next language I should learn? I'm kinda interested in Japanese but I heard it's difficult and I'm not sure if it's even worth learning at this point because of Japan's future.
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>because of Japan's future
Oh shit. What's Japan's future?
Not particularly a fan of any but I'll go with Ithkuil for the memes.

What I will say though is; Esperanto is by FAR my least favourite. Not only because it's some gay version of a romance language (which aren't my favourite in the first place) but I haven't met a single person who has studied it who didn't turn out to be a giant, insufferable shitlib cunt.
Is the DON'T meme abouut Chink true? Any Brit anons here done it at uni?
Damn, he looks similar to me. What's his ancestry, doesn't look Turkish at all?
Hey, I finally got unbanned.
A genuine question.
I am depressed as fuck, and have no hobbies aside from vidya. Now I have chosen my TL (for the 4859485th time IK) but it is what it is.
Everything I need is there and I can just get started... today.
Is language learning a good cope to tone down the depression, or should I drop language learning and do something else?
My TL is French.
I enjoy it, it's easier than German (which I might learn AFTER French) and it's not a dead language.
Is learning a lang just to consume media (but really just to fill my time and feel less depressed) a good reason?
Should I start a language learning routine, or find something else to do?
This is a genuine question, so answer genuinely.
I feel like going from 2000 words to 5000 is an enormous jump, I want more realistic intermediate goals so that I can still feel satisfied without having to memorize a thesaurus
Should I learn to code instead? Or are languages better?
Should I ITmaxx or foreign languagemaxx?
Pls gib adviz
If you want to stop feeling depressed, go to your psychiatrist and demand they give you the strong stuff. Learning languages by itself won't make you happy. You may feel happy when you start seeing your effort paying off, but it will only be momentarily amidst the endless pain of the grind
i have no hobbies, i spend 90% of the day shitposting on 4chan being a jordie in some other board i would benefit from having a good hobby
is language learning worth it?
Studying 24/7 for uni makes me go nuts
He is half-Turkish and half-Balkan. Turkey is the Brazil of the Old World. They have everything.
I recommend you start taking marihuana. Self improvement is a meme anyway and any satisfaction you might get from it will be after a great deal of effort. I do not recommend
>My TL is French.
You guys were right huh. This dude can't stick to anything longer than a week
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honk honk
>and have no hobbies aside from vidya

And what vidya may that be?
>Is language learning a good cope to tone down the depression
It can be. Just don't pressure yourself with progress and expecations.
Worst thing with depression you can do is sit alone with your thoughts, second worst thing is sleeping during the day. Anything that improves your mood and isn't destructive is good.
Often it is not about creating a positive mood but mitigating the severity of the negative mood.
Say your mood can range from -100 (I want to kill myself) to 100 (Everything is great and I love being alive) and 0 is neutral. Going from -80 to -50 is good. -50 still sucks but is way better than -80.
Also find some creative outlet like playing an instrument, drawing or creative writing.
Very interesting, indeed.
Can I read a good book about this?
Any recommendations?
It's a tiny jump, your goal is already 4,000 and to go from 4,000 to 5,000 is actually really small because you get more out of your learning hours. It's much easier to get those next 1,000 words because you can watch literally anything, read anything, do anything in your TL for long hours and you understand nearly everything.

