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Enigmatic edish

Thread theme : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDygS0a6Tgo

Spoke and entered : >>201472779
Good morning /med/.
Small sport sesh finished.

Friday: small climbing sesh?

Good morning Sir!
I don't know why we're getting sick so often. Being in a single room helps with the spread but there is still the fact that one of us is getting sick and then brings it to us. Of course, grandma might visit hospital yet again.
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Good morning sisters. My back still hurts ofc, but I think it's gotten better since I no longer sit in that old piece of shit. Still debating if I should squat or skip and do leg press instead today.
There were 3 seperate fatal traffic accidents yesterday. Madness rules the streets.
If it's still hurt I would wait to get fully recovered, but if in doubt you can do some light squats and see if your back hurts when doing them and if it doesn't you can squat.
Good morning med only 4 days left before waging again.
I got DOMS all over my body because of yesterday's running.
How come I don't get these when running on treadmill ?
G'day gentlemen
Good day Georgianon
It's hardly 9h30 and I already did some work. I'm such a grindmaxxing slackcel. :^)
Hello medoids, you're all active and meanwhile I haven't been to the gym in one month kek.
A coffee is in order.
My boss told me I needed to woork more yesterday. I'm supposed to slack less today. :(
Well real running probably relies differently on muscles so it makes sense.
It is probably the chinkflu. Apparently there's a lot of variants and we're speedrunning through them all.
Today I dreamt that I came across Andaluzanon at the gym
Did you wake up drenched in sweat from the nightmare?
I can visualize the awkward handshake
Not really, I was going to do bench press machine (which I never do irl) and we joked around briefly about something.
That Eclipse game sure is fun
Yeah I got DOMS mostly in my adducteurs and arms.
Did you take his seat and he got mad ?
>turns up in your dream and calls you a fascist scum
No longer does somnolence bring escape. He will find you.
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Since that post, I slacked.
I didn't work at all this morning.
Probably because I got fired recently.
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1x7+1x9+2x12 squat (last 3 reps on last set were probably not deep enough)
1x12+2x11 leg press
2x12+1x18 calves
3x9 leg curl
3x10 leg extension
3x12 adduction
3x12 abduction
Managed to increase weigth by 5 kgs on both adduction and abduction. Currently squatting 80, but if I'll be able to do 12 reps with proper form next time on the first set, I'll increase it to 85 and if even that'll be correct I'll try 90.

So, who was the bottom?
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Is it taking a toll on your morale?
It shouldn't
enjoy the neetbucks brother, you will find something else
>1x7+1x9+2x12 squat (last 3 reps on last set were probably not deep enough)
If you didn't have to decrease the weight with each set you need to learn how to activate yourself properly for a set.
Of course it has taken a toll on me.
I consider myself an intelligent person and a capable software engineer, being fired means I'm stupider that I thought I was.
Plus I don't want neetbucks, it won't be enough for me to live independently, I want a job and to be able to live alone.
I properly activate myself for a set physically though. Mentally on the other hand.... squat is the only exercise so far I have this problem with, but as soon I'll reach a weight where I'll feel like I can only do 1x9 and will stick to that weight for at least 2 weeks, my body-mind connection or whatever it's called will probably improve and I won't be a pussy anymore who thinks about dropping the weight by accident on himself while squatting.
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One middle manager caught on to my slacking.
Now I’ll have to work at 80% speed instead of 40% for a few weeks.
Considering slashing his tires or something.
I mean i'd get annoyed if i was fired but that would be a good thing for me rn atm
frankly if they can't really tell you why they fire you, just assume they wanted to fire someone and you were unlucky
i hear plenty of stories of companies firing useful people instead of retards, hr are clueless
don't take the firing personally
Don't you have a high up position in your company? Why is a middle manager meddling in your work?
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I absolutely take it personally, it's the only way to take it.
I miss sneedposting, bros...
Hopefully you forget soon about it
maybe because of another better job
If I find a job outside of Spain getting fired would definitely have been for the better.
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Today's training.
OHP 1x1 with 77.5 kg, 3x4 with 65 kg.
Close grip bench press 4x6 with 110 kg.
Smith machine incline bench press 3x8 with 85 kg.
OHP machine 3x8 with 85 kg.
Cable tricep extensions 3x10 with 35 kg.

