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Taylor of Old Bond Street edition
do indians and browns in general get discriminated against when it comes to getting into clubs?

heard they do
Usually by brown bouncers, yes
what do you mean
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doing some coughs this afternoon
My face begs to differ
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Suelad's in the RAF

travels around, gets paid a decent salary, has a japanese gf. Seems alright to me.
Proraso makes my skin flakey
Slav gf 2024
different if there’s actually a war going on and you are trying to mobilise people
Just got mugged, beaten and raped by a gang of brown youths for singing Hava Nagila while walking down a dark alleyway in Dewsbury
Get in!
I suspect you'd probably still be fairly safe in the RAF in a war, unless you're flying the planes.
he does it because its a stable reasonably well paid job with decent amounts of time off. he hates the UK as much as anyone and probably more than most
The sweltering summer of 2024
need turk gf
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OK and what other bullshit has he claimed on the internet
So I am not a native speaker but I'm pretty fluent. Recently I was talking to a guy (a potential date) and he referred to my boobs as "tits" multiple times. I told him it wasn't a very nice word to use and he said "well boobs/tits, its the same" and I don't know why it made me think maybe it's just me but when people say "nice tits" it's just offensive to me. I wouldn't get as bothered with someone saying "I like your boobs". I mean both are pretty vulgar flirtatious moves but "tits" is just ugh . Am I alone in this? Is a thing of me not being native and not grasping the connotations right?
need rena gf
North Korean wife 2025
he literally and unironically is in the RAF lad

not everyone is a character, calm down
same with bum/arse desu
not allowed to join the forces as I have mental health
bin ladens son looks funny
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someone post the edited version with the lad shooting fat ropes of cum
they're not the same, "tits" has more vulgar, adult connotations
looks like a facejacker character
this the nonce convention?

That slimy tiktok lawyer who failed to get elected as an MP is going to help them sue the police
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>kids choice awards
is that moot
Reckon Angela Rayner gives good head? Reckon she does anal?
what do people in the RAF even do these days
sit around playing cards and occasionally going "suppose I'll fly about for a bit"
not even sure what the RAF would do in a major war, it has so few aircraft that i cant see it being able to sustain operations for more than a few weeks or months of attrition. and we cant replace once theyre gone their gone. guess theyd just repurpose it to fly cheap DIY drones? im actually being serious i mean theyre be no more than a handful of aircraft left to fly and probably literally zero functioning radars/sensors left so what else can you do
at that point in WW2 luftwaffe just made a bunch of its personnel infantry guess thats a possibility lol
nah, it's completely dispassionate and transactional
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Thing on the right left his wife and kid to transition and has now been busted for grooming another kid
he has such a lifeless, painted on smile
it's genuinely creepy
Can we please cool it with the transphobia? Thanks
they don’t hire white men anymore so they go to china and earn big bucks teaching chinks how to shoot down western planes
There are many different roles:


I looked into joining a fair bit some months ago but gave up in the end as I'm not eligible due to the ol' menthol elves.
bomb defenseless children in yemen, surveillance runs for israel and then occasionally have a cheeky fly over syria to blow up some pro regime syrian militants to annoy russia
oppai is unironically the only word for tits that doesnt sound vulgar/childish
mad how 9/11 happened
for me it's "norks"
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The 'bab arrived
That policeman should come out publicly and say he's not apologising and he'd do it again twice as hard if he could
got nowt to lose and we're all thinking it
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>the RAF don't hire white people anymore
This is the world of mental derangement that Rorke lives in
Please, I (and your parents too I imagine) are pleading with you, turn off the War Thunder, turn off the Europa Universalis, go outside get a job and touch some fucking grass.
Really is mental isn’t it
chips look very peng
I've been bored ever since 9/11
there was literally a scandal where the head of the RAF quit because there was such pressure to hire women and minorities above qualified white men. try to keep up moron
It didn't really happen though, did it?
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pitiful amount of chips
watched that shit with my cousin
corr might get a lamb kofte
hes sort of right for a while the RAF was actively choosing not to recruit white people solely so mandated diversity quotas could be met
thats not conspiracy its common knowledge
didnt, though
no evidence that the twin towers ever existed, outside of fake pics and vids
Where are the bloody twins
nobody gave a shite we lost the euros
18 year olds in 2001 are like 60 now bruhhhhh

