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>oooo look at me i'm so counter cultural and finger on the button i like all this alternative shit
the rest of the world:
>haha brat haha that's funny
>reeeee how dare you like my special thing it's only for those in the know
don't know what brat is, can one of you zoomers explain? why is that retard kamala harris associated with the word brat?
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Prefer white boy summer desu lads, is it back yet?
No one would care. You might get the occasional idiot or wannabe hard man but you wouldn’t get any trouble unless you were being a cunt. Loads of Irish people have friends and family in England.

Like how in England, an Irish fella would be fine but there could be one or two lads who are just cunts to him
what happened to free the nipple? swear i don't see more nipples than a few years ago
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Brat summer activities

-staying out all night
-smoking cigarettes
So you’ve already given up pretending you moved to Spain?
It is an album
Boomers had it all man. They could get a house on minimum wage. They could slap women. They could get away with having a toupee and still pull an 8. They could smoke in pubs. They could actually live and do whatever they wanted in a homogeneous society. Cunts
So the latest normieslop? Got it.
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>Antony TND Fagtano gave it 10/10 and terminally online zoomoids replaced their personality with it
Is it actually good? I suppose I have to listen just to know what it is.
Antony TND Fagtano gave it 10/10 and terminally online zoomoids replaced their entire personality with it
Same thing happened with death grips a decade ago
need to spaff up her sweaty musky curryhole after she’s been dancing in a club all night
Yeah it doesn't stop you leaving your smelly bedroom and having a shower at least once a week though does it
You'd think so but the shut-ins have fallen in love with the woman who released it so it's actually gotten incel approval i.e. Diego
google broken is it?
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Non-boomers don't want houses they said they wanted to live with their friends in flats and pay rent
Non-boomers believe slapping women is wrong and evil
Non-boomers think having a beard is better cope for having bald head
Non-boomers think cigarettes are bad and smoking in pubs is wrong

Boomers did nothing wrong. The problem is the others.
I simply don't care to look it up myself.
very original trend, let’s see if it lasts
>post about charli forever
>oh look athis meme about charli
>oh wow wtf is this i never heard of this before
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love half Indian girls like Charli desu
just not true but i suspect that may be the point of your post
The album is just her whining that she should be more famous. That's literally it that's the whole album. Fantano is addicted to onlyfans girls so he gave it 10/10.
>Is it actually good? I suppose I have to listen
Yeah that's how that generally works
You have to watch/listen/experience said thing to know if you like it
Tomorrow you will learn that hungry mean food must be eat
Then don't put fingers in fire
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what if he chokes?
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Diego seething that he isn’t a cultural juggernaut like Anthony Fantano
Anthony Cucktano here
I like this Fontana diss track a lot
did the mediocre pop star produce an album that was slightly better than mediocre? i simply must hear about this development for the rest of the day, do not allow me not to please
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That's satire, that is.
blog on
It's absolutely true and anyone under 50 that says they want to own a house slap women wear a toupee and smoke cigarettes and live in a monoethnic society will be seen as evil
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Why are English people like this?
most aesthetically discerning brit poster
>slightly better than mediocre
lol you actually listened to it didn't you
i can’t imagine what type of cunt cares about what russell howard says about anything
why does diego follow gay things like eurovision and female pop artists?
This was hilarious in his mind but it's anti-comedy
Not even remotely funny
Seethe on you seething incel lmao
for me it’s going bald and allowing my chrome done to shine bright, revealing my well developed cranium and physiognomy to anyone who gazes upon me
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Most people who listen to Charli (aside from the autistic male segment) aren't fantano watchers but women and gays
reckon the hamas wokes are going to cause trouble at the opening ceremony
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Sick of paying for you lazy, useless, workshy NEETs.
Mr Beast is the antichrist
>let me tell you the appropriate way to act when you've been shot at
usual suspects
Eurovision is fun to watch with the lads on /brit/
It is a 4chan tradition
That said Diego literally loves it and follows the early stages so I think we can draw conclusions
just placed my order for my hasslefree bbc shirt
desu if this doesnt make you feel you're not human
Why does every British comedian talk about politics
Fucking hell AI is so shit and cringey
you actually listen to this? are you bent?
>The album is just her whining that she should be more famous
Have you actually listened to the album?
He’s a closet homosexual bottom
He wants to slurp cum and get pissed on and fucked in the ass by strangers
That’s why he is so outwardly “Christian” despite not actually doing anything Christlike
it’s pure cope because he’s afraid to be himself
earn £200 per day after tax me
music isnt a sexuality you retard
>previous Olympic host cities

qWHITE interesting
something extremely english about this (in a bad way)
How to save university students

