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morton edition
>In sentencing, Judge Nigel Daly he said he had to take into account Stocks' low IQ of 54 and poor cognitive abilities in his sentencing.

wonder what life is like kicking about with an IQ of 54
this thread could be nice again without spainnonce. when did he get so demented? i dont recall him being this bad in the redditflag era
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blissful probably
almost as if it isn't him
Little morton hall innit
Also that runescape place
nah it’s him
I am not well aware of the facts, but from a small glance, it appears too well organised and planned to be done by non-state actors. I could be wrong though. Let's wait for more facts and data to emerge.
Don’t try to reason with the schizo. It’s the same lad who thought 190 was here 24/7.
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listening to this charli xcx lass
find the lyrics cringe-worthy
>i dont fucking care what you think
wow, you're how old? i was taught this when i was like 7.
>spaedo posting bbc cuck spam again? cringe
>aids infected asiatics killing white europeans in their homeland? holy based!
can't wait until rorkes internet addiction makes him troon out and kill himself
Bolgo n
Fuck every single wigger on this board. You wouldnt even know they were from different countries.

>play same video games
>listen to same music
>all speak american english
>say same buzzwords
>spam anime, frogs, etc
This site was a mistake.
contemplating going to the chippy
you need mental health support
Why are poor people so fucking loud?
From where I was sitting, I can see your belly.
Hes a wigger.
you can just tell and he’s been caught out before. like for example when he was melting down over russell brand and started posting micah richards reaction images. then put his name on at 6:00 in the morning to tell everyone it wasn’t him. guy is a spastic and deeply unwell and is clearly the retard seething about russia and i suspect he’s brick too
reading about the overthrow of mussolini
fella basically consented to the coup against himself. allowed people to vote against him while he was present then personally presented it to the king and freely went into custody afterward. no attempt to intervene, no mustering of his own guards
just seems far more legalistic and honourable than i'd expect from an italian
what you thinking of ordering?
you're mentally ill
battered sausage and chips
maybe fish or maybe a pie
Hes just the epitome of a feckless boring loser
well rorke?
Don’t remember any of that stuff because I’m not mentally ill but sounds like he’s got you on the ropes
>votes reform to save britain
>shills for britains enemies on the internet
ziggerism is a mental illness
>aids infected asiatics killing white europeans in their homeland? holy based!
Oh its spaino seethinn about russia again oh bloody brilliant.
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very nice

I don't usually go for the sausage supper myself but dadberg does and sometimes when it's too much for him I will have any left over. Prefer a fish supper tbf.
atheists genuinely think "sex positive" and shit is healthy living
then wonder why they are all sex obsessed depressed hedonistic and whatever else
ask rorke
Can you spastics stop polluting my Morton thread with your inane ramblings
can’t even imagine the state of your life
Russia didnt have to be an enemy of the UK. If we werent a puppet of US/EU interests still.

Ofcourse now we are enemies, and we deserve everything they do to us as our strength weakens.
Sinead O'Connor was Rorke's nightmare:
>Sinead O’Connor calls non-Muslims ‘mentally ill’
>she branded white people “disgusting”
Only thing worse than being Spainlard is being the freak who posts about him on here 24/7
feel like i have an iq of 54, but the online tests say its in the 130s. wish i did have an iq of 54. things would be more confusing but you wouldnt mind too much i reckon.
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“britain” isn’t the interests of the elite, the military and politicians
how good of people with IQs in the 130s to slip that into their posts, lest we go without knowing
Youre a snivelling coward, spaincuck.
We all hate your guts. Dont need 1 person to talk about you 24/7 when we all take turns
Asian girls are peng
Atheism does not involve any moral positions, on sex or anything else. Atheism just means a person doesn't believe in any gods.

