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Samuel Eto'o edition
I barely slept.
stesso per me, mi sono addormentato tardissimo e mi sono dovuto svegliare alle sei meno un quarto per lavoro
Ho andato a letto tardi ma non avuto troppo sonno, ma anche sono un poco malato e ho questo sentimento che c'è qualcosa che blocca la mia gola e non posso sbloccare e mi a fatto impazzire sul letto.
Good morning /med/.
Good day med, the Mario Sunshine mod has been released

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Same, been lacking sleep for a few days now, it is fucked.
I wanted to go back to exercising today but I'm exhausted. Might do it tomorrow.

Total mosquito death for me.

Can't you go to bed earlier ?
In my case it was lack of sleepiness, and sickness.
Yesterday I tested a fork of 4chanX, called 4chanXT. It’s a lot more responsive and I recommend it. Supports oneechan too.
It feels like trouble with the house is brewing.
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Yesterday night I did a horror movie night with a 2 friends. We watched Barbarian, I love Georgina Campbell, she cute.
Damn we're all exhausted.
Also I'm hecking lucky not to have 'itoes in my appartment. My parents live in a swampy area so I used to be one with them but I am finally free of their grasp.
I could but I end up meeting friends or playing videogames. I am just dumb.
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I hope it gets better fren.
Is your tummy still aching ?
When this oc was created? Was it the original picture about?
A bit. It is the least offender right now.
Good morning sirs. Currently waiting for the package to arrive so I couldn't go to the gym. Will either go after 4 PM or just straight up skipping today, will see.
>going to the gym with andalucia
I downloaded it march 7, 2022, so around then. I think Galicianon made it.
As for the original pic, probably a group pic from a company gathering, maybe italian?
Last night I played Vermintide 2 (with Polebro) for the first time in years. Neat game.
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Morning sister. I'd be skipping and playing bidogames if I were you
What's the main issue ?
I don't remember us having a Ukrainian, a Finn, a second Swede and a Romanian
This feeling in my throat like I have something stuck in there and I can't remove it. That, or the coughing.
Or that it kind of hurts to breathe.
Is it chink flu again ?
I don't know. I'm not going to bother with a test.
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>skips the gym
>plays gym simulator 24
Omg, that's like so cool sis.
And nobody around me who is sick has made a test either.
Cuomo sonno perque li peccolo di la picata minutta
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Office cutie making me suffer early in the morning.
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Eheh nice OC you got there.
>tfw awake from 7:40 while not having stepped out from bed yet
Turkfren? Are you alive?
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Yeah that's me
50% simp
50% mysoginist
100% fucking loser
Heheh pulling out the old /med/ goodies.
Seconding Venetanon, is that you knk? :o
Am back from my running in the fields.
I literally have no cardio sadly.
Why do I keep seeing Brazilian Miku everywhere ?
Today's training.
Pin squat from sticking point 1x1 with 185 kg, 3x5 with 160 kg.
Long length partial smith machine squat 3x8 with 85 kg.
Leg curl 3x10 with 70 kg.

