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Songs from The Big Chair edition
looks a bit gay
"I wish men had more empathy for how afraid women are to walk alone at night" -person who believes we shouldn't have cops and should have "restorative justice"
Women are just NPCs
Women have much lower murder rates than men, it's bullshit to begin with. Women are way more paranoid
We only get 310 posts a thread
Make them count
i dont get this at all. I'm afraid to walk at night and I'm a man. actually I'm afraid to walk during the day too
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Total Janny death sub-edition
you are posting in the proxy brits thread by the way
by the way you can filter me but not him, and youre filtering me because of him. if you do not see then youre a fool by this point
Are you thankful for /cum/?
You should move out of Detroit
I wonder if I could pass for a local in Rio De Janeiro
Yes, where else could I discuss politics in such a civil manner?
>/pol/ obsessed proxyfag hates the janjan
colour me surprised
I am thankful for friendship
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Actually against global rules btw. Yet the jannies here never ban for it. Curious...
you are posting in the parasites thread
that is all. goodnight
I think it's the obamaleaf but regardless the current jan IS trash he's the worst one we've had in years, maybe ever.
every time i try to discuss politics in here i get banned. /int/ jannies? not a fan tbqhwyf
I don't think your body is strong enough to host any parasites
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God help us if Kamala wins
my bad for freaking out if OP (the very slim chance that) isnt him OP
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>the reddit soyjak leaf is simping for the janny or even more sad, is the janny
Anyone surprised by that?
Eating chilaquiles in salsa verde with beans and eggs for breakfast
Breached containment.
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Remember in 2020 and 2022 when you could discuss a bit of North American Politics and the janny didn't care at all!

ahh, that was a real janny. no autism, no sperging...what a champ
>can't make fun of streetshitters
>can't say nigger
>can't even mention Drumpf
Truly the worst jannies. What is this place, plebbit?
Get the vermin out
Is there any real reason to hate Bald and Bankrupt besides jealousy
>All kinds of politics discussion belong in /pol/
Shut goshpedo
Nobody will ever like you
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no, but mine is
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> I think it's the obamaleaf
regardless, he is shitting up the thread
>enter a non-English general
>everyone discusses local politics
>everyone discusses American politics
>no bans
/cum/bros are the most oppressed race
dont bunch me in with them. also they are here for you to do that - you can filter me but he has flag proxies. you are playing into what he wants
seriously tho why does he care so much about politics? I cannot fathom spending your free time just banning people having fun and interesting discussions
i have had like 2 ciagrettes a day while on my computer up until today at midday/afternoon. i have not wanted to smoke. im going to enjoy a cigarette :3
they hate us cuz they aint us
>wake up
>go to shower and fap
>momberg put bleach in the shower or something
>start rinsing it
>momberg comes running and kicks me out of the bathroom and says there are "toxic chemicals"
>get back in bed since I'm not allowed to follow a routine
>wake up
that sounds delicious


these are all the same poster (1)
I have yet to see any concrete plans for police abolition.
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>he does it, for free
Truly unfathomable
No, but those images are all the same man, so I see how you got confused
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1. She is Ukrainian.
Originally based out of Kyiv, Miss Monique is proud of where she comes from. In February 2022, she shared how she and her family spent sleeping in cars in Kyiv at the start of the Russian invasion.

2. She’s 31 years old.
Born in 1992, Monique is 30 years old and is set to turn 31 on May 5th.

3. She started her career over a decade ago.
Despite being considered a rising artist, she actually launched her career in 2011. For the first two years, she performed mostly throughout Ukraine.

4. Her real name is Olesia Arkusha.
Despite being publicly known as Miss Monique, her name actually isn’t Monique at all. Towards the start of her career, she and her partner thought her birth name, which is Olesia Arkusha, sounded too complicated for her international audience. Therefore, they agreed on “Miss Monique” after considering various French names.

5. She started on YouTube.
Unlike many other popular DJs today, Olesia came to fame by bringing the old school back with a conversion of classic radio mixes into her YouTube podcasts.