Intelligent people know this. Unfortunately you're not one of them, as you have demonstrated multiple times in /brit/ threads.
usually get fish but ive a hankering for a sausage
>2% of britons support russia but anyone on brit that doesn't like them is spaedo
get real thicko
this'll sound weird, but aren't corn flakes meant to stop boys masturbating?
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need to lose weight
i'm so fat fucksake
Went to Tesco for a bit cheeky shopping earlier and saw an African woman with a tiny waist and a giant fat jiggly booty. She was wearing tight pants and it was jiggling with every step she took. I had to pause and make an excuse to follow her around a bit and take a second, third, fourth, and fifth look. I was mesmerized by it. I really need to grow a pair and talk to black women.
very thoughtful isn't it?
Spaino here, the Spaedo spammer is right about me he somehow manages to catch all of my posts I’m sick of him exposing me
if i like half of a song a lot and don't like the other half at all, does it still count as liking the song
ever played soggy biscuit?
140s here, don't worry I'd never tell you that.
i would say no
chatgpt ahh post
utterly bizarre post
move to the corrupt oligarchic shithole of russia then, im sure they'd love to take all your western money
he's talking about stereotypes. which are rooted in reality and observation of patterns.
Genuinely believe that super "clever" people are less clever than me.
They dont have souls
Theyre more often just boring academics with no imagination or creativity
No common sense or general knowledge
They dont care about philosophy or anything with more meaning
spain is an evil country that treats animals poorly. on top of "bullfighting" being their "culture", they export live animals overseas in large numbers, and they legalised a veterinary drug that is known for wiping out vultures and other birds, and now deaths are being recorded from it

I don't get why these evil subhumans can't just treat animals better
That was my post
no. never would. it takes me ages to cum and in a room full of lads having a wank i doubt i could wank let alone spaff
Shut the fuck up you vile Paki worshipping cunt. The only thing you know how to do, is kneel and worship at the feet of Paki grooming gangs, defend nonces like Jimmy Savile, and open your ass to unlimited immigration
non sequitur
same, I'm a massive fat cunt, been out on the bike today
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exercise is about 10% of weight loss, it's calories in, calories out
state of these posts
you just described the guy that guy is berating my slanty eyed friend
And ciggies and coke
Want to lose weight? Live like a Wall Street banker
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>4 years ago during the last election, anons here and on discord found Biden and DNC campaign funds being sent to Brazil for seemingly no reason. Cyber trail lead to frequent use of the hashtag
>wet heels
>this lead to discovering a trove of animal crushing videos being made in South America being paid for by some persons in charge of DNC funds. All discussion was shut down for it but one of the prominent torturers was arrested due to the attention it received but no word on it after that.
>4 years later, semi prominent open queer father Jon Cooper uses multiple campaign images endorsing Kamala with the words "Crush" and a woman's high heel stomping on an orange.
>This is an obvious signal. It may be benign enough but there is no doubt that is a signal for what they did last time.
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One more thing. Price of the package going up.
how many mental illness badges have you unlocked
Would quite like to just cum in a girl’s mouth and have her swallow it. Don’t need her touching me or anything
Might get a cheap whore and just jerk off in her mouth
IQ is pseudoscientific
inb4 seething mensa prospects
Wouldnt mind being a rich and white country again
>the words "Crush"
Crush is one word.
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I wish I could ride a bike
keeping a low profile until someone wants to be my friend again
That exists. It’s called Ireland.
My gf used to swallow my cum
Not done it for a while
>t. ID
Sitting hunched over my laptop like a wee gremlin x
more of a poo gremlin me
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*scrans your willy*
fake and gay map
It seems to be something women only do for a little bit in a relationship and then stop. There’s some pathologically lazy about them, I think only men are invested in pleasing their partners long term
dublin was still pretty white two years ago. the taxi drivers and retail and hotel staff were wogs but most of the people were white. some knocking about but it wasn’t like england
he's here
Even spainonce's "normal" posts are incredibly unfunny and boring
why are balkans so much less smart than greeks
fucking forgot to put the washing onnnnnnnnn
got no fucking paaaaaaants
I once tried to cum on an ex's face/mouth and accidently squirted a giant load of cum into her eye and she was reeling.
got an N/A on my IQ test
98 is too high for ireland
his only way of getting engagement (which he needs because he has no friends or family) is to annoy people since he has no personality
imagine if uk realy were 2nd highest in europe despite being htis retarded
proddie migration pushing it up
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Heathernonce fuck off man
cause no english person has ever been pals with a jamaican right?
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I accept your concession.