Today's squat were easy but my cardio was shit and I really felt grasping for air after each set.
Just portuanon on cagie’s VPN, I made that OC.
Where is Turkfren? Never heard of him again.
Hearing some old fart call-in on a TV programme blaming the youth for littering is a level of a lack of self-awareness never witnessed before. The average person her age's cleanliness stopped at the front door. They treated outside as their personal garbage bin. I'm not saying that the younger generations aren't guilty of littering but we're probably still shoveling trash that her generation has thrown out decades ago.
This. When it comes to entitlement, lack of civism and disrespecting personal space, boomers are even worse than teenagers. I think this entitlement comes from the reality they lived in their youth, much benevolent and prosperous than ours (at least in Spain) and their lack of perspective, making them think that everything now works like before.
The people I'm referring to are those those that grew up during WWII and the immediate aftermath, so they know misery but it seems that the post-independence prosperity made them forget what they've been through. That and just pure ignorance.
Their children as well.
>tfw can't even wank properly because there's only one fucking bathroom at home and my parents are requesting it all the time, so had to interrupt the wank when I was edging and restart it God knows when.
There are two types of women: those who age like fine wine and those who are 25 and seem to be in their 40s already.
I took some pics during the run I'm gonna post them soon
Hate boomers, simple as
Why not doing your wank when they leave the house ?
>Why not doing your wank when they leave the house ?
I will, but sometimes I'm too horny and things seem to be so calm at home that I cannot wait, until the mood is killed.
I like how the grasshopper that is missing a hind leg is still around and he's currently eating from the lettuce originally intended for the tortoise.
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My cat looks like that and she sleeps on that bed.
Patiently waiting for her slave to deliver shrimps or salmon.
Just did a first interview with a HR employee for a Spanish company, will probably have a technical interview soon.
I don't want to stay in Spain but if this is the first job I find I'll stick to this one for a few years.
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She changed her mind and now prefers canned pink salmon.
Friendship ended with shrimps, now salmon is her best friend.
Is it far away from home ?
I think canned salmon is less expensive than shrimps
I could work remote or in one of their offices, so I would probably stay remote the first few months and then maybe move to a city where they have offices.
I love it when Mgubu kicks the ball and we win
More discount shrimps for you fren, win-win situation.

Please request virginal and hot office qts ready to make your bidding (even spotting you at the gym). Noncompliance means you won’t offer your services to the company.
Same, me love when mbutu kick ball and madrid win
Fascist scums.

I'm content with being paid a livable wage.
t. Numumbo fan
Lovecraft's cat is a hell of a footballer.
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I’m a matumbo fan. No racism, only one race.
Love me when Vinicinho juniorcinho de todos os santos do Rio do Janeiro e de Brazilia touches the ballinho
Letteralmente, palesemente io
I hesitate between 2 personal projects.
Either write a choose your adventure novel with the dashingdon program.
Or involve myself in Tamriel Rebuilt or Project Tamriel for quest writing.
Also Anvil is releasing soon!
I remember that you did, saw it in my folder recently and kept it for the opportune moment!
>dashingdon program.
What is this?
>having to animate a meeting
Mentally exhausting fr fr
I remember now.
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I wonder what’s booma’s name.

I vote TR quests.
Basically a program that allows to write interactive novels with easy programming. Also it's named Choice Script and not Dashingdon sorry.
Then basically you can write and release your novel as a full fledged video game on steam through the studio that created the program or by a semi standalone studio.
Yes, with delay, I remembered you talking about it before.
I just got off work and having a cheeky pint of beer at the bar. Happens in your country?
No, I've been fired and don't like beer.
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>I hesitate between 2 personal projects.
My vote is on both, but if time permits only one, I would say the second, since I'm likely to play both mods one day and I want to guess which quests were made by G-Man.
A locally brewed Italian vintage?
>which quests were made by G-Man
The one about total razor death
I like the dashingdon thing
I switched a while ago.
4chanx seems abandoned anyway.
No, I think it was some German beer, but not sure because I don't know anything about beer
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Me neither, hence my usage of the word "vintage" (I could not think of the beer equivalent).
Fun fact: but Glarthir's quest was actually based on real life events in my life.
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>tfw successfully debugged a null pointer exception without being a code-monkey

>Glarthir's quest
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Funny that Gironde mentions these two creative projects. I've gotten back into writing myself after a very long break and I completely forgot how much I love lorecrafting and worldbuilding. I only wrote one short chapter of less than 5000 words, but I've got pages and pages of character sheets and charts and some badly-drawn maps. Been doing it so much these past two weeks that I keep trying to "Ctrl + S" my 4chan posts after I finish a sentence.
Manlet elf is going physically and mentally insane because he thinks the glowies are after him.
He tells you to spy on various people around town and meet him afterwards to report back your findings.
If you make up shit and say they're out to get him, he gives you money. If you tell him they're just regular dudes, he becomes suspicious of you and eventually tries to kill you if you claim nobody is out to get him.

