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Bowie edition
>go downstairs to baste my 1.6kg chicken
>next doors kids walk past the window
>hear them say "ay that's a whole chicken" and start laughing

Wtf I thought this kinda stuff only happened in greentexts and to virgin freaks
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Gondola vids on YouTube
the rare decent yank edition
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*enters thread*
whats all this then?
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rizz subedish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Much to think about.
wish i had a gf
unfortunately all my tinder matches are fat, ugly, and/or old
howd you get you shirt so clean
fat girls are qts
Are you fat, ugly and/or old?
one of the 2 good bowie records
peng gondola clip
yes, yes, and yes
never been on my period
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sometimes there's too much to take in
Linkin Park making a big announcement in an hour
people care a lot more now don't they
back in my day it was cool to not care about anything
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I don’t think you need me to tell you the answer to your problem
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>An alleged fugitive fighting extradition to the US is seeking to be freed on bail from a Scottish jail because fellow prisoners are taunting him by singing John Denver’s hit Leaving on a Jet Plane.
stinking fart
Chester Benzedrine is alive
You ever get weirded out by women with small hands?
also very apparent when they get work done. Just looks so unnatural
backed into a corner by a poo. making loud noises and violent kicking motions to keep it at bay. this may be it for me
mike shinoda topped himself too?
VPN off sacked tranny
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who was in the wrong here?
smoking floor weed
He's been stateside for a good while now lad.
I think I do
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sacked tranny has been on "her" period before, mate. dont be so transphobic
Remember my exgf holding my hand when we were laying in bed and I had a weird moment realising how absolutely tiny they were compared to mine and I felt like a nonce for a minute for some reason
feel like SHIT
you for posting it
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any 1462 man in?
evening lads. If the police come looking for my phone I can just refuse them yeah? I mean what's stopping me just telling them I don't have it anymore?
Stop being fat, ugly and/or old.
Alternatively, accept that you should date people who are as fat, ugly and/or old as you.
as it shits itself
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Can I use the word Wigger on 4chan? It's such a funny word but idk if it's too similiar to N word
unless they have a court order (maybe, this is how things work in america per the tv programmes i've seen)
not sure how it is in bongland but lying is probably an offence itself. just refuse unless they have a warrant
doing a poo smile at the ladies
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sad that init
heart going like the clappers worried this floor weed is laced with something
when i poo at work, i keep the bathroom stall open
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was called a nonce for taking pictures of trains again
pooing hard or hardly pooing?
What is floor weed lol
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seems like a good offer
>drove his car into the sea
Some way to go.

There was another lad some time ago who drove his car off Beachy Head, as I recall.
share some of the pics?
My house is well over a hundred years old so when spider season comes around it's impossible to keep them out. Not had a year with so many whoppers before. I rate them based on how easily I can fit a pint glass over them and I normally only get one or two a year that struggle to fit, but I've had 2 today alone.

You know in Pacific Rim when they're in the control room and they announce so dramatically that there's a category 5 kaiju appeared? It's just like that. I'm expecting my first double spider event any day now and I don't think my Carling glass and sturdy Amazon envelope will be able to handle it.
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garden in question
she's serious mind
>place to kip
what? shut up
guessing its weed he found on the floor
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poo i've been stewing in the bog just grew legs and walked away
wouldn't let my dog sleep in that
Daddy long legs are getting bigger and spiders are now neon coloured. Climate change is real.
was this post too good for /cum/?
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Grim way to go
I'm not happy and I'm not sad
If a man reaches 98 and wants to drive into the sea then I say they should let him.
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come join
you can't park there
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A customer told me to address him as Sir after I told him shop policy for a return and I actually complied. Seen the same person then drive away in a 23 plate neon coloured BMW after Toilberg instructed we give him the refund anyway. Why is life so hard?
all SHIT
Got the CR-78 cracking off

