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Parmo edition
give it to the black guy, he'll score
lovely stuff

potato wedges look a bit underdone thoughbeit
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fucking hate this cunt. hope he dies within a year
*spaffs everywhere*
where do you go if you wish to procure some of the blackest and sweetest bananas? supermarkets only sell underripe
It's not nonsense though, it's true. I probably should have written the post more concisely, but it's still true.
Still not totally sure what a chicken parmo is.
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its true you are a brown bastard
southern bender
why? he seems alright. don't like when he can't finish off a meal though obviously nobodys going to reheat a brekkie so it'll just be waste innit
you and his golddigger new wife
Neighbour lady's got the abba on. Me? Powerful Rain and Thunder Sounds for Sleeping in my earphones.
basically a rough northern attempt at a schnitzel
he's in insufferable fat untalented tryhard cunt
I don't know what that is either.
bizarre the number of people who comment under his videos with shite like 'wow i was going through a bad day but danny has really cheered me up x' like how shite does your life have to be if watching a fat cunt eat a kebab makes your day
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Happy slagsday
basically an enormous flattened version of a mcnugget
i'm hoping it's just bots
mad how you can just tell this girl would let you do anything if you were a tall melanin enriched individual, alternate reality
they live in a better world than us
friday morning and you are spending your time here posting this shite

why are nonwhites like this?
used to live in a 1st floor flat on a street that had a pub at the end of it. Would lean out the window for a smoke on Friday nights and watch the slags go back and forth below me
>the US was racist before and we don't want this to affect training data
Surely there must be 10x more training data available from the last 50 years than the rest of history combined just due to technological improvements

Consider how many photos were being taken in the 1920's Vs now
seasideMARK renewed his RSPB membership it’s lush I mean lush
Elton John farted into the pot
racism is alive and well
case in point: amending history to reduce the amount of white people in it
that is your point, no? adjusting the past to better reflect the present
If Islamic societies are so bad why are so many white Europeans emigrating to the Muslim gulf states?
obviously. that post was just written by a spastic
well as it turns out most photos of blacks from the past 2 decades are them being and looking like retarded negro criminals
With loads of melted cheese? That sounds great.
What the fuck is going on in this twitter video where the dude is getting stabbed in the back of the taxi whilst the driver just sits there twiddling his thumbs.
nothing to do with me mate
he saves money on toilet paper with you around
oil money
everything in those countries except politics is run by whites. the arabs just sit around and collect free money
thats what brown people are like mate
It's the MUH DICK meme. Turns out/pol/ was right all along haha
I am white, this was my first post of the day. Just like to get some yous but it was a genuine thought too, not meant to be bait. You can tell she goes for black guys. I'd never experience that.
>didn't join in
You're pathetic
>like how shite does your life have to be if watching a fat cunt eat a kebab makes your day
How fucking shite is yours that you're boring us with this rather than just asking them directly you spineless coward
he's a taxi driver mate not captain america

looks to be about 8 stone soaking wet with as many IQ points, what do you want him to do?
got about 9 hours sleep. disrupted and funny dreams but not bad overall
I think the problems start when the prompts involve something from the past, like pre-1980, and the training data only has historical photos of whites so the results will always come out with zero diversity
you will spend your entire day on this general posting shite bait because you are an absolute mental case mate, nonwhites are so fucking weird honestly

your whole life is just getting giddy at getting (You)s, pathetic pathetic cunt
i always find that if i sleep too well one night i'll invariably have difficulty sleeping the night after
it's a double edged sword
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Partial to a bimbo
from what I understand they tend to have separated kufar enclaves for foreign workers
black only
The problem is niggas don't help themselves. I remember the whole entire drama where the ai would identify anything held by a black man as a gun. BUT, the kicker is this AI was trained on Facebook data, where individuals upload their own photos and all the niggas uploading pictures of themselves holding guns. It's almost poetic, their own actions have consequences and rather than addressing that and thinking hang on, we shouldn't be taking photos of ourselves looking like thugs, they scream blue murder at the AI being racist without realising they are the reason the ai is racist
it is quite nice yeah
its a paki looking bloke driving and a negro getting stabbed but the negro is calling the paki "uncle"
he was being impartial, like watching a tiger eat a gazelle
if you wanna go and and grab that gazelle from the tigers mouth then that would be counted as suicide
blacks dont have self awareness mate, it's not complicated, dont try to work out any sort of inner logic they have
clapton resident
leftypols vision becoming reality
I get no pleasure or fun whatsoever from going out drinking, it just isn't for me.
But with the possible exception of the USA that would be an accurate reflection of those times
caffeine in the morning helps me sleep at night for some reason. get peng uninterrupted sleep every night as long as I keep it between 7-6 hours
i had a bad sleep the night before so im hoping this has levelled it out and ill get a good sleep tonight
You don't know what my ethnicity is

