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Nostalgia attack edition

the full idiom is
"for the love of money is the root of all evil"
which makes the statement more about jews than rich people
aadid you know that bird poo is actually their pii and shit for real?
When I was little, dog poop used to turn white. That doesn't happen anymore. I wonder why
I used to work for a Chinese lab and it seemed like a spying operation
Jews do be changing things to avoid scrutiny
>the ROMANS killed Jesus oy vey
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i had pic
Can you fuck off?
yeah well if they were then they will spy on you after so loose lips will probably hurt you :(((((((
The quote from the Bible is " The love of Money is the root of all kinds of evils"
The love of Money is evil not Money itself
until you get some digits, this is meaningless
You are not a real american
Buzzwords are meaningless
Fuck China Fuck Xi
i have brain problems
>not knowing digits
holy newfag
She's so NICE, vgh
I love her energy
toxoplasmosis? yeah lots of people here do have
Drumpf will drop dead from obesity-related illness before the end of 2024
>little girl waiting for some literally who DJ with 15k twitter followers
not buying this story
That's from 2019 before she blew up
hatred and pride keeps people alive longer. There's no brakes on this train
These I'm in love with [person] gimmicks get tired so fast.
Not a tattoo to be seen. Wife material.
>before she blew up
has she even blown up yet? ive never seen anything or anyone talking about this girl but you.
Because you're not into the trance scene. How many trance artists can you even name off the top of your head?
usually because incels think its an adequate replacement for a personality
i have 19 of these elixers which boost your damage/drops/act as a row for 1 hour, but i turned one on by accident so im logging out until i get my stuff back because idk what to use it on and its given me anxiety .-.
how do you know she's not into orgies and double penetration?
all gimmicks get tired so fast. /cum/ anons should aspire not to be a gimmick poster
Because she doesn't have tattoos.
Putin will personally march on Kyiv and plant the Russian flag on a pile of dead khohol corpses….
The N64 was British. You can thank us now.
>because your'e not in the trance seen
nigga who the fuck cares about some shit ass niche genre of music? you haven't "blown up" because you're a big name in the Caesar III custom maps community
If you're making YouTube videos with 6 and 7 millions views, you've blown up whether or not normies random NPCs know your name
gimmicks are not a replacement for a personality
Don't care about your e celeb
I don't care what you think. Don't @ me again plus your brown
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/cum/ posts very few images on average
"Americans" who act like the US was somehow wrong for starting the Mexican-American War are communist homosexuals and should get the wall
im wavy
if they made chew toys for adults like they do with dogs i'm sure they'd be popular
views mean very little. videos posted by literal whos reach 10 million views if they are up long enough. subs and views per day are much better metrics
I guarantee you nobody cares or can even tell you when that took place without looking it up.
this is: the art of the deal
I'm literally chewing on my thumb right now.
I don't think anyone who does that actually cares about history at all they just view everything as
>brown/black people? they must be the victims!!!!
A common daydream I have is what a second Mexican American war would look like if it was fought today
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They are killing everyone around me
Gay communist Chicanx ethnostate.
im going to eat some cookies in 40 minutes and every time i eat something that isnt hot now ill sit and sniff it a few times before eating it, while i am hungry, as i will enjoy it
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we need more apu posters
is yasmin the jewish version of jasmin?
isnt this mihais boyfriend or something
Arab innit?
Will Mexico pay for the wall?
this person thinks im a new player and gave me 3 dragon claws (total profit: 1.2B)
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which you will enjoy much more
Both the Yasmine and Jasmine I fucked were ayyrab.
Carpet bomb the border, Juarez, and Sinaloa
Maybe we annex the Yucatan and Baja like Polk wanted
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Probably. Two butt fucking faggots.
Blue jays literally bully them to death. Chads of the small bird world.
Can you not?
bit homophobic
No, we're going to annex part of Mexico's south from Coatzacoalcos to Tuxtla and build the wall there
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i am not an avocado fan
It's an apu so it's kosher
There should be a testosterone requirement to be a mod/janny
>hehe stupid gringos, we'll start a war of aggression to convince them to accept our kind and benevolent rule!