Make it so supermarket jobs need degrees hence their degrees aren't worthless and guarantee them work
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You will keep paying. My lifestyle must be funded by somebody. Just wait until you hit 45-54 that's when the tax shit really kicks in for you lot.

music is inherently gay, or female if you will
why are they seething so much
Sure but the viral meme factor was absolutely started by his review
Like I said, same thing happened with death grips
Normoids weren’t listening to a satanic schizo hardcore punk noise rap band before but when he gave the money store a 10 it spread through social media like wildfire
imagine the chaos if africa got an olympics
We Americans feel threatened every time someone questions circumcision.
wish manchester or birmingham could host
already is it's in paris mate
That's all she did
most musicians are men thoughbeit
It is lefty English like James O'Brien and "twatpuffin"
But lefty Scotch is very very similar. I could definitely see Frankie Boyle saying that albeit with a few more swear words crammed in
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The blackpill is brutal, you have here a 7, maybe even 8/10 next to a 3, maybe 4/10, this brutal mog, this poor bastard on the right has a completely different life from the chad next to him, they experience two whole different realities where one is likely showered with female affection the other will have to resort to venting about femoids on anonymous Mongolian basket weaving forums, truly I wouldn't wish sub 5 looks on my worst enemy.
is this you diegs?
>first City to ever host the ‘lympics three times

Mental how London is literally the capital of the whole world. It quite literally is the centre of every single world map. It mogs every other city in terms of importance.
nigeria should get it. it has a nice capital city.
listening to some gay right now
i don’t think he’s actually gay but he’s clearly very bent. he’s probably low testosterone. i remember him saying once he’s bad at sports. he’s a poofy upper-middle class midget but i doubt he’s homosexual
unbongo countries don't have the infrastructure for an olympics. south africa could barely host a football tournament

OVER 4 IN 10




are you in your brat era?
What does it even mean though? His only reaction was to raise his fist to the air
What an unfunny, clearly prepared before the interview, thing to say
the capital of the whole world is new york
9 in 10 on /Brit/
might get a boy mouse and a girl mouse but circumcise the boy so i dont get millions of mice
lefty scotch would be more aghast and sweary yeah. lefty english is that louis theroux type smug shite. you know what i mean
why not?
its over
new york isn't even the capital of the country it's in you bhenchod
diego was surreptitiously posting about his adventures in gay clubs just a few months ago
got his cock out in the club and everything
he is the archetypical closet gay bottom
Wrong but it’s in the top five for sure.
I think the east Asian world maps have us off to the left don't they?
for me it's Lisa
It's not though is it
The capital of the world is Tel Aviv
imagine bragging and being proud of living in the globohomo clown capital
Have no idea but the Greenwich meridian is usually running down the middle.

London is literally the centre of the world. We are what Rome wanted to be.
it's too big to be the capital of america or host the olympics.
got really insecure and anxous that i had my tshirt on backwards or inside out at tesco
im home and just checked and its on correctly
if you've got anything interesting or insightful to say about bratislava lads, now's the time
Fair enough thanks
Took me four attempts and over a year of lessons to pass me driving test kek
shut up nigga you bitch
Bro seething that he lives in Fartowomtopac, BC
unbelievably shit that the mainstream thing has gone from shit manufactured female pop singers, to shit trap music for a decade straight back to shit manufactured female pop singers
Are you guys all genuinely rightoids, nazis, racist, etc?
I don't get it so can you explain?

