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phrog edition

Feels good not to be Fr*nch.
>he thinks atheists don't criticize judaism
yeah you haven't read any atheists
anyone have the cum greasemonkey script?
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Dubs determine who I jack off to, 2D or 3D is fine
So true…
as a Floridian I hate this soulless vapid shittole. every street in Florida looks like every other street in Florida there’s no culture here and we attract the worst people from the rest of the country
what do you guys Believe in ?
for me its Gnosticism and the demiurge
>The French people aren’t like that.
Based on online posts, they are exactly like that.
Yo momma
agnostic atheist i think it's the only reasonable choice
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Americans will do Lithuania's bidding.
truth, justice, and the american way.
No seasons, no elevation, no culture. Yep Florida is a shithole
I used to believe in Christianity
but Gnosticism has more evidence now
with things like how atoms work and the flaws of the human body
>what do you guys Believe in ?
>for me its Gnosticism and the demiurge
Gassing the jannies
The French far right nationalist party just won the popular vote in the latest elections, but they were prevented from acquiring a parliamentary majority, due to retarded electoral laws that were explicitly put in place to keep their party out of power (yes, Le Pen is kind of ZOGGED, but it’s the best option they’ve got to express their frustration on the ballot, kind of like Zion Don)
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we only need 2 more players for the dark and darker squad, join up
Dark and Darker is kinda boring.
I like eating very spicy food, but I can’t handle it on the way out
gonna take a bath and contemplate on life deeply
contemplating life and death
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Gay niggas be like:
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I'm Catholic
>gay and trans
just DESTROYED a pack of skittles
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t. Incapable of critical thought
Starting a run of Pokemon Crest.
I'm catholic
imagine you were seeing a girl and you were at her house and she was acting weird so she suddenly stabs you in the belly with a kitchen knife and you knock her out with an elbow to the face and you call er but you tell them to take her with you and they do, so they patch you up and leave you in a hospital room and leave her there with you while she still out cold, so then when she wakes up she starts bawling her eyes out and you tell her to come closer so she sits on a chair next to your bed and you gently move her face to your chest and you caress her hair while saying that you love her and that it's ok, you think that's romantic?
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Who was your confirmation saint?
*makes a political remark*
I am not a silly goose. I am a wacky swan.
What does it do?
I disrespect the antichrist
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i ain't reading allat
currently reading about king richard i of england
Cum-in-a Hair-ass
Holy fuck
The Olympics officially begin tomorrow
Tomorrow is 7/27
7 + 27 = 34 which is Jupiter squared
Any fun facts?
ohhh shit something crazy will surely come of this in 2 more weeks
yeah. he was a demon
How do you square Jupiter?
It's a planet, not a number.
>can feel a migraine coming on
Night ruined
>watch porn
>the dude is circumcised
>close video
I've never had a migraine
i also feel a tiny bit of a headache
try trepanning
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>American pretending he isn't circumcised
I only watch lesbian porn so I don't have to stare at gross ugly men
I hate uncircumcised Americans
I was born in Jew york
and still have my cum balloon
feels great
oh yeah baby my foreskin feel so good
>I hate uncircumcised Americans
(X to Doubt)
what do I gain from lying about my fleshy foreskin anon?
do you want to see it
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Correct, I'm a man with a penis. I just happen to be turned on by pussy eating and facesitting, and it's much hotter with two pretty girls than with a girl and some dude (unless that dude is me)
you have a discord?
I can webcam for you?
I love being watched
Man the fags

>Iran became a place of refuge for 116,000 Polish refugees
Trooncord raid ongoing
Iran used to be cool before turning into a theocracy
sad how girls aren't so easily coerced into webcamming them masturbating for me
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w-wow anon, you're so forward~!
in a l-little we can share ours~
Maybe the CIA shouldn’t meddled so much in their politics that the people overthrew one of the oldest monarchies in the world
ok sure thing sugar
maybe you're looking in the wrong places
i believe the abrahamic god exists. i dont worship him because i know he fucking hates me
what i mean is if you want a guy to do that you need only ask, with a girl it isn't so easy
That’s basically Gnosticism (which is cringe and retarded)
Yeah but the quality of posts is EXTREMELY
According to our faggot janny
>it's der 'cord!
>You Must Remember: Sultan Mohammed V Protector of the Jews
>published April 19, 2023
but who decides what's quality?