some freak keeps going into my flat when im at work and doing fuckign SHITES in the bog then not flushing
l only play hoi4 sorry
I’m too old for video games but I hope you have fun x
anyone hate their flatmates
I am a powerful entity on /int/.
Got the Gracie Abrams on x
if anyone is feeling down and needs a good laugh the Paralympics are just about to start.
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horrible farting going on
must be that rancid so called "kale" i had earlier
the customer is always right
all SHIT
You just
why not? it looks adequate for a tent (or a kennel)
in matters of taste
Nigger poopy smelly
never had any interest in oasis at all. boring shite
don't have flatmates but i hate my neighbours
think HoI 3 doesn’t get much appreciation, even from paradox who seemed to a bit too early give up on updating it, but it’s the most complex of the series
Doesn’t quite have the charm of DH/HoI2 though
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have two social interactions that require my immediate attention but it has raised my anxiety through the roof so I'm putting them off until I can manage them but it'll ultimately make it worse by waiting which is not helping my anxiety
Oasis are class traitors
kale full of sulfur you'll be farting rancid all night
at my old work (call centre) they told us to refer to customers as sir or ma'am. i tried a few times then just stopped because it sounded ridiculous and i'm not Indian.
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She's a right cutie huh?
you’ll address my as “sir”
genuinely despise men who wear black sambas
Cause of death; floor weed
diego hating on oasis because they're too "laddy"
smoking clogged pipe gunk
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It's seven o clock lads
never learned to make friends, talk to girls or be normal
didn't ask and the information is irrelevant to me as an East coast American
shut UP
Chebs, bums and tums.
same. every cunt I've seen this week has asked what I think of them getting back together and I could not care less
I moved North from Norwich when I was younger and everyone called me a nonce for preferring blur to oasis
Not it's not stupid
this place has taken all my self-esteem
Rorke’s torso cavity being carved out and filled with amniotic fluid while he is pierced with multiple pipes and tubes pumping nutritions into him to grow black babies as his punishment for protesting immigration
More of a Kula Shakar fan
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>Thu 04 Jul 2013
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It's 7:04 lads
The new 'eitch

kinoest music from evangelion
did a search for keir starmer sorting by oldest eh
you forgot clavicles
it's actually 19:05
She looks like pasolini
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10 years ago Britain was laughing stock for giving them 18 weeks and 250 hours community service

2TK has made the same 18 months and 2.5 year prison sentences
it's 6 am in new zealand
wanking to rachel reeves
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Big city kitty
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musicmapgpie getting in on the action
He’s been doing this for over a decade and people still voted for him and were shocked when he carried on doing it as PM
want a gf who's massively taller than me
fail to see whats funny about this
I though that oasis were the figureheads for new labour
bridged eth to base today
>£1,200 cigar online shipment was seized
record this in the car by your self you little fucking loser
Sorry I don’t speak Virginese
never goon