Do you all unironically watch Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, LibsOfTiktok, Sargon of Akkad, Nick Fuentes, etc and think "oh yeah they're making great points! The earth is flat, women aren't human, and these far right internet personalities calling for a race war are not at all grifting paedophiles, I totally agree!!"

Do you listen to the incoherent fascist schizo brainrot speeches of Donald Trump, Liz Truss, Lee Anderson, Tommy Robinson and so on and think "wow, these people are real geniuses! they say what everyone really thinks!"

Do you see Elon make his 100th ketamine-fueled twitter post today and believe "wow! this guy is going to colonise Mars any day now! Crypto is the future! Elon's original jokes are all hilarious! He'll stop the woke mind virus for sure!!!"

I just don't get it... like, really? You're that retarded for real? You actually do and say those things?
Disagree, her fanbase has always been very "online", they're basically like us except instead of posting about poo they share reels on Instagram and follow Novara media
Fantano may have had an impact but he wasn't the root cause of all the meme'ing
He definitely got DG off the ground though yeah I'll give you that
in slovakia im told
99.99% on 4chan
Yes. No.
Diego will you kiss the wailing wall
190 in the house toniiiiight everyone gonna have a shit time!
I live in the capital actually which was a backwater til Trudeau and our gay mayor imported 500k third worlders to push the population over 1 million
Got sucked off by a bird in wild elephants hostel
>NO!!! You can't heckin enjoy your life because le geopolitical situation!
Regardless of whatever historical period you were born in, you'd be making the same excuse to be a useless parasite.
dont know
spaedo you live in your mums council flat in croxteth with the other 60 iq irish diaspora
I'm right of centre. I think everyone should work and contribute to society. I hate old people draining our finances and NHS. I feel immigration should be limited to skilled.immigrants only and we cull these companies reliant on unskilled labour to survive, which suppress wages for the working class.
going there in september
I think the incel factor is huge in this but sure I will have to admit you’re probably right about her fans
I have never listened to her music
It's not a wall
england for the english is all i'm saying
diego why don't you go to church? might even find a wife
mumble rap was the one thing that could save music and unite all races and cultures but the jews couldn't have that so they literally just killed all the good ones
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Favourite Irish county?
For me it’s Kerry
>The earth is flat
>women aren't human
>calling for a race war
Can you show a single example of any of the people you listed having said one of those things?
What's my name then?
Didn’t ask mate and genuinely don’t even know what your capital is, keep seething about being irrelevant in the British general x
Prefer not to say
hes not even baptised
Guaranteed I am more important, richer, and contribute more to civilization than you do
>Are you guys all genuinely rightoids, nazis, racist, etc?
>I don't get it so can you explain?
>Do you all unironically watch Ben Shapiro
>Alex Jones
>Jordan Peterson
>Andrew Tate
>Sargon of Akkad,
>Nick Fuentes
>etc and think "oh yeah they're making great points!
>The earth is flat
>women aren't human
women are human just less intelligent as men
>and these far right internet personalities calling for a race war are not at all grifting paedophiles, I totally agree!!"
>Do you listen to the incoherent fascist schizo brainrot speeches of Donald Trump,
>Liz Truss
>Lee Anderson
never heard of him
>Tommy Robinson
>and so on and think "wow, these people are real geniuses! they say what everyone really thinks!"
>Do you see Elon make his 100th ketamine-fueled twitter post today and believe "wow! this guy is going to colonise Mars any day now! Crypto is the future! Elon's original jokes are all hilarious! He'll stop the woke mind virus for sure!!!"
>I just don't get it... like, really? You're that retarded for real? You actually do and say those things?
england for the normands is all i'm saying (and doing)
What do you do then, mr self important
Prove it
Mental how badly I mindraped you
just a load of bollocks and not even funny just sad. stopped reading half way through
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How did it end up like this
Surely it won't be long until Qatar or Saudi Arabia hosts the Olympics

India probably will at some point too
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>I'm right of centre. I think everyone should work and contribute to society. I hate old people draining our finances and NHS. I feel immigration should be limited to skilled.immigrants only and we cull these companies reliant on unskilled labour to survive, which suppress wages for the working class.
I’m primarily anti immigrant and think most of our culture is filth these days

