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Irish diaspora edition
Gonna pick up the dogs ashes today, will have to buy an urn with her picture on it to remember her by
it's early, it's heathernonce, and by golly it's dogshit
meg griffin feet
adobe hitler LOL
putting a womans cock up your bum
mein craft :D
saw the other day they charge you a fee if you cancel your subscription earlier, and it depends on how long is left in your contract

i imagine there are cunts out there who would get upset if you say you pirated all their programs
Didn't know your mum died
get the pud pulled
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andy parsons bum poo
Mad how they allow transgender people to talk to impressionable school children without their parents consent, or even knowledge. Wonder when the schools will start inviting anorexics to share their diet routine l?
I do have good skin. I'm in my 30s but look younger than most my age. facewash and spf moisturiser are essential but the toner and retinol are things I started doing years ago when I was looking up my own routine and I couldn't say it's done anything quantifiable but I'm definitely ageing well so I'll carry on
You wouldn't be allowed within 500 metres of a school
have an uncanny ability to conjure passion from women. unfortunately it is mostly hate.
average muslim instagram comments
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Bailey Jay wank on the cards.
looks like janny only gets early threads during american hours
and you call them steamed trans?
state of that napper my god lmao
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someone needs to post racism or nsfw (but not tranny as he likes that) to get his attention
Pozzed Up My Neghole By The BBC Thugs: An Interracial Sissy Story.

Chapter 1.

Rorke woke up to the sound of his alarm going off at 7:30am, another beautiful day ahead.
the norwood reaper cannot be bribed or reasoned with
what was the cunt doing, grooming or just being a general freak?
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Choose your character
would have more luck mentioning a certain orange individual from overseas. that gets his goat like nothing else.

anyway, whats your favourite british dish lads?
doing a poo which is making me late
there's such a difference in personaility, public behaviour, etc. between my international student paki gf and 'british' pakis.
I thought the noncing all happened while he was still a bloke
Why do trannies pick ridiculous names for themselves?
there's DMs of him talking to a 13 year old saying "I'll get you anything you want for your 14th birthday. I'll get you in a video. Anything you want, we just need to wait until you're a little older. I love you." he also commissioned loli art from shadman.
>Tyson was 20 and Lava was 13 at the time their online communications began. Among the accusations, Prism42 points to an alleged Snapchat Tyson messaged Lava of her face with the text, “Cumming for America.”
lads i need to learn to drive in like 3 months at the minimum
I’ve done some lessons before but it’s been nearly 18 months since i’ve been behind the wheel of a car. dropped it because i was skint and just couldn’t be arsed picking it up again, but now for work i’ll need to learn to drive by like november

can it be done? i’ll have the money for lessons
He was grooming a 13 year old on discord
People are denying it though because the person in question said there was nothing untoward
Like as if an adult can't manipulate a minor to think that
jacking off arin hanson and danny sexbang
A second set of DMs came out from someone much more happy to call him a groomer. A 15 year old this time.
Can you just learn automatic? would probably only take 1-2 lessons
yeah decided to look it up

the top comments on reddit are crying about people just being anti-tranny

why do people insist on spelling it like this
just makes you look like a complete spastic
big liosn versis angr y togers
well yeah. the pakis that come here for uni are middle or upper class. the uk pakis are mostly descended from the most inbred and backwards paki region in pakistan (mirpur)
Get really sad when I see arab/south asian men commenting their love on accounts of beautiful white twinks. Saw one on twitter just now professing his love just makes me sad like imagine being stuck as a brown in some third world shithole and being exposed to such beauty of a man that mogs every woman in your own land. Probably ruins their lives.
they're not deluded, they're on the same team.
Don't you have to wait ages to get a test these days?
can’t afford an automatic car
my left ball feels weird, it's like elongated and not as round as the right testicle
The age of consent exists for a reason you nonce bastard
15 years and 364 days old is still a minor
It's never Julie or Bev is it? It's almost like a clueless gayboy's idea of a glamorous lady. But of course it's definitely not that.
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do think its possable for a cat to roar like a toger or lon
they think it's ball over, it is now
in a weird way that would almost be preferable, that they're just evil cunts themselves, rather than a not-insignificant portion of the population being THAT fucking oblivious
Didn't put his cock in though did he
Of course it can be done 3 months is plenty time. The only issue is you'll need to fork out shitloads to buy a practical test slot most likely in some examination area you've never been to since the gov decided that companies can block buy driver test slots and sell them for profit.