I don't think it's about reducing the number of white people in images produced by neural networks. I think it's about producing images that properly reflect the population, whether that's just the US population or the global population.
why do they all have the same look? you can tell they hate white guys
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it's about pretending your nonwhite kind aren't just weird losers
tomayto tomarto
Winner of miss universe Malta
Pushing 40yo single mother of 3
Is this the best Malta has to offer?
I swear some of you should be in school right now
school holidays innit that's why there's so many peng girls around
she looks like a fucking crackhead lmfao
sure is summer in here
i wish but they banned me didnt they
funny you should mention that because its summer holidays right now. more children than ever here
horrific face

I know, but historical accuracy is problematic now and you absolutely must have a few coloureds and women in there even if it makes no sense in the era/region it's set
hate how much of a faff sleeping is, or at least for me
not my argument you derranged fantasist
it does not surprise me someone who is delirious in keeping track of my history is equally delirious in keeping track of my argument across a few posts
That's just a weird thing minorities do call anyone older than them auntie or uncle
lets be honest a whites only world would be a better place
im not racist but its just the truth
need to get me a tan and head down to clapton
there’s a leftymong that posts here that’s 18 years old. brain not even fully developed and raised on phone screens
gooning to SFM porn
That explains it
some east asians are alright, and some hispanics are as well (though they have a fair amount of white admixture) but all of the middle east, india, africa and the like are just grim shitholes
as someone who used to post here as an underaged its easy to spot underaged posters
skibidi toilet boop bop dopopseo[fpkews
>crossposting an absolute dissertation to respond to an argument in the old from 20 minutes ago

thoughts on the scran?
Why didnt uncle drive bros?
he's unhinged
Little wanker
it's basically amounts to just "did your country have a harsh winter that required co-operation with your peers?"
i've been chonning since i was 15 and my posting style has barely changed (nearly 27 now)
what’s your argument then? i dunno, I see no reason to believe that you’re a landlord. it sounds like exactly the type of lie a neet would tell. but i don’t read it remember all your posts lol. i just need to have some kind of reason for believing it

what’s the story anyway? grandad died and left you a house?
oh right that makes sense
if my nephew was in trouble id do anything to help him
when i was watching i did wonder why the nig was shouting at his seemingly indifferent "uncle" to drive
but my nephew is my nephew and his uncle is just a scared little paki he might have never met before
makes sense
I think the nicer, more accomplished parts of the world should agree to put past differences aside and focus all their attention on wiping out the smellier parts of the world
fucking bender
i used 2 typ lyk dis on da intrnt for years because of Runescape lol. Got grammar checked on a CoD4 forum and that cured me of my tlk 2 da bar problem.
they do, it's called islam
every single muslim country is a fucking shithole though, abdul
I played rs religiously since about 6? and I don't think I ever typed like that, even then. I find it endearing to see kids do that though.
what is?
Probably in a state of shock after having what he thought was a normal drop off turn into a gang knife fight
>Probably in a state of shock after having what he thought was a normal drop off turn into a gang knife fight
he lives in london around wogs, every second ride is probably like that
honestly and unironically, i’d miss some of the food. we’d have to take some recipe books from them
just let me keep the samosa
Consent is a western concept
uou are mentally ill
mad how quickly that racist police assassination attempt was memoryholed
dogs growl if they don't want to be touched
Mad how Rorke is always wrong
you are brown
Just found out apple made a time bandits tv show. Mad how it was easier for dwarfs to find work in the 80s than now
are people really saying it was an assassination attempt? it was just a nigga moment
woke crybaby
never been to London me, scared to get robbed when someone inevitably takes my bag or phone in the first two hours
t. alcohol-induced CTE
honestly comical how all these attempts at sympathy for brownoids doesnt really work out because the brownoids were usually doing something fucking stupid prior to it happening
you can thank peter dinklage for that
what was leftypol right about? brexit maybe. can’t think of anything else
wasn't going to booze but getting that friday feeling
ive known nice orientals. had a few brown friends. know a couple of pakis through toil who are nice enough, they do smell bad but aren't bad people like a lot of pakis. i used to work with a lovely paki lass who was cute and fairly westernised. in my travels ive met decent hispanics, asians, and maori. its just an objective fact that the world would be a better place if they were white.
i knew a black fella who seemed ok but then i got to know him a bit more and it turned out he was every bad stereotype about blacks. the world would be better if subsaharans didn't exist. Most of Africa could just be a massive nature park safari and not having blacks in the west would be hugely beneficial.
Rorke's dad renting a transit to drive 25 XL bullies up to Ayrshire.