Pic related, it's a tl;dr of the quest.
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Hmmm quite balanced... I'll go for both then!
>which quests were made by G-Man.
Probably the horror ones
kek yeah that too. Fuck Gillette.
>Glarthir's quest
Do you also keep 800 gold in your trashcan?
>I've gotten back into writing myself
>arrive in city
>it's empty, except one character
>Asks him where the fuck people are
>character answers with a "resident normies are with theirs gf"
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i worked a decent amount of time this afternoon
vvvero meglio i bbideogiochi...
>bah, il calcio, passatempo spegnicervello dell'italiota medio!
>perde la vita e la vista a guardare i cartoni giapponesi in cameretta
quanto odio i weeb
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Today I wrote three different hate emails to different elements of a new project’s design team because they are over specifying the product and it will lead to huge cost overruns in the long run with no need.
Pic related, me shooting words at them. The expected answer? “lol, lmao”.
And apparently I’ll have to translate a document to Italian because a supplier is Italian. Might use chat gpt for it.
great things are happening in /med/
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sadly, I have a pretty normal name as G-man can confirm
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I agree, she needs a razor.
>love lorecrafting and worldbuilding. I only wrote one short chapter of less than 5000 words, but I've got pages and pages of character sheets and charts and some badly-drawn maps.
Wow that's great! Do you start from scratch or expand on some existing universe? I'd love to hear more about it one of these days if you're ok with it.
You would be a valuable addition to TR's team I think.
She's perfect as she is.
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saw a lot of zoomettes and i have to admit the water must be contaminated because thehy're STACKED
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Med, i don't know what the fuck is happening.
I'm talking with another 2 girls, who accepted going out with me.
What in the fucking fuck is the fuck. This makes no sense.
They pale in comparison to the absolute 10 i met last saturday, but still, what the fucking fuck.
just accept the reality, you're a failed chad (road to normal chad)
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Back dimples, one of my weaknesses…
Girls smell success. Your body was embued with the smell of success when you managed to snatch the unicorn girl, and now all the girls instinctively know that, and want a piece of the guy that tentatively slays 10/10s.
Hai mangiato o bevuto qualcosa di strano? Hai fatto una svolta a padel? Che è successo ?
>"Does your father work at LIDL? Because you're stacked!"
How about leaving some for the rest of us pal?
he used dick sweat as perfume, pheromones work fr fr

Fate of the wageslave

Dick too spent exhaling pheromones to work when it's needed.
>it's da JOOOOB
Ma che porco dio ne so, faccio schifo come al solito, a padel sono pure peggiorato
Queste però non promettono così bene, mi rimarrà in testa per parecchio l'ultima, se mai la dimenticherò
Harsh but true
I'd be ripped if I didn't have job to take away 70% of the day
the pic say he already had a job doe
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Don't worry, it will work.
Well I'm not him thankfully but still
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oh tu provaci, al massimo annegherai il rimpianto in qualche fighetta
Oh ma perché bestemmi, stiamo calmi un attimo Dio bueo
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Infatti sticazzi, va benone
I was so close. I won't fail (You) next time.
That's my bresciabro.
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Good evening sirs. Chair is comfy as fuck and I can already feel my back having its chill moments rn. We both got a parma con formaggio cremoso with gramps and it was delicious. I had a strawberry lemonade and he drank a cantaloupe lemonade. He couldn't even eat half of his 'za, so we got a pizza box for it (idk how much it cost doe, but I assume it was like 1 euro) but fr he managed to chug 5 decilitres of lemonade.
3x9 + 1x36 pulldowns
1x9+2x12+1x25 rows
4x12 low rows
4x9 preacher curls
4x9 assisted pullups
1x6+1x9+2x12 hammer curls
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2 days ahead and imma be richer, plus one year to my age, frens. Planning to have a good fun, a good auld craic, begorra.
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Just realized I argued with almost all of my female friends at least once (except one). Disagreements and different opinions can easily lead to disputes. Less forgiving, more emotional, nitcpicky and controlling.
When vacationing, setbacks can lead to disputes.