If not last I checked the average wait for a driving test is 6-8 months minimum. Instructors frequently tell students that they should do theory, then they'll enter them for a practical test slot asap and basically train you up to the day.
reading the wikipedia entry for miscarriage and biting my nails and shaking in my booties
the amount of them that like to call themselves "lilith" is fucking mental
well just book a block of lessons and get it done
you might need to be quick booking the test though
japanese gf move to uk less than 2 week
Don't care about right or wrong any more. Just want to see my enemies punished. Therefore trannies are guilty of anything they are accused of.
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>>A second set of DMs came out from someone much more happy to call him a groomer.
every time
lads, cans?
hella freakin epic sauce, and based!
Balls comically flattened cartoon style after being run over by a steamroller.
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rorke: end wokeness
leftypol: uhm ok rorke...if that's what you wish... *unawokes rorke for ever*
know a lad who lives in the states and has a hapa wokeoid gf. she’s from a really wealthy background too. he just goes along with it
mind you melted down and called spaino a 'white faggot'
fuck off
thats me
you laugh but this is what ww2 films will look like soon. not even because of woke but because there simply won’t be enough white actors
You're all here for my amusement.
Politics with women is performative and shouldn’t be taken seriously. It’s a shame they can vote though, wish we had a way for them to think they vote but they actually all get tossed out and only white men’s get counted
You're all here for my amusement.
wanking is so disgusting
it makes your cock, hands, underwear, your trousers and even your room stink, how are you supposed to wank without worrying about any of that?
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Mental how peng some girls are.
Never goon.
apparently she used to say she was non-binary but he always used to forget and she dropped it
>pak gf
Are you Irish diaspora?
that's a man
birds love the stench of wank, feramoans an that
What’s the most common coffee brand in the UK?
Would say here it’s maxwell house or chuck full of nuts or something
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>chuck full of nuts
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I wonder what Emma Watson would charge for some of her poo. She’ll say it’s not for sale but everyone has a price.
that's your smelly foreskin rubbing
tesco own brand instant coffee
Women are a meme. Friend of mine is fucking a ftm who clearly regrets it and would become a normal woman for him if he asked her but he isn’t interested in a relationship with her and she’s too far gone on testosterone treatments
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maxwell bleedin house
got a girl pregnant
Nestle gold
Don't you have to have sex with a girl for that to happen?
there are a weird amount of chinese people who use this site and all of them seem to have aspergers or something, a lot of them seem to have some weird pathetic napoleon complex as well
It did but it goes to show transgenderism appeals to sexual deviants
It's a fetish
yeah dunno why it’s called that tho
Mental how I'll never again be a little gay boy at a sleepover baiting my mates to show me their arses and willies "as a joke" and later stealth wanking next to them in bed. Why does life have to peak so early?
Oxo Gravy
been on the internet all day and I can tell you there's nothing good or interesting on there
you see it a lot on /g/, they usually sperg out and start spamming CCP-tier shit for an hour
anime website
Literally the thought patterns of a pedophile
did you actually do this before
been having sex for the past 18 years
aye wae men
chuck full of sneeds
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amazing how people forget this website started as a japanese cartoon (anime) fansite for manchildren
ching chong ping pong kung fu poo
why does rorke think he knows everything when he evidently knows fuck all
Fuck off.
Yeah, a lot of lads have done this right?
arigato takimas
You like those sodas with the weird jap fruits like jap oranges and stuff lad?
grim af
ha ha ha done that gimp xx
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How do their lifestyles differ?
Rei or asuka?
Obviously rei but for the sake of debate
is rorke in the room with you now
nae neggy vibes...
nah i fond of mexican cane sugar coca cola just like fat mutts
back on the dingy abdul
texting the gf feels like a chore. hate texting. let's just wait till we next meet up and talk then.
i dunno mate, why does this imaginary person think that
>ask maw if she wants me to cook dinner
>says she’ll cook it herself
>then complains she has to cook all the dinners
sick of this miserable cow
no he didn't, he's just fantasising about children
lel, all too relateable. why're they always like this?
You get used to it and a lot of zoomer women have trouble expressing a lot of their personalities outside of texting
get her shagged
get a black man booked
been really impacted by cyberbullying
this guy told me i had a tiny cock
stop living with your mum
problem solved
just do it without asking you mong.
you have to take the choice out of their hands and just do it regardless of what they say. their women. they don’t really know what they’re saying most of the time. you have to just do it
Drive My Car is downloading.
*gives you some brochures*
here mate this is how you handle cyberbully I’m sorry for your loss
yeah let me move out on my £1300 apprentice wage on my own
baby i'm a rorke, yeah...
suffering here in the town, cent, air,
baby i'm a rorke, yeah...
suffering here in the town, centre, where,
there's a lot of talk, where...
there's a lot of bud bud ding, sounds, yeah,
sounding like bangladesh...
sounding like i'm in chittagong, it's all gone wrong
abdul wondering why everyone says they can smell shit when he's about
If a woman emphatically says no to sex should I still take her pants off?
might shag the chinese lady at work
fried pakis for tea
knicka juice
Love big John X