Calls himself Martin Woofer King
lol it seems so fucking demeaning
>hiring midgets would be offensive so we'll just hire normal actors instead

i actually torrented the old one having never really had any interest in it before, but it looks like a decent movie
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nobody votes for parties due to their policies. people vote exclusively on usens and themens. being politically ignorant and voting based on team colours is inherently not "woke" per the definition.
rorke rorkeing about rorkeily
when life gives you themens
I'm a hideous person inside and out
Rorke's dad refusing to muzzle Killer on the bus
calls himself Rosa Barks
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why are people so determined to fuck up the Olympics this year? Is this a just stop oil thing
>please... please... my car is broke my friend
can’t believe there are literal teenagers posting here thinking they are people capable of holding valid opinions
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everyone hates france now because it's full of demented negroids and muslims
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one of the things about northern ireland is that it lets you see tribalism in practice without the spectre of "ur racist!" suppressing the discussions about it. something that everyone learns at some point is that eventually, everyone always chooses their own. every lad you've ever met who "doesnt care about flags" and "isn't really fussed about the whole 'irish or british' thing" will eventually fall on one side of the fence as soon as things get uncomfortable. they'll say they don't care until you mention reunification and suddenly they very much care in one direction or another. they'll say they don't care until the topic of poppies arises or the 12th.

everyone is like this. every black fella you know would pick a fella black over you in a heartbeat. every indian you've ever seen would say yes to reparations from the british, even if they knew it was coming from your own pocket.

it's just the way of the world.
we already have the recipes mate
can someone post the bradders where he's laughing almost in disbelief and he's got his hand up in the air. i like that one but don't have it saved for some reason
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>everyone hates france now
Are you Irish diaspora?
the west is on its knees and needs to be destroyed so it can be rebuilt
anything that accelerates its destruction is now welcomed
if that involved nogs and muslims burning the place down then so be it
the train thing was russians. apparently some russian lad was caught in turkey talking about the sabotage plan.
racism isn't the only way
nationalism isn't perfect, but it's preferable to racism
leftypol gluing himself to the compost at dobbies
calls himself Just Stop Soil
believe it or not a lot of people thought the country was nice before all the brownoids
that reminds me, im gonna filter "irish diaspora"
kek are they just seething about not being able to compete
foreigners are completely fine if they stay in your countries. i like visiting and experiencing their cultures but i dont want to live in it.
good point. but the world would still be better if it were only white people. we can still have our tribes, just less carrying the a weight of the non whites.
Really wasn’t that funny
fuck off heathermong you evil ghoul
take a day off adam
state of that
pretty sure they do compete, just not under the russian flag, unless something has changed this year i haven't read about

they are usually happier in their own countries too, they're all miserable cunts here, i imagine it's something to do with their bodies not getting enough vitamin d from the sun
thats how they got peat compost banned
got the sloppy liquid shits again
I don't know who these people are
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flat women mentioned
of course but we have to live in mcdonalds muttopia because the line. think of the fucking line
aye, not objecting to the premise you presented tbf, moreso just chiming in about the "i know some good ones" thing at the end of your other post. it's often a trap people fall into.