The first few thousands words are the hardest. Once you get around 3,000 in it just gets easier to learn the next few thousand, then you hit a plateau much further on where words become uncommon and they're hard to learn because they're so infrequent, but that's past 5,000.
Hmm, I don't know any good non-fiction books about Turkey
Literally every developed country in the world shares that same future, Japan is probably even approaching it slower than most western countries.
A neat backup would be Russian + you betting on them getting their shit together, either that or Chinese. There really isn't much left for you to conquer, you have all of the english countries down. You're pretty much left with a handful of choices
>Learn some european language (you already have a base for this and it would be extremely easy)
>Learn an oriental language - hard to do and their future is uncertain when you look at the massive commitment it will need but the whole world is uncertain at this point - really the only problem here is commitment vs risk
>Learn a slavic language speculating that said slavic country improves in the future
>Learn some arab garbage language (seriously hope you don't do this)
What the other guy said. I had blue eyed, blonde classmates back in school. Gingers too. Ethnically the Balkans and Anatolia are an utter chaotic mess.
Probably best off googling around for some research about ethnicity and culture in the Ottoman Empire.
If I learn French, see if it takes off, and then learn German, will it be a productive use of my time?
I had productive projects in the past that I ended up dropping and may never pick up again. Even then I enjoyed doing it, am glad that I did them and don't consider it a waste of my time.
In the past I learned Russian for a while and dropped it. Even if I never pick it up again, all the things above apply to my experience learning Russian.
Caca country.
Only purpose of learning arab is if you're a white woman who wants to go over there to get raped and beheaded.
Languages with the exception of: Native, English, Current Country are a waste of timeand not productive. They're a cool hobby, interest and intellectual pursuit but if you care about being productive then go to the gym or take up an athletic sport or something. Hobbies are mostly always a waste of time if you think in terms of cringe "productivity" and that's completely fine.
What to do then, britbro? I am searching for that elusive AHA! decision that will change my life around. I've read books, checked forums, boards, subreddits, people, even my own mind and I can't find a way to make my life fun.
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The answer is and always has been internal. You're looking at the outside world when the reality was always that it's about you making your own fun.
What did people do when all we had were sticks and rocks? We had fun with sticks and rocks. Get out of your own head and literally just life your life instead of thinking about living it. Realize that you're alive and that every moment is fun. Once you know how to be happy you can literally sit still and not think of anything and still have fun. Before you know how to be happy you could be doing the most fun activities in the world and feel nothing.
When I get depressed I walk in the forest (sometimes listening to some podcast in my TL, sometimes just listening to nature) and it helps relieve the depression.
>tfw Jordie is just switching between my TLs at this point
If you can't find that elusive AHA in Brown speak/English, why do you expect to find it in French/German? Do whatever you want. Work on career and relationship skills if you're a normie. If you're a neet incel then just do rot until you die while spending your life learning/playing/watching cool stuff. It's whatever.
i got an innate feeling that there's one lang out there that will make me a super chad but idk which
it's my calling to find out which lang is that
i've already realized ill never live where my TL is spoken and i don't need to learn it for
>job, translation, location, travelling, etc.
so this gives me the freedom to pick the lang that I actually lyk.
Can you spam porn again? I was too busy the last time and couldn't enjoy the sight of the thread.
I hold my breath when around arabs so I don't catch the ick.
based. you are based.
i am actually only 27-30% Arab by DNA, i don't remember how much exactly
I am much more Turk than Arab
although on paper my ethnicity is Arab, I am mixed.
I am like 25% Mizrahi
25% Persian
28% Arab
25% Turkish/West Asian (steppes n shit)
>i got an innate feeling that there's one lang out there that will make me a super chad but idk which
what does Polish unlock?
Uzbek resources
Scrabble cheatcodes
It's a good choice if youre a pmc I would assume.
A Pole is telling me about my NL right now.
>there's one lang out there that will make me a super chad
There isn't...
Then learn farsi or turkish
Może ty tak nie mówisz, ale ja często słyszę one hundred and twenty-five na przykład.
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Haven't I got a pretentious xkcd comic just for you
>ja często słyszę one hundred and twenty-five na przykład.
ty nie jesteś natiw anglojęzyczny(m?)
>You look like you're on a diet. That's great!
This is normal and people say this to men as often as they say it to women and it's not flirting or "negging"
I had sec with an Uzbek girl once her pus was brownish tho she felt pain coz she wasn’t used to size but she was patient for me to do my part. She cleaned my flat afterwards it was her initiative to do it lol
No i chuj, że nie jestem. Ludzie, którzy są tak mówią.
Aren't you lot meant to be Muslims
If I learn Sanskrit will I get superpowers?
That was a painful comic to read. The seething and petty bitterness from the creator just oozes. Like he listened to some "yasss queen slay" monologue from some shitty female-empowerment movie and thought it was actually intelligent.
I’m not a Muslim, she was divorced and had a kid so some hook up that none will know about won’t harm her so she didn’t care. I bet that in almost all of the Muslim countries men still get sex one way or another and central Asians are secular, especially Kazakhs, Uzbeks less so but still secular. They have bars and clubs in Tashkent
Indian invasion
>had a kid
>felt pain due to your size
Bro... I think she was trying to massage your ego lol. Fair play to her.
>Well I'll show him I'll make a comic of my female OC stick figure saying something really mean to a guy that will show those bullies :(
Pathetic way of thinking, I'm gonna draw sonic agreeing with me that xkcd is a faggot.
Soviet brainrot is too deep and won’t ever be eradicated completely from here. It was the first country in the world to legally equalize men and women, any religion was not welcomed and repressed
I don’t care if she did it intentionally she still did it and it was flattering that she did it, oriental wisdom
nikt tak nie mówią