>whoah hey you cant call for help! those low down gringos dont fight fair!
>hey now, just because we started this doesnt give you the right to started fighting back!
wow, I cant believe the priveledged whites would just go and steal land like that, for no apparent reason
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What's going on in this thread
how's your jaw strength?
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me either tbqh
>ywn march on Mexico City with your boys
It’s not fucking fair.
I like avocados because they grow in my state while you eat "Avocados from Mexicoooooo"
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is it halal though?
>no troons
>no women
>no pajeets
just solved all 3 problems at once
I, too, am homosexual
Thousands of 18-24 year old white boys would find out just how latinas HATE ytbois
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>mfw MENA/Jeets
then there would be no (zero) jannies
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Are you the anon who always starts those threads?
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good afternoon
who cares about fat latinas. most look like ogre princess fiona
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avocados are for gay californians
*nervously feels around for the button under my desk*
No I'm actually huwyte and dated lots of Latinas
They do hate ytgirls though
Went to North Carolina once and noticed that I could not find a single vegetable that wasn't fried in a single eating establishment until I went to a "fancy" French place in Charelston
Why's that?
i love rabbits. if I didnt already have too many animals I'd probably get one
avacados are superfoods ergo for high test chads. nice try though
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Who amongst the /cum/bros will take up the Holy Cross against the infidels?
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me too.
i just can’t commit to getting one they’re a lot of work and i already have a dog and a cat
there are things i'm willing to fight and die for, but those things are real
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We're close but I wouldn't say we're dating.
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what an angel
Who the FUCK came up with the idea for Carrot Cake? Like let's just put a vegetable in a confection. And the worst part is IT WORKS AND I LOVE IT.

Fresh out of the oven carrot cake with a glass of ice cold milk is proof god exists.
I had some as a kid but I didnt really know what sort of care they needed so they were super neurotic and unhealthy. I feel bad looking back
There should be a testosterone requirement for posting on cum
Of course
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they're fat

t. nikocado avocado
I nominate you for /cum/ president
I appreciate the offer but I don't really need a whole general to myself
i was just playing ck3 as the kingdom of lithuania, and the pope declared a crusade on me. so i declared war on the papal states to take the county of rome, captured him in the siege then executed him. problem solved, no more crusade. I can't believe the game lets you do that
Baltoids could only do this in a video game
This bitch looks like Pacifica Northwest's mom
That didn't work as well in Medieval II: TW
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i haven’t had a carrot cake in a long time im gonna look at recipes they are really good
they are really high maintenance and im just not sure i could give one a good life
someone out there thinks i'm based
she looks like a pig with makeup on
But..it's by public demand
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For the googlettes who don't get the joke
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that person is me
you are based
>boomer calls to bitch and complain about his dental insurance
>will not listen to me when I tell him he has the wrong number because he's not a fucking retard and he knows how to use the phone so I need to get off my ass and fix his claims or he's sueing our entire company
>hang up on him
>he spam calls for the next 10 minutes
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>actual Jeet temples
I suddenly understand why they talk about bbc so much
I mean they did resist a crusade for 200 years and dealt the crusading order a crushing blow that destroyed it so its noty that weird. ironically thry had already converted by the time of the final battle but the order continued to pursue the crusade anyway
Adoro te devote, latens deitas,
Quæ sub his figuris vere latitas;
Tibi se cor meum totum subicit,
Quia te contemplans totum deficit.

Church Latin is garbage. Might as well be speaking Dominican Spanish. Classical Latin is where it's at.
When a Latina's household income exceeds 120,000 USD she immediately goes to a plastic surgeon and ask for the Innsmouth look. Latinas are some of the prettiest women on Earth, literally don't get fat and you're basically golden, don't know why they botch themselves up like this.