6. She still gains millions of views online.
Miss Monique continues to share videos online with her thousands of subscribers.

7. She founded her own label.
Miss Monique founded her own label ‘Siona Records’ in 2019. As a Ukrainian-founded label, it stopped representing and working with Russian artists back in 2022. According to its website, the label was founded “initially to usher young Ukrainian sound producers into the world of progressive house, and quickly evolved to support and collaborate with talented musicians from around the world.”

8. She is active on Instagram.
To date, Miss Monique has 400,000+ followers on Instagram.

9. She has merch for sale.

10. She’s recently toured the world.
Despite being Europe-based, Miss Monique regularly travels the world to entertain audiences across countries and cities.
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people enjoy the thread less when he is here/there

people enjoy the thread less because of other people because of him - see here. you should see it
You guys remember Weber Cooks?
now he's using an american proxy
so some bitch who left ukraine while all the men got slaughtered
no sympathy
>proud of where she comes from
>leaves immediately and spends all the time partying while her country men get blown to bits fighting a war
Women are not serious creatures
you do the exact same shit, are a yank in brit, and yet, nobody cares or flames you - nor does he cause others to flame you, or shit up the thread when you are there, because of this
this person can do the exact same thing and not be such a negative influence as this other person, whos actually multiple people in that thread all bad. really soething ought to be done
someone should make one of those netflix specials about serial killers except its about 4chan jannies, they can call it "the dark twisted mind of the internet janitor"
What's she supposed to do, stay there and die?
Nobody would give a shit if that were the case
I would. I like her
so i guess it's over for that country
well if you don't fund the police and make it so they can't really arrest blah pipos then of course you're gonna get more crime. Those are facts, regardless of your semantic games
someone feed this woman a burger
hopefully i will get banned now from what i said in the other thread, so i will say again, and now mean it, goodnight
hopefully something is done about this problem that you simply cant ignore or justify
It would actually be kinda interesting to see their rationale
>Yeah I like banning people because I am fat tranny irl, so I dont mind doing it for free as long as I have a little power
She's perfect the way she is
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I went to a cool little restaurant to have dinner after work and someone's dogberg chose me. Too bad the owner wasn't a cute girl.
If you really want to get banned just say Trump, Kamala, Niggers and it will happen eventually
they made one about reddit jannies. they were insanely fat and ugly lol
omg cute CUTE!
Im an artist, your hand has wondrous vasculature
My psychologist recommended me to contact my ex gf after not seeing her for 1.5 years because apparently having unfinished business with here has made me become a very dull person who can't get into a serious relationship without messing up badly or hurting the other person.

Im a fartist
It's really hard to not feel above some people here. Light years beyond most niggas round he
>Mexicans get therapy from other Mexicans

Seems kinda...I dunno. Useless. Like trying to put out a fire with nothing
You wear rings?
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>go to therapy
>accept that you are weak
>take the big pharma poison!
Would your life be over if suddenly all the posts you've ever made on this site became public?
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Me vs my strong desire to break my diet And go to del taco
I would get fired in a heartbeat
Zoomers really do believe the therapy meme
I've been posting here since 2008 I don't even remember most of the things I've posted but yes
Nah I work at subway
You want men weak, infantilized. First comes the moral and spiritual death from feminized therapy. Then the biological death. The devouring mother archetype at play. You are nothing less than evil.
there's a southpark episode about that
I would only lose my job at most, my friends and family wouldn't care.
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Maaan I want a doggie like some kind of shepherd but I'm an apartmentcuck and dogs need space and a yard.
Back when I used to post on /fit/ some guy used to draw me for some reason. Check this cat out. I miss her so much.
Yeah I'm goth after all.
>Yeah I'm goth after all.
lol what that's still a thing?
what about your dating life?
>80% of tourists in Cuba are Canadian
I've never been on a date
My gf is unironically more racist than me. Just today she said blacks are biologically prone to raping more than others. Then she thought about it and said Indians too
Not really because most people now are industrial posers or tiktok fashion zoomers but yeah I'm a trve goth except I'm not a makeup wearing tranny faggot.
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my what?
It's practically a vacation colony of ours. They even do Terry Fox runs there.
>and said Indians too