kurde najpierw napisałem nigdy nie... a zostawiłem słowo mówią
Ended up being in South Korea to learn Korean
ktoś w /polsce/ napisał natiw
>on uczy się języka od animepostujących przegrywów na forczanie
Mówią, przestań pierdolić. 120 can be: one twenty, one hundred and twenty OR one hundred twenty.
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>one hundred and twenty
nikt nie mówi tak brzmi dziwnie
Osobiście wolę każde nowe słowo/frazę googlować by potwierdzić że to nie jest bujda na resorach
a ja ufam /polak/om całym sercem
edycja polski
good games for russian inpoot?

Indika, Pathologic 2, Stalker, Metro Exodus.

Try Indika voice acting in Russian there is golden
idgaf about pronouns I just want to grind more anki and fixed grammar constructions from the book
That's actually so sweet. I wish a woman would do that for me, but God made me a fugly incel.
to ze twoj nauczyciel polak tak mowi, bo się nauczyhł angielskiego z podręczników nie znaczy że tak ludzie mówią
co ty pierdolisz nikt mówiący natywnie po angielsku nie mówi one hundred and twenty wszyscy mówią one hundred twenty
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I'm learning Udmurt, Dźeč Ćukna!
sory chcialem odpowiedziec polakowi

to ze twoj nauczyciel polak tak mowi, bo się nauczyhł angielskiego z podręczników nie znaczy że tak ludzie mówią
Ol ayaqtadı!
Good classic Korean cartoons for late beginner inpoot? I'm looking for something remotely similar to this Polish-dubbed classic:
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>Dying language suspiciously has the near-exact phonology of the local dominant language
Defiler wings

But you can’t all of sudden ayaqtalu something that’s been secularizing and actually educating (that is also) true people for three generations. Soviet legacy is deep and won’t go away. I’m texting it from a commie block I an area of Soviet comie blocks. Moreover nomads were never really that religious. Kumys the national drink has alcohol in it for a reason
Phonology is closer to Polish but grammatical rules are like Hungarian. A District is a Joros, a Country a Kun.
What are you bullshitting? It has Russian palatalization patterns and phonology. It sounds like a Russian mocking Finno-Ugric languages.
An Ayaqtaldy means "Willow Foot" though.
It's not a stuff focusing on pronounce though
I would say it's from convergence, Udmurt comes from Proto-Permic and has patterns shared with all languages in the region, if anything Russian has a heavy Uralic substrate.
When people talk about 5k words etc, are they counting "jog", "jogs" and "jogged" as 3 words or 1?
one, otherwise i could easily claim i know 5k hungarian words
ofc as a single word, is this even a question?
Thought as much. Good to know.
Being a snarky irritating mong is common in Turkey as well, huh? Here I was thinking it was a mainly an Anglo phenomenon.
It means stopped. Ayaqtalu means to stop