think they were talking about it being more of a general "fuck europe" thing, like when they ship blacks over the borders at lithuania
post Tiktok school girls
corrrrr erotic tum
>wfh today
>mrs comes downstairs
>first thing I say is you look nice today luv
>first thing she says is blablabla we can't just keep leaving stuff on the side these don't belong on the mantlepiece wawawahwah
Relationships aren't worth it lads
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm thinking about things
blog on
People moan about non-whites but I still remember that protester holding up the tube station until some.black dude dragged him off and then all the non-whites gave the protester a good kicking. Can't see any of you white pussies doing shit like that
as your hinge experiments showed
i creamed in your mums crop
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mmmm hmmm
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>people moan about non-whites but I remember when someone doing something non-violent was dragged into a corner and stamped on by 30 people at once
dont think you've thought this one through lad lol
should have given her a good shagging before you got out of bed
Not looking good for that police officer
>lad he assaulted wasn't responsible for the other officers broken nose
>kick caused a cyst on his brain
>Victims older brother is in the force and scared to go into work
Justice is going to be served against the fascist police
mad how the question was removed, I wanted a genuine answer but you are all so mindbroken by the actual spammers
mate you arent british, you don't belong in this country and you'd be happier in your own, it's not complicated.
oh man i cant be bothered with this lol. i don’t believe you mate. it’s not a strong belief it’s just a suspicion. go ahead i’m schizophrenic and 30 IQ and all that. but i don’t think it’s all that far fetched that a /brit/ poster is a neet, and that someone lies on the internet. but i will admit i’m maybe a newfag and maybe there are reasons to believe you that i simply haven’t seen or can’t remember
go back to the equator black man
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funniest bit is that he's saying all this shit to you all the while claiming no normal person with mates or a social life ever posts here. he claims that very frequently.
anyone posting here on a friday night is default a loser like him.
such a hypocrite
I should have done to be fair, had shit to do though
he's a hypocrite, simple as
the first to claim no-one on /brit/ could possibly have ever had a relationship, yet supposedly he's rich and all that bollocks
insists that you know his entire backstory but apparently only uses a name so people can filter him?
he's cooked man, just ignore him and report anything off-topic, low quality, etc.
you’re a white 18 year old loser from a little middle class white village somewhere. i feel sorry for you because this should be the best time of your life and you’ve already fucked massively and it’s going to get worse
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makes u think
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Would you?
Absolutely fucking unbelievable how god awful these threads are. You couldn't willfuly make threads this dogshit if you tried.
Yeah get em told Wayne
mate if you think this general doesnt have nonwhites you're clueless, this is the same general that has that demented brown cunt mongi

presumably they only come here because no cunt from their own people likes them either
mad how they get you used 6-7 weeks off in school then you grow up and you're lucky to get 2 and you can get called in during it
>Relationships aren't worth it lads
still better than being a 27 year old incel like me
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That was The Bradders, with Muttopia. They're from Birmingham. Going a bit further afield now with a band from Marseille, France. They're called 30 IQ, and this is their original composition, called Mongi.
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>The lawyer said a CT scan had revealed that Fahir Muhammed Amas had a 'cyst on the brain'. However, he admitted he did not know whether it was linked to his violent arrest.
good think the officer forced him in for a scan or they might not have found it
why the hell not
Spaino telling his therapist that he's only obsessed with black men's cocks to wind everyone else up
corr swimming pools gonna be full of them now for the summer hols
might drop by later on to see whats on offer ;)
Rorke's dad discovering going to trim the lawn and accidentally kicking a molehill
calls himself Fahir Mowhammed Thegrass
sleep has been proper fucked the past few days lol, only reason im here talking so much shite
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how can she grope sir

no energy for gym toil, any motivational tips?
Just go you'll be fine once you get there and even if it's a shit workout it's better than sitting in your smeggy bedroom
jump into a freezing cold shower
God damn it lads. So I messaged the escort that I was supposed to be seeing tomorrow and she told me she is on her period and that she understands if I want to cancel the booking. What should I do lads? Never snagged women on her period sounds a bit nasty to me
Motivation doesn't do it, discipline does. Just fucking do it lad
The real motivation tip is that motivation is irrelevant when it comes to fitness. Discipline is all that matters.