Meanwhile, I have never had a fight with my male friends. They (/med/frens included) are more understanding, empathetic and able to compromise. Disagreements are acknowledged but the shared bond is stronger and couldn't be ruined by something so stupid.
When vacationing, go with the flow attitude that lends itself to adaptation and a more relaxed experience.

I came to that conclusion while wondering why I liked one female friends more than the others and the answer is that she's the most empathetic, emotionally mature and diplomatic. She's the one female friend I never strongly fought with despite strongly differing opinions.
With females you can't say much without them being offended, unless they're your significant other or something, and even then it may happen. With guys you can just call them faggots and they'll be radiant and answer back in the most soulful manner.
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Feeling hateful
The current studies on the matter show that sets from 3 to 30 reps to failure are mostly the same when it comes to hypertrophy, so while I wouldn't do that much reps, if you enjoy them it's fine, just make sure that it's not in a lift where you might fail because of cardio instead of your target muscle reaching failure, for example in squats it would be a bad exercise to go very high reps.
wtf literally me
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>Do you also keep 800 gold in your trashcan?
Nice try, Toutius Sextius. Actually, I keep it in a small bag at the bottom of a well in Cheydinhall. Why don't you slip on this special ring and go dive for it?
>Wow that's great! Do you start from scratch or expand on some existing universe? I'd love to hear more about it one of these days if you're ok with it.
I write it all from scratch, but I do in a very assbackwards way where I write out character sheets and bios first, then I make connections between them, then I scale up and start thinking about the city/society/social structure.
Sometimes I get very detailed when designing my worlds and characters, but I don't really have any particular story to tell, so I just sit there looking at all my notes with pic related expression on my face.
>Med, i don't know what the fuck is happening.
You're literally Italian and it's the /med/ Summer of Love. That's like owning a 7 leaf clover and a string of rabbits foot necklaces and wondering why you keep winning the lottery.
Another /med/izen ensnared by the ovulating jew, and yet I feel nothing but happiness and pride. May every time you breathe, you inhale her scent.
>I write out character sheets and bios first, then I make connections between them, then I scale up and start thinking about the city/society/social structure
Not backwards at all, there are several famous writers that write/wrote like that.
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>so while I wouldn't do that much reps
It helps with improving muscle endurance though, or am I mistaken?
Btw I did both the 36 pulldown and the 25 row after I was already done with the exercises and was about to leave. But felt a bit schizo so I gave it a try.
Well if you want muscle endurance is not that bad I guess.
Going for some BORGUERS now, see you soon dear frens.
I just do sets of 5/6 for compounds and 10-12 for accessories. Maybe reach a cheeky 7th rep on compounds if everything goes well.
Finally a successful shopping: got two pairs of trousers (dark grey eans and beige chinos).
This. When you're in the success strike is when things happen the most, they can smell it.
Which chain?
Burger KANGZ
That's one of the most common strategies and I think it's generally a good one.
Maximy's time.
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It's most natural for me to write that way, but there's still this overhanging sense of wrongness like I'm doing things completely backwards to how they should be done.

Perhaps this is how left-handed people feel about their disability.
Shut up Furio, you're gay for never having the balls to sexo Carmella.
A storm is forecasted for the next two days and as such, I shall miss the warm sunrays.
Based, we wuz 'em n shiet, but I'm lately more down for McDonald's.
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Very true, there's just not the same safety net.
*takes the wrong well and ends up in schizo murderer's den*
Cheydinhal's wells are truly fucked up.
>bios first, then I make connections between them, then I scale up and start thinking about the city/society/social structure.
That's a very original and gardener way of writing, you must come up with some truly original ideas that way.
>looking at all my notes with pic related expression
well it's about the journey or something
>sense of wrongness
Kirkbride just did this but with more LSD for Morrowind so I doubt you're wrong.
Also cool it with the anti lefties remarks
Here's my workout
5x5 75kg nautilus press
5x5 70kg inclinated press machine
4x5 55kg + 1x4 60kg chest press
5x5 30kg triceps extension
And some more triceps extension overhead to hit all the heads of the triceps

I also did legs but i don't note that
And violent.
Why don't you put the weight anon?


