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pancake edition

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Ain't no question, if I want it, I need it
I can feel it slowly drifting away from me
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stegosaurus plushie
7 days to die, shall we?
There’s nothing wrong with accepting hierarchy and one’s place within it. Hierarchies will always exist, and there will always be people above you, whether you’re a man or a woman, assuming you’re not some totalitarian autocrat at the tip of the pyramid. Even the communists failed in their experiment with rankless militaries, and ended up with the nomenklatura. Were the Russian women getting raped by Lavrentiy Beria better off than chuddy American housewives?
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it's over

Look at the reply to this post and tell me women can suffer
i'm bored
Look at the profile pictures. The faggots and porn-sick freaks replying are basically on her level lol, if not worse
she makes 762 a month from only fans, i mean, it's not a lot but yea
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Holy shit the smell of bacon doesn't go away
have you ever been molested by a girl?
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turning on the range hood doesn't do anything either it just pushes it around the kitchen usually
gooning isnt the solution to every problem
I once woke up in a girl’s bed with no recollection of who she was or how I got there, on account of being blackout drunk when I met her
for boredom is definitely an option
i'm fine thanks
was she able to fill you in on what had happened the next day or something? that's scary
that's not really molested, more like your own dumb decisions, very dangerous to get black out drunk specially with strangers, one time when i used to take the bus back from high school a girl kept rubbing her ass on me
I'm thinkin it's gonna be an all nighter tonite
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>weed eater cant read
i can’t do edibles they are too intense for me
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>I mean I know it's unpopular to say this cause of political correctness but if you ask me the virus got out of a Chink lab. You never know with them, what those folks might be up to. They're a mysterious bunch. When I was a kid all that kung fu nonsense was at its peak but my pops told me to steer clear of it saying yellow stuff will bring nothing but trouble. I s'ppose every generation of Americans gotta fight their own breed of slanted-eyes folks, for my gramps it was the Japs, for my pops it was the Vietcong Charlies and for me it's probably gonna be them Chinks
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Oooooooooh, beyond the flesh and blood
There's so much hidden behind
As so much more we've gotta give
Hell yeah brother
What happens here?
involuntarily celibate
eating a marijuana
involuntarily committed
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quit playing your stupid race car game and give her attention you monster
It was during orientation week of my first year of uni. Apparently what happened is that I got too drunk at some party, I was trying to go back to my dorm to sleep, but then I ran into her in the hallway, and one thing led to another. What was awkward is that she lived in the dorm right next to mine, so it was a little weird for the rest of the year; sometimes called “floorcest,” for people on the same floor
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>Meriden police identify woman killed in city's first homicide of the year
that's the most stereotypical chad thing i've ever heard
sovl but also poverty
kind of the canadian equivalent to appalachia or the poorer parts of the gulf coast
>killed you while you were killing monsters and didnt even fight back
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>Children in Gaza are now at risk of polio as well as bombs – we need a ceasefire now
is everyone here a neet?
Is it true that there is a lot of French Canadian influence in that region?
its 10am..................................
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does this happen in your country?
he didnt even pick up my stuff
and i kept the amulet of avaric
finna goon
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he didnt even get anything and only i lost my avas and prayer pots because theres a bug. he gets nothing for me losing that
oh well no harm no foul
if she was sober and roped you into that in that in the state you were in that’s pretty exploitative though
is it true that most serious black gangs have been weeded out by mexican cartels by now?
i like that term for it
yes i am neet
not really. there are acadians in the maritimes, but they form a pretty small minority everywhere other than northern new brunswick, plus the odd little enclave here and there. it’s only in nb that the province is officially bilingual, for instance. the region would probably be culturally and ethnically french like quebec, but the british ethnically cleansed most of the acadians when they took it over. quebec was too big and populated to try and pull off the same thing later
i'm comfortable it's fine it's not like that
Mexicans dominate, but there are pockets of formidable black gangs in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Oakland, etc.
cartels are simply more organized, black gangs and mexican gangs operate on a different level, no way black gangs can pose a threat
Full of vodka
>Gas tank
Ready to ride all day long
Not even noon

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For a hill, men would kill, why? They do not know
Stiffened wounds test their pride
Men of five, still alive through the raging glow
Gone insane from the pain that they surely know
For whom the bell tolls
you should eat something so you don't get drowsy while you're driving
I objectively have bad genes and shouldn’t reproduce. Part of it is coming from a dysfunctional family practicing a backward stone age culture, but culture and parenting style is genetic. As I get older my looks become less and less important a reason for my inceldom. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ugly as sin, but at my age everyone is well past their prime. I honestly think I would have lost my virginity by now if I grew up with no parents in foster care than with my schizo cavemen parents who really did a number on me.