Are you a top or a bottom?
explain why its cringe and retarded
without using buzzwords
I'm a munch
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i have never and will never have sex
>but who decides what's quality?
Good question, but I got banned earlier for that, no reason given. Really should be removed because faggots like the janny have terrible taste and can't go to a porn board for their gay erp
i'm not gay
t. seething rednecks
I'm going out into town tonight and I WILL get a woman's number
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Why not?
christian god is probably true because the bible has the least inconsistencies
As a South Carolinian I love this shithole
Why would anyone want to be a homosexual faggot?
The bible is littered with inconsistencies. 99% of the book is entirely about Jews until the Acts.
cheat code
more sex than breeders
I'm from Windsor, Ontario.
They can't get women
They get aids and have like weird problems with their asshole
/cum/ is at war with fags
use prep
update: my beef and rice turned out perfect
things have been much calmer is the fag department since janny got to jason
I guess I can test the ohio rangeban because I'll be up there in a week
PrEP only works like 90% of the time. If an activity gave me a 10% chance of exposing me to an incurable, life-ruining biohazard, I’d stop doing that thing. Remember that the average fag has like 1000 lifetime sexual partners, so 90% really isn’t good enough.
>PrEP only works like 90% of the time.
So do condoms, sex is always a risk
Once we vanquish the fags and the janny, cum will return to it's former glory
Do you mean anonymous casual sex with hundreds or thousands of biohazard faggots? You don’t need a condom or PrEP to fuck your wife
I'm not even registered to vote
who said I'm fucking a single woman?
who said I'm fucking?
who said I'm?
who said?
It’s a hypothetical, retard. How would you feel if you didn’t eat breakfast this morning?
I am not allowed to say my opinion
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found a cheap liqour store close by that has 375ml bottles for ~5 bucks
I don't eat breakfast
Should I stay in and get high, or go out and get drunk and maybe make friends/find a girl?
The latter
pre game at home, once you got a buzz go out
I don't drink
alright, weenie
watching gaming trivia vids on youtube
Make sure you're packing heat too
>Make sure you're packing heat too
What if he doesn't live around nwords
here is detroit
and here is detroit after the attack
feels like nobody really gives a shit about the olympics anymore
I remember the london ones being a huge deal
when is it acceptable to give a girl a cheeky slap on the ass?
Then a dagger would be more classy
They're not nearly as fun because half the people aren't even from that country. It's not French VS English or Mexicans VS whoever your biggest rival is. Just some random black guys having a football match zzzz
when she's your gf/wife
then when is it acceptable for a girl to give a guy a cheeky slap on the ass, and what if she's your gf?
how did that even happen
monogamy is cope
>when is it acceptable to give a girl a cheeky slap on the ass?
Always (if you're Chad)
if you post here you shouldn't touch other people
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is digimon an isekai?
i need to be distracted by cartoons and video games at all times or i WILL kill myself it's just that simple
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it is always acceptable for girls to slap my ass
Lord of the rings is a native isekai
A lot of pay to play and stuff like that + mass immigration waters it down too. A bunch of mbumbus aren't really English and everyone knows it, so it's like meh
how many times has that happened to you ?
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good night /cum/
lift weights
night lil fella
gymcel copium, that doesnt work if you're autistic
autistic people can't lift weights
speak freely /cum/
can't reap the social benefits because being autistic is a much bigger deficit than whatever you look like
I like it when windows gets stuck in a loop of failing to update. This definitely will not be the "final straw".
i live vicariously through brazilanon
Only when it's your sister
he does nothing at all you could live that life yourself
im coming to take your cartoons and video games away
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trekking from life to death
have removed my pants and switched to jammies mode
i sleep in the same clothes
if i'm left alone with my thoughts to dwell on the shape of my life or what an ugly pariah wretched freak i am for any amount of time i will kill myself and it'll be blood on your hands
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just scored
My cum, oozing
But what is it oozing into?
your bummy
one of those halloween boxes full of brains and worms
why is that my problem
it will weigh on your conscience
i'll be too busy watching the cartoons and playing the video games i took from you to listen to my conscience
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wish i didn't have ogre feet. people with normal feet don't know how good they have it.
i love having ogre feet
ready or not lobby is up, join up
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those things are about to pierce straight through
four whores and seven beers ago - cool abraham lincoln
simply oozing
sic semper tyrannis
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Paging the based department
if you don't have an antique oven you're woefully underprepared
im so fucking ugly im just gonna start wearing a mask and sunglasses like the invisible man
Trips of truth.