I guess that means every Irish person is starving from a potato famine.
Are you Irish diaspora?
I heard the entire opening ceremony is going to be on the river, sounds completely in Seine!
he'll say only irish diaspora english people
the guy is beyond mentlaly ill
most literate atheist
She was so disgusting and mentally ill, hideous creature
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No, she wanted to go.
>It is claimed that the pair's mother, who was flying into Manchester on Tuesday evening from Pakistan, was involved in a row while the plane was in the air with a male passenger.
>Insiders say that while she was picking up her luggage in Terminal 2 the same man pushed her with his trolley and made racist comments towards her

Who is on a flight from Pakistan to Manchester aside from other pakis and why would they be making racist comments to each other?
She is probably extremely loyal and worships the ground he walks on. Good for him.
then why are people with low IQ retards
Right lads. Off to the shops
Are you actually this stupid?
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Irish Diaspora Moment
catberg has been super affectionate ever since i got back from holiday lads
Guy on the left is 19 btw
That's what generations of cousins marriage will do to you
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i wonder what website he wanted to look at
IQ is legit, especially for finding retards. IQ was invented to find retards, in the medical sense.
Irish ancestry
Have never had sex before and too scared to talk to a prostitute so I will never ever have sex ever
Where's helperlad?
Where's Mikey?
Where's Clogwog?
Where's Catnonce
Where's Racismlad?
Where's Mousenonce?
Mad how the guardian readers all call the Tory party the Nasty Party, as if their vocabulary never expanded beyond that of a child, which is ironic considering how intellectually superior they claim to be over normal people
up the cats
You’re a mong. Do you know that Monsterrat was primarily settled by Irish people exiled by Cromwell and Africans? Same with Jamaica but to a lesser extent.

It’s literally a hybrid Irish-African culture.
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>creating mutt abominations is fine as long as the wife isnt a psychopath
it's a simplistic yet perfect way to describe them
What are everyone's thoughts in this image?
Heathermong is retarded he knows nothing
After what they did to Boris Nasty is too good a word for those backstabbing snakes and vermin
what does this general get out of hating indigenous irish people. it's like reddit irish that hate british people. this place is reddit. it's all reddit.
again, only people of irish ancestry have ever race mixed apparently
People unironically replying to h*thermong
Christ you lot are thick
>thoughts in this image
fuck off esl
Doesn't exist. Ireland is a nation of immigrants
>nooooo, you can't be happy, because leee race mixin, muh aryan rayce
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>Where's helperlad?
>Where's Mikey?
he has been turning up drunk late at night
>Where's Clogwog?
uses a belgium flag
>Where's Catnonce
yank hours
>Where's Racismlad?
aussie hours
>Where's Mousenonce?
last i heard he was ruining /cum/
it’s one persistent mong that has something against the irish for some reason
just goes to show how any unfunny tripe can become a “gimmick” if it’s spammed hard enough. like that “might move to china” stuff. Not even funny.
If you had the power who would you rather reunite
>Ricky, Steve and Karl
keep fucking talking over people in teams cause of the fraction of a second delay bet i look a right ignorant cunt
name 1 indigenous thing
i was about to say it's just one unbelievably mentally ill spastic but it looks like there might be two of them now unfortunately
So native Americans don’t exist either. Because it’s a “nation of immigrants”
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mad how women do this
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yanks get a few smelly mexicans over their border and think they have it bad
wouldn't last 2 minutes in this paki hellhole
Thanks, I didn't expect you to compliment me. I think it's highly unlikely that I have the greatest mastery of the English language among all atheists. But nonetheless, thank you for the compliment.
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odds: blue cheese salad, kopparberg, sleep, josie stream
evens: leftover pizza with blue cheese, stellas, sleep, dave's archive stream
dubs: vacuum the flat and do the dishes
second one
never cared much for oasis and i bet that even if they did reunite, it would be lacklustre, like it always is when bands reunite after long periods of time
>It’s literally a hybrid Irish-African culture.