Had to go to the office today and had lunch with some people I met there and since they were all from this city I asked them to rec me some good spot to get dinner after work. First answer was some indian restaurant and I said I'd rather kms than eat that and it became a big problem all of a sudden.
Can Americans still not visit Cuba?
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You can pretty easily but you need a visa
the want-to-be-brit yank in /brit/ is cringe

and i repeat: you will not control me, you parasite
that was a temp ban and actually i hope i dont get banned, and ill just turn off the computer. like walk away. only because theres probably someone else on the IP whos not even on the board (but the parasite is on a lot of boards)
goodnight all
the guy who lost his leg and went on a marathon before it to raise money and awareness >.<
The coloration on the 'eaters legs and the shape of its snout makes it hard to determine which appendage is the head, brilliant natural design
Wtf I didn't know those got that big.
Were they girls?
Police are understaffed, true. But if people are being granted bail or charges are being dropped for lack of evidence or on technicalities, that's the legal system working properly, not a reason to get up in arms.
Usedta spit ether fore I got a visa
Now I shine down on em like the sun in Costa Ricw
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Two girls one guy. Also before I said that they asked me what I wanted to eat and I said steak. Forget shilling indian restaraunts in general, how are you gonna tell me to go to one after I say I want steak?????
what strenghts? honestly..........
>or charges are being dropped for lack of evidence or on technicalities
yeah that's not what's happening. Enjoy your increased crime and crying about how unsafe it is at night, sweetheart.
Dubs determine who I jack off to, can be 2D or 3D
Women always soyface for foreign restaurants.
Ava Devine in the last few years
>Water is wet, story at 11

Why do people act like things that are blatantly obvious are huge revelations?
It *is* a huge revelation to the average libtard type, that's why
Why you keep posting the same obvious goshpedo posts
Get something new you dumb pedophile
Yeah I was really hoping to get the dubs with that one haha
I don't believe that 98% of libtards know what's up but just pretend they dont
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We're breaking the conditioning here in /cum/
This girl I'm texting isn't replying anymore.. I think it's over, fellas
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Because people grow up and move on
And get lives so they don't get distracted thinking on the past
I've been b& for this exact webm before lel
SEAsians are trully from a different species
Everything has to be sterile to avoid lawsuits or controversy
uhh do kids not deserve SOVL or are you just incapable of modeling thoughts for people who aren't exactly your age?
I don't know who that is and you're a discord tranny for naming people itt
I don't give a shit about the kids and don't tell me you do because I know it's not true
I mean I soyface for Japanese or Italian restaurant or burgers, but indian? Lmao please.
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I don't think I'm gonna be able to wear my hat in Sinaloa anymore guys
have to take the bus to the dispo :|
30 minute ride :((

This shit slap bro
Just bet 5k that Trump will win
fuck off
This shit is so fucking cringe.
I am addicted to weed
It's hilarious and the song go hard af
can some bong explain the Songs from The Big Chair meme please.
noooooooo you can't get addicted to weeeeeeed broo
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>t. seething chapito
I think you meant the stunad above me
Charges are thrown out all the time for technical BS.
weed is NOT addictive ok everyone knows that
a-dick-tive lul, he said dick
Are you stunad? Keep acting like a stronze, I'm gonna give you a schiaff you won't soon forget
No it's not.
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this nigga is balling his eyes out because I (You)'d his ass
You wouldn't get it, you're a 3rd worlder. No offense
No I would get it exactly because it's chalga and it's what's been ruining my country's culture for decades. Ironically you're the one not getting it. You have no idea what you're listening to.
It's it's something you're familiar with then you really don't get it. You're too close to it. When you look at it from the outside it's fucking hilarious.
>reports my post
yeah im "balling" my eyes out. typical fragile brown thug
Redditors told me the US was a third world country though
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It's bawling, you sub-verbal australopithecines
>It's it's
Concession accepted. Other than that it's hilarious but in a bad and pathetic way.
Never forget that Kamala only got into politics and her legal career because she sucked Willie Brown's willie
there really is a mexican janny lmao what the fuck
Redditors talk a whole lot of nonsense, don't they
I wish I could share some secret intelligence with you guys on the topic but I'd get banned so I'll pass. You'd be amazed if you knew.
pull a Snowden it's just a website bro what do you know
Send it to my email
i have 24 dollars in my wells fagro checking and 1.34usd on my steam wallet