This is an extremely accurate representation of the janitorial staff
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done bathing and dressed going to have dinner
i've been thinking about how to dress more eccentric and scary like dracula. been doing some albert einstein shit with my hair. i want normalfags to see me and know that i am a radical agent in their society
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Staff? They are volunteers
When did you lose your virginity?
you look like that?
25 years old
im a khhv incel neet
right now, help
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Mongrel complex genuinely seems fucking grim, I thank god every day I wasn't born latinx.
>Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress this week was met with some 40 standing ovations
what does that even mean? did 40 people stand up and clap at once? were these all individual standing ovations? did each ovation happen in a separate venue?
I just don't see why they have to make it our problem desu
what if you're a u.s. senator and you don't clap for king jew
what happens
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Spics are terrible posters
they got up and sat down 40 times in a row. it took all night.
you get recircumcised
this restaurant looks really good i'm excited
AIPAC unironically puts you on a list and will fund your opponents in the primary or general election
It is bizarre that Macron frequently refers to himself as Jupiter and that Gabriel attal the French prime minister is 34 years old (jupiters square again) and that all of this takes place in front of a temple dedicated to Jupiter
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it would take some occult fuckery for france to be relevant again
ask mommy AOC i don't think she was there
Had the FN won the last election they might have had a chance. Now they're going to have the turbo leftists in charge, worse than Macron even, that unironically want more of this shit and more 3rd world mass-immigration
They think they will become relevant by running the federalized EU and being the de facto leader of the Sahel. They never explain how they will do either thoughbeit.
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A “church” built in the style of a Roman temple.
Never, and I don't plan to.
any day now...
Someone give me the rundown on Marie Antoinette? The way they were mocking her today makes me think she was probably based and awesome
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>Never, and I don't plan to.
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>ironic weebs
>liking demon girls
every time
Where is my virginity?
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EFLs be rike :

"Iron no" (i don't know)
These girls have prefab character faces.
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and midwesterners claim to suffer
sounds more Japanese tbf
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what bob doin?
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Wait a sec this isn't a pineapple under the sea...
How big is your sexy girl posting folder?
letting a single manly tear roll down my cheek
>momberg had bleach or something in the shower this morning
>can't do my daily fap and shower
>sleep until twelve more hours because I can't start my day
>go to shower and hear "you still can't use that shower"
>go back to bed
100 and full of light skinned black women
Like 500GB of hentai
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Why won't libshits stop lighting forests on fire??
english women are whores
if you've ever been laid, come to the uk for sex tourism
they hear an english accent and want to slob your knob
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my women folder is kinda big
/cum/ is DEAD on a friday night
lifeless eyes
american* im druk
/cum/ is flowing on a friday night
This is right outside of Boulder, Colorado
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overbearing chinese tiger mom here ama
Blacksmith is a cool job
everybody STFU, Im watching anime
can't imagine anyone finding the american accent sexually exciting unless you're sam elliott or something. most of us sound like nerds
Me on the right
Drank wine at the theatre
Off to le bar
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i just made some delicious delicious chicken breasts, with rice and beans and some farofa with hot sauce and 2 slices of cheese on top of it, do you need more than that? does anyone? no, i don't think so
sounds like a good deal to me
The economy is not strong at all lmao, what an absolute joke. Also we're heading into a recession soon
lifeless breasts. utterly uninspired underboob.
farofa sounds pretty bomb right about now
lifeless breasts, black breasts, like a doll's breasts. When it comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until it bites ya.
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Iron no what are you talking about
do you have any animal attack stories
Show me the way to go home
I'm tired and I want to go to breasts.
/brit/ sleeps, perhaps even dreams
I really wanted to go to Japan Olympics, i had saved like $700,000 to waste there then chinkvirus happened.
yeah they're lying like shit
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im high rn
Why did I move here? Idk I guess it was the weather...
>296 replies
Janny had a fit or too early new?
That was 299
Checked and based
no way
Odd skepticism
Doubled down on my Solana bag
??? Who leaves their home on a Friday night?
Proud of you, anon.
I killed a man
I hope everyone here has a good night of sleep
Don't say stuff like this because the feds unironically freak out, and they start investigating you
Yes, they really are that retarded
It was in the 80s in the phillipines. Good luck on that one

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