Accidentally did the OHP machine today even though I didn't have to because I had my mind in other stuff.
Not a single drop of water in my area yet, but it has hailed in some other parts of the island.
minced turkey, rice, pepper bell, onion, simple as
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>One middle manager caught on to my slacking.
What happened to getting your wife a job where you work? Can't you use her innate womanly talents for deceit and subterfuge to precipitate his sudden and ignominious departure from the company?
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Do you do OHP while standing or sitting?
Trainer guy told me sitting is better for the back, but helpful guy who gives advice in gym told me it's better if I stand because it also improves my back and legs. Trainer guy also tells me that most of the advice powershitters give in the gym is shit for non-powershitters so I shouldn't listen to them. Also, thoughts on farmer's walk? Gem or Coal?
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>most of the lower ranked coworkers on my team leave
>only me left with higher ranked coworkers
>only one left to do work that should be done by a team of 5
>new intern is weirdly inquisitive about the work I do, might be a snitch
This old city slicker won't be able to slack much longer, the trap is closing in.
That's fucked. And kinda relatable.
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>mfw during the event I unknowingly misgendered trans pipo (they didn't pass)
>mfw getting corrected once by a non-trans
they're firing qts?
I do it standing but it's a minor difference.
For me it's not a problem because my back and legs are strong from deadlifts and squats so holding 80 kgs is easy, for you it shouldn't be to different since you should squat more than you OHP.

Farmer carries are generally only trained by people who compete in them (strongmen or crossfitter) because from a muscle hypertrophy point of view they are not great, the limiting factor is going to be grip, but it will also tire out your entire body without getting much hypertrophy stimulus in return.
Nah they left on their own. Both had professional/personal projects. But now it's only me and another qt who's on holidays right now. Can't hide behind other wagies anymore damn
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Weak maltesian genes
He’s from a different division and clearly looking to start shit to get good boy points for the incoming audit.

Because of some house shenanigans regarding the credit it’s best for us if she stays at her current job for at least 6 more months.
Apparently if you switch jobs it’s a major red flag when requesting housing credit. No one cares if you change jobs immediately after getting the credit though kek
How to get juicy forearms that doesn’t involve using a wrench for 8h of my day?
What I should I exercise when I have DOMS mostly on legs, arms and shoulders ?
DOMS shouldn't stop you from exercising.
But if so, situps and other core exercises.
>start shit to get good boy points
Funny how people like this think it's gonna help them instead on hindering them on the long run.
>DOMS shouldn't stop you from exercising.

I'm weak
>called the hairdresser
>everything is full for today and tomorrow, I leave on Friday
>my only options are either looking like a Chechen regarding hair for the next weeks, going to the only male hair saloon in the whole village ran by a moor under the risk of getting ringworm or going today to the boomer I used to go whose skills are no longer good

I wish I had taken control of my own dream and said something along the lines of "total black dismantling" to be called fascist scum.
Based slackmaxxer.
This is something I really hate. Pretending to work so others see you're being active rather than slacking because there's literally nothing to do.
>He’s from a different division and clearly looking to start shit to get good boy points for the incoming audit.
If he keeps nagging you, tell him that his job is not to micromanage you and that you are a valuable company employee that knows how to do his job.

Forearm isolation for relatively high reps, if possible favouring the stretch position.
Forearms and calves, calves even more so, have different fibre composition to most other muscles because they evolved to be used constantly.
You could try getting a grip trainer like Moselle's and use it throughout the day when you have nothing to do, so you are able to keep a constant stress on them.
I wish I had enough hair to care about the quality of my haircut
If the black Portuguese guy from yesterday is here are you from a former Portuguese colony like Cape Verde or Angola?
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Drive-by heart rob.
My neurodivergent brother.
>Implying I have enough hair
Norwood 4 reporting in
My calves are big though, from hiking.
I’ll look into grip trainers.
You're NOT! But yeah, core stuff it is then.
Just buzzcut it.
kek same.
Would cuddle
A lot
>My calves are big though, from hiking.
I just added the calves thing to explain you the evolutionary motives as to why calves and forearms require higher reps and constant work, because calves are the most extreme version of this in the human body.
Speak for yourself sperg
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I’m from the blackest region in Portugal, continental Portugal, where all the black kangz reside, once originating from the blackest moor lands and the blackest suebi settlers.
My intuition tells me that she's French.
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If I saw her ride by, I would immediately take out one of the several empty jars I carry with me at all times and capture the lingering scented air.
>Because of some house shenanigans regarding the credit it’s best for us if she stays at her current job for at least 6 more months.
Sounds annoying, but I can definitely dream up some scenarios where that looks sketchy when buying a house.