>go to uni only to be recruited in billion pound financial scams
Nigeria missed out on the coding fad. Just imagine lads. All the £100k p/a+ autists in /brit/ could've been posting with NEETs on miday Diego day
State of you lad
Outstanding post.
gibraltar is antipodal to new zealand. spanish and dutch also had literal antipodal empires, as bolivia and paraguay are antipodal to the philippines, and suriname is antipodal to indonesia
Me for the past week desu
if I goon I would die
if I goon I would die
turned my smelly childhood bedroom into a gooncave
>video starts
>it's the rest of the band's feet dangling in the air in a motel room
bought a sickle to cut my grass
potatoby ahh post
napped through the whole afternoon and now dogberg needs his walk. cannot be arsed. might take him down to dogs trust tomorrow and claim I found him in the street
I edge but I never goon
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>Food or solar? Farmers divided over land use
Necessary or a blight or a waste of food space?
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>Another cup of Tetley (dash of milk, no sugar)
>Zyn (I ran out of cheeky fags)
>Still playing Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call for the PlayStation 2
It's a blessed day lads
youtube progress bar has gone gay
's gone woke
Big fan of scythes meself, more ergonomic
none of your business
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I live in Hell
saw a heron today
dont worry about it x
you are mentally ill
surprised that the dynamic is rorke and leftypol, and not rorke and woke
are we supposed to understand those numbers?
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poz my goonhole
*Puts up solar panels*
*Runs sheep underneath them*
What now, Rorke?
Anon we're in the Brit thread could you at least show some respect and change to celsius?
what's important is a mind that's sicker
turning jekyll into hide much quicker
countdown finished it just starting counting up instead
'leftypol' is such a terrible name for a leftie archetype. definitely one thing i would change if elected as /brit/ prime minister
just need it for the grass where theres too many plants hte mower cant fit between them
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I think about that picture a lot
you lads remembering the clocks go back this Sunday.
>all multiplayer and/or F2P games
why are PC "gamers" like this?
that is in celsius
imageboard not linkinparkboard
Already done it mate
Just got it out of the way
dinner eaten
/brit/ slowed to a crawl due to food comas across the land
will return at 9PM - 11PM for the final shitposting of the evening
for this is a toiler's general you see thoughbeit
don't follow that woke shite, i'm on my own time
hate this jf outer /int/ism
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ck2 isnt multiplayer (or at least i dont play it multiplayer)
none of them were f2p when i played them
same with terraria, skyrim, witcher 3
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no it AINT
think of the food
mad how she's an alkie
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looks normal to me
mid afternoon /brit/ is just diego, spainmong and mousenonce winding each other up whilst the rest of us are hard at work not scrounging off the government for a living
impressed by chinas green energy production
its up
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haha the goons are out x
but so are the clapmeats ...
Don't let these posts fool you. I'm straight edge. I'm a poster of great discipline; I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I don't wank. My addiction is posting. My obsession is /brit/. Discipline.
Absolutely despise nephewberg because he's a spoiled little cunt. Last Christmas, when he was opening his gifts he was demanding to open the big ones first. Everyone was telling him to start small and build up to the big (and better) ones. He threw a tantrum and they eventually decided to let him open the big ones first.

I tried to discourage it by telling everyone not to cave into him and make him start small, if you let him do this he'll just throw tantrums whenever he doesn't get his way etc. I was accused of ruining Christmas. He opened the big one and refused to open any of the smaller ones, much to the despair of his grandparents who never got to see him open their gifts. The little cunt.

mumberg has already warned me about my behaviour for Christmas this year
Slug Eating Pasta Time-Lapse

you're not out though, your arse is firmly planted on your wanking chariot
fucking up my life retard style
what the catberg doin?
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bit embarrassing
oleksandr poosyk
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>Fidias Panayiotou is a Cypriot politician and YouTuber who was elected as an independent MEP in the 2024 European Parliament election

>24 years old
>cutting out all external joy and stimuli, having a seizure when you get a (you) on /brit
you're body is going to get pooed out by worms if they bury you
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>Surgeon in Austria accused of letting teenage daughter drill hole in patient’s skull
Humans have long considered themselves smarter than dolphins.
While humans built the automobiles, New York City, wars, and countless other achievements, dolphins have done nothing but swim around in the water.
All they've ever done is flop around in the water and be happy.

But for the exact same reason, dolphins have long believed themselves to be much smarter than humans.
listening to poosic
That's why I'm getting dissolved like Desmond Tutu and my eyes are going to bob up to the surface plop plop
I think your screen is fucked up
24 going on 44
You realise you've doxxed yourself by posting these, right?
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wtf it is
how so
the watch (as seen posted in a previous thread) pretty good
show us your tits love x
Human Centipede VI: Daddy Daughter Day
thats the most viewed part of the video
any sex mods?
wikipedia just auto-scrolled me to the top of the page to make me look at their begging for money, almost crashed my browser.
remembering my sims porn phase
might play a round of “how long can i go without showering until someone notices” methinks
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it really is pink
societys gone mad
I'd be inclined to donate, but I think the IDF already gives them enough money as is
Keep on thinking I should get into the Sims considering it's not that different from CK3
>Persona 5 Royal
Holy fucking BASED
corr imagine the smelly swedish meatballs
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currently doing a strip club run by characters based off the Sopranos and incels keep turning up
For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.
where do people learn to text like this
woke mob really done it this time
cold but also sweating
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had a wank already and wont shower today
exceedingly grim
beyond pathetic
>Wayne O'Rourke: 3 years in jail. Crimes - Praised a picture of a burning car in Sunderland with the message "Go on lads". Another post which said "people of Southport" to "get out on the street. And "Starmer has basically said it us against them. Hold the line." and finally Other posts read "numbers are important" and "give them hell lads", the court heard.
bit bizarre
i know. i know.
My watermelon face moisturizer dried out into a little jelly puck :'(
The new Barry Stanton is so fucking cringe.