Good chud, know your place.
Why the fuck are you using wells fagro
because i like to larp as a cowboy
$25 in WF savings
Menhera alt yandere blood related imouto with choker, pierced ears, and underlights.
I have fuckin $60 to last me till Thursday. Like ckily I bought like seven 99cent bags of rice (one bag when cooked is 2 days worth of meals) a big red onion and 7 cans of mackerel (1 can contains 3 mackerel and when mixed with rice is an entire meal) so I'm set on food.
I put $15 gas but had to drive around looking for a BofA ATM yesterday so I have gas till about Tuesday. I don't leave the house on weekends so gas level is good after I get home today and do laundry sunday. I have $10 cash to do laundry, but that will take gas so I might have to use another $15 for gas for the week. All in all I should be able to make it.
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What? I love fish and rice
Watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics, French pipo have some pretty lame dance moves
I have 455k to last me until ???
>watching the olympics
Is it on you tube? Sono al lavoro e non ho..whattayacallit..access to a fuckin tv
it was the first google result and it let me open a checking account online.
Watching it on cbc website
til u get robbed, nibba
Fuck you want, a boutonniere?
i know wells had their fair share of issues but they seem to be doing okay now.
is the olympics today?
I have like 500 bucks in physical cash
Wtf is cbc
I use Charles Schwab checking, cause you never have to pay ATM fees
Canadian broadcast company
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>he doesn't have a trust fund
Anyone know a good movie
Do Americans shower after pooping? Because I'm gonna take a massive shit and I'll shower after. Toilet paper doesn't do it.
gay nyc niggas be like
The Crow but movies suck ass. Anime is so much better.
No, a lot of us prefer our women to have a little bit of crust near their ass.
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For me, it's Peanut M&M's.
If I stole an old lady's dog do you think the thrill of running away from the consequences would be an experience novel enough to make life less dull?
More of a cat guy than a dog guy
Thank you
The tenant Roman Polanski
Thank you
Celebrating the French revolution, what a godless socialist lot
The Caine mutiny
>an experience novel enough to make life less dull?