After the half year's up, that manager's goose is cooked though.
That's one way to make perfume.
aren't Jews supposed to be smart?
It is funny because there's probably as much pottery as there are bombs down there.
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good morning everyone
middle management is the worst scum in a company structure
useless, powerless, bunch of brown noses that think they're hot shit
they keep looking for ways to climb up the ladder, and think that snitching people in order to show the boards how submissive they are is the most effective way of getting what they want
I hate them so fucking much
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>the black Portuguese
you said portuguese twice there, dude
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Talking about middle management, the latest fad at the Portuguese universities is “industrial management engineering”. All the cool kids want to go to that thinking they’ll get to be middle or upper management at companies, product or project managers, etc.
99% of them will become glorified excel spreadsheet fillers or some lowly logistics planner at most.
Truly the HRE of our time. “Industrial” “management” “engineering” kek
And of course, women are at the forefront of this fad.
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>glorified excel spreadsheet fillers
Still unsure why the antichristbis obsessed about this
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>you have to fill all this documentation that no one in a million years will read
>but why?
>so it’s well documented of course
>but it’s not needed
>there’s also the audits that will check those documents
>maybe the audits are unnecessary?
I hate the Antichrist.
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>supposed to be smart
Das rite, we wuz kangz n shiet.
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>will become glorified excel spreadsheet fillers
Ahah that would suck wouldn't it? lol
I get unironically hurt when friends say that someone is ugly, even someone they don't know on TV or something.
I feel like they should know better and it shows some lack of empathy. It makes me sad people are still not ready to try and judge people beyond physical appearance.
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how is this course called in Portugal? here we have this thing called """Engenharia""" de Produção which is basically what you've described (including being mostly women)
I finished uni more than 10 years ago (oh God, I'm so fucking old) and it was a meme back them already amongst other engineers.
in EE we used to joke that if things were too hard for someone, he could always change courses and go for it lmao
I despise them
That’s basically it and we joked about it back in the day too, but its popularity seems to have exploded lately.
I forgot to tell you the name, its Engenharia de Gestão Industrial (kek)
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Keep moving forward.
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Tell them that what's really ugly is their attitude, then cross your arms like this.
This will make them rethink their actions and lead to further development of their moral character.
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Turns out that middle managers actually do something!
The stupid fat useless pig needs a reminder of his place in the food chain. Consider butchering his existence.
Good morning Booma
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You know, you're right. I will unironically tell them that next time.
People should be nicer.
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guten morg... sorry, bonjour Moselle
I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacations
Yeah I'm playing vidya, it feels good.
Forgot to say hi booma! How are you? I'm being hyper productive, literally never done as much in a day since I started working here 4 years ago
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After I got back home from Corfu, I hadn't had much to do, I didn't have to go to work for a while and so was basically stuck home and honestly, I've been somewhat melancholic as a result.
How do you cope, bros?
He should use a cutting board, pepe could get hurt.
Copious amounts of either food, alcohol or drugs, followed by binge gaming/reading/Tv.
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Play videogames.
Wait patiently for the next Tamriel Rebuilt and Project Tamriel releases.
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What did amazon mean by this, am a little dazed and confused
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>Lerne deinen fire tv stick 4k kenne
Ofc it's G*rmans
It comes in many languages, it's a guide
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My bad.
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Keep struggling
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Not in my country, no...
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salut mec, so you're working in an incorrect manner
no one should work that hard
hope you're having a pleasant day regadless,

as for me... like always I'm seething at the cagie, things are very disorganized here, boss taking stupid decisions in order to appease the higher ups so me and my colleagues are being buried in work
but I decided that the company doesn't pay enough for this bullshit so I'm doing what I can without stressing too much, too old for this bullshit
Holy newfag
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have this meme in Portuguese
if you can understand why the cat is so funny, congrats on your deep understanding of the language of Camões and/or ability to use a translator
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I am always delighted to be back home.
Is it a pun between cat pussy and female pussy ?
no, that pun doesn't work in Portuguese
but it's a vagina joke
I got it.
Maybe I'm ready to go to work in Portugal since nobody wants me in Spain.
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>usually do 1 to 2 [things] MAX in a work day
>try to be productive today
>easily do 5 [things]
>I'm doing what I can without stressing too much,
That's really the way right there. That's kinda what I'm doing now I guess. I'm lucky enough to have a good boss and a good team and 0 stress so being productive and coming in clutch in a difficult period seems appealing just because I like being useful and it doesn't bother me.
Slacking had almost become boring ironically.