I can’t handle being alone forever though. I wish I could get gf/wife but not have children.
Check the difference in average IQ between Mexicans and blacks
>when I went to school they didn't teach us any of that Hollocawst nonsense. it seems like all these kids learn about these days is how them Jewish folks were gassed in Germany or sumthin. I didn't do well in school but at least they taught me how to write my name and do simple calculations. which makes me wonder how them Germans could burn so many bodies in so short a time... anyway there used to be one Jewish family in this town, went by the name of the Greenbergs. Mr. Greenberg used to run a liquor store, a tough man, tough but honest in his dealings. only he would charge you a plenty for a mere bottle of Tennessee Scotch. I s'ppose that's what they call "market forces" but we didn't have that kind of profit margins back when Hal McRowan's family store was still in business
the colored dick war rages on
How do you order pasta in italian?
bit of a gay thing to think about
>Tennessee Scotch
ya blew it
no need. I studied psychology in uni, I know what IQ does and does not measure.
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No one but me
Can save myself
But it's too late
Now I can't think
Think why I should even try
Yesterday seems as though
It never existed
Death greets me warm
Now I will just say goodbye
you are asking the wrong person i have absolutely no idea
The again, I know many brown men around my age who didn’t have nearly as traumatic an upbringing as I did yet they are still virgins. Maybe, it’s not about the objective looks of this race. It’s just that being born into this race automatically means no one wants to have sex with you.

These other browncels had fairly normal lives, and yet they are all 30+ virgins. Most brown guys I know are like this. This race might just be cursed with the un-fuckable gene. I don’t even think some of these dudes are ugly, but they still have no success with the ladies. Something about being born MENA or Desi means no girl wants to ever have sex with you.
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This is my eye
ermm, ok?
it's rude to stare
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this is me
I mean can you blame the opposite sex?
Nonwhite women do all they can to improve their subhuman genes and get a chance to no give birth to a bug eyed prone to baldness good for nothing shitskin. It's soulcrushing but very understandable.
We're just mistakes
get off 4chan and go enjoy your vacation dude
Come shank me in my throat you pussy
(Im fucking off my bad)
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Your momma told you that you're not supposed to talk to strangers
Look in the mirror, tell me, do you think you life's in danger, yeah?
No more tears
why does your pupil/cornea look like that
I don’t know how to get this through to people who do bot have this experience. Perhaps, things are different in France.

I have close to 20 male cousins all in their late 20s to mid 30s. They all have friends who are also brown. I know close to 50 brown men between 24-36 about 95 percent of then are virgins. It’s not for religious reasons they all have bought into the red-pill self improvement PUA stuff and still have no success with women. Some of these guys are 6’3 or 6’4 yet they are virgins. Is it that we have “L rizz” as the youngsters say be cause the sexes are segregated? I always thought I was incel mainly because of my looks, but I’m willing to date women in their 40s at this point. Most guys around my age are not looking their best (bald, pot bellies, wrinkles). So looks are no longer the primary factor. I then moved onto the trauam I experienced in my childhood and adolescence which left its mark on me.

The issue with all of these explanations i that I know dozens of brown men with no trauma, tall, and good looks who are virgins. At this point the only explanation can be fucking rizz or female kind despises brown men. Why are we all virgins???
>move to a country where your race is a weird low-status underclass
>whoa why don’t women want me?!
Maybe you’d have more success in your ancestral homeland
Persians are cool
like in 300
redditors found a way to be bad at Runescape
Especially in Canada, the gigantic influx of tactless rural jeets has really put all browns’ reputation in the toilet. People are probably too polite to say anything to your face most of the time, but even Canadian white libtards have become absolutely sick of it. Especially women, as they bear the brunt of lusty jeets and their harassment/stalking, both irl and online
i say, you get what you fucking deserve and let me tell you, i think they're getting off easy
>French people say "gas" instead of "petrol"
Pierre, I thought we were friends...
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This nigga Mayo is going to start the Golden Age of Narcos
nigga mayo
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>havent drank in 4 months
>just took 2 shots of whiskey
>absolutely fucking nothing
nigga only stops drinking so that he can get drunker
>Especially women, as they bear the brunt of lusty jeets and their harassment/stalking, both irl and online