That shi is fukked
fuck this im going out for some stroganoff
Your claim was the RAF don't hire white people at all. That is false.
By the looks of it, attempts to increase recruitment amongst minorities were taken so badly the top man lost his job.
You are utterly deranged and indoctrinated.
They still exist (in my tummy ever since 9/11)
Does everyone carry knives in London or just the blacks?
listening to the sounds of the 70 year old alcoholic who lives below me and his homeless crack addict friend grunting as they bum eachother
everyone knew we were just gonna lose again, it wasn't a shock
deep down everyone knew they would lose
Sent that freak flying
9/11 actually occurred on my first day of Primary School.
Mental that, isn't it?
Hopefully they burst in to bum you to death you fucking boring cunt
an asian tranny wants me
What’s an acceptable number of people to know who’ve been stabbed
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what possible reason would you have for carrying a knife if you weren't some kind of roadman
one at most
Saw crutchie the other day
>hes sort of right
He = you. No-one was fooled, at all.
At least change your posting style you thick twat.
Like 3 I guess
Mental to think you can shag girls born in 2008.
Financial crash babies
gf was born on 9/11
could be going camping
Ok same
>Your claim was the RAF don't hire white people at all
are you literally autistic lol. does everything have to be completely literal to you? you’re trying to save face but you’ve been done thicko
I accept your concession.
there isn't a single place in London where it's legal to camp
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for me it's mongolian lamb, bit spenny though
It’s spainers
you post like a redditor and I don't like you
I accept your concession
Just shat out an early 2000s fax machine yet again
Big fan of slim women with big heaving bosoms
didn't know that I live in Scotland where we have the right to roam you see
gfberg has such a lovely pert arse but won't let me fuck it. I have a huge anal fetish so this is a very real issue for me. she is a literal 10/10 woman though I could never leave her or go behind her back but it's so infuriating that I cannot just ride her up the arse at will
So I am autistic for not understanding that you did not mean what you posted, but actually meant something else entirely? Understood.
they do lamb yakiniku in japan called jingisukan its really good
At the gaza camp in manchester
Doing a poo in one of the tents
Its alright though coz im like half welsh
Want to try goat curry
might get like 6 cheeseburgers from mcdonalds and slowly eat them through the course of the afternoon
For me it's knightsbridge
i doubt shes 10/10
stupid cunt
Thanks for clarifying your concession. I accept this concession.
Fuck off
Watching the bubgames
there was no concession. you are just a very stupid and angry little man that has to get the last word
yes well this may come as a shock but London isn't in Scotland
what are girls like on their period?
first time having a gf and her period is coming up
nigerian at work said goat was better than lamb but when I asked him if he ate a lot of lamb he said he'd never tried it
Take the L and move on
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i like plane
Its ok lad, see >>200163028
I have accepted your concession.
up until maybe 4 years ago i used to think girls only got their period once during puberty
Won’t accept your concession but I could be willing to grant you a concussion.
had it in Turkey once
just tasted like normal curry
depends they're all different. Might be more emotional and grumpy.
like they're as week into quitting smoking
How old are you?
Except you won’t though will you
Concede this
*shits liquid diarrhea directly into your open mouth*
yes since this is /brit/ and people exaggerate casually to make a point or for humour. if you really think i literally meant the RAF never hires any white men anymore, rather than just that they favour women and minorities, you probably have autism
brown logic:
>our thing is better than your thing
you'd think that they'd want to stay in their own countries given how much love they apparently have for their native customs and culture.
The only mistake Europeans made with colonialism was not wiping out the indigenous people entirely
>she is a literal 10/10 woman