>The prevalence of CHRPE in the general optometric population has been estimated to be 1.2%.[1]
I am the 1 percent
>the actual literal children who watched this shit growing up are old enough to post without getting banned
THIS is why 4chan is shit
MLP's actual target audience is now posting instead of the grown men who watched it
bcuz its America... :(
Had an epiphany two days ago. We’re all just trying to get by in this world. Nothing matters, not in a nihilistic way but in a realistic way. Things matter to an individual, not intrinsically. If that makes sense
ya it was really hard to kill the pope in that one. i managed once with an outrageously leveled assassin, but the time I tried with a proper army he would just escape everytime
They like bogging themselves, they think it means you are high class or something
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>Latinas are some of the prettiest women on Earth

> literally don't get fat
This happened again? You should record the third time and put it on YT
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i want to crusade all of the Japanese people that do porn and lick each others mouths or stick out their tounge
You haven't had this epiphany at its fullest potential until you've had it on shrooms and after a DMT trip
You feel like bacteria on a living creature
My DMT trip felt like my soul was pulled outside of the solar system and a giant reptilian alien creature just stared at me
even if you you assassinate him, they just pick a new pope next turn who will probably also hate you. If you declare war and capture Rome, the loyal Catholic factions will give one city to the Papal states to be the new Rome. You can't get rid of them lol
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I have a mario party 2 cartridge and I really want to find a racing wheel for RR64

love my n64 to death
Asked someone about it once and our phone number is the same except for the last two numbers as some insurance agent in Texas
She wouldn't say that
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>today's my birthday
>oh man, I wonder what kind of free food I can get
>free breakfast from dennys, free coffee from coffe places around the city
>only if you have a reward barcode from the company app
>oh but dont bother signing up for it, it only gives you one if youve had the app for 3 months or longer
boomers are really schizo about phonecalling specifically
Are frozen vegetables bad? Would they be considered "processed"?
all i want is a 6/10 who's nice to me
This is relativism and it is evil
Things like integrity and love and truth DO matter and do objectively exist
The line of thinking you just typed here is why trannies cut their dick off and say gender is fake or whatever the fuck
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Commiefornia bros...we're finally healing...
the golden age of free food has passed, blame the scammers of the world for it
I want to go home and lie in bed after taking a shit
happy birthday anon
You can tell if someone is really Californian by how they respond to this
Californians are leftists but they support the death penalty and hate the homeless
Is Xi making a surprise visit?
happy birthday you cutie <3
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cant wait for the YIMBY's to seethe and bitch about this while the rest of the state dunks on them
evil. the strong are meant to protect the weak, not attack them
>Are frozen vegetables bad?
>Would they be considered "processed"?
Yes but not ultra-processed so it's fine
Where ya gonna go now, junkies?
ya but if they excommed you or crusaded you, killing him reverts it as I recall. Its also a good way to get your own bishop in if you can
>election year so the Dems try to act like reasonable centrists again
kek, even weedman is doing this here
Most homeless people are degenerate junkies
People are bitching about Newsom not completing his program to house the homeless but it was clearly only happening because they couldn't get rid of them
Now the Supreme Court gave him the go-ahead
Mass state deportation of junkes back to Montana SOON
I have homeless back where I live that are ACTUALLY homeless. Schizo, dirty, but theyll leave you alone. They have tent camps off in the shitty part of town, whatever theyll leave you alone for the most part. In SF, LA, san francisco, etc, theres fentanyl zombies standing hunched over and screaming obscenities at nobody on the sidewalk. THOSE are not homeless, theyre crackheads
this isn't necessarily true and it gets really annoying trying to explain nuance to midwits
got IP muted forever on an rsps for saying "kill yourself"
the west has fallen
it wasnt even serious i was saying it to a random person i dont know not in hate but for a joke
Troll or woman poster
>My DMT trip felt like my soul was pulled outside of the solar system and a giant reptilian alien creature just stared at me
Not sure if I’ll ever be ready for that. I find shrooms a bit unpleasant but I’m a big fan of LSD
I'll wait to see how it plays out. He got rid of them for the grand poo bear's visit too, I want to see if he'll actually kick them out for good
what do you think theyre doing by removing the drug addled criminal element?