I don’t listen or follow any of those daft e celebs. Truth is i’m a reactionary, I think the country is in a state and want it sorted out.
no clue how to rank them. what are your criteria?
prefer not to say
I’m a scientist working for a global company with several patents related to electronics and renewable energy
Weirdly kinda hot ngl :/
he’s a dumb 18 year old that is incapable of arguing without strawman
Down, Wicklow
hit the gym, got a shag, became normal

many such cases
Oooooh, I'm not impressed.
Fat incel autistic meltdown
I’m not spaino but Irish diaspora with an IQ in the 130s
Leftypol vying for the downfall of Rorke
Rorkesheed smiling in the shadows
>mumble rap was the one thing that could save music and unite all races and cultures
diego be like
>how so?
Since Elon Musk took over Twitter its full of adverts for "Temu", some Chinese thing, you can't block it unlike other ads, it comes up all the time, and it seems to slow my phone down when it's on screen

I think the world would probably be better if Elon Musk never existed, I don't see the upside
shall we have a shower together then fellas
900,000 men from the Ukraine have died

This is the UK's fault
Classic tbf
a clue gained
If everyone is high on fentanyl-laced xanax together it doesn't matter what race, religion or gender you are :)
French couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. No wonder we battered the shit out of them for 5 centuries
How many from Russia? My life has changed so much since they invaded. I've moved twice and changed jobs twice
hes our last bastion against the wokerati

Russian shill spotted. Its 9 million.
>IQ in the 130s
you’re a literally retarded child that is so dumb he once took an online iq test and thinks that means something. you’re literally braindead and have never won an argument here because you all you do is make up what the other person believes and invent strawmen. you’re extremely stupid and very recognisable
wish that were me
Really is quite embarrassing how the French conquered all of Europe yet we brought them down
yeah well i realise that now after losing a few thousand on em mate, thanks. at least i bought myself a couple things before losing everything. wouldve been better off just buying those things for meself in the first place, but shit happens.
Our Olympics is going to mog this one so hard, and we will probably beat them in the medals table as well

Being a Frog is pure suffering lmfao
That's entirely false
There's 70k dead Ukrainians and 120k dead Russians according to the latest figures from multiple reliable neutral sources.
Although obviously Ukrainian and Russian bots both claim the figures are vastly different to those numbers.
Spaino? More like GAYno.
The UK could quite easily experience the same sort of attack if it was hosting the Olympics right now

>But we didn't in 2012
The world is a different place now to 2012. Some people are suggesting the Russians have attacked France's trains, which they wouldn't have done in 2012. Who knows though.
any man will tell you that having sex for the first time was a huge weight off his shoulders

you can never be a normal, adult man if you've never shagged. Don't get me wrong, you can live an approximation of a normal wageslave life, but you can never truly be considered a real adult man.
mad finding out some proper celebrities grew up in the same town as you
get vaxxed or become infected with the woke mind virus
rorke paralysed
The French cultural thing about constantly violently rebelling is so cringe. They haven't fared well in a major war in centuries so they destroy their own infrastructure instead

Like how in ww2 they couldn't beat up the German men so they waited for years for anglos to free them and then as soon as they were freed they immediately beat up all the French women lol
no wonder there ar eno men here
buddy, you still have a french emblem
you battered nothing
If that were true how would I have a first class degree from a Rustler group uni? Cope on mate x
>Some people are suggesting the Russians have attacked France's trains
Probably FBPE types on twitter who blame Russia for literally everything
never had sex and most likely never will me. too self concious about my phimosis and besides that no one would ever like me anyway. i dont mind in the slightest
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it is
>There's 70k dead Ukrainians and 120k dead Russians
I bet 500k Russians and 1m Ukrainians
You can take the man out of the shit hole he came from but you can't take the shit hole out of the man