The original one from years ago was actually an accurate parody of a middle-aged fat Brexit-loving bloke.

Whoever runs it now is clearly some Yank from /pol/ who has no knowledge of British politics and just posts "ITS DA FACKIN JEWS INNIT" or "ITLER SHOULDA WON WORLD WAR 2" without any irony
There was a problem on this planet, and it was that the majority of the people on this planet were unhappy most of the time. There were many solutions to this problem, and most of them involved the movement of little green pieces of paper. This was odd, because by and large, it wasn't the little green bits of paper that were unhappy.
on the ruddy wine arent i
suck on it
listening to Radiohead and having a little cry at the moment x
rorke had it coming, for too long he has posted bile and hateful messages without consequences… this is accountability in action folks
its gonna be ok lad
man up
fuck youse
lotta youse
is scrumpy good
scrumpy what
wish i were that cvool
is baidu down?
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bent as
rorke joining the horde
leftypol joining the alliance
im listenign to techno and doing a gay little dance
got the dexter gordon on
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alri lads!!!
and 99% of rorkes were blood elves
very far away catburgge
That is quite funny to be fair
Day off toil today spent cumming and posting on 4chan all day
You know what? its been fucking bliss I don't care, I enjoy life how I want to
not me i was an orc
what are you in for mate
hiding from the police
one of the many cats that loiter around hmp strangeways
I know where this is
wish i were that fit
Best bowie album. Don't @ me
spilled pepsi max on my white shirt. starmer will pay

- rorke
i am all a daze
can't be doing with it
Sent this image to geowizard
ar ay be drankin zoider
about to smoke
the white mans vidya selection
US police are fucking pathetic for instantly shooting any dog they see coming at them as a matter of principle, but why the fuck that dog ran full on across the field right at the police officer is beyond me
A couple years ago I was just walking outside when these literal 7 year olds crowded round me and started making seagull noises at me for some unknown reason. Got angry and told them to fucking kill themselves and they just laughed at me.
scrumpy who
Straaange poo
Kill what's inside of you
i think i've been smoking too much, just farted a big plume, was more grey than green
more like the incel freak collection
>see fit girl in the park
dont appraoch
>see fit girl in the pub
dont appraoch
>see fit girl beihnd the bar in the pub
dont approach
how can i fix this menality bros
the london accent
fucking appalling, isnt it
the clock never goes back. not ever.
as deanobox as it gets
I've only gone and fallen for someone who I can't be with haha
shove it up your arse
cam dan saaf n arl salt you roit aat
i remember watching a video on how the cockney accent is now found in essex because they ran away to the suburbs
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i thought you were wrong but then i looked up a bunch of american spellings of words and saw this
fuckin nonce
dogberg caught your eye has he?
you can't shag your cousin rorke, it's the law
Lets drink sex
you shouldnt be approaching women anyway
thats sexual assault
she's your daughter not your date
Relax Britbro, you haven't. He's just fucking with you
strange post
we are under the new law. its time for change™
fair i did get banned from a club for doing that
Bloody love sexual assault me
So if you're in a pub and a woman's working the bar do you just, not get a drink? Stand around doing fuck all?
He is very obviously a Yank based off the fact he posts shit that would get you arrested in the UK with no consequences. When Musk took over Twitter he just straight-up tweeted "NIGGER". If he were British he'd have been locked up and the account seized within 2 days of that
Been thinking how paradox could doll up the Crusader Kings series and market it to women (under a different name)
a lot of people type that way tbf
kids that spend too much time online get yankified
same but she's fictional so I really can't be with her

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