I hope things get better at your work eventually though.
>You can get undressed behind the (separating) screens so that you have more privacy.
Is there any word play or am I looking to DEEP into it?
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I easily got it just thanks to guessing the context and my deep knowledge of female gynecologist woes.
for half the salary and with entry positions asking for 5 years experience, sure...
the joke is offering "privacy" five minutes before opening her legs and going in face first inside her vagina
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>the joke is offering "privacy" five minutes before opening her legs and going in face first inside her vagina
Yeah I get that. I just didn't know if there was also a play on words there or something.
Imagine being a khhv gynecologist. When they ask you whether you touched pussy or not, how would you respond?
First stage of insoles training is complete.
>female gynecologist
I hate to break it to you Patrick but they're all female gynecologists, if the doctor specialises in males it's called an andrologist
This portunigga as smart ass
I'm sure they wouldn't mind it if the gyneco was actually a cat
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>aquele novo ginecologista?
>ai que gato!
>for half the salary and with entry positions asking for 5 years experience, sure...
Honestly this just doesn't seem to be the case considering what I've seen in LinkedIn.
I almost see more Portuguese offers than Spanish ones.
Spain is dying and Portugal booming.
>insoles training
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better to be a smartass than a dumbass I say
For wearing his new shoes to conquer Malta
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You are Georgian, why don't you brew some sweet alcohols to pass the time? Perhaps a fruity melomel or a metheglin infused with herbs and spices growing in your garden.
Midass the best
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We got a wise guy here huh?
>all female gynecologists
There are quite a bunch of male gynecologists here and some women prefer them because they have the reputation of being gentler in their procedures.
>Get a phone call on monday for a company that I had send a CV months ago
>Call them when I get home, the fuckers close at 4:30
>Call them yesterday before driving home
>Sorry the hr department has already left, call tomorrow
>Call today at 3:45
>Sorry, hr has already left the office, I will give her you phone number tehe
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>sorry, it's siesta time
A week ago I got a pair of custom made ones because I walk like a retard. Fot the past week I was having them on, just having them on at home, everyday increasing the time by an hour. Today I did 8.
Note that a retard would not train
>mfw normgroids go on difficult hiking trek with new shoes
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I will NEVER look like that. Why even live?

But there are female andrologists, sister...
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Bo, I mean my footing is all wrong which results in several pains all up to my lower back area.
yeah i understood you mean the way you walk is le bad
once someone told me during the hike i walked not the best way but got too lazy to go see a feet doctor
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reading back the posts I detect something lost in translation here
the meme features a male gynecologist, in Portuguese "ginecologista" and other medical specialties are gender neutral because of some stupid Latin bullshit, so a male gynecologist would be "o ginecologista" a female "a ginecologista"

tl:dr Romans and their autistic language had more than two genders for some stupid fucking reason
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>hairy body
>not a single hair on torso

>"he took down a man twice his size, don't tell me he's not fit!"
Arguing defensively for the fitness of a fictional character you came up with is fucking bizarre.
The tranny who drew this is mentally ill.
>The tranny who drew this is mentally ill.
That's my G-man.
Thoughts on : >>201522012
I used to have them (insoles) as a child, but for some reason I went along without them for over a decade. Now I'm trying to fix some neglect. I got other appointments too. I got some kind of momentum going on.
The trannies who didn't draw that are also mentally ill.
Open season on furfags.
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*teleport behind you*

>I got some kind of momentum going on.
Going to a party tonight for a PACS where people use inclusive terminology. I wish I could stay at home to play vydia...
kek not a good place to be in... I am in some circles where there are trannies and honestly the best technique is complete damnatio memoriae.
Just don't bother mentioning them in a conversation, don't talk about them. That way you don't get in trouble.
Don't really have much against them but it's just way too shady for me to even try dealing with their gender study shit.
yeah that's not wrong kek
Wow that dude looks pretty tough!
What the hell, I spotted Andalusanon in the wild once again