Oh Blithe, I used to live in Berdoo
Worst city I have ever been in, hands down. No redeeming qualities
>killing him reverts it as I recall.
As long as the new Pope doesn't hate you, yes. The long term strat was always to get all the cardinals from your faction then you can just declare war or ask for crusades on whoever you want. Love me MII:TW, 'ate the Mongols/Timurids (not racist just don't like 'em)
meant for
HBD anon!
they are dangerous though i get where you’re coming from but they legitimately are violent and crazy
toby banned
imagine my shock
at least its not fresno or bakersfield

or los angeles
So do I, Placer
And they're fucking rats
They cause so much trash
They cause MOST of the fires
I used to have to volunteer to clean up their encampments in college after they get kicked out and it was vile
>Things like integrity and love and truth DO matter and do objectively exist
I don’t disagree. I do think this is a very hard claim to prove. Good luck in your search
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thanks frens. Spent the whole day by myself
i liked playing the teutonic expansion and the kingdoms expansion a lot. great planes natives felt overpowered af with there massed archers and basically everyone you fight being unarmored or lightly armored
SB is much worse than both of those. It was the poorest city in the country at one point, besides Detroit
LA is huge so it's hard to compare
It's my birthday
So like I was saying, the Latinx zoomer I had to train today said she was trying to get into the LAPD.
I marveled, because she wasn't big or anything she was just some 23 year old girl and the LAPD would eat her alive. Why do women think they can hang with the big dogs?
did you get a cake
i wish i had this much tenacity im a pushover
Jannie is a homeless tranny faggot
crazy how persecuted i am
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I finally found a place that would let you sign up on their app and get a free slice same day
bought another one with it
It's my birthday
VGH... SOVL...
Yeah the expansions were great, Britannia felt very balanced and I liked the Crusades also. Americas campaign was kinda goofy and unbalanced for almost every faction but it was fun to play as the Spanish. Shooting the Aztec generals with cannons was always funny
my mom has this unknown debit card that's in her name making purchases on her amazon account that are being sent to her house. any idea what 's happening here?
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happy birthday anon :D
In 500 years nobody will ever know you existed. Nobody will remember anything you did. Even your bones will be dust and nothing you ever did will matter to the universe
my hockey team is shit but they still want $70+taxes for nosebleed seats
usually it's a brushing scam, or they might be checking if she is good for some other larger fraud that requires good credit or something
Basedball is the cheapest, watch it instead
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I'm canadian
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im wavy
my condolences
just saw your post after i made mine
you are so cuute! we are one
you are the cute - ALAC (all leafs are cute) Aaaa
Canadabros how do we get past the auto force login pop up on Xiaohongshu
trynna see some Vancouver qts, without giving Xi any (more) of my info
heck yeah enjoy birthday boy
you and that other anon share a birthday that’s crazy you guys should meet up and be friends
least desperate vancouverian
>Going to a Chinese Communist Party website just because you're thirsty to see a few Chinese girls who live in Canada
there's like 5 or 6 people in /cum/ who share my birthday. i remember we all posted "it's my birthday" at 11:59 pm the day before
just go to a boba tea shop nigga
open it in a browser set to desktop mode, ezpz
birthday paradox moment
I've only ever met 1 person with the same birthday as me
Think I'll take a shower and fix something to eat
EaT something orange
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i need to do this too i think i will
Imagine a nice prime rib steak
why are you showering now it's 5:37 PM
i really like this image
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See? ezpz git gud
I found a girl who lets me jack off to her as she's using her desktop but I can't touch her or get any sperm on her or the deals off. She doesn't teven dress sexy, the bitch. But it's all I can get so whatever. I also have to pay her $20 every time. She doesn't even look at me
its 2:39 ackshully
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glad a fellow galaxybrain.jpg understood it
Just thought about it for the first time and am now wondering how the FUCK erasers work on pencil marks. Like literally you're just erasing something from existence with a pink chew toy or something
This is really hot to me
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i have no decent images saved because i delete them all everytime I "quit' this website
I think I need love in order to thrive.