Most brownoids buy into the redpill. Grifters like Hamza and Andrew tate are extremely popular. Unfortunately the redpill teaches you that cold approaching and “holding frame” is all you need. This leads to endless swarms of brownoids harassing and asking out random white women on the street because that’s what these redpill grifters tell them to do. I’m sad to say many of my friends and relatives hit on/ask out random girls they don’t know and never succeed. I can’t believe they aren’t blackpilled at this point. You’d think non stop failure into your 30s would make you learn your lesson, but apparently not.
why did you do that in the first place
everybody makes mistakes
I assume you're on the west coast, drinking at 3am

That would make more sense than being on the east coast and drinking at 7am
which part
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it is what it is
illu quod est quod
its 5am and i have to be up at 8
20 hours well spent
why would you start back drinking again if you stopped for several months
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3 days without gooning, give it up for 3 days without gooning
(blue) gold sink currency + 10K (now 20K/75K)
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me rn
I hope you're not doing anything too important during the day. I would function very poorly if I only had 3 hours of sleep or less.
me as well
what lists are you making?
something esoteric and abstract
what nigga
Just had an avocado with sea salt.
Hope the vomit smell is gone. Off to bed now. Cheers, mate.
tarq if Brit
Which you will enjoy much more
for the same price as a double Big Mac, 2 Big Mac meals, you can buy a 20L bucket of Heinmanns mayonnaise and eat it, which you will enjoy much more
looking at appliances and kitchen plans and sorting things because we're gonna remodel the kitchen downstairs at some point
19 more hours until my mute expires for telling someone to kill themselves (got it lowered down fro expires never)
He is LITERALLY Gol D Roger
some of these pistachios are literally impossible to open
should have got shelled ones
crackers and peanut butter with milk
i haven't done that in ages
the two crows babies have started going through the bins outside
the magpies that did started fighting each other two days in a row
the thieving magpie
Never heard of him
the dive bombing magpie
It's time for bed
good night
good night
>kills u whilst wildy is bugged
>sit noob gf
>::yell dont safespot wildy bbosses
>that guy doing the same thing 12 hours later? im not going to kill him
>hes an ironman and donated to the server
da joos
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PARIS (AP) — France’s high-speed rail network was hit Friday with widespread and “criminal” acts of vandalism including arson attacks, paralyzing travel to Paris from across the rest of France and Europe only hours before the grand opening ceremony of the Olympics.
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he needs some eye drops
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I wish I was American
i like being free
No you don't
starting to leave the age bracket where rich old ladies would want to have sex with me simply because i'm young
The bunda meme.
I wish I was free
My country sucks. America is big and rich, and you can get away from the main problems
i dont got a frame of reference bro
you better start making moves then
get in shape and practicing dances and gyrating those hips NOW
tell me something i dont know
you cant get anything done with a sleep schedule like this, shit gets done during the day
i managed pretty well today just had to get going first thing in the morning and don't stop until sunset
what did you do?
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RIP to a real nigga
straightened up the house and got all of the random junk and clothes i store in the guest bed room out and put away properly. cleaned out my car and went through a car wash. went to the pharmacy and grocery store and got mozzarella sticks and a cherry limeade as a treat afterwards
that's nice
the rainbow soap at the carwash still captivates me and gives me that sense of childlike wonder like it did when i was 6 years old
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what if usa culture turned normal one day
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And my ties are severed clean
The less I have the more I gain
Off the beaten path I reign
Rover wanderer
Nomad vagabond
Call me what you will
But I'll take my time anywhere
I'm free to speak my mind anywhere
Nevermind anywhere
Anywhere I may roam
Where I lay my head is home
it's really disturbing how many homosexual there are on 4chan
Some societies are less hierarchical than others. Saudi Arabia and North Korea are much more so than say Finland or Ireland. There's no question which one I'd rather live in, and most people would answer similarly.
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>Dean Hutton is a South African artist
weird how australians are funny, how much of their dna must be from criminals
kkkkkkkkkkkkk including you
do people always cared about politics? i feel like this is relatively new thing
ok guys, i need you people to post more or it looks weird just me posting by myself
sorry i was transitioning from the living room couch to my bedroom i had to move my whole life with me
>sorry i was transitioning
they don’t own that word
is it dry in poland because it’s been raining for a week straight here and im tired of it being humid
Why are you guys like this?
I'm interested in that topic but unfortunately janny will ban me if I discuss that topic on /int/. Janny wants that topic to only be discussed on /pol/.
I need it
me too that's why i posted it since we were talking about dinos yesterday
Fpbp, using the no-no word is always based [niggers is the word in case you didn't know]
my opinions shouldn't affect you or illicit such and angry response but alas my opinions have consequences
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