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I'm assuming it's some gnome bullying, cease immediately.
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>by a non-trans
they don't want to help these people, they want to show how morally superior they are to you, those self-righteous fucks
I know some people like this, it is very annoyng
>the best technique is complete damnatio memoriae
listen to this (G) man kids, as he speaks words of wisdom
I apply this technique in my professional life and it saved me from a lot of problems while keeping my mental state almost intact
Same thing when people mention feminism and shit
I'm not a football enjoyer desu.

>cease immediately
No need to walk on egg shells because I'm feeling down after being fired, I don't mind the gnome jokes.
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It was kind of ironic, I know you're not made of sugar, still, we should take some of the heat to someone else.
By the way I bought these trainers (but I'll probably start wearing them in autumn), what do you think?
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>white trainers
I've seen this foolishness before. I gather it rains infrequently where you live?
Catching the bull (life) by his horns.
it does rain, but I suppose I'll use other shoes when it happens
99% human characters won't be furries just because they have 1% animal (fox ears) in their dna.

>he took down a man twice his size, don't tell me he's not fit!
Well, I mean, uhhhh... not to be that guy, but.... Andalucia can also take down a guy twice his size, knowing his height maybe even three time his size no cap desu bussin fr ong ayyy lmao gottem or whatever it is that you younglings say.
>self-righteous fucks
Very true, the kind of people to have the "right opinions" to hide that they have all the wrong values.
Yeah that too. Generally I'm onboard with a lot but sometimes it's just too out there for me.
Looks great, I like white sneakers with green!
cheers Gironde, I took inspiration from yours
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Chiniterranean Sea
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We should call it the "Kernow Sea".
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watched the time of the gypsies the other day
how could we hate on the gypsirinos gironde man
chudism is not the way...
I have a cosplay outfit of him...
was wondering how you were doing breizhotwink
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Knew it was you when I saw the pic on the 'log, nigga. >>201518970
No fucking way, can't suffer in Bretagne.
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This is offensive.
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I don't suppose you'd believe me if I claimed those two posts were made by separate individuals?
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touristic season is about to end so work isn't as brutal
much to blogpost about but so little tile waste when I work 11hours a day
some things are really depressing me but the croatwink gives me a reason not to hang myself
I better get a fat paycheck so I can go on vacation with him when my contract ends
only for great occasions tho
literally takes almost an hour total to shave everything and fix my hair perfectly if I'm still unkempt looking from work
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Kitty of neighbour visited me as I was watering the garden. She started playing with the hose as I was pulling it. Cute.

Well, I don't think I'd believe you.

>only for great occasions tho
Understandable. Sadly I don't have any outfits, the only dress-up thingy if I can even call that is a choker that has been under my bed in a box for at least 2 years due to being unused.
>a choker
Would you rather eat the most delicious foods in the world but you have Covid and lost your sense of smell/taste or have sex with the most beautiful woman in the world but you have erectile dysfunction ?
>a choker
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You chuds wouldn't get it.

I wouldn't either desu.
didn't know you were into this thought you just liked femboys to fuck them...
I have a choker too but I think I threw it away I pull it off ig but it's too trannyish for me
>being too gay to breizhotwink
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(After she's done with the tattoo removal process.)
Neurodivergent folxs are truly fascinating specimens
Hypothetically if all the instruments took equal time to learn to play but you could somehow learn to play one single instrument, what instrument would you learn to play /med/?

>you just liked femboys to fuck them...
Nah, I find guys attractive but me finding a lad attractive is much less likely than finding a girl attractive.
The gayest thing I do doe is probably exercising my butt in the gym which tbf I haven't seen not even a single guy do. 8th grade crush loved slapping my butt and groping it so having a nice butt is le good according to my brain.