Funny x
Muslims are clean tho white peoples smells like wet dogs
You donot wash your asshole
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I wish I was a bear, she just stood there and took it. that black bear could have straight up raped her and she wouldn't have done anything.
if she’s your gf or wife yeah
abdul you smell like shit and fuck goats, nobody likes you
ever shag her up the arse?
roareed at this
Reminder the hygienic Muslims brag about is washing their arses with their hands
hypothetical, subjunctive mood
neither do you people
in fact you don’t wash at all
you, your clothes and your homes are notoriously smelly
something very humourous about a bear walking on two legs
awkward freaks
they also dont wash their hands so they can touch their shitey qoran, disgusting people
dust for tea
White women don't douche their pussies smell like rotten refrigerators
eating sand
abdul covering up his inbred cousin wife in a burka so nobody can see the monobrow and webbed fingers
all people can afford for tea in starmer's woke britain
Who are they?
i was wandering down town,
wandering down town tonight-ah,
duh duh down town tonight-ah,
feeling-ah quite alright-ah,
i was wa wa wa wa wandering,
wandering down tongiht-ah,
had a fright-ah,
when these black men had a fight-ah...
*synth bit*
>Police have released CCTV images of four men they would like to speak to in connection with a brawl before the East Anglian derby.
Saw a woman with very heavy plastic surgery today in real life
Never really knew just how offputting it is
honestly it didn't look like the surgeon tried hard
burritos for me
i might turn them into tacos just to mix it up
remember when i was a young kid there was a paki family on my street and i had an intense fear of the man and an intense hatred of his kids
used to be paranoid he’d come and steal me

it was a nice suburban street and everyone else was a middle class white family and it was just this paki bloke with his wife and two kids who hardly spoke any english, their house unironically smelled of curry you could tell by walking past. he drove a nice beamer though.
they literally got up and left in the middle of the night once. i remember there was a commotion on the street when it happened at like 2am and they were never seen of again. house sat empty for 2 years before some other (white) family moved in.
>More than half (54%) say it is not important for being ‘truly British’ to be born in Britain, more than double the 25% who took this view in 2013.
rorke on the ropes
do fight, man of white next
I had the same fear only on my street everyone was a paki including me
and i wank to gay porn all the time
boogie2988 got a face tattoo
i don't know what that means, these are my original artistic creations and i can only go by what the spirit flowgods tell my brain and soul to write
turns out you really can wear a people down with enough migration and propoganda
concerts are so bizarre
did the band make some noise
abdul raging he has to cope with shagging sheep instead of a good old goat
shut the fuck up rorke
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i wasnt really like that as a kid but i went to london once with my parents and there were some muslims with big beards on the bus and i called them talibans as we were leaving
feel like shit im tired out only slept 4 hours last night
being autistic is so weird

did the humans do something they like
I've seen some proper bogged girls through online dating, they make their lips looks ridiculous
remember the WC final when the abduls put that gay coat on messi and he took it off 3 seconds later, state of that culture man hahaha
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reeves mogging hard here
lanky bitch
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Don’t think there’s a type of person more sheepish and hopeless than those that sit down to watch Britains Got Talent, X Factor, Gogglebox. Utter slop. Could hardly stand stuff like that as a kid never mind as a full grown adult on a Saturday night.
turns out importing millions of immigrants makes millions more people vote in favour of immigrants being treated a particular way
Mental how he went from being a popular, liked youtuber to a lunatic that everyone hates. Now he's just desperate for views and will do anything.
literally me on saturday
Mindless normies mate
not many people do that nowadays they watch netflix slop instead
Currently watching: S.W.A.T. (2003)
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grim isn't it
watching people watch shit tv
utterly bizarre. farm animal tier sentience
mental how muslims literally crush each other to death running around a stupid fucking box every year, imagine taking that culture seriously
This wasn't just lips it was the entire face shit looked freak lips cheeks nose those cat eyes thing I think it's called a facelift. It was like her skin was stretched
Orwellian almost
finna jerk it
brain usually just goes at 55 and then you don't have a choice
scousers on the ropes
Irish diaspora
will i finally kiss a girl tonight
dont think orwell would have liked it either actually
uh huh, uh huh,
uh huh huh, oooh yuh,
uh huh, uh huh, ha, ha,
ha ha ha ha,
oh yeah,
baby when, you danced (baby when, you danced),
i thought i had a chance (thought i had a chance), oh when ya danced,
oh baby when, you danced (baby when you danced),
thought i'd, get get down tonight (get get down tonight),
but then i saw...
(what did you see, bay-bee?)
saw, three big blacks and pakis,
(oh no, not the black, and tans)
and man i hate those men so bad, badly as a pan, with microplastics, babe, they're cancer, see?
baby you and me,
we could be...
More Huxleyian
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Remember the wait can't say that number
outcome looks grim
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That awkward moment when boomers hate immigrants but they priced their own grandchildren out of the economy by hoarding housing and making them spend their money on rents so millennials and zoomers aren't having kids and birth rates are below replacement levels so you need to import more and more immigrants or the very system you exploited collapses...