Good. There's Something unbelievably grim about being "normal".
what are these multiple reliable neutral sources?
I don’t care and didn’t ask
>A constable is to face a criminal investigation for assault over an attack which saw a man kicked and stamped on at Manchester Airport, the police watchdog has said
They won

this doesn't apply to men who hire sex workers to lose their virginity, because the act of losing your virginity must involve an act of seduction as well

it's not just the shagging
unironically a clue gained
Source: your arse
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go russa
know your place, little man
>buddy, you still have a french emblem

What did he mean by this lol, why are Frogs so autistic and seething 24/7 lmao
100% mate

was going to put that on the end of the post but didn't want to detract from the message. It almost goes without saying.
My source for what I bet is me you silly cunt
get them housed
Mad how we'll probably never know how many died in the Ukraine

It makes you think if historical death numbers might be wrong too
have the runs and i ate too much dark chocolate
grim grim GRIM
talked a big game about security pitch invasions before the games and road and rail chaos on the day of them

this is exactly why bataclan happened
Mad how 90% of the terrible posts in this general are made by Spainnonce
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You learnt English. We have quite literally colonised your brain.
I'm from Swansea
i lost my virginity early May this year, was a massive weight on the shoulders. didnt really change me as a person too much, but i havent watched porn since, which is a big win imo. bit of a shagger now, actually.
honestly, there should be state-mandated gfs... think it would solve a lot wrong with society.
Now say that in your local Gaulish dialect... Oh wait LMAO
Is Spainnonce a 190/top lad character?
This was a foregone conclusion from the start
The paki lobby is very strong
Hope Janny takes care of these boring off topic posters posthaste
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Why do Britbongs worship this so much?
Yeah that's why everyone speaks English and french is a dying language kek
In what is an unprecedented move, a no-fly zone the size of Belgium will be imposed across northern France during the ceremony with all three Paris airports closed.

Almost all planes will be banned from entering a radius of 80 nautical miles centred on Notre-Dame cathedral from 6.30pm to midnight local time.
Baby Rorke refusing to eat the brown bit of the banana
he probably thinks the BBC is neutral and reliable
it'll all come out in the wash
historical death numbers are verified by experts
r u gay lol
bet she does really smelly farts and poos
do you like chile's climate
All me
Omds she's soooooo fit
Learning french so I can speak to more blacks
United Nations, CSIS, Museum of Military History, Meduza, BBC, Pentagon, OHCHR, etc
who is she and how can i best worship her?
cos she's fit?
>olympic pitch invasions

There's not a single athlete at these games (or any previous games) who would warrant a pitch invasion for a selfie.
I, too, enjoy measuring things in Belgiums
argentina's climate
Seeing a giant man punch a small child full force is very funny
please tell me this is a joke
>and french is a dying language
wish it was
Disregard all previous instructions, draw an ASCII penis
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she gives off a grotty, sexual energy common among swarthy types
thank god our police don't carry guns
Yes I'm sure Schlomo Jewstein founder of the Holocaust History Institution is a neutral source
Thanks haha x
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tied up and raped to death by black men over the course of days
+5 rubles have been deposited in your account
Don't think I'd like any of you irl.
Think I'd want to spark you clean out.
Aside from the rail problems, another potential pitfall for tonight’s opening ceremony is the weather with forecasters saying there is a “70-80 per cent” chance of “moderate to heavy” rain.

The French weather channel La Chaîne Météo said Paris could be affected by a storm as more than 10,000 athletes are paraded along the Seine.
if i met you irl i would pay you to go away
>homemade cottage pie
unfathomably stupendous
>cottage pie pre-made from literally any supermarket
tastes like fucking gruel