Actually listen to that. Russian phonology. That's it. That's what's left of the Udmurt language...
For instance initial R becomes Dź.
if you consider each individual form in a given paradigm a separate unit from its lemma, rather than part of the same lexeme, then you're retarded
Oh, I said "It's over" via Google Translate. I backchecked it to make sure it wasn't wrong, but it could just be wrong.
>I was thinking it was a mainly an Anglo phenomenon.
during input you have to absorb the characteristics of that language too, arthur
It was already answered. For future reference, you don't always have to give your input on every little thing. Hope this helps
Nikt mnie tak nie nauczył, napisałem wcześniej, że słyszę jak ludzie tak mówią. Czytaj ze zrozumieniem.
>ask a question
>gets mad when people weigh in
a social etiquette class might be for you
>słyszę jak ludzie tak mówią
nie słyszałeś tak po prostu źle pamiętasz
Only two palatalised t and d in common, everything else is pretty different. Udmurtjos call poor speakers of Udmurt "Votyaks" as an insult.
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Most in this thread is seething for some reason, I am not him btw but prospective Udmurt speaker.
Okay then, when I come across that, I'm gonna post it here.
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no cóż chyba tego nigdy nie zapostujesz
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I've gotta say, the French way of counting is just plain weird. I mean, sure, the Germans have their own quirks when it comes to numbers, but at least they're using a base-10 system like everyone else. The French, on the other hand, are stuck in this base-20 world that's just hard to wrap my gook head around.
Okay I made the choice. German and French. 100% sure after giving it thought.
Which one to start with? Now that's a decision as hard as choosing those two.
It is, however, also proper sociel etiquette in many circles to refrain from answering an already sufficiently answered question.
you made fun of me when I told you you wouldn't start both chinese and german like 15 days ago. Here you are. lmao...
At least the francophone Belgians don't bother with this nonsense.
My DNAbro not like this...
Start with German or French?
You should learn Udmurt or Çăvaş, Çăvaş is also Turkic albeit Oğur.
Skip to 1:00
Stop giving the man ideas
nabıyon lan çinli piÇÇÇÇÇÇ
bana özbekçe bilmiyon dedin ben özbeğim lan kodumun mal pijjjjİ seni sG
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It's nice to see the Brotherhood of Wolf come together...
I believe in Turkic supremacy. Especially with my 25% Turkish DNA.
We should hasten the establishment of KARA BOGA
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Leave my TLs ALONE
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Interdasting, implies being from ancestors of high standing I believe, in Jordan.
>strictly formal context and emphatic
Find us an example of someone saying that number with "and" candidly
Meme died with the Uni Scandal, now we are Ak Boğa.
what uni scandal?
and BBC memes NEVER DIE
>Start course
Does that button change when you've started one?
yes, i refunded the courses and got them again, so i resetted the stats. ill just do an online decision wheel spin and see which lang comes up
They got HIV and HPV, also a significant number of Male Lutis got Black-Bucked.
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Respectez les Africains, surtout ceux qui ont un gros pénis.
C'est du français, mon amour.
You said it's never used lmao
I said that I have heard it before and I was right.
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what are some entertaining Italian programs like La Zanzara, preferably with fewer tranny guests
It sounds awkward and weird even in the one example you found.
>Spin the wheel: Get French
noo let it be German first!!!
>Spin the wheel: Get German
noo let it be French first!!!
I am 50% biased towards German and 50% towards French.
We must protect Greco-Turkish Twinks from being BBC'd.
the only italian production I've watched in the past 20 years is il testimone/caro marziano
No, it doesn't, maybe it does to you because you only use one form but natives use both forms and both are correct.
Only one thing to do now, start working on your American accent
I wish jordie never learnt English so he'd spend all his time in /mena/ instead
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Stop this from happening!
they both look comfy, thanks
Lmao at that comic. Literally proving the meme making fun of left wing memes true. PUAs are cringe faggots with issues THOUGH.
NEW THREAD!!!! >>200220481
A native speaker would only say it under very specific circumstances.
Not sure if that was meant as a joke but we only use pronounce as a verb and not a noun in English
konuşmuyoz dalyarak türkçe bu
You should learn Kazakh
uzbeks got better bangers
>Yig'lama qiz
You're shifting the goalpost.
You said that no one ever says it. I proved you wrong and now you're coping.
It's just that their way of saying "ağlama kız" sounds funny
You need to understand that "no one ever says this" is never literal, ever. The point is that it sounds unnatural and unusual enough that you shouldn't say it. In other words, the exceptions (your example) prove the rule.
No, people say it all the time and I will continue to do so as well.

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