Because my andalucian brother mogs the shit out of me and my weight are rather lacking at the chest because I never really used my chest muscles before starting going to the gym.
Pics from the running of this morning
Would you guys consider yourselves Germanic considering your Visigoth and Suebian ancestors?
Pepsi> Coca Cola
Nautilus press is just a machine for bench press

>Because my andalucian brother mogs the shit out of me and my weight are rather lacking at the chest because I never really used my chest muscles before starting going to the gym

Same for me, i've been going for a little more than a year, and 6 months since i started a PPL program seriously, before i just did fullbody, i think if i took things seriously from the beggining i would be lifting more
Visigoths and suebians were like 10 guys, no genetic print was left by them
Beautiful, a little too sunny for my taste tho, what part of france is that from
Do some free weights too man.
I could try, i just find the machines easier
That's the exact reason why you should do the free weights.
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Some people are so far behind in a race that they actually believe they’re leading.
>Kirkbride just did this but with more LSD for Morrowind so I doubt you're wrong.
I forgot about that.
Maybe I should lock myself in a room with a stack of lamb doner kebab wraps for two weeks and see what pops out.
Don't you know your own history?
They Visigoths ruled Iberia during the 5th up 8th centuries as well as the Suebians
For that long of a period the genetical imprint must be dominant
What's the difference, when i tried the bench press i always feel i do it wrong, like using the should too much, i read that link you pass me btw, on how to improve
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San Benedetto Zero Aranciata >>> Other soft drinks
100% germanic, when there are no foreigners around we talk to each other in german, damn you found out
I knew something was off, how are you fooling everyone with this trickery
Basically when you do free weights you not only have to push the weight but also stabilize it, this uses smaller muscles that are not used as much when you do machines, this allows you to transfer your strength more easily into real life applications because you'll develop everything.
Also, to do free weights you need to learn the technique and improve your nervous system efficiency, and this also transfer well to real world applications.
From a pure bodybuilding perspective, free weights and machine are equivalent, but for getting stronger in general, not just for strength sport, free weights are easier.
If you see training by athletes, you'll see a lot of free weights.
If you haven't done a lot of bench press you should keep at it and you'll notice that you feel much more comfortable in some time.
Holy shit, Andalucian moment >>>/d/11102103
Border with Germoney
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I'm not gay.

Not feeling daijobu, Brune-sama?
I should try, but the gym is too small, there's only 1 bench press and 2 benchs, sometimes i want to do other things on the benchs and they are all being used, it sucks
I thought it was southern france, nice
Yeah that's a shame.
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How are "normal" gyms? The other i went to also was more or less the same but with much more people, i live far from a city
McDicks meat is horrible.

Why do you do so many machines?

I am black, no g*rm blood in me.

Water > all, especially if spiced with acohol.

Nice cock.
>Why do you do so many machines?
Not enough benchs
So over
They gyms are bigger and have more equipment but there are more people in the gym so it's still normal having to wait for equipment.
The bench press generally requires waiting in any gym.

Anything in particular happened recently?
It's the return to reality
That's Chanteclair
Well it's pretty sunny this week, northern France is just as hot and southern France during summer
Progressing on my folder organisation
Take the home gym pill.
Maybe you could consider looking for a different job where you do something more fulfilling?
Home gym is shit doe.
t. home gym enjoyer for 2 months before starting going to the gym
>t. doesn't own a rack
My home gym cost me circa 40€ some ten years or more ago, how much have you spent on stuff?
And once I have my house I'll have a room will all that's needed, including my dream a fucking rowing machine.