that’s cool if it’s true.
because i guess there would be remnants of proper old irish culture that died in ireland
i suspect it’s mostly just black people daggering to vybz cartel though but it would be a pleasant surprise if im wrong
Couldve been a jeet, but you know that story is bollocks anyway
Always is with these people, long yarns because the truth is that they're a cretinous people
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Might move to China
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Nobody hates pakis as much as other pakis. Probably from some other tribe.
well it was centuries ago so theyre all mixed now
jamaican and montserrat english has a lot of irish influence in accent and words, cause the irish people taught them how to speak english
Pretty sure jeets can't go to Pakistan so they wouldn't be flying from there
Either would be good in small measure.

Oasis just for a Definitely Maybe reunion show or tour. Not for a new album.

or Ricky, Steve and Karl just for a one off because I think they hate each other now so it wouldn't have the same chemistry but it could be funny hearing them bicker for an hour or two.
She is Norwegian. The sign says Karl Johans Gate, which is in Oslo Norway.
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haha, funny AND true!
bizzare post
your wogs are pretty tame compared to our ferals
I remember once getting into a really gay band called theory of a deadman because a girl I fancied liked them, the problem is that I'm certain she's far over them by now but I still give them a listen now and then.

Don't make my mistake /brit/.
I have so many cute names for my missus. Like Munchkin.
i have a confession to make, lads.
i actually rather like london.
i know i'm meant to hate it for being the paki infested metropolitan hellhole stealing all of the UK's investment.
but it's just a rather impressive city.
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>By 1768, slaves outnumbered white colonialists by three to one,[1] and black and creole Montserratians, led by the slave Cudjoe, decided to stage an uprising against the plantation owners.[3] 17 March was chosen as the day of the uprising as the rebels knew that their masters would be drinking heavily for St Patrick's Day.[4]
might move to china.
least autistic atheist
your feral blacks have always been there and aren’t pouring into the country at an exponential rate while nobody does anything
bizarre that the whole discourse is about him kicking the guy and not that police officers were attacked by 4 men in an airport. yeah the video is bad but its not like he was an innocent little angel
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genuinely curious, do you lot have these practice plates, pic rel, you put on your cars when you learn to drive? or is it only private lessons offered by companies?
we take a short course here with someone who’s willing to teach and then you’re good to go on the road
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The Education Secretary is poised to scrap free speech laws designed to protect academics from being cancelled.

Bridget Phillipson said on Friday she would “stop further commencement” of the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023, just days before the new free speech tsar’s powers were due to come into force.
Remember, always opt out of the workplace pension scheme.
>but its free money!
No, it isnt. At least half of it won't be yours to spend even if you live long enough to degrade yourself in to begging the call centre nigerian in 2070 to release the funds.

You actually thought your employer matched your contributions through the kindness of their own heart? Where was the outrage, the mass protests and CBI lobbying when one day in 2017 this law came in to place that forced ALL BUSINESSES to match the pension contributions of ALL their employees? They were all silent.

Something does not sound right about that at all. Withdraw from the workplace pension as soon as you can
fucking hilarious how frenchoids on this board have the gaul to laugh about britain being an immigrant-infested hellhole when their country and especially their capital are demonstrably worse
culture and language don't matter and never will
I reckon it's impressive the way the pyramids of egypt are
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Freudian slip lol
could say the same about physics and maths
sentenced to lifetime of 4chan without parole
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>the gaul
objectively wrong and really stupid post
they lost that 2000 years ago
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London is objectively good with some shithole areas like every big city.
It blows Paris, Brussels, Madrid and Berlin out the water.
Rome too if Rome didn't have all its history.

People's minds immediately go to Tower Hamelts, Hackney and Croydon when everyone in London knows they're complete shitholes.
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basically what >>200206180 says

america has never been a white country so you haven't lost anything
britain and much of europe is being flooded with animals at an absolutely insane rate over a relatively short amount of time
It's pretty offensive to try to rank people according to how severely they may or may not have autism. You're not a doctor so you can't diagnose autism.