I woke up about an hour ago.
how is this better than jerking it solo?
i literally cant see, when i go click the profile i cant click on any of the posts because of that pop up
power dynamic
Because there's a real woman there
Meant for >>200178967
browser has to be set to DESKTOP mode nigga not through the app either!
where did you find her
Whats the problem? You can smell her
is she taking new clients
You're simps, the lot of you!
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pull your old ones off the archive
how do we psyop black women into getting in shape so more of them look like this >>200167790 instead of flabby kafkaesque fat pigs?
im already on desktop though
It's 2:45 though.
Associate of a friend
there are still niggas out there that say women don't live life on easy mode
nigga thats no associate, that is a hoor
>instead of flabby kafkaesque fat pigs?
dats rayciss as fuck mayne they ain't all fat breh
where does this take place? at her place?
if we killed all simps, the world would be much better
but they are all flabby
>into getting in shape
need some yassss kween type social media movement. they always follow that.
i have literally never successfully sharpened a pencil using one of those handheld sharpeners.
was getting ready to cook and my cat accidentally clawed my pinky toe and now i have a bandaid on it
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fuck you
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3 more hours of work bros...
I was about 13 when it came out but my little sister loved it and she hogged the TV so I watched it by default
yo this nigga needs a bandaid for a scratch
Pistachio is a nice colour
Is getting braces common in Canada?
you do whilst cooking .-.
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it’s a big scratch to be fair my pinky toe was bleeding a good bit
Yes, dentistry is common in Canada
Very much so, it's what separates the upper and middle class from the lower class.
im kind of like the julie andrews of this general
an old hag?
I only needed a retainer in junior high not braces
is junior high 16+
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Let me help you rebuild your collection with this great image
your mom is a slut
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Bunnies are actually a lot smarter than people think, a lot of people think they’re just mindless rodents but they’re lagomorphs not rodents and they have rather big personalities
dont get pissy at me, grandma
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Rodents are cool
they can be really expressive
an angry bunny is really cute to watch
the egirl i simp for has a bunny exactly like this. in fact she held a birthday stream for him today
My genjutsu is powerful
These things are like chicken nuggets to wolves
how do i search the archives for flags (UK flag) posts
>the egirl i simp for
sometimes I think my life is kinda grim then I see you anons saying shit like this and feel much better
why would you say that
how about i rape you with my grandma dick, bitch.
i hate these niggas like u wouldnt believe
I wish I could eat raw meat like a lion. Imagine just grabbing a chicken, snapping it's neck and just biting into it and it actually tastes good
4 and a half more hours of wage slaving
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Because I saw a documentary where a wolf downed like 5 rabbits
i got muted for all eternity
can someone else make the new
Cheese is meant to be melted
Leaves are meant to be raked
>ctrl f
>1 result
>doesnt highlight the result
I prefer red squirrels but I live in a grey squirrel area
Get his ass
Jannies are meant to be ridiculed
canadians be like
I hate this
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i just googled what alabama hot pocket is wtf america
just got a cold call from cox trying to upsell me more internet services
I told him I'm not interested and hung up
indian accent by the way, so not quite 100% sure it wasn't a scammer
genocide greys
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I just google'd sanna's body measurements
LOL I called my bank with an issue and they put me on with an Indian dude and I just hung up because I thought he was a scammer. He could've worked for the bank, but why take chances?
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I really hope this lul in posts means people are making the NEW
its like 11 to 14, something like that.
Music views are simply less important, especially since people will listen to songs more than once.
I listen to synthwave and Resonance by HOME has 129 million views and I assure you no one gives a fuck about HOME or synthwave.
ok :(
crazy how he probably paid people to look on the internet for American societies related to the keyword "cum" and found this place, and then logged in to 4chan
and plays on runescape private servers
awful new
t. breastlet
i don't have breasts i was just too busy singing lana del rey to make a proper new
maybe he meant simping metaphorically

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