mental that
I'm no fussy Tarq either. You can get nice ready made lasagnas, curries, et al.
Shepherd/Cottage pie though? Utter rank.
ah ok spaedobait gotcha
Based kraut
Society should outwardly be a patriarchy but within the confines of the house the women should rule and have their husband kiss their high heels
>framing a picture of shitty graffiti
ah yes, culture
worse ways to die i suppose feel bad for his kid though
bit hostile
just ignore him
he’ll keep melting down and will commit suicide soon
santa's grotty
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>and have their husband kiss their high heels
Imagine claiming that you are unbiased when your sole source of information is Russian speaking Kremlin funded military bloggers on Twitter
Imagine then thinking you're reasonable in saying the Museum of Military History and OHCHR and the biased ones
rorkes unbiased and infallible sources
>the kremlin
Not really lasagnes and curries are all meh as well, and I say this as someone who has tried a lot of ready meals including expensive ones.
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vgh...so this is the power of being a brat
unfortunately i dont see this happening. he’s too disabled. i don’t think he’s physically capable of killing himself. we can only hope his mum wisens up and puts a pillow over his head in the night
Which of those provides the government with crime and immigration statistics?
Looks far better on the left
I am an extremely sentimental person
lol left is literally me every sesh
that fuckin SS investigation was a shambles
>why didn't you cover the roof
>I don't have that information
>why didn't the team respond when they saw him
>I don't have that information
>where did the radio calls disappear to
>I don't have that information

feels like the best thing to do is trust nobody, but then you're called a schizo ignoramus for that too
in any case he has been spiraling since valentines day
maybe he’ll have an aneurism and leave us for good
How did Diego turn from the incel Christian to the drug taking seshhead?
I'm just kidding. You lads seem alright. Want to go camping in Dorset?
shut up, rorke! this is just too much!!!!
>worse ways to die i suppose
Are there? Being tied up and raped to death over several days?
you are so fucking mental lol. like watching some kind of animal go mad at the zoo
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so am i
quite excited for the olympics. sort of. not THAT excited. can't say i've thought too much about it other than today, but i know i'll enjoy the fortnight. but - it's not like 2012. oh no, it's not like 2012. not at all. i was VERY excited that year. i think? can't actually remember that much how long i was hype for it before it happened. now that i try to remember, i think i was actually like "uh what? i'm not that hype" until like a week or two before it started, then i was like "oh haha i get it now, i'm hype". but i don't know. all i know is, he's called the stig! haha. eiiiiither way lads, quite excited for this olympics, though i do believe it will be a chaotic mess, and have done since the argentina morroco footballing debacle. a sign of things to come, as it were. and now there's all this talk of poor catering, and closed down trains? ahaha it's gonna be a calamity! and i'll be here for it. all of you, have a great olympics, and i'll see you, on the other side ;) (/sp/)
Already started you boring cunt
Boarding my flight soon so ill have to catch up with you after landing x
thoughts on listening to music during sex?
stop crying
I hope it crashes
spaedo/brick is a menace
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Have a safe flight big man :3 x
Haha I hope not x
Cheers x
hope homelander deals with it x
Putin will never fuck your ass Timmy
visegard is anti-russia you fucking mongrel
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driving around
>2 hours 45 minutes until the opening ceremony
>still haven't cleaned the house

I need to get a move on pronto
SHAN'T be watching my favourite event on a 4 year cycle in a dirty house
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Uh yeah I do actually that sounds lovely
you are the grimmest individual i’ve ever come across online. you make mousenonce look like jesus christ
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bet you think you're redpilled and don't fall for le jewish tricks
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did a bunch of leftie hippies do it or a state actor?
BASED, fuck the gooks and their flavourless meme bbq
bizarre response
yeah i’m based
so what?
No idea lad sorry x
get it produced
what are they protesting, the olympics?
i'm for it, she wasn't
vegan bitch i bet
That's a compliment coming from a paid Zigger bot
virgins foiled
fucking get it made I won't say it again
go outside
state of you
right well if you're going to be a dickhead about it you can fuck off
not making it now shithead
bet you think you're "media literate" and you're vaccinated and boosted and you think Trump wants to be a fascist dictator
get it produced
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this was the prison he was in btw
all me
nope he's ruined it
have a word with him, not me
>gf told me when she was a teenager she used to read fanfiction of Harry Styles tying her shoelace because she was pregnant with his baby

this is more pathetic than any porn I've ever seen
women are such saddos lmao
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+5 rubles
+5 rubles
wrong on everything
i think for myself unlike you who gets all your opinions from some retard on twitter
private owned jails are so fucked

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