Also listen to Ecstacy of Gold
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a classic motivational for you
you shouldn't need motivation. re-assess your goals
Once you get into it, a few sets deep, you'll be warmed up and fine.

Genuinely some of my best sessions have been on days when I've been dog tired and not remotely up for it. What your body is capable of is separate and distinct from how you 'feel' mentally. Your muscles haven't atrophied in the day or so since your last workout; they are ready and capable.
not a blog
not sure why you felt the need to reply that my supposition that your "reasoning" is entirely emotional is accurate
just sack it off lad get some paki slop and have a cheeky goon sesh
get the gym lifted
Ancient meme
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got a bonor
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>goes to the gym

Just become a tradesman, you're in the gym 8 hours a day 5 days a week and getting paid £70/hr to be there.
Plus all women want to fuck you.
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pro boner
*40 minute French horn solo accompanied by someone going mental on a xylophone*
You're not a tradesman and you've never had sex.
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Bonar Law
he said, his pasty complexion radiating the blue light off of his screen bloodshot eyes eagerly awaiting a (you)
fingers more like bones, arms the size of twigs, almost clamped down on his little board, and mouse
All the tradesmen who come to my house are either anorexic looking druggies or fat balding messes. There is no in-between and certainly none of them were jacked
got some cocnut at tesko yesterday, its actually nice

had to smash it open in a tupperware outside with a hammer thoughbeit
wonder how often tradesmen fuck the lonely housewife or if thats just my porn brain
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Don't mind me, just going to have a little nap in my chair
1. You don't know what my ethnicity is
2. There are a lot of successful people who aren't white - are they "just weird losers"? Is Obama a "weird loser"?
3. With that pic, I guess they tried to make the neural network show various ethnicities when depicting people, to make representation fair. But the model isn't smart enough to know when a particular group of people are likely to have been certain ethnicities, rather than all ethnicities.
mate why do you spend so much time changing your IP and flag, do you realize you probably have some weird as fuck OCD disorder?
big u2 fan?
difference is the tradesmen keep coming to your house to get a servicing from you
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most of my mates on the tradie-course are in relationships with some of them having children
so i reckon it’s pornbrain
how is it emotional? people lie on the internet. i don’t have to believe everything you’ve said about yourself is true because you said you were ugly. you have a big ego and have every reason to overcompensate for being ugly by hiding aspects of your life that contradict your self perceived positives

i don’t know why your getting so defensive when i freely admitted there are maybe posts i missed or can’t remember that might give me a reason to believe you. i don’t even know what the story is supposed to be
>seething dyel office mongs who have only ever paid for pussy
Haha cope on boys
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might order a jalfrezi
plumbed that cunts arsehoel
post a photo of your wrist
the ip might change a lot since i phonepost, yet the flag has always been swedish
could not be arsed getting a vpn
i’m unironically becoming a tradie in a year thoughever
*steals your shoes and wallet*
Thanks, I’ll go early tomorrow morning then for a win and just reassess my goals today instead to figure out what I actually want to get out of it. It’s funny because a couple of days of waking up later completely throws me out of my routine and I revert back to my shit stagnant ways.
had a wank to that instagram video cansnonce posted
>ichigo niggasuke
swear to god man blacks are some of the most boring cunts about, no identity just stereotypes
>3 mins

aint watchin allat
Trying to become more normal with mixed success
back from my month ban
just stop toil
>you're in the gym 8 hours a day 5 days a week
No you aren't. I literally dug holes for 3 years and still needed to go to the gym 3x a week and play rugby
No my names Andrew you manchild, stop obsessing over 30 year old video games you pathetic virgin
legdaytoil looms
naw mate zelda
just start fires
honestly, Skyrim is fucking shit
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how you been getting on lad
haha good one lads
and now the fit birds instagram if you will
Rorke committing hate crimes in GTA
The results are in lads: my resting heart rate is 66
it's alright
the music carries it

starfield and f76 are the real utter shite
it's a video of homosexual rape
Have you considered that you might have a problem with your diet or your hormones?
have no idea what i want to do for a living
remember Holes with Shia LaBoeuf?