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I accept your concession.
um actually I just put trousers on in preparation so jokes on you CUNT
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not a concession
As opposed to solid diarrhoea?
Either you're a paedophile or about 12 years old
Either way you should be banned ASAP
I was gonna ask my mom if women still got their periods after metapods, but I was too embarrassed
anyone found decent alternatives to Omegle?
he's right
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just stop toil
gaining a clue
Nigerians in particular are extremely proud of their corrupt pyramid scheme of a shithole. Find it funny when they try to convert you to Christianity aswell, if I was going to become a Christian I wouldn't be joining the mush mouthed Mickey mouse version Britain used to colonise them.
good game that
No, I think that's just called shit x
anyone else get proper anxious when they hear police sirens outside?
*loses 450HP and falls down dead*
shes so hot im going to kill myself
his gf might be older he just might just have got her
how would he know he's right though
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got 0 things hanging on the wall and gf said its weird
ancient image
underrated post
Flew right past your head didn’t it pal
i invented this gimmick
might vape some cannabinoids and go for a nap
MAD how much better this thread is due to not a single namefag/schizo being present
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gf called me a bluepilled zogbot
A full week since I've showered. My head itches intensely.
this has been debunked.
romanian gf is making mici for dinner tonight
It's good because I'm here, I only make 5 star posts.
anything that isn’t schizo spam or some tired gimmick a blogpost to you
Would love to fuck your luscious oily locks
She must be very funny I guess
moving to Rochdale
have eaten gf's arse and once, genuinely accidentally, put my finger up there
she said "what are you doing" and appeared shocked but wasnt mad, laughed about it. would do more but its difficult isnt it dont want to weird her out or alarm her, theyre hard to read (females)
Not feeling too rough today so my schizo side hasn’t come out. Pray that holds
What would you estimate the averaged IQ score of /brit/ to be?
There has never been a funny woman.
footballers probably don’t care much about what their wives look like because they’re all shagging whores on the side. probably more important that they are nice and make good mothers
I accept your concession to bolgposting.
if you only use uber eats for groceries that you'd be buying anyway, only from shops that don't add unreasonable markups (co-op, sainsburys are the best) and only when they give you a 40-60% off groceries promo (every few weeks, i have 5 accounts so get one a week usually), then you can save a ton of money. especially when the shop puts deals on the app itself as the discounts stack and you end up getting it for like a quarter of the in store price.
scranned many an arse in my time. think i have toxoplasmosis or something because it gives me a big raging willy-go-hard
Good editions guarantee good threads and vice versa.
One of those unexplainable truths
out, am i?
If it means anything I'd let you stick your finger up my arse
Thank you for sharing.
mad how there are people ITT that genuinely believe that 'climate change' is an existential threat and worth doing anything about
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What's a bolg?
can the gf posters have some consideration for the rest of us please
100 probably
people will say it’s exceptionally low but it’s cope from someone trying to imply they are highly intelligent without actually saying it
>everyone on /brit/ is so stupid except for me
We’re not talking about cats’ arses but sure whatever floats your boat
you wont be saying that when the world is unbearable in 50 years
this shit youre doing up and down the thread right here
Worthless freak
going to fire up the gas bbq and grill myself a burger tonight i reckon
slapping out a poo
I’ve got an undergrad and masters from Russell group uni but am also a bit spastic in the head so mines probably well under 100
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borg on
if you put it in a bun you can make a burger
Christopher Langan has the highest IQ in the world.
alri al gore