Skill issue.
I think it would be more chill to have a home gym, but it also makes me happy to go to the gym and see people working out and such, is more like the mood you feel when you go there, also they have AC
I haven't spent anything on stuff because I go to a gym with more equipment that I could ever own.
But my sister bought a rack, a bar and like 120 kg in weight, not enough for me though because I'm too strong, I'll probably buy 8 25 kg plates at some point so I can train at home.
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I'm having trouble installing that Mario Eclipse game, can't find a Mario Sunshine ISO that works with the patch
After a quick Google search, I found this.
Search for Mario Sunshine with crtl + f and try that one.
I downloaded it (took me quite some time, I had to use Jdownloader otherwise I'd have to wait for like 10 hours to download it) and it said a message error xd3 invalid
Can you take a screenshot of the error?
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Can you try using the MD5 checksum tool on the file?
>McDicks meat is horrible.
But McRib tastes great. Also, BK is much more chaotic and inefficient than Macc and it's usually full of loud kids and gypsies.
Apparently this version could be non nkit.
Is your sister strong too?

Give me a minute please, momo.
Thanks I will try
I dropped the not working ISO and it said 2d12b33c76239149d0f9ec955fd4e759
Dunno what to do with that
Thanks fren
https://myrient.erista me/files/Redump/Nintendo%20-%20GameCube%20-%20NKit%20RVZ%20%5Bzstd-19-128k%5D/

Search for sunshine and download the USA version. Don't forget to put the dot before "me" in the URL.
And don't tell the glowniggers about this site, okay?
My sister has hit a 80 kg bench.
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Please don't give up
How much does she weight and how tall is she?
65 or so and 1,69 m.
>above 1xBW as a female on bench
>169 cm at 65 kg
How hot is she? Can I date her? We could become a good latinx family and you could teach me the ways of powershitting.
It's already planned, that job should end soon
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I just checked it and the last link I sent you has the correct md5.
I just opened the game on Dolphin.
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Yeah I tried and it worked thanks a bunch fren.
Too bad I looked into their Discord and they said the game has a bug and they're working on a patch to fix it so I'll just wait for it before playing.
Thanks for the help anyway Portuchad
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You're right, I won't give up! There is beauty in this world, worth fighting for
You guys are solid, always helping out for stuff like this, good souls. :)
based, it has been a blessing since Vimm had to pull some stuff.
I just died in the tutorial.
Maybe I'm not made for this game.
There are better sources, but I won't doxx them. One of the best is me, but not reachable, as it is all local and I won't put it online for fear of being taken down and have the anti-christ bringing my front door to the floor before invading my space and killing me.
I just have a problem, I curate collections and don't keep the demos, betas and stuff like that, I don't see the point, so I have no "complete" collections.
Where my niggas at?
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One day when all the sources are scrubbed from the face of the internet, I'll have to drive 6 hours to get hard drives right from you.
>There are better sources, but I won't doxx them.
You're right, sadly. Sharing is killing, these days.
More like 10h30.
But I'll be more than happy to share them, bring a big one.
More 80s movie bangers
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I love John Hughes
I'll be driving super fast to avoid the goy thought police
>But I'll be more than happy to share them, bring a big one.
I've already said you're base twice today but let's make it thrice. BASED
Thank you thank you gman, but stop patting my head, my ego can only take so much.
Dind't know that one, grooving honestly, I enjoy it
Here is a little something since I know you're big into synthwave
Good song, but I prefer my synth to be dark.
That's quite different from their usual stuff. Pretty cool, lotsa vocals.

I like my synth to be groovy
and my pop to be hairy
My pop is geared toward adult contemporary, baroque and shit like that, with spices of electronica.
Damn that's quite specific.
I think I heard about her before.

Usually I like dreampop stuff the most I think. Hard to say.
Kate Bush is your entry artist. Joanna Newsom is also wholesome. More recent Peter Gabriel stuff, I don't know.

Forgot about dream pop, which I adore, goddamn.
And, of course, my popfu, Susanne.
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I luv me Grimes!
Thanks for the others recs

My popwaifus are Emma and Kate. I'm not that much into blondes but they're that perfect
Already knew about Men I Trust, very chill and lighthearted.
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I know you know, fellow Emma appreciator.
Night time is now. Sweet dreams Girondino.

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