great movie
boner kebab LOL
emma's tea today LOL
can't stop scranning food. i'm a scranaholic
you do a lot of cardio? needing to get my resting heart rate down

doubt i could watch anything he's in after how cringe he's acted the past few years
same with that ron perlman, cunt gloated about pissing on his hand and shaking someone's hand
Room no longer smells after opening the window
You could become a tradesman. Very well paid, you'll get fit and huge, and you'll shag loads of milves. I'm averaging about 2 milves a week currently
I will get my son Rorke out here and he will... do you
Considering I'm 17 stone and deadlift 285kg, no I haven't
Manual labour is just awkward cardio outside of very specific jobs like carrying steel/concrete, and even that isn't doing much for muscle size gain
I told a joke at wfhtoil this morning and had the teams chat laughing, but yesterday I offered a cigarette to one of those ciggies snipers outside a Tesco and he turned it down, so clearly there's something still very off-putting about me
Do around an hour of intense cardio 4-5 days a week and quite a lot of walking so yeah
had to read the book for that in english
It's always the mixed race freaks sturring up racial hatred - no true identity!
some good songs there, aye
still much prefer the 'blivion soundtrack me
Is that it? And you had to work that hard for it? Mate I think you might need to look at TRT
need to start myself again, was getting stoned every day for a while and my heart rate was going mental, dropped it now and started exercising more again
Mine was 48 when I was super fit but have let things slip a bit and drink most every day now
Honestly, they should just ban sugar and processed food at this point. Sick to death of these big fat wobblers roaming about the place. If I have to listen to another fat person full on wheezing just sitting on his (already too fat) arse I'm going to scream.
What exercise were you doing to get it that low?
I box but I'm considering throwing jogging into the mix (even though I hate it)
bring back the turn-of-the-century trend of wearing suits with a popped collar
never saw the film but i read the book as a kid. enjoyed it from what i remember
For me it's wearing suit jackets with jeans
Brought a new pair of running shoes because someone here was a cunt to me saying I was too lazy to do it
Going to be jogging all about the place soon and then we'll see who's laughing
the amount of genuinely extremely obese cunts about these days is odd, not just fat but like balloon-territory

one time my bmi put me just into overweight category and i felt so fat, dunno how some people do it man
gen z boss and a mini
they should be put in camps and heavily beaten with sacks filled with door-knobs
Just loads of threshold running and pushing for faster, going further all the time
Genetics plays a big part too though and luckily I was brought up eating good home cooked food every night and virtually no junk growing up
So yeah nothing special but used mumsteins pressure monitor couple of years ago and everything was Goldilocks zone, BPM, pressure etc
I think it’s probs worse now for sure
I assume that they've just been fat their entire lives so they don't actually know what it feels like to not be morbidly obese. If you don't have that frame of reference of not getting winded after half a mile of walking then I suppose you'll never really know what you're missing.
But they have to supply their own door-knobs?
i feel like this site has a lot of feminine minded sorts of cunts these days, like the weird narcissists who just spend their time here baiting people for attention, it feels different from just trolling for a laugh, it's more like a weird personality disorder, like you see some cunts on twitter doing it and it's just odd
It should be entirely acceptable for there to be a glass ceiling in fat cunts. If you're that much of a fucking slob that you're wheezing around and look like jabba the hutt you just shouldn't be taken seriously
If your title has one of these words in it, women find you utterly repulsive.

If your title has one of these words in it, you are automatically in the top 5% of males for mating prospects
>love analyst
>pleasure assistant
>clitoris researcher
>pussy technician
Been lifting for a long while, 3x a week, pretty respectable numbers. I’m 5’10, was 15st4 and didn’t do cardio, my resting HR in the 80s. Started doing 30 mins of zone 2 cardio, 2-3x a week, and bringing my bodyfat down so now I’m 13st9. Resting HR is now 52. Aiming for around 5000 steps per day too. It’s not easy but it is simple.

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