post physique
turned the big light on to find some excitement in my dull life
Tinker Tailor Soldier Cunt
One year we have 40c summers
Next year no summer at all
Never snows any more either like it used to
Used to be hundreds of butterflies bees and ladybirds about the garden now theres like 3 of them
You're not waiting for climate change to destroy us, it's already happening and you're just not noticing because the mainstream media won't tell you
this is a rubbish poem
that's called a bread roll mate
They only bring it up when it benefits big business
my inner ear balance is off
i don’t really care if it’s a threat or not. nothing can be done about anyway. not gonna live in a communal bug eating pod whilst tarquin and shlomo fuck kids on their private yachts and planes
This has been debunked
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You were saying, leftycuck?
plenty of research showing that it can alter behaviour in humans.
there was a poster on /b/ ages ago who cited a pile of papers on the subject linking toxoplasmosis infection to risky sexual behaviours, anal play, homosexuality etc. was quite interesting TBQHWY
We finished that conversation 20 minutes ago mate x
You have gay skin
And collecting a shitload of cats.
Some science behind the crazy cat lady thing
Just saw a thumbnail for a porn video of a girl in a Barcelona shirt sucking 2 blacks guys at the same times
not attracted to white females at. all.
i'd be sniffing deeply each time then drop her on my face for the final rep
This has been debunked
Wolverhampton mentoned
not even the attractive ones?
need that woman to thwop a plopper on my mush
You shag spaghetti
spaedo is here
has he given up the moved to spain larp?
might just go and live in some random indian town for a fucking laugh
Mental how some people feel deep unease and psychological pain due to the sex of their physical body not being the sex that they want to be or feel like they are in their mind
prime runs out tomorrow
back to second class citizenship
>gets destroyed
>uhhh we f-finished that conversation
haha you lost
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Glad I got the last word then x
'tis mental
I was eight in 2001 and remember family friends having like 18 year old girls who were fitties (even then I knew...you just do don't you) and now they are women in their 40s lmao
I accept your concession.
Got a penchant for inhaling turd dust 24/7 have you?
In America if you get caught squatting on an Indian reservation they will kick your ass.
mad how i've impregnated two different women
hello nonce
cheddar man looking fuck
Get the ferry tickets booked
did they shit out little (You)s?
howled at this post for some reason
But presumably deadlifts are alright?
lil bro was malding
i looked up his trip on desuarchive last night after looking up sacked tranny's cos someone said he got banned and he has already done a couple of posts on it with the uk flag so i think he already did
not that i care as i find him amusing these days
i want happiness without the h
>Attractive white women
Sorry, I only date black women. You have no idea how much black women want a white man.
Plus they respect you as much as you do them, they're funny, are actually smart and have genuine personalities and interests unlike white women who only know Taylor Swift and Starbucks.
seems fair desu
any big niggas on the fuck tonight
thought indians (from india) loved squatting
fucking hate loud places
love sitting in my quiet childhood bedroom
go on a ferry
excellent post
never tell me what to do
Don't do what I tell you to
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this is a reddit comment that you'd think was about a dad complaining about his 20 year old daughter having sex but it's actually a comment about a dad getting violent after his wife and daughters (under the age of 10) were flashed by a wanking neighbour (with a history of sex crimes) on multiple occassions
mental how i need priti patel to squat on my face with no underpanties after jogging laps around parliament square all afternoon in the 30 degree heat
on god what did lil bro just post :skull:
never tell me what to do
hmm, poolad, apparently
just saying, lol
redditors are basically all nonces. they’re all obsessed with porn and sex. 4chan is too but at least they don’t pretend it’s a good thing
Did you know White Male - Black Female couples have the lowest divorce rates?
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impregnated one but luckily she had a miscarriage and I don't see her
who lives in a poonapple under the pee?
any other /lovebouldering/ man in? off bouldering in a bit me
Literally just yesterday I had a dozen different /sp/ posters trying to explain to me how child rape is a good thing and why I'm Jewish for opposing it
i know two couples like that
one is a proper cockney geezer boomer
the other is a deano who spent some time in prison
i think those relationships work if the white men are masculine
gave your mother a good bouldering last night mate
how is his wife under the age of 10
Buried that mutant under a sudden avalanche
kek this is so me
probably all spaedo on various vpns
remember a post where people were encouraging a mother to buy a 13 year old girl dildos. Even if it's all fake the website has been completely taken over by trannypaedos and democrat shill bot accounts. RIP r/deuxdrama, r/drama, r/fatpeoplehate, r/coontown
Threw that cunt into a volcano
they werent all peruvian were they?
you are mentally ill
my sister had a dildo at that age it's completely normal
nah, one got an abortion and the other is still pregnant
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popping to t' shop anyone want owt
need a fuckin shiteeeeeeeeeeeee
cope spaedo
I prefer fph on fit anyway
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doesn't make sense
AI-generated Emma Watson poo photos
name on spaedo
it’s a propaganda website
absolutely rattled
Genuinely think satanism and demon worship fuel a lot of modern cuture. They just want to destroy innocence and light. Remember someone posted troon surgerys on here a few weeks ago, it's like something from an inner circle of hell.
miscarriage is a bit sad innit
ounce of hope, please m8
was sad at the time yeah but I can laugh about it now
timcord still up or what
so confused by the presentation of this data
he’s popping to the shop not the church get are Jesus in your life lad xx
you are disabled
*taps watch*

average london taxi ride
Penguins have the highest rate of intentional (not accidental) homosexual activity, besides humans.
Make of that what you will, but I guess it gets pretty lonely in a frozen wasteland with nothing to do.
it’s just about degrading people so they’re easy to control. breaking their spirit, making them dependent and weak
couple of fake omega x swatch moonswatches heading my way in a box from china
forget prison gay this is arctic gay
this nigga justifying getting his batty pounded by some birds in the subarctic wastelands omds
Penguins do it for warmth. Humans do it because something went wrong and they became evolutionary dead-ends.

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