It's certainly un-Christian to be so disrespectful to the autism community.
*to the tune of the Blankety Blank introduction theme*
Mentally ill, Mentally ill
Mentally ill, Mentally ill
in seems to be the outer boroughs of london that are the paki enclaves, and said pakis never bother to venture into actual london, probably because they do not care for beauty or good things in general
central london is a masterpiece of architecture
Autism is a mental disorder. If you display symptoms of a mental disorder, nobody is going to take your opinions and beliefs seriously.
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having different culture or the same culture as other people doesn't matter. genetics is what matters.
Culture is a product of race and ethnicity
>Ha'Sean Treshon "Ha Ha" Clinton-Dix
This is a real human being's name.
isn't that "tenure"? is that exactly what it's designed for?
I have a South Korean PhD student helping me with my dissertation and I think I'm falling in love.
Minorities can do no wrong in the eyes of liberals and other minorities
If you've just seen your female colleague have her nose broken by a violent criminal then that police officers reaction is entirely justified
Course pakis know how to play the game
ting chong wong chang ahhhh sooooooo me rikey rikey
i quite like it too. it’s a genuinely ok city, at least the parts i’ve been. i’m sure there are really shit areas but that’s every big city. mogs the shit out of any other urban environment in the uk by a mile
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Madrid is nicer than London by every metric
>least autistic atheist
take the black pill and realise how rigged society is against us
She is really helpful.
All European cities are shit
Not long until the Opening Ceremony
Diego will be commentating on it so be here to follow that
if your parent has a child with someone very different than you genetically, then you can be more like someone not related to you than that person who is related to you. it's a bit dumb.
i’ve been to madrid once and i did like it a lot. hard to compare though since been to london maybe 30+ time
Not how it works, chudley.
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Are you Irish Diaspora?
i've been to ilford which i think exemplifies every single negative stereotype associated with london.
there's literally no white people there
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lol Truck-kun Isekai basically stories that kick off a character being killed by an out of control truck is making the industry actually mad. But the trucks in Japan and Korea are like this they drive 90mph in their tiny roads hardly stop for anything. It's not like anime just made it up.
yeah but you would do the same if you were at the top
scored a perfect 10 on the IQ test aha
I don't like London. Hate having to go there.
a new term that means who you are most like genetically. instead of relation, which is based on descent.
Yes and we'll be having none of that free speech nonsense in UK universities.
Brits out
Blacks in
if you have a "half-sibling" they're not a real sibling, they're more or less just a cousin, and it's normal and quite okay to have sexual and romantic relations with your cousins.

t. used to sexually experiment with half "brother"
literally is how it works.
No, why?
>man goes and stabs a soldier
>threat of terrorism is high in everyone's mind
>on the same day two pakis kick off in an airport assaulting officers
>armed police arrive and realise they have to put a stop to the situation immediately
>rough them up and arrest them
>the pakis are the victims
got 75 me that's a B
the english model
London is a miserable place. I get on the train sometimes from some leafy beautiful part of Hampshire with green rolling hills and oak trees, and the quality of the people in the carriage as we move closer to London deteriorates. Its over by the time you reach Basingstoke, miserable pakis and strange blacks with their headphones on and leather jackets with awful aftershave shuffling on, rat like paki "career women" and the like by Woking
I love Hackney and Croydon
German diaspora yellow fever
Irish diaspora jungle fever
English diaspora incel fever
scored 99 on the IQ test. wondering which question i got wrong now
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It's all about the Ainsley's
Argentina has some explaining to do
If your parent has a child with someone different to you genetically (i.e. a different race), they still share more DNA with you than someone else from the same racial group as you that is not directly related to you.
you need to penetrate the paki belt surrounding london to experience the truth greatness of the city
>paki "career women"
Think most paki women are kept at home
lot of bbcs in france
They aren't. Basically every paki woman under 40 has a job now.
no they don't stop spouting rubbish.
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>English diaspora
Curry fever
she's gorgeous
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pakis have gone woke
Too many gen z women have jobs
You'd share 25% DNA with a half sibling, retard. That is a lot more than you would with a random stranger of the same ethnic group.
delete this
They're cute though. Wish millenial women were like that when they were 20 years old.
No data are micro penis
that’s not how dna works
Yes it does.
If you're visiting sure but if you're living you can't afford to live anywhere but the pakibelt
Used to be much easier to shag women in the old days simply because they wouldn't kick up a fuss once you tried getting physical with them
bought myself a pair of hair clippers
I don't remember diego always being this fruity
here is your logic:
>a chimp shares 96% dna with some human
>a chimp human hybrid of them shares 98% dna with that human
>other humans share 99.9% dna with that human
You look at this information and say that since the chimp hybrid is related to the human, that it is more genetically like the human than humans not related to it which is just false.
If you have a full sibling, you share about 50% of your DNA with them, and this percentage stays the same regardless of racial differences. If you have a half-sibling, meaning you share only one parent with them, you share about 25% of your DNA with them, and again, this percentage is not affected by race. So, whether your sibling is of the same race or a different race, the proportion of DNA you share with them remains consistent: 50% for full siblings and 25% for half-siblings.
>america has never been a white country
in the 40s, 50s and early 60s it was as white or whiter than UK is now
>If you're visiting sure but if you're living you can't afford to live anywhere but the pakibelt
not my problem
it's your responsibility to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and acquire the wealth to live within central london
Cousinfucking is based
it's enough to make a man kek
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That was before blacks were even allowed on the US Census, dumb dumb. The US has been non-white since the 1880s
no. you don’t understand how it works and think of it in terms of “blood” like a medieval person
no you don't you share more than 50% as you can see, a chimp shares 96% of its DNA with a human. you aren't looking at the whole picture.
We're going to do things to you that have never been done before.
based 1965 immigration act by the GOAT LBJ
This is cope :/
you can extrapolate backwards too, it's not like black population shrank
woudl shag the saucepan off left
Humans are almost identical to each other, sharing 99.9% of their DNA. The small 0.1% difference is what makes each person unique. Full siblings share about 50% of this variable part, and half-siblings share about 25%. Race doesn't affect these percentages because it's based on the small differences within human DNA. When we say humans share 96% of their DNA with chimpanzees, we're talking about the entire genetic code, not just the variable part. So, sibling percentages are about the small differences between people, while the 96% with chimps is about the whole DNA code.
If you factor in the high birth rates that were reported on the slave fields its always been huge
providing they all survived
Rorky put in his place
Only idiots would take that view.

Read the post you replied to.
Most slaves weren't killed during slavery in the US. One slave equated to today's value of a small car. It made no economic sense to murder slaves.
>Autism is a mental disorder
no it isn’t
might start being a good citizen
donating blood and that
Plenty of people suffer from mental disorders throughout their life and accomplish lots. Actually I wouldn't trust anyone who didn't.
i read it which is why i felt the apt response to be "least autistic atheist"
Yes it is. Its a disorder of the mind
unless your car goes Christine and starts bashing up your property
then it might be economic to have it decommissioned
A pass user since 2017 is definitely of a sound mind.
not a disorder though is it
Nobody trusts the judgement of someone who is mentally unwell. Sorry zoomoid but your tranny teacher told you a pack of lies, autistic people are retards and you should be killed by the state
stood still on a highway
i saw a woman
on the side of the road
what? 2017 wasn't that long ago.

oh wait
>Full siblings share about 50% of this variable part, and half-siblings share about 25%.
these are just averages. genetic recombination and inheritance patterns mean they could be less
>Race doesn't affect these percentages because it's based on the small differences within human DNA.
it’s perfectly possible for you to share more dna in common with a member of your ethnic group that isn’t directly related to you than your half-sibling whose other parent is from a different group. especially if we are talking about relatively a group that is relatively endogamous and the other parent being from a relatively genetically divergent group
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no, you're still posting false information. you're talking about identical copies of parts of genes still.
See: >>200206304

Perhaps you are just too stupid to read and understand the simple English language sentences within that post.

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