saw a webm with a naked asian girl on a leash a couple of days ago and can't find it anymore. should've saved it.
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Used to have this utter freak mate that would say those muslim phrases like “inshallah” and all that shite. Proper cringe, you’re a middle class white lad in one of the least diverse parts of the country. He was also a virgin and obsessed with Lionel Messi, used to wear his shirts to the pub and all that. Weird cunt, that full family was.
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Imagine going through the agony of making your limbs longer and you still have a midget face
That's right
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boomers only hate white immigrants
makes them seethe when they see a white family not speaking english
based on what
pissed the fucking bed last night
Fucking bitch.
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that’s how i imagine spaedo or 190 to be
can tell that abdul cunt on here is still fucking raging hahaha
you're on 4chan and on /brit/ to boot
*turns around dramatically multiple times*
sorry mate just looking for who asked
knocked over my piss bucket last weekend and can still smell it in the carpet
Give me an album lads
Buried that freak
hehe silly Harold what's he like
hit that cunt with a five knuckle shuffle
he is severely mentally ill
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why is this cunt not in jail for shooting off a gun like a dafty a year or two ago
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literally wearing poundland jeans
broken my laptop's 3.5mm jack
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Ellie Taylor and Aisling Bea would both get a good rogering but elicit nary a chuckle from me
It's the American mating call
is this it
>would say those muslim phrases like “inshallah” and all that shite.

never really heard of white people doing this in the uk but they do it in european countries like the netherlands and france. white british people use nig slang instead typically
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Rorke sat at home on his own because his missus is doing a double shift
bet she's a mental shag though
tbf with legs like those on the left she could probably barely walk.
usb c dongle will save you
the absolute state of brown and blacks man
genuinely just loser cultures
Sick to bloomin death of everything claiming to be "AI"
Even Gemini that Google is marketing is just the standard aggregated summary you get when you google something
rorke's da going through all that and still asking the driver 'are you busy the day mate?'
Has done her a lot of good, almost would
Learning keyboard just to play that interstellar song
shouldn't have been trying to fuck it
>Glowie Robinson
>totalbiscuit died and this fat cunt is still alive
she looks fat and old
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interstellar overdrive?
It's an LLM you weirdo
corr like to think this is what my gf is like at work
i get zesty af when im drunk
cunt might be a mossad wank but you won't see the rest of the media posting videos like that
me too desu
>never really heard of white people doing this in the uk
Zoomers do it

finding it hard as fuck
start hitting on twinks at the club and shi
The CEO of my company at our last town hall had some indian techy type woman ask some dumb question about investing in AI and he gave a good response that basically it’s a meme and only as good as the data that’s used for it and that throwing money at “AI” in general is gay
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smoking literal shit
get the oil just stop'd
ill take your word for it but i would’ve thought they use a mixture of uk nig slang and internet slang
Alright lads, I just stopped oil, wot nou?
Was just saying this down the gay bar
just start fires
Bet you were
I'm a zoomer myself so I hear it all the time, white zoomers going "mashallah bro", "say wallahi senpai" and so on. I don't even live in a really multiculti area like London, I live in a pretty irrelevant town.
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not my problem
white racists caused this
why is he calling him uncle
Why did he leave his phone and shades initially
can i get a weebum?
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why does the driver just sit there while the guy is being stabbed lmao
same with the 'bro (did x)' shite
mad how im supposed to believe brown and blacks are equal to us when they turn every area into an absolute unrepentant shithole
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ill take your word for it
been doing this a LOT in my flat
worried it'll catch up with me and rentberg will have my guts for garters
Blacks call older men uncle.
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Wonder when the last time he shagged was as his condition worsened
BBC pounding soft pale cheeks
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the brownoids who come to this site are something else man, imagine being a loser amongst your own people and whites
What was the last good space movie
didn't this bird cause her son to kill himself
space jam
Just witnessed an Indian man drug and arserape another Indian man on instagram.
who is this oil demon?

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