You want less dull? Play the extreme sport I used to play. I would drink half a bottle of brandy and go walking around 7th and Alvarado in L.A. in the middle of the night. The characters I met! The danger I was in! It was exhilarating
The 120 Days of the Olympics
Te bile pas, mec
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God sent nafris to France to punish their godless sodomite nation
Ava Devine circa 1998
The fuck'd everybody go, sabbatical?
The /cum/ orgy at my house
I'm quite unwell and I'm going to crash and burn and that's okay.
Y'a-t-il des Québécois ici? J'en ai plein le cul des autres boards et generals auxquels je participe d'habitude. C'est tu l'fun /int/ (plus particulièrement /cum/)? Ça fait presque 20 ans que j'suis sur 4chan pis j'commence à trouver ça redondant, je cherche du nouveau.
En anglais, Tu grande saloppe
English motherfucker, do you speak it
Quebecers here speak English, they usually hang out in /fr/ if they want to speak French
I'm makin pussy niggas push the panic button
I remember when I was in the 8th grade I told some bitch from school that she looks like ava devine and she got mad.
I'll resume in english after that but I need to directly adress my frog brethren regarding this particular matter.
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No you don’t
I don’t think people will be listening to the Beatles in 50 years
qt at the gym keeps teasing me
Anyone know where I can watch the Olympic opening ceremony
lmao making fun of this ugly dumbass at the gym
your moms house
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Me and my cum buddies
Love the temperature in here
she keeps arching her butt whenever I walk by or look over
This year has been a dumpster fire so far
This one time I was too fucked up to keep driving so I parked at a gas station telling myself iim going to nap for an hour top.
I woke up at 5pm
should i supplement saw palmetto to forestall the onset of androgenic hair loss
Idk anymore like, why?
There's no house ownership down thé road
No wife
They're even making it more expensive and difficult to own a car in cities now
Sooner or later a russian nuke will take off from a sub hidden god knows where
Why bother
>my life only has meaning if I can slave away for a woman
Thinking about drinking a stout
Like you're working for any higher purpose you hiv positive tranny.
Unless you're fucking Michel Angelo turning stone into gold you're no better than anyone at making your existence meaningful
michelangelo wasn't an alchemist albeit
>slaving away for a woman is a higher purpose
laundry almost done ngl
i wish my dad had pulled out
about to poop
Come on big man what smart things are you doing with your time on earth? Tell us about the achievements you're leaving behind.
Mmorpgs, porn, football, McDonald's?
A pyramid of double cheese burgers wrapping papers perhaps?
Bitch ass nigger
It's ingrained in males, we are natural providers. When we have no one to provide for, we feel lost
You know it's possible to have a happy marriage and fulfill your biological purpose in life
Yes the happiness of a woman who cares for you is indeed a higher purpose you porn addict bitchfuck
>I leave /cum/
>thread grinds to a halt
Damn wtf
Why can't you just do whatever you want?
i'm gonna fart
Youd really like some buttery toast right now.
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>who cares for you
Bitch ass niggas of the world dont want to see a free man
Your incel is showing
People who call everyone else incel are also interpersonally unsatisfied in life
This nigga fo sho ngmi
Im laughing even harder at you
gonna make beef and rice for dinner tonight
good thread
Une demoiselle en ditress? Afraid I can't allow that, mon ami
Please laugh harder at me because it only proves me right
What exactly are you trying to say
Because everyone is picking on the poor Nafricel? He just wants AMOUR can you blame him?
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do men incite lust in you
dont reply to him. DONT FUCKING DO IT
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i have a headache
>nooooo if I don't have a woman in my life is shit
>despite the fact that all women do is give you sex, at the cost of freedom, your sanity, your friends, your hobbies, and basically everything else in life besides sex
This lifestyle isnt right. Anything below ultra rich is becoming a slave robbed of his time and of all the promises of private property, peace, happiness, freedom the social contract supposedly guarantees
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Apparently Cameron Brink and Steph Currys families are good friends
finna run to the grocery store and then to the dollar tree while the drying machine runs. brb
Fuck you I’m bored
They grew up together
>>200215686 >>200215724

my disappointment is immesuarable
I agree we’re slaves
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He was her basketball sensei
The spirit of Schopenhauer lives on
What, because he's "black"?
He's probably whiter than you
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Why does Puerto Rico have their own Olympic team?

They're part of the USA
theres a bug on Windows 11 where if you put your computer in to sleep emode (closing the lid) on full battery charging it doesnt turn back on
if you are upgrading soon
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literally me
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I never watched DBZ growing up
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that's a shame
Hold an ice cube in the palm of each outstretched hand until they melt, that should clear it up
Brown people would get very agitated if I told them that I didnt watch it. Some still do
so goku starts out as a little monkey and becomes a ripped golden haired guy? based
>black haired "Asian" guy
>when he gets stronger, he turns blonde and blue eyed
What did they mean by this?
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I see that Massachusetts is returning to its roots.
careful there, mr bean. janny-san won't like you talking about politics
Oh boy
This mf sure likes his new """"job"""""
Oooh, Olivia Rodrigo, very good. Only rally the bakers and the flute players, and you can put on a festival.

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