It's not that bad, her tattoo could be much worse desu.
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crush (female) I mean, we ain't gay in this shithole of a cunt
I'm neurotypical according to Andalu-sama DOE.
none, I genuinely never once took interest in playing music
On the other hand, I would have loved being decent at one between football, basketball or volleyball
I have already eaten the best dish that the world has to offer. I am referring to my mother's Timpana. Maybe that explains why I'm contracting a new variant of the Ching chong ding dong ling long ping pong flu every month or so.
You need to abandon your poofter ways and subscribe to better fetishes.
The washboard.
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I'm just a soul who's intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

If I seem edgy, I want you to know
That I never meant to take it out on you
Life has it's problems and I've got my share
And that's one thing I never meant to do
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This is a shadowheart thread now, post more clothed sir.

>football, basketball or volleyball
Which one would you choose to be decent at though? Knowing you I assume it's football, but maybe I'm mistaken. Did you play any ball gayms in your childhood/teen years, fren?

Kek, had no idea that was a thing.
>abandon your poofter ways
No, I will have women stare at my ass in the gym and I will like it.
Breed and feed
She has a nice bum, too bad she sold it for money for a movie
Yeah, i guessed it was that girl
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not into bum but(t)
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>Kek, had no idea that was a thing.
I mentioned jokingly albiet liking the sound. A serious answer would be the bass guitar.
> will have women stare at my ass in the gym
Well, nothing gay about that.
Definitely football
I played all of them at various points in my life, I was terrible at all of them (volleyball slightly less shit than the rest perhaps)
It really sucks, if I was good at sports maybe I would've turned out a normie instead of an incel loser
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need a tummy gf quickly
well it is a bit much
a kimono is already a lot
already the one im learning anyway
Heheh, official /med/core
Not sure I could watch it in case I get some empathy for them.
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Karlachfags in SHAMBLES
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Just get insanely rich and use the money to create a model agency.
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>posting on 4chin next to uber leftoids, genderbent people and trannoids
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why are eastern europeans like this?
Soviet legacy?
I post on 4chin in the metro
Wouldn't surprise me if they post on it as well
Juste need a get rich quick scheme
Are you at some pride march?
Pullups 4 3 2 1, basically i can only do 4 pullups when i'm fresh
Upper abs machine 4 x 6 40kg
Legs rise 4 series
Back extensions 4 series 10kg plate
Row machine 4 x 5 65 kg

Does it happen to you that the day when you go to the gym that same night you have troubles sleeping? Like i wake up 5 or 6 times the same night, is this overtraing?
Lots of distant thunder.
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>i can only do 4 pullups when i'm fresh
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>tfw you will never play the BG3 EA and experience autistic meangirl shadowheart
It's just so hard to be attracted to women when they're not actively belittling you.
>It's just so hard to be attracted to women when they're not actively belittling you.
I find that completely unattractive honestly, the world in general is already "actively belittling" enough
Good night sisters.

>Upper abs machine
Isn't that bad for your back?
ate at an italiano today, great food italianbros
>Isn't that bad for your back?
In what sense?
I was recommended not to use the upper abs machine in our gym (perhaps it's not all machines, it's just our model) because the way the piece that holds the back of the person using the machine when flexing your abs is bad for the back.
I instead just do negative situps.
>negative situps
Meant to say decline situps. You can even start a situp from around -50 degrees or so.
Well, i feel some pain in the lower back after using it, but i thought it was normal, who told you that
>who told you that
personal trainer
I'm at a party with very leftoid frens so there's a lot of different genders, I talked a while with a guy who does drag queen kek.
Good people, but not really my scene. As long as they don't know you're a chud, they're alright.
yeah probably not, but who knows?
I do so in the bus.
Fuck, i'll stop doing that then
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It's so over
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> the world in general is already "actively belittling" enough
That's why you have to roll with the punches.
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My bus is fucking broken lol, light went off and we're stranded on the side of the road in the dark.
Lots of beeps and boops, bus driver is doing his best.
Don't worry about it, it's normal to lose reps as you train doing hard sets and you are probably not resting a lot between sets.

What does this mean?
3 minutes inbetween sets
Seems like a normal loss of performance since you are going to failure in each set.
Being in such event would make me want to kill everybody in the room. Keep us updated.
They're nice.
This goes hard.
Kittens are tender creatures.
>what instrument would you learn to play /med/?
Guitar. Basic but effective, even though my nails are fucked because I bite them.
Same, I've been always kinda bad in football and it "hurts" in a country where it is so big.
Please, make them seethe.
The new and inclusive Spain that our